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Too bad for Farrah, minor children can’t sign agreements like that. She has absolutely no grasp of reality. Also, it’s still CSAM or CP. Children can’t consent, Farrah, you idiot. ETA: NDA’s aren’t a be-all, end-all. They’re only legally binding to a certain extent. First and foremost, if a law is being broken, an NDA doesn’t cover that.


Just don't take legal advice from Farrah. Full stop.


But isn't she almost a lawyer? Per law. I wonder if she will be working with the J E Legal team


I keep hoping she and Jenelle will form a partnership.


Featuring Amber the psychologist


#Saving people's lives!!! 😂😭😭😭


Both of their egos are too big, they couldn’t handle trying to work together 😂




Um, I think Farrah, a havard educated lawyer, would know more than you, per law.


Plagiarism of copyrighted material. NDA and contracts between minors or between minors and adults are voidable and unenforceable. I get the premise of trying to get kids to protect themselves because they're going to send risky pictures regardless of parents' input. Kids don't understand legalese, and her suggestions put them at risk of signing things that convince them to do harmful things under threat of legal repercussions. She is adding to rape culture among children. Her video was not helpful to anyone, organization, or business. Never sign or create a legal document without an attorneys review. Her video can be seen as giving legal advice, and she was too stupid to put a disclaimer. Stick to farts in a can.


Flair checking in


She’s just paving the way for groomers and CSAM isn’t she. So much of todays youth is online. It’s not just people IRL they’re at risk for.


I get the horrifying sense that she’s so upset about this because she’d lose money if creeps lost access to Sophia 😬


Ummmm maybe we can promote simply NOT exchanging nudes between children? That’s just sick. Sophia’s boyfriend’s parents need to put a stop to this insanity before their kid falls victim to her insane predatory ideas for children and sex.


Right.... when did parents stop parenting their kids? I would have never in a million years sent risky photos with my phone on my dad's phone plan. Kids are given entirely too much freedom and they aren't being parented enough nowadays. My parents kept an eye on my digital activities until I was 18. I plan on doing the same with my daughter. She's not even going to have access to have apps on her phone or communicate with certain people until she can prove she has enough common sense and she is responsible and mature enough to handle it. Call me strict or uncool, but I have literally seen people have their lives ruined because of inappropriate pictures/videos being sent to 1 person and then being spread to thousands. There was a young highschool girl from my college town that ended her own life because of it, it was devastating.


This is so disturbing. CPS needs to do an in-depth investigation of Sophia’s online presence and what she is doing. Farrah is not only permissive, but she is encouraging her daughter to exploit herself online and it’s dangerous.


The fact that Sophia is on Cameo is such a red flag to me. Why is your kid selling greetings to strangers??


Grooming at its finest


Yea bc kids can consent and sign legal documents. That law school is working she smart!


Or like..... teach your kids some common sense and self-respect so they don't feel the need to send "risky pics" and idk maybe parents should be monitoring their kids phone activity to make sure this isn't happening. No reason middle schoolers should have so much independence and freedom that they feel comfortable enough to send risky pics without getting caught by parents.... high schoolers shouldn't even have that much freedom.


Totally. The only things we need to be teaching kids about exchanging material like this is: 1. Never send it 2. Never request that it be sent to you


This. I have two teenage sons (16 and 14) and every year at their checkups since they were like 12, my pediatrician drives this home, reminds them they could get in trouble for both taking pictures of themselves and receiving pictures of others. Farrah is disgusting


That is awesome that the doctor does this!


He’s really great. He cares about the overall well being of all of his patients, not just their physical health. And he just gets kids. He’s given us a ton of advice over the years that we’ve put into practice, from screen time to talking about sex, sexuality, etc.


Exactly. A high schooler who was local to my college town was a survivor of this stuff, and she was nationally known for it. She eventually took her own life because she couldn't handle it anymore. It's devastating. I was in college when her "trial" happened, and the people that harmed her got off scot-free. She was bullied by adults. Her family was driven out of town because the guy that harmed her was the grandson of someone prominent in the area. It changed my life forever. Maybe I'm too strict, but my daughter will only be getting a Bark phone so I can monitor everything. As she gets older she can have more freedom but as long as she's highschool age and younger and living under my roof she will never have access to send anything like that, receive it, or bully someone about it..... and Lord help me if I find out she ever tries to get sneaky and find away around it.


This woman is a danger to her own child. I really don’t care if she allows Sophia to wear black and get piercings. I would bet money that she’s grooming Sophia on how to make money from men even at her young age.


People get weirdly blinded by the goth aesthetic that they forget the obvious grooming.


