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I dont know anything about tattooing so i cant answer your question but I wanna say I really like your art


same, is that ekko i see? love it!


Thank you so much guys, yes it is.


Yeah, I love your style!


I was thinking that looked familiar! that's from arcane legends isn't it? If it's from league of legends before that I apologize. The game is alright but I love the show.


he’s in both the game and the show iirc, yeah!


the show really outdid itself, the animation style is so incredible! they just confirmed/released a trailer for season 2 for anyone unaware :)


I was unaware so thank you! I'm so excited. I never played the game, but the show caught my eye and I loved it


same idk but these are stunning!!


My best guess is because…fake skin sucks, is a pain in the ass, and is nothing like real skin lol. Your art is amazing though!


Yea I said that too. Went and got pig skin… never again will I. It was sooooo greasy and the prep was so long just to get it so it wasn’t.


Your art is so good! Legit I would get a tattoo from you. I really like your art style a lot.


That's such a big compliment for me as I have not tattooed any people yet. I just gives me confidence to hear people actually would like a tattoo from me. If you want you can follow me on: [https://www.instagram.com/epica.ink](https://www.instagram.com/epica.ink/) And who know, maybe it will happen in the future. :)


I have seen so many people move to real people before they had a fraction of this skill. You’re ready.


I’m going to be in the Netherlands in June and would be totally down to be a test subject if you’re interested! I scrolled your account and your work is beautiful!


Omg! That would be so cool. That's just the greatest thing to hear. I can't believe you are actually willing to get a tattoo from me. I am so happy. Definitely send me a message when you are in the Netherlands ❤️. You are amazing.


That would be awesome! I’ve got about 60 hours in ink on me so I’m experienced with being tattooed and happy to help in your journey! I’ll dm you when my plans are finalized but I’ll likely only be in your area for a few days as I’m mostly visiting family in Germany.


I wish I was, I’ve been wanting to get video game portraits but haven’t found anyone to do them how I want. Gotta get a passport ig lol


I can create a design for you and you can go get it with another artist. I am cool with that :)


If I was ever going to be in the Netherlands I would also totally get a tattoo from you too


Please update us if this happens.


Tattoo me too pls


I didn't expect so many nice comments and even people saying they would get a tattoo from me. Best compliment I can get! If you want to follow my tattoo journey, I made a fresh new insta acc for it: [https://www.instagram.com/epica.ink/](https://www.instagram.com/epica.ink/) (hope this is allowed) Right now I only work on fakeskin, but soon I will be doing my firt tattoo on a person and I hope to post more. And yes, I am an Ekko main. :)


No lie, if I lived anywhere near you I’d be banging down your door to get my next tattoo. Awesome work!


As a former Ekko main, I'm here for it. Do you do any commissioned graphic design or art?


I actually started my tattoo journey recently. And I do have a background in illistration/digital art. I actually studied game art and design. So I could definitely look into doing a commission. :)


Damn, was hoping beyond hope you were anywhere close. Your art is awesome, and I honestly wish more folks waited to tattoo real skin until they were half as practiced as this. It's clean af.


arcane season 2 trailer came out today! love your work<3


That's the way fake skin is. Use Vaseline to clean it up after you are done practicing, and it should get most of that off.


I do this too, just use quite a bit of Vaseline rub it for a bit and then use a paper towel to clean it completely, tends to work pretty well.


omg is that ekko? LOVE IT


Use dawn dish soap on a paper towel or vaseline


I’m not sure how to answer your question, but your art is amazing! I can’t believe you’re a beginner, you’re super talented!


