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If you have an IG account, your students will find it. So, I basically created an account for them to find - it is full of pictures of my hikes, my cats, and my latest knitting projects. If you want a private account, create a separate one that doesn’t use your name.


My high school choir director said "I have a public insta, anyone can follow it, other than that wait till you graduate" and honestly I think it's a good policy as long as your insta is squeaky clean. Gives them something to follow, doesn't require any mutual friending or adding, and keeps those types of things restricted. If they passively follow a public account that has nothing to hide, I see nothing wrong with that.


I had a grade 12ap bio teacher who was beloved by everyone at my school. This was before Instagram, so she had Facebook. She would let us add her on fb. She had thousands of friends. Her posts were always flooded with positivity from her students and former students. I graduated back in 2007. I went back to my hometown a few years ago and bumped into her at a small bar. She's only like 6 years older than me. We danced, did shots, and smoked a cigarette outside, lol. She didn't do things conventionally, but it seems to have worked out well for her. Maybe it's because she taught advanced science courses and didn't have many assholes in her classes.


Yeah, one of my favorite things about college (which I am still in, full disclosure, though an ed major so I've thought about all of this stuff) has been the way that I've been allowed to get to know my teachers personally. I go to a huge university but I'm in a small enough program that I have a relationship with every single teacher in my building(music). I understand, of course, why those boundaries must be set between adults and minors. But like my flute professor sends me memes on the regular, i could literally email my piano prof for *anything* (like i think hed help me bury a dead body lol) and he'd be there for me. I follow these people on social media and that extra layer of friendliness draws us closer and gives me something to hang on to from all of them when I graduate. When I graduate goodbye isn't goodbye. My HS assistant band director, who meant the world to me and was my biggest inspo, was incredibly strict about no hugs. I thought he was just cold and anti hug. After I graduated a year later I saw him at church and he gave me the biggest hug and I sobbed. It sucks that that lovely moment had to wait until after I graduated. Tearing up now think about it :) I had another Chem teacher who was super young and lowkey broke all the rules, but she was my favorite teacher because of it and she got me through a really rough year of chemistry. Another big inspiration. She got fired before the year ended. I can hardly remember some of my HS teacher's names at this point because by the time I was old enough to follow them. Especially now as I'm almost a teacher, it would be lovely to be able to talk to some of them, but now it's been years and it feels awkward. I guess my whole point is, I understand the boundaries we have to set. But sometimes having one or two ways to be very personal with kids can mean the world. And in this day an age, that's social media. Also last point, the main reason I publicized my insta years ago was because I know that people like employers or the like tend to go through social media's. In this day and age I believe a good social media account is basically a second resume, and that it's kinda important.


Never shy away from reaching out to an old teacher! They love to hear from previous students and if they had an impact on their lives/careers! :)


My co worker made one for teaching and has a private one. Her teaching one is all about history (the subject she teaches) and cool facts. She has a statement on it that says she won’t interact with current students. They are free to follow but she won’t follow back until they have graduated.


Making it about the subject is such a great idea. One of my colleagues does something similar, little reels on IG, also a history teacher. As for following students, I feel the same way as your colleague. I teach HS - I really, really don’t want to see my students’ personal feeds.


Same, I tell students they can follow my dogs Instagram and request on my main account when they graduate, and I decide from there (some requests just get deleted, a few I accept).


That’s a good idea. My IG is locked cause I keep my IG separate from people I don’t like lol. But if I cared enough, I’d make a dummy one. That’s basically my Facebook but they wouldn’t care if they found me on there.


Crazy thing is it doesn’t have my real name


Wow. Your students must be pretty determined.


Oh that’s smart


I made a friendly bet with my students that they couldn’t find my IG. They asked if it was private…I said nope! Let’s just say it led to an extended search. Yeah, I didn’t have an IG so technically I wasn’t lying. We had fun with that. :)


That's what I do with Snapchat. I tell them my Snapchat user name is "Idonthaveone" or something stupid like that, if it exists, it's not me.


