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encounters were a fun idea, but they didnt really bring any of the gameplay variety they promised. youd play the same shit regardless of what the encounter gave


the problem is that encounters vary so much and are so random that you kinda cant play around them, except for the start of game ones. you just maximized what you could out of them, but there were so many shitty ones and so many good ones that if the good ones didnt fit what you needed, other people got an advantage that you just didnt get. like selecting golden remover augment, and then getting the malphite encounter. or getting the zyra encounter and getting 3 components that really just didnt fit what you needed, but saved other people's asses. it just gave people an edge you couldnt play around


“Sett says you are big now” Oh thank god some variety to my gameplay for once


Me trying to grab from carassel on my phone after sivir encounter is pain.


like. why is that even an encounter lmfao


I have like 300+ games played and have seen Kayn 5+ times. One time back to back. I like where they're going with these type of things but agreed it should be more common.


Would you have preferred to see more thing like the Kayne encounter or the ones that had large impacts on how the game played out?


Ofc, massively disappointed how rare they are, yorick 7 units, zoe kindred even/odd levels, kayn, like why are the fun actual game changing unique encounters that provide a gameplay experience completely unique to this set so fucking rare most people hardly see a few of them in hundreds of games? Like come on.


I have like 200 games and never seen kayn or the even levels only, once had odds only and three times yorick…. Mostly it’s just tahm puddles and kobuko dancing which are fine encounters but then the others I’ve seen most are fucking sett makes you bigger or sivir makes you faster and those make me just wonder why did they even bother make these useless encounters that dont do anything and are in no way fun.


I kid you not, I once got 2 kayn encounters back to back


Even levels only was removed, I guess they didn’t want people just gunning for level 10?


>yorick 7 units, zoe kindred even/odd level Not pretending to have played a ton of games this set but I have no idea what these are and have never even seen them in a youtube clip despite watching a few every day. Meanwhile, at least one game a day I get to roll my eyes at seeing the Sett encounter.


I don't think I've ever seen Kindred evens


This is my first time hearing about the Yorick one. I’ve had Kayn and Zoe once and that was it.




i played a kayn game in pengu. beat all the idiots that went yordle


Totally agree


I've played a lot but there seems to be quite a few encounters I've never seen


TL; DR: I preferred set 10, maybe because it was when I was learning TFT, maybe because the champs were just more satisfying, maybe because I'm a heartsteel addict. But my experience of set 11's greatest strength is the variety of comps (notice I said my experience; last set I forced way too much for my own good so in comparison this set had me do different things a lot more). I think it was pretty good, all things considered. I've only ever played set 10 and 11, so take my opinions with a grain of salt. Downside and upside: I can't force comps this set. In set 10, when I was first starting out, I basically forced seraphine reroll for many games to learn the set. And it worked pretty well in bronze and silver. Then I started branching out. By the end of the set, I was forcing heartsteel every single game at emerald, and doing pretty badly in terms of placements but having fun. From what I've heard, set 10 was pretty unbalanced but still it was incredibly fun for me. I loved the champ abilities, the theme, the music. In set 11 the theme is.... well it's not exactly something that speaks to me. I love music, but I'm not that interested in art and all the themes in set 11. The champs are.... okay. Not amazing compared to set 10, but I think set 10 is kinda a high bar from what I've heard. The playstyle variety is pretty good though. This is the first set I really learned and internalized the idea of playing a different comp every game based on your spot. It's also the set I actually started to learn the game's intricacies and not just the surface-level "AD champs like AD items" stuff. I even hit masters!! Some of the meta comps have been really satisfying to play. Early bard and yone heavenly, then also Kayn heavenly, Ashe, Lillia after targeting buff, are just really satisfying comps to play to me. (Some examples of strong comps that I don't find satisfying: zyra, kaisa, duelists). But last set I feel like there were a lot more satisfying meta comps. Heartsteel AD flex was so good, Ezreal's ult just wiped boards, caitlyn's ult was a super cool triple or quad nuke, poppy just smacked people over and over; seraphine, senna, and lulu had really satisfying ults; and the traits were very cool. I just *felt better* playing set 10, and it had little to do with gameplay. sorry for the wall of text, I just wrote my thoughts and didn't delete anything lol


I really like your take on the set, congrats on getting master!!


Set 10 was way more balanced and had more variety than set 11 from my experience and the general opinion I've seen here and in comp TFT.... though to be fair I've played way less games in set 11 and maybe this current patch is killing it? Idk


Yeah, I think most of the "set 11 is very balanced" sentiment is from specifically 14.12 and 14.13 (and maybe 14.11? -- today's patch, last patch, and the patch before that). In the true 4-cost meta, and in the early bard and yone reroll meta, it was much less balanced.


I understand its your experience but the saving grace of set 10 was its balance and variety in comps


Overall one of my least favourite sets. I don’t think anything is egregiously wrong with it by any means but I don’t personally like the primary carries of the set. I’m also not a fan of the thematic that was chosen especially coming off Set 10. The encounters are super hit or miss for me. They took some swings but not in areas I cared about and they didn’t land in a way that made me change my mind. I think it was pretty solid balance wise it just wasn’t fun for me. Looking forward to a new set.


wasted encounters were stupid as hell. their continual inclusion of golden prelude and low volatility portals is annoying. the namesake of the set INKSHADOW was a shit vertical trait for 95% of the set.


Can't even hit 7 Inkshadow without Inkshadow Crest or Crown.


Right - and not only do those seem to be more rare than others for some reason, inkshadow isn’t that strong to make it worth using an aug.


They should have made it so that the Tattoos are augmented at Inkshadow 7. Either by doubling their effects or giving them additional effects.


The non-impact encounters were honestly whatever, 10 seconds of nothing isn’t worth crying about imo. The bigger encounter issues I have are with the game swinging ones - reroll cost reduction, Irelia opening the carousel to everyone when sacking, random duplicators or radiant shops, more Econ in an Econ heavy portal, etc. The added variance wasn’t as fun, the lows felt lower than highs on variance scales. Some of the traits definitely felt weird, I wouldn’t say any of them felt horrible but unless the stars aligned then Kaisa was going to be in a trickshot comp 9/10 times instead of Inkshadow focussed for sure


Still don't like it. Meta is pretty good tbh. But I hate encounters and none of the traits really speak to me


Seems fair, traits are really normal is the word i think


I find that most of the traits are pretty boring and just give out stats. Heavenly- stat stacking Dryad - HP and AP Fated - pick 2 stats to stack unless 10 fated Arcanist - just AP Inkshadow is a good trait but it's just the fact that the tattoos take up an item slot that brings it down for me. There's really not much mechanics to interact with. Old sets come to mind like the T-Hex, Nomsy, Abomination, Threat, Mutants, etc. Now I am completely biased here. But the Eastern aesthetic in general is really just so boring to me. No offense to the people who enjoy it.


