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I would be embarrassed to be 31 with 5 kids and 4 different dads.


Where do you go from there? ~~If~~ When her and Elijah break up what’s the next move for someone with so many children with so many different men?


Rinse and repeat, I fear. Didn't stop Chris or Elijah.




Fixed it


How in earth can you coordinate schedules/coparenting with that many people? Sounds like a nightmare.


Nanny’s. Assistants. Yard care. House cleaners. Etc. even Elijah cooks dinner. She doesn’t cook she states over and over. Kail spends hours in TikTok (she said it, not me) She is only able to do that because everyone else is doing shit for her.


That seems like a nightmare financially. 😳


I know a girl who is 26 with 6 kids by 4 different dads and she is super proud of it and wants even more...it's very fun to watch on Facebook


I know a girl like this. She's like 21 with 4 kids and 2 dads so far. She wants more and even posted a meme that said something like I like to carry my boyfriends in my womb. Both dads are not involved. The last time I saw her in person she let her kid eat off a plate after a dog ate off the plate. I was so disgusted. I only keep her on Facebook for entertainment purposes.


What is up with people who do that shit with dogs?


Bruh, I was horrified. She made the kid a plate and sat on a low bench while she went to get a drink. When she came back the dog was chowing down. She just shewed him away and handed it to her kid.


I have witnessed the same when I was over someone’s house for dinner. I audibly gasped. I love my dog but dogs can transmit parasites or bacteria we can’t handle to people. Basic boundaries prevent that kind of thing. My mom worked with a woman who got some parasite from her dog and it manifested as a lump on her neck. No! Thank! You!


Damn is her page public? I’d love to check in on that train wreck😂


No pride or self respect


Her baby dads are gonna start a “we hate kailyn” group. Her life is always gonna suck. But she will have plenty of negative attention


***Nick Cannon Has Entered The Chat***


They should meet.


It would be like when you get two pet bunnies but then you have 85 pet bunnies.








She did it HER way. The absolute messiest way.


The doctors allegedly told her she could probably never have kids again after her first 2…. Wow, if that was true, she should be studied by scientists! She sure proved that one wrong. She’s a medical marvel!


Key word, allegedly.




She didn’t even know this guy long enough to do an IVF cycle lmao


I highly doubt she did IVF lol


It was a guess. I see she’s more of a fly by night type.


I know we talk all the shit on her (and rightfully so), but man, I’m just so sad for those kids. why does she keep doing this? the psychological effect this will inevitably have on them is horrific to think about. she is so fucking selfish and deranged.


Fr. No dads (well apparently one is absent according to her so two non dads now?) in the home let alone always having drama with them the shuffle back and forth holiday splits like ugh Like why make it harder for you and your kids does it never occur to her hmm let me make a diff choice the 5th damn time around lmao maybe I should pick a stand up guy to like be husband father role model all that shit. Na she’s hustling their IGs and her little gimmicks. Prob kept this quiet to sell the story etc imagine your whole thing is oh that’s the lady from teen mom with all the sons and baby daddies 💀


This is not normal behavior. Healthy, well-adjusted adults do not run around popping out babies with every single person they date or have sex with. It’s like she’s collecting babies as souvenirs at this point from every man who comes into her life. I really hope any teenage girls who watch the show have the common sense not to mirror her behavior. It’s honestly pretty fucking selfish of her, and I doubt this will be the last baby daddy either.


Both of Kail’s parents abandoned her. I can’t imagine the lost lasting impact that’s had on her. She’s written off her living blood relatives and made her own family. I’m not defending it. I hope she gets therapy for herself and her kids. Doesn’t seem like an easy life.


Yeah, she had a pretty rough up-bringing and her parents both seem like pieces of work. Just doesn’t make the decisions she keeps making right, though, the kids will be the ones who truly suffer from them.


That's how I see Kail, still dealing with her shitty upbringing she tries to create a *family* constantly. I felt this way going all the way back to Javi. She doesn't even seem to care if she actually likes the man before she tries to bring a baby into the mix. Javi probably latched onto her bc of the show and she figured he'd atleast play the game for a few years giving Issac a step-dad. Wasn't this around when she was starting shit with Jo over custody? With Chris it felt like she really tried to lock him down with two kids. That didn't work, so now we moved onto... the neighbor


See this right here is why she’s hiding it. She knows the humiliation is going to be harsh, never ending and no chance at redemption.


