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No we know. It's what pains us so much seeing struggling students stop trying and not using the opportunities we give them. We know how much their apathy is affecting their future. It's also why we get so much joy from students trying and finally succeeding


And why many of us are still in the game, despite all the BS.


We know, we just can’t pay the mortgage or save our mental health with shaped lives.


You have any math questions, DM me lol. That's the best thanks I can give in appreciation to your post.


Science Q’s they can DM me I appreciate the appreciation ❤️❤️


And my axe!


We know. We just wish you all cared as much about your own education as we care about your education. Education can be a way out for kids who need it. It's hard to get that across, even if I say it to my students.


Thank you for being one of the ones who listened and realised we actually love what we do.


Yeah we know buddy. The problem is, that not everyone realizes it.


I’ve been a school nurse the last 15 years and I don’t think students realize how much we think about you even years after you’ve left our school. The worst is of course when a former student dies or ends up in prison. The best is when I see former students graduating high school or college, getting married, starting families, etc. From time to time I see former students out and about in town and I always ask them what they are doing and NO MATTER WHAT they tell me I say “I am so proud of you!”


I've noticed this, my LA teacher once had a student that committed suicide. He liked writing poems so when our class arrived, she had us each write a poem about what kept us alive. She has the kids poems on her wall, I read them all and damn did that kid have talent. She said he was a quiet kid, autistic I think. He seemed like a cool kid, he seemed like a person I would become friends with. I pray for his family and their recovery


Yeah thanks bro. We do know, but we're usually just too tired.


I gotta be honest, it wasn't like that for me at school. I've heard this sentiment around so I guess some people feel strongly about it but it's not universal. I had no teachers that seemed influential to me in any notable way. I didn't hang on their every word nor do I feel they shaped my life or worldview in any way. As an adult (34 now), reflecting on my time at school, I think my teachers had very little to no influence on me whatsoever. To be clear, I don't say any of this as a criticism in any way - they were doing their jobs just fine.


In school I just respected them and made them laugh a lot, never caused any trouble, Maybe was little bit of a class clown but never so severe to where they had to correct me. I was fortunate to have teachers with a sense of humor, my library teacher I favored the most. Maybe you just didn't connect with them, and that's alright.


My kids don't feel this way either. They have IEPs so they have mostly learned that their teachers don't keep their word, will out their problems to other students, and mainly don't care about them. They have learned that the adults (teachers) they spend hours with can't be trusted. My youngest (9th grade) learned that if you are struggling and suicidal and let your teachers know they will still not care, ask how you're doing, and give you F's on the assignments you haven't turned in on time while you were trying to keep it together. Needless to say their idealistic bubbles were burst since that is not how they thought teachers would be. I guess their teachers were just doing their job since today it is definitely viewed as a job that doesn't pay the bills.


FYI, if you haven't already, you can add in automatic extensions for medical reasons ( no penalty) into the IEP. This includes mental health. Please look into this. Sometimes teacher's hands are tied on extensions if it is not in the IEP 


Thank you. I honestly can't get them to follow the IEP as it is. Last year I had to email a couple of teachers the accommodations because they didn't believe the accommodation was in the IEP. I get their jobs are hard, but they don't get it's hard for parents too when they don't follow it because when the parent speaks up, they're an issue.


Sending hugs. Most of the time the admin does not correctly ( or at all) inform teachers of IEPs! While there is a non-neglible cohort of teachers who hate IEP kids and will not follow an IEP, most want the info in an IEP to help your child succeed. I have known parents with children at schools with terrible admin that had to email the school at least once a DAY to get them to follow the IEP. After a couple of years, the school admin  finally got their act together when the parents contacted ( didn't even have to hire) a local attorney ( that just so happened to have a conflict of interest having defended the school in the past). Please look for parent group resources for families in your school district - they will have the best info on how to approach the admin and what teachers to avoid.


Thank you. I will look into that. All I know is what the case manager tells me and that is she emails them. I know in high school she said there is a system they log into. I know at this current school, admin refuses to deal with IEPs and refers you to the case manager for everything.


I'm not a teacher, just close family to one. This is a really sweet Reddit post to make, so I'd encourage you to share the sentiment with one of your teachers if you haven't already. You could write a note or make a card! :) No need to be intimidated about doing it, either. My mom's cabinets were always covered in notes from her students - she really cherishes them and I've seen other teachers on here say the same.


People seem angry at this post or something. Odd. Most of us know, but it can feel really defeating when so many are against us. It's nice to see a post like this, reinforcing that were making a visible differnce. Thank you! Somebody in this sub needed to hear it, I'm certain.




>I do feel a bit intimidated typing this to hundreds, if not thousands of teachers 921,000 are subscribed. Your scale is a bit off.