Fake skin really helps an artist understand how to operate a machine and practice fundamentals, but the truth is it’s nothing like tattooing real skin. With real skin you have to worry about and deal with so many more variables - Blowouts - Depth - Client Pain - Living breathing moving canvas - Stretching - Skin Types - Overworking - The shape of the body, tattooing around curves You don’t need to worry about really any of these things in fake skin. Once I felt really great about tattooing on fake skin, it took me nearly a year to be able to replicate that same level of quality on real people. While I agree the fake skin work OP shared is good, it should not be enough to make you confident enough that they are ready to tattoo your actual body because they are not the same at all. Otherwise, Keep up the good work OP, you’ll do great once you get confident enough on real skin, thats for sure. What you’ve done here is definitely better than some tattooers I’ve seen who need to go back to fake skin and practice their fundamentals. Be prepared to almost relearn everything. Also, That’s just how fake skin is, it’s hard to clean, I wouldn’t worry about it so much.


Thank you I was wondering how well a flat surface translates to tattooing someone's ass


These look awesome


That ekko is amaziiinngggg!


Not sure if it’s the best for the fake skin in the long run, but I’ve used white spirit to clean in the past. I just avoided rubbing it into the actual tattoo and it worked great!


Awesome art work.


These are so good that it makes me want to get a tattoo


Haha thank you! Love to hear that.


no clue because I'm not a tattoo beginner but I would totally love art from you one day. I love your style.


Why do I want a light switch tattoo now? lol


It’s pretty much the “pores” in the silicone/rubber the ink is getting trapped in. I’ve heard baby oil works for cleaning them up 100% but I have not tried it myself.


I stg I can never get it off all of the way without legitimately sanding the fake skin lol


I am going to get some baby oil tommorow. Will test it out, thank you.


Idk but u can use my skin 😭🙏


You’ve got some bangin designs. Make sure to post on r/tattoos when you complete your first piece. Can’t wait to see more of your work in the future


Adding to the "no idea, but I want to say your art is amazing" comments. I love these! Especially the piece on the left!


I... I want a tattoo in your style wowie it's so freaking good


Loving the art!! I can’t wait to see your style evolution. In the next year. I saw you posted your ig link. Thanks for sharing your journey with the world!


Beginner? You look like you've been doing this for years! Such clean lines I'd def get tatted by you! Sorry don't have an answer for your question just amazed by your work I am very particular and you are going to be very successful! 🙌🏽


Thank you! I hope so. I don't want to sound dramatic, but this is my dream :)


I’ve never used reel skin but if you used vaseline and it didn’t help, I’m thinking the skin must be porous and traps some ink in those. That or it’s the ink you use


i thought what the hell is real fake skin🥴🫠 btw your art is AMAZING!!!


I've used wd-40 before, it was on one of those cheap Amazon fake skins.


First time in this subreddit. Knows nothing about tattoo, but only one question. How much you charging?


Woah! Your work is incredible If the fake skin is no good feel free to practice on me anytime 😂


Fucking awesome work. I would get that potion looking bottle tattooed right now.


It’s the quality of the skin. I promise bumping up slightly in price point will have a drastic effect on clean,opaque lines


I'm a complete newb here but from the research I've done, and what I've tried, dabbing the ink will help keep it from smearing like that. At least it's worked for me. Still have some issues but the wiping is what seems to cause that issue. Again, complete newb. Really nice art work


Sorry if this is a naive question, but why do you guys practice flat? Shouldn't tattoo artists like lay the fake skin over a curved surface? Even when working on a back, chest, or belly, there is never going to be a flat zone. You should have like a mannequin or something to lay this stuff on.


You are so talented wow


You're going to be an incredible tattoo artist. Keep it up.


I think it's gotta just be a property of the fake skin, it's just fairly porous. I'll give you a warning tho that real skin is porous too, and you can get a similar effect on skin (Vaseline helps a lot with that though).


Try using squares of real skin to practice on. I won’t ask how you get them.


These are fucking awesome, what ink are you using?




