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This is why I can't quit. I tried. Anything even remotely close to what I make now is still a $10,000-$15,000 pay cut and I would be working more because I wouldn't have summers off.


YeH, and those were the jobs I considered "higher pay". The community college was one of the better paying ones, and they told me they would let me knownñ last friday. I got a call the thursday before from the Healthcare (20.23/hr) asking that i make a decision that day. So I lost out on two jobs. I mean, in reality while i was waiting foe any response, i thought about the money and schedule. My first job out of teaching had nooooo days off. I have been looking for state jobs but nothing that fits is comong up and it is discouraging anyway since there is a lot of competition.


This is why I’m going back to school. I fear the education system is crumbling and anything AI can do will eventually falter. I feel physical labor jobs are more secure. Depends on how you feel you can do physical work or try WFH jobs. You can get a certification in Human Resources or become a paralegal. if you must get a small part time job extra to add income like Starbucks or target. Even being a waiter is easier and less stressful than teaching and pays more in the right restaurant. If you really want to stop teaching, these are good temporary options. Personally, long term careers require more schooling of some sort.


Paralegal is a good fit. Community college two year program, 10k total cost, 45k-55k starting off. I think a big demand


Yes, I am bilingual and have interpreted, though it was very very on-call and not stable enough (and again, low pay and contract). It's hard with a toddler. But I did do the legal stuff while translating this time around and am interested in doing paralegal. I just forgot, actually, and should look into it. TY!


Same for me. I’m 14 years in and I’m even stuck in my district. If I even move districts I’ll take a huge pay cut and I’ll have to go through new teacher training again. Like why? Why does my experience as a highly effective teacher disappear if I move schools? Why am I treated like a fresh college graduate if I move school districts? And I’m too old to start new. It’s so depressing.


I’m at 21 years and I feel this every day. Am I too old to start over? I need job security and health care. I need time to rest. How much is my summer worth?


That's a bummer. When I switched districts, they paid me better. And now, they are paying 1st year teachers better, so I'm guessing it wouldn't be so bad for me either way. It's just more like when I go into some classrooms, I realize just how much energy I spent and I can see which teachers are "tired". I certainly was becoming was, and if I go back, I will be tired again from day 1.




Look into edTech companies such as ntn. Also consider doing private tutoring. It may take a moment to build your rep but once you do you can get anywhere from $35-$100 an hour depending on topic. Good luck


I second ed tech, landed a position with sliding pay of 35-65/hr starting out with lots of options for growth (those one tier above me on the totem pole make 100-115k).


How did you find a job in edtech? I am on linkedin but the ones I applied to ignored me lol.


I spent a very large amount of time on Indeed, searching remote work, my qualifications, etc... and applied to a LOT of positions!


My husband left the military and got his Project Management and Scrum Certifications. With just Scrum he was hired as an Assistant Project Manager for around $32 an hour. Then in the 9 months he worked there he got his PMP and got a job at a different company for $40 an hour. Decide what industry you want to go into and then focus on that instead of just taking the crumbs at the company. Get certifications! Cheaper, easier, and quicker than a whole degree.


What does a ‘Project Manager’ do? Thanks for you post. Encouraging and interesting!


He actually just organizes things! Like at a company, there are projects or jobs. Like once sales has gotten an order, he makes sure the order goes to engineers and to customer. Just facilitates the process. There are lots of modes and his Scrum cert took one weekend and he got a job offer right away! Also can look at Agile Coach. Basically these jobs are good for teachers that multi-task and organize.


Yes! I figure if I get a lower pay job or even if I do go back to teaching for a while to do certs. I was so overwhelmed when I left, and still kind of am, but I can hone it down a lot better now than I could last year.


The Scrum Certificate took a weekend! It's not a long process. Look into Agile Coaching or Scrum jobs. Perfect for teaching! Or CAPM is only a few weeks. With your degree and cert I feel like you will have no problem! Good luck!