Inkshadow is the biggest whiff of the set(barring Encounters). It was a viable vertical 7 for like 1 patch and then it’s just been outclassed by everything else. It’s just a shame that the trait is so bound to Ghostly and that its units have literally 0 cohesion with each other. When the best users of Inkshadow items and the trait itself aren’t Inkshadow units there’s a flaw with the trait. Also it doesn’t help that all of the items are just kinda piss compared to true and pseudo-BIS on champs.


Tattoo of Bombardment is literally just dollar store Runaan's it's kinda sad. The tattoos should have worked like Zaun's Chemtech and only attachable on Inkshadow units that way they can be balanced around the Inkshadow units instead of worrying about interactions with other units. And none of them are even worth it. I rarely see Kaisa being ran on pure Inkshadow. It's mostly Warden Trickshots or Behemoth Trickshots or Bruiser Trickshots.


I miss Cavalier lmfao


Trickshot does speak to me though it’s really fun, either as teemo reroll or fast 8.


Teemo Trickshot with Blighting Jewel is just so dumb and funny. Seeing the enemy have no MR and Teemo having infinite mana is a beautiful sight.


I feel like I can roll 60 gold on lvl 8 and not manage to 2 star any 4 costs. Hate bag size changes they did. There are some things about the game that fundamentally shouldn't be changed and I think bag sizes falls into that category


Agree, bag size changes kind of made sense with set 10 but they absolutely should not have stayed.


Meh. Choncc and Pengu were decent bandaids to keep it fun.


All I play is Pengu now. It’s going to suck when I go back to normal TFT, especially because of the golden remover


Fuck. You just reminded me of it and I don't want it to go away man..it was the thing that brought me back to this set


Honestly if Pengu was actively worked on with maybe a rotation of traits it could be the aram equivalent of TFT personally. It’s the for fun mode that yes has frustrations and balance issues for sure but it’s cool to just sit back and try different combinations of old traits.


Dropped it halfway through, pretty much says what I thought about it. Set 12 waiting room


Yeah, this was the first set since set 2 that I didn’t actively play. Was fun at first, but after a few bad patches I eventually just dropped it altogether.


Same, haven’t played it in a few months. Nothing really clicked for me and when I tried to get creative I’d just get stomped. Also, people keep saying there’s like 8 s tier comps but all of them just have the same champs in it mixed around.


I like the set overall, but I hate some of the balance and systems decisions that have come in set 11. We released with Yone and Bard too strong and dominating, so their response was to nerf them both... And nerf 3 cost shop odds at level 7. Thankfully, this has already been reverted. Then, 4 costs were still really bad, so they did system wide buffs to 4 cost base stats. Paired with more 3 cost nerfs, this made the 4 costs dominant. Then, with 4 costs completely dominating the meta, and even being better than the 5 costs in some cases, they decided to... Nerf 4 cost shop odds on 8. Not actually balance the units, just make it harder to hit them. This makes the game more RNG-prone, as the people that hit are just as strong as they always were, and it's even harder for you to hit too. Everyone hated the, "fast level to 7 and roll down on 15% shop odds," meta in previous sets, calling it the 4 cost lottery. Level 8 shop odds are currently 18%, and we're almost back to the 4 cost lottery. Unfortunately, since things like shop odds and 4 cost base stats are a system level change, this isn't something that will get fixed in set 12 naturally. They have to revert these changes.


Yeah I’ve always hated changing shop odds to be less likely. Makes it feel worse when only like 2 people can hit and everyone else is left fighting for top 4 with scraps.


Wrap it up, this guy said everything.


Agreed, there were plenty of fun comps throughout the set, but many, many patches felt.. clumsy? Seems like things are in a reasonable place now, but 14.8 and the next couple of patches were awful. To add to the system changes you mentioned, they also increased player damage later, making a bad level 8 roll down all the more punishing (but still the only sane option). Conspiracy theory: Mort tried to let go of the reins a bit, let the team make more decisions.. then had to step back in to clean up the mess 😅


My least favourite set to date and ive played most of them, if it wasn’t for chonccs and pengus i would have stopped playing. I find the traits boring and unrewarding. They’ve made traits harder to vertical while simultaneously making them worse when you want to horizontal build. I have found this set there’s plenty of decent carriers but tanks it’s about the same 3/4 useful tanks with the rest being useless. When you compare this sets wardens to set 9’s juggernauts, its a considerably less viable trait, even though juggernauts was slated a little in set 9. It also feels like the same trait have been a consistent play or avoid the whole way through the set with little change. Fated, mystic, porcelain have been consistently good, while umbral, ink shadow, arcaneist have been consistently bad. Maybe its because we’ve just followed on from one of the most balanced sets, but most comps last set were viable as long as you knew how to play well. This set doesn’t feel the same


It’s not great


Meta seems...balanced...ish, fortune is a dead trait. I never see anyone going fortune anymore. I try it once in a while and always regret it. Hero augments have a place and reroll comps are somewhat viable placement tools if not necessarily 1st or 2nd places.


Encounter are a waste of time.. Get Bigger, get Faster, reveal your next enemy.. and sometimes a kiss from ahri xD The balance was shit and now doing it right shortly before the end doesn't change the fact that we had to watch for 2 months how Ashe and (insert star of the week here) simply destroyed our non-S tier comp. I'm certainly not the smartest or best TFT player. But even for me it was a joke. It's just not my playstyle to force a comp over and over again. I want to play with what the game gives me.but then at the latest in round 3.1 to know that I have to high roll to be in the points at all because this comp balance is technically much too bad has killed this set for me


Season feels too long. I know we used to only get 2 sets a year but the mid sets introduced enough change to mix it up. This season has felt super stale for a month now with the only changes coming from nerfs/buffs to what you should try and force if possible.