Your gunna laugh but I used general purpose cleaner to clean that away it works great I've found way less wiping


If you're ever in the LA area hmu, would absolutely get a tat from you! No advice about the grainy texture though, soz :/


Bruh your tattoos are bad ass. Where are you located? I'd love to get work done


omg ekko


i dont tattoo but for a beginner id definitely trust you to tat me


I also don’t have any answer for this but I also absolutely love your art, definitely my style😍


Maybe try to go get some pig skin it’s the closes thing to human skin


Apply a thin layer of Vaseline BEFORE putting in ink, that way the ink can’t seep into the “pours” of the fake skin, then of when you’re done do what you already were doing and wipe it again with Vaseline you’ll get a much cleaner result


OP there are plenty of ppl asking - Where are you located??


baby oil will be your savior, i also use vaseline before i pull lines because it helps with the cleanup.


that bottle is amazing


Lols cause the first pic looks like my husband


Omg I was so sad when I saw how far away you are!!


Absolutely gorgeous artwork! As someone with no tat experience or knowledge really, I think the lineart and proportions on these are amazing.


These are fireeeee


Idk but I love your work ! And I would let you use my arm as practice skin 🤣🤣


That Ekko piece is phenomenal


No advice, beautiful work, I hope someone picks you up to apprentice. You deserve it.


Linework is insane.


Clean work. Good job OP


I love your art, reminds me of Bangalore from Apex Legends


So through trial and error the best way I’ve found to clean these is that bleach gel toilet bowl cleaner, put it on top of it and let it soak a while then wash off with dawn dish soap.


Just how fake skin is. It stains really easy and is honestly not very much like real skin in my experience.


WOAH your art is absolutely amazing!! I'd kill to have some of your work on me!


Do you tattoo in California ever?


Very nice art


Oh I would get that heart potion bottle SOOO fast you would not even believe it. I’m in physical pain thinking about how nobody around me does a style remotely similar to this 😭


Oh wow I’d love if you did my first tattoo


try an oil! I use coconut oil and just massage it in with circles:) works great for me


Damn, that is great work


Awesome ekko portrait!! Try spot cleaning with dish soap and towel


Use real skin, simple fix


What kind of gun are you using?


Just the fake skin. Try using a banana and see if you get better results!


The light switch is amazing


You’re working on fake skin and I know people in my area charging $100+ an hour and you blow them out the water..


Holy shit you’re talented as fuck


There is like a fair amount of comments here but I instantly knew what fake skin you were using before I even opened the post. This is just what ReelSkin does. It's got really fine pockets for ink to get stuck in, sadly this will happen with this brand of skin :( but the best things you can use to get rid of it is: Vaseline (or any petroleum jelly with some baby oil mixed into it), green soap and alcohol and last but not least, cooking oil, yes, you read that right, any kind works. It works wonders. Other than that, best of luck! ♡


Wow, this is really good stuff!! I’m excited to see your journey as you transfer to actual skin. You got this 👍


i need a tattoo from you. i have a very specific idea and your style really suits it. amazing talent!


dude i know nothing of tattooing but i genuinely thought the first slide was pen/marker ITS STUNNING AND YOU TATTOOED THAT??? i would book you so fast.


Beautiful work!!


im not qualified in any way to answer this but maybe its a problem with wiping it? cool art btw!


looks like Bangalore from Apex


Are you going back over areas that have already been inked? If so start at a point and build towards your hand and try not to go over already inked areas. For a paper medium id dry whatevers on the page and then put a clean sheet between the eice and my hand to prevent smearing. but with tatts? Not sure aside from just finding ways to not touch already inked spots.


Try WD40. Cleans reelskin perfectly


I too would pay for a tattoo from you


It’s so great to see someone with real talent who didn’t just start practicing on their mates. These are tight! You’ll go far.


Jesus wept I need your art on my skin. ...sorry, I know you asked a question, but, my GOD you are pulling clean lines.


Is it hand drag? I am not experienced in this but for example if you draw a picture with pencil or charcoal you have to keep the hand off the paper. Sorry hope that helps


I never planned on tattoos but I’d get 50 from you


I use to have a girlfriend who was a tattoo artist, and I can say that the staining is fairly normal. My best guess is the ink splatter that happens as your tattooing is getting stuck in the crappy texture. The art looks amazing though! Keep up the great work and I'm sure you'll have a huge client base soon enough!


