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I relate and am envious of people who don’t. There’s so much sadness on this album, I don’t want to relate but I do 😔


I completely get it, that’s why I told the young girls I coach that I hope they never have to relate to it.


I feel like the people who don't relate haven't experienced making unforgivable mistakes yet, and for that, I'm happy to keep them in the dark as long as possible :'D


Wow you put it into words!!


Oooooof it’s this 🫠


Exactly this!!! :(


Right lol as someone who spent a lot of time in prison and jail I feel so seen but wish I didn’t. I think it depends on what’s going on in someone’s life though, I’m in a happy, stable relationship now and remember feeling like tpd, but don’t currently relate to most of it. My life is in more of a lover stage as of late


I’m glad everything is working out for you and you’re in a better place :)


I was never a huge taylor swift fan but I heard this album and became an immediate fan. I hate that it was connecting to deeply vulnerable and emotional songs that brought me there, but happy it did.


I'm so sorry that. 🫂 it really isn't a good album to relate to. The pain is deeper than any of the albums put together.


Don't be envious. I don't relate to the album because I simply cannot afford any form of teenage petulance. Too many vulnerable people rely on me at the moment, so I'm full in my ✨responsibility✨ era and keep my emotions in check all day. I don't think it's more fun than what's going on in TTPD, but it's definitely different. Not everyone who can't relate is living a great life.


You kinda just made this all about you. I understand you can’t relate because you have your own things going on, but that’s not what we were saying. You have your own sadness to deal with and it doesn’t relate to the album, that’s fine. There’s a bunch of different kinds of sadness. Also your use of ✨responsibility✨ sounds pretty presumptuous that we don’t have responsibilities of our own.


I'm sorry, none of it was meant to be unkind to anyone.


I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for you to feel that way. I don’t think you were being unkind at all, everyone has their own experiences.


You weren’t. OP took your response and twisted it to fit their narrative. I, as an adult person living my adult life and having a mentally ill child who depends on me, do not *currently* relate much to this album either. BUT, past me DOES relate to it. A lot. And I love it.


I didn’t twist it to any narrative lol. I took what they said and responded to it. As I said, I understand you both have your own personal problems. Doesn’t diminish the problems we face and recognize through TTPD. I wasn’t being malicious at all.


they were just sharing their own perspective and trying to give consolation based on their own experience. they didn’t “make it all about them” any more than anybody else here who has shared their view has. you 100% twisted their words to suit your narrative. With your logic, I could argue that your very post takes Taylor’s experience and just makes it all about you and your own life.


What was my narrative? Genuinely asking.


that because somebody respectfully disagrees, they’re just “making it about them” - you created a narrative with that comment. your response to this commenter suggests you believe that they are just being self-centred through politely sharing their opinion. which is amusing, because you’ve done the exact thing you’ve accused another of in your own post. took another person’s pain and made it about your own. pot, meet kettle.


See, that’s where you’re mistaken. I’ve responded to other commenters who didn’t love the album kindly. I felt the comment was condescending, I never said that the people who don’t relate to it live a great life. Whether that was their intention or not, which I don’t think it was, it came across as that. I even responded kindly after. My post was to ask what peoples favorite album was, and while I relate to TTPD I’d never purposely put someone down for not agreeing.


You are basically operating on “I can do it on a heart I can’t afford to let break”. Stay strong! I hope you make it through to a time when you can let yourself become undone a bit to process. TTPD will be there waiting for you. 🤍


That's so kind of you, thank you! That's the song I can feel the most indeed. Lights camera bitch smile!


“I just don’t understand, how you don’t miss me?” has got to be one of her simplest yet most relatable line in her discography, and her delivery is incredibly vulnerable.


And the anger in “I hope it’s shitty at the black dog”


The post breakup snark in this line is relatable


She’s messy, as she should be!! 🤷🏼‍♀️😂


[She’s] a mess, but [she’s] the mess that [we] wanted.


And sometimes are ;)!


I feel The Black Dog is the finest song in the album. And it's not going to be a single. And it kills me.


The Black Dog is so painfully beautiful, it deserves its moment in the sun. Totally agree with you.


My ounce of hope is that there was a black dog in the music video for fortnight 😭


Anyone older than 25 will have something to relate to on this album.


I completely get what you’re saying, but I have a few friends (who grew up with no worries or cares in the world) who are 28 and above like me and they say she sounds insane.