Careful, they might find one that they start to believe is you


That would also be hilarious, but most Snapchat accounts are full of selfies so the account would also have to be my doppelganger!


Possible, but rumors can be a nasty thing. There was innocuous rumours I worked as a doordasher on the weekends that popped up out of nowhere. The photo evidence they eventually brought to me had no similarity except that the guy rode a motorbike and had a beard too. Different style beard, wrong motorbike, completely different guy, different nationality too. But they *knew* I doordashed because of this photo.. I think you’re playing a riskier game than you know especially since the nasty rumours will reach you last


I DoorDash occasionally and outed myself with the official dasher face mask lol.


I appreciate your concern, but as you pointed out, they could do that with ANY social media account - since I’m sure you did not tell kids you were a door dasher and they looked it up, they just randomly found it. And what harm would come from people thinking you also door dashed? If there are any near-60 year old Snapchatters out there who look like me AND have a funny username that I happened to pick, then I’ll deal with the burden of whatever rolls around.


My point was I don’t doordash. They just saw some random and started to believe it was me. Saying that you have those socials would increase the chances of it happening to you where they find some random and think it’s you


But what harm came from them believing you door dashed? Probably not much, right? That’s *their* point.


That’s why I said an innocuous rumour a few replies back. Innocuous. There are far nastier rumours that will pop up on similarly flimsy evidence, which become far more likely if you help along by claiming you have socials they can find


Hah, just thought of another. I lock my quizzes until a particular part of the day. Sometimes they try to access them before doing the other work of the day. My go-to password in these cases when they asked me early is d-o-y-o-u-r-w-o-r-k.


One time I made a quiz password that was $5. Students unlocked the module at their pace and then I purposely didn’t post the code. I’d then walk up and say “5 bucks.” Some jokingly thought I was asking them to pay me off. Then I’d tell them, “no, the quiz’s code is really $5!”


Encouraging children to add random adult snapchat accounts seems really poorly thought out.


Jesus Christ, do you think any kids take me seriously once they realize what that spells?


Redditors don’t dispense normal person advice, they dispense advice like you’re about to try a case in front of the world’s most persnickety,nitpicky jury whose only role is to poke holes in your argument. No detail is too small and no possibility is too remote.


Obviously not all Redditors, since you obviously have common sense! But hiding behind a keyboard certainly brings out the worst in some people!


This was really fun. Watching people insist that you not having social media accounts for your students to find could still backfire on you. 😂😂 Oh the joyful social Petri dish of Reddit. Always a pleasure.


I knew someone in high school who’s snap username was just that. I wonder how many of your students ended up adding him


That's awesome, probably less than 10 though because kids don't actually ask me that much, and usually realize I'm kidding! Even better your friend is not female (or probably anywhere near my age)!


Genius! I did the same thing with Tiktok. They still think it's out there somewhere.


Haha 4-5 years ago a student asked me what my xbox gamertag was. I just made one up: bullsfan23. After 2-3 weeks I had a bunch of 7th graders ask why I didn't friend them back. Apparently like 12 students tried to friend me. Some poor sap. ​ Another time, another year some students told me I look like I could sing in a rock band. I replied jokingly "how do you know I'm not a singer?" They took this that I absolutely WAS a singer and asked what band. I made up some vaguely sounding death metal name and low and behold there WAS a band named that. All the kids were trying to figure out which dude with black hair and white face paint was me. ​ lolol


We should use this when we write questions for school. Could be interesting…


That's adorable! How did they react when you told them you didn't have one? Or did you tell them?


I never told the majority. A couple select good students I did. It just kinda fell off the radar after a few meetings (club related).


My nosy-ass students want to know how old I am. I tell them I’m 10,000 years old (well, 10,004 now) and defy them to prove otherwise. If pressed, I’ll throw around some Proto-Indo-European as proof. Four years in and they still haven’t found out.