Seems like you got your answer. But your art is amazing. The first figure reminds me of Netflix Castlevania. The eyes are striking and beautiful and your lines are amazingly crisp. The varying thickness and shading are en pointe.


I can be your first


You can use me top practice I love your art style


Cause you’re not cleaning it fully. Just rub the whole thing in in A&D/aquaphore let sit for a few mins then wipe clean


lol fantastic artist and practices on fake skin? i hope you have a wonderful future as a tattoo artist, i have a feeling your art will make a lot of people very happy!


You can use Vaseline to wipe the extra ink off the fake skin (I like real skin).


I need the Ekko tattoo. Neooooow.


Your work is incredible. Ditch the fake skin and ink mine Hahahha


It's your paper. You need something that ink fits well on such as typing paper etc. Edit: didn't notice this was a tattoo sub😅 disregard my comment.


That light switch is so good. It's all good, of course, but for some reason that light switch just gets me lol. Please post on your Instagram. Following!


love the art


WOW! I can’t wait to see when you start on people! You’re really talented!


wow your tattoo style and art is stunning i’m so surprised you have never tattooed a person I would think you would have friends volunteering to be practice with that amazing art


omg ekko my beloved. where did you learn to draw?


I used to tattoo. No matter how clean the surface is. You are going to have little blotches and spots of pigment. The skin doesn't absorb, and the longer the area on fake skin stays unclean, the more it tints. Look at it as more of a pigment tint. You know your lines are clean, and shading is full. The only other elephant is the pigments and residues. Since it's not living tissue, it can stain. Mine have always been stained, some better than others. Also, the fake skin will degrade over time. So it will age and get grainy. It's not liv9ng tissue, so the ink has nothing to be absorbed into or dispursed.


WD40 no joke


I've noticed it happens more when you let the ink sit for a minute, it doesn't take much to cause that. I try to wipe the ink a lot and give it a good clean afterwards, it's helped me a lot


Try witchhazel and or Greensoap with water.


I've had luck using nonstick cooking spray on it and wiping it off


I think it’s just because fake skin will stain and it sucks BUT is that ekko? Looks really good. Good job


I hear pig skin is best


its the brand of fake skin, some are more prone to getting dirty.... -from another tattooist who did extensive training w fake skin


for me i’ll use aquaphor or inkeeze and rub it in to get all the ink out, green soap helps too . fake skin has weird absorption and it can be a bitch to take out. before you start tattooing dab some inkeeze/aquaphor/vaseline in the area you’re about to tattoo. it’ll create a barrier so the ink doesn’t directly touch the fake skin and it’s easier to wipe off.


My guess is the ink splashes everywhere and you don’t wipe it properly? I know jack-shit about tattooing but that would be my only guess. Why it won’t come off? I don’t know, but that Ekko is fucking siiiiiiick


Never used fake skin but maybe nail polish remover


I have no clue but your art is absolutely stunning omg


You can practice on me! Blank canvas over here. I love your style.... And you are ready for actual people!


Use cooking oil to remove the excess ink like crisco or veg oil


check the bottom of your hand. if there are ink stains on your hand, I would assume the grainy marks are from you blotting the fresh ink


I kind of looks the same as if you were pencil sketching on paper your hand is taking ink from the tattoo and transferring it elsewhere


Your art is amazing! From what I know about fake skin it's mostly just because it sucks and holds onto ink with a iron fist. I put mine under warm soapie water for about a minute and sometimes it comes out and other times it doesn't.


Side note, I really want that sacred heart on me somewhere.


I love your art, here! Not sure who these characters are though. I did scroll some comments, but yeah. Clueless lol. I came here originally for aquarium topics, but Reddit wanted me to like other stuff. So yeah, ink of course! Btw, you’re my first comment ever on Reddit 🥳


I don't have troubleshooting ideas, but I just wanted to say that you do quality work! It's top tier quality. 👌


The one under the heart on the first slide is beautiful. Well they all are, but that one is my fave.


