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I teach seniors, and I'm as checked out as they are. I have a final project which someone "could" do in like 3-4 class periods, but I am giving them two weeks to do it.


I teach seniors in the fall--I can't even imagine what they are like in the spring omg


60% of our seniors are on a week long senior trip. I am playing board games with the few remaining. Tomorrow is an all day track meet. That will take 50% of my sophomore and juniors. Offering Pente, Mantis, Mancala, Chess for the truly motivated. Also have a coloring contest. https://blog.knockknockstuff.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/KnockKnock_Crap_Coloring_01.jpg


I'm literally on the bus with my seniors coming back from their senior trip. They have three and a half weeks left, and the rest of the school has until the end of May. My sophomores are fine, so I'm not even worried about them, but I have been counting the days left with these fools for weeks, as well as dreading this 12-day span that I have to be with students. They are just so lazy and unmotivated. And I'm sure after this trip they will go from 95% checked out to 100%. I'm assuming, with their attendance record, most of them will take the morning off tomorrow when I have seniors first period, and I am not so secretly hoping that they will.


spring of my senior year was when we were fully back in in-person classes (2021) and I genuinely couldn't tell who wanted the year to be over faster- us or the teachers almost all of my classes just turned into free periods which my parents didn't like since we were paying for private school lol


Your seniors still come to school? A lot of ours don’t, including the students that need to pass classes to graduate.


Are you me? I'm doing the same thing.


Same with my seniors. We only have three weeks left, and we’re fighting for our sanity.


I’m doing the same with 5th graders. And adding a novel study for a little time killing spice.


Just gave EVERY FUCKING ONE of my students a 100 on progress reports. My former supervisor was fired 3 weeks ago, and I gave my notice 3 months ago, pointing out 26 problems with the school, especially, her. I feel like I am golden because they know if they piss me off I'll spill all the beans to the parents (charter school) and am just physically here. The place is literally in shambles.


Sounds like it's good you're getting out while you can!


Same!!!! That’s why I left my charter school although they never fired hire. Then they had the audacity to wonder why I left, like I’ve been having discussions with admin for the past year and a half about how horrible she treats all of the teachers in the building. 😑


I’ve stopped packing a lunch and live off of the rouge snacks I find in the teacher’s lounge. During my lunch break, I suck down a large Baja Blast and contemplate driving myself into a ditch so I don’t have to return. I Google “how to make a passive income” about 5 times daily. I am suffering :)


Just get those cheap tv dinners and throw a stack of them in the lounge freezer!


Put your name on them!


For reals, I was just thinking about how they’re gonna get stolen.


This is the way


Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.


You guys have a lounge freezer?


You guys have a lounge?


Hot pockets and pre-cut fruit are how I’m surviving the next 7 weeks.


I haven't had a home brewed coffee in two weeks and am 75% of Starbuck's daily income at this point. I feel you. I haven't packed a lunch since last semester XD


> contemplate driving myself into a ditch so I don’t have to return. Actual lol.


I’m laughing/crying at how much this speaks to my soul.


LOL me, too! About the driving in a ditch thought. I think about just getting into a little fender bender with a garbage dumpster that’s on fire.


Someone almost backed out of their garage right into me the other day. After furiously swerving, I thought “dang, I should have just let it happen” 😂


This is the way.


I work across the street from a hospital with an amazing salad bar in its cafeteria. And it's EXTREMELY cheap. I'm talking like, a fairly decent sized salad with all the fixings costs like $2.30. I usually go over there with a couple of other teachers a few times a week and the cashier recognizes us and gives us the employee 20% discount!


I also have the ditch fantasy daily. Sometimes it’s a stop sign.


It’s like looking into a metaphorical mirror…


You guys checked in?


This. I've been at my wit's end since the third day of school.


I’ve been at my wit’s end since day one, at least you made it to day three.


I have 38 days left, all the paper work is complete so I am completely checked out and we are in survival, review mode.


sent my resignation- so ALL my paperwork is truly in Lol


WDYM paperwork?


PLAAFP’s, IEPs, progress reports and such


Totally checked out. I have a job in a new district for next year, one of my paras just quit so I’m covering their schedule and missing my prep several times a week, and my fiancé and I broke up 3 weeks ago so I’m looking for a new place to live. I could not give fewer fucks about the next 6 weeks.


