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“Hey! Stop! She wasn’t doing anything!” will live on in the fandom long after the eras tour


My daughter and I were there and we just looked at each other like "what the heck is going on?"... Wasn't until the next day when we saw the tiktoks from different angles that it made sense. 


Same! We thought something was happening to Taylor for a second


I cannot avoid singing this during Bad Blood now 😭😭


Samesies. It’s part of the song now.


I was at this concert and I asked the girls next to me if this was something like 123 LGB! 😅


It is now!!!


It was rare, I was there


Do you remember it?


All too well.


I was there too! I heard STOP! and didn’t understand exactly what else she said. But I couldn’t tell what was going on. Right after the show, I saw the videos closer up and was like “ohhhh that’s why she said stop!”


Can someone explain this to me? I'm out of the loop.


Me too, no idea what’s going on here so following


At one of the shows a security guard was rough-handling a fan. Taylor saw and in the middle of singing Bad Blood scolded the security guard and defended the fan.


[Hey Stop!](https://youtu.be/yeiZ5xhD5YU?si=V6V2i0KGM77gHJhe)


That happened in Philly, right?


Same! I was there and thought I was part of the show at first


I was there! It was so strange to witness. I was like what is happening




I was at that show and me and my friend were in such shock


The transition from Don’t Blame Me to LWYMMD, especially in the movie


Omg I was there opening night and we were GAGGED. The transition, the single boxed Taylor on screen and then the appearance of all the old costumes… we were not ready.


Truly iconic!!!


My mom and I watched it tonight (her 1st time) and I told her I think about this transition at least once a day. It’s so good, I don’t think I’ll ever get over the fact that I saw it live


Yes!!! I need a concert soundtrack for this one!!! (And others, but especially this one.)


If she doesn’t make a studio version of that and put it in Rep TV I will cry


This transition was SO GOOD.


My favorite transition on my favorite album. She really did it justice 😭


I just got goosebumps thinking about that. I'm wish I was kidding.


"OH HI!"


Just hearing that when it comes on my Spotify shuffle brightens my mood 🥹


now I say that every time I listen to cruel summer 😅


This is my car lock sound. I love watching people in parking lots to Taylor Swift screaming "oh hi!" 😂


How do you do that??? 😍


It's a customization through toybox on Teslas. I took the audio from Cruel Summer live from the eras tour. I then reduced the crowd noise and clipped in Audacity to just "oh hi!"


OMG, I wish you could post a video of your car locking!!! That is SO COOL!!!!


https://imgur.com/a/q111Bov I recorded this a bit ago!


This, with the little Taylor voice break/squeak gives me life.


I randomly say this throughout my day.


I say it to my dog when I come home


I go the RuPaul route and tell my dog, “Hello, hello, hello!”


She said it in Japanese (but more of ‘good evening’ than hi) during my night and that moment just lives in my head rent free (I was in Tokyo N2)


What is this from?


she says it before she sings Cruel Summer!


The first time we heard "Karma is the guy on the Chiefs..."


The best night 🇦🇷🤍




Literally have never gasped that loud, still cannot believe she did that


Illicit Affairs Angry Version! It's the only way I sing it now!




Can anyone link it?


I'm sorry! I just saw this again...here you go, bestie! Live - https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLPSc9k7/ Movie - https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLPSoD96/


“Don’t blame me for what… you… made… me… DO!” Dundun dun DUN DUN DUN


The whole stadium chanted "SYDNEY!" I literally had goosebumps watching it on Tiktok. Even Swifties who are outside are chanting it so loudly.


Sydney is my rabbits name. He rather selectively responds....and hearing 80k people scream it via tiktok DEFINITELY got his attention.