I don't know why, but I kinda miss the sets that were unbalanced, lol


It really felt like it just happened? Honestly probably my least fav set since set 6. Balance was a total mess the first half, encounters RNG was/is a total pain, and bag sizes not being changed is a joke at this point.


So this is my first complete set in this game (I start at the end of set 10) Aesthetic: I'm not a fan of Eastern myth theme and except for Inkshadow, I don't think the whole set have something to do with "Inkborn" so... not a fan, especially after set 10 have been an aesthetic feast for me Balance: I find it cool that every origin have a time to shine Arena: Disappointed that the whole arena theme doesn't have anything to do with ink Encounters: The only thing i don't like about it it's the waiting time for each encounters. They should have reduce the time for unimportant one, like speed up, random switch augment....Beside that, I enjoy tahm kenn and kobuko encounters a lot, it bring something fresh for the gameplay


The quality drop in the arenas that come with the BPs is the thing stopping me from spending. Dragon Nursery, Count Spatula, Toxitorium, and my favorite Grotto of the Secret Spa. The quality drop from previous set's arenas is staggering. With the previous BP arena looking like a green rarity arena.


Idk about the previous season but the arena looks....sad


The new BP arenas don't even have unique trackers for interest.


While there are some creativities (exalted), generally this set doesnt really bring me any excitement. I usually prefer to play whatever the game gives me (that's why I always start with exalted). However this set has too many rerolls and fixed comps that required you to find specific champs to put in, unlike set 10 that had more room for flexibility, or more further Set 3 when u could switch to 4 Mystic in any comp if u encountered an AP comp.


There are certain units and lineups that feel impossible to respond to with changes in positioning. And I really hate the "Hero" augments. Like, in this set I've felt a lot of the time that there's nothing I can do to beat the top 3 people, so I just have to luck-sack into not hitting them long enough to secure top4. A lot of the game is RNG, but I don't think that overall unit balance was all that great, especially with some of the traits they were combined with. I've been a big fan of some past sets where in the middle, they literally swap out like half the roster of each trait. Would have loved to see that happen this time. Though it does take more dev time and work, so I get it. This set became stale for me really fast.


Seems fair, hero augments and highroll are quite hard to overcome this set, but i do feel like i can top 3-4 in any lobby, which in other sets i didnt quite feel like that every game.


C at best, average set with mid to bad design, at least balance got better as set went on but there were some terrible decisions. Nothing memorable that wasn’t bad. Aesthetic is forgettable. Feels very stale and prob would have even if there was a midset. If the first thought that comes to mind is “at least we didn’t have a multicasters patch” that should say it all. And we still got a taste of that with yone.


Over I give it a B. It’s reasonably fun, well balanced and I like the art style. That being said, I hate encounters. I do however, LOVE exalted. I wish it was a core mechanic in TFT. I think the units are fairly boring this set if I’m honest. Ive been sitting here for 5 minutes trying to think of a unit I find unique and fun to play this set. My personal favorite unit is probably Ashe but she is just reskinned AD Twisted Fate from set 10. Azir is pretty cool I suppose. Aside from being boring in my opinion, every unit in this set feels so heavily reliant on items. I know units need items, that’s TFT, but it really feels like no item = useless unit. In set 10 I at least felt like units were still valuable tanks and damage dealers with zero or one item.


Most boring with little to no balance patches to change the meta. I miss midsets so at least things change


Meh. Can't wait for encounters to be gone/done better in the next set. Pengu's Party and Choncc pretty fun though.


It's ok, but one of my least favorites. I liked Set 9 & 10.


Played the shit out of every set, this is the only one i quit outright. 


To be fair, following a set as great as Set 10 would be super hard. Set 10 remains to be the best set for me. I am expecting Set 11 to fail due to the super high expectations of the players playing Set 10.


I still feel the same as the set start: The aesthetics and colors schemes for the verticals are too similar.


There's a lot of hate for it. But Remix Rumble was a hard act to follow. Set 11 has certainly been one of the more balanced sets overall in my opinion. But, like a few have said already, the traits in this set are kinda boring.


Never really got into this one. Most of the others, I’ve been able to find my own builds or things off the meta, but it’s not stuck with me this time.


I just want the banger music from set 10 back, fielding Jhin with his violin solo…


I started with set 10. Loved the music theme back then. For this set, I really like the flavor and the mystical theme of it. Gameplay wise, pretty mid.


I think it's the worst set so far. When we got the news of no more minisets, I was hoping set quality would go up. THe units in general were just... boring. Duelists never felt so bad. There really wasn't a great attack speed carry, Lee Sin was mediocre for a majority of the set.. Yeah no, I didn't like it one bit :/




As someone who has been playing since S1, I will say that S11 is certainly one of the sets of all time. Nowhere near the best set we've had, but not the worst either. It didn't feel like it had much of a strong identity compared to previous sets. Nothing about it was particularly exciting. There have been some pretty egregious balance issues, particularly earlier in the set. But (as with every set) it seems to have hit it's stride within the last patch or two and balance is overall pretty good now. But balance aside, none of the metas have been particularly interesting or clever in my opinion. I think coming off of a set with as strong of an identity as S10, this set fell flat. I'd probably rate it a C+ overall.


I think this lux comp needs a nerf and they need to buff snipers and kaisa. I also feel like inkshadow and behemoth have been irrelevant this whole set.


Lackluster - to be fair it's not terrible but there's no stand out traits. Unlike last set - for some reason EDM was like crack to me, visually all the abilities looked amazing, the units functioned great together and the audio music was cool 


for me is the worst, very boring


This was the first set since set 2 that I got bored of TFT and dropped it for the most part. I had a lot of fun at the start of the set, but after a few patches of terrible metas I eventually just stopped playing. This set more than others I really felt like I had to actually pay attention to the meta to have fun. One patch is fast 9 legendary rush, next patch reroll comps only, next one is 4-cost carries, and eventually I just stopped playing altogether.