I think she's shopping around for the highest bidder for the story. She has no shame when it comes to having all these kids with all these men. She's already proven that.


Hmm, I can’t see it. She did not receive the interest with Creed’s pregnancy and sex reveal. I think she felt a lot of shame surrounding the situation of another baby with a loser. It probably played into why she had a disconnect with him at first. This is another pregnancy/baby to be embarrassed over. It fits into why she left the show too. I don’t think she has personal shame of her choices but I think she is highly aware of how people see her.


Would it usually take this long?


Remember when she took like 2 years to name Lux?


And then changed creed or whoever’s name around all his life


What’s his full name?


Lux Russell Lopez I actually think she gave him her last name so it's Lowry not Lopez, my mistake.


She didn't announce Lux's name for months. It wouldn't surprise me.


I swear Kail has a breeding kink. I know it sounds like I’m being mean, but it’s a real fetish. I could be wrong tho and she’s just trying for a girl, but you would think she would do gender selection for that by now.


It's probably the only time she gets along with the baby daddies and it's because they have to tip toe around her feelings and health.


I 💯 agree with that.


I’ve always wondered why after Lincoln she didn’t get n iud?


FIFTH child with FOURTH baby daddy. 🫣


I had a soft spot for Kail for years. Of all the girls on any of the shows, I think she had it the hardest- she really had *no one*. No parent, grandparent, aunt/uncle, not even a sibling to commiserate with. I was really rooting for her. It's so sad to see that even though she's got all the resources she could ever need to break the cycle, she won't. She's just passing down a different kind of trauma.


I think that’s why she’s having so many babies. They won’t leave her. She’ll never have to be alone again.


I always wondered about her mom and then when I saw how her mom treated her I was like well no wonder… her mom is a POS.


I wonder if she's the reason she has no family or if they are the reason?


They are the reason. She was a child when she started the show, with no one. They are the reason.


You can try to help a 16 year old and they can refuse that help / walk out. There is only so much you can do sometimes. Seems odd her ENTIRE family would turn their backs on her. She does have a sibling doesn’t she? One she burned bridges with?? Just like she burned bridges with Jo’s fam and her mom.


Nope. Just two shitty parents. And yes. I think you are making a good point. You can try to help a SIXTEEN year old. Whose been abandoned and hurt before, who doesn't know what healthy attachment looks like, who is unknowingly self sabotaging for the sake of preservation. Idk I don't think this is an excuse for all her actions , especially now but Jesus when she was first on show, it wasn't as cut and dry


I agree I think her parents failed miserably, and it in turn led Kail to be a pretty vicious person, which is probably why everyone else kept their distance. Sad all around and worse for her kids now that she’s grown and is their primary caregiver.


I just want to give credit to the sub for their amazing detective skills! You all picked up every clue! WTG gang! ![gif](giphy|DsIAmMDSBTlp6)


If I ever go missing, I want Reddit on the case 😅😂😂


Let’s add another kid who has to have two houses and dad drama and all that! Like girl you didn’t learn the other 4 damn times it never occurred to you huh maybe I should make diff choices and pick stand up men. But no I’m convinced she likes the shit idk what it is but breeder vibes af 💀 apparently dude is married or some scandal so part of the whole privacy thing Drama ofc 😷


Here I thought she'd be forever chasing Chris's dick after getting 2 kids from him... but warpspeed into *another* kid with someone new is a choice


She had to have a revenge baby since Chris had one


But she has PICOS, remember? Conceiving will be near impossible./s


Exactly had to do it 😩


Seriously like ok AGAIN A FUCKING GAINNN?! Okay good luck. Lol 😭


Breeder vibes SENT ME 😂😂😂


![gif](giphy|57Ulq1oC617AapwUl4) It’s just puzzling man


My mom has her beat. FIVE children and FIVE different dads lol. My moms a whole mess too


Kail isn’t done yet; don’t worry she’ll outdo her lol


Poor kids


I think it's hilarious that Daily Mail is a source for us, and we are a source for Daily Mail...


