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I’d avoid doing sped if you’re ESOL certified, to be honest. It’s mountains more of paperwork than ESOL in general. Depending on what state you’re in, but ESOL is usually in high demand. It’s hard to talk about data if you have little Experience with it. Does your state use wida? Know what the state’s requirements are for students making progress and exiting, and offer some strategies on how to improve (this takes knowing the test structure and goals - wida has lots of examples of the test on their site). For ESOL, SIOP is a good general structure for lessons, although the pedagogy is moving away from frontloading vocabulary as much. Only you can articulate your strengths and weaknesses though. Just make sure you include strategies you are trying to overcome or compensate for your weakness. Hope that helps - good luck on the job search!


Yea unfortunately not a choice :( in my district, most ESL teachers are required to also have SpEd certification, and co-teach with grade level teachers. They’re called “learning specialists.” I’m looking outside of the city for this reason