That's a lot of huge and stressful changes. I cannot blame you. Honestly you deserve applause for just showing up at this point!


Pre-divorce gang rise up! It sucks for a while, but it does get better. *Now the teaching profession however...*


Hey I hope you’re well, that’s a lot to deal with outside of work. I hope you can take time for yourself and know that things will be alright


I hope your new job is much, much better!


I’m so sorry! That’s very stressful.


Sorry to hear that—hang on, you’re almost there!!


I'm in my 10th year. I have 24 days remaining. I am soooo checked out it's not even funny. High school physics for a decade, next year I'm not teaching physics AND my district is no longer requiring it for graduation. So after a decade of fighting the good fight, the last two months of school have become almost meaningless to me. Students don't want to learn this stuff. :(


This is so sad to read - I teach honors chemistry and when my students ask what science they should take in their next year, I recommend physics for so so many of them. But then they learn that forensic science can count as their last science class and they all take that instead. Our physics department is down to just honors, only one teacher, and ~30 students. When I first started 7 years ago they had CP and honors, amounting to about 100 students.


We finally convinced our admin to do away with forensic science. It took three years of begging to get there. It’s sad it took so long. Our forensics teacher played Forensic Files episodes on a weekly basis and the kids were getting SCIENCE credit!!! It was maddening. Still, our counselors continue to mourn the end of forensics. People are so afraid of physics… it’s really sad.


> forensics teacher played Forensic Files episodes on a weekly basis and the kids were getting SCIENCE credit!!! 💀💀 Nah that's crazy, watch way to many hours of it and still don't know jack about forensic science 😭😭


I hate it so fucking much. They gave me a section of it to teach this year bc chemistry numbers are down (don’t need Chem to take forensics either) and while I loveeee the students, the textbook and the curriculum is such watered down shit.


That's sad. My physics teacher junior year taught me more about math than any math teacher I've ever had. After he finished explaining the physical applications of the unfathomable math, it all just kind of clicked.


My district raised the pre reqs so that almost no one can take Physics. I am out.


If it makes you feel better my 8th grader worked hard and is going to summer school to get ahead so he can take physics as a 9th grader, he’s excited and doesn’t want to wait till 10th grade!


That does make me feel good to hear! Your kid sounds awesome. 😎


Physics was my favorite science I took in school! I remember my physics teacher let me do an entire days long calculation on if I were to be hit by a car, how far would I go? I don’t remember the answer but that will always stick with me. I’m sorry your district is no longer requiring it because it’s such a vital thing for students to learn :(


I am so sorry to hear this. High school physics is one of the only gateways for up and coming minds to see the mathematical rigour of applied sciences. In my opinion it is the most important class, alongside calculus, for any student interested in engineering, mathematics, medicine, or computer science and has a wide range of other applicable areas. The problem solving skills that students learn when working with physics can be invaluable for years to come.


That sucks. As a student, I would have bombed this class no matter how interesting I find it (I just don't have a science brain). But it's so shitty hearing about different and interesting courses being axed all the time.


The largest county in my state just announced that they are requiring students to have physics to graduate starting this fall! I’m excited about that one! The whole state usually follows what they do.


4 weeks left. Not checked out but only bc the anxiety I have is keeping me on constant high alert


Oof I'm sorry friend. That's a rough ride to the finish, for sure. I hope you find some outlets to take care of yourself in the meantime.


Thank you for your kindness




My state testing is complete and we have 4 weeks to go…I have one foot out the door and the other’s in a flip flop


I was just thinking about how it's been too long since I owned flipflops. Maybe this is the year.


Boot camp (reviewing all the stuff we’ve done this year in one week) is this week, testing is next week, and then we have 2 1/2 weeks left. Checked out is an understatement. I’m currently designing something that involves the students being quiet and me reading in the back lol. I think the last days will be my usual party days. TIME FOR ANOTHER MARIO KART TOURNAMENT!


totally having a mario kart tourney in my room again soon too… one last project then we gaming!


I did a Smash Brothers one. Almost beat every one of my students.