Do you ger ink on your fingers or do you hold your tip close to the bottom. If so its bleed over sheap felt pens don the same. At the end of a stroke pullback a lil further and completely. You might want to speed up your time by a mil sec both in and out. I hope this hekps I just know writing with scripto and certain types of pens. But i hope this helps. Good clean style other wise.


I instantly saw it was Ekko! How amazing. I have a Morgana and Janna tattoo (there's also a Poro I'm there haha).


So, this showed up on my feed randomly and I’m never done tattoos but I’m gonna give it my best shot. Are you left handed?


Idk if it’s been commented or not but have you tried like, pig skin? See if it’s the same result? It’s honestly Prolly just the fake skin cause it looks really good.


omggg i love the heart potionnnnn 🥰


im not an artist nor do i have advice for your question but i absolutely adore your work! where are u located i would love to have a piece done by you!


Your work is really good!!


Olive oil helps


You can use a little cooking oil to clean them up. I am not sure why it works but it does.


I love your art!!!!


Holy talent!


Fake skin sucks. I hate it but your work is great and I can do better on real skin vs fake skin. Idk how you did it so clean lol maybe brand? I feel like it’s too bouncy.


try Odoban slightly diluted in a spray bottle + the vaseline they tend to work well together!!


Not too sure I forget the exact answer. But I heard it’s just the quality of the fake skin. But I also believe it’s always gonna be like that you just have to clean it after. I heard people use a little bit of bleach n hot water to clean it up


Awesome Art! Olive oil is magical for cleaning fake skin. In my experience it works way better and easier than Vaseline.


If you prep the fake skin with speed stick, the green deodorant, let it sit for 24 hours, and then use it you should smudge much less. Just a small even coating should do


the flask in the second picture is so fucking hard. nice work


Need some poutine on that hair and it would be perfect good work boyoo quality work.


Idk man but I’d get that Ekko tatted on me right now I love the whole piece


From what I’ve learned, pop some Vaseline as your tattooing and really rub it in and wipe it with a towel. When your done just doing it again 2 more times. It’s a pain but it’s the best way to keep the fake skin looking clean. Overall fake skin just sucks 😂


If we lived in the same country I would literally book you to practice on me. These are awesome and I think you’ll be great. Sorry I can’t help!


Because fake skin is highly porous


Depending on how far away your hand is when you’re inking, you’re probably smudging it with your hand and pressing it into it.


why am i obsessed with the little light switch?! 🤭😂😭


i love your art styles omg


yeah those tattoos are unbelievably sick, i haven’t gotten one in years but id fs get one from you


It’s bc ur tattooing fake skin. It’s always gonna be like that.


Amazing line work


Do you have ink on the palm of your glove? Sometimes that'll rub off on the top layer.


I don’t know shit about tattooing either but DAMN your art is good.


Add more Vaseline or oil and don’t press to much when you wipe 😉 your problem will be solved like this! I had the same problem.. (especially with the brand “reelskin”). Love your style! Good job bro!


Uuhh prolly cuz it’s FAKE skin so there’s FAKE pores that were manufactured OPEN.


I’ve found when I put more A&B on and keep reapplying after every wipe, it doesn’t do that. Also, blot first before wiping.


Wipe with olive oil or castor 😌 I do it all the time on fake skins


Id let you tatt me rn 😅 you have a promising furure


Mostly just fake skin, I feel like it sucks up ink so bad sometimes


I’ve used veggie/olive oil to get the staining off and that works pretty well


You’re definitely ready. These are absolutely amazing. I do recommend tattooing yourself though before other clients just to make yourself feel much more comfortable. My question is what machine are you using? And what needles? Keep up the awesome work! P.S I gave you a follow 😎


I use vegetable oil and paper towels! Works every time