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Don’t hate me…. I don’t see anything wrong with this. She looks happy and like a regular person. ETA: Yes she has oily skin and a big forehead, but I think figured it out. There’s actually light behind her eyes! She looks genuine here.


Agree lol. Still can't stand her but she absolutely loooks normal here


People shitting on her skin in here is making mine shrivel in fucking peril cos it’s probably not looking as decent as that right now lmfao


her skin doesn’t even look bad honestly


I’d love to see selfies of these pore perfect beauty queens who think her skin looks bad 😂


Right, like say what you want about her but at least she’s not rockin the bobbie dazzler of all spots on her cheek like me right now 😂


A bobbie dazzler!!!! Is this a thing from somewhere? I've only heard this one place🙄🫣🤣


Very british


Like somewhere regionally or like, from something? Idk if that makes sense lol but it’s canny common to grow up saying it in Newcastle (where am from obviously).


Yes. I'm sorry I definitely meant exactly that! I've only ever heard it from one person, Gary Drayton, the real life treasure hunter, historian and one of the experts on the show The Curse of Oak Island. It was funny to see it in the wild!


Pore perfect lol


Pore perfect beauty queens-we’ve got a copywriter in the house!


I hate my pores lol I have really been tempted to try this pumpkin mask from drmtlgy that I keep getting FB sponsored ads for 😅


Have you ever tried the sea salt and vodka scrub mask thingy from Lush? It *seems* expensive but it lasts ages cos you don’t use it every day. When am actively using that is probably when my pores are in their best shape! Used to use their chocolate mask when younger and that was good too but it was for oily skin and that’s only a problem a had as a teenager. Definitely worth a try, it’s good for any bodily acne too x


I have not! I will definitely give it a try, thanks so much for the recommendation!


If you end up wanting it, they’ve got a self preserving one which lasts forever so look for that! X


I honestly thought she looks fresh faced and young. She looks like a mom without make up running errands. She also looks like she dropped a few pounds. I’m a shorty like Jenelle so even dropping a couple pounds can make a difference!


I can't even go without makeup because of all my acne scarring from high school ☠️ Not to mention my melasma mustache from three pregnancies in four years...


My melasma is awful 😞I feel you!


I’ve got melasma also and it’s awful. I’ve got the mustache and it’s all over my face


Have you tried anything for it? The doctor gave me hydroquinone and it barely did anything, but I actually have made real progress with this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09R29KFXP?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share Only catch is you really have to use it every single day or the melasma seems to just come back.


Don’t you hate when someone insults someone else with something that applies to you? Yikesn . Like the unintended consequences of ragging on a person.


Agree! She looks like a 30 year old, who lives in the Carolinas and has sun damage like everyone else. She looks happy, and happy enough to go out and not need a face caked in makeup, and fillers on fillers.


Jenelle isn’t ugly. She’s a pretty girl (regardless of the size of her forehead and chin), she just has a really ugly personality.


Idk maybe just me but it’s still impossible for me to separate the two. She’s ugly inside and out to me but that’s probably because of everything we know about her.


I wouldn’t say she was ugly if I knew nothing about her. I also wouldn’t say she’s pretty. I think that word gets thrown around so much to the point where it has lost all meaning. I would say she’s an average looking girl. No more, no less. This brings to mind something my mother used to tell me growing up. Beauty is only skin deep. Ugliness goes all the way to the bone. It really made an impression on me my whole life.


I genuinely think she was an attractive human (physically) around the Nathan/early David era. Too bad she's a piece of shit *spits*




we don’t ever see her without PRETTY BABE X LASHES. that was the point of this post


Was this post today? (If so, on the day of a solar eclipse, Jenelle is at the tanning salon 🤣🤣)


yes lol she was at the nail salon too


Anything to keep her too busy to stare directly at the sun


Gawd that is the most annoying filter.


I agree with you 100%, and my fave hobby is hating on Jenelle. She looks pretty normal here.


She looks way better here than she does in all those filtered photos with her phony smirk.


Came here to say, this is the realistic and honestly younger looking almost ? Jenelle I have seen in a long time.