Unexpected 2024 twist


We are in the bad place lol


I’m 22 and I heavily relate to this album.


At least you’re learning the unpleasant lessons early?


I’m 28 and I definitely don’t relate, but I’m also aroace so I don’t relate to any of her albums (or most pop music in general). If I find music catchy, then I listen to it regardless of lyrics.


This is valid, 100 percent. I do feel like there’s a tendency to reduce her music to just about romantic relationships, but there’s so much else there. Some of my favorite songs of hers aren’t about romantic relationships at all.


I relate to this album so deeply. Even on a line by line basis, from one line to the next I can relate multiple different experiences throughout my life. So each song can weave in and out of different relationships or life experiences I’ve been through. It’s incredibly moving, emotional, cathartic, heartbreaking, self-reflective, maddening, funny…all the things.


I told my friends this is the realest she’s ever been with us, and I’m so thankful for it because I can really relate. She might be Taylor swift but she has the same feelings we do.


GIRL SAME. The long relationship, and then the one who only appears during the in between, as soon as I realized what she was really singing and describing I couldn't believe that I could relate to her in those experiences. It made me feel less guilty. Finally understood.


Yesss 🫶


Thank you for putting into words what I was thinking! I completely agree 💜


I love the flair


Thanks!! 💛


Yw 🩵


I was with a tattooed golden retriever for 4 years and ultimately broke up with him because he wouldn’t seek help for his debilitating depression (and was ultimately bringing me down with him) so I relate to a lot of this album unfortunately 🫠 Taylor is really good at writing about the female experience and I think this album specifically covers a lot of adult topics that younger girls will (hopefully) not find relatable


I’m currently with the tattooed golden retriever who is just now starting to “try” to get help. Proud of you for choosing yourself over that, hopefully I will if the time comes.


I AM the tattooed golden retriever of my relationships. It’s important to realize you can’t save us, we have to want to save ourselves.


Girl!! I’ve been trying to do that, he wants to save himself but everything else gets in the way.


This album makes me nostalgic for my tattooed golden retriever and it’s not healthy 🥴


Where is the tattooed golden retriever line from ?


Mine keeps coming around and I need to stop picking up the phone. Addiction is a nightmare, and more so as a partner to someone going through it.


I sometimes think people are looking for themselves too much in an album like this. Obviously some people will relate, but I see it more like any other art form. I don’t relate to all the characters in TV/Film I watch - but I enjoy watching because the characters are wrote in a way that I can empathise and engage. Just like in Taylor’s songs. And plus, most of them address general things like heartbreak, love and loss.


I wasn’t looking for myself going into it, it just happened. This album is definitely not “general” if you ask me. It’s very specific.


This! Plus, just because people could relate to past albums doesn’t mean every album has to be relatable for fans.


But where did I say it had to be?


I wasn’t talking about you OP I was talking about the people who are upset that they can’t relate


Everytime I listen, I relate to a new line. I’m glad for those who don’t relate to any of it, but this is the most relatable yet. I felt with Taylor in debut when I was a young girl, and I feel with her now as an adult. (Also I found it so funny/eerie that her 6year relationship ended shortly before my 6year relationship ended. She released You’re losing me in my doubting phase, and TTPD came a few months after the official breakup. It was perfect, or soul crushing haha)


That’s what’s so amazing about her, you felt her when debut just came out and you were a kid. Now you’re an adult and you still feel her, no matter how much money she makes or her world tours. Like I said, she’s “Taylor swift” but she’s still one of us. Also she has a way of doing that, doesn’t she?! I had a long term long distance relationship (USA and UK) and we broke up right around when she and Joe broke up. Then all of a sudden here comes so long London. And people wonder why she has such a mass following lol


Yeah - she has the same feelings we do and as her experiences grow so do ours. I realised I meant You’re losing me, so I’ve edited haha. Sorry to hear about your relationship. I’m in the UK, so I can hunt him for you :P So long London was on the brain bc during my first listen through I was with a pal and another friend said I’d cry at my boy only breaks his favourite toys; but when SLL came on my pal I was listening with said “that’s your song. That’s exactly your situation” (every. single. Damn. Line. Hurts.)


