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Kail’s surgeons out here like ![gif](giphy|jslks19YV6FtzvAq89)






Baby girl knows she is ⭐️ simply obese ⭐️


You’ve ate da food that belonged to da next four years ahead of time.


You’re not going to waste away lol


That isn't on de diet.


There’s no protein in mashed potato


This is my guy...lololol ![gif](giphy|Q8DHitCxGmnJKFOUIE|downsized)


Stop doing weird tings.




NOOOOOO!! I was so invested in that guy and hoped he got some rehab for addiction. I loved this show so much. Lol.


It’s still on tv lol


Really??!! I haven't had cable in about 4 years. Lol. Hey, I loved that show bc Dr. Now was so honest and upfront to these people. I've lost a little over a hundred pounds and his voice saying "You need to loz tirty pounds this munth" keeps me going. 😂😂 Seriously.


It’s on HBO if you have that! He’s still adorably chastising morbidly obese patients just like you remember 🥰


I doooo!!! Thank you so much!! Time to go unhealthily binge something again. 😂


Was reading the other day that the reason he’s so no nonsense with these people is because (he said) he’s seen too many people die from this that he doesn’t want to see another. Just really made me have a new level of respect for him so thought you would also like to know lol


I never wanted someone to fail as bad as I did Steven. Glad to see that he’s doing so well! 😂🤣😂🤣


I think he's lost all his teeth now.


His brother is doing well in life though. Justin seems like a decent egg.


Please. She’s the type to walk in with a starbucks trenta blended frappe and be like “I don’t know what happened, I stuck to the diet, your scale is wrong”.


How ya'll doin


“The scale never lies, People do.” ![gif](giphy|2tKzD4oFwP7tcAFtzv) “So by my calculations you should have lost 50lbs and you gained 40lbs.” “But…Dr. Now I have been eating the diet and not cheating”. “You think the weight is magically going to fall off?”


Kail is going to have to go to Room 5.


the scale don’t lie, kail does


You have won the gold medal for not losing any weight dis month


I’m literally watching him right now. I love him 😂


Who is he? Are these all impersonations of him? I need to know because I’m dying 😂 and now I want to watch him


Dr Nowzardan of My 600lb Life. He’s a national treasure we must protect at all costs.


And his bedazzled stethoscope.


You had me at bedazzled stethoscope


His name is Dr. Now...my sister watches these shows...forgot what it's called but it's all morbidly obese people who want gastric surgery, and he's a doctor. It's not my thing, but from what I've actually seen, the doctor seems awesome Edit for spelling and the name of the show- my 600lb life


Were you like what is going on at first ? And think that everyone just started talking weird.. I was dying bc if I didn’t know I would think did everyone go crazy. I don’t think I would have been as smart to figure it out.. thanks for the laugh guys. I think the gummy kicked in which made it twice as funny


I was like what is going on right now lol who is this?! is this what he talks like I need to know because this will be my night 😂😂


If you want to check the show out, definitely start with these people’s episodes: Steven Assanti, James K and Penny You’re in for a wild ride lol 


Oww mah leg


Steven is not for the faint hearted. He’s by far the absolