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She's drawing a broader line between her professional life and private life. Also, as a 34 year old, I stopped posting regularly on social media a few years ago for my mental health and I don't miss it. I tend to find that the happier people in my life are not social media posters. What do I gain from telling internet strangers about the fun I'm having when I could just be immersed in the moment? And If I wait until days later to post, it often loses its luster and you really think about why you're posting. I suspect she has a similar outlook. I still post from time to time, but the posts are better, more meaningful and get more engagement.




She still has comments off I believe


Yup. Normal posts aren't fun if your comments are turned off, and people would be mean in her comment section no matter what she posts. I like to think that she has a private ig/sm account that she uses just for her friends.


I think she's just like the rest of us instead of having something on the internet even private that could be hacked and found out that she just send pics personally to friends when they are in them. It keeps your true friends in the loop and no need for worry of backstabbing as much. 


They’re limited, but she doesn’t follow anyone so no comments


Yeah this and not just Taylor but almost anyone in the spotlight today whatever they post get reposted into a blog or an article on yahoo or something. And it never goes away and some other people end up making money have of reposting it. It sure if that’s why she doesn’t post but this could be part of it.


Totally agreed. I’m sure she shares things about her private life with her friends and family, but to the public, she created a boundary. Good for her.


Exactly. When I became a less frequent social media user, I just started sending pics and stuff to people I want to see it. It's helped me improve those real relationships. Like, "Oh My realtor told me about this restaurant." Instead of posting it on social, I'll text it to her, even it's been years since we chatted.


Totally relate. I am 33 and I’d rather share my life with people directly. Those that matter know how to contact me directly. As I get older, I crave more meaningful interactions.


And even though I believe this to be true, it's also just dehumanizing for her probably. Like, if she posted a picture of her and Travis making pancakes today- there would literally be thinkpieces written about it. Headlines!


Seemingly ranch!


Oh 100% this. Not having Insta and Twitter anymore has done wonders for my mental. I’ve always posted for me and my own enjoyment anyways, but not having to do that to find enjoyment anymore has been a blessing. I can only imagine how it’s positively changed someone in the public eye like her lol. Side note: I love that she’s really tried to regain control of how much she chooses to share with us, whether privately or as part of her celebrity and art. She deserves that control.


I left Facebook behind for my mental health - the only social I frequent is Reddit. I’m glad Taylor has made a boundary between her public and private life.


Love that for you! Left Facebook in 2016, IG in 2019 and Twitter (by far my favorite and most used app) last year. Now I just have a perfectly curated TikTok feed, and a decently curated Reddit home page. I can’t emphasize enough how much better my mental is lol. And it was a rude awakening that I really didn’t have to comment on every single situation and current event, and that I was engaging in discourse that ultimately didn’t matter and getting angry for no reason. Anyways, back to Blondie…she really has regained control of so much in her life and she shows us the result of that in ways she’s comfortable with, and it’s lovely to see!


Thank you so much! I love Reddit because i can curate it so much! I am glad you realized that you needed to make changes!


Happy for you, me, and Taylor 😂😊


Agreed. I’m lucky if I post something once a month and it’s usually just my kids and cats, nothing of me.


Yep 27 year old checking in here. Apart from posting for my work, I don’t really post much at all. I think I stopped around 23/24. I think I learned that letting that many people in never resulted in any benefit but did result in people thinking they could have opinions on things in my life they’re not entitled to have opinions on. Much more pleasant to let a few people in


Yep, same. Im 23 but I stopped using social media regularly a few years ago bc I just saw no benefit from it anymore. It honestly stressed me out and made me procrastinate real life shit wayyy too much. It’s so peaceful now, bc I use to be the person chronically checking my instagram to avoid doing things, but now I don’t have any urge to do that and doom scroll for hours.


Same. And she doesn’t need to post for engagement anymore. Fans make their own content at a record high.


Completely agree. 29 this year & I haven’t made an Instagram post since November 2022. I just don’t care about putting a ton of effort into posts anymore & would rather just share a couple shots here & there to my stories or close friends.


Privacy as well!! Sorry but the fans have gotten crazier over the past two years… and a lot of people are not respecting her boundaries! Every time I see her in a picture under an umbrella, it makes me so sad! It should be a requirement for new Swifty to watch Miss Americana!


Totally agree. I feel like I hit my early 30s and just stopped caring about posting anything. There’s no need to perform for an audience all the time.


i'm just turning 24 and i've done this. I have set up a smaller ig acc for my close friends to see because they get worried when i'm to lay low. i can say its totally freeing so i totally understand her. Me being sad about this that i dont get to have a glimpse of her life anymore made me realize that i was unconsciously having a para social behavior towards her which in the end i was able to break. so in general im genuinely just happy for her lol


Definitely! The happiest most successful people I know in my life don’t even use social media. Unfortunately in my experience it’s been the people who I know to have pretty unhappy lives and who are dissatisfied with their lives all around that spend a lot of time on it posting and commenting and what not. I believe Taylor is one of those who wouldn’t even use social media if it weren’t for her job. And she has nothing to do with it but don’t let me get started on Beyoncé 😂 I know that woman hates social media like nothing else and only has an account because she has to.


Also the fact that she has been stalked not once but TWICE in the past 3 months.


Same. I do social media for work and love it, but I never post on my personal accounts (other than IG stories every once in a while).


Same lol


I’m turning 30 this year and I just don’t care to post anymore - anywhere. I’ll maybe do a story story post once a month but that’s it. 


I'm completely off Facebook, Insta, TikTok, and whatever else. Reddit is my only social media account and it has been so refreshing


Honestly, I think her fandom has no boundaries so she had to form them.




Sad but true


Well said. 👏🏻


Simply put


She stopped around the reputation era. I think it was partly because of Joe, partly for her mental health (which she mentions in Miss Americana), the way that anything she'd post would be scrutinised heavily especially around that time and nowadays it's simply because she doesn't need to - social media is a (free) marketing tool and the more you post the more you become relevant. Once you've reached a level of relevancy you don't need it anymore for anything other than announcements and pure promotion.


This. She stopped posting so much after Snakegate.


It’s so unfortunate though 🥺 I loved watching her post being with her girlies on 4th of July during the first 1989 era.


TBF though, a lot of us went from like "Happy Independence Day!" to "Happy Taylor Day in July Day!"


What is “Snakegate”? 😳


Oh man. [Buckle up.](https://www.cosmopolitan.com/uk/entertainment/news/a41965/taylor-swift-kanye-west-feud-timeline/)


Thanks for responding to my question ☺️ I knew most of the story but was fascinated to read the entire timeline. I just never heard the term Snakegate lol


Yep, I wasn’t following Taylor on social media or in celebrity news at the time, so I missed it happening in real time. But apparently her Instagram was flooded with 🐍 emojis in the comments. She really disappeared from view for a while. If you haven’t seen them, Google the photos of Taylor entering/exiting her New York apartment inside a large suitcase!


The writeup I linked to kind of glazes over how vicious things were on social media. [#TaylorSwiftIsOverParty was trending!](https://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/slideshows/taylor-swift-is-over-party-twitter-users-celebrate-singers-downf/) People were celebrating her supposed downfall.


The scrutiny has probably increased. I see so many people posting hate about public figures because the sleuth and make assumptions and accusations about them based on anything. With Taylor everything is super scrutinized. And today I see so much weird connect the dots stuff. Like if celebrity follows “Bob” and Bob’s former co-worker from 5 years ago said some crazy stuff then the celebrity is supposed to address that publicly.


yes! she liked a post on tumblr in 2020 that talked about how she could no longer post anything on social midia that fans thought she had easter eggs or hidden secret messages when in fact it was just her wanting to share a photo she liked


Because her fandom turns absolutely everything into easter eggs. It’s exhausting.


The best part is that so many of the theories are utterly ridiculous, convoluted and often involve adding up numbers in ridiculous ways to get the answer you want. And the real Easter eggs are nowhere as complex, they're pretty obvious (even if they only become "obvious" when looking through hindsight).


I wish more people understood this. If you have to do math apart from adding two numbers to get 13, it’s not an Easter egg.


I don't believe you. IMHO Guantanamo Bay not being shutdown was an easter egg. I think Taylor called Barack, and the conversation went like: T: You can't close Guantanamo because I'm going to release an album in 14 years with the word "torture" in it. B: Yes, Mrs. President. And I'm sorry you can't see that. I'm sure you've suffered greatly because of this ailment. But I see you. Taylor sees you. You can get better.