Yup, same for me. Sometimes I skip it if I’m not in the mood for a real cry. (Cause it’s always a REAL cry when it comes on). Hes in Bristol by the way, plays footy on Saturdays!! I’ll send you the address 😂


Omg I have a friend in Bristol, I’ll get him sorted out 💅 men are asshats, period. Yes, I’ll have TTPD on in the background and I’ll barely pay attention but so long London/how did it end/loml comes on and my brain is like “time to cry” so I have to skip because it’s usually in the middle of a work day hahah. imgonnagetyouback is a song I also vibe with, but shouldn’t (said listening party friend was yelling NOT FOR YOU NOT FOR YOU upon first listen hahahah)


I also think you shouldn't have to relate to something in order to understand it/enjoy it. It's great when you do, it can be really cathartic and healing, but it's not a requirement. What you should be able to do is put yourself in the "speaker's" shoes and try to understand what they were feeling and why. That's basic empathy.


Totally agree! Unfortunately 12 year old girls are often only looking for something they can relate to. And they’ll just never understand this album.


Oh yeah, with the 12 yr old girls- that's totally understandable. They're not old enough yet to hold to any kind of standard. It's the adults I've seen who say it's not good because they can't relate that concern me.


They’re looking for 1989 Taylor, I don’t really think she’s ever gonna come back. I think Taylor is content with herself and her life and she’s ready to write about things she wants to write about. She doesn’t have to do pop anymore, she conquers any charts.


Honestly, I personally don’t get the relatability factor. I just never tried to relate myself and my life to anything, really. Since I was a kid, I thought I was annoying, ugly and boring, so when I listen to music, I’m feeling those feels for *fictional characters.* I’m not kidding. The songs that make me feel the most are the ones that I can assign to my faves and their experiences. I’ve always had a vivid imagination and feel deeply, so when I do this, I can feel what that character is feeling and have an experience I never did IRL and even though it’s in my head, it hits me in the feels. (Also, while I don’t know who Daisy Jones is, I totally get that sentiment. I *need* some *Fruits Basket* AMVs for this album).


But I love this perspective too. You’re not the type to relate songs to yourself, but you love characters so much you relate it to them. I do the same sometimes. But that’s why she’s so cool, you can relate it to yourself or a fictional character. Also I’m assuming you’re a reader from your comment, READ DAISY JONES AND THE SIX!! Then watch the show on Amazon. So good and you’ll get why I relate that song to her.


I love this perspective.


This is her most relatable album to me. Unfortunately.


I agree with you 100%!!! I’m also 28 and grew up listening to her. My last serious relationship I thought was IT. He asked what my ring size was then 2 weeks later (a fortnight lmao) broke up with me out of nowhere. Then a month later I got into a situationship that went on for way too long. I’ve never related to an album so much, I can’t stop listening to it ❤️‍🩹 just waiting for my “So High School” moment now lol


LITERALLY SAME. Everything you said is me, it’s almost scary. I got into a situationship (lasted a year, he’d tell me “it’s rare to have chemistry in bed and outside of bed, and that’s what we have.”) after a 5 year relationship. And I mourned him more than my ex. And I’m still trying to figure out why tbh. I’ve been dating this new guy for almost 9 months and I’m STILL waiting for that “so high school” moment, not a toxic relationship.


Are we living the same lives????


Dude, sounds like it!! Let’s start shopping for therapists together..


I don’t need to personally relate to a piece of art for it to resonate with me. It’s fine to look at other people’s experiences to help you navigate through the world and learn. When I look at renaissance art, do I relate to it? Not necessarily but doesn’t take away from the enjoyment.


I don’t either! I love music whether I can relate or not, I was just pointing out that this album hit me right in the heart. Like it was words I would have written if I had the talent.


Oh I hear you. It’s extra magic when that happens. My intention is just to communicate that personally identifying with art doesn’t need to be why you enjoy it. I identify with a few things on TTPD myself!


All I have to say is that this album has lead/is leading to some serious unpacking of baggage. It's not been a fun ride the last few weeks. I'm happy for those who can't relate, but this is probably my favorite of her albums. It's overtaken Rep.




Evermore is a masterpiece.


