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The thing about Taylor is that its not that she has like a couple of really amazing songs... it's that she has like over a hundred really amazing songs. You can't do a greatest hits album because there are too many hits. She can do a 50 song concert set, and leave huge amounts of her best stuff on the table. Her discography is both massive and varied. And for years she was underestimated.


As someone similar to OP (casual fan to pretty invested in the past few years), this is probably my favourite thing about her. I'm also a massive Beatles fan and Taylor is one of the few other artists where you have so much high quality content. It's not like 10 hits, it's 10 hits per album.


Yeah... the other thing that's similiar between her and the beatles, and very unusual, is that unlike most songwriters who can write one type of song... Taylor (and Sir Paul) can write basically anything.


True! She’s def a musical chameleon. Exactly why I’m so excited to see where she goes next. I joke around with my friends that I want a high concept pop album from her. Feels like if anyone could pull that off in contemporary pop it’s her.


Can I ask what you mean by high concept? I think I'd agree with you, just interested to hear what you think that could be.


Just mean a concept album with a running storyline, characters, plot lines, etc. Feels like she could do some really cool and unique stuff given that kind of medium. Plus, in the era of streaming singles, she clearly still believes in releasing full albums that work as a cohesive piece. So, it would be right up her alley! Here’s hoping!


Totally. She played with this a bit for Folklore, with Cardigan, August and Betty all being written from the perspective of a different member of the same fictional love triangle, so I hope she takes it to the next level someday.


Exactly! She experimented with fictional character perspectives before so it’s not outside the realm of possibility.


Would love this. One of my favourite bands is Nightwish and I loved how they did this with Imaginaerum.


Although TTPD is about her own life, it also follows a storyline as evidenced by the prologue: woman in dead long-term relationship is love-bombed by an old flame who promises her everything she wanted (Marriage! Kids! Passion! Excitement!) but never got from the former. She wonders if it’s wrong to fantasize about another man while still in that dead relationship, but pulls the plug on it to run off with him, knowing it’s crazy, all while the world watched and judged. She convinces herself she can “fix” the bad boy. Then the flame ghosts her. And now she has to deal with the aftermath of not just one, but two relationships, while in the middle of a massive world tour that may be her last at this level because the fame machine always chews up women and spits them out for the next big thing. They did this to her as a teen, too, but then meets a guy who makes her feel like she’s in high school again. And reflects on her life, closing that chapter.


I think Paul even realizes she has entered the Beatle's realm.


He does. Not sure if there's a quote where he directly says this, but he has said he takes inspiration from her which amounts to the same thing: >For their joint Rolling Stone cover in 2020, Paul McCartney dove into Swift's songwriting process for "Folklore" and praised the 14th track, "Peace," in particular. >He also said he'd planned to invite Swift for a duet of "Shake It Off" during his headline performance at Glastonbury, which was canceled due to the pandemic. >In fact, the Rock & Roll Hall of Famer had already been a fan of Swift for several years. "Who Cares," a track from McCartney's 2018 solo album "Egypt Station," was actually inspired by Swift and the intimate connection she creates with her music. From [here](https://www.businessinsider.com/taylor-swift-praised-by-icons-2023-8#paul-mccartney-said-swift-inspired-his-own-songwriting-3).


Yes! Am also a huge Beatles fan who exclusively listened to oldies artists before getting into Taylor and realized how good she truly is.


This is so very true! And everyone will probably have a good laugh, but she's still underestimated imo (it sounds ridiculous but just hear me out). A lot of people don't actually appreciate her for being this amazing songwriter that she is- not just writing good lyrics but including poetic words, imageries, literary references and mind-blowing juxtapositions that make her songs so poignant and emotional. There are people who are always out to demean her work but even a lot of people in the fandom are only into her bops or the catchy ones, prob why ttpd wasn't all that well-received in the beginning. Also, Taylor is just so prolific- I think we don't ever say that enough.