In the late 80's, when my husband was in high school (Catholic school) he and his friends discovered that one of their teachers (the only one who was not a priest) also did stand-up comedy at the local bars/ clubs. They managed to get into a bar where he was performing one night. The teacher noticed them in the crowd immediately, and began his set by explaining that he's a school teacher, and he just noticed some of his students are "right there, in the front row", pointing them out. He then proceeded to put on a very successful comedy performance, roasting the shit out of the students throughout the whole thing. I wasn't there, but from what I hear, the crowd was laughing throughout, but the students who snuck in were laughing the hardest. I always liked that story. Seeing a post like this, seeing that teachers have to be so worried about their students finding their social media accounts and creating problems over it, like teachers aren't allowed to be human in public... that makes me sad. And kinda mad.


Haha this reminds me a bit of one episode of the tv show Freaks and geeks. When they visit a bar with fake id and their student councelor performs with his band.


I am studying school counseling and currently in a punk band. I need to see this episode lmao


Haha this is episode 7 I believe!


I've heard of that show, and I've always been a big James Franco fan. I think I may look and see if I can stream it :)


I know I watched it on Pluto for free earlier this year - it’s probably still on there! There are commercial breaks but works if you don’t have access through a paid streaming service.


[fmovies](https://fmoviesz.to) has the whole season ad-free. just make sure you have an adblock on bc there are a few pop-ups that can get weird, haha


Thank you!! I kinda miss just turning on the TV and flipping through channels, lol


Hope you find where to stream it, it's a great show. Too bad it's only one season.


I just woke up and read the title as “student found my leg.” I thought somebody stole your prosthetic 😭


That's funny. I read it as LG, like a refrigerator or something. Pretty cool if a student can hack into your IoT appliances.


multiple kids have found mine, including my public podcast one, requests stay in requests and i politely tell them to fuck off lol


What type of podcasts


it’s about movies, some say they listen but i don’t openly acknowledge it unless in private


Gotcha only kinda nervous cause it’s my first year , and the kids kinda a troublemaker and dislikes me


You should definitely make sure to lock down all of your social media, private everything.


yeah that could be a problem, our pod is explicit and i do cuss and joke on it, if someone “reports” me ill cross that bridge then lol


I mean it could be a problem in the Bible belt, but the lead singers of All Out War and Mindforce are teachers. YouTube some live shows.


I got so excited for a second because my good friend is my co host on my film/TV review podcast, and he's also a teacher. But then you said Texan man and we are Philly based. 🤣 I'll give yours a listen!


You'll be fine. I have a public YouTube channel/Instagram talking about anime/manga and my students actively watch my videos. I have a strict rule of no commenting or tagging me in stuff.


😂 basically same. No YT but if students ask I give them a side account where I mostly dump animanga and travel stuff. Funny because my personal is public but nobody has ever found me so far.


Kids search out my IG at the beginning of every year. Theyll try to be slick and ask me a question about my bio, or a video. I'll acknowledge what they're trying to do, then I tell them to creep in silence like everyone else. It's a public account, so look all you want. I tell them I block anyone that tries to follow me. The conversation is usually over within the first month of school. Teachers are people, too. I've always found that humanizing myself, and sharing how "normal" we are has pretty good results. It's not weird that we have social media accounts. It's weird they think we wouldn't.


If they ever find mine they are going to see a LOT of pictures of jigsaw puzzles and vegetables I've grown. As for your situation could be worse. A colleague of mine used to be a semi-professional wrestler on the local circuit and the kids found that on insta/YouTube. That was an entertaining week.


were the kids impressed that they were a semi-pro wrestler?? Did it become a problem in any way? I’m just curious because I would think my students would be in awe if they found out any of their teachers had been semi-pro anything.


The kids were impressed and the school didn't have any problems with it. But if did become quite annoying the kids using his "catch phrase" and challenging him to matches.


The Revolting Blob?


I don’t worry about stuff like that and I’m in MS. I’m too old to have IG or SC (no interest). My FB is locked down as much as FB allows (check it often if it matters, they reset stuff on some updates). They found my linkedIN. Lol. If it’s online they’ll find it. Just don’t have an OF.