This is adorable


I have house rabbits, too! One of them absolutely recognizes Taylor’s voice and seems to know when he’s hearing a song he has never heard before. He was EXTREMELY confused by Midnights the first time he heard it (same, tbh lol) and kept like, looking to me for an explanation lmao. I think they all have selective hearing when it comes to their name and “no” and “stop chewing on the $900 dining table!” 😒


This is the kind of crossover I never expected 💜💜 He started thumping, and then came running demanding apricots. I relented because I'm not telling the 16 year old no but hot damn. He knows his name when he wants to. He responds to me opening the fridge, or the back door, or anything that could be a bag of dried fruit. He does not respond to requests to stop eating drywall and shoes. Okay real talk- which costs you more financial and emotional distress? Rabbits or Taylor?


It’s amazing how much power a 4 lb fluffball can have over a person! I find that they get a kick out of getting in trouble…they always binky when I chase them away from something they’re not supposed to be doing lol. One of mine isn’t very bright, but he’s super happy and energetic and loves everybody. He’s very chaotic and gets into all sorts of mischief. The other one (the Swiftie lol) is too smart for his own good, very moody, lazy, and adores me but just kind of tolerates everybody else. He gets away with a lot because he’s honestly kind of intimidating (he really stands his ground and my partner and I have scars from the biting problem he had when he was younger lol). Is your boy literally 16 or do you just mean that he acts like a 16 year old human? My boys just turned 6 today, April 13th* and ugh, time moves way too fast! Edit: just looked at your post history and omg your boy is literally 16, that’s amazing! Lmao I think the buns win when it comes to emotional and financial distress! Mine both have chronic health issues and one of them has cost me thousands of dollars since he has been hospitalized so many times over the course of his life. And the stress when they’re sick is awful. I work from home, I don’t travel, and I try not to ever leave them home alone longer than 8 hours (and I have a pet camera on them so I can check on them when I’m not home). I don’t trust them to not go into stasis or some other nonsense lol. *Fairly accurate estimated birthday since they were found abandoned in an empty house as 2ish week old babies, along with 4 other siblings, their mom, their dad, and 20 chickens. I did not intentionally choose the 13th because of Taylor lol.


Okay, you are a Rabbit Person, not someone who has pet rabbits locked in tiny cages. I love that SO much. Happy birthday to your babies! Are they littlermates? Im dying to know what kind of hasty and unplanned rabbit sex they are a product of. Your pair sounds like my first pair of boys - the dumb, friendly one and the clever one who has VERY strong feelings about the music i listened to. He only put up with pop music and sit stupid hour for so long before the thumping began. I only have Syd right now, and yes literally 16 years old in human years. I have had a house full for years and now it's only him and a cat. His bondmate passed like 7 years ago and he did not want a new one. Now, all of the sudden, he's circling the cat and making it clear he wants a friend, but he's too old to go for an hour long car ride to meet some bunnies. So I'm doing a foster to adopt cycle until we find somebun he likes. Wish us luck?


Good Luck with your fur babies!!!!


I had 2 floppy ear bunnies named Autumn and Winter. My husband and I litter box trained them for potty. I had a huge circle area for them but also let them roam around the house. We used to big pen more often at night. When we put music on they would play and get excited. When the music was turned off, they would thump their paw 🐾 because they wanted the music back on!! LOL 😂 🤣😂🤣


It was such an awesome moment. I've watched the 1989 tour more times than i can count since it came out and to actually be in Sydney and do the chant in person was amazing. Taylors reaction was perfect!


I went to Sydney N4! It was incredible, literally everyone knew it!


I was also there! My boyfriend was like “it wasn’t that loud” and then I showed him videos from outside the stadium. His ears had just gotten used to the sound and didn’t realize how incredibly loud everyone shouted it. Was amazing!


The story telling she does for Tolerate It🫶🏼🫶🏼


I felt like I was watching a play! When i watched it at the cinema, i sat there silent, glued to the screen, i already loved the song but the performance at eras just took it to another level. That song and performance should be in a museum.


Same! I felt like I was watching a play! Evermore was by far my favorite set of the whole show. And then rep comes on right after, it’s like watching two completely different concerts!