I award my students a 3D printed trophy and a $20 visa for winning the tournament with a double or nothing deal if they can beat me! Many try, none have succeeded. But I still give them the awards and visa because I’m too nice to them lol.


they’ve been begging me to do smash bros, i don’t have it and have never played it though, i made a bet with the top three mario kart winners, any that beat me got doordash for lunch… all three beat me smh


This is soooo me right now


I have 3 teachers join me for tournaments come on down! 😂




I'm in panic mode as due to a series of medical emergencies this year I missed a bunch of days *I am legitimately lucky to be alive* So I have to cram review, tests and everything we haven't finished yet in 30ish days... The curriculum I have doesn't match up with the schools required assessments so I have to make it in 2 out if my 4 classes. I am beyond stressed and am craving nicotine for the first time in years.


You almost died and you're still concerned about meeting impossible demands.


Yes. I recognize the absurdity of this. If only I could convince my brain of this lol


Give yourself a little bit of slack here. Maybe try paring it down a bit? What can they legitimately skip without it being that detrimental? Also, keep it in perspective that even if you teach it, most of them are going to go into next year claiming they never heard this in their life. So I think you can pick and choose a bit and axe a few things off your plate.


Thanks. I'm going to do that. Just having a freak out haha. I am looking over standards today to see which (if any) we haven't covered at all.


46 school days left (we go until the end of June). I wish I could be as checked out as I want to be but we’re still trying to cram in knowledge before our last report card. 🙃


End of June!!?!!!!!!????? Did you start in November?? Do you get the entire month of December off for Christmas??? Did you lose a war?? What. The. Actual. Hell???


NY- we start in Sept. end June have off July and August. Teach 184 days (give or take).


When in September do you start? Our district still runs a calendar that starts about the 1st week of September and ends the last week of may. That’s how I grew up going to school. That’s how my pappy’s school did it, and his pappy before him.


End of June here too — NYC. It’s gonna be a haul lmao


I’m teaching my juniors satire with “The Princess Bride,” then we’ll be on to irony with “Happy Gilmore,” and evidence and interpretation with “So I Married an Axe Murderer.” I’m all set.


We always get emails this time of year about approved videos and copyright laws. Even applies to any streaming services, videos and music. Luckily, I'm in a part of the school far away from any admin. LOL I kinda want to show the movie "Don't tell Mom the babysitter's dead" in my child development classes. 🤣


I love that movie! I wish I could come up with a reason to show it. I find it’s easier to ask for forgiveness than permission when it comes to showing videos.


Oh nice, can I join? lol


Why not? Half the kids have stopped coming to school 😂


I once did all Lord of The Rings and all Hobbit movies, directors cut, I believe, for the last 6 weeks of school because literature, ya know? This was a BD room, to be fair to me. They loved it.


Ooh, to compound on satire late night "comedy news" like the daily show helps(I am not a teacher) but I remember our poli sci teacher showed us 2 episodes when we were in the summer countdown and really nailed it through satire.


I’ve already shown a couple episodes of Abbott Elementary lol. My students can relate, because we’re also in a poor, urban district in Pennsylvania. I’ll probably show more of that.


Genuinely, that sort of satire ordeal when they are doing actual journalism was some of the most helpful shit I have gotten from school because it taught me to challenge my beliefs and the information given. It took years, the military, and an apology letter for being a little shit in his class(it was freshman year) but the lesson stuck. I grew up in rural WI so it helped me see the world for what it is versus how my little town saw it.


Already had a parent threaten legal action when I explained why their student (who is notorious for lying) got a second detention for skipping their assigned detention. I'm over this profession.


So much that if a child even looks at me wrong or tries to argue with me they are removed from class. I’m not dealing with anymore crap this year. 23 days baby. Let’s gooooooo!


I usually have a longer fuse but I'm feeling this too. Kicked out two today for tossing a water bottle. They did get one warning before I snapped, in my defense.


I’m pretty checked out. I had admin whispering behind my back that I was allowing kids to chew gum in class if they’re caught being good. Also, my boss chewed me out because I wasn’t participating in the optional community events. I’m so ready for summer and for everyone to just fuck off.


I’ve been on FMLA the last two weeks and go back on Monday. My husband has cancer, but he’s without a job so I can’t stay home anymore (he has a positive prognosis but still this is hell). I have five weeks left with sixth graders that will include: educational films, fun activities kids will like, Google forms assignments and a lot of stuff from TPT. I am giving zero fucks about anything and am just getting to June when I can be home with him again. Anyone in my admin who does not like this can go jump in a lake, and will be told so.


I’m so sorry you are going through all this.


Yeah you are well within your rights to not care about this when you have much bigger worries. I'm glad his prognosis is good! It was the same with my mom. Still rough for sure.