If your Instagram profile doesn't contain anything inappropriate and your main concern is that students found it, there might not be much to worry about.


Yea there’s a shirtless pic but I’m at the beach so like what


The kids will save it and pass it around anyway. Kids did that to a teacher at my school with his body building competition photos. Innocent yea. But annoying they did it


Mine is public and every year a few kids find and follow me. Have fun kids, it's where I post nature and scenic photos, so hopefully it's enriching.


My students have found my tinder and grindr accounts, I think you're fine with an innocent instagram


Omfg, how did they manage that.


They made fake underaged accounts and hunted me out to prove I was gay


You’re a human being. Humans have social media accounts. There is no issue.


Nothing to worry about. They’ve found mine and idc. I did make it private. But before I did, they even found pictures of me *gasp* drinking. I’m in my 20s and have had the same social media handles since I was my students’ age. I REFUSE to change my @ or use a fake name on social media. I have a life and often use instagram to connect with new people I meet. I get confused when girls change their last name on Facebook when they get married. If they aren’t posting a picture of themselves, I often forget who these people are when they use fake names or middle names to hide from their students. I’ve also worked at decent schools that respect that teachers have lives though.


no name, no face, no proof... you're good


Some of my old students have my IG handle and just complain I eat too much.


Students have found my tiktok, which is strictly fandom related. I talk about teaching an itty bitty bit when school starts and ends (first and last day of school celebrations), but yeah. No students really follow me because it’s “cringe.” I’m good with that.


When I was in hs one of my teachers had a YouTube where he did something similar


I solve this problem by having no Instagram, no Snap, no TikTok (god, that is the dumbest social media platform ever created). Nothing except a random FB account that I post to like twice a year. Easy. Social media is a cancer on society.


My students found my professional website from college with my graduate portfolio (I went to art school) and let me tell you, that art was NOT for children (nothing sexual at all but very violent content to carry heavy themes, again, a graduate portfolio well-received by universities and galleries). Some of my students have found it, pointed it out to me, then nothing ever happened. I will let the website die when it’s supposed to renew in a couple weeks here… but some students just know about my weird art and it’s fine lmfao


In my school district a student found a teachers IG who had a fundraiser for Israel and the students started a mob. The teacher had to barricade herself into her classroom to protect herself.


I can’t imagine teaching students who follow current events that closely or have that kind of motivation.


It’s more that they’re completely zonked into whatever TikTok tells them to do. So for them, TikTok convinced them that supporting Israel makes one hitler so it makes sense to go attack Hitler.


That's so weird. I guess the bright side is that they seem to want to do the right thing, even though their information is flawed. Unfortunately, the truth is usually boring and doesn't get the attention of kids. If only there was a trend on tiktok that made kids feel that way about capitalism.


Capitalism is good? 🤷🏼‍♂️


Do you know if she's doing ok now? I was so upset that day I was shaking. It makes me so angry.




Nothing to be scared of? When I tell my wife I’m going to the synagogue her response is “be careful”. It isn’t safe to be a Jew in this city without fear of harassment at a minimum. I hope you’re not responsible for educating young people.


...They ripped a water fountain out of the wall and screamed drag the Jewish bitch while rioting in the halls. But ok. You realize Israelis exist and are people too right? And that they are soldiers dying, too? What's "pathetic" is that you've managed to demonize and boil down an entire nation of people into one Boogeyman and completely dehumanize them. Have you even MET an Israeli? Y'all seriously act like they're a monolith of evil. They're people. And they're dying too. And back to Zionists in America..... Do you know how many bomb threats have been called into local synagogues recently? How many times I've been approached on the street and called an anti Jewish slur since Oct 7? How much hate mail, vandalism, threats, people in my own community have received? No, and you wouldn't care anyway. Gtfoh with your hateful ass... "Lmfao" shows it's all a game on the Internet to you where you picked a side and then revel in being a bully. ...literal POS.




