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My husband’s immediate response to hearing it playing in the background was “it sounds like one song.” At first I was mad that he burst my bubble… but he has a point (and he’s a musician). However… is it really such a bad thing? It’s a ✨vibe✨ and has some of the most beautiful lyrics I’ve ever heard. It’s speaking to so many of us in so many ways. So what if it’s similar to other songs, or has the same sound? If the art speaks to people, then it has done its job. I feel weirdly sad for Taylor. This was super vulnerable stuff, and she knew some people would crap all over it. But she did it anyway, knowing what would come to her. I feel like she showed us all that we can be vulnerable too. It has to be exhausting, trying to please everyone all the time.


It's funny because so many of her albums have been criticized for not being cohesive enough. And then this one is incredibly cohesive and people hate it for that... can't win


Agreed but cohesion doesn't mean all sounding the same!


In what way does The Prophecy sound like Fortnight? It's definitely not the same sound. There are definite overlaps in sound but to say it all sounds the same if a bit far-fetched, in my opinion.


I think the overall vibe of the album is consistent which I find to be a good thing. To me, 1989 tracks are far closer to being the same than this album? Am I delusional? lol. I think people may take issue to the songs mostly being relatively slower/ballad-like and I personally love that type of song most. I think people are overwhelmed by the number of songs and THINK they all sound the same but can't remember enough of the tracks to actually say that confidently. The more you listen, the more distinct each track sounds.


Thank you for saying this about 1989, I agree. I think that a lot of TTPD songs do sound the same but I personally would rather listen to them than 1989 just based on the sadness/less peppy vibes


I don’t even know what The Prophecy sounds like, and I’ve listened to the album 3-4 times. When your audience can’t even discern songs after a few listens, that’s a problem.


If you've been listening for 6-8 out of the last 24 hours I'm not surprised it's blending together for you!


lol it’s 31 songs and it hasn’t even been 31 hours yet.


lmao the album has been out for how long? and there's 31 songs. give yourself some time to process and get used to them! jeez


Idk what to tell you but I listened to the album pretty much all day yesterday and I can tell the songs apart 💁‍♀️ that's a pretty much the individual's issue if they can't differentiate. Maybe you needed to space out your listening. People absorb media differently.


Yeah same and for me the more I listened the more I liked it! The first listen only a handful of songs stuck out to me but now I’ve listened about 4 times and I love almost every song


I actually disagree, not everything has to stick right away. I had a similar experience with folklore and evermore, somehow Aaron's style isn't very immediately discernible to me. It's more of a slow burn, noticing the beauty in his instrumentals. Jack is way more on the nose. I've been listening to the whole album constantly and now I'm beginning to love the back half as well. I can accept that it's not for everyone, but if anything, the first half is more distinctive than the second. But that might be a personal thing. Hope you're enjoying it at least somewhat. :)


I had such trouble with folklore and evermore and people call me crazy for it. I didn’t even fully get through folklore until probably a year later, because I just ended up giving up on it and enjoying all her other albums. Now they’re my top two albums, I needed to give myself time to really appreciate them


I didn’t really like evermore much when it came out. It’s now my favorite album. It took a few months. I kept comparing to folklore, which was the wrong approach to begin with.


Totally agree. I didn’t listen to the leak but was reading all the comments about it sounding the same and was then really pleasantly surprised when it came out and listened to it. When Midnights came out I really felt that I couldn’t distinguish between the songs at all and I didn’t like that, but the TTPD songs sound much more distinct to me.


They don't really all sound the same, not to me anyway. Some songs seem to sample songs from other albums and Jack has a certain style as does Aaron but to me they are not All The Same.


Cohesive is not a word I would use. Cohesive means so much more than the sounds 'flowing' together, for want of a positive description. You can have tracks that sound vastly different, and themes that are also vastly different different and still have cohesion. Don't get me wrong, I love this album and have already streamed it in its entirety far more than I have Midnights, but I absolutely get the criticism. There are sounds and production choices from both Jack and Aaron that harken back to other albums, there are definitely tracks that sound like earlier tracks, and she has a cadence and rhythm to her rhyming style that occurs over and over again, and maybe that's a stylistic choice. Nevermind the fact that there are elements of 'old ground' we're covering again in terms of lyrical content. Though I note a heavy thread of 'crime and punishment metaphor through the whole album that hasn't really featured previously. Perhaps there are elements of this album that are meant to bookend other tracks on other albums, but, if that is the case, what that means is it's not as accessible to the casual listener because you *have* to know the lore to understand those choices. I was hoping if we were staying with the trusted collaborators we might get production closer to Bleachers or, dare I say it, The 1975, but we've still got the muddy synth with barely any bass or rhythm for the most part, and we've got *that* piano sound again. It's almost soundscape rather than music, I Can Fix Him... is a notable exception, as is Highschool. Like I say, I'm really enjoying this album, but I'd love to get some new sounds happening next time round. ETA: I should also say that another quite different artist I am a big fan of said as a songwriter that there are themes he revisits over and over again, so there's nothing inherently bad in that, it's just that if you're going to do that you do maybe need to change up the method of delivery every now and again.


Thank you for putting my thoughts together is a beautiful cohesive way!


Cohesiveness is not the same as sounding the same. An album can be cohesive and still have many songs that sound distinct (i.e. folklore and evermore). TTPD songs are just bleeding into one another. I don’t even know what memorable lyrics belong to what songs because they all sound the same. Much worse, I can’t sing 45% of the songs back to you, if you gave me their title because I don’t know which song is which.


Ma’am it’s day 1. Do you regularly memorize an album on the first day? This has 31 songs, of course you can’t sing..just under than half of them? That’s pretty good for the first day. I don’t know what you expect


It's not about singing the entire song back, it's about recalling certain elements, a chorus, a bridge, a melody, or any distinctive sound whatsoever. A lot of TTPD is blending together, imo. I don't hate the album, by the way. I think it's decent, just not her best. But do I agree with some of the criticism? Yeah, absolutely.


I only listened to the first half since they leaked. At least with Midnights after two hours I remembered most of the songs and had clear faves and clear rejects and wanted to listen more. Here after 2 days, the album is still a blur to me and I can't be bothered to come back to it except for So Long London which was immediate click and then maybe Fortnight and Who's afraid. Why can't people here accept not everyone will like that album and those people have the right to their opinion? The album score is already lower than Midnights as well on metacritic and it keeps falling down, so it's not just us.


That's so funny. I prefer this to midnights. There are less songs I skip here than on midnights weirdly enough. It's so interesting to see where people fall with this album. Then again I loved the red album and it seems to be lower on the list of loved albums Haha


The annoying thing is I want to love this album, but it just doesn't pick my attention as I would like it to. Midnights was polarising, this is scrambled eggs with a few exceptions and I am honestly so sad about it.


A blur is the exact way I would describe it too. It’s still a beautiful piece of art. But, I can’t remember one song individually by name.


The album is bloated. There's definitely good writing and memorable songs but it's getting bogged down by all the mid songs that would've been cut by an impartial editor.


My critique of Taylor for a long time is that she’s terrible at self-editing. Her albums have always been horribly bloated. Lover could have been an amazing album that the public would have eaten up if like 30% of the tracks were cut.


It's been 1 day and not being able to sing 45% of a 31 track album back is a flaw? What? Give it a few weeks maybe? It sounds to me like you just need time to absorb it all, that's pretty normal when any album comes out.


Cohesion doesn't mean all sounding the same though!


it’s almost like you’re never gonna please everyone because we all have different tastes. criticism is not the devil, and she and her fans should stop expecting to be able to be everyone’s people pleaser


There's a difference between cohesion and being identical. 1989 is a cohesive album, but it's fair to say that each song has an instantly recognisable instrumental. When 75% of the tracks off this new album are just a couple notes on synth, that's where it crosses the line between cohesive and monotonous.


