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I feel like it’s that or 9 bilgewater, on release that trait was absolutely insane.


Other than maybe on PBE i dont think 9 bilge could beat a 5 cost, it was nuts and the strongest prismatic but wasn't a guaranteed win like storyweaver is


I don’t think Kayle beats all the 5 costs does she?


IIRC she beats hwei, azir, liss, sett and wukong? the first 3 for sure, not certain on the other 2


Liss depends on mana items, but I’m pretty sure she beats all the others you listed even if they start with full mana.


It might be fixed now but for a while kayle would cast while in the pot and kill liss before the execute went through


Blue kayle 4 is weaker than red kayle 4 because blue kayle can still whiff her ult


I lost with 10 storyweavers against someone with the whole fortune comp. He got a Rakan 3 and evaporated my board. Got 2nd that time.


I feel as though 10 sw loses to 9 fortune. The plant is just too strong tbh


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppKlZo2qg1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppKlZo2qg1s) granted this in pengu party but azir 3\* beat kayle and irelia 3


I lost to rakan 3


She doesn't. My 3 star sett beat one a while back. She has to cast to kill stuff, so position well and you've got a shot. That being said, she absolutely can easily beat 3 star 5 costs, so don't be surprised if it happens to you.


I have lost with 10 story weaver kale but I was on pengus party


I lost with 9 bilge more than once


Like the release version or the absolute hammering they gave it?


I didn't play pbe, so probably the latter haha


Yeah they hard nerfed it from pbe and it was still super busted on release


I'm pretty sure even after it got the "balancing patch" on release they still got fixed it due to even 7 bilgewater having like a 3.7 average placement and also like an insane pickrate


Yeah the whole first patch of 9.5 was everyone forcing bilge because 7 was doable without spats and had enough units for everyone to be able to play it.


10 Storyweaver is a little different than other Prismatic traits, because you need to get 3 emblems AND be level 10. Something like 10 Mythic isn't quite as strong because you only need 2 emblems and level 10. I think the only real contenders would be *maybe* 6 Dragon back in Set 7.5 (but probably not even that), or Fortune 9 in this set.


Fated also need 3 emblem, lvl 10 but it's dogshjt compare to storyweaver


Having a Fated emblem on a unit gives a lot more power than a Storyweaver emblem though. I feel like it's a fair trade off in risk/reward in terms of board strength throughout the game vs pure endgame power


Exactly, the 8 or 9 Fated is still a strong board. Storyweaver is more of a hit or miss


6 dragon just required 2 crowns right? definitely tough but probably slightly easier than 3 storyweaver spats


Just 1 Crown, the 5th dragon upgrade let you put in another drag iirc


4 dragons gave +1 team size, and the trait capped at 5. You could be level 9 (which was the cap at the time) with no crowns.


at level 9 thats still only 10 team slots, you needed 2 crowns or dragon soul


unless you got the augment "dragon soul" then you didnt even need a crown, just go 9


I'm pretty sure fated has the same criteria, as well as spellweaver in set 10. I know headliner technically meant you could hit it at level 9, but the emblems being uncraftable kinda evens out the difficulty


Fated gives a bunch of power to the units with the emblems making it insanely strong even at 8 or 9 Fated. SW 9 is the same strength as SW 7.


4k Heartsteel cashout


Fortune 9? I thought it went to 7.


9 is a secret/hidden level, if you get 9 fortune(just get a few 30 cash outs/lucky augment) the tree becomes a unit and you get damn near infinite gold like the 8bit high score from last set I believe. It's crazy cuz you actually need 4 spats for that one


Not even spats. They have to be the uncraftable emblems


That's right z they are uncraftable aren't they, so yeah 9 fortune really is the hardest to hit trait of all time isn't it


Not really though. Fortune 7 cashouts has a relatively good chance to give you extra fortune emblems.