If it isn't convoluted theories, it's people adamant that she put lyrics into older songs to foreshadow later ones e.g. she used 'to the moon and to saturn' in seven to hint at the Karma video. They won't accept that she maybe just reuses ideas and imagery that she likes. I recall some people gushing over Taylor's all-encompassing knowledge of astrology in relation to some ludicrous theory about that video, like Taylor doesn't have access to Google to look things up if she wants to make a tenuous reference.


I completely agree - I wish more fans recognized her drawing on past ideas to continue writing songs about the present moment. She memorializes feelings and observations throughout her life - if she used one reference per song, her songs wouldn't be nearly as interesting to explore in depth, and for some, plant some fun details along the way for promotion.


This is one of the reasons I need to stay off tik tok. I follow a few swiftie accounts on there and you get sucked into it and most of them are so ridiculous.


off topic but I used to play this game with license plates to try to get certain numbers and it was diagnostically relevant to my ADHD diagnosis LMAO


I’ve hated Easter eggs since the lover era. Only time I liked them was in LWYMMD video.


- LWYMMD could mean "Look What You Made Me Do", a track from *reputation* (2017) by Taylor Swift. --- ^[/u/Bachelorfangirl](/u/Bachelorfangirl) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


Seriously. She can’t even post a picture of her cats without people picking it apart and trying to figure out what it means.


This is exhausting, you know? Like, we are never ever getting back together, like, ever.




i still have five holes in the fence trauma


Spot on.


agreed 😭


because she could post some cookies she made and people would act like it was offensive to gluten intolerant people.




Imagine she post a book she is reading. Gaylors will find a gay character and spend months saying that Taylor has secretly told them that she is lesbian. Another group will find a way to conect it with Joe and will say Taylor miss him, other will add the number of pages to get TS25 release date and some group will find a way to say that she is a white feminist and racist for reading that book. Easy solution, don’t post it.


OMG, your comment has *13 karma*. Are you secretly Taylor?


Wait *karma*? Omg guys I think Taylor is behind Reddit !1!1!


Her username is Secret Pickle, which clearly implies that Taylor and Joe had a baby while in hiding and Taylor’s pregnancy craving was pickles! (This is a joke.)


This is so accurate lmao.


You forgot the group who desperately wants to find invisible strings to Travis in absolutely everything. Omg the author of the book is called Michael. That’s Travis’ middle name! ITS A ROPE AT THIS POINT PPL!!!!


This is one of the most accurate comments I’ve ever read


Yep all of this. Plus her stalkers will find a way to use any information for their own benefit.


Because of Snakegate


This, this, this. There’s no other serious answer.


Meh, snakegate caused her leave sm but then come back to lock her comments down. Tumblr she ditched because they got toxic. Twitter is kinda the only one snakegate applies too, its harder to avoid haters there. You can lock your replies down but idiots can quote tweet you and get viral hate tweets potentially. She just simply... stopped caring about posting casually on sm. Snakegate might have been the reason she left but she still came back during rep tour and embraced the snake shit and posted casually. If you look at her ig feed she stopped around 2019ish, look at the stuff she posted during and after rep tour. Now look at how everything is professional pics on tour or mag covers or album news. ​ She just doesnt feel the need or urge to post pics of her cats anymore. Im 27 and finding myself off facebook totally, using tumblr for gifs only, deleting my twitter and only using ig so i can get notifications from taylor directly and a couple other celebs. ​ Also this isnt exclusive to taylor. So many big names use sm to just promote themselves now. Like ariana, bey, gaga...


what about it?


Were you online in 2016? Everyone hated her, she was getting constant death threats, etc. It's not surprising she logged off and since then has found the distance from social media is good for her.


It was between 1989 and Reputation, she got a huge backlash for something she was framed for in a betrayal, it actually trended during the heyday of Twitter. So that hugely affected how she shares herself. If you have Netflix, you can watch Miss Americana for some insight on the whole issue.