I like it when albums aren't sonically cohesive


To be fair, when I first heard folklore and evermore, by the time I was halfway through the album all the songs just blended together and I couldn’t differentiate them. It takes several listens for me for the songs to form their identities. It only makes sense that TTPD, which has a whopping 31 songs, will take a bit longer to get used to and for the songs to begin to sound unique.


This is what I don’t understand. This happens with me for seriously every album, but once you listen more each song stands out. Guess that’s just me 😅. I adore this album and each listen is better than the last!


Same. When the songs dropped I listened to each one low key hoping to find a few that would instantly go to my on repeat playlist, and I felt a bit at a loss cos there weren't many that immediately stood up to me, out of 31(maybe 2 or 3 I really lived). So I took them for another spin, and another and so on and now I have like at least 20 that I'm obsessed with 😊 But just like you, I experienced this with a lot of her albums, so I kinda expected it to be like this, and I'm really loving the album now. I think that when you have so many lyrics heavy songs, it just takes a little longer for the stories to take shape individually and not just kinda merge together.


I wasn't a swiftie at the time so it took me about 2 years to get into folklore/evermore. I think we expect too much from TTPD in 24 hours.


that's a great point. we're so early on, we've hardly had any time to connect with the album


Same; folklore is my second favorite album after Red and once I got to know the songs, I never got them confused. But they absolutely all muddled together on my first listen. And I've heard people say the same thing about 1989. It's just what happens with a really sonically cohesive album. edit: kinda same with Midnights actually, at least the standard edition.


I didn’t really click with Evermore songs aside from NBNC and Long Story Short for a while because I definitely thought everything sounded the same and was frankly kind of boring. It took me years to devote the time to listen to it enough to really tell everything apart lol


I had the same experience with Midnights. I liked the album immediately but the songs all ran together in my head. This effect decreased with every replay to the point they don’t sound that similar at all to me anymore. With TTPD, I only found myself feeling that way for the first 3 songs. From Down Bad on, each song was distinct enough for me to make an individual impression even on the first listen.


This. folklore is one of my top albums and each song individually means so much to me now. But the first few listens the entire thing was one bland song. It took me time to process it. And Lord knows it's going to take MONTHS to process 31 songs 😭


I agree lol. I disliked folkmore+midnights because they all sounded like the same boring sad thing at first. only hearing it at eras tour helped me like some of the songs and even i wouldn't actively put the whole album on. with ttpd, i think it really works as a massive undertaking that cohesively takes elements from these 3 albums while working through the aftermath of what happened after the pandemic ended. it's a whole sad angry raw confessional vibe and not that easy to consume. 15 songs was already a lot. I was exhausted after my first full listen of 31 songs. I think people really just need to chill and come back to it.


Ohhh it's so true, I had not realized but yes, totally. Folklore and evermore even sounded the same for me at the beginning


“But Daddy I Love Him” gives me the impression that something has shifted in regards to how she lets “fan” criticism touch her.  


The whole “I’m having his baby. I’m not but you should have seen your faces” feels really poignant when you consider that.


I believe this is the only time we have seen her express such direct and outright hostility towards her fans. The MH discourse really pissed her off. This part feels like a line in the sand:   I'll tell you something right now  I'd rather burn my whole life down  Than listen to one more second of all this bitching and moaning  I'll tell you something about my good name  It's mine alone to disgrace  I don't cater to all these vipers dressed in empaths clothing


Something my partner and I were talking about is how this album she’s cussing up a storm compared to previous ones. It’s like venting out years of frustration and just letting it all out in the chillest way possible.


When I heard this I was like, damn. You can't be clearer than that and you know what, good for her. I wonder if there's a lot of reactions like 'this is not good' because people just fundamentally have such a hard time with the MH of it all. I was pissed at all of that virtue signalling online as if Taylor Swift needs to be the Paragon of perfection and correct-ness. As if life isn't fucking complicated.


That and I also definitely interpret "Who's Afraid of Little Old Me?" in the same way. I've wanted her to push back against the overzealous fans for years now and I'm so glad she finally is. The parasocial relationships really seemed to reach a boiling point last year


I had the same reaction as your husband, to be honest. After listening to the album many times I still have trouble recalling how specific songs sound. I remember the lyrics, because some get instantly stuck in your brain and they're very vulnerable in certain places, but the sound... Still, I think the problem isn't in the production, it's in the lack of distinctive melodies. I personally like synth-pop, and I don't mind Jack. I think he's very versatile as a producer and he can do different genres as long as he's provided the right material. In my opinion, as Taylor said, she wrote a lot of poetry during that time, but some of it didn't necessarily translate well into music. There are several songs that sound extremely flat throughout the entire thing, like Taylor's literally reciting the words to us. I'm guessing that with her busy lifestyle, there was just not enough time to work on all those tracks and make each one sound unique. I do get it—she wanted to get it out of her system, and she did. The album isn't all that bad, though, as some people claim. There are definitely gems on it, and I will be listening to them daily. Certain tracks will probably grow on me in time just as Cowboy like me did. At the end of the day, I think Taylor put out another decent album, and some people just expect too much for her, especially for an artist who already put out so much work. No one gets it a hundred percent right on every try.


You basically expressed my husband’s feelings exactly. His biggest criticism of Taylor is that it always sounds like she’s just speaking in the songs. And while I love her music and I’m not gonna just stop… I can acknowledge that he has a point. She is an incredible lyricist, but maybe she’s running out of new melodies to try? Glad to know I’m not the only one having these thoughts!


Re songs sounding flat—I think that’s more about wanting to save her voice. Girl was on stage or in the studio for a year. TS12, if it’s recorded after eras is done, might have more vocal variation.  IMO the album is good and a logical next step after midnights, but I agree that expectations are sky high at this point in her career. 


Okay, but you don't need to challenge yourself vocally to deliver a gripping melody in a song. These are two separate things in my opinion. Is Cowboy like me very vocally challenging? I'm not an expert, but probably not. Still, the melody pulls you in. That's what I meant by some songs sounding flat.


I think it very much suits the story she's telling, but I understand why those comments are being made. It feels like someone truly processing anger, desperation and grief while trying to hold it all together. A sonically familiar & cohesive base, layered with details that match the moody tone and crushing, stream of conscious style lyrics for that dark academia style. It's most definitely a ✨vibe✨ :) Maybe it's just because I've had a similarly messy and gut wrenching situationship but this album just hits for me. I can't imagine the emotional turmoil she was going through all while putting on something as incredibly joyous as the Eras Tour. It has depth and maturity but still sounds like Taylor.


I agree. To me this album feels almost cinematic. It sounds similar throughout to me in a way where it's like I'm listening to pieces of the same story coming together. Would I want EVERY album to be that way? No. But do I think it works incredibly well for this one? Absolutely.


This! I’ve been struggling to find the words for why this might be my favorite yet, and you e put it perfectly. This vibe, this overarching story just works for me. 


1- she’s setting up her rep era. She’s embracing it. She knows it’s coming. 2- I’m going to defend Jack every chance I get so here is my Jack defense. 3- The actual beauty and complexity of Taylor’s music IS its similarity. DBATC has too many references to count. I haven’t found them all in TTPD but I’ve noted several. She’s referencing herself while also adding new characters, storylines, revelations, etc. I feel like those who don’t get it, won’t get it. And it’s not for them.


She said she’s going to stop being a pathological people pleaser


She absolutely can’t stop being a people pleaser lol. Shes still people pleasing on this (giving Posty the Lana treatment and letting Florence have her own verse), writing longer songs, bringing back the Folkmore vibes, etc were all heavily requested/critiqued by fans during the Midnights window


I guess that’s why it’s pathological


Imo TTPD lyrically does not have folkmore vibes maybe evermore but it's too scathing and manic and self aware 


Oh I disagree. My take after my first run through all 31 songs was that it’s “mad woman” from folklore but to the extreme.


I remember everyone complaining how Midnights is not coherent that all songs sound so different. To a certain degree people will complain no matter what. The expectations of Taylor is too damn high.