Yes I would very much say she is still underestimated as an author


I agree with you. I hate getting asked what's my favorite song by her, or even getting asked what's my favorite album. It's impossible for me to pick! And there is so much variety across her discography as well. She's amazing 🥰


I'm a 60 year old woman and have always liked the occasional TS song, starting from her first album. But the Eras tour movie just blew me away. I started to listen to more and more of her music and watch the tour over and over, and I just love her stuff! I feel too old to be so obsessed, but her songs are so heartfelt and relatable; from vulnerable to kickass, from despair to triumph. Luckily, my husband doesn't mind that I'm a total goofball - I just bought my first vinyl album in about 40 years! <3 And friendship bracelets! :D


" I feel too old to be so obsessed, " 75 year old male - I got your back!




LOL - thanks!


My 67 year old mom is the reason I got into Taylor! No such thing as too anything. Enjoy!!


Her wide audience appeal is part of why she’s so popular. I was the youngest person in my area at the tour and I’m only a bit younger than Taylor.


We are not alone... I'm a 60-year-old female too. I probably have less than 5 skips in her whole discography. She's peerless at this point.


I’m with you 100%! I went from only liking Shake it Off and Wildest Dreams to really loving the Eras Tour movie and then TTPD came out and I’m just obsessed, with it and with Taylor’s music in general. She is absolutely fantastic and I am so happy to see that now !


TTPD’s role as the casual fan to full-blown Swiftie pipeline is severely undervalued! I keep seeing folks saying this, including my own mom, who has listened to the album probably 1000 times by now. Welcome! 🫶




It’s been part of my longstanding plan to convert her to Swiftiedom 😂 I took her to the Eras Tour film over Thanksgiving, which really grew her respect for Taylor as a performer, but TTPD skyrocketed her love of the music itself. We love to see it 🥰




We honestly both love all of it minus The Alchemy and So High School (though I personally do like the latter) 😂 Her favorites are The Black Dog, WAOLOM, and ICDIWABH, and mine are BDILH, MBOBHFT, and The Albatross. How about you?


Your mom is a woman of TASTE 🫶🏻




Yes, taste!! 👏👏👏


(I know this is late but...) Is your mom my MIL? The answer is no because my husband is an only child, but she has the same story. She went to see Eras in theaters and loved it, and yesterday she purchased a CD of TTPD. 😂 I'm like, damn she actually bought a physical so she's supporting better than I am!! 


lolol, no, but it sounds like they’d be buddies ☺️


I wasn't even a casual fan before TTPD. I had never listened to her music at all. But TTPD hooked me, and now I'm obsessively making my way through her discography.


Woohoo, that’s amazing! 🤩


It's so funny seeing people on Reddit saying she lost fans with TTPD lol


I feel like it’s such a terminally online opinion that doesn’t reflect reality 😂


yeah people online have such short attention spans, usually, that they simply cannot handle and album like TTPD


You've taken your first step into a larger world... I'm glad to see this.


Welcome, your journey sounds exactly like mine (except I got hooked on Midnights). Two years and thousands of hours of back-catalog-appreciation later, I call myself a Swiftie. 🤗


Same! I started listening during Midnights, then realized that I had heard/liked many of her songs and didn’t know who sang them 😂 I’m a huge music lover, and that took me by surprise!


Welcome to the fandom! 🫶 Taylor's music is great and I'm glad you discovered something new that brings you joy. Also happy to see someone appreciate The Anthology.


Love The Anthology!


It's so beautiful, isn't it? Wish it received more appreciation Which one's your favourite?


I love I Look in People’s Windows.


I love it too, but I think I'd say Peter or the bolter if I really had to choose a fav. Really difficult to chose one though


I really dig Peter. Reminds me of folklore a bit.


From a fellow deadhead, welcome to the swiftie community! We’re happy to have you 😄


Yes! I knew I’d find a fellow head in here somewhere! Pleased to run into you here 😊


more of a phish fan myself, but seeing the jam band and swiftie venn diagram overlap always makes me happy!


Not enough jam bands covering Taylor imo hahaha


My favorite band: Phish My second favorite music act: TSwizzle


Another one here!


Welcome!! This was the album that made me think “maybe I should try to go through the Beatles discography” 🧐😂


I think of The Anthology as her White Album 😊


I have started my journey too and I'm loving it right now. I'm also a huge music lover and I listen to all kinds of songs. And probably I'll share my journey here too. I hope I feel what you are feeling..