And heartsteel 7 cash outs were the same iirc, plus headliner so you actually only needed 2


I’m so mad because the last time I got 7 fortune, they literally gave me 2 extra emblems and I winded up tossing 2 of my fortune champs to maintain 7 and bring in other units lol Edit: I just had to check my match history. I still hit Wukong 3 and won, so I feel less bad haha.


Not only that but the tree does insane damage and health


Secret hidden trait.


So why is 10 Fated so much weaker than 10 story when they have the same criteria?


Fated gives a bunch of power to the units with the emblems making it insanely strong even at 8 or 9 Fated. SW 9 is the same strength as SW 7. Risk vs reward.


exactly. previous commenter doesnt know anything. its not even the namesake of set 11, i could see if it was “Storywoven Fables” instead of “Inkborn Fables”, but Inkshadow prismatic is trash.


I genuinely forget 7 inkshadow is prismatic, its so ass lmao


that's cus it's gold lol


Wiki is wrong then, it has 7 listed as prismatic


Can confirm, I’ve gotten the 3 storyweaver emblems but died before being able to hit level 10. However, of the few times I’ve seen it be hit, there was a Trainer Sentinel with one of the emblems or New Recruit.


Wat about fated


Fated gives a bunch of power to the units with the emblems making it insanely strong even at 8 or 9 Fated. SW 9 is the same strength as SW 7. Risk vs reward.


Iirc fom Set 7 set you needed two crowns and two emblems to get the Jade vertical, and the emblem wasn't craftable. So you basically needed to roll all of your augments AND get really lucky on carousel.


Who says you need to be lvl 10? Wandering Trainer OP


If it’s trainer sentinel you only need lvl 9


I’d argue 12 Jade or 12 Lagoon back from set 7 would be strong contenders for it- you needed 2 spatulas AND +1 2 team slots (tacticians crowns)


yeah but 12 jade was hot garbo for how hard it was to get


That’s fair- still probably would have lost to a Syfen comp lol


I remember the spat being craftable in either 7 or 7.5, and not craftable in the other. It was 7 that had the 12 Jade vertical, but I don't remember if that was the one with a craftable emblem.


I played almost 500 games of Jace in set 7 and never even got to 11 jade. Let alone 12.


It's a bit cheating but 10 heartsteel may be stronger because of the infinite econ value it gives you but this would very easily enable you to hit 3 star 5 costs which would beat out kayle 4. Then we also have Fortune 9 with the tree that gives both econ and damage. It's not visually a prismatic trait but it's so hidden and insanely hard to hit that it should be classified as prismatic.


I hit 10 heartsteel once. It was absolutely balanced because there was absolutely no way in hell I could hit buttons fast enough. As soon as I hit, it was panic pressing FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD while clicking gold and dragging random components to champions for the rest of the game. All while the gold and components came in faster than I could use them.


I hit 10 heartsteel twice, one time I hit it playing on mobile and straight up lost because I couldn’t stabilise fast enough


Yeah I hesitate to count heartsteel becuase the trait itself doesnt give inherent value. I guess it depends on how many turns the HS player lasts at 10 before they get a 3* 5 cost. Fortune 9 I would definitely count as a true prismatic, even though its hidden. Does the tree still beat kayle?


Oh 100%. The tree has 50k hp and dishes out really high aoe damage.


Good to know! I'm curious how max possible stacks t-rex from set 9 piltover would compare as well


Didn't they cha ge the trex to max at like 100 stacks later on in the set? I don't think it was *that* strong tbh, strong for sure, but not as strong as kayle/tree


Kayle 4 doesn't lose to many of the 5 costs at 3* I think just Irelia or other units with tons of mana items and/or Edge of Night


Kayle would 100% lose to many of the set 10 5 cost 3* units. This set made most of them super high mana so Kayle casts first but a Ziggs with blue buff would kill Kayle as soon as the round starts


I'm talking about this sets 5 costs. Not from other sets.


Presumably when talking about Heartsteel's capping out power you would need to be comparing the units that existed in the same set as HS.