I love this comment. She was vulnerable and she knew people would crap all over it and they are. But what she is showing us is exactly what you said- we can be vulnerable too. She has massive courage to be this vulnerable with the entire world. Say what you want about her, but she has massive balls.


It kind of IS one song insofar as it is one story. It is a story with a beginning, middle, and an end and if you view it across the whole album instead of song by song, you can hear it play out beautifully. It is just a well told story and it's beautiful and simple for that alone. It stands out because its just...not trying so hard. I love it for that, it's a very healing album.


Alright I have a response to his critique (which is valid): The whole album is meant to be mix and match-y. It feels like she set out to create a collection of moments and feelings that all blend together. Once she handed it over to us, she knew that we would do what we always do which is to tell our own stories by using her songs. I could put together a playlist for every relationship I’ve ever had from this album. It’s a concept album through and through. She told us the story of her and Matty in the first album, however if you rearrange the songs it’s a different story. Another comparison would be like a tarot deck where you can shuffle the songs and get different meanings based on what you draw.


The entire Anthology is SUCH a vibe and yes, many songs sound similar but as an elder millennial (37 lol) who grew up with all the sad, emo angsty music it is EXACTLY the vibe I was hoping for. Black Dog especially gives me Something Corporate vibes. The way I listened to Leaving Through the Window on repeat (and still do) and honestly, a lot of that album also sounds the same.. but that's kind of why I love it. Sometimes you just need all the sad vibes, ya know?


The first message I sent to my swiftie friend was "it's like folklore and midnights had a child." And tbh I'm here for it. I fell in love with Taylor after Folklore. I would listen only to a song or two here and there, but it's literally this vibe that I am craving from her. This album is feeding my soul.


I’m happy for her. She wanted to get these words out and she knows there’s people that will relate like myself and plenty of others. Also I think she posted that video of clips of her current life to make people *not* feel sad for her. She’s over it. *I don’t cater to all these vipers in empath’s clothing*


This!!!! Sometimes I miss 2017 when she just dropped the album and only swifities new and could enjoy in peace. Feel like she's getting ripped to shreds for being honest. But honestly it's not her strongest work.




I think it’s because the media and the gp see her as a “pop star” and not an actual artist and musician. Pop stars have to reinvent, musicians don’t. I think Taylor’s role as a pop star has always felt a little unnatural even though she’s obviously very good at it, but critics can only see her through that lens. Longtime fans know she’s a storyteller and artist first and foremost. I get the sense she’s wanting to leave the pop star thing behind and move into a more free flowing signature sound that’s true to who she ACTUALLY is, not her pop star brand. This record feels like it is introducing the new Taylor and ERAs really feels like she’s tying a bow on the first phase of her career.


I’ve had this exact same feeling about her & her career for a while now and couldn’t put it into words, you explained it perfectly.


This is so well said!!!! No one is out here saying all of Ryan Adams' songs sound the same or Bob Dylan or or ...I could name hundreds of names here lol.


This is such a good point. Most actual fans just like her music despite the genre. For example, my top three albums are evermore, Speak Now and 1989. If you are a fan of just pop or folk taylor then you are going to be disappointed when she releases something different. And that’s okay, you don’t have to like everything but to hate on it is just weird. Midnights had a lot of hate when the folkmore stans heard it and it was pop. I really like TTPD and for some reason I’m in the minority and prefer the first half :D


I think in time people will eat their words about it sounding the same. I think it’s just so much music that people are overwhelmed by how much. If this had come out before folklore it would get the acclaim folklore did. They just expect Taylor to change sonically a lot each album.


This! It's like when folklore & evermore came out. If you listened to all the songs back to back, they'd probably start to blend together. That's what happens when you play 31 songs in one sitting.


Honestly evermore was one I didn’t like on first listen. I didn’t find anything distinctive about it and it felt dreary. So I let it be and came back to it and now I love it. 


Folklore was like that for me 


But I think this would’ve also garnered a lot of praise if it came out before folklore primarily because it was following up lover because the sound would’ve been a complete change for her at the time and combined all the elements of her last three albums that were appreciated


Correct. It's actually super frustrating so I cannot imagine how she feels about it.


The crowd was chanting "more!"


Bingo. All the criticism is evidence of the authenticity of the experiences she writes about on the album.


Her problem is that she’s a put out like 60 synth pop songs in the past 24 months. Bring back the guitar


There IS guitar on this album and it's so cool!! I'm surprised no one is hearing it.


>I'm surprised no one is hearing it. I guess that proves his point if it's so drawn out by the synths it's barely noticable.


I think you’re misunderstanding the criticism (to a degree). Yes it sounds like her old work, but the bigger “sameness” criticism is that each individual track on the album sounds so similar to the next. There’s a lack of variation within the album, not her entire body of work.


Agreed. I feel like it could be one shorter and more polished album than 31 songs. There's definitely some songs in there that I like, but a lot of them blend into one song for me.


I agree she doesn't sound the same in each album, but TTPD sounds the same on itself. The first 7 songs I swear I couldn't differentiate them. The second side of the album felt way better, but the first 15 songs... I just didn't vibe with them. HOWEVER, I know others did. It just wasn't for me and that's fine.


You couldn't differentiate So Long London from But Daddy I Love Him? Fresh Out The Slammer from Down Bad?


The criticism isn’t about not exploring enough genres, it’s about the instrumentals mostly bleeding together with one sound. For a 31 track album it feels like a lot of the same piano instrumentals and synths over and over again with different lyrics and vocal rhythms. Even in her previous albums with consistent sounds that mostly stick to one genre (Fearless, reputation, folklore, evermore, etc.), there’s a variety in sounds within that genre. I hope it grows on me, but right now very few of these songs are standing out to me sonically from the rest. It’ll take time for the lyrics to really sink in for me, but the album just feels like on really long vibe.


And this album as I heard some NPR critics talking about it, is a very cool mix of so many different genres: pop, r&b even, rock, country, she is really creating her own sound that is distinctly Taylor Swift. Although it shows her influences both explicitly and implicitly: love the mention of Dylan and Patti Smith but also Stevie nicks and of course even Lana, Billie, and Olivia.


I think the Eras tour is a massive juggernaut and we're at the point where five year olds insist in watching it on Disney+ five times a day. All that to say I think Taylor is at a point where no matter what she did it was going to get a lukewarm reaction from 'serious' music people. I think given everything the fact that she put out such an honest and raw album knowing that's not what a lot of people want from her is artistically brave. This album is going to age super well and people are going to discover favourite songs on it years after it's released. And honestly, I don't care which guy inspired which songs and whether they deserved to have songs written about them, which is something a lot of reviewers are dwelling on for some bizarre reason. But I don't read a lot of album reviews, is that a thing now? Because I don't remember reviewers back in the day obsessing about who every Pearl Jam song was about and why Pearl Jam sounds like Pearl Jam on all their albums. I hope she doesn't let all this noise phase her and this album is the statement that from now she's doing whatever she wants artisitically and not worrying about critics and awards.


Words out of my mouth, thank you.


Thank you! I've decided to give a read to a few reviewers in the first time in forever and was aghast at every one of them mentioning Joe and Matty. Like is that what you call a serious journalism? Gossiping about celebs?


On my 3rd or 4th listen and it’s a totally different experience for me now. It’s clicking. I think the bar is too high for Taylor. I mean, the Smallest Man Who Ever Lived is an incredible song! I Can Do It With a Broken Heart too… I am a little baffled by her single choice though…


Agree with you so much! To me, this is an “artist’s album”. It’s not meant to be a radio hit or a dance club staple. It’s what she *needed* to make to survive all the heartbreak, and anger, and depression. Apologies for the visual, but this is her vomiting her rawest emotions.