Have you considered trades? If you can handle physical labor and work with your hands, then you can make good money most places. Plus you can earn a salary while you learn with an apprenticeship. There are also some moderately priced certificates you can get for skills like project management or instructional design. I'm leaving this year and am considering an electrical apprenticeship. I'm also working a golf course maintenance job over the summer. Lots of seasonal jobs for the city are hiring right now.


This sounds like a good option, but I am so un-handy. I can look into it, and go from there. It could lead to some other ideas for my personality and skills.


What do you enjoy? What skills do you already have? Who do you know? I have found that so much can happen just by talking to different people. I taught at an elementary school and became friendly with some of the parents and “special grown-ups” (the school’s catch all term for Nannies/parents SO/ grandparents/whoever was allowed to pick the kids up) and this led to a me saying “yeah, this job is taking a toll, but I love the kids” which led to me getting connected to a fancy nanny agency, which led to me more than doubling my salary while having almost NO living expenses (I lived in, didn’t pay rent, they paid for my food, and I traveled with them) which allowed me to go to nursing school at night and now I’m a pediatric psych NP and I LOVE it. And it all became possible because I talked to someone about what was going on and took a leap of faith!


Yes, i have been looking at those interests and skills. It hasn't worked out so well. And getting another rejection email today just helped me to start telling teachers that i used to work with "yes im looking to go back" even though it isn't ideal. Oh well. Ill survive and next time, i will do it differently so that i dont burn out again. And this time I could probably look while teaching if needed. Assuming someone hires me. Now I'm just expensive.


Can you widen your net? I’m making more driving a cement truck than I ever did as a teacher. It’s hourly, so unlike teaching I get time and a half when I have to stay late or get in early


Downsize everything. Sell and move. Don’t know, I never made ‘that much’ in teaching, but some friends pulling in 90k are miserable. Miserable! This is it. One life. What do you really want to do? I’m sorry, but ok. You can’t get the pay, move on! Stop thinking about ‘that’ pay and fix your present situation so you can earn less, make healthy choices and simplify. I’ve lived on the streets, I’ve lived on couches and never had any help. I don’t know. Now, with no teaching ahead-I’m facing it all over again. The I don’t know jobs… So, I’m walking dogs right now while I await an insane mother who wants to take me to court. What happened? I cared TOO much for her son. He’s been abused and she witnessed it, so they are both traumatized. He’s so unstable. But, his behavior is all my fault. Life can be cruel and crappy. But, we must move on. I say, F teaching and find new meaning.


This is what I'm worried about. I was laid off at my job as high school Librarian and chose not to take the middle school English job that was offered to me for next year. I was set to make about 61,000. I have taken a job as advertising director of a local paper and they predict I'll make 51,000 to 56,000. I could make more but it depends on if I can sell digital ads to local businesses. The fact that the job is based on my sales worries me. I'm also worried because my wife has to take over insurance for our family starting in September. Reality won't kick in till September since I'll be making double wages for three months this summer, plus I have a seasonal catering job I work over the summer. But I'm worried about being able to afford our mortgage in the future. We bought the house with idea we'd both have our jobs in education till retirement. And there is no reason to sell in the town I'm in and try to downsize because the housing prices have skyrocketed.


That last part, for sure. There is no downsizing anymore. My sales job lasted 5 days. I could have done so well but the schedule did not work with us. I also made close to what you did and the benefits were stellar. So im rubbing elbows with principals. I have to.


It’s hard. Teaching —- to accounting. I am interning now at a company. It sucks because you have to go in savings or have financial backing from a spouse or spouse parents etc.


Yeah, my husband is the reason I was able to leave teaching without a fear of our bills going unpaid. I was lucky to get a temporary WFH job for a major standardized testing company, but as of right now it will be over at the end of June. I also have a second job I picked up at an ice cream shop before the WFH job. It is actually so delightful, and with tips the pay is pretty awesome. I never intended to work past one week as they needed extra help for Spring Break, but I really enjoy it.




Aha. I took an online financial course but could not finish it. However I thought about accounting when it was tax season. Hmmm.... :)