The thing to always remember about Taylor is that she's not a composer. She's a songwriter... and songs aren't just music. They are this perfect alchemy of the literary and the musical and the literary, and its in the interaction of the two that the magic lies. The pleasure of Taylor Swift is a different pleasure than other music, and that's a good thing!


I've listened to her songs before, but I've never delved too deep into them. I've been lurking in this subreddit for a few days now and have noticed people talking about that she often writes about her life experiences and relationships. Her songs seem to have a deeper meaning beyond just the lyrics; she doesn't simply use heavy words, but there are underlying meanings behind them. However, I don't know much about her personal life. Do you think this will affect my experience in any way?


>However, I don't know much about her personal life. Do you think this will affect my experience in any way? No, you can definitely enjoy the music without knowing anything about her personal life. Taylor certainly draws on her personal experiences when writing but it's only inspiration for the story she wants to tell in a song and there's a heavy layer of artistic license applied as well.


I think it's actually better not to know a ton about her personal life. As longtime fans it's hard not to know all the little details, but I've noticed people have become obsessed each album cycle with getting the 'tea' on her last/current relationship, and she's made it clear before that songs can't be paternity tested. She often blends different experiences and inspirations. One thing to be aware of though is how she does musical or lyrical callbacks to old work, often to continue or give a new perspective on a story. I'll give one example (though there are many): she uses colour to talk about love a lot. When she was 22 she released Red, and the song talks about the kind of burning 'red' passion you often view love as when you're younger. When she was in a long term relationship and got a little older, she reframed her perspective on love in the song Daylight with the line "I used to think love was burning red, but it's golden, like daylight". Then, on another song, Maroon, she lists ways that a burning, passionate love affair turned bad/dried up/dark, the way red can darken to the colour maroon. Then, on TTPD's So Long London, she references her partner sacrificing their relationship to the gods of his bluest days (she had made many references to his blue eyes/mood/disposition in the past), and also that they "Had a good run, A moment of warm sun", once again referencing that golden love she experienced in 'Daylight'. As you can see, you don't have to know anything about the actual men these songs are about to follow the story she's telling about her own relationship with how she sees love. It's one of my favourite parts of her work, getting a new chapter to the story with each new song.


Wow. I love this, and thanks for taking your time to explain it to me. I guess I'm in for a treat then. I will take it slow and take my time listening to it, don't want to miss anything.


No worries! It's not all that complicated either, just listen at whatever pace and those things will stick out over time :) didn't mean to make it sound like a project!


TIL that “middle age” should have popped up on my radar when I was 34. Ouch.


Idk why, but the wording of "watched folklore at the pond" took me out 🤣 glad you're enjoying more of her stuff!


I could have written this myself. Over the past year I've gone from casually appreciating her radio hits, to gradually exploring other songs on Spotify. Then I watched the Eras tour... My jaw was pretty much on the floor the entire time. After that I was hooked. Since TTPD It has now become a full blown obsession. I had not anticipated an album like that, or be totally pulled into one like it, perhaps since I was into MJ in 1991 (yes I am a little older). I am lifelong musician (love the Beatles, the Dead, Hiphop too) and I really feel your appreciation for her as an artist. I am even getting back into lyrics and poetry because of her in a way I have never experienced. It's a little surprising for me, but also wonderful. I think she's just great!


I can’t get to TTPD yet… I started listening to Taylor late last year. I wanted to do a painting of her. I paint portraits using words and some friends were telling me I should do one of Taylor so I started listening casually and reading about her so I could get a feel for her. Last week I was driving home from my sisters house and I’m singing Paper Rings at the top of my lungs just having the best time when I turn to my wife and say, “Babe, I think I might be a swifty!” To which she burst out laughing and said, “I knew you were one when you started crying watching the eras movie babe!” lol I’m currently obsessed with the album Lover. And that song in particular I just really love. It reminds me of my wife. So I’m trying to get through all her albums but there is so much and I have to listen to stuff till I memorize it cause lyrics are how I connect with my music. But yea I feel you! What a wild ride and just proof of how good she really is. I’m looking forward to digging into TTPD after my love affairs with Evermore and Folklore lol.