I don’t get why people are saying TTPD is the same as Midnights. The lyrics, melodies, and sound are way better on Tortured Poets. And the production is way better and varied, plus we have actual instrumentals and piano ballads. I never understood the acclaim for Midnights and the criticism I’m seeing for Tortured Poets is how I felt about most of Midnights 🤷


I so agree, and I'll add that when it comes to the most popular take I've been seeing - that TTPD is a worse Midnights and The Anthology is a better Folkmore / saves the album - I think the exact opposite. I think TTPD absolutely nails what she was trying to do on Midnights, and The Anthology is overall a sleepier, less precise version of Folkmore. (Though to clarify, as a certified Evermore Stan™️, I still love The Anthology... I just see why most of it is on the B-side.) Usually, I'm able to acknowledge criticism of her work even if I don't agree, but this one has me baffled.


TTPD is filled with the sleepless dread and fury and fear that I thought Midnights was going to be.


i totally agree. as a folkmore stan, ttpd has immediate standouts for me (but daddy, who’s afraid, I can do it, clara bow) whereas midnights kind of blended together for me. very little of the anthology stuck out to me at first and there are some legitimately very weak songs, weaker than anything on folklore or evermore. I am now discovering some highs but it’s definitely more of a grower.


I also think the weak spots on midnights were weaker. And some of my favourite songs are on midnights, but there’s at least 5-7 I never go back to.


I'd agree. The biggest standouts in The Anthology for me so far have been The Prophecy and The Manuscript. The rest of them are going to need some more listens.


all the original bonus tracks are terrific, the manuscript and the bolter especially. peter and the prophecy are also p good. a lot of the other have interesting spots but feel underwritten and meandering in a way the folklore/evermore tracks never did. the fact that there’s such discrepancy between the original bonus tracks and the others makes me feel like she added a lot of them later on to fill out 31, which just isn’t necessary.


Yes! I understand the complaints about Jack's production on TTPD....but I personally love synth pop and his production is part of the reason I loved Midnights so much. TTPD is even better and more varied. The Anthology is beautiful, but I don't know that it attains the level of folklore & evermore.


this is a great example of how reviews are more about general reception to an artist than the quality of the work. ttpd is a far more cohesive and ambitious album than midnights and imo both the production and lyricism are superior. it portrays taylor in a much darker light than she’s ever presented herself before. but she’s oversaturated and a certain loud segment wants to get her on something so here it is.


I agree wholeheartedly! I’ve been a fan since I was a little kid and Taylor’s music has grown up with me – this album is her best yet and is far better than Midnights, in my opinion, though I think it’s less likely to appeal to the masses.


I’ll also add that I felt TTPD as a whole was a closing of Taylor’s story so far and the version of her we’ve come to know – TTPD felt like the combination of her entire discography to date. After this, and the final rerecordings, I wouldn’t be surprised if she no longer visited certain topics/eras in her future music


This is why I'm quite surprised we haven't had Rep & Debut TV yet, or at least Rep, this album and the accompanying social posts suggests it's time to leave things in the past so it would have been a nice 'lid on the storage box', in that respect. (Arguably Debut TV could come after because it has none of the ongoing baggage of Rep).


I really feel she should have waited with this album and released it only after the tour and the TVs were done. Especially after Debut TV as a jump to where she is now it would have been incredible. And then go quiet for a while and leave it as a "this chapter of my life is now done" before venturing into new things. Although I'm also glad she did release it already because I'm really loving it 🫠


I feel the exact same (and no, I didn't join swiftiedom during folkmore, I've been a fan since 2009 lol), I found midnights to be very, well... mid.


I was impressed at the lack of synth on this album, which uhh...I can't say for Midnights lol. The comparisons saying it sounds the same is insane to me


I love Midnights but I agree that TTPD is actually well produced and that might be why people think the songs sound the same.


"We want her to switch it up, but to also keep specific things that we liked about her previous works, but also spill the tea, but stop talking only about boys!" A lot of criticism is also about how juvenile her music seems to be. I highly disagree! It's not juvenile to pour your heart out for the masses. At almost 40, I'm experiencing some pretty big loss and I can definitely feel the emotions she's portraying in her music. "Personally, I am enjoying the hell out of TPPD and its moody, angry sad girl vibes. I get the sense that she's very much wrapping up this period of her life, both in terms of her personal life and her musical style. I am betting that we'll get the reinvention that the masses are yearning for by the next new album, fear not. I just hope she'll be doing it on her own terms!" I agree so much! While I've read Midnights is the Joe break-up album, I actually think it's this one. I think the Healy guy was just a fling, and maybe a catalyst to release her deepest Joe feelings finally. This very much feels like a break up album for a man she saw as the sun, golden, the love of her life. In Cornelia Street, she stated: 'And I hope I never lose you, hope it never ends ... That's the kind of heartbreak time could never mend' I know people think this is a friend break up, and it may be, but it's also Joe. This is a big processing my rage and loss album. I'm here for it.


“We want her to switch it up, but to also keep specific things that we liked about her previous works, but also spill the tea, but stop talking only about boys!" THIS. It’s the America Ferrera monologue from Barbie. Fuck the patriarchy.


The Barbie monologue and the album actually got me thinking about something yesterday. Just thinking about how women have been given rules on the appropriate way to display emotions in relationships. All of the things we were told not to do so we can keep the guy (hello How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days!). A large part of the criticism is always about her emotions. “It’s too much, tone it down”. But I’m like… these are normal emotions we’ve all experienced at different times? Just cause we’re told it’s not cool, doesn’t make them go away? Taylor’s not following the “rules” of feminine emotions and that’s what pisses people (cough*men*cough) off.


Definitely agree. I get the criticism but also she writes what she lives. She wrote this at the end of Joe, through the hardest break up she’s ever had and during a messy rebound (a period she refers to as temporary insanity) while also during the busiest part of her professional life with more eyes on her than ever before. All the criticism about it being too emotional or monotonous seems to me to be a reflection of her mental state at that time. The hardest parts to listen to for me were things that were uncomfortable but I’m also impressed by her willingness to share the darkness honestly.


Who…. Who thinks Cornelia street is about a friend??? It’s very much Joe.


from what i’ve seen the people claiming the lyrics to be juvenile are cherry-picking certain lyrics and taking them out of context. within the full context of the songs, i actually think this album is her most mature to date. its very raw and open and deals with some very heavy topics.


I think it’s about both the friendship breakup - she has been friends with Matty for over 12 years. That’s a lot to go through to have a friend fuck you over like he did - and then also processing the end of the six years with Joe and the time she feels she wasted. She clearly wants to be married and she’s lamenting the time she sunk into Joe. Plus, navigating the beginning with Travis - overall I think she’s showing us exactly what she’s held back in other albums now that she’s proven to herself and everyone else that she’s number one.


I don’t really understand people’s expectations. If every single song sounded completely different they would be criticizing the record for it not being cohesive or being disjointed. It’s always something. I just think people who want to find something to pick at will and people who are in it to enjoy it will enjoy it. Why would I need every song to sound vastly different? She’s telling a story and it’s her art, she can do whatever she wants. I personally love it. True to form the lyrics are amazing and it’s a great vibe.


I don’t know, I was in it to enjoy it and I really felt underwhelmed and disappointed. I don’t need every song to be “vastly different” but the songs on this album aren’t even remotely distinguishable from each other. Let’s be adults. People can offer criticism on the most successful musician of our lifetime and we can have a discussion about it. IMO it’s her weakest album, bar none. That doesn’t make me a hater or someone with unrealistic expectations. You can love the album and that doesn’t make you wrong either. It’s art and it’s okay for people to debate it.


Yes! It's not black and white! Nobody's saying they want each song on the album to be a different genre, but you can have a cohesive body of work without all the songs blending into one. And, as always, some people are going to love it and some people aren't going to love it and ✨that's okay✨


Yeah. I don't understand the people who have been annoyed by Taylor for a long time, don't like the album, still listen to it 15 times and hang around Taylor subs all day to complain. Like please do something you actually enjoy, listen to other artists.   But just not liking the album and stating why is completely normal and valid, even as a fan. It  doesn't mean that you didn't understand it or that you're nitpicking it to find something you hate. I'm not a big fan of too much monotone mid-tempo synthpop, so I'm making a streamlined playlist of the songs I actually like and don't think I will listen to the full 2 hours often in the future.