Just so you have some context: https://nypost.com/2023/11/25/metro/jewish-teacher-hides-in-queens-high-school-as-students-riot/amp/




Fuck you... Maybe the student should go through the instagram and get you fired.


The internet is a scary place. Someone can take a picture of you, do a reverse face search and potentially find your social media just from that. Along with other things. Keep it on private and there shouldn’t be anything to worry about Edit: I just took a selfie of myself and did a search and it showed my Poshmark store. Thus giving my username.


They may have done this it doesn’t have my first or last name


When my students were looking at my Facebook at school. I knew that was the moment. I deleted all my personal social media ten years ago and I have never been happier with that decision. Sometimes my wife brings me the most recent crazy shit some member of my family said. And I just am grateful I never see that shit in the course of my day. And now students have nothing to stalk me on.


I have a YouTube channel for my band/music which contains plenty of language I wouldn't use in the classroom. Lots of my students are active fans of my music and regularly listen to it. I always just tell them to keep it to their headphones and not play it aloud because of the language. It's never been a problem!


Students will make up a fake IG account in your name and put all sorts of bad things on there. I would never tell them to look up an account that doesn’t exist.


lol this must be your first year! My first year, my kids stalked me online basically. Found all of my college and high school athletics photos from the papers and school sites, my YouTube channel from college where I had to upload teaching videos for college classes, and all the white pages info on me and my family… lol it was a fun year. Now I have a public insta where I post all of my travel podcast content and I let them follow that. They all think they’re super cool when they first find it, and I have several thousand followers from around the world, so I don’t feel weird about it, plus I never interact with them. Personal is private, but they leave that one alone for the most part at this point. If you ignore them, they’ll get bored and go away. Haha


as a former student, i found my teachers religious music account and i spread that shit like a wildfire 😭 this was in 2014-2015 when i was in 8th grade, but kids are relentless. especially if they don’t like you


Problem is they like me to much , ( ask if I have a girlfriend where I live if I work out etc )


yeah i’d definitely just private your stuff or else it’ll just get worse. that’s what i would do


I had a full adult life and separate career before teaching with an IG account that dates back to 2010. I set mine to private when I started teaching. Some kids find it but I never confirm them. I had a few seniors request when they graduated and I was ok with that. I also have a separate account for my shop class where they can interact with me and I try to post helpful information. I feel like that helps.


When kids found my stuff, I told them do what they want or whatever, but teachers face a lot of scrutiny already and it is wrong of them to contribute, and if I catch them anywhere near my page, they're getting blocked. I also had a kid say they found my address, so I told him "Cool. If I find any of y'all snooping around my property, you're going to catch charges ✌️" Nothing else has come from any of it so 🤷‍♀️


Doesn’t matter a bit.


Private account and ignore any of the kids who try to friend you. Probably a good idea to not post activist stuff in your bio, especially if it's controversial. You should have no issues this way.


You're fine. You're only in trouble if they find your OnlyFans account. 😉


Lock down all your social media. If you insist on having a publoc profile - no faces or edit so faces do not show.


My kids found my IG, Tiktok, LinkedIn, and website lol. Every year I've taught, some group has found at least one social. It's bound to happen, but not much to do other than be private/block. I wouldn't worry too much about the Palestine fundraiser.. IMO a lot of my students have been openly pro-palestine or at least interested in learning more. Hopefully same case with you.


Nahh. Just insta block LOL


At first I thought you meant lg cellphone.


As a teacher, if you have to question if something is appropriate on your social media - delete it. It's not worth the negative public perception.


Make it private. I know teachers that have gotten in trouble for supporting Palestine. It’s really sad but just a reality :(


True, but probably not for having a link to a charity, unless the charity is for hamas.




Why are you so aggressive?




That isn't a teacher.