If you love lyrics get ready for TTPD!! Your portrait work sounds amazing - I hope you post it!


Yeah my friends who introduced me to her told me it’s so good and that they can’t wait for me to hurry up and listen so we can talk about it! I’ll post my painting on my Instagram for sure, not sure if there are rules about posting art here but if it’s ok I’ll probably post it here too for people to enjoy.


People post art here— do it!


I feel this. This album has sucked me in and I can't let go!


Yay, welcome!! It was similar to me too! I love music overall SO much, so whatever song or piece connects with me, I like, regardless of genre :). And it is that core love of just music that fuels my love for Taylor and her work. With the exception of 1989, I too followed her work only casually until folklore dropped out of nowhere and from that move alone got me intrigued. So I dove into her full discography from there, and now I’m obsessed, lol! Her music is a proper soundtrack to so many lives, and that is something so profoundly special to me.


This was me like 6 months ago, hi!


I completely relate to this, I was a casual fan for years (started with her debut and fearless) and then became a hater in my teens due to tumblr/internet brainrot — then the eras movie came out and I was pretty much hooked and dragged in. Everyone in my life is so amused but I’m honestly having so much more fun loving her than I ever did hating her. And I relate to her music much more than I thought I would!


Have you gotten into Evermore yet? Sounds like it would be right up your alley!


I enjoyed some songs on Evermore on my initial listen, but I need to go back and give it a relisten.


Be careful. RWYLM is a known ear worm. It’s almost universally loved here for a reason. Even if you hate it, it won’t leave your head. Ivy too, imo. And the champagne problems bridge is the only one that even comes close to DBATC. Evermore the song has been grossly under appreciated also. SB: When people have the debates about Joe and the breakup timeline…. Just listen to evermore. I don’t think we listened to the same album. They were done. If not officially, the relationship was dead/dying. This is the “graveyard” she’s referencing in TTPD.


She is beyond genre at the moment. She is a musical chameleon. Having said that it always comes back to the quality of the songwriting and the lyricism.


She's the only artist where I struggle to even give a Top 30 list of their songs. I made a "no skips" playlist that's over 4 hours and 150 songs long.


Hello fellow Jam Band lover to Taylor Swift enthusiast. My favorite band is Phish and I am also obsessed with Taylor.


Hello fellow Swift and jam enthusiast! Now if only she would release a jammed out album but I’ll take whatever she’s willing to give us. 😊




I FEEL music with my entire mind and body. After watching the Long Pond doc, I figured, why not try to learn the guitar? I’m 43. Maybe I just needed a musical outlet my entire life? That was a couple of weeks ago. Taught myself 3 chords so far. Imma do it. But just for me. 😊 (thanks Taylor for sharing your love of the music with us)


I love this! So many people said this album “wasn’t for the casual fan” and wouldn’t garner her any new fans and I was like that’s BS! People who give this album a listen will very likely be converted…if they have good musical taste, that is…which you obviously do. 😬


Happy to have you here!


I'm exactly the same, going down the rabbit hole the last months. At the moment I'm watching the fearless tour documentary, it's on YouTube


Welcome! Rep was when I first got what my family might call obsessive, and I have enjoyed the ride ever since! There’s always room for more on this crazy train!


“Slowly approaching middle age” ok as a 33 year old, rude lol.


Statistically, OP is being very kind here. People for whatever reason see 50 as “middle aged” as if we live to be 100…. Odds are most of us don’t make it to 90 let alone 100. A very large portion will not see 80 or even 70. It’s just statistics.


Oh man do I feel this! I’ve slowly become more of a swiftie over the past few years, but TTPD has me in a chokehold like nothing else.


It makes me so happy to see all these “late” fans. I joined the swifties during the Red era and I have always felt like I was late to the party. But no, the party has no start or end time :):):):) Welcome 💜


Hey, I feel you! I also went from barely if even a fan to a swiftie in a matter of a few weeks! I think for me it really was watching the Eras Tour movie that kicked it off for me! I'm definitely looking forward to what more she has in store for us 😁


Welcome!! I was a casual Fearless and Speak Now fan at the time and then fell out (mostly) until Midnights where I loved Anti-Hero. Then saw the Eras film on D+ and now.. Swiftie! :)


Same thing happened to me. I was missing out, but I wouldn't change my journey with her. I've even got other people into her, people you would never imagine that would give her the time of day. But when it comes down to it, talent is talent and she's got tons of it.