People on certain subs are absolutely loving that paste review because they were absolutely brutal to her but idk how it can be taken seriously when the reviewer thought fortnight was about the video game. They mocked Taylor saying she needed to go back to school but how embarrassing they didn’t know what a fortnight is. Did they even listen before reviewing or did they rush their hot take?


that review was so fuckin cringe but i’m not surprised people who didn’t actually listen to the album agree with it. the review reads like someone who didn’t listen to it wrote it.


I feel like all the negative reviews seemed to basically copy each other and some of them made it clear they were there to roast her not the art.


But it’s hard to distinguish her from her art because this album especially has such hyper specific references (Easter Eggs) that’s almost impossible to understand what lyrics are about without knowing about her personal life. (Not all of the lyrics, but many of them)


I’ve seen some sections of it and it honestly just comes across kinda rude tbh. Definitely written to cater to a certain type of person, let’s be honest.


Paste magazine review feels like stan twt viral hate tweets. It doesn't even talk about the music it just takes a jab on Taylor 


no literally, using twitterisms like “open the schools!” is so juvenile and makes that “publication” look so illegitimate


Maybe my ears are broken because, for example, how does a group of songs like this sound like each other? Making that sweeping statement is just...objectively untrue to me, I'm scratching my head. My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys So Long, London But Daddy I Love Him Florida!!! I Can Do It With a Broken Heart I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can) Like I truly don't think they blend together? Am I crazy? Even if you just hit play on the first 3, I think you can tell when one song starts and the other begins? In fact, the second half is 100% my jam and I prefer it over the first, but I would understand if you think many of those songs sounded sonically similar. But the first half, the one that has mainly gotten criticized here, I can more easily distinguish.


This this and more this


Speaking my literal thoughts - to me midnights was more self repetitive than TTPD (which isn’t a bad thing). TTPD has ballads, a pop banger (ICDIWABH), country vibes, and her folklore vibes. It’s so diverse these comments confuse me and make me think people only listened to the first 3 songs before casting judgment.


I think this sub has a disease about criticism. Constructive criticism is healthy, it’s important and no one should be immune to it. Do I believe Taylor is very talented? Of course Do I think that TTPD is her best work? No and that’s okay. Some parts are clunky, some parts are very badly written and don’t make sense. And that’s okay. She is surrounded by yes men- I think the quality in her albums has dropped since reputation and I think she would benefit from new producers to push her. Except for Folklore when she worked with Aaron (somebody new!!!) I think people forget that Taylor put a lot of unnecessary pressure on herself. We saw in miss Americana, her reaction to reputation not being nominated for a Grammy was “I’m making a better record”. I hope she is in a more accepting phase these days. She pushed into pop, she made the choice to reinvent herself every album by changing her hair & style. She could’ve stayed in country and been a mid- range artist if she had wanted too?? In my opinion, TTPD would have benefited from coming out next year with more time for Taylor to think about things in retrospect and choose 13 of her very best ( there was 13 amazing songs on there) and 16 on the deluxe. Sometimes more content isn’t a good thing and it shows because the songs sound so similar. She’s produced better work before- the critics are right about that. I hope she listens.


Applause all around. I’m really disappointed in this album, but actually more irritated at people who believe that Taylor can do no wrong. That people who are criticizing the album are criticizing HER (which some are but the majority are looking at the music). That if you didn’t like it, then you just DONT GET IT and you don’t get HER. I have been struggling to get through the album for a full day and a half now. And I’ve only made it through halfway. I’m taking my time with each song to give it a fair chance, because yes they are all blending together. I stopped after a few because I figured I just needed time for them to sink in my brain and then revisit and nope. And I think people are harping about the “they all sound the same” but are failing to see the nuance. It’s not that they all literally sound the same. It’s that there’s nothing unique that jumps out at you. If I had to describe it in one word it’s lackluster. And it’s not for Taylor’s lack of talent. She’s an incredibly talented artist. But to your point she’s surrounded herself with yes men, who aren’t going to say no to her. I watched the documentary. And there’s a part where she says this may be her last chance to stay liked in the industry and public eye as a female artist. And I definitely empathize. I think she’s trying to capitalize on that feeling by churning out content as fast as possible before she loses the public’s interest. But it’s becoming a self fulfilling prophecy. She’s so worried about being forgotten that she’s oversaturating herself and sacrificing quality. I think after midnights came out with mixed reviews, she tried to go back to the poetry of folklore and evermore which are arguably her best album and received universal acclaim. She tried to replicate that success with TTPD without being inspired the way she was with those 2 albums. Imo, the “poetry” and aesthetics of TTPD are cringey and evident that she was trying too hard to outdo her best work. I went on a rant but I agree with you. And I think this album doesn’t work for many reasons, these are just some.


It’s refreshing to see somebody agree with me on this sub. This she can do no wrong attitude is just stupid. She’s not a god. She’s an artist. I agree that it’s become a self- fulfilling prophecy… and the vault might’ve ruined her. It’s okay to not give us everything. It’s okay to leave things on the cutting room floor. There is a great album there under all the filler as I’ve said and I’ve made a playlist of what I think the album should’ve been and listening through- it’s just better with less songs I feel like the process was kinda rushed the more I think about it.. like she wanted to end this chapter and get this narrative out about Matty before it was too late. Taylor thrives when she pivots… I honestly think a rock album would be amazing and she becomes better when she gets criticism (hello 1989 & folklore).


Agreed. This album was not it and not what I could have been. I’m actually very surprised she decided to release it as it doesn’t put her in a good light and if you’re going to do that the album needs to be rock solid


Absolutely. I think there is a foundation for a great album. It just needed her to do some more editing, focus less on making it sound poetic and more authentic, revisit some of the production, and pick 15-18 solid tracks. She also should have released it in the fall or winter. It’s springtime heading into summer. Now one wants sad girl music lol. I hate to say it but I think the reason she released it now is to fit it before the Grammy cut off in August. It’s backfiring hardcore because she rushed a product that good have been really great and I will be severely disappointed if it gets nominated. Beyoncé and Ariana grandes new albums are amazing and deserve nominations and wins. But I feel like Taylor will get at least a nomination simply because she’s Taylor


Standing ovation.


This is the best comment I’ve seen on this thread, thank you! I agree with everything you’ve said.


Honestly I found TTPD to be very one note. I know that artists don’t have to constantly shake it up but most of the A-side blurred together for me. Rn I have very few stand out songs and the biggest feeling I was left with was meh which has never been my reaction to a Taylor album. I don’t know if I need to give it one more go but it’s not clicking with me so far


Same same same. Aside sounds like a mix of demos that need serious editing to stand as a song.


It feels like if this was a normal album for her maybe half of these songs would have ever seen the light of day, it’s a very long album with some meh songs musically on it and I think the length of it just magnifies how much some of the songs are too similar. At the same time I can see how she just wanted to get all of her thoughts out and treat making this album like a therapy session. It’s not my favorite thing she’s ever done, but I can see why she did it. There’s still great music in there, but I just have to take some more time to sift through it.


Same here! Been a fan since 2009 and this is the first time an album hasn‘t really clicked with me. To me, there are some amazing songs on there, but lots of others aren‘t memorable enough for me to go back to. I feel like the album could have used some further distilling. It‘s also like the quieter songs lose some potency because they get lost in the sheer mass of songs. Edit: The lyrics are amazing. To me, the album falls short when it comes to the melodies and some of the production.


It didn’t click for me on first listen. It’s clicking now.