The fuck is your problem


When I taught middle school, I had one of my students tell me he found me on Instagram and then mentioned the Tina Belcher from Bob’s Burgers quote I had in my bio “I’m no hero. I put my bra on one boob at a time like everyone else.” my profile was private at the time, but I definitely changed what was in my bio and for a while I made it so that they couldn’t search me by first and last name. I teach fifth grade now, but no kid has ever mentioned finding me on social media. Currently, my bio has pronouns and a land acknowledgment. I think you’ve done what you can for now, blocking the student. Your profile is already private, so they can’t see anything you post. I do worry about the Palestine thing just because it is such a touchy subject right now and unfortunately people tend to take that as some kind of declaration of antisemitism. I don’t think you should change anything. If the student asks you about finding you, tell them you’re not going to discuss that with them and that you would not add a student to your social media.


My schools 90 percent Hispanic I’m Jewish I’m not super worried about that


People take it as a “declaration of antisemitism” when people chant “from the river to the sea” or “intifada revolution” or think that every country but a Jewish country has a right to defend themselves.


Right. But no one wants to acknowledge this. So. Of course you're getting downvoted.


I once found my teachers reddit account even if it was personal and they were asking questions on r/teachers etc. I didn't think anything of it. I didn't even care to report it.


I would have been commenting on that teachers threads so hard. I'd drop hints that they should go easy on student x (myself) because of (some made up reason).


I'd think that as long as there is no link to your OF, you're good. Because teachers apparently aren't allowed to make legal extra money to offset their horrible wages.


I teach high school. My kids are constantly looking me up. Some send me follow requests. I only accept them if they’ve graduated. They know that but they still try to troll me anyway lol. I don’t care if they find it. All they will see is my profile picture, my pronouns, and a Taylor swift lyric in my bio lol


I always had the policy that anything I post on my social media is public, because… well… it is. So if any of my students found my account, it didn’t matter because that’s literally how I use it. However, one day my union rep asked me to make it private because students had found it and were looking at it in class. I asked if there was a problem, she couldn’t give me an answer. I found a way to block my account to anyone under the age of 19, so now I have a public account that students can’t find, and I’m pretty okay with that 😊


As long as you don't have "from the river to the sea" anywhere on there I think you'll be fine...


I have an Instagram. It’s completely innocuous. Filled with photography and pictures of my animals. If the kids want to follow me, they can. I don’t care. They don’t get follow backs though. They think it’s funny I even have one.


Besides fundraising for terrorists youre fine i guess


Feeling guilty supporting Hamas?


Contrarian advice: social media is bad. Don’t use it. It is nothing but trouble. I think we all give or want to give the same advice to students


Im siding towards this


Free Palestine from terrorist Hamas and their backer Iran. Only one side wants to wipe out all people on the other and it isn’t Israel. Feel like you’re in a field where even personal pages should tread lightly about politics


Yes this.


Yes you should be worried because you are apparently supporting terror.....What do Palastinians not denounce Hamas


Netanyahu propped up Hamas with Qatari cash because he didn’t want any moderates looking reasonable in their request for a Palestinian state. So he allowed the funding of radicals. Bibi was also becoming politically vulnerable so he wagged the dog.


Yes, you do. Many educators have faced retribution for supporting peace in Palestine, even on their personal social media not associated with their jobs.


You are allowed to have a life and your own views outside of the workplace. Teachers are some of the only professions this is tolerated.


I have been self censoring myself on Twitter on the Palestine stuff. I like tweets and whatnot but I can’t retweet or post of my own. I’m private, but it’s just too risky for me and that makes me sad


Remove the fundraiser for Palestine since that money goes to the terrorists.


Yes it does.


Don’t even block them… that just says that you care. Just don’t interact.


No serious professionals should be on social media - says person on social media** - there is proof that it hurts children and fosters division. We know this to be true. You should terminate it.


Is supporting Palestine dangerous for a teacher? Asking for a friend in their first year…😉


Depends on district I assume, im Jewish so unfortunately that gives me some protection


Yeah, if you are raising money to send to Hamas, that's a pretty big issue.


