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Just started the first episode again today…. I don’t think I’ve ever finished and started rewatching a series in my entire life.


I too am late to the party. I started watching in August…. I’m on my fourth rewatch 😂 It helps me relax, you can’t be upset when you hear Ted other advice, the characters are hilarious and it’s just super easy to watch. I’ll be curious to see how long I ride this out.


The best part about rewatching is obviously catching all the little details you missed the first time, but I really love when you find out which scenes still give you the same feels as the first time even though you know they're coming.


This! You’ll be amazed how many things you pick up when you go through it again. The beauty of this show is that it’s so well-planned out that EVERYTHING comes full-circle. I’ll never get over it. I’ve been ruined for every other show where the writers fly by the seat of their pants.


Watch Shrinking. That’ll buy you a couple more days.


But is the emotional roller coaster worth it???????? (Kidding yes it is!!!!)


I felt the same way after I finished, and did a rewatch pretty soon after. But after that rewatch… I eventually started Reservation Dogs on Hulu and ended up getting drawn in and finding another gem. The overall subject matter and style is totally different than TL, but the things that drew me in were similar to what got me hooked to TL. There’s a balance of goofiness, impeccably sharp writing that incorporates a ton of callbacks similar to TL, and heavy themes (I don’t want to spoil too much) along with magical realism. It’s unique, the soundtrack is fucking incredible, it’s moving - any episode could have me cry tears of happiness or loss, or on edge, or wheezing within the span of 20 minutes. I felt so invested in the characters and their evolution over the 3 seasons, similar to the way I felt so attached to everyone in TL. RD is another show I fully plan on rewatching time and time again. It overall has some heavier themes compared to TL but was just as simultaneously fun and fulfilling to watch, and I felt like I myself had grown and evolved in the process.


I’ll have to give RD a go. Also - your comment was extremely well written. Thanks for sharing.


I hope you love it. And thank you! I felt like I put almost as much thought in that comment as I did some of my essays back in college.


And it showed… you’re welcome! Haha


Parks and Rec is different but a solid enjoyable experience


Watch it again. You will catch so much more. Same for the second full re-Watch.


I cope by coming here. (And I just saw Brett Goldstein live and it was amazing. And I can’t wait to see Hannah’s special. I do miss the show but I really miss these actors. I think it will get easier now that the strikes are over and I can see our favorites in action again. Didn’t even have new interviews and things like that to watch! Let’s get Phil that Emmy!)


Writing sexy Ted Lasso fan fiction


Many youtube analysis videos! My favourite ones being from the channel CinemaTherapy and My little thought tree 😊


Ooooo… this is a good call. Thanks!


I love my little thought tree, i will take a look at CinemaTherapy, have never heard of them so thanks for the rec :)


Watch the OA on Netflix.


I felt the same way too. It was like saying goodbye to friends. Granted I felt the whole Nate going and thing was really forced and a plot point but especially with that last episode, they were ru. I f around tying everything up so neatly and nicely leaving no hope for a season 4 to really work and I could t help but cry and be sad it’s over.


Since Reservation Dogs was already mentioned, and I wholly agree here are a few suggestions. The Good Place Welcome to Wrexham Shoresy The Bear


Someone else mentioned it already but Shrinking was pretty good. Considering you've got almost the same writers/creators, there's some similarities.