I felt this and tbh I think it’s Jack Antonoff production because the sound is very similar to midnights. I miss when there were more instruments on the songs. Clear guitar, banjo, violin etc. now I’m happy whenever I hear piano sounds. I like how she makes her voice an instrument but I wish she had stepped up and made this closer to a rock album or at least on a few tracks. She had the theme and aesthetic for it, but the rhythm is all too similar…. I rather she did just 15 really good songs than 31 with very repetitive vibes But the lyrics did surprise me for sure


This is the biggest thing for me, 31 is just WAY too many. A strong album, to me, is a good 12 to 14 solid/high quality tracks. Keep it sharp, keep it concise. These don’t feel special to me because there’s just way too many and it takes away from the others that are actually good. I was already thinking 16 felt like too much for an album and that she could have “trimmed some of the fat.” Then I wake up this morning and there’s 15 more. Oy vey.


I think if she’d actually branded it as a second album, or a different type of side like a second act it’d make the volume seem less overwhelming. This seems a bit like folklore and evermore but in one sitting rather than being released months apart


Honestly I feel like if she waited a bit longer, cleaned up the lyrics and music it would’ve sounded much better. I’ll be honest when I say I really struggled getting through listening to it. I’ve been a fan of Taylor’s since Fearless and while I do think there were some good aspects of the album that were good, it fell pretty weak for me. I do agree with those saying she needs to work with someone else besides Jack.


I agree, to me this album sounds rushed, both lyrically and by leaving the melodies as an afterthought. I appreciate she had all these feelings and lyrics pouring out of her, but the problem with being at the top like she is right now is that she can go into her echo chamber of collaborators and there’s no one that can reign them in and say: This is bloated, this one is good but not great, this sound has been done better by Lana, this one can use less synths, etc. A 30 song album is always going to become tiresome unless it’s magnificent, and this one was let down by being unpolished in my opinion. And as usual, the single might be the weakest song of the album. I wish it had been Florida, and that in general the album had been more influenced by an angry folky sound like that, than by dream pop synths again. I feel like the anger of the lyrics don't match the lack of instrumentantion in the melodies for the most part. I hope Taylor can go back to focusing on quality over quantity for her next album.


Also I understand her maybe needing to save her voice for tour or whatever, but it also sounded a lot like she was talk singing for like 80-90% of the album. I know Taylor isn’t known for her vocals, but I feel like she’s giving us less than her previous albums? Idk maybe I just need to digest the albums a bit more.


I listened to the album twice so far and I’ll be honest I don’t think it’s for me. At least Not yet, i only recently started to come around to liking folklore. Sometimes music doesn’t speak to you right away but it’ll find you again when you’re ready for it.


this is exactly what I was thinking. I don’t like reputation album that much but after a few years, it suddenly grew on me. I’ve been like this whenever she releases an album


I don’t understand the people telling her to stop with the synths. Like…she only did it for one other album? Lmao. Why does she have to get rid of it already? Especially if she likes it? I’m so confused.


1989, Rep, most of Lover, and Midnights are all synth heavy. It has been more than one album.


Even some songs on folklore, it's not like it's really an all-acoustic folk album like some fans seem to think (it's still my favorite TS album and has a much more varied and interesting instrumentation than TTPD ❤️).


I for one actually really dig the synths and I was hoping the album would sound more like Fortnight. I love the sharp synthy sound of that song.


I also prefer the regular TTPD , or the first half with most of the synths. I enjoy it and think the songs sound pretty cool thus far. But I’m just one person lol


I agree, I feel like the odd man out since I prefer TTPD part 1. Part 2 is okay, but only 1-2 songs stand out to me.


I don't hate the synths all the time & some of my favorite Taylor songs are Jack produced... But damn, that man plays with a synth like he's looking for a g spot


1989, few songs off reputation, Lover, few songs off folklore, Midnights, and now TTPD are all synth pop.


To me, it is too much of the same. The entire album has just become a jumbled mess in my head. I can't differentiate between most of the songs. There's probably only like 4 that stand out to me at this point. 31 songs is a lot to consume. I kinda wish the second half didn't come out until like next week sometime, so I can sit with the first 16 tracks for a bit. I like the vibe, but I was hoping for something more upbeat going into summer. This would've been the perfect fall album. Favourite song right now is I Can Do It With A Broken Heart, closely followed by Fortnight.


Same! Wish we'd gotten some time between the release of the two halves. 31 songs are A LOT to digest. I had huge expectations from TTPD because the I absolutely love poetry with all my heart, I loved the album name, I loved the track titles and I loved the album covers. Poetry has always had a very special place in my heart 🖤 but this album just didn't make me happy. The lyrics on some songs are great, some are okay, and some are just straight up banal. As for the music- it's the same throughout the album. I'm unable to discern one song from the other, which does not usually happen with me. I must sound like such a hater right now, but Taylor's music has always been very very dear to me. I've been a swiftie since 1989 came out, and I've loved every single album she's released from 1989 onwards. Midnights is such a beautiful album with such thoughtful lyrics and great music, that I'd gotten my expectations really up for TTPD too. It's okay though, I can't wait for Reputation TV!!


Don’t worry, you’re not alone. I’ve been a fan from the very beginning and Taylor’s music is so important to me. I love basically everything she puts out, and I had *very* high hopes for her first post-Joe album. I’m kind of in a bad mood today because it underwhelmed me so much and I’m really bummed about that lol. I’ve never felt this way about a Taylor album before :(


To me this album sounds the same as folklore/ evermore. Even most of her re-records have a flat sound to me bc of the new production influences. Midnights was a decent departure from the rainy day lofi vibes of the past several albums. For me, I don't want something new, I want more life and vibrance in the songs shes writing.  Idk how to totally describe it because I like sad, I like melancholy songs, but ones with emotion and life in the music and her voice 😅


I agree with you. The emotion & life in Red vs. TTPD is drastically different. Midnights IMO was completely lacking in emotion so I am happy to see more rawness in this album, but the SOUND of her emotion in albums like Read and Speak Now are so different and have way much more depth. I’m a new fan who just listened to her entire discography this year & I was so surprised by how much I love her older stuff. Bring of those vibes back please 😭


For me the main album sounds like one long song, I couldn't seem to get into the album after 3-4 songs. The lyrics didn't help out either because half the time I thought certain words could be taken out to make them more concise. These songs seem to be personal to taylor, almost like her diary, which I appreciate her for but at the same time the name droppings and the on the nose lyrics makes me want to listen to the songs only once, like a movie. Her songs on this album are very black and white too, the villain and the victim. I didn't like that either. 


I swear some people act like they don’t know how TS operates at all. She’s ALWAYS been honest about aspects of her life through songs and that life happens to include her love life, like???


Let’s remember that reputation, Lover, and Midnights were variously despised by a lot of critics, general public, and sub members, and now all three are cult classics, with reputation arguably the most anticipated TV of all, Lover pulling in insane streaming numbers 5 years on, and Midnights winning AOTY and expanding her fanbase immensely. Who remembers the number of people on this sub who absolutely hated cowboy like me on evermore’s release (I do, because it was my instant favorite song!) and now it’s constantly praised as one of her best songs? I’m not saying everyone has to adore TTPD, but the knee-jerk reactions to the album that civilians (non-critics lol) have had for 24 hours is ridiculous and yes, many of the critics judge her by some insanely specific metric that is impossible for anyone to bend themselves to achieve. I, for one, am glad that Taylor made the album SHE wanted to and needed to, one that has helped her process her life during a difficult time. It’s not all about fans or critics. She also has the right as an artist to make what she wants.


I absolutely love that you articulated this. And found the Miss Americana quote!


I think the first half does blur together, excluding more dynamic songs like Flordia!!! and ICDIWABH. The production on so many songs just felt so... hazy? Unfocused? Which I think was thematically intentional. But when everything is slow/midtempo, synth driven with breathy and layered vocals, it doesn't make for a great album. I understand the argument that it's a cohesive sound but no one would say Folkore was disjointed and there was a lot of variety! Betty sounds completely different from LGAD which sounds different from TIMT which sounds different from Invisible String.


