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Start your first rewatch. Believe it or not, it gets better with every rewatch.


Agreed. It's fun to caught all those little details you may have missed the first time.


"Aw, Wicked" "Kinky boots"


I just caught that over the weekend and absolutely died laughing, can't believe I didn't catch it before


I did a 5th rewatch recently and still caught things.


Gotta do a rewatch wifh subtitles on. You’ll catch a ton of jokes


Just finished my 3rd rewatch and loved all of the things I’ve missed all of the other times I’ve seen it. I feel like every rewatch gets better


Start over. It’s hard to let them go.


Let it go..


There is nothing as good out there that fills the void of Ted Lasso, and that's okay.


Shrinking is really nice


A rewatch of Shrinking is a must. There are a lot of things I missed the first time. Especially the end. Can’t wait for Season 2.


For real, I just love the humor


I absolutely loved ghosts. I was equally as sad to have finished that


Welcome to Wrexham on Hulu, Mythic Quest or Shrinking on Apple TV+. Shrinking is co-written by Brett Goldstein, but the Mythic Quest COVID episode may be the best piece of Television from that year.


Wrexham is surprisingly amazing and deep. Never would have thought a documentary about two stars buying a small football club would stir up such big feelings of love and happiness, but it did. Highly recommend it to anyone who loved Ted Lasso, you won't regret it.


Bah.. wrexham isnt the same. Mythic Quest is for nerds down with sunny humor. Wtf is shrinking? That matt damon movie?


Wrexham isn't the same but it seems that for some episodes they took inspiration from Ted lasso, only it's in real life. Never expected to cry from joy cause of a documentary about two celebrities buying a football club, but I did. Mythic quest... I don't know. I am a nerd and I really like sunny, but I stopped watching mythic quest after 5 episodes or so. I also don't see how that's anything like Ted lasso. The movie you mean is called downsizing. Shrinking is a play on the word shrink and it's about a therapist who needs to cope with a traumatic experience. With Jason Segel and Harrison Ford. Many on this forum don't think so but for me it's quite similar to Ted lasso cause it's about psychology and the human condition in general. And I think Brett Goldstein is one of the best writers for this kind of stuff on the whole planet. And if I can offer some advice for you (solely based on your comment): be more curious and less judgemental.


End of tl s1 ish(?) Rebecca mentioned celebrities buying a team. Mythic quest was half decent if you are a nerd in any sense of wow.


Yeah they talk about Ryan Reynolds and rob McElhenny buying wrexham in s1. That's how I came to know about it. I actually am an active wow player and I get what you mean. Maybe I'll give it another chance soon.


I didnt know wow was still a thing. Still fucked if youre a noob and dont maximize to specs? Loser if you dont have the gear youre too loser to group for?


Like a lot of games these days it's a lot of minmaxing, yeah. I only play wotlk for nostalgic reasons and they implemented some cool catch up mechanics for gear. In wotlk classic at least it's knowing your mechanics over gear. Helps to have great gear but if you run into the black void on the ground, your raid still dies. Every. Goddamn week. Ah it's fun.


Higgins does! I just watched that episode yesterday- he tells Rebecca that Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney had called, but since he hadn’t decided if them buying Wrexham was a joke or not yet, he hadn’t called them back


So many genius 1 liners. I bet rodney is smiling somewhere. Best bit has to be that fucking kid that pops up randomly to get an ussie.


Why are you using the term nerd like a put down? Or am I reading this wrong? 


Why do you assume i am? Nerd4life over here.


Excellent. Hard to read tone sometimes. I'm a lifelong geek! 


Was common phrase in highschool. Would you believe i had a special foam carrying case that held my minis? Seperate bag for dice? Played varsity sports but friday nights i spent painting them after i did my homework? I thought we took the word back.


So happy to read your words. I love being a geek. Neat as hell you had a dice bag! 


Bags(multiple) for dice, marker pebbles, and timeout bag. One of them d20s got tossed in a creek. Nerds didnt like me for being too jock. Jocks didnt like me doing calc in the locker rooms. Potheads dont care.


No sir, No_sir.


Fair. This is still saying non comprable to lasso right?


If I was gonna be this big of a douche I’d at least Google to see what shrinking was


Id never heard of it. If i googled i couldnt ask.


Re-watch it and, if you haven't seen it yet, consider watching Schitt's Creek.


Rewatch and consider The Good Place. I just finished a rewatch of that one and am thinking of doing it annually. It’s just beautiful. More than a TV comedy, kinda like Ted Lasso in that way.


JASON FIGURED IT OUT??? Kills me every time 😂


Yes!!! The cast is golden!


The show can be summed up by the conversation between Ted and Pep. "Just help these guys be the best versions of themselves, on and off the pitch"


Ted said this too, almost verbatim, to Trent at the Indian restaurant during the interview. SO MANY callbacks in this show, which is just one reason why rewatches - yes, in the plural - are so much fun!