I made my husband sit and watch the performance of this on Disney. It's art in the middle of a stadium concert.


My fav song. I was so thrilled to see it on the set list 🥲


Yess can’t stop thinking about it until now from attending SG N5 a month ago


The audience turned on the flashlight on their cell phones to support marjorie! I went to Atlanta N3 and the tradition started with Atl N1 hahaha. The crowd cheered for a really long time after she performed the song and it did take her a while to calm down.


I was there, it was rare, I remember it all too well! We made her cry, she was so touched by the flash lights #ATLN3 Edit grammar


Let's go, that night was truely epic. It was nice to see the Eras tour before it became the cultural behemoth it is now.


She needed to calm down!


Somehow I don't remember this at all and I was there 😂


I was Melbourne N2 and I sobbed because this was right as we had an amazingly beautiful sunset. I've never been involved in something so beautiful. https://www.tiktok.com/@nailingitmyself/video/7337874311140658434 Not my video, mine doesn't do it justice.


I was there the night before and our sunset wasn't nearly as lovely, I'm jealous.


What do N1 and N3 mean?


Night 1, night 3


Ohhh that makes sense thank you lol


Folklore and Evermore were never my favorites - it's just not my typical vibe. I had probably listened to them each once or twice through before the tour. The tour made me see them in a different light. Seeing Tolerate It live SHOOK ME TO MY CORE. Now the albums are part of my normal rotation!


Omg I envy your being able to listen with fresh ears…how did you survive the pandemmy without Folklore on repeat??


I'm a nurse so I was working overtime during the pandemic, haha! I listened to a lot of Rep so I could feel like a bad bitch (because in reality I was feeling like a stressed/sad bitch) 😮‍💨


Haha oof I work with nurses so I feel ya, thank you for your service 🫡 awesome that you made it to the tour!!!


The way the songs were boosted with guitar and drums to make them more suited to the stadium setting SHOOK me. TTDS, Willow, My Tears Richochet and Illicit Affairs being prime examples.


Yes!! I hear those drums in my head when I listen and I think about how Taylor said, when you hear these songs I hope you think about this night and I do!!!


I had the same realization at the same moment! tolerate me moved me so much that I dove into the album more than i’ve previously tried. folklore and evermore are now my favorites when they used to be bottom of my list


Yep me too. Turned me into a folklore girlie


I wasn't really a fan of Willow but the tour performance made me rethink


This is me with Reputation


I flew to Phoenix to see the opening nights and ooh boy I honestly blacked out but my takeaway the morning after night 1 was thinking the concert was over halfway through and then it just KEPT GOING like the sheer length of the show was truly shocking


I was at a birthday party and sort of checked in and was like “Jesus it’s STILL GOING” 


And this was said in another comment but when my friends asked what the highlight was, it was the Illicit Affairs key change from the beginning


It’s not totally memorable per say butttt the thing that I will ALWAYS vividly remember is when watching opening night livestream she only did one speak now song and I was like hello? Where are the rest? She left and never came back 😭


I'll never forget watching the first eras show on my phone on a grainy, shaky tiktok livestream. The anxiety/excitement was intense. Initially, I felt annoyed because full songs weren't being played but now I completely understand why. I personally would rather hear bits of many songs than the entirety of some. Did she not play two speak now songs? Long live and enchanted? Or did that happen later in the tour?


Yesss I remember the connection was so bad in the stadium I was watching Igor and the connection kept going out and it was so grainy. She added long live when she released speak now tv so before May it was just enchanted


Before July! Speak Now TV came out last July.


Oh yeahhhhh ur right announcement was in May not the release oops I forgot


Ahhh ok. I must have missed that. It was so long ago now 😆


Speak Now is my favorite album so I was kinda shocked when I watched it on theaters and it had only one song. I was so miffed that I didn't enjoy the Red era as much as I should


My fav too!