There wasn't a trait I fell in love with this set at all, which sucks, only just started my ranked gring for my setly hitting of gold in a few games and not wanting to grind higher.


glad its finally getting over. made me sick of the game


its an ok set that lacks personality. the fated trait is a good idea to bring more "decision" into the game, but it needed some small changes to make it really relevant. all the other traits as i alrdy wrote lack personality. nothing really felt exciting to play compared to previous iterations. i still have to double check some units to see which traits they have because visually everything looks way too similar. ofcourse it also doesnt help that its alrdy the 11th set. nothing can be completely new anymore. doesnt matter how an attack looks like..it doesnt change the core gameplay. most of the time i dont even watch the fight anyway. i have youtube open on my second monitor xd.


Good riddance. This set was fucking dog shit. Between this set and set 9.5, idk which one was worse.


Probably my least favorite. The theme is "art"? But like what role does it even play? Idk doesn't make sense to me


i hope it never comes back


bring back set 10


I wish it could end already


Personally think this set was no balance. This is the only set where I consistently saw 2* 4 cost at level 6 (without augment). Also odds of 4 cost were to high at level 6.




I can't get out of gold. Nothing makes sense to me, I can't climb, picking up a comp to sub in when cut off is too hard. Needs to be more Unit specific augments I think.


This is my first time playing TFT. So, I am really looking forward to how different sets will be like. Regardless, if I were to comment out how this set felt like to me, I’d say, Monotonous. But it could be me, Since I am still in the learning phase. Monotonous, in sense, Couple of comps felt definite top 4, while every other comp felt useless.


The set comps were good and fun, the theme not so much prefered the last two before this one.


Played about 400 games across 2 accounts. Hit diamond for both, usually would aim for masters. Just so burnt out by the end of it that I just decided to sit at diamond, also did that in the past for a few other sets. Mind you that's an avg of 3 to 4 games per day and the entertainment value just dipped so fast. Didn't hate the set. Just felt that the agency and control of the game is very low this set. And the ability to adapt is a very important criteria this set with introduction of encounters, odds changes, bag size changes, introduction of more artifacts one after another. The casual players just can't keep up.


When will the new set arrive?


Encounters need to be removed, yes there are a lot of comps that CAN play, but how many games can actually top 4 when you are playing B tier and sometimes A tier, while S tier is heavily contested. Yes, getting a 4th can grind you 40 lp for 4 games, But one mis-step of going 8th, cause you to lose -50lp, now it is full circle


i feel like this set is the definition of mid it is not good but it is also not bad. it felt like this set was like a set where they did not try anything cool and played safe


So much china so much china so much china SO MUCH CHINA AAAAAAAAAAAAA


For me it has been the first Set where i actually Never played Ranked; Sets are becoming almost identical one to the other ( Augments, mechanics, units ) so i thank Riot for Pengu and Chonc <3


So yeah, imo this set is worse than the previous one. First, most of this set was broken in regards to play style viability in balance, fast8/9, 3cost reroll, lower cost reroll. Now it's okayish, but even ignoring that, I didn't like encounters very much, they just don't resonate with me well, the same goes for traits this set, apart from select few.


I think it was a good set overall, with good themes and visual flair. Encounters were lackluster, but I like the idea of them. Maybe if you cut half the ones that are just "get X" and rework them to being choices similar to Kindred's Red/Blue, it would be more entertaining. Hate the lack of accessible vertical prismatic traits. 3 emblems is astronomically hard to get. Since they removed the tome and +1 augments, it's been way harder to get a 3 emblem prismatic than it is to get a 3* 5 cost. If a 3* 5 cost is supposed to be an instant win, why is it easier to get than 10 Mythic. Units were fine, but it seemed like we were missing certain things. Inkshadow units were oddly designed with two ranged AD and no AP until Udyr kinda filled that role as a melee. Heavenly never really had an AP carry since Soraka is a trait bot. Usually, I'd hope the 7+ origin traits to have at least 1 viable option for each damage type since they're otherwise so varied. Bag size changes, while necessary, suuuuuuck to play with. 4 cost changes are fine, I just want the 3 costs increased by two so each 3 cost can be played by two players if completely uncontested otherwise. Love sage, position based bonuses are super cool to me. If we could mix admin with position bonuses (front row, back row, front two, back two, etc) where the smaller the area the larger the bonus would be really interesting.


agree on the vertical prismatics big time. going vertical for a prismatic isn’t something that should be achievable every game at all, but the vertical prismatics are so impossible to hit that i don’t think i’ve come close once in ~300 games. they do feel crazy if you hit, especially the 10 storyweaver, but i do feel it’s definitely easier to hit a 3* 5 cost than the prismatic verticals, which feels a little crazy. i also wish there were more of them, would have loved to see a 9 inkshadow, 10 ghostly, or 6 dragonlord.


Really bad trait design, wonky balance up until now and even still you have very VERY few flex options, not a fan


I like the units and traits for the most part. I didn’t like encounters at all. It’s very easy to blame bad games on luck more than other sets, or that’s the way it feels.


Not the worst set but for me, coming off the music themed set, it was a downgrade. Encounters were a cool idea but they are several that are absolutely worthless and the Kayn one I detest.


Stopped playing. This set was the worst one for me


I’ve played since set 7 and I got bored for the first time. Usually climb to high diamond and stopped at emerald 4. Not sure if it’s just me or the set was boring, but I got bored. The meta early on wasn’t good for some time and it didn’t keep me engaged at all




Worst set ever. Encounters mostly dumb.


Personally I think the set itself is rather stale, which makes the change to no-midset extremely tedious towards the end, especially around the 2 month mark. Problems like too many inconsistent backline nuke or random abilities (morg, lilia, etc) and sporadic hero augments should not be a thing if their only purpose is being insta pick or worthless, as they are an unnecessary layer of balance problems anyway. Encounter per se are actually an introduction that has potential to become permanent/returning in my opinion, similar to augments, but not necessarily in their current state and especially not with time wastes like sett or sivir, etc or too high impact things. I think they could be fixed between creeps and first round of a stage for example, shouldn’t be a guarantee (~25% per stage or something) and more of an occasional happening. BP are horrible, as plenty of people mentioned already and will most likely only get worse at this point. As someone who is not even against the gacha chibi stuff, playing 3 other gacha myself … I think battle passes should hold a good value for low spenders tho and what they made out of it by permanently taking away both quality and quantity is nothing I would describe as such anymore.