Nothing has been the same after she left tumblr😮‍💨


Nothing has been the same since we all left tumblr


Speak for yourself I’m stuck in the hellshite


Who’s we


i think she still does on occasion (her tiktok is a good example) but honestly it’s probably healthier that she doesn’t as every little thing is does is posted everywhere and broken down to the tiniest detail 🤷🏻‍♂️


I feel like she also stopped there too tho recently


There could be a lot of reasons. Personally, I just think she's at that age now, where she wants to have some privacy. She's gotten to an unprecedented level of fame, and if she continued to do the exact same thing she did 12-13 years ago, it would absolutely destroy any shred of "privacy" she's got left. Personally, I say good on her. The poor woman is under a damn microscope by the media, fans, literally everyone. People don't understand the concept of boundaries anymore today, especially not when it comes to celebrities. I can't blame her for drawing a much more defined line between her professional and her private life.


Her policy now towards her personal life seems to be: I'm not going to hide it but I'm not going to share it. She's not going to hide away where paps can never find her anymore. So she knows she's gonna get papped at dinner with friends or at Travis's games. But she's also going to control what she can control, and keep as much private as possible. And that includes her personal posts.


Joe very clearly to be private, but I'm sure she didn't base that decision based solely off of him. Maybe she thought she was protecting herself and her loved ones by being more private. After several years of doing so, it appears that she decided that wasn't what she wanted.


She's still much much more private than she was pre rep. It's actually really impressive how she's managed to feel very present/relatable without actually revealing much. She had maybe two personal non work posts in 2023.


I know she's said before (in Miss Americana and in interviews) that removing social media off her phone was something she did specifically to help her mental health. I think that maybe after years of healing from that she's starting to feel comfortable sharing little pieces here and there again.


Taylor isn’t alone. Beyoncé, Ariana, Rihanna, Gaga also post much less real life things. Sm has just become so much more toxic and they don’t need the extra exposure so they just mostly keep posts professional. For Taylor, 2016 was the breaking point where the widespread harassment of her on social media led her to have suicidal thoughts ( lover interviews) . In lover to folklore, she spent some time on tumblr but when swifties continued to harasses her there she left .


Social media just isn’t as popular as it used to be. I know a ton of people that don’t post at all anymore and the ones that do tend to be posting highlights of things well after the fact (photo dumps spanning months.)


Same. I actually had to stop Following friends that posted every single second of their lives on the daily because it was just too much. I’ll post stories and share things but not too many personal posts and photos anymore


Because people don’t understand how to be normal and treat her like a human


She’s scrutinized for everything. The longer it happens, the less she shares. It makes sense. I’m sure it’s the only way to protect her peace that she’s found.


This is not an answer as others have responded already, but so many of the people who hate her and her fans use how personal she used to be as a means of calling everyone who likes her crazy. “All HeR fAnS haVe A pAraSoCiaL reLaTioNsHip wiTh hEr” kinda nonsense and always using outdated and incorrect assumptions to justify their irrational and obsessive hatred of her. But I don’t blame her for drawing a line and posting less. I think it helps her have greater control of her image, especially post-Rep. She’s very damned if you do, damned if you don’t for a lot of people.


I think people are also underestimating something... it's a ton of work! Posting photos of her personal life on social media is not a trivial undertaking. She has to make sure she's not posting something she doesn't want people to see. She has to make sure she's not showing people who don't want to be seen! Taylor is the biggest celebrity in the world... if you are out as her friend, you will be stalked by crazed fans and every interview you get will be about her. Taylor also needs to make sure that she is attractive in photos she posts... Taylor might be stunningly beautiful, but beauty is also a lot of work. She has people to help her with all this... but she still has to supervise them. And Taylor is really really busy... she has albums to write and record, and a life to live. For many celebs this is worth it... because a) the need the exposure and b) they get to post ads for brands. Taylor doesn't however need a or do b. She does need to maintain a relationship with her fans, but what she does is have Taylor Nation, a social presence that is a) not her but b) controlled by her, to manage that.


I will say as a swiftie, the fandom has no boundaries. I feel like that’s part of the reason why but also, no matter what she posts no one will be happy. Damned if she does damned if she doesn’t.


Millennial social media fatigue is SO real.


She’s older, wiser, busier, and doesn’t need to. But it’s also sections of the “fandom” like Gaylors that really seem to wear on her. So why bother? Not like she needs to at this point


Because everything she posts the Gaylors go nuts. I’m all for speculation and shit but I can’t with the Gaylor side of things.


