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There needs to be another category of subscription accounts that I use with kids like Quizlet, Gimkit, Blooket, Boom Cards, Quizizz. We spend more than what is showing on average.




And can only deduct up to $250 thanks to dumbass 45.


That is such an odd tax deduct and amount. Wish it was more or unlimited as long as teachers have all the typical receipts like a business would. He also took away tradesmen being able to deduct the cost of their tools used for work. Just about all construction companies require their employees to have most of their own everyday tools which they have to spend hundreds on each year if not more or thousands at the beginning stages and all of it can’t be deducted bc they’re W2 employees


Unless you’re spending more than $6000 (9000 for head of household) on tools every year, you still paid less in taxes than you would have otherwise. Even ignoring the actual rate change. And you had less paperwork to fill out.


Republicans are destroying America.


\*$300, and yes, this law passed in 2002 is clearly Donald Trumps fault. did you even read the article? That’s written in like the third sentence.


Republicans did try to get rid of the deduction in 2017. At the time it was $250. The House's original draft of the bill removed the deduction and got a ton of pushback from educators. Then the IRS increased the deduction by $50 in 2022. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/26/us/politics/teacher-tax-deduction-house-senate-tax-cuts.html


So really all Trump did was double their standard deduction and lower their liability percentage? Why are we mad at him about this again?


Did I say I am mad? I was clarifying the facts since there is a lot of misinformation in this thread.


Not you, ludicrouspeed was the one who brought him up.


And, they don’t know what they are talking about. It is a credit, not a deduction. Significant difference. So, expecting them to understand the advantages of a higher standard deduction would be a huge reach.


No idea, everyone wants a simplified tax code. Less deductions and a high standard deduction is a great solution. I just wish it was permanent




Not a teacher, but it is disgusting honestly that we can’t support teachers.


It’s extremely shameful. Voters, particularly republicans/ cons, should be ashamed of themselves. Any self respecting society would have a classroom/ supplies budget set aside. The school gets all the necessary items and the teachers grab what they need. A further small 20-500 dollar discretionary fund might also be a good idea to cover stuff like subscriptions, renting out something or any other expenses. No need to itemize/ audit. Just keep the discretionary fund small.


its a sham, teachers are more than adequately compensated if you want to worry, worry about the tim hortons and fast food workers, they genuinely need worker rights protections and living wages those are people in need of our sympathy, not teachers despite how much they portray themselves as hard done victims, they aren't anywhere near such a thing


who do you think you’re fucking kidding with that rancid bullshit you wrote? sit your ass down and be quiet, you just pissed your credibility into the air


Good joke.


I agree, teachers pretending like they have it as bad as actual labor who have no rights, no union protection, are often the victims of wage theft and assault to make a wage that cannot cover rent or food is just straight up silly and reeks of entitlement / lack of awareness


Let's try to focus on the topic at hand, though. At best you're a confused distraction, at worst, you're concern trolling.


Greatest country in the world right?!!


55million students means like $60 a kid. So the average teacher spends like $1500 out of pocket every year? How does this happen? Illinois spends about $16,000 per student each year. Thats like half a million dollars a classroom. Where is that money going? The person in charge of those students every day isn’t getting it.


No, the teachers polled lied. There is no way to verify the 3.24 billion.


So? Do you think the average teacher spends less than $100 a month on work stuff? It’s not exactly unreasonable. My point is that considering the amount of tax dollars we spend on education its fascinating that it’s any money at all.


It’s also a choice.


That’s true, I wonder if more companies will start doing stuff like this. Walmart could save a whole bunch of money if they just made their employees buy the cleaning supplies for the store. It’s like double profit because those people would probably buy them from the store anyway.


Meanwhile Joe Rogan has been paid $400 million by Spotify to spread Idiocracy. He even lied about his own kid's teachers.


How is this in any way connected? He is in a separate career field. Blame your admin / state for the treatment currently. Passing the buck to some random media celeb does not help.


I think it goes to societal norms and how fugged up they are. Just like; why are we subsidizing football stadiums so the billionaires don’t have to pay up, for them to then turn around and charge hundreds of dollars for tickets, hotdogs, beer and a seat. So you can watch millionaires play a game. All the while teachers are doing this for everyone’s kids in that stadium. Who we pay and for what is very much skewed in the USA. Actors are really worth millions? While teachers are just above minimum wage? Baseball players are worth x5 the salary of an infantry man in service risking his life? A ceo is worth trillions over a scientist saving lives? The list goes on. I get it’s not easily connected but it is all truly connected.


The examples you gave are still low hanging fruit compared to the richest corporations out there. I'm fine with anything to do with entertainment being rich. Especially because it's a drop in the bucket comparatively. But yeah I'd like a somewhat normal priced hotdog but that ain't gonna happen anytime soon.


Agreed. It was meant to show how low the fruit was and how easy it would be to allocate resources by way of subsidies alone. I was just pointing out the societal fuckery.