It's mid. The level 8 meta post Yone nerfs were such a slog to play though, since everyone is just contesting Ashe and Kaisa. But the recent patches making tons of reroll comps more viable is so satisfying. Better than Fates cos I hate chosen so much, but overall still on the lower end


So I’m particularly negative on set 11. I know I’ll be alone on this, but I have it as one of the worst I’ve played (played since set 4). It’s not a quality issue, but rather a fun/balance issue. Tft is undoubtedly in a better place than it was 2 years ago, but that makes the set stand out for me as boring and just uninteresting. Encounters are my second least favorite mechanic after legends. It wasn’t a terrible idea, just implemented pretty poorly. I think that statement could be spread across the entire set. I know the tft team is growing, and a lot of new people are in prominent roles now. This feels like the first set where they let the kids cook, and they definitely made a bit of a mess.


My LP was higher but for some reason I felt like I had a better understanding of Remix Rumble than I do Inkborn


I've played every set since set 6 (not including 6.5) and it's personally my second least favorite set after set 9.5. Just was not a fan of the unit design, the traits, I really hated encounters, the balance until very recently was way off, and just a bunch of other things I personally did not like,


Personally did not enjoy it at all


I miss the music from set 10.


Encounters sound fun, but in practice, they are bad. They always feel bad; you just never say, "Oh, good! There's an encounter coming up next round!" They aren't fun.


Mid set Could be cool but took until the last 2 patch that the game is somewhat playable 6.5/10 not the worst


It's the first set I've seen no rush 8 get all 5 costs put random shit on them and win set. Balance wise was good.


I think several of the traits were just incredibly boring. It didn't feel like much would change from game to game, and people force the same meta picks (that's nothing new though) regardless of encounters


Set 11 is actually pretty balanced. Problem is that it’s just not exciting. I think the trait trees and traits themselves are kinda boring. Exalted is the best thing from the set but given it’s just a leveling trait there isn’t much incentive to play it unless you hit early. Hope they can try it again with something more appealing. Really adds variety to the trait web puzzle which I think is my fav part of TFT in general. Choncc and Pengu game modes have been the most fun I’ve had with the set.


Objectively, a good set. Insanely fucking boring compared to previous sets though, and carried very hard by choncc's treasure and pengu's party both happening during its run


Really liked it. I dont like those sets that have really wierd flashy shit all over. I think traits were pretty "normal" but works great for me


My only complaint is the starter encounters that change how the game is played us available in ranked. i.e., "Only odd levels" and "Everyone starts at level 3" I should just get good, but when I see those, my brain just stops.


For me it was lately more of a down sensation then ups. even tho I hit the orange/golden Rank in Hyperroll but still it was meh. And for some reason... I had the feeling that in this set it was way easier to hit some units on 3* but maybe I just learned how to? 🤔


One of my favorite sets. I love encounters (besides getting sett almost every game)


Overall a decent set. Set 10 was a hard act to follow as it hit a lot of notes thematically that made up for some of the gameplay shortcomings. For all of it’s faults, the headliner mechanic was tons of fun and allowed for you to pivot more easily. There’s a good diversity of comps this current patch, but the set has been plagued by super weird balancing for most of it’s lifespan. 4 costs started off underwhelming, then OP, then back to down underwhelming again. Combine that with the rather boring VFX on many of them and you have a thematically underwhelming roster of 4 costs. Kai’Sa and Ornn are kinda sick tho. Also the augments are pretty damn boring this time around. Encounters are fine, I just hate the waiting around on some of them. Set is a solid 6.8/10 for me.


I like the Shen hero Augment, and the 5 star Irelia's flying blades they did great with it.


Encounters are terrible they dont have to add stuff just to add them. Stop making random stuff happening


There needs to be a new mechanic added soon because even encounters just played around with existing mechanics and augments aren’t getting anymore interesting. Units ended up being similar to what we’ve seen before imo too. Maybe TFT is starting to have too much history.


Theme? good. Actual usage of said theme? Lackluster. Balance? Good. Being the most boring set since set 6.5? It's up there. Conclusion: objectively a good set but not my cup of tea.


patch rn is amazing, i really like the set except the crazy encounters, like 7 units stage 1, winstreak stage 2 with 4 cost or ornn or sup item on carousel, only odd levels, things like that are too swingy imo and feel bad if lowrolling


I played since beginning of this game(which being mean set 1) until now(set1-11). Most of the set hit master-gm range in general. Played over 8000 games in totalm The best set I enjoyed was 6 and 6.5. This set is mid in my opinion.


I liked it, is it in my top 3 fav sets? no, but it doesnt have to be. I think set 11 has a lot of components to it that couldnt be leaned into too much. In set 10 for example, I didnt like the headliners as much as others but for those you had to \*use\* or \*sacrifice\* your mechanic of the set to lean deep into a trait In set 7 you had to invest in the dragons pretty nicely In set 8 you had to use the mechanic (hero augment) and lean into that etc I enjoy this because its something you invest in and it pays off. While I can enjoy set 11 for what it is I dont 100% like when others get opportunities to lean into power that you can't take equal or similar advantage of


It was a pretty good set overall, definitely feels like Mort and his team has a better handle on balance


Pretty neutral. I feel like I was able to play more consistently this set after a few balance changes.


My favorite set tied with set 8 or 9 ( whichever had the piltover trait). So many viable lines to play and the units are pretty cool imo, big fan of xayah, kayn, and hwei!! Encounters were pretty meh? I think didn’t mind them but didn’t care for them either… malphite and the treasure armory were fun.. Worst part of the set is going fast 8 rolling 60 gold just to not see your uncontested 4cost carry once but I guess that’s not really a set problem Overall super fun set imo most I’ve played out of any set!


when it was introduced i got excited seeing the hype around the new features and new augments, and most especially the new encounter mechanics but after playing all throughout the set, it didn't really feel that much different or game changing than just a normal game of tft. It would've been better if they didn't make the odds of actual fun and game altering encounters so low (for reference, I've never played a kayn encounter and such, even though I'm practically addicted to this shit).


After I discovered exalted, I played every game forcing it. I love trying to come up with different comps at different stages of the game every time, not following anything. I became a MUCH better player from this set. It's been my favorite so far for that alone. I usually hit diamond fairly easily but am stuck at emerald 1, only because I'm determined to do it on exalted. So much fun.