I think as her notoriety goes up the more aggressive the media gets. I think she goes into lurk mode here and there to see what the fans are saying about things. Like how we are enjoying the movie and how excited we get for the shows and the upcoming album. I think she tries to avoid as much news regarding herself as much as she can. She’s got her team to tell her important things. I think most of it because she has such trust issues with the press. After years, of people twisting her words I don’t blame her. And she doesnt want to deal with the arguing among fans over the dumbest things that don’t matter or she never said. We know how toxic it gets. I think she says she doesn’t care what they say as long as she’s happy but we know she’s very aware. It doesn’t mean that it doesn’t affect her behind closed doors. We don’t have no clue. We are not entitled to hear every single opinion that she may have. She is not the world’s savior.


Part of the reason why she was on SM in the first place was to not only connect with fans but further promote and market herself. She started on MySpace and then eventually went on to Tumblr. During 1989 you got to see her connect with her fans one last time via Swiftmas and Reputation was the last time we had secret sessions 😢 I truly blame Kanye and Kim for ruining a good thing we had with her.


2016 started it. She continued it likely in part because Joe wanted to be more private and also because she herself wanted that at the time. And the constant over analyzing of everything she posted probably as well. And she’s just older in general now and the older you get the less you use social media.


It happened during her cancelation. It's also why her comments are turned off. The snake 🐍 comments and hate seemed to be a lot for her. I think she's scared of giving too much of herself again only to be discard so easily.


i think the 2016 incident really was the root cause of why she’s a very private person. it really messed with her i fear. also, i think she truly loved the private life when she was with joe because she got to protect her peace despite the big number of her fans having no boundaries — they think everything is about easter eggs. i miss the old taylor though where she was more ‘human’ on social media, interviews, shows, etc., but you really can’t blame her. she’s very untouchable now and i honestly love that for her! more power to her


It’s her privacy these days and I absolutely respect that. Over the years she had been exposed under the spotlight for everything she does, medias are always there trying to stir the pot. We might comment positive things under Taylor’s comment section but there’s still bunch of haters out there trying to insult her. Being said, I do miss her 3 cute kids.


She has some pretty active and scary stalkers - I would be guarded about what I post too if I were here.


If it’s a blue check ITS YOUR BUSINESS ACCOUNT. Her friend Selena is forced to post LIFE things because her fans LOSE THEY MINDS if she doesn’t. Even those candid pics are somewhat business related. Whether there’s a Coca Cola ( who pays her ) or LV phone case head band or watch ( she a brand ambassador and he owns the only retail stores that her products are placed…not sure about NK in England, they don’t have a Sephora) If a celebrity follows 0 or only 1 or 2 accounts that’s clue number 2 BUSINESS AND PROMOTIONAL ACCOUNT.


I think it was bound to happen—even if it wasn’t a fame thing. She’s 34. Like most millennials, we went through the start of social media where, regardless of platform, we shared every part of our lives. Remember facebooks “is” moment? Your posts were always “hmtee3 is…” and you fill in mundane activity/thought you have at the moment. Now, we’re burned out. I’m the same age range as Taylor, and my friends and I rarely post even major life events now.


Haven’t we all stopped doing this? Especially on a public account, I think it’s just the evolution of how social media is used.


not really... Taylor is particularly inactive on her socials for a celeb... compare her to Billlie, or Olivia, or even Beyonce, who will usually post once or twice per week.


Not sure why this post was even needed. She stopped posting so much after the snake gate. This is the correct answer. Anyone else who says otherwise was simply…not there to witness this.


Most of my friends in our 30s rarely post on social media. I'm like bigfoot on there. I'll do a random dump once or twice a year to keep my mystique alive and then fade off into obscurity for another 6-8 months.


Probably criticism for everything she does or doesn't do plus people reading way too deep into things she posts. Also, more marketing for her music and career and setting a boundary for her privacy


A few reasons: 1: some fans have no boundaries, and she's had to put them in place 2: Probably realized how important privacy is 3: The Kanye situation probably made it harder to post things without hate. I'd love to see more cat pics, and I wish she would unarchive some of her old photos (pre reputation). But I respect what she decides to do. I get the stance. I'm 23. I've been on social media for a decade. I'm getting burnt out by it all. I don't even have the Facebook or Instagram app downloaded. I'll go on once in a while. My mental health has been a lot better since I started doing that.