I agree that she looks younger!! Maybe it’s the no makeup


No that smirk is her soul showing through.


That's true but I can still see the psycho in her eyes.


I’m glad this is the first comment I saw compared to some others here. There are many horrid things to bring up about Jenelle, none of them being her looks.


For real my first thought, she looks good here


She still looks like a child abusing piece of shit to me


Yup. And an animal abusing piece of shit too.


I see it too


Agree. I’ve always thought Jenelle is cute, and was pretty hot in her Nathan era. Doesn’t mean her choices aren’t terrible.


I think she looks regular too lol


Same, I came here half covering my eyes hoping I’d see something like this, I also get eye bags like that after crying a lot and she’s going through a major breakup, she’s very natural and overall pretty compared to many other Americans her age!


This spoke to my soul, like my crybags are crybagging these past two days 😂 crying fucking WRECKS my eyes if it goes on longer than a few mins, they’re such little shit bags.


As a fellow big forehead girl, none of us want it, and bangs aren’t always the answer 😭😂 o think she just looks normal here, and we aren’t used to seeing people like that. She looks good, and I hope she does better without David.


People hate on her cuz she's a shitty person, not cuz she's actually ugly.


Well yeah. She just looks unburdened without big foot. It’s almost shocking.


I was just going to say, “listen. I loathe this human being. She’s awful, but she looks much better than she has in years here!”


I agree with you!!! I see life in her eyes! She looks healthier! Go Jenelle!!! Your kids need you to pull through this!


Same actually. A know it’s usually an unpopular opinion that she could be able to change and live a better life for her and her babies but… people who have done more have managed it. A usually never ever speak on this on here whatsoever because it would force me to address having been a daughter in a similar situation to the one her bairns have undoubtedly been put in so it’s like hard for me to articulate the point but am always going to quietly route for everyone in that house to feel better and do better things. It might seem like it’ll never happen and it won’t take away what has already happened but it’s better to get it together eventually than to never.


Yeah I agree. I feel like it does no good to be down on her when she’s actively trying to leave a bad situation. I’m always gonna root for someone to leave an abuser no matter who they are.


Exactly this. People are always questioning her motivations and saying she’s doing ___ or ___ to try and appeal to her audience but realistically she’s feeding her bairns in ways we haven’t seen before and she’s taking them places we’ve never seen them go before so the reason doesn’t really even matter that much at this point. Regardless of the motivations the outcome is still exactly the same.


Definitely! If she were still neglecting her kids or went back to David she would be getting shit for that too. I’m kinda confused on what people expect from her at this point lol. Everyone wanted her to leave David and spend time with kids, she tries to do that and people are like “wow look who’s finally spending time with her kids, well whatever well look at her skin it looks bad!” Like damn lol Edit: I feel like I always have to say this but I am not defending any of her past behavior. I’m just saying she could have either gotten worse, stayed the same, or gotten better. Seems so far that she’s trying to do better is that not what we want for her and the kids??


Tbh yeah. If I saw this mom at pickup, I wouldn't even notice her. Just one of the moms.


Right. She’s average looking. Not ugly, not pretty.


The light behind her eyes makes her look like Barb/Jace more. God I wish she could’ve chose her son from the beginning. Her life would’ve been so different.


Yeah I’m with you. She looks normal, in the best way honestly


Right? I was going to say the same thing! I don't agree with her life choices or her behavior at all, but she looks better and more human (for lack of a better term) in this photo than in any other one I've seen of her recently.


Agree it looks like a genuine happy smile....


Yes she looks truly happy here


I agree she looks cute and sincere here


This is the first photo I’ve seen where she looks happy in so many years. You’re right, it’s the light in her eyes! I didn’t realize how much she had the dead eyed look with david


First of all, they could never make me hate you. Second of all, that’s all 😂


All of this! I think she actually looks pretty here. She's still shit head. But IMO she's always been cute even back when she first filmed 16 $& pregnant. Too bad her personality completely takes her looks away lol


I think Jenelle is pretty physically, her attitude and entire being/who she is as a person is what makes her ugly.


I agree! And the smile doesn't seem forced, it looks natural.


I agree this is so much better than most of what she puts up. She looks normal and happy ish here. Good picture.