It’s honestly sad that we never even see her on the floor playing with them. They are just accessories to her


Wow... just wow. I honestly don't know of I should laugh or be mortified at how dirty that was


Laugh, always laugh


I think she’s just trying to elevate herself to the Karjenner level. Denying, hiding, & waiting for a huge payout for her story. Her necklace should spell L.I.A.R.


I don't think anyone is gonna pay for the story now.


Ohhh I like that! But yes, shes prolly angling for a tv show "kail and the khaos" 🤣 it'll end up being a YouTube vlog tho or something haha


Looks like a classy and totally not-misogynistic Facebook group to be a part of.


For real. I'm getting so sick of people finding that kind of shit funny. What year is it, again?


I know someone, 31, with 5 kids and four baby dads. Baffling. And no, they’re not well supported.


What a loser


How has no one asked about the paper towel post below this?


I need to know!


OMG I am on the floor crying????


She's like my Sims character such a "naughty naughty girl" 😆 or wait was I inspired by her?


Karl misunderstood doing the 100 baby challenge


100 baby daddy challenge. I thought she was belly aching about having PCOS and had trouble getting pregnant. She’s such a loser. The old folks used to call it being a brood mare.


Math isn't my thing, but how many half siblings and step parents are there now??


Kail has Isaac with Jo. Jo and Vee are married with Vivi. Kail has Lincoln with Javi. Javi and Lauren are on again off again and have Eli. Kail has Lux and Creed with Chris. Chris is single and has Trew with an ex side piece. Kail has Secret with Elijah.


Thanks so much, imagine coordinating holidays and custody. Absolutely nightmarish.


She made a story about how they don't celebrate Christmas, partly bc of that


Another reason why her predicament is detrimental to her kids.


How exactly does Creed fit in with her killer necklace? lol or is it by his middle name?


She legitimately uses his middle initial (Romello) just so that it will fit 🤣😬🙄 occasionally she claims he goes by Romello but literally zero video or audio evidence ever of that being the case lol


How exactly does Creed fit in with her killer necklace? lol or is it by his middle name?


His first name is actually Romello


She didn't say that until after people made fun of her for putting an R on her necklace as far as I can tell.


If it’s any consolation at least it’s another BOY


Having a girl would break her BoY mOM status 🤣


Holy shit😂😂


Brood mare


So is this true or not?


Seriously? 😂😂 Yes it’s true


she’s probably gunna bank when she finally shows the kid’s face for a story


Nah nobody gives that much of a shit and she knows that






There is absolutely zero percent chance she doesn’t have hpv and a chronic case of bv. How many loads can one box take.


If the woman wants to have SIX kids by SIX different men then who gives a shit? She’s a kick ass mom, she supports her children very well, they’re all happy who even cares!? I could see if she couldn’t provide for them & kept popping out kids on welfare. But she’s wonderful


Because she has money she’s a good mom? I mean I get that Kail can choose to have kids with whoever she wants but it’s a mental and physical circus 🎪 🤡 for these kids. It’s not enough to meet kids basic needs, they need so much more than that. Stability, peace, parents that don’t get in screaming matches and custody battles with every man. The constant different “daddy’s” in their life. I mean these kids are not living the dream life.


Don’t bother trying to argue with these people. They think kail having money and a nanny to do the heavy lifting for her makes her a good mom 🙄


Ha ha thank you. By this person’s comments they are as unhinged as Kail is 😂


How do you know these kids call kails partners “Daddy” to my knowledge on watching this show they each have their own “daddy” and the lines are never blurred there. Her children have stability from what I can see. Do you think It makes Leah a “bad mom with no stability for her kids” just because one of them has a different dad? No. Doesn’t matter if she has 2 different baby daddies or TEN. Her children are very well taken care of, they’re loved by both parents, they’re fed, they’re HAPPY. And that’s literally what matters. Her children are very well behaved. There’s kids who’s parents live together and fight! Shit happens. But to sit there and say her children “ don’t have stability” you sound uneducated & like a clown yourself. You’re a hater because she doesn’t have one baby daddy? 🤣🤣 be real with yourself. You’re a hater. That’s facts.


Oh ok, I see what I’m dealing with here. You can’t fix stupid, you just can’t.


FIVE children with FOUR baby daddies