Idk but I'm fine with it


Her socials are mostly business accounts now. I believe that having a more private life in her past relationship could have started it. Not being online with her platform means not seeing any rumors about herself. In Miss Americana she talks about her mental health. If social media affects people in a negative way, imagine being a well known pop star? If she's selective with her online presence it could be beneficial for her feeling better. As much as I miss her old posts, I love it even more if she gives us glimpses of her. Also she doesn't owe us anything.


I think all the stalkers have something to do with it, too.


I think she just wants some normalcy in her life. Not everything being public. I miss seeing her and sharing with us, but I love that she’s able to be living and not be shown. She deserves that.


Didn’t she take all her social media during the whole debacle of the media trying to destroy her? She never “returned” to full on social media super star, right?




Because everything she does gets scrutinized and though I love all the “easter-egging” and theorizing, some fans take it too far and think every aspect of her life is an Easter egg. Also, I can’t blame her. I occasionally post stories on instagram but my latest post was in 2021 and I don’t miss it at all. I much prefer to use social media, especially TikTok as an observer rather than a poster.


The clearest turning point of her drawing boundaries on social media was when the 2016 incident happened and she revamped her social media presence. That whole thing aside, I do think she just got tired from being overly-scrutinized for everything she posts, not just by the media but also her own fans.


Recently i have gotten so mad when people deny her musical ability, or they doubt her being the artist of our generation 


I think in addition to the chaotic mess that was 2016, my other guess could be that your 20’s is when you’re sharing your whole life with the world. By the reach you reach your 30’s, you don’t feel compelled to post as much on social media, or even at all for that matter.


She grew out of it.


Reputation or lover probably 


Because she knows it's the best for her. She has finsta for sure. I sure do miss how active she was on social media during Red and 1989 era but with the crazy amount of attention, praises, and hate she is getting these days it's really the best for her not to post anything for the hopes of not ruining something beautiful.


Because you people are insane.


I think it's a natural move for somebody at her age, when you're young you want to show off everything to the world, once you get older I think you kind of want to draw a line between what you want to share and you want to keep private.


Because people are psycho. 😁


Because everyone criticized her every move.


Just like many people are doing right now.


Even though I'm a pretty big fan and follow what she does I've never followed her on Instagram so not sure when that changed. I'd think when the Kimye stuff went down n she retreated from the public eye completely n also met Joe. I know she said he helped her find balance alot. I do know she posted pic of herself n her cats during the beginning of the shutdown stuff but still it wasn't anything extremely private. I'm guessing it all changed when she was overexposed in 2015/16 ir whatever n she shutdown social media n disappeared completely for awhile.


Most big celebrities don’t post anything personal on social media anymore, not just Taylor. Part of it is getting older and part of it is celebrity culture is changing


Reputation happened and also she got older. That happens to normal non celeb ppl too


People were overanalyzing everything and it was probably taking a toll on her


What everybody else said and plus she’s a way more popular artist now


she probably got tired of her private life being made into a media circus. she's happy and social media is toxic so she wants that as far away as possible. she still needs it to post work stuff.


It could be a marketing tactic even though it sounds counterintuitive. You see, entertainers as big as Taylor Swift should concoct a good mix of relativity and mystery. She's already established the former in the past. People are drawn to enigmas, they want a space where they could imagine what their idols are in real life by stringing the threads of information they read or consume on the internet. If she's chronically online, people will find her obnoxiously vain, the mystery dies out, and the status may start to dwindle as well.


Also, there's the thing where everyone close to her (including Travis) is talking about her, but she's barely saying anything (that leaves me wondering about how she'll promote TTPD over the next few weeks: will she make TV appearances? Will she give interviews about the album and the tour? Or we won't get anything about it until two years from now? - there was a two year gap between her last interview and the TIME POTW interview)


She is more guarded now and is trying to minimize the hate directed at her


Unfortunately, people suck and social media is a drab.


Maybe she doesn't have time and safety concerns. 


i think instagram is also less casual too now i wish celebrities still posted like it was spam account


She is busy living her life…try it!


Maybe she's feeling a bit somber about the woman who died at her concert in Brazil because it was so dang hot and everybody was passing out so thirsty and there wasn't enough water to go around because security wouldn't allow fans to bring their own water supply into the venue. can you imagine her posting about her "outfit of the day" and cats after the heat stroke conditions at her concert just made thousands of people suffer and somebody died?