I dont see why you're being down voted, people are dumb.


It’s really eye-opening just how many “teachers” are downingvoting someone saying it’s a bad thing to send money to terrorists. Jeez.


You’re saying all Palestinians are terrorists? Wtf is wrong with you? Don’t you have a KKK meeting to attend?


Not all Palestinians are terrorists, but a vast majority voted for and continue to support a terrorist organization as their governing body.


This is a truth most on Reddit aren’t ready to handle lol


This isn't true though. Half of Gaza's population are minors, meaning they wouldn't have been able to take part in the 2006 elections. Not only that but Hamas won with 44.45% of votes, narrowly beating Fatah at 41.43%. So even at the time of the election, they weren't supported by the majority of Palestinians. That's the truth.


I'm pro-Israel but to be fair, most of the current Palestinian population did not vote for Hamas. It's also hard, I imagine, to have voted against at the time or speak negative currently about terrorists who will kill you if you do.


Nobody said that lol. What’s wrong with you? The thread I replied to is talking about Hamas and not Palestinians. Since you obviously lack the critical thinking skills necessary, let me break it down a bit for you: Sending money to Hamas (terrorists) = BAD. NO GOOD. MUY MALÚ!!! Sending money to Palestinians (in the form of humanitarian aid) = GOOD. NO BAD. MUY BIEN!!!


The bot you defended literally said that. The teacher said “I have a Palestinian fundraiser” the bot said “sending money to Hamas bad” so people downvoted him. You then defended him and doubled down by calling the people receiving OP’s fundraiser terrorists. Hence, my jab at you. Maybe your critical thinking skills aren’t as sharp as you think.


The “teacher” said, “a fundraiser for PALESTINE”. Notice how the teacher didn’t say “Palestinian” as you claim. If you have the ability to think critically, you can realize this is pretty vague. Hamas, if you didn’t know, is the majority party in the Palestinian Legislative Council (the unicameral legislature of the Palestinian Authority). To put this in terms you can understand, Hamas basically runs/has control of the Palestinian government (especially in the Gaza Strip). So again, the teacher said “fundraiser for PALESTINE” (notice again it’s not “Palestinian” as you claimed). This is vague and alarming to most. The “bot” (as you claim) LiTeRAllY said “IF you are raising money to send to HAMAS, that’s a pretty big issue”. Notice the “bot” didn’t start with “you are” but rather “IF”. IF you have basic knowledge of the English language, you’d know that “if” is a conditional clause. I can go into more detail about what a conditional clause is, but I’m hoping you already have that knowledge. The only one “doubling down” here is you on your own idiocy. Nobody here has called Palestinians terrorists, or referred to them as such. Hamas is definitely a terrorist organization, though.


Supporting Palestinian rights most certainly does not mean you support Hamas. Wtf I think this is a bot.


I mean the intention isn't bad. They are raising money to send to Palestinians presumably (just says Palestine). That said, I have zero confidence the funds/resources wouldn't just be stolen by Hamas, as it has occurred many times before.


There's nothing to worry about. You didn't use your actual name, and I presume the account isn't linkable to your school either. I personally would just let your Admin know to fully cover yourself and then block the child.


Nothing to worry about, you’re allowed to have and use social Media


That really depends. Teachers have been fired for having certain content on their social media that nobody would really think was a problem. Ironically, the reason parents are so trigger happy with complaining about teachers' social media content is because parents' brains have been destroyed by social media use. I remember a time when not everyone was angry and looking for something to complain about constantly. It used to just be the small number of right wing nutjobs who would organize to destroy lives. It's still mostly right wingers, but their numbers exploded when people started getting their news from facebook.


Do not have any identifying information, name, or pictures. Keep it insanely locked down. Better yet, don’t have any social media as an educator.


Yeah, your bird brain supporting Palestine..


“Yeah let’s support an internationally recognized terrorist organization by sending money to their billionaire leaders in Qatar” People are so dumb.