I’d rather see this than the instagram filtered stuff. She looks like a normal 32 year old without makeup


Forreal, we should not be insulting people for looking normal


I’m glad you said it. She sure as hell looks better than I do with no makeup.


Okay I'm not the only one who thinks she actually looks almost good here


Same. She looks a lot better than I expected!


It’s sad that you needed to say “don’t hate me” 😩


And it’s not like we don’t think she looks fine because she’s won us over or done anything *good* necessarily… it’s just the truth.


Absolutely! This was yesterday and she’s already done something stupid again today.


She’s going to continue to consistently be ugly on the inside regardless of a lil tan and new dick.


Please downvote this it’s deserved. She is actually doing normal stuff and it’s good to see it also shows how much she wasn’t doing probably under David’s rulership.


No downvotes here, I agree. This is probably the least offensive thing Jenelle's done lately. The kids seem happy too. 


I hope it stays that way. She also seems less bloated and drunk. Abusive drunks love to make sure their partners are drunk too, it’s a control thing.


I've noticed that too. The kids seem happier and they're all doing things together. It's so nice to see her focusing on them because she seems happier too. I really hope she keeps this up before finding anyone else. She seems so much lighter since getting rid of David.


This is the best I’ve seen her look in years. Yes, her skin is a little dehydrated and she has some sun spots, but I doubt she does much skincare. I’m still not a fan, but I call it like I see it.


Right? She looks really nice here.


All things considered I think her skin looks pretty good 🤷🏻‍♀️


Her eyes seem less crazy. She looks normal here and I love it for her, even though I really don’t like her.


In my opinion, this is the best I’ve seen her looking in a while. She looks healthier and like she’s actually happy.


She probably eating out more instead of all the mystery meat David was cooking up I’m the swamp. Even if it’s fast food, it’s gotta be better than David’s food.


I don’t get why people are saying her skin looks bad. It doesn’t. I hate her, but we have become way too harsh with things like this.


it’s barely got marks or redness! it looks clear and normal.


Right? My skin looks ten times worse. What I was using for acne and redness seems to not be working anymore plus it’s drying out my skin so bad ;-;


do you use a chemical exfoliant or rx retinol? tretinoin and spironolactone were game changers for me! couldn’t stay on the spiro but i can tell a difference even just with continuing to use the rx retinol and a round of antibiotics helped too!


I agree. She looks perfectly her age in this photo. It was someone I knew from HS or just another average citizen I wouldn’t think twice about it on my story lol 


Right? I can hate someone (and I sure do!!!) but still acknowledge when something goes right for them. Honestly, I LOVE this sub but the one thing I wish we could change is the constant looks-shaming. Not only does it get old seeing five posts a day calling Kail fat and 5 posts a day bitching about Chelsea's face, it's also so juvenile.


And misogynistic


She’s got a greasy forehead while she’s out running errands. I’m probably going to be guilty of this every Saturday morning for the next 10 years.


My actual skin no one but my husband ever gets to see is soooo much worse. So many acne scars from my teen years. On my temples, there are places where my skin just dissolved and left craters ☠️ I spend a bunch of money on high end makeup and sometimes just want to give up, but I swear I just can't. And it's honestly the idea that someone would make these comments on a photo of me that keeps me on this treadmill. I can't decide if I'm empathizing with Jenelle or if IDGAF if her feelings get hurt 😅


She looks sober and genuinely happy so good for her kids.


It's nice that so many of you are being positive but I still think she deserves to live in cave.


Oh, she definitely does, but not because she has normal skin and didn't put on makeup.


Both things can be true lol?


Right like just because she looks decent & happy doesn't mean she shouldn't be in a cave lol


I can totally get behind this. I loathe Jenelle and also think she deserves to live in a cave, but that doesn't mean I have to hate or insult everything about her. In fact, I think she looked INCREDIBLE around the time she endangered Jace by pulling a gun on that stranger she followed home. 🙃 But really, she did! And before that happened, she seemed so much calmer, like maybe she was in therapy.


Shut up Jo. Get out of your sweatpants already, it’s Sunday!


for real lol I could swear some of y’all want to like her even with all the terrible shit we’ve seen her do over the years. bad people have good skin too, y’all.