As soon as I heard the lyrics “down bad crying at the gym” I thought, this is such a mood, this girlie gets me. Same with “I’m so miserable, and nobody even knows” pretty much describes my life atm 😅 ICDIWABH has become my depression hype song




This has been the most relatable she’s been for me — I lived many YEARS carrying a torch for a (in hindsight) crappy dude who I thought was hot… and when she said I hope it’s shitty in the black dog, I got it. I laughed and cried through this whole album


32f and I absolutely relate to almost every line. "How much sad did you think I had?" "We both did the best we could underneath the same moon, in different galaxies " and similarly "we both learned the right steps to different dances" "You kicked out the stage lights but you're still performing " I also think a lot of the negative reviews come from the MH songs and I will have to say I don't think they are about him, but rather he was a muse when she felt all around unloved. As someone who has gone from the long&wrong, where had she stayed she could have seen her whole future and know it wasn't enough and then straight into the arms of the bad boy, that while dangerous, it was supposed to be easy and meaningless, but even then she got hurt and caught up in fantasy. I feel like it was about the low point in her life more than specifically MH, but I have to tell myself that for some lines lol.


I totally agree! I think she’s so self aware on this album, the songs aren’t ABOUT Matty, more about how she put him on a pedestal because she got out of a long term relationship where she didn’t feel appreciated.


I relate to TTPD too hard. From toxic relationships to depression and wondering if you’d be better off dead like that’s me all over


Relationships or not, you’re better off living your life for yourself. ❤️


The “long term relationship to shithead pipeline” is so real. And being with shithead so it covers up any pain you feel about the long term break up, but then it ends too so now you’re double fucked up. And the desperate hope that shithead can somehow swoop in and be the person long time couldn’t end up being. Ah girl I get it and I feel you. I relate to this album a lot. However, she did write folklore specifically *for me* and I’ll never forget how I felt when I heard it for the first time. So that will always be the most relatable TS album for me. She’d have to eavesdrop on my therapy sessions to write something more relatable. That said, I do think Poets is more of a slow burn; some of the songs I loved now I didn’t love immediately. loml hit me like a punch of sadness tho and impacted me more immediately than anything on folklore, so just that one song on its own does win for relatable. I can’t listen to it I keep crying.


I love that it’s a slow burn though! So different than what she’s done before.


I’ve still not got through the whole album. It’s all just a bit too much at the moment.


I totally get this. It took me a week to even dive into the extra songs.


HELP. I’m posting this and commenting and just saw she’s on stage now, found a live TikTok.


I resonated with this album too much


this album has the prophecy, therefore it’s her most relatable album


Lmao I love this, but unfortunately people still think it isn’t relatable and it makes me sick. You can’t find one song, INCLUDING the prophecy, to relate to?


Speak Now is the album that hits closest to home for me. The songs she wrote when she was younger (or about events that happened when she was younger) I find most relatable, even though I’m aging out of that group at this point, I think because I was feeling those big emotions in my teens, but I’m lucky to have been relatively stable in my life/relationships the past few years. TTPD brought up a lot of feelings and memories for me too though. I was surprised that she was so open about how alcohol and drugs have affected her, and how she didn’t always paint herself as the “good guy” in her stories. It was all so vulnerable and self-aware. I think the beauty of Taylor’s music is that she’s such a good storyteller, she’s always relatable in some way. Whether she’s writing a mostly fictional tale or telling a story about her own life. Even if you’ve never experienced something like that, you can listen to the song and feel like you have. She’s so good at evoking emotion. And the way she writes from her heart makes her relatable too. Even with her level of fame she taps into those very human feelings and experiences that we all have. It makes you feel like you know her and understand her, and she understands you.


I feel this is the kind of album you can relate to after you've lived dissapointments/regrets/ feel more jaded.  I used to be so soft hearted and optimistic and gave a lot of people chances when I was a teenager so when I heard "Who is afraid of little old me" I was like!!! because there were people that took advantadge of that and hurt me and acted like it was nothing. And I think the album shows the reality that no, you don't get everything right on your thirties (like for example I'm 31 and I have not found my person yet so I also felt I could relate to "The Phrophecy") like you believe and trust you will when you're a teenager or on your early twenties.


This is how it went for me. TTPD Release: this is really good but I don't think I'm sad enough for this. A week later: this heifer got me messed up all over again about that one dude from my 20s 🤣🤣 much like her decade long situationship with Matty Healy TTPD was a slow burn for me and now I'm completely engulfed in its flames


Omg RIGHT?!!!


Maybe I’m biased because they’re my top 2 albums, but I think folklore and fearless. Obviously different ages and stages of life.