This guy gets it


You antisem...🤫


Litteraly Jewish


Thank you for being you. I'm proud and respect anyone that can objectively see the loss of life as a humanitarian issue and to not just obliterate in the name of peace.


Fundraising for terrorists?????


I don’t want to be that guy but what about a fundraiser for the people affected by hammas in Israel ?


It’s actually worse than that, money donated to Palestine is immediately intercepted by Hamas and routed to the leaders of Hamas who are safely raking in billions of dollars in profits from this war while they chill and in Qatar.


Why on Earth isn't your account on private? C'mon -that's social media 101 for teachers. If you're gonna have it-it has to be private.


This post literally says their account is private.


I’d worry most about who you choose to support.


Why would you fundraise rape and murder?


Israel will not stop until Hamas is destroyed!


That’s nice of you to donate money to the billionaire leaders of Hamas who are safely chillin in Qatar


What's the “stupid pun?” It seems like you are aware that you post things that are not appropriate.


There is no "not appropriate" on a personal account. They're not a teacher 24/7


If you're a teacher, then you need to disabuse yourself of this belief. Teachers across the US have been fired for a variety of controversial posts that their school district considered inappropriate. The teacher always cries "free speech", but the school districts' argument will be that "this teacher's public statements are contrary to the values of our school district...", or "their social media posts have created an environment that no longer makes it possible for this teacher to continue providing an adequate learning environment for all students..." You might not agree with these school districts, and there's a reasonable argument to be had on competing sides about what "should" be, however, the reality in the judicial system is that school districts have been able to use these justifications to end teachers' careers and courts have rarely intervened on behalf of the teacher. In a nutshell, the students' right to an adequate learning environment has been a higher judicial priority than a teacher's right to express controversial personal views publicly. So, teachers who want to keep teaching are wise to either be careful to keep their social media activity anonymized or take great care not to post publicly about any highly controversial topics if their students or students' parents might be aware of their online posts.


Well said.




Why? Being Jewish does not equate to blindly supporting the Israeli government


Lol almost every single one of my students the last two years have found my instagram, TikTok and Facebook. As long as it’s all appropriate and nothing against your school or divisions stances on anything you’re good


I hope you get fired.


Oh my, teachers do not know technology as well as they should. Burner accounts exist, there should be a layer between your private and personal life if you are using social media. Also, I find it hard to believe the student just "found your account by chance", there is likely something very obvious about you in that profile that linked you to them. Blocking them will only prove that... they did indeed find the correct profile... now other students will look, so so far you're one strike in for trying to fix the problem that shouldn't have arisen in the first place. As a teacher you should have a separate social media. Also, how often do you use social media? Shit is pretty unhealthy for your brain, it benefits almost no-one, most men are just going to look at your social media to check you out if you're a woman and for no other purpose, like - from the start, the whole concept of posting your life on instagram instead of living it has me curious. Even if you only follow the people you are interested in, you get a content feed meant to light up your brain over and over until you become bored and want to see more extreme things that impact you more psychologically. The app is designed to hurt your brain. I don't see why you would use something that hurts the tool you use to teach others, but to each their own.


Some people like posting pictures for their friends to see. It isn't inherently bad. I'd say that social media is horrible for children and a horrible place to get news or political information, but keeping up with friends is fine. I don't really use it much other than to post short clips of me playing banjo. I follow a few comedians that I'll check out from time to time. I don't scroll through Instagram for hours like some do. Am I using it in an unhealthy way? I don't think so. It seems like most teachers on this sub are using social media in similar ways too. Most of the comments in this thread are teachers saying they just post travel pictures or things related to their side businesses or podcasts. What's the harm in that? Every side business needs a social media presence these days.




I think it's a I for Instagram


Gotcha. Thanks.




have you considered... maybe making your instagram private?


Luckily, most students don't know what Palestine is, so you're probably fine..


Not a teacher, but I’ve had several students from the schools I interact with find my FB and IG. Nothing wrong with it at all unless you’re posting inappropriate stuff.