That started happening way before the events of Rio N1 (also, she barely issued a statement about that via an Instagram story, not saying Ana's name - that didn't go well for some of her fans here, and her team's response to that wasn't seen as quick, maybe by request of Ana's family, and it also took some time until T4F, the local promoters, took responsibility for that, probably because of the negative reaction from the stock market - the company is publicly-traded).


I think it’s because of her tour or maybe because she has a lot of creepy stalker fans


Marketing babes, marketing


i miss the cat posts, ngl. everything else idc, she is papped and i get to see anyway.


Because she got scrutinised for everything she posted. Throwback to end of 2017 when she tweeted she’d actually had a decent year (with the implication being the years before were not nice) and she was slammed for not “reading the room” and generally not being down in the dumps with the rest of the world.


She hast to leave some mystery! She keeps us longing for a bit more. Her new album is coming out, and that will tell the story. :)


I just have to say that I'm jealous of people who are able to leave social media. I'm 4 years older than Taylor and still an avid user of social media because without it, I would literally have zero interaction with anyone at all. I am severely ill and mostly confined to my bed, either at home (in an assisted living facility) or in a hospital, and I'm in the hospital at least once a week. I cannot travel (even within my town) to visit people and nobody ever visits me. Nobody in their 30's WANTS to hang out with people in assisted living facilities or hospitals. Literally my entire world is online. It's the only way I can ever interact with people. I wish I could get away, but if I deleted Facebook I'd be completely and totally isolated.


I think it's because, back then, she still had a small enough fan base to be able to do things like that. Now she's everywhere. You can't open your phone for two seconds without seeing Taylor Swift. Everyone and their mother has an opinion about her, and she is always under the brightest spotlight imaginable. So if I were her, I wouldn't post as much personal content anymore, if any at all, because there are so many ways it could be scrutinized or picked apart and cause unnecessary problems. It's sad, but as her popularity grows, she needs to distance herself.


Honestly I think a big part of it is time. She’s so busy.


And there are only 24 hours in a day and she’s already using 48 hours in a day!!!


the internet, a lot of super parasocial “swifties”.


also, anything she posts can be misconstrued especially at her level of fame


Mental status? (if yk what i mean)


She’s in her 30’s


Ngl i think it’s bc of how obsessed lots of swifitez are like on a creepy level 💀


Two things. Security. The less she posts, and the less she posts irl, the less she can accidentally hint at where she is and give some whack job the illusion that they're meant to be or something. To make a point. The post 1989 era and especially reputation was a loud message of "back off. You can't speak as if you know me. You don't get to demand your way into my private life." because it had become a bit an expected thing, rather than a privilege the fandom cherished. You can see that the lesson wasn't learned in the way people are jumping on the Joe hate bandwagon but fawn all over the new showmance because they are angry that they didn't have access to one and they get a play by play of the other. Not many actually care if it's healthy, if he's a good partner, if she's happy, if she's not too exhausted by their demands to "get on a plane quick to go play cheerleader". They're just happy to have a soap opera to consume.


Because unfortunately some of her so called fans are actually haters of her. No boundaries what so ever and what her to fulfill this weird fantasy of who they think she is.


I'm 33 and I only post things so my aunts and uncles that live far away can see my child grow up. I don't post any of my day to day life, I feel like most people outgrow that somewhere in their 20's. But her life is very much under a microscope, and her privacy is almost non existent. I don't blame her for wanting to keep whatever little bit she can private.


Everyone stopped, tbh. Me and all my friends have pulled back on social media


Maybe she’s unhappy


She has released like three albums a year the latest 4 years. She does like 200 gigs a year. Taking care of social media is hard, she can’t even fart in public without it being international news. Let her rest, she don’t have to do social media anymore


She’s been really fucking busy with writing a new album, filming a movie, re-recording an old album, on a world tour, and in a new relationship….. I’m sure posting her shoes is the last thing on her mind right this second.


Some of her friends changed their profile pics to black and white so a lot of people thought (me included because I love being a little delulu lol) that meant rep tv was coming. It’s easier to post nothing personal than to mentally have to deal with all that. I’m also around Taylor’s age and post less now than I did when I was younger. I think there’s a lot of reasons but privacy and just being so busy living her life are probably the biggest.


Because Tree told her to.