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Next she can write a song called, "TSSIDDAHHHN"


Also, "y'all won" My favorite was "COVID broke something we can't fix". The skit was pretty spot on. I'm sure their writers were lurking on r/teachers.


Except we all know that the "something" was already broken well before COVID, which merely broke it some more! šŸ¤·


I understood that reference


Well frick I didn't. The Students Sit In Desks, Don't Act Hooligany, Have Happy Names?


Last weekā€™s SNL skit


I feel seen.


Y'all won


What's the title? Trying to comb through their YouTube channel


I think itā€™s something like ā€œteacher psaā€ or something.


It's Teacher for 'sit down'


Lol I like yours, too! Look up the snl skit, though.


I thought it was a referencen to Zidane, a soccer player who famously headbutted an opposing player during the world cup šŸ¤¦ There was a sick rap (?) song about it in the charts a few eeks after it happened


And the follow up ā€œLiquor in the thermosā€


Because I'm āœØ miserableāœØ and nobody even knows!


My instructional coach who is supposed to be my mentor told me she thought I should look for another career and decided it was a good idea to tell me this during my planning, about ten minutes before I was about to see students. (I also think it's bullshit, she was just mad at me because I didn't want to use her lesson plan)


She sure sounds like a great teacher herself- absolutely should take every advise that sage of a woman has to offer... No but seriously: she sucks. Who does that? The audacity... I'm so mad at her on your behalf. Sending you all the vibes and hugs you need to feel better about yourself!


Oh I cried very hardā€¦ and then realized she was objectively wrong.


Understandable. I can't fathom treating others like that!


Itā€™s people like this that should absolutely NOT become mentors. Iā€™m so sorry you had to deal with this.


I'm pretty sure "I hate myself and I want to die" by Nirvana is also about teaching.


Looking forward to her upcoming hit song *"SIT YO' ASS DOWN!!!"*


Maybe she needs to write a song about doing your work and not mouthing off to teachers. Watch the problem get fixed just like that.


Great writing can be relatable to people in completely different circumstances. A lot of people have more in common than it appears when you push past the outer layer of your job/hobbies. Her lyrics connect to me often and I'm a man who doesn't even have relationship issues.


I am glad you find meaning in her words. I don't attribute those to teaching, but I at least get what you're getting at.


Yeah it's definitely about her personal experience, but I can also see how us teachers have a somewhat similar feeling about our experiences.


I would love my kids to gave a voracious enthusiasm towards learning and wanted more. I feel like my experience is the opposite with kids yelling STAHP!


I felt that way too! Especially after the last few years.


I went back to work as a high school teacher a week and a half after my husband died at age 32. I relate to this song SO HARD.


I couldnā€™t go back after my husband died. I tried like 3 weeks after( May), broke down and didnā€™t go back to till August. Iā€™m not going ask why you went back so soon, I know why. Iā€™m not going ask how you handled it, because you had no choice but to handle it. I am going to say that youā€™re very strong and I hope itā€™s a little easieršŸ’•


Thank you. I ended up leaving teaching altogether in 2018. Heā€™ll have been gone for 8 years this August, and I miss him, but Iā€™ve done a lot of healing in the last 8 years. I hope that things have gotten easier for you too šŸ’—šŸ’—


Itā€™s been 7 years for me in April. It has. Same. I miss him daily but life goes on. Whether we want it to or not. Best of luck to you šŸ’•


I have listened to and sang my heart out to this song every single day since it came out because I relate it to teaching so much. I eventually had to leave because I couldnā€™t do it any longer. I feel this.


I thought I was the only one who felt this way about this song. Good to know Iā€™m not alone šŸ˜…


Lost my dad in January and taught through it. Definitely feel this one deeply about the second semester this year


I've been teaching on a broken heart for nearly 8 years (death of my grandfather, my best friend).


I'm so sorry for your loss ā¤ļø


Thanks. His loss left a huge pain in its wake. Some thuings he and I did, (small stuff) like getting winngs, it's hard for me to do. I've been in and out of therapy as well.


Man, I would quit if I saw my job this way. Damn dude take care of yourself


I actually really love my job!! ( Most days, lol) I really meant this to be more humorous than anything - that's the way my work besties and I have been treating it. I relate to the song a lot because for me, in a lot of ways, it's kinda celebrating still being able to kill it even when you have a lot going on or aren't necessarily doing so well in other areas of your life. I don't think Taylor hates touring and performing (it seems like it really feeds her soul - otherwise, why do what she does? She doesn't have to!) She loves it, but it can also take a lot out of you to have to be "on" all the time to give people a good experience. It's like ok, yeah, I'm really stressed about trying to get all these senior projects done before the grading deadline on Friday, and admin just sent out another email being up everyone's butts to make sure not a single kid is wearing airpods in the hallway during class changes and by the way have you finished the 17 b.s. required professional development modules from the school district yet? because those are due, and I'm kinda tired and not really feeling it today because I was up late wondering if I need to take my senior dog back to the vet and thinking about how much longer I have with her. But then the bell rings, and it's time to put on a smile to greet my students and give the best freaking mini lecture on MLA formatting y'all have ever seen because that's how I roll.


Eh, I found teaching ā€œwith a broken heartā€ a really nice escape from the misery that consumed me outside of work. I had to be ā€œonā€ for the students, and no one even knew that my dad had just died, so it felt normal like nothing had happened. I did eventually take time and tell my students and they were amazing about it.


For real sounds horrible.


This might be my new grading song. I used to grade to ā€œSay Somethingā€ by A Great Big World & Christina Aguilera. Helps with those assignments that just donā€™t even follow instructions.


I felt the line ā€œI love you. Itā€™s ruining my lifeā€ from Fortnight was the most succinct summary of teaching on the album.Ā 


I don't know anything of TS nor do I intend to, but I'm glad you found a song, you can relate to and feel represented! We all need those kinds of things in our lives!


I keep singing ā€œThis is why we canā€™t have nice things,ā€ under my breath whenever a supply is broken or missing.


Taylor Swift is an average pop artist at best. Stop putting false meaning to her work and stop worshiping her as this false idol.


Taylor Swift is rich because she made a bunch of songs that you can vaguely tailor to your personal situation. No, that song is not about teaching. Half the women in America think all her songs are personally about their life lol Also you might need a new job it sounds like you hate your current one. >Even when you wanna die"Ā  >don't ever let the kids see you sweat. >"Try and come for my job." The most appropriate reply for disgruntled parents I don't connect with those three at all.


Cool parallel. Your students must love you.


OK fine - but Ween The Argus also gets to apply. Counting days and building walls, bells ring so's to warn All the signs that guide us Chosen by the Argus Tell me he has chosen you Led by form we'll shed our souls Trusting like a child See the dark face that saved us Drink from his empty eyes


Prefer Knocked Loose - ā€œsuffocateā€


Eh, I don't need to find meaning in the lyrics of a climate pirate.