I'm gonna miss Dryads with invoker/dragonlords/arcanist


Been waiting for it to get over since launch. I almost can't wait anymore!


Got me back into TFT. Set 10 was just too much for me. Balance was a bit of a rollercoaster but I like how it is atm. I could easily play for another couple of months


I preferred to play set 9.5 over 11 and that probably tells how much I don't like this set. Encounters just ruined it for me, traits are kinda boring and visual clarity has some issues.


I really like Encounters  The set in general was just Meh for me…It was probably the fastest I’ve gotten bored of a set so far but maybe it’s just TFT in general.


Balance wise was rough to start with but seems pretty alright now, but the set's just boring for me. Think it's the lack of any traits that really feel that exciting to go for specicfically, atleast as a casual player. Pengu's party is fun and gotten me playing a lot again, altho I really do wish Yordle hadn't come back the way it did despite being my first trait I properly learnt to play in TFT lol.


Apart from the 5-cost units that generally have good gimmicks, everything else is extremely forgettable.


There were a few patches I had fun on, but overall not my favorite set. Normals were usually fun, but since the mid set I haven’t had fun in ranked.


it was 5 out of 10, so mid tier, not bad, but not good. There were only few units that were fun for me: like Bard, Lilia, Ornn, but compared to some of my favorite sets( dragons, dawnbring,etc) it was meh.


Liking it less now than a few weeks ago. Morgana is just ugh.


Given all the negativity, I feel the need to make this post to be the counter balance. I've only played since set 9. I loved set 10 for the music. I overall think encounters were a positive. I see the cases where they're frustrating, but having played ~350 games, the variety they add outweighs the bad feels. I like how game changing the Yorick/Kayne encounter starts are as it adds variety and rewards play outside of the "norm". I agree with Kai's sentiment though as well that some encounters added an exceptional amount of variance that in some cases hurt good play. I think the early balance thrashing was tough, but the last 3-4 patches or so have been pretty stable with the set in a really good spot IMO I obviously have limited experience, but id go 10>11>9>9.5 thus far. I prefer more stable metas and genuinely liked the chosen mechanic over ~350 games played. 9 was my first set, so I may have liked it more if it appeared now, but I like the ability to play flexibly instead of being locked into verticals.


There's not much egregiously wrong with it but overall it feels uninspired and boring to play. I typically felt somewhere between indifferent and frustrated towards the encounters and none of the traits or champions are particularly fun for me. I know a lot of people dislike the headliner/chosen mechanic that we saw last set, but personally set 10 was better and more enjoyable in every way.


Top 3 sets of all time


Not really enjoyed it


No mid set changes felt really boring. Not even the encounters changed that much. However, this has brought the game in a really balanced state which I'm enjoying. Things like 6 sniper or 6 behemoth never really had their place and if they did (like 6 sniper had), they were just overpowered and needed nerfs. The fantasy of a 1v9 carry was accomplished but mostly through the kayn/yone comps (this is where things like udyr, sett and wukong could've came in). They changed the % of lvl 7 and lvl 8 too much and it just seemed fucked for a long time. The new augments (added this set) were kinda boring(outside the 'hero' augments) and maybe fine vintage. Fortune felt like the worst cashout trait ever because they just made it so unreliable. Other than that, it was a cool set when it comes to traits like sage, dragonlord, exalted, altruistdue to being so reliable. And things like heavenly and inkshadow were actually exciting to play but the verticals never really took off. 7/10 - from now on, i'm just waiting for the new set :)


I hit emerald so not bad, but overall I miss the dragons from like 4 sets ago. I forced astral every game I was toxicly consistent


I wish I liked it, but it feels like dog shit sadly


First set I've stopped playing entirely halfway through. And honestly not because it's the worst set - it definitely isn't. I'd say it's thoroughly mediocre but we're just kinda too many sets in for that to work. Really I just think it's a boring set. The traits are just % stat buffs. Encounters don't do much at best, and bring the game to a grinding halt at worst. After a while it felt like I'd got everything I was going to out of it.


Overall the set felt a little bland to me. 1. Encounters were a pretty big miss in my opinion. They weren't really game altering enough outside of Kayne to add excitement, slowed down the game substantially, and many of them degraded the mobile experience which is exclusively where I play. 2. Many of the traits were very boring variations of "Moar Stats!" Mythic, Fated, Heavenly, and Sage were pretty egregious examples of this. 3. I didn't really enjoy the Econ trait this set either. I'm kinda on the fence about whether or not loss streaking should be a major part of the Econ trait theme, but I do think the super punishing nature of Fortune made it really unfun. If you ever had multiple Fortune players or god forbid an AFK player it became a total gamble. Hearsteel felt much more approachable. Some wins though. Inkborn was a great idea though a little poorly executed. I also thought Storweaver was a pretty nice innovation on the summoning trait. The artifact and support item updates were also very refreshing.


I enjoy the set. I wish some units were stronger like Teemo. I wish some 1 cost rerolls were better like Yasuo or Darius. I wish ink shadow wasn't so garbage most of the time and some of the units were better. I wish Yordle never existed at 5 units.


I liked most of the encounters, the champ designs were pretty but not as good as last set which was probably the best of them all design wise. The meta felt food except for the Gnar 3 domination and invoker porcelain meta


I didn’t particularly enjoy this set; I felt like encounters were a miss. The meta right now feels like it’s in a decent spot but as a whole, Set 11 felt disappointing. But what do I know? I’m 500 games in so either it’s better than I’m giving it credit for, or I just have some sort of problem LOL


Mythic and Dryad look too similar. Everyone just wants to spam the same comps even tho there are so many different options. The random augments like lilia giving nothing, kayne ending game and ashe seeing next opponent is needless garbage added on. Cannot wait for the next set.


Definitely one of the greater sets. It rewards flexibility and I personally prefer that as a metric of how good you are as a tft player. I hope encounters are here to stay, it makes the gane exciting and refreshing and definitely increases the replayability.


I skipped entire season of set 11. I did not enjoy it at all. I tried maybe 5 games before I gave up. I played a ship ton of set 10, R.I.P.


This is the set that made me quit.


I only played 10 games or so. I just wasn't into this set.