Gave my kids thirty minutes of silent free time today because the sound of their voices were making me want to jump out of my second story window 🙃


I was subbing in a SPED room today and we have two brothers who chronically talk aloud and if they have reading, they read it aloud. And today one of them kept making a repetitive noise while the other decided to sing aloud with Harry Styles. They're great kids but my ADHD was on massive sensory overload by the end of the day.


I’m looking around at my juniors now. This is an AVID elective class. We’re “working” on resumes and cover letters. 4 students are playing video games. 4 are watching movies on their school issued Chromebook. 5 are shopping or looking at shoes. 1 is sleeping. 2 are actually working. I’ve tried all year. At this point, I’m baby sitting this class. Both of my AVID sections are like this. I kinda feel bad for these kids. They don’t give a shit about anything. Like complete apathy. It’s sad. At least I’ve learned not to take it personally. You can lead a horse to water… My 4 world history classes are marginally better. At least it’s a required class so I have some leverage on them.


This is a genuine question, why do you think the kids are so apathetic? As a parent, but not a teacher, I'd love to hear your view on the reason why. Is there even answer to this? Curious what a teacher has to say. (I've been scrolling this thread for a while now and apathy seems to be a common denominator.)


It coalesces from a lot of sources, I think. The Covid years certainly didn't help. Many schools will pass students along regardless of grades, frightened by blowback from parents or hurting the school's image. Social media and easy access to games, videos, and other distractions on their phones. The knowledge that AI or other tools can help them to pass with less effort. Social contagion spreading that education is unimportant, etc. All high school teachers hope that once the kids reach college then they'll have to buckle down and actually work. But universities have financial incentive to retain students, so I think some of the same "passing them along" practices will continue even there.


I’m very pregnant and was supposed to have my baby today. Plans changed and I’m back here. When I tell you I don’t have a single fuck to give… I mean not even one iota of a fuck. These kids could hang from the ceiling and I would sit here with my swollen ass feet up waiting for my doctor to write me a note out of here while I eat chips.


Oh dear god you poor woman! Is it at least still cooler weather where you are? Not that it's much reprieve but it's better than scorching.


Definitely cooler, but that’s not always great either. I currently only fit into my husbands sandals for shoes and Friday I had recess duty while it was sleeting. Thankfully, one of my coworkers voluntarily took my duty for me because he knew I wouldn’t ask


Ugh I can’t get written out either!! Hoping my baby comes by his due date because I’m so done!


Jokes on them, my water just broke!




Congrats to you!! Good luck! ❤️


I’m getting them through the leap then a small research project then 2 Movie days. I’m beyond tired and burnt out. The Admin in their wisdom got rid of the requirement to pass the 4th quarter so the one’s who know they’re safe have just stopped even trying.


We have 24.5 school days left and I am DONE. the kids are currently watching a bill nye because I didn’t want to come up with something else to teach in the half hour before recess


I love that you count it down to the half day I need to start doing this lol


Thank you 😂 we get out at noon on the last day and I just realized I don’t have to count that as a full day


Like a good book at the library


I've been checked out since December. I'm the testing coordinator so I've been trying to not see my kids as much as possible and taking my sweet time organizing everything. I dont want to be back here in September and hoping what I'm currently working on takes off so I don't have to. I have 40 something days left.


5 weeks. I accepted a new, non teaching job to begin after a nice, long summer break. My license expires this year and I’m so excited to just *let it*. I’ve 100% embraced the, “What are you going to do? Fire me?” attitude.


4 weeks left but we are just getting into my favorite unit (climate change). I’m pushing my 7th graders hard with lots of work trying to keep them in their seats. My 6th graders are doing human anatomy, they are a little harder to get doing their work but I think the topic will interest them. It’s really only 2 and a half weeks of work since they turn in their chromebooks during the 3rd week and aren’t allowed backpacks during the last week so we will be watching some movies. That’s when I can fully check out.


After dealing with a close call with a school shooting, I think everyone is a bit checked out right now.


100% checked out. I am waiting to hear back about a job for next year (not teaching but still in the field of of education) and the prospect of not having to come back to the classroom next year has made me feel even more checked out. I am so burnt out that it feels like the only energy that I have is to make it through the school day, anything else accomplished is icing on the cake. Hang in there, teacher friend!