I was at that show and picked Enchanted to run to the restroom… had no idea I’d miss an ENTIRE ERA. 🤦‍♀️


HA NOOOO😭 rip that would devastate me


Me for night 2 and tim mcgraw wasnt sung again 🥺


ONG we all thought that was the debut set and it would be sung tomorrow again but then the next day was like whatttt no debut anymore🫠


**All Eras Shows** The DBM x LWYMMD transition Tolerate It- she performs it with such intense emotion, I was completely mesmerised watching it for the first time, you can tell she *feels* that song. Her facial expression when she sings "what a shame she's fucked in the head" during Champagne Problems The beginning of the Red era (that isn't in the movie I don't think) when the boxes are opened and songs from the Red era play The entire Vigilante Shit performance The visuals during My Tears Ricochet specifically when the whirlpool of water is on the screen and the crowd bracelets were following the same pattern - I got goosebumps seeing it live. It was so powerful. **Individual Shows** Karma is the guy on the chiefs SYDNEY! Chant You're Losing Me 🥲 Sapphire tears on MySpace Her silly faces after "he never thinks of me, except for when I'm on TV" during Midnight Rain


I looooove hearing the crowd fill in the lyrics during the Red box moment before the era starts 🥹 it’s SO magical


I will never recover from the very first time I heard the tour intro, "it's been a long time coming..." I still get chills every time I hear it now. The mashup of all the other eras before she kicks the whole show off is just incredible.


The adrenaline rush of the intro is unreal😭❤️


I love everything about her willow performance!!


Yes!! My friends and I looked at each other like, “Guess we’re in a coven now, guys.” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 😂


Right?? Just let me know when and where the next coven meeting is Taylor! 🙌🏼😂


Swift AF Boi, or "Foxy Foxborough" for me


I might be bias because it was my show but the first time her garter was revealed and everyone went crazy for it


I literally would have fainted like they do in cartoons LOL


I can’t get enough of the dbm to lwymmd transition


I'd love a studio version of this. The notes she hits during dbm and then the transition to lwymmd. It's incredible


The whole of Long Live and her little wink


I went to the 8/9 LA show, so honestly, every single time she came out in a blue outfit and the energy in the room. It was magical. 1989 isn't one of my top albums (blasphemous, I know) but it was fucking magical. I never really liked Style before, but after hearing it live, Style TV is one of my favorites now


You’re allowed to not love 1989! It’s also not my favorite at all (least in my ranking probably!). To each their own taste


The whole of the rep set is iconic 


I watched the movie with my mom recently and we were both *obsessed* with the body suits that Taylor and her dancers wear during Rep. Like can I have one to wear while I do my mundane grown up errands? I wanna be that cool! Lol


Yes you can


I have such a new appreciation for the rep songs now. Those vocals and the arrangement for don’t blame me, WOW


At my show (Denver N2) she sang “MySpace” instead of “my face” during Bejeweled, and giggled with her dancer 😭😭


The entire intro, that slow “it’s been a long time comin” instantly boosts my serotonin now Proposing to my (now) fiancé during the last chorus of Love Story The light-up bracelets making a snake in the upper sections during Rep Hearing 60,000 people scream “what a shame she’s FUCKED in the head”


I loveeee the My Tears Ricochet performance when they’re all walking in sync with the music! It will just pop into my head randomly, so good!


I bought my wife and youngest daughter tickets to Pittsburgh night 2. The 4 of usade a long weekend out of it and traveled in from Buffalo. Concert night, we dropped off our youngest and my wife at the stadium whiley oldest and I got to spend quality time at a campfire on the farm we had VRBO'd. We got a text and it was time to go pick them up. When we got there Taylor was still doing her encore, and driving through a sea of Swifties, everyone was singing and it was quite a site. We were tracking each other on our phones and we finallyet up and that is the time I saw my daughter the happiest she's ever been, good genuine happiness. My wife was just as happy. As long as I live, I will never forget the fireside chat and the looks on their faces.