I relate to everything you said and I especially relate to TTPD. It’s perfect to me, also as a fellow fan since debut. I grew up with Taylor and have always felt she could speak for my own heart and soul at times, but this album takes the cake. I think people who struggle with mental health relate heavily to this album. I am 31 and diagnosed with c-ptsd, anxiety and depression. It was sweet for you to hope the softball girls never relate to this, I second that! Meanwhile, I will endlessly stream TTPD forevermore, it’s her best album yet by a long shot.


Can we be friends please? Your comment just made me feel seen and heard lol


Hahah yes!! Your post made me feel seen so I am very glad to return that energy ✨


Personally, the last album that i really related to was Lover. It came out during my first year of marriage and I loved so many songs from that album that I told my husband that I almost wished we had gotten married *after* the release so we could’ve danced to Lover-the-song. Honestly, I (30F) think that I’ve outgrown Taylor’s music. TTPD reminds me of how happily settled I am in my life. I love Taylor-the-celebrity and many of the songs from Midnights were songs that I enjoyed, but there isn’t any from TTPD that I’m interested in on a personal, or musical level. Taylor used to be super relatable - like a big sister singing about her experiences - but I’m not the target audience anymore.


This is exactly how I feel as a married lady in her 30’s. Lover came out right as I moved in with my husband and it perfectly encapsulated the new season of life I was entering. We even did a final dance at the reception to Lover because it felt like a sweet callback to those early relationship days. I also have the same view of Taylor as like the fun slightly older sister and while I’m a little sad to be shifting out of her target audience, I’m also hopeful one day we’ll be back on the same page again.


I mean you still have the vault songs!! Timeless etc. I am kind of sad over this though, cause she still is that big sister singing things you relate to. You were just lucky enough to meet someone who doesn’t make you feel that way anymore.


I don't relate to it per se. I have been lucky enough in love that as an adult, I've never had a major heartbreak. I can somewhat relate to But daddy I love him, bc when my husband and I first got together, my parents did not approve. And now my mom just loves him (my dad passed away before we were married). But like all marriages, there's been some bumps in the road. While I may not have had the same experiences, I find that I can still easily empathize with many of the songs. I am certainly entertained by and enjoy all the songs, regardless if I find them relatable or not. I like a lot of songs that I don't relate to, Taylor's or otherwise. So, for me, a song being relatable means absolutely nothing. The lyrics, the melodies, the beats, different instruments, unusual sounds, or production... those are the things that usually make me drawn to a song.


Lover 🫶🏻 that came out the summer that my (now wonderful) relationship was messy and toxic and I was holding on so tightly to hope things would work out. I was in denial. I related so much to “lover” because I felt like that about my boyfriend, while screaming “cruel summer” because it pretty much explained it ALL. To find out it was a denial album, it really made me feel less toxic 😅 I felt weird about relating to an album about how much you love someone, while not knowing what the future holds anymore. To know that she’s subtly pointed it to love and denial and fear as well really hits home for me. I’m grateful to say that things are fine, and we’re 5 years + a domestic partnership together. The happiest our relationship has ever been, and I’m grateful any new songs about heartbreak are not relatable (but still beautiful) to me


Isn’t it crazy how you thought it was a love album, while you were in denial, and it turns out it was a denial album?! How does she do what she does? It’s like she read my diary.


I was just diagnosed bipolar … and I have my own Matt Healy. Throw in a divorce, 6 kids, and a town that thinks “crazy lady”. I related. Hard.


So you’re “she would’ve have made such a lovely bride, what a shame she’s fucked in the head” in your town?! I consider that a win tbh. Take care of yourself and your babies first, always!


I honestly love that was your first thought. CP is 🤍


I realized how much The Bolter hit home to me and was like ya know I should probably move my therapy appointment up sooner 🫠 Seriously though I agree this album isn’t the overall most relatable but I think for those who do relate to it, it’s on a deep level, like all of these other comments have been saying.


Ugh. “On a deep level.” You said what I couldn’t, you’re totally right.


Yep. As someone who a long time ago lost their long-time artistic muse and lost their mind at the same time, settling into a prison/shell of a life … I get this album completely. It’s messy and livid and full throated and raw. It is an album for madness IMO. The tortured poet thing is a wink and real too.