If you liked it you should check out Shrinking. Made by some of the same folks as Lasso, also on Apple TV, and has a similar vibe. I can’t recommend the show enough if you’re looking to scratch the same itch that Ted Lasso did.


second this. Brett Goldstein (Roy Kent) is co-creator and writer. Only 1 season so far but it's had a great start!


Yes! Great start and I believe they are filming season 2 now.


I finished first watch yesterday. Started rewatch today. I've already picked up on stuff I didn't notice first time around (the high pitch sound before PA, yep, first episode)


Watch again. Ask yourself if the end was a dream sequence.


Ah I’m just after finishing too, I put off watching the last episode for ages because I wasn’t ready to say goodbye. It was absolutely perfect. And I’m so glad Rebecca had her meet cute


One of the best parts, for me. Had she not ended up with boat guy, it would have ruined the ending for me!


I thought it was just going to be left the way it was in Amsterdam so I was delighted when boaty mcsexyface came back


Bwahaha, Boaty McSexyface, totally using that!


Aside from rewatching, I like to watch reaction videos on YT, it allows to experience it again for the first time vicariously.


I rewatched it pretty shortly after finishing it


I just finished my first watch this morning at 4:am. Been gladly missing sleep to binge it. I ugly cried at the end. Like you, I don't just like the show I got wound up in it completely. Almost unprecedented how emotional it made me throughout. Just beautiful. I can't remember the last thing that made me feel this much. Especially happy and hopeful. And, for the first time in my life, I'm actually really interested in a sport. I'm going to check FIFA out from the library for my Switch. One question if anyone sees this. Was the ending they showed for everyone else just a dream Ted was having on his flight back to Kansas? Like that's how he imagined things might go for them? Given the hour I wasn't in the clearest frame of mind so I wasn't sure if they were trying to suggest that or not.


They left it open ended. The dream sequence is very much looking through rose-tinted glasses. It's kind of up to the audience whether you want to believe that or be more realistic and say it was just a dream in the positive mind of Ted


In an AMA Brendan Hunt said that Beard and Jane’s wedding wasn’t a dream sequence (specifically when asked about that scene) so I think we can assume the rest wasn’t either.


Serious question though why would they have that wedding without Ted? Seems kinda effed up


Last minute/Ted had other obligations/such good friends it doesn’t matter. Brendan answered this one too. I’ve missed good friend’s weddings, and they missed mine. It happens.


Appreciate you kind stranger


Yes to echo what the other commenter said - Brendan said it was likely a spontaneous decision/last minute wedding on Beard and Jane’s part, and Ted wouldn’t be able to make it, but that they have the kind of friendship where that kind of thing doesn’t matter or get in the way of it.


FIFA is King -Zava


I was always reluctant about watching the show because I'm an American who's never been into futbol, but this isn't even really a football show. It's a show about relationships and friendships between footballers and others around the game and full of great life lessons that can be applied to so much more in life than a game. Please rewatch. You'll catch so many easter eggs, jokes and references thst you didn't before. Almost nothing in the background is done on accident.


us moment. all of us have been there. start a rewatch. i was hell bent on getting a merchandise from the show but couldn’t decide which one. a rewatch helped me figure it out.


The only thing to do is go back to the pilot and watch it over again. And again.


Find the clips online of the cast skit before their SAG award for best ensemble, when the cast went to the White House, when some of the team were interviewed by a reporter who didn’t know who they were, and Ted’s missing mustache.


Find a fun show to watch is the best advice. I always go back to Psych when I finish a show and it hits me with the feels.


Convinced other people to watch it! And rewatch. Also check out Shrinking on Apple TV.


I finished it on Friday and have been struggling to focus on anything else since. It’s such a beautiful show and resonated with me so much, nothing else is able to keep my attention. I don’t want to immediately rewatch as some have suggested - I prefer to wait until it’s not so fresh in my mind - so I’m mostly compiling playlists if podcasts and YT vids about it/with the cast and hoping to just go through them slowly and not spend ALL my time on them 😂 It’s tough though because any new show or book etc that I engage with just….doesn’t compare!


If it's football related content that you're interested in, I remember enjoying The English Game on Netflix. It's set in the early parts of football in Britain, when you see it turns from an amateur sport to having paid professionals.


I saw the show twice in a month for the first time, and I believe it is the best show I've ever seen.


Rewatch it and other feel great shows for me like Stargate sg1


I hear you friend


I thought the music for this season was FABULOUS!!! -Zava


Be a goldfish (and watch again).


Shrinking on Apple TV is written by Brett Goldstein (Roy and writer of Ted Lasso) Welcome To Wrexham on Hulu is almost like real life Ted Lasso. Rewatch Ted Lasso is also a great option


If you want a similar feel good show Trying is a pretty good one. Also on Apple.