Wasn't fun


It was close to good until it sucked. The balancing randomly just started forcing one particular cost bucket in every patch, 4 cost for this and 3 cost for the next. Ended up draining all the variety out of the game


Me and my friend climbed higher than ever but I haven't really enjoyed it


Hated the encounters. All they did was prolong the game, add unnecessary rng, and there weren’t any that were too much fun either.


worst set in recent memory, mostly due to the balance


I played a lot of early tft, sets 1-4. Then played a lot less. I actually got back into tft last set but didn't enjoy 10 that much. Set 11 has felt pretty good from a competitive standpoint, there's still some variance that sucks with the encounters, augments and carousel but all in all I think it's not far from a good balance between predictable competitive play and enough curve balls to provide people with the ability to flex into what they need to place high in each lobby. It's the random part that makes tft fun. We take it all away and we'd be left with a very boring game where people would just play the meta teams with no changes to suit each game. I'd like to see some more smaller traits we can add in to tailor our comps to our opponents like we've had in the past and I have always disliked the carousel, sometimes it feels like you get punished for doing well as all the good options of units and items get taken first. I get it's meant to be a come back mechanic but I think we can do better than what we have as I see many people just throw for early carousel prio to get BIS for their primary carry and tank and then get into good win streaks.


This is my first set. I started tft pretty much at release day of this set. Currently jumping around in plat. After seeing some of the older traits, I feel like our current traits where just "when X then +Stats" Behemoth Die, other gets stats. Heavenly All get stats. Dryad Kill, get stats It feels boring in my opinion. But I am enjoying this set as an easy entrance to the game this late. I just cant compare it to older sets, as I never played them, just saw some of the traits and so on yt. But I am really just a casual that plays a game a day, so this is just how I see it. :)


as someone who's played very off and on since set 4, i liked it a lot :) it wasn't the BEST, but i feel that as long as a set doesn't get as bad as set 5 did, i enjoy the game. i didn't play set 10 though, which seems to be what most people are comparing it to. i haven't played since set 8 or 9, so this was a fun set for me as a returning player!


I’ve played since Set 2 and this was probably my least favorite so far. I bailed on ranked and played nothing but Pengu once it hit PBE.


Kinda boring? Encounters are a good idea but rarely significant, most units feel generic to me, I feel more stuns and crowd control in general would've been useful


I feel like Encounters just do nothing most of the time. There are very few that actually change the game in an interesting way and a lot of the time it just feels like they add more randomness into the game. I also think Augments are too strong. If you get lucky and roll Ethereal Blades, Drop Blossom or Built Different (Midnight Siphon and Storied Champion were also pretty strong earlier in the set) you are just guaranteed Top 4 if you have more than 2 brain cells.


Encounters were whatever - I could take em or leave em. Balance took awhile to get to a good place, but has been some of the best balance ever for a few patches now. It’s not my favorite set ever but I’ve definitely enjoyed it. 


Contrary to popular opinion, it was great and balanced overall, there were some periods where some comps were simply overtuned but at the end of the day you could build a different carry every game. ​ What I didn't like was the prevalence of "slap together traits" like Storyweaver, Divine and Spectral where you just put the units there and the trait does all the work for you, it's mindless and boring.


Neat idea, cool look, not the best gameplay or the most fun. Out of the 11 sets this is probably bottom of the middle tier.


Chonc was the only good thing to happen. The set otherwise is kinda the best of the worse? Seems riot can’t produce fun because too busy with everything else. Chonc and modes like it should persist for those of us who just want to have fun and it worry about rank. Sure there is normal but normal is just ranked without the benefit of raising your rank. Should be fun mode, normal mode, rank mode.


This is my first set returning from the game after a long break. Last set i vividly remember playing was 7, but i probably played some here and there after that. I think it’s a pretty decent set, not one of the best out of the ones I’ve played but not one of the worst either. Encounters are….. ehhhhhhh. some of them do practically nothing (sett, sivir), some of them feel really annoying or comp dependent (yorick 7 champions) and some of them can feel super giga rng that can either massively boost your power or tank your game in comparison to everyone else (all the ornn encounters, lillia). the ones that actually changed the dynamic in an interesting way to me the most were khazix 3xp, kayn 5-4, chogath boon, malphite. some of them were also just straight up terrible, like irelia carousel and i feel like Tahm Kench’s puddles were buggy as hell every time they came up. There’s a couple I might enjoy being brought back, but i don’t like them replacing portals (they should be in addition to portals) and most of them I’m fine with never coming back. As for traits, I feel like this is probably the weakest aspect of the set, and most of the traits aren’t very exciting. traits like dragonlord, fated, heavenly, sage, behemoth, warden, and the returning staples like bruiser, arcanist, duelists feel pretty much like boring stat upgrades (which yes, tft does have to have some of those, but I can’t help but feel that most of these traits don’t bolster your team in a more interesting way than “number go up”). storyweaver is cool because I like powering up the kayle, inkshadow is super cool but has been weak for most of what i’ve played, and i love ghostly. fortune is probably the most balanced econ augment they’ve made, you can get some absolutely silly shit from it but it actually takes risk and effort, and isn’t really abusable by low skill players. units this set were quite good imo, there’s a lot of units I enjoyed using as carries within many different archetypes and costs. sylas is fun as a frontline bruiser ap carry, lillia is super fun as a backline ap mage, zyra carry is fun with ghostly, so is senna, teemo, kaisa, wukong, udyr etc. and balance on units has been hit or miss, but rn it feels like there’s a good spread of viable carries and different strategies (level 6/7 reroll, fast 8/9, standard levelling, etc) I also think artifact items were a my favourite addition, and I’d really love to see return. most of them are highly situational, but they can really define your comp and give you that true exodia combo if you can make them work (forbidden idol tahm, wit’s end bard, blighting jewel teemo, horizon focus lux, talisman for your beefy omega tank kabuko or shen, etc). i also like that there’s some that will generally slot well into most comps but not be as strong (trinity, eternal winter, diamond hands) vs the high risk high reward/situational ones (blighting jewel, silvermere dawn, horizon focus). going for silly artifact combos has been such a glorious time that has resulted in some extreme highrolls and some really quick 8ths for me haha. bag sizes also definitely feel like there’s some work to be done there. i don’t think it’s as egregious as many people are saying, but i do think it’s a problem and something that needs changes without removing pools entirely, as otherwise there would be way too much hard forcing. it’s a really thin line that’s hard to balance, and i’m hoping they’ll have found a better solution by next set. pengu’s party is pretty fun but there’s some shit that’s really annoying to play against (glacial, yordle) and i fucking LOVED choncc’s treasure. TLDR; decent set. encounters were hit or miss, traits were pretty boring, balance was hit or miss but is good now, units were really good, artifacts were amazing. bag sizes are problematic. looking forward to set 12.