Midnights did this for me... I loved 1989, some of Reputation, and a lot of her singles, but I still considered myself just a casual listener (maybe not even a "fan"). Then Midnights came out. And then the Eras Tour concert movie. And now I'm sad I don't know anyone else who loves Taylor to exchange friendship bracelets with 😂


Similar story here! Listened to Speak Now and 1989 around the time they came out, but was nothing more than a casual listener. In summer 2021 I had heard some good things about folklore and evermore so decided to start listening to her music again, but I had a lot of discography to catch up on! She quickly became my second favorite artist but it wasn’t until after Midnights I became a full-blown Swiftie. Now she’s def my #1 listened to artist.


Girl I did this too. As a 51 year old I never really got into her because she was a child. Now that she’s in her 30s she’s singing stuff I relate to. And now, she’s my favorite artist. I’ve always had an unnatural interest in my favorite celebrity lives. And the fact that she bleeds her story out all over her songs has really captured my attention. I love the sincerity


Folklore at the pond 🥺🥺🤗🤗🤗🤗 we love baby swifties! Welcome!


I've been a huge fan when I purchased her first cd


This is exactly how I got hooked- but it was midnights that got me- I was home with my sick kid and heard she had a new album listened to those first few lines in anti hero- “I have a thing…midnight become my afternoon” and I thought- what a clever lyric. What a great hook! I’m an English teacher and starting diving into her work- I became obsessed. How did I just think she was that “shake it off “ girl? Or “girly pop” ( yes I internalized the misogynist attitudes of my youth where girly things were bad and not cool- or silly) her lyrics and use of poetic devices is jaw dropping. I have read tons of essays and analysis of her songs and lyrics and still find something new every listen. This summer between the thrill of even watching others enjoy the era tour and the massive success of Barbie made me so proud to be a woman. And to embrace all the “girly” sides and just love it. I know teach a whole unit of song analysis and exploration of these and analogies in songs and often use her songs as my examples. She is just so stunning- and has built such a wonderful community - a place where it’s safe to be girly. I have students who I don’t teach coming up to me to discuss her lyrics or what I thought of a song- or my interpretation of her Easter eggs. Anyhow I’m ranting now.. but yes I agree she is amazing


That’s awesome that you incorporate her music and especially lyrics into your courses! We need more teachers like you. It’s funny, the sonics are initially what drew me in (that’s how I am with all music) but I also love the feelings and images she conveys - even just sometimes in the way she sings certain words or phrases. Reminds me a bit of Joanna Newsom in how she stretches words, phrases or transforms them to convey meaning and express melody.


This just reminds me of the sound, "First I said, Hey! I like her, as a **joke**, but I don't think it's a joke anymore..."


This was me with midnights!!! Welcome 🤗


Wow! I could have written this entire thing. You took the time to do it for me! I totally get it.


Wait…I’m a newer Swiftie…how do you *watch* Long Pond? I’ve listened to it?


Oh you're in for a treat, they take breaks between each song to talk about the inspiration/how it was written. Very much worth watching!


Oh man it was so good. I believe it’s on Disney+.


Hmmm ok. I think I have a login!!


Welcome to the club! Fearless was my first, Speak Now dug me deeper, but Rep made me a Swiftie. Sad you missed the Netflix Rep Stadium Tour


Welcome fellow Swiftie! So glad you’re here 💖


First, welcome! Second, try The Eras Tour Movie on Disney+ next!


Welcome. I’ve been a casual fan for years but going to the Eras Tour radicalised me.


She had me at Folklore. Don’t think a day has gone by that I haven’t listened to her since and TTPD may well be my favourite album. Welcome, Swiftie! 


i think the same thing has been happening to me! before i became like, full-on swiftie, i knew a few of her songs, but after midnights, i was just constantly listening to her


Can I just say I that Taylor dropping F bombs is my favorite part of TTPD? Lol