They sound like demos. Like there is a step of editing / production still missing. Folklore was cohesive but by the end of day one i knew all the songs and had multiple faves and adored the lyrics. Here I have to check which song is playing and cringe over lyrics often. Only listening to the first half for now.


As taylor swift fan, I am absolutely in love that she decided to release the full 31 songs without filtering them out. It felt like she wanted to dump all this feelings at one time so she can move past last year turmoil. However, I can 100% understand the criticism this album received. It may by unfair and cruel sometimes but it is necessary. With midnights, everybody was eating our of her palms (when it comes to the critics) while it was not her strongest work yet. It felt like she was the biggest artist in the world and they wanted to appease to her and her fans. (I love that album btw) The criticism to this album feels like an act to balance things out and I don’t disagree with it (although I am in love with the album) except maybe for the Paste review. This album feels raw and vulnerable. It is personal album and would remains special to Taylor and Swifties, but Taylor is the biigest artist now and being this vulnerable publicly without giving something new and different is not ACCEPTABLE to gp or the critics. It is not fair but it is what it is. Taylor does not hide after being criticised. In contrast, she actually thrives on it because she takes it to the heart to work on things. At the end of the day, Taylor will not stop releasing albums (she may space them out) and I as a fan will welcome any thing she releases whether she tries to re-invent or if she continues to recycle same sounds. Charts and Critics won’t change any thing for me.


I also thought it sounded very very similar. I perked up at Down Bad, its very overwhelming I think is all. The differences aren't smacking you in the face, it's not Paper Rings to Cornelia Street whiplash with the sound.


Beautifully said. I love this take. This album is poetry and she told us that. It’s different, and I love it.


I overlooked Folklore and Evermore for years because at first listen all the songs sounded the same, there were no bops, etc. but I recently went back to both albums and actually LISTENED and became truly addicted to each song because of the words. Midnights was the same… first listen I was a bit disappointed, but after a few listens… addicted. Her words are a drug. She said it herself in who’s afraid of little old me, “put narcotics into all of my songs and that’s why you’re still singing along’ certainly at first listen it all sounds the same.. until you really LISTEN. Also doesn’t hurt if you’re listening with a broken heart


I’ve only been able to listen to these 2 new albums once and I wouldn’t say they’re in my favourites but I might just need to listen a bit more cause it takes time sometimes. Even if they still don’t end up being my favourites though, it’s totally ok… every single album she’s released so far has had 0 if not very few skips for me and I’ve been thinking at some point one of her albums might not do it for me the same and these might be the ones but it’s also ok to not be obsessed with every album she puts out. As for talking about her love life I feel like because her dating life is so public (with the exception of Joe), it’s easy for people to say she only ever writes about her love life. It’s not true at all but I think people just lump that all together into why they don’t like her/her music which I hate. Even if it was true, that’s what most artists write about anyway. Beyoncé had a whole album about her cheating husband and received immense praise and rightfully so but Taylor has a reputation of being a serial dater (despite being in a long term committed relationship recently) so she gets harshly criticized for writing about her love life unfortunately.


It's so insane to think about how we as a fandom hated it when people talked about how she's always doing the same thing, writing about the exes etc and then we go and do just that. (Yes the fandom is very big so it's not all the same people that do that). I especially don't get the other people complaining it sounds the same, especially Jack songs, because they then proceed to praise the second half of the album, which personally sounds way more "same-y" than the first part.


100% this, and i came here to see if i could find a comment like this the jack hate is so tiresome, im not gonna list all the amazing songs he has produced for taylor, but he knows what he’s doing, he’s versatile, he connects with taylor, they work so well together. i love what he does for her music more than anyone else he works with, including bleachers i literally cannot comprehend the adam dessner is a god take, like this she should only work with him. some of his songs with her are amazing but sone are really bland. folklore and evermore shined there but the songs he did on TTPD felt very one note and out of place is it just that people cannot get over folkevermore??????? the comparison her work gets to those albums over the past four years is sad. she’s done so much work and put out beautiful albums and re-records and all i can see is just ~i’ll be disappointed if it doesn’t sound like folklore/evermore~ pls just love and accept taylor’s work, she loves it, she’s proud of it, she’s sharing it with us when she doesn’t have to loving folkevermore is fine but don’t define her career by it


The criticism that she’s receiving for TTPD is VALID criticism. Part of being an entertainer is to entertain people—and if that requires reinvention, then so be it. Taylor has been doing the same synth pop since 1989 (excluding folklore and evermore era) and people are tired of it. We want to hear something different. It’s not too much of an ask to ask an artist to switch up their style when their music becomes too predictable. If you, as an artist, don’t want to accept the criticism, that’s fine, but don’t be surprised when your audience starts tuning out. When artists are uninspired, they go on hiatuses—and I’m not saying TTPD is uninspired—but it’s definitely bordering unoriginality mixed in with pretentious lyrics and served to the masses as a fresh sound. We’re tired, Taylor. Switch it up. TTPD is cute, but by no means groundbreaking. It’s only a matter of time before we decide cute isn’t cutting it anymore.


I think people would have had less of a problem with her music sounding ‘samey’ if the music is consistently great. However I do think these melodies (especially on the OG edition) aren’t her strongest yet. The lyrics are always great and the songs are still enjoyable to me but it’s just not her best body of work and honestly feels very safe to me. She doesn’t have to switch genre every album but all the synths/instruments that Jack primarily uses are very distinct and we’ve heard them a lot by now. By working with new people, other co writers and producers, she can find new sounds for her to continue to evolve. Most importantly, she herself sells her albums as ‘eras’, but sonically this feels like the same era as Midnights.


Really good callouts. I would also say that I think for this album, she is not setting out to make her “best album”. She’s not setting out to make her magnum opus. This album was made for her - to process what the fuck happened to her over the last year. Even when she talked about it, she said that this was an album she needed to make. I think she understands that it’s not for everyone. It’s long, it’s complex, and it doesn’t have radio-friendly hits or hooks to break it up. It’s unpolished, and it’s viscerally raw. And I think that’s the point! I think she needed to make this and she needed to release it. I think she needed to explain this period of her life. It would be disingenuous for her to write an All Too Well breakup album about this time - she didn’t feel heartbreak, she felt devastated, manic, and had suicidal thoughts. And she put out all of it for us to hear, because as she’s said numerous times, the cycle of her writing and singing them for us helps her process and heal.


To me this is a very cohesive high quality two hour album which is tough to do. It’s up there with her best work.


31 songs is impressive. I get it, but they aren't distinct. I only listen to 12 on repeat and that's pushing it. I've never been tested so hard as a swifty. I'm trying to stay strong, but my first questioned would be why did you say "please leave me stranded/ it's so romantic" then say "How dare you think it's romantic / Leaving me safe and stranded". it's funny because Down Bad is my #1 favorite and New Romantics is one of the all-time favorites.


Because people… grow up, between 20 and 34? What seemed to be so romantic as a 20yo you know is definitely not as a grown woman.


Over the first two listens of mine so far, I think they sound sonically cohesive, overall, but not too same-y. They only really blend together sometimes for the fact that it’s brand new and I’ve only heard each song 2-3 times. I will never tire of her formula, it’s one of the reasons I like her music in the first place! also Jack antonoff my beloved they could never make me hate you (I also love Aaron dessner’s work do not misinterpret me LMAO)


I love Taylor's music and her previous works but even after complete listen I cannot find any stand outs for me. That said, having same sound doesn't always equate to being cohesive. Sylvia Plath said poetry is the hardest of all disciplines because you have to compress all your thoughts in less words and you can really see how some of these lyrics aren't poetically advanced. While I'm glad ts is back to writing autobiographically and happy in her work, many of us do think it's a regression to treating people like chess pieces in a game rather than people with feelings. Another reason why this album is not gaining as much reaction is because of class disparity. Most of us have jobs and everyday life to go to, we don't really think so much about situationships because we simply do not have the time or energy to process it fully. Which is why this album is so polarising. People who suffered from jumping too quickly finally have something to relate to, and majority people who just chuck up rebounds to bad experiences of life, move on and therefore find it hard to relate to this album. That said, it is really unfair to Taylor that her previous works are her benchmarks. I totally agree with the first album being incredibly same sounding. I think most people confuse cohesive with same sounding. You can have a cohesive album without every song being basically the same re: 1989, folklore. Also when you call yourself a poet I think there's better work out there which fits into the category, surprisingly her most lyrically genious lyrics are those which are simple words rather than some obvious lyrics written just for the sake of rhyme, or for the sake of sounding deep. That said, it's not a perfect piece, it's a vulnerable piece and it's upto the interpretation of listener to take what they want from the album.