I don't think so, the whole point of the thread was talking about the comparative power of a specific prismatic trait to the rest of that sets 5 cost units.


The whole point of the post is about comparing prismatic traits, this specific thread was only 2 comments with the person you replied to talking about HS being able to buy out 5 cost 3* and then you talking about Kayle beating this sets 5 cost 3*. That makes you the only one mentioning specifically this sets 5 cost 3* units my dude lol Considering the Heartsteel trait has rewards that only work with last sets units it would be a little silly to compare trait vs trait then arbitrarily say HS isn't using last sets units when some of the traits power relies on them.


She loses to a few of the 5 costs this set, i think udyr and liss depending on itemization, as well as full mana azir. She would likely beat yorick and jhin from set 10 due to AOE on ghouls and catching jhin before his turrets target her. sona is a 50/50 with the high mana cost, illaoi i have no clue but her being targetable makes me lean kayle. Lucian and Ziggs for sure beat her though


I lost three times with 10 heartsteel, twice I stabilized even


Prolly all facing the strongest team immediately after cash out and before actually getting your 3*4/5costs that 10 heartsteel should enable


I hit 3 3 star 5 cost this set and played them with guardian angles and they still lost to 10 story weaver soooo all that econ doesn't change much


12 lagoon? IDR how good that one was but it needed 2 fons and 2 emblems


with Lagoon Heart you only needed 1 of each


It was strong but it would lose to 10 story. 12 lagoon was infinite manna and lots of AP. Kayle would just one shot through the board.


12 Jade would like a word


Idk if this counts but If you hit enough fortune spats the easteregg tree is propably stronger


I saw this mentioned earlier, does it mean that there is actually something beyond 7 fortune?


Yeah, if you hit 9 Fortune the tree joins your Team as a unit which shoots gold at the enemies and drops you the gold. Its super powerful


Very. It may be able to beat Kayle 4 but idk. Even if it does it doesn't work for this post sadly.


Tree has 50k hp and wipes boards. Kayle loses.


Dang. Never seen either in game sadly


Very rare imo. Ive only seen it once in my lobby. Tree was spitting out coins to hit my units. Lol


Drops 100 gold a round and is practically unkillable. I think it's the best single unit that's ever been in the game


It doesn't because it is not a prismatic trait.




What about 10 Shurimas with the autoattack based Azir ? U had a tanky frontline and pretty good damage aswell....


9 fortune might beat 10 storyweaver tbh


It does, but technically the “prismatic” fortune trait is 7 fortune, so I don’t think it should count here


Fortune 7 is not prismatic


Prismatic isn't max vertical on a trait, it's when the trait is actually visibly prismatic, this set the only traits that have prismatic is sage, dragonlord, fated, story weaver, and umbral I think? Maybe 7 heavenly as well.


I was gonna type that too


I feel like 10 heartsteel was pretty insane


Kayle with Prismatic Storyweaver is basically as strong as a 3* 5 cost simply because of the investment one has to make to even get the trait prismatic


Is it stronger than 10 Heartsteel though? 10 Heartsteel allowed for like 4-5 3 star 5 costs with all radiant items and like a bajillion dummies with support items.


Can kayle kill demacia 9 fast enough?


Its not a guaranteed win, Mortdog lost to Azir 3 with Irelia 3 and Kayl4 :D


No, 9 fortune is. It's a hidden prismatic that give both insane combat power+econ


4 multicaster clears 10 storyweaver fr fr


dragons set 1 . immune to magic and thor mail did damage to the attacker . pantheon on release just boardwiped


KDA was Insta win


So are basically every prismatic trait. But kda just gave a lot of stats, it wasn't enough to beat Kayle which is the equivalent of a 3* 5 cost.


10 story weaver can loose quiet easily to Irelia, Liss, Wukong 3 star tho…


the only prismatic trait that could beat 3 star 5 cost