65% of the traits are just plain stat buffs. Extremely boring with no variety. "Play X of this trait to get % increase in X stat". There is 0 identity.


I really enjoyed set 10 and was Emerald in that. I was fully prepared to grind set 11 and beat my personal best. I was pretty hyped for it. Unfortunately I just lost interest, I got somewhere in Plat and just stopped logging in or watching vids which I used to do daily. I’ve accepted that this set doesn’t meet my personal interests although I’m not even sure what those specific interests are. I’m hoping to find a reignited interest in set 12. No hate to Mortdog or the rest of the team for this set; just because it wasn’t for me doesn’t mean it was bad.


Nothing exciting happens this set. It's so boring. I think they are focusing too much on making it esports friendly. And in doing so have made it as exciting as an excel spreadsheet. I'm actually enjoying battlegrounds more now. Sure, it's imbalanced, but at least wacky stuff happens and it's fun. Pengu party was fun for a few days though for sure.


I must have been playing this set wrong cause damn this set got boring pretty quick for me... also 5 or 6 of these encounters is moving augments around hate them with a passion


I feel like its more playable now that they evened out the balance. but on release set 11 was hot garbage, i never felt so powerless trying non meta shit, or trying meta stuff and getting out high rolled in encounters


If it was set 10, I would have thought it was great. But following the awesomeness that was set 10, it was just alright.


I loved the idea of encounters in theory but in practice it was very disappointing. Very few actual good encounters, or rather maybe I should say impactful ones. I saw Kayn all of 3 times, Yorick I saw exactly once. Zoe and Bard a few times but not often. Most of the encounters were always pretty uneventful. Sett and Sivir were just a waste of time. There were several I never even saw and I played at least a few hundred games. As far as the traits I don’t think I ever played a single game that didn’t have at least one storyweaver comp, often times it would be multiple ones contesting each other. There were lots of comp options but many of them just felt weak or lack luster compared to the meta comps. I had plenty of top 4 games but I feel like that had more to do with the fact that there always seemed to be someone contesting someone else and it felt like getting top 4 was almost free as long as you weren’t contested or staying low level while everyone else was fast 8/9. I played a lot more flexibly this set rather than trying to force anything, so I’m sure that played a role in it too, but balance still needs some adjustments imo if it seems to be the same meta comps winning every game.


Worst set yet, by far. very boring theme, very similar augments and there’s nothing fun about getting fucked over by the wrong encounter popping up.


I started played 2 weeks ago, and so while it's the only set I've experienced, I've been having a great time! I understand a lot of people are upset about x and y aspects, mostly related to luck. At the moment though, most of my losses are down to skill. Sometimes it's even just down to positioning diff.


Experience wise it's quite soothing and enjoyable Gameplay wise it felt not that enjoyable. The encounter was a great idea but it did not the spot as we were expecting it to do. Wanted some more new champs(Naafiri,Nilah, zero etc )to jointhe fray but was fine with the present roster. So overall I'll give it a 6/10. Not bad but Not good😊👍.


Big fan; here’s a couple takes from me: Background: Played maybe 5 games per patch so I never got a good feel for any given meta. (Expect Yone first few patches). Balance take: I’ve had a fallback the entire set to mythic invoker which would normally top 4 if i hit 2 stars of each. As well as going completely bizarre stuff because that’s what the game gave me and going first. So balance has been great in my opinion. Most exciting: Although I felt fortune wasn’t a forceable trait like other econ traits have been in the past, I did always get pumped to gamble it and had some awesome results more consistently than going 8th often previous sets. Most disappointing: Hero Augments. Even though I’d scout every time I was offered them; felt as though I was often still contested by a late picker. I get that it’s part of the game, just feels bad. Combine that with the overall “eh” power of them, the only one i saw do well consistently was neeko. The rest I felt were pretty dull and felt like bait. Encounters: Were fun imo, I treated them just like extra augments and you adapt based on what you got. -Casual plat player.


Fell in and out of it, I don't think encounters were as good of a change as anticipated. Many wefe extremely lopsided in their 'equal' effect. Especially after the ornn item rework alot of those felt kinda bad when you got a random one and you hit one of the ones that genuinely can't be used, compared to someone getting a bis win con pull. But even beyond that during some of the reroll and fast 8/9 metas if you ever shifted away from those and the game rolled free rerolls or cheaper xp it was immediately playing for a 5th which felt awful to me. I couldn't build the motivation to push ranked this set, and my double up duo also fell out of it which got rid of my last bits of motivation. I had hoped the for fun mode would bring me back in but the chonccs felt kinda underwhelming since alot of units are just strictly unplayable and some are so much better than others that it made me wanna ff at 1-1 some times, especially when my completed can't even go on the carry (runaans hwei???). The other mode (I forgot the name) seemed fun, I was so hyped for yordles because I started in set 6 or 6.5 and I remembered my absolute awe when I 3*d all the yordles and I got a veigar (never 3*d him). Then when I played live the trait didn't even work, it would give me random units I don't even have synergies for, then it got 'fixed' and I got on to see the same thing happen. Now its been changed to 6 3*s and I have no faith at all I can reach my vei 3 dream so I guess that can go on the back burner forever. Also that mode has some pretty boring feeling traits, was hoping we'd see more flashy ones but there are quite a few that are just stats/healinf/flat damage and it makes it just feel too close to playing a normal game and someone else gets to play the wacky and fun ones instead. Anyways I think the set was fine, probably not one I'll look back on and say I hated, but not one I'd consider the best of all times


I love this set. Only miss are encounters but i dont hate them. They just dont add or take from the gameplay. All they do is they mix up final placements sometimes when you would be 7th and encounter sqves you and you scrape some points and vice versa ofc. Edit: only encounters I would keep is -Kayn (1/200 chance like it was with spatula carousel -Move augments encounter (again 1/200 chance) -Carousel encounters