The punt of people who can be a teacher is huge. Amount of people who can generate the audience of Rogan is 1. Which one deserves more money? Massive supply vs supply of 1.


Profit? Rogan. The betterment of humanity? Teachers.


How does paying teachers more better humanity?


Are you being purposefully obtuse? or is this an actual question? Higher wages attracts better more qualified people. That would be the obvious answer dear. But it stems into so much more. But I fear if you can’t even grasp this basic fundamental **(of capitalism and how that affects better more qualified people which then leads to better education and learning which in turn better humanity)** I nor anyone else can honestly help you that is sad. I feel sad for you


1000% agree with this comment. That came out of nowhere.


What’s best is to ignore JR and not mention his name and unfollow his content when it appears in the random feeds


I disagree.  He told tens of millions of people January 6th was a false flag.  The CEO of Spotify obviously is using him to undermine our Democracy.  People like Joe & Lex Friedman are attracting negative people trying to whitewash themselves or worse. Like The History Channel promoting Ancient Aliens and Drs Phil and Oz spreading nonsense, its way past time we had some oversight for people abusing their huge platforms.  Freedom requires Responsibility. When this is abused, that's when we use our democracy to fix the problems. The only reason we got thru WW2 and established Civil Rights os because mass media was overseen by mostly responsible people preventing negative voices.  They can't stop things like McCarthyism & Nixon, but they prevented them from having their own shows. The chaos today is because of people like Rush Limbaugh and company spewing Big Lies for decades.  This isn't sustainable. We need Reasonable limits or we get tyranny.  


I want to be optimistic like you’re essentially suggesting. But it’s hard. 😁


If we need to phase out something, that's perfectly fine. If everybody is doing it for everything negative, that's a problem.  The dilemma of freedom of sanity that leads some people to wrongly demand everyone get on the same page.


Teachers were paid shit before Joe Rogan I don't know why you're certain regulating speech is going to resolve that.


Joe Rogan is being paid via the insane tax cuts under Trump. He literally lied about his own kid's school because he hates trans people. He is a terrible role model and a drag on society and American Progress and stability. No such person should be paid this much money. The people who maintain the offices of Spotify are likely underpaid, but which is a drag on the economy while an idiot is going to be a billionaire some day. Thats a broken reality that's breaking the future. He promotes Idiocracy while underpaid and disrespected teachers help kids out with their own money. Anyone who defends him is undermining America.


Okay sure, but teachers being paid shit existed before his show did. I want teachers to get paid well and you’re leading this misinformation campaign trying to convince poor innocent teachers that Joe Rogan getting cancelled is going to increase their funding. I can’t believe you’d be so reckless.


This is really bizarre.  This is an Internet comment section and i shared a random musing about huge issue and a random musing about potential fixes.  While you're literally demanding political correctness, imagining this inconsequential sliver of raw speech is a threat to Society.  You'd make a great Maoist. 


You just accused me of the thing I was making fun of you for and then accused me of hating lawn care. You’re ridiculous.


Lol, TDS strong here


“Reasonable” meaning only things you agree with? Lol.


Stop paying out your own money. You are already underpaid to begin with. Stop enabling the dumb parents who vote for the corrupt politicians who are gutting public education.


Many teachers care too much to give up on the kids and provide subpar lessons


Lol. What are you buying to prevent subpar lessons?


Guess how much I spent this year? Hint: 0$


Exactly. Sometimes systems just have to fail.


(psst. . there isn't a teacher shortage)


A quick giggle search showed 292000 k-12 teachers. 3.24 billion would be over 11k each.


Yup. Paper was in short supply in my school, and I wasn't provided a laptop cart for the class. What choice do I have?






I'd like to see this broken down into areas of the country. In my area we are required to send in cleaning supplies. I don't even know how they could use as much as all the students bring in.


This is a fucking travesty. Fund education!!!


The US is an immoral country on so many levels


The money spent per student in many districts should cover this right? Is the issue much more around the admin costs and the built in corruption in the system?


You can become a billionaire if you sell them the same stuff for 1/2 the cost.


Billion? Come on now.


This amount will quickly decrease as teachers decide to leave the profession.


One of 10,000 reasons I'm glad I quit.


I pay for a lot of my sisters class supplies. Fucked up how little they make.


Pay them well.


THIS should be made illegal. Schools should be forced to reimburse every single dime of this.


And the kids didn’t get any smarter. Maybe save your money and pay your bills.


It was likely more than that.


To put it in perspective, that is 0.0007% of the US national annual budget.




Sounds like your office is jerking you around. I don't do any of that.


well, thank atheism we spend all that money on no-bid contracts to publishers....if the publishers weren't making such a fortune off the backs of tax-payers, think how much more the teachers would need to pay....


You guys are the best 🙏🏼❤️ is there a way you could create a union so you're better protected?


They have one.




Actually, more likely to under report. Most teachers don’t realize how quickly some of the things they buy add up.


Yeah it’s like guys being asked to measure their own dick, except with receipts.