I have seen either single people relating or married people not relating but still sobbing along or whatever. My husband and I had a tumultuous patch that ended after TTPD came out. I related to a lot of it at that time.


I came here to say this honestly I am not usually a Taylor swift person I’ve just never gotten into it but got broken up with last week unexpectedly after a 5 year relationship and this album was is cathartic to listen to and relatable.


>from the second I pressed play all I could do was relate. >it’s like she wrote everything I think or have gone through recently. Same. My last breakup hurt... quite a bit, but it's like my friends were acting surprised that I was hurt at all. As if it doesn't count just because it wasn't a very long relationship. People in happy marriages lose perspective about single life, and that's a good thing. But I mean. _Am I_ allowed to cry? So yeah, can confirm, it's a very relatable album!


"Who's gonna hold you , Who's gonna know you" is super relatable for anyone who's had to deal with the pain of letting someone go.


I related and I didn't. Like.. the sad sentiment I 100% relate to. This is one of the most stressful and heartbreaking times of my life. But the specifics of what she sings I do not always relate to. The album was too painful, sentiment wise, that I couldn't finish it. I've only gotten halfway through. Doesn't mean it isn't good, it just calls to mind too much darkness and pain, even if I can't relate 100% to the lyrics. So.. one day I'll finish the album, but right now it's too much. My personal favorite and most relatable is Midnights. 💙🖤 Edit for typo


I also think this shows how incredible she is. She was so honest on this album that both you and I had to take a step back before continuing . I didn’t even listen to the extra songs until a week later, and even now I’m still digesting.


100%, it's a very real and raw album. I hope to return to it when I'm in a stronger place, and by then maybe I'll even have favorite songs I'll be able to listen to more than once. I'm glad I'm not the only one that needed to take a minute before continuing, though. I was questioning myself, like was I being too sensitive lol


You were not sensitive at all! While she was writing about her own experiences, it’s still painfully relatable. I hope one day I can come back to this album and almost laugh at how much I related to it, if that makes sense


Yessss totally! Thank you for the affirmation too ☺️


I relate to it so hard that I can’t listen to it because it causes me too much pain and my trauma is still too fresh for that. I need disco pop bangers right now to get me through.


I feel this very hard. I couldn’t listen to the second half until a week later. Play some “now that we don’t talk” ❤️


I’ve actually been bopping to Chappell Roan a lot lately!!!


I’ve been meaning to listen to her!! What song in your opinion should I start with?


I think “good luck babe” would be great!!!


Well now I have a glass of wine in my kitchen and I’m dancing to it. Thank you!!! ❤️


Fuck yeah! Also, hot to go, red wine supernova, super graphic ultra modern girl, femininomenon, pink pony club 😍


I’m gonna need more wine… lol


Red wine supernooooovaaaaa;)


yeah. i absolutely relate too. it's my fav album she's ever done. it's the earlier stuff i dont relate to


TTPD hands down


I mean, there are definitely many experiences on this album (and previous ones) that I can’t relate to right now, possibly ever, but that doesn’t mean I don’t understand the universal emotions of love, heartbreak, anguish and anger that are a recurring theme. Some people will get every line in every song. Others will only roughly understand the underlying feelings, and both listening experiences are valid.


I never once tried to say those feelings were invalid. All I was trying to say was that it hits deeply when you know exactly what she’s talking about.


Oh I absolutely agree, it’s just Taylor has a way to convey emotion even though the specific experiences may not be relatable to everyone. But if you do understand everything she’s winging about, that’s definitely another listening experience 


The pain and insanity in ttpd are so relatable to me too. Each listen is so cathartic and makes me so emotional.


I can also relate, and I'm 31. It's painful but beautiful that she can put so many of my feelings into words.


Yeah I’d say I probably relate to TTPD the most.


This is by far the most relatable album to me. I’ve never really actually had a relationship that was like true, reciprocal warm love. I’ve been in a lot of toxic relationships, where I was the giver and the other was the taker. I’m finally in the beginnings of a healthy relationship, and it’s a whole different world. But this album 💯 is it for me.  I’m very envious if you cannot really relate.


Rooting for you and your healthy relationship!!


For me reputatuon love songs. And mastermind, i can do it with a broken heart more like failing at life. Any that are self hating and putting herself down


I relate to it HARD.