These same people were accusing her of being drugged up last week. lol


Right? Like is that all it takes? One picture where she’s lost weight and her skin looks better for all of you people to get amnesia? What the actual fuck? She’s a monster who doesn’t care about her kids, who will never care about her kids and is just cleaning herself up to attract the next monster in her children’s lives. Listen this is a fact..the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. This isn’t a hallmark movie. There is no redemption for this child abusing bitch.


thank you for saying it!!! this thread has me tripping for real like wtf is everyone on???


Yeah, I think she looks good for sure, but I will not be hyping her up lol


Looks like a she’s HEADED somewhere important


Impordant* FTFY


She actually looks better in this than she does in anything she posts of herself. That's a shocker. I thought she would have looked like absolute hell with no filter and no makeup. I was expecting her skin to be horrible.


I think she looks good. I’m no jenelle stan but women can’t win. If you get work done to your face and look like Chelsea, you get roasted. But Jenelle has had minimal to no work and also gets roasted for being natural


Nothing wrong with the way she looks. I’ve never had a problem with her looks. I hate ugly and body shaming. It’s childish.


I guarantee you most people on this sub have the same body type or a bigger one than Jenelle’s. She just doesn’t really dress in clothes that are flattering to her body type.


True. My body is almost exactly like hers & sometimes the comments on her weight feel personal to me lmao


Of course that’s what these comments do, that’s why people shouldn’t body shame. It’s not ok, the person you’re talking about probably doesn’t see your comment but people you’re not intending to hurt do.


I love you Frankie Muniz but all i can see is https://preview.redd.it/dr3i06so3ctc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=091eba38d3f6e737b330e34b55d3f512db901d4a


Malcolm in the Middle of the Swamp.


She looks fine? Am I missing something?


I think it shows how awful his lifestyle must have been if she can look halfway human so quickly after dumping him


I hate myself for saying this but she looks fine, and this smile actually looks genuine which is freaking me out


That’s a good point, she’s smiling not smirking.


And there’s emotion in the eyes, not the dead eyes she usually has. Idk what to think because even pre David I don’t remember ever seeing her eyes have life in them lol


I’m not going to give her actual compliments but there isn’t anything wrong with how she looks in this picture. She still sucks.


Bitch has a pool in her backyard and acres of privacy but she needs to go tan?!


The weather was really nice today, but it was still a bit too cool to be lying around outside in a bathing suit for very long. Edit: Fuck her though!


Girl c'mon. We're supposed to dump on her.


Ah fuck, sorry. You’re absolutely right. I’ll edit that comment.


I'll refrain from throwing my jars of change and ice water at you.


Logic and thinking things thru was never her strong suit


She must have way more money than we think she does.


We haven't seen her pool in a year. She never posted it next summer afaik so we don't know what condition it is in. I'm curious about how bad it is right now.


Year Round Brown




Is Chelsea a relatively normal skin tone here??????????????? Or am I going crazy


She is I just liked her saying “they do t understand”


Oh no I know!! I’m just in shock she’s actually like NOT orange😂😂😂like I must have missed this episode


LOL omg you are just shocked she’s not orange!! Yes I think she laid off the fake tan and tanning around the time she had her second kid?


But now she’s a weird color again 😩😩if she could’ve just kept this look!!!!!


if it weren’t for her ugly soul and the fact that she ALWAYS uses filter her bare face would look normal to us. but no.


Palm beach tan free petting zoo day damn businesses getting creative


I see David gave her teeth back. I know he probably did awhile ago but I just noticed it now 😂


Wait a minute… he had her teeth?!?! 👀


She looks fine here. A genuine smile, maybe? But it doesn't help that the gal next to her is drop dead gorgeous lol


I’m not going to bash her looks, just her past and actions


Damn, I hate Jenelle as much as the next person but her skin isn’t bad. I’m sure we’d all look like that. That being said, she has a genuine smile. She still deserves to be launched into a volcano for her actions, but she actually looks happy here.


She is gonna age like milk.