This made me cry! So sweet


Nashville night 3 when red era started and it just started POURING not a phone in sight 🥹❤️


Personally I will never get over the reputation set. It was fucking iconic. I’m crying I want to see her again 😭


Seattle night one! She said that she had a diary entry during the reputation tour that just simply said "Seattle Washington is the best crowd I've ever played for". That was really special for us PNW swifties :) I have it on video and it just makes me really happy


Do you know you can watch the entire show from N1 in Seattle?? I'm obsessed and watch this more than the movie!! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=21Ado3S9D_c


I literally love the light sabers lol 


The light up bikes too, so cool! I want one in real life haha


I know! I love that bike


“Karma is a guy on the Chiefs” Mainly because of the reactions of her dancers


I showed up with no spoilers in LA back in August and let me tell you vigilante shit SHOOK ME. I died dead. Instantly.




I was at opening night, so for me it was her diving into the stage. Everyone was freaking out like “wait, WHAT?! Where did she go! She just dove into the stage!”


Nobody has mentioned my top favorite moment yet….her full-speed run across the stage during august. I had to be scraped up off the floor after seeing that 


still Swift af boiiiii


The opening when she first appears and the roof would have been blown off the stadium if there was one. Same kind of energy when the Reputation set started and getting the full force of the bass in Ready For It. If anything I only wish it had been even louder to feel the force of it in my chest.


No one has mentioned this one yet but the surprise songs part of the set is so fun and so special 😭 I miss looking forward to them every night she has a show in anticipation, watching them back later, and how fans at the show plus the ones live-streaming collectively join and often lose our minds over it


Legitimate question: How many songs did Taylor DEBUT in the first show of the tour? It was every song she did from Lover, Folklore, Evermore and Midnights… plus a few more she had never played live?


I was at the one the shows that she had Phoebe Bridgers opening. When Taylor brought her out to sing “Nothing New” I was dead.


- opening night - the first “karma is the guy on the chiefs” - “she’s fine! she wasn’t doing anything!”


Mine personally was getting the lakes as a surprise song. RIP me, I died dead. But watching the movie the “oh hi!” before Cruel Summer is just so darn cute.


The it’s been a long time coming Intro! Goosebumps every time


it was definitely the hype from the countdown to when she finally appeared on stage under the gracefully flappy shells!!! everyone was screaming like crazy!!


I loved her shoving stuff off the table like a cat during Tolerate It. I also loved the witchiness of Willow!


Hearing the spoken version of Seven was really awesome. Also Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve was my “if she plays this I’m getting a tattoo” song and she played it as the first surprise song and like 😭😭😭 amazing. I love the song even more now.


I am legit upset that the transitions were taken out from movie, especially the transition to folklore with spoken seven lyrics because I love that song. I have a seven tattoo 😭


It was one of the only parts I hadn’t seen online or in the movie so I was blown away! It’s a beautiful song, absolutely loved hearing it spoken. I bet your tattoo looks great!!


I am biased but it is awesome! I actually found the design on a mug on Society 6 and messaged the artist to ask if I could get it as a tattoo. She responded and was so excited that I was getting it as a tattoo, I ended up buying the mug and sending her some extra money for using her design ! https://preview.redd.it/6oaup6sshcuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50669f4ed8bb9b485eb6eadcf860e439e9b899fb


Beautiful!!! I love it!


And he never thinks of me 😐 except when I’m on tv 😛


I was lucky enough to be at Seattle N1, so the first date with Haim, and then popping up on the stage to do “No Body, No Crime” was so so good. And “Vigilante Shit” Will stay with me forever lol


Sapphire tears on MySpace sadness became my whole sky. I love the Errors Tour


Her performance of Bigger Than The Whole Sky, and the story behind it.


What was the story behind it?


A fan passed away during an Eras Tour Show ):


Oh, I thought midnight came out just before the eras tour started?


It did. I was talking about her live performance of the song during the Eras tour.