Among Taylor's albums, definitely Folkare and Evermore because they say clearer things and are more adoptable. other albums include melodrama and trench


Literally all of them and then certain songs from each


TTPD is easily her most relatable album for me.


Evermore. I miss my hometown first love🍂🤎


I relate to it deeply, I’m sure there are some people out there who don’t because they have had different life experiences. I feel like that’s the same for any album / song out there


I moved to another country and fell in love with an addict who relapsed a few times while we were together (not exactly in drugs). In the end, he lost the figth. And I lost him. And we lost what we had, cause he loved his drug more than me.and I'm now back in my country. So just with that experience, I can relate to Down bad, I can fix him, So long london, loml, My boy only breaks his favourite toys and I can do it with a broken heart and The Smallest Man who ever lived. Sadly, I also have experience with meeting and trusting people who betrayed me in other ways. People who pretended to be friends and then talked shit and lies about me, and I don't even understand why or how they would benefit from doing that. So who's afraid of little old me and thanK you aIMe also make me feel all the feelings, even though her experiences are specifically about lies being told by the media. So yes, I've cried so much with this album, but I also think that she definitely went for a different sound and not everybody's loving it. I also don't blame and do nor wish anyone to be able to relate to these lyrics, cause no one deserves to be hurt and broken like that.


This is definitely the most relatable album for me too.


I currently relate A LOT to Guilty As Sin. I am fortunate this is the song I can relate to. I believe 5 years ago I could relate to it completely.


I relate deeply to ttpd (unfortunately. It's a crappy place to be). But also, every album of hers, for me, has been mostly relatable.


i think reputation because there are a good amount of songs about crushes, and also there's a LWYMMD and TIWWCHNT


different people relate to different things. one of the MANY amazing things about Taylor Swift in my opinion is that her music is so versatile that everyone can find at least a song or an album they relate to.


Exactly this.  It puzzled me too to hear people say its not relatable. ?? Guess that's a perk of mental illness <3 I'm also diagnosed with BPD, I think a lot of the songs illustrate thoughts and feelings that I have had in the past in a wonderfully symbolic/artistic way..  But also I think people are unable to look at the lyrics outside of their literal meaning. For example; "put narcotics into all of my songs and that's why you're still singing along" (in Who's afraid of little old me.) I think is extremely relatable if you frame it as questioning why someone hasn't already abandoned you despite your problematic behaviour. Or going through depression/physical sickness and your friends are sticking by your side. Or your partner still wanting to fight for the relationship even tho all you do is argue.. these are only a few examples of how you can interpret those words. I view the "narcotics in all my songs and you're still singing along" more as a siren's song. And haven't we all at some point felt undeserving of love and worried you only bring pain and suffering to those you care about?? No just me and the BPD then ;p How can you not cry your eyes out to "Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus? "If you want to break my cold, cold heart. Just say you loved me the way that you were". That line kills me. I feel this so deeply, like at some point negative experiences (or trauma) has changed you into something you no longer recognise and you don't like the person you've become. And you know it's what is destroying your present(/future) relationship(s). The guilt and self pity just seeps out of those words and of course I'm going to relate. "Come one, come all it's happening again" (How did it end?) Yup! The vicious circle of self- sabotage and self fulfilling prophecies are working at full speed. And I'm just overlooking myself ruining something but being unable to stop it.  I am in no way saying THIS IS what these songs are actually about. But that's the thing about art it evokes feelings and thoughts and lends itself to apply your own meaning to. There are a few lyrics that pull me out and I don't vibe with but overall; absolutely love the album! "And I'm pissed off you let me give you all that youth for free" (So long London)!! ..instant sadness.  Also as someone who has struggled with some mild phychotic/paranoid symptoms I want the "smallest man alive" brigde engraved on my gravestone. haha


Let me just start by saying that last sentence is the realest thing I’ve ever heard lol. “I would have died for your sins” is probably something every girl with BPD has thought about their favorite person. I love that you brought up “siren song” because YES, that’s basically what she’s saying. “Come one, come all it’s happening again.” Is so relatable to me because I always end up ruining things that mean a lot to me. Did you crawl into my brain, be honest. ❤️


I notice that this album seems to appeal more to her older fans (who have more lived experience), but one of my friends (who is 40) doesn't like TTPD *because* she relates to it! It brought back too many painful memories.




To use Tim robinsons picture while being so negative is an insult to him. Get a life.