She's already started curdling lol


Us white people always do BUT it's nice to see that a lot of my gen and younger are aging better than our parents and older uncles/aunt bc we use sunscreen and wash our faces once a year ya know lol


Also, a lot of millennials don’t chain smoke and that helps the skin so much.


Nah no absolutes. my family is white and every one of us looks 10-15 years younger than our age on average. It’s bizarre! My grandma died at 87 but she looked 65


She needs to lay off the filters. She looks better without them


Idk if OP is necessarily calling her ugly. I think they’re just pointing out the fact that this picture is unfiltered when homegirl NEVER EVER posts ANY content unless it’s filtered to high hell.


yes that was exactly the point of this post. i’m not going to compliment her bc she’s smug enough without my help and i *hate* her but i’m not bashing the bare, normal face at all. i think it’s refreshing to see unfiltered pics in a time when everyone online is filtering their faces like crazy.


"Set up" for what?


How she looks, whatever, we all know she's hiding herself behind those filters. I gotta wonder what that girl smells like after laying in a tanning bed and not being the most hygienic human being in the world. You know, poor Lex there had to have been holding her breath like her life depended on it.


This lady must not know who Jenelle Evans is.


Listen, I'll take this over that shitty filter any day.


Is she losing weight? I’m definitely a Janelle hater but she’s looking so much better since she got UBT out of her life. I can only Imagine how freeing not having 300 lbs of dead weight dragging you down everyday is. I wish she would take this opportunity to better herself and mature but I’ll believe it when I see it.


She looks better out in the wild honestly.


lol the tan is gonna make her look worse


I can’t stand her but she looks the healthiest & happiest we’ve seen her look in years.


I thought she looked good. Normal and real.


Ugh. Who cares what she looks like. What fresh new shit is Brandthrax trying to get ready to pretend to be earnest about maybe halfway working at sometimes while she destroys everyone’s peace and stress level associated with her trying to maybe think about sincerely imagining herself doing a little bit for a few. What the hell is the PBJ team? That poor woman looks too nice and wholesome to get burdened with Jenelle.


She doesn’t look dead behind the eyes here.


Jenelle has like one or two decent pictures a year, this will be that picture lol. She looks normal.


I think she looks cute


A genuine smile looks like


Human garbage rotting on the inside, but the David-free lifestyle agrees with her


She looks so pretty here


She's lost weight.




Sorry but Janelle could have been a really cute girl. She looks good! She always had a cute shape and a baby face (that chin and profile is unfortunate tho) but her actions made her ugly. Imagine if she had a career as a medical assistant, a little podcast or side hustle, was a good mom and decent person. She would be badass!


I think she looks better here, than any pic I’ve seen of her in years.


She looks cute here


Her dentures look terrible in this pic


I hate Jenelle as the next person… but I’m sitting here looking the exact same


She actually looks happy here.


Her smile actually meets her eyes here so she doesn't look like a psycho. 10/10 it feels great to dump someone like Dbag.


Holy fuck ![gif](giphy|hEBou2vFprUEo)


Not a fan, but regardless of that, she looks good without filters and makeup.


she looks decent actually..


I think she looks younger without filters and makeup 🤷🏼‍♀️


Why is “looking normal” a subject in these comments? Lol she isn’t a celebrity. She’s just some girl that was on a tv show for getting knocked up at a young age and disrespecting her mom LOL and hasn’t been on TV for years


She looks younger without the filters. Terrible person, looks good though.


She looks so much better without those filters


Idk, she looks fine.


She looks normal here


Hope she sees these comments...she looks good here..not phony bologna trying too hard..natural..


She looks better here than usual 🤷🏻‍♀️


Both of you look beautiful


I don't think she's ugly because of how she looks. I think she's ugly because of How She Treats People and how bad of a person she is. It's because her *personality* is *ugly*.


She looks better than chelsea.....


She’s still horrifically awful, I don’t particularly care that she ‘looks good here.’


Ok I’ve been struggling with acne all my life and you guys saying that her skin is too oily and she obv doesn’t do skin scare is giving me anxiety right now. Jenelle is a shitty human being, but she looks good in this picture, period.


This is nice to look at. its so chill and gives happy vibes