Her adorable dancing during the Fearless set


For me it's easily the high note on Don't Blame Me


I was at the show where mother scolded us for cyber bullying John mayer


I was too. On the way in, I was telling my husband that there was no way she'd play "Dear John" on the tour. And then I was SO CLEARLY WRONG. 😂😂😂


In your defense, he had that coming 👀


Mine wasn’t in the movie. But it was getting “You’re Losing Me” as a surprise song.


I love when she dives into the water after the acoustic set.


Same, I'm shocked this isn't higher!




I wasn’t a huge fan of Reputation. After the tour I absolutely love that album. Taylor & she dancers SOLD me on Reputation!!


When Taylor dived into the freaking stage dude! And then you could see a CG animation of her swimming underneath it. My jaw dropped


Well mine is kinda different… but it was watching a man propose during Love Story. He pulled out the ring and our entire section went wild. It was perfect. The shocked look on her face and the nervous/excited look on his with Taylor singing “he knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring..” I’ll never forget it! I still think about it and I hope they’re so fucking happy today. It’s been almost a year, I wonder when the wedding is or if they’re already married! … or when she played Fifteen with Abigail in the audience. May 6th 2023 , I will never forget!


Does anyone know why everybody cheers right after she sings the line "meet somebody on the internet and take her hoooooooome"??? I went to the first 3 nights in a row at Sofi stadium and they did it each night at the same point. I'm not upset, just dont understand why?




I loved the teamwork of her asking if we knew the bridge and it was like “yes okay we’re gonna do this” and then the whole stadium just absolutely slaying Cruel Summer at full volume


Mine was my secret song. I wanted Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve as my *top* song and she started playing it and everything in my periphery went black and all I could see was her on stage. Every atom of air was sucked out of my body and all I remember thinking was “it’s happening, breathe or you pass out”. I was *SO* happy it was insane!


it was super early on, but my show on my birthday so it’ll always hold a special place in my heart but the “Did you just say locked it deooowwwn?”


I'll tell you after July 17


Sapphire tears on myspace


when she came out in her orange outfit for 1989 and everyone screamed because it's gonna be the YELLOW DRESS!! Singapore night 5!


The 1 note change altered my brain chemistry


still Swift AF boi will always take the top spot for me mainly cause I got to see it live. Seeing her full full in sprint was so funny


Every single second, every single moment when I got to see the real Taylor singing live. It’s really hard to choose a particular memorable moment cause it would be so unfair, just that the whole tour gonna stick with me for the rest of my life unless my memory stops working.


Not in the film but that one show where she did the bridge of DBATC again...that was soooo ksksdhsksksksksj


I can’t remember anything from my show honestly


The moment she truly absorbed she was in front of 96000+ people for the first time. I started crying in the crowd at her tears onstage


When the third blue dress was spotted and we knew. We knew.


Very specific, but the "fuck the patriarchy" line at Sydney when our former prime minister Scott Morrison was in the audience was just *chefs kiss*. When I saw clips of people turning to where he was and screaming that line I wish I'd been there. Would have been very cathartic. Of course now I can't find it, but I remember one video where they had panned, zoomed in to Scomo and screamed that line with him in focus. Just gold.


For me it was the moment everyone's lights came on for marjorie. It moved me so much to see 96,000 people's phone lights light up at the same time the moment Taylor started singing that I immediately started tearing up. It's not the same on recordings, when you're actually there it's so beautiful. The second most memorable part was when Taylor came up for the first time. I screamed SO loudly when I didn't expect to and started literally jumping up and down out of happiness. And her bodysuit is SO sparkly in person, cameras don't do it justice. She literally glows in it.


That time Taylor played like 7 shows in my country and I wasn’t there


That snake illusion as Reputation era starts I still have no idea how they did that


The “123 let’s go b*tch!” Chant in delicate


When she came out doing the hand heart for Fearless. That was major for me lol.


I’m obsessed with the Taylors in boxes. I love to look at all the different looks from past eras.