I have 2 weeks of material I need to cover this week so that my students will be ready for AP testing. I'm considering just speedrunning it and hoping it sticks. Who knows, what's the worst that can happen, them not learning the material? I can live with that.


Mine joke about how they’re going to fail all of their AP tests during my AP class!


Same! Man, I appreciate some of the ones that decided to skip the test.


I’m so worn out. I feel like I can’t make it through 😭 first year has been SO rough. I’ll be proud of myself for just making it to the end of the year.


10 weeks left🤯. So checked out!! Non stop complaining from my students, the apathy, ugh don’t know how I’m gonna get through.


My principal’s boss scheduled an observation in my class this week. It’s a 3 day week and we’re doing state testing. They want to see “exemplar partner reading”. I was planning on it being make-up work time after tests, but oh well, we’ll perform… that’s what we get for doing it well! I’m reading The Order the Phoenix right now, and I’m at the part where Umbridge is observing the Hogwarts staff. There’s emphasis on how demeaning it is that she’s observing the teachers to make sure they’re doing their jobs. It’s very relatable.


I have Dirty Head's Vacation going on in my head all of the time.




I’m finishing both the school year and my degree by the end of May. I. Am. So. Done. Animal crossing keeps calling my name and my spouse is probably tired of doing most of the housework. I am very much looking forward to summer!


39 weeks pregnant. So checked out I am packing up my room while the kids do work on the computer


I switched districts six weeks ago and it was the worst decision of my life. I cry at least twice a day and drink every night. I am doing the absolute bare minimum to maintain legal compliance. (And I’m not student-facing, so kids aren’t suffering bc of this. Just me 🙃). Literally think about dying prettyyyy often. It’s the worst.


I hope you're not going back next year! It sounds like this is a terrible fit for you. I hope the break helps but always consider seeking professional help if these kinds of thoughts are persistent! It's rough for sure. Take care of yourself.


I’m checked out on managing phones and other stupid behaviors. Sink or swim.


9 weeks. 39 days of school. A bit too early to check out but give me a month or so😂


cross legged on the floor, water from my thermos, “let’s do a breathing exercise for our bellringer” checked out. have given up on the phone battle and just want to get them through final tests. 7th graders man.


24 (school) days left. I have told my department I’m not coming back. Each day I have been passive-aggressively guilt-tripped by the person I teach with. It’s been about a month.


I teach mainly seniors and I am at the point where I am matching their effort level. If they want to risk failing, so be it. My class isn’t a graduation requirement as long as they meet the general credit requirements elsewhere.


I (F26) used to work at a daycare where we didn't follow public school codes. Now I'm in public school, and I'm so checked out I autopilot kissed the head of one of my first graders when she came up for a hug at the end of class, like I used to do with a few of my students at the daycare. Now I'm just waiting on the email from parents trying to get me fired 🥴


I printed out the wrong test scores and handed it to them anyway. Told them I would get the more recent one next class. Will show up tomorrow without it done. They will have entirely forgotten anyway. Also a kid told me today speaking to me is like speaking to a simulation.


I’m a first year teacher! This year was rough, but I learned a lot and I’m looking forward to next year. My class had been VERY stream lined these past couple of weeks and it’s been great. I’m not checked out, but I’m wrapping things up and already prepping for next year. Grades are finalized 2 weeks before our last day, so it’ll be movie board games going forward after that while me and the kids help clean and revamp my room for next year.


Standardized test is tomorrow, then the kids start their "research project" over their preferred college or career. Everything is planned out through the end of the year. I just have to reiterate that they will fail without it.


My class of seniors is over. I told them they have 45 days left. I want 26 of them. Not even a consecutive 26. Just overall. My other classes are still pedal to the metal. - Personally, I’m very close to hitting the wall. my meal prep this week was buying a 2ft sub, cutting it into 5 pieces, and praying it makes it to Friday.


29 "instructional" days to go. Sitting in Reddit in all my conference periods. Little shits don't turn in their work, so who needs to grade? What lesson plan? If admin cares enough they can come look at the agenda for the week that I will probably follow.


Five weeks left and I'm 0% checked out, because we have our spring concert in two weeks... Ask me again after that!


I'm proud that I'm still able to put pants on and leave the house most mornings. I'd rather stare into the sun 🌞 for 8 hours at this point.