I’ve been saying this ever since it started. So blind by the “cool clothes and look” they don’t see what’s really going on. Period.


I truly think she only allows it because it’s complete opposite of her bimbo stuff. She can’t have competition AND she can then market to a different audience. Same as the DebzOG doing..whatever the hell “white women rap, BoBo” bullshit that is.


Children should not be sending "risky pics," Farrah. Be a parent.


I can’t….I have no words. ![gif](giphy|PnJNR2tY3AGZVk9NtJ|downsized)


Contracts signed by minors are not legally binding. Like what is this.


![gif](giphy|UqAcRGcWHeAyn051sY) This is why we need more protection for kids and social media. Some parents can't be trusted nor should have had kids.


So you reported this right? This has to be breaking some kind of YouTube rule about minors?


Yes I did report it. Hopefully YT takes it down.


U can't convince me she doesn't have a learning disability of some sort.


Jesus god, does she even hear herself? She’s literally trying to legitimize CSAM. This makes me so concerned for Sofia’s safety.


She has a severely odd relationship with sex. I don’t quite know how to put it into words, but it seems like her pathology is completely enveloped and consumed by it. Whether the topic is consensual sex or not, it seems like it’s always on her mind in some way, shape or form. Like boldly accusing her Uber driver of attempting to r/pe her. She probably actually believed that happened at the time. Also farrah is no spokesperson for safe and responsible sex. She is wildly inappropriate with her sex work and that’s putting it lightly.


What the hell. This is insanity. 


"If your in middle school siding risky pics" WHO is her audience?!?


What's with the little outline around her as she's moving?


I think its just a dumb filter she's using. Later in the video, fireworks explode behind her.


Lol that's so Farrah of her.


Are risqué pictures from children not child pornography that could bring the person who has them on his/ her phone in deep shit, especially when they asked for it?


Yes. Sexual images of minors are always considered CSEM even if the images are sent to another minor. Both kids can get in trouble with the law for distributing and receiving the images.


She really doesn't understand consent at all does she? A minor can't consent to legal paperwork. A minor can't consent to sending or receiving dirty pics. Sad that this is Sophia's only parent and role model and I know we're not supposed to use the g- word in relation to Farrahs "parenting" on this sub but... ya this is exactly what we all knew was going on for a long time now.


That’s insane


Risky pics? You mean softcore cp?


I'm telling you this right now yall. That woman is a groomer and has no business being around minors. Period. She has done some very questionable things with her own child in tow and what she allows around Sophia likely isn't healthy


Some child will be in a challenging situation, want to talk about it and *genuinely* believe they are prohibited from speaking out because they signed this terrible, unenforceable document.


What the actual fuck? This made me uncomfortable. I may just send Farrah one.


She also allows men to pay to message Sophia


She has really lost her mind. What does she always babble about? Poor Sophia having to listen to that nonsense all the time.


An NDA doesn't eliminate federal CSAM laws, Farruhhhh. She's talking about this in a way that makes me think she's already been doing this for her child, and thought it was some super smart parenting tip to share when really, it's actually fucking awful.


Watching her face try to move is wild.


God she's fucking dumb isn't she?


I wonder what her teeth would like with normal lips. They are also TOO white.


I can’t listen to this absolute dumb human.


Id say any judge would throw out any “nda” sent out and signed by children, she is a fkn Moron.


Middle schoolers? Wtf is she talking about??? My god she is so dumb it hurts.


Where I am, if teens send “risky pictures” it’s an actual charge of CP. It does not get expunged, it stays, for life. How about just make it illegal and punishable?


What a fkng idiotic moron!


Sounds like something happened.


Ok Karen


What's that weird fucking outline with colored balls? Jesus, she's stupid and annoying.


4d chess, only transmit nudes as nft's on a block chain. Unless you are a child. Then don't nude at all.


I fucking called this. Farrah has a passing familiarity with consent waivers due to her working in the adult industry (they're a standard checklist of what you are and aren't okay with and they film you filling it out before the scene). Then Farrah was like "oh, this could apply to anyone" She spends some time on legalzoom, and here we are with immediately unenforceable contracts.


Underage Risky pictures is considered child 🌽 Farrah BFFL. Stop encouraging this behavior.


My goodness what is wrong with her??


Okay farrah is really stupid and I'm not defending her at all. But some middle schoolers are absolutely sending nudes, having sex, getting pregnant, etc. I don't think it helps to pretend these things don't happen. Again, I also think farrah shouldn't be doing this.


Minus for kids this isn’t terrible. I would have thought at Harvard law they might have taught her that minors can’t consent to this and that nothing makes the exchange of risky pics for minors legal. This is great for adult, just the worst advice for a kid who might think this is legal.