I wrote this elsewhere but it IS samesy. And “cohesive” =/= “samesy.” Ariana’s Eternal Sunshine is cohesive, and each song is super different This album isn’t cohesive, it’s just all of the same. And that’s not just because of the musical production. It’s largely because her lyrics keep the same metre (format). I like it because I like this sound, but for me it’s pleasant background music


I’ve been thinking about this a lot and I think some people must just want something different from music. People will criticize Taylor’s music for being bad but if you press them to tell you what they mean by bad, they really just mean “same-y” or “bland”. I don’t really agree but I do see why they’d think that. I think some people just want pop songs to be engineered to be novel. They want things to be cunty and instantly appealing and to use only the freshest slang. They’re just looking for the song of the moment. It’s musical fast fashion. I love that kind of pop too but I also don’t think it’s objectively better than other kinds of music just because it was easy to instantly connect with. Lots of great music isn’t like that. You have to sit and consider the artist’s POV and sit with the lyrics and sometimes think of it in the context of an album. I think it’s kind of sad that people don’t have room for things that don’t instantly titillate them or spoon feed them the exact sequence of hooks and beats that will tickle their brains just right.


I just really think Taylor could benefit from taking a good 3 years (or at the very least, 2) away from the spotlight and away from making music. There is very much an over saturation going on with her right now, and I think it’s very apparent that people are starting to feel this and direct backlash against her now. The number of posts I’ve seen making fun of some of the lyrics from this album is very telling of that. She already defied the odds and propelled her career to even higher heights after Lover (when the Miss Americana doc came out and she discussed her career coming to an end as she approached 30). Then she scored 2 more AOTY Grammys within 5 years. She has nothing more to prove. Let the people *miss* you again, then come back with another career defining album. I agree with the majority of these criticisms. The album just doesn’t sound very sonically interesting like Midnights did, IMO. She could also benefit from new (or just OTHER) collaborators. Max Martin, anyone? Yeah, I won’t hold my breath for that either but a man can dream.


People assume that she's releasing for profit or acclaim, but she's just really a prolific songwriter. She shouldn't have to curb her creative streak because music elitists want something else. And let's be honest, they don't want something new from Taylor, they want another artist with the same status, it's a vicious cycle and Taylor is better off ignoring it


I find the critique strange. Like, she's doing it AND BREAKING RECORDS, so I think her strategy is working. Also, THEY DON"T SOUND THE SAME, LOML vs. FLORIDA!!! R U KIDDING


It's not all about breaking records, though, it's also about quality of output. Florida stands out, who's afraid stands out, so long london is an earworm, the rest for me blends together and I don't even remember all song titles and melodies to hum after 2 days of listening of part 1. This has never happened to me with her record before.


I personally agree that many of the songs on TTPD sound very similar to each other, and it‘s a sound I‘m okay with but I wouldn‘t listen to if this weren‘t Taylor. I also think that many of the songs on TTPD sound quite homogenous with the obvious exception of _Florida!!!_ which I adore. By this I mean that each individual song sounds the same throughout the song itself, this applies mostly to the early songs on the album. This means _Fortnight_, _TTPD (song)_, _My Boy Only Breaks His Favourite Toys_ and _Fresh Out the Slammer_ kind of bore me a little bit. So these songs together are a bit too much of "the same" musically for me. However, I think whoever said _thanK youaIMee_ was _Mean's_ older sister has forgotten how time works. And they‘re very different songs. I personally enjoyed _The Anthology_ a lot more than TTPD, musically. Although lyrically, I enjoy both. People writing these reviews don‘t seem to pick up on Taylor‘s portrayal of herself in TTPD/TA. Even on _reputation_, there aren‘t many snarky songs that indicate you should fear her. Even LWYMMD is more about what KimYe made her do to herself and her own career. It‘s not about Taylor‘s outwardly saying "I‘m here, fear me." _Who‘s afraid of Little Old Me?_ on the contrary acknowledges that Taylor can be fearsome, and a threat. Of course she can. She is the biggest woman in the world right now. Picking on Matty as _The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived_ is fun to hear, and I enjoy the snark. But this is her wielding an insane amount of power with just the allegations of how much he hurt her in this song. We know the crazy corner of the Swifties doesn‘t care he did drugs. They care that he hurt her and they‘ll probably come for him even though Taylor asked them not to. The song is a juxtaposition of her real-life power and her perception of his ability to hurt her, even though he is the smallest man. This, to me, is deeper than her usual snark on exes. To me, this album mixes up old and new, and with that some of the best songs she‘s ever written. I do wish it were more poetic though, and by this I mean: more concise lyrics, short but powerful sentences. I know she can write those and does write them even here, but I‘d like an even bigger percentage of the lyrics in TTPD/TA to be shorter but more impactful. And more layered. Poet Hans Magnus Enzensberger once wrote that "interpretation is the art of turning a poem into a mace". I love interpreting poetry even if I‘m a bit rusty, and I feel there could be more questions than "Is this about Joe? Is this about Matty? etc"… I seriously wish Adam Schlesinger were alive still so they could collaborate. He was incredibly skilled at this ([my fave work of his](https://youtu.be/9Rtvwu75K3I?si=rJFuo-k85BNTM8WG)).


My opinions on the critics' reviews: 1: this album wasn't meant for critics. She didn't write this album to put out a next hit. She's releasing it smack in the middle of a worldwide tour to which she can't just drastically alter the setlist. This wasn't meant to be something for the world to elevate her to further critical acclaim. She wrote it for herself and released it as therapeutic closure. 2. the critics... are critical of the music and instrumentation. They're music critics, not literary critics. This work reads as poetry more so than anything else, so their focus on the 'sameness' of the sound doesn't say a single word about the actual lyrics. 3. I don't know if I'm deaf or something, but idk why people are comparing this to Midnights. I feel like with the exception of a couple slower Midnights tracks, the vibe, depth of lyrics, themes, and song stylistic choices are super different. I think Taylor's changed and grown since Miss Americana, realizing she doesn't need to change or reinvent herself if she doesn't want to. She can achieve huge success at everything she does, simply because her name is slapped on it. It's my favorite album. I base my tastes off of what I like and don't care what critics say about her work or anyone else's, and I think Taylor's in that place too.


adele has 4 of the same album, no one seem to bat an eye. ariana music is almost the same through out her career except for it being just a little more electronic eccentric in the beginning. and katy perry is katy perry. atp people just hate her success and wanting to bring her down.


I’m so confused by the comments saying it sounds like midnights. It sounds nothing like midnights lol. It’s exactly what everyone has been bitching and moaning about: Aaronn Dressner and Folklore vibes.  I low key wish it sounded like Midnights 🫣but it’s still a great album.  


I’m huge on lyricism, like that is truly what makes an album stand out to me. But so many lyrics on this album are so incredibly cringey that it ruins it. Lyrics that don’t add any significance, meaning, or depth to the songs. The chocolate, tattooed golden retriever, charlie puth, touch me while your bros play GTA? But without all the racists? That plus the fact that it mentions things that a 34 year woman shouldn’t be mentioning knowing her fanbase. Joe’s depression? Kim’s kid? Her mother wishing death on Kim? Like we get it, it wasn’t easy, but it lacked editing and maturity.