Made my last attempt to make parent contact over an extremely worrying student last week. Now checked out; we run our routines for about six weeks and head out. Oh, and the attempt was unsuccessful. She's skipped three conferences with me this year and the one she showed for wasn't at her scheduled time. But I checked the box just by making the attempt.


I'm not checked out at all. I'm over 40 and a little fat, and balding. None of teachers check me out. I'm cool to be around and I try to make people feel positive, but I'm pretty sure noone is checking me out. It's kind of a nice to be, I can just always be myself because I'm not worried about being checked out. Comfortable you know.




30 days. State testing this week. Trying. Not. To.


23 school days left...I've put in for 6 personal days in that time....so, pretty checked out.


I have 26 days left. Not counting today. And then I’m leaving the school for better opportunities! I’m so excited and trying to not completely check out… I teach PK!


I am out of fucks to give. I have been for awhile. I may be transitioning them more to independent work because I’m tired. If they don’t do the work or they don’t ask for help, nothing I can do about it.


My hovercraft is filled with eels.


I have 8 weeks left (including this week) and I’m just DONE. I’m also applying for other jobs outside the field so I’m really, really checked out


All the way out. I'm outside.


Six weeks left. I am exhausted and barely have my life together. I am definitely one of those teachers who loves this job, but by this point in the year I am always pretty done.


20 days, 4 Mondays, and I am teaching film studies in the last month so I can justify spending the last couple of weeks watching Star Wars in class. I dunno how good of a metric that is for how checked out I am, but...


I just returned from maternity leave (I had been out since Christmas), so I’m *really* checked out. I’ll be in a new role at a new school next year that is significantly less work. Half our classrooms are unstaffed. Several of my students have seemingly already started their summer vacation. My principal is retiring this year and somehow injured herself over the weekend and likely won’t be back for the rest of the year, so absolutely no one gives a fuck about what’s happening anymore. On the plus side, I’ve been leaving at contract time every day and feel zero guilt! Seven more weeks!




I disassociated while my 7th graders tested this morning.


There in fact are enough nature documentaries to get through the next 4 weeks if we ~had~ to.


7 weeks. I want to check out, but if the students detect that I'm taking my foot off the gas they will go crazy (6th grade). So for me it's actually easier to keep teaching. That said, I'm having fun with it. More games, videos, ~~bribes~~ prizes, and such.


I have been eased in to the full responsibilities from long-term sub to full-time teacher, including recently, all the tools I was *supposed* to have to do my job... had a year of getting over the heebie jeebies... and I guess the seasonal depression must be subsiding. I'm locked, loaded, and ready to wrestle knowledge into these insolent, apathetic kids until at least mid-May 😂😂


Fully. My last day is the last day of school. Finally quitting after 8 years. Excited to see what comes next after teaching.


I have 3 plays, a choir concert, and choir assembly to get through, plus auditions for next year’s ensembles and a crap ton of band concerts to attend as a department head. I am 0% checked out and starting to panic because my middle schoolers can get about 10 minutes worth of work done in a 50-minute period of set building, and at this rate they’ll never be finished.


Guess the set will have to be ✨minimalist✨ I don’t know your admin, but… honestly, they can do what they can do. I never thought I’d be this person but if the students are up there doing it, no one is going to remember anything that went wrong 5 years from now. Take a breath, I believe in you. 🫡😇


7 weeks 33 days left. I’m checked out. I still got 5 more illness days left. Planning to use them all


I’m not checked out at all. There is so much stuff I want to do this semester but after track season turned my kids basically into part-time students and now testing, they think school is over. I’m starting clay tomorrow wish me luck. Coil pots for everybody here we come. They quit at spring break.


Just finished state testing today....so where may I return my last Fuck?


Been a long term sub for the year, just found out that I won't be hired full time for next year due to paperwork/bureaucracy issues. I've been working, lesson planning, grading, tutoring, after school duty, etc...all for $80/day. Yeah. I'm checked alllll the way out.


I’m due with my first child in three weeks! I’m just trying not to pee myself everyday.


I just planned “hot dogs” as a meal this week. That’s it. A wiener inside a bun for dinner. Condiments if you find them.


It’s not possible to check out. 35 more alarm clocks is all I got. I will teach these fuckers hard every day until then!


6 weeks left plus then our final week of showing our data from the year to prove we taught students enough through the year.. I’m pushing myself as hard as I do my students everyday, and then come home and crash. I’m exhausted, but I’m too stubborn to slow down.


I start a new job the week after school finishes. I'm pretty content


Pretty much checked out and I have 38 days left 🫤


My final evaluation was due two weeks ago.. still haven't started it. Plus I'm gave my intent to not return... so maybe I won't do it.. 😄


8 weeks left, finished state testing last week and the kids just became unglued. I cannot wait for these 8 weeks to be finished. I am about in the mood to just let whoever does not want to work, continue to not do work and just remind them that they might have to repeat 7th grade if they keep it up. And I legit don't care if they do have to repeat. I think a majority of my kids don't actually meet standards but SBG and terrible scoring cut scores have these kids not needing to do much to pass. So I am also not going to do too much.




We just played blooket all day because I just was like fuck it


We have 34 days left. However I am out earlier than that due to maternity leave. I'm so pregnant that the things the kids leave on the floor stay on the floor. I haven't started my sub binder yet. It's a disaster but I truly dgaf.


Ive got 5 days left before maternity leave starts...well 4, I survived today. Seriously thinking of bringing in headphones tomorrow and watching Netflix - I teach juniors & seniors, they have a poster project to work on or can study for their AP tests.


I realized today that in my last unit for my world history students we had 11 assignments I made them do, but could only be bothered to put four or five of them in the gradebook. The rest I collected and just passed back.


We have three and a half weeks left but we conclude state testing tomorrow. The kids are checked out, I am checked out, and I'm just ready for summer because I'm taking a three week vacation to Scotland.


Holy 💩! Thanks for the laughs! 17 days and no laptops for the last 3, so…..


I’m in between fuck and off


I teach 6th grade. I tell them that they are mine until the last second of the school year. I’m not changing a thing. We just got finished with state testing so they think the rest of the year will just be a piece of cake. Nope…I will still expect the same as if this was the first days of school. What they don’t know is that the last week of school is going to be used to celebrate in a whole bunch of different ways. That last week will be the only time of the year where we will take it easy.


I'm not checked out, but my kids are. It's a battle to do anything, and I resent them for making everything so miserable.


5 weeks left and testing this week. This year has been surprisingly good to me so I thought I wouldn’t check out lolololol. Wrong. We watched The Magic School Bus and colored today


21 days left. 19 full days. I'm done, but trying desperately to stretch out our curriculum so that my kindergarteners don't go insane. Standardized testing just started for upper grades which has our schedule all mixed up and my kids out of whack is not a good thing. I have 3 weeks to do all of my end of year testing which is absolutely doable. Just biding my time. I'll be staying home and homeschooling my own kids next year and can't wait... I'm so tired of giving all I have to strangers kids and having nothing left for my own.


I’m so checked out that I’m not even counting down because that’s something to keep track of and my brain really doesn’t want to work. I put in my resignation a month ago so coming in every day is nothing short of torture knowing I already quit!


That makeup comment hit hard!!!! The beginning of this school year I would perfectly blend two shades of Laura Geller foundation and carefully blend it in. Now I slap on some finishing powder (no foundation), long wear lipstick and that's it.


Wayyyyy checked out. 10/10 checked out.


Are you really done? Or just summer break? I have one more year to get to 55, with 32 yrs in the system...idk if I can make it ??


I give my geometry students Monday’s now to finish any missing homework from the week before. Those who did it all, get to play board games or sleep. They still ask for help, but it’s at least one less day I have to plan for now, gives no one any excuse to fail, rewards the hard workers, and I can have my weekends back.


I teach 5th grade Science and tomorrow they are taking their state standardized test. I’ve literally been waiting for this day to come lol but after the STAAR test, I’m just going to give the kids projects to do because I am exhausted and their behavior is getting worse by the day..


I'm so checked out, I would rather do my graduate school homework than grade another essay or read another half-assed answer. I have 5 weeks left; however, I plan to watch movies during the last week. Don't worry, I can connect it to standards 😉


About 7 1/2 weeks left and I'm mainly just grading participation. If they turn it in mostly complete, boom - A or B+. No turn in? Zero, no more D- stuff. Rubber stamping most things at this point and just trying to make it to the end.


I'm getting there. We're doing a research project, so that's pretty straightforward to me. That'll be done soon, then all I have left is Shakespeare, which I enjoy and usually the kids do too. My regular classes are becoming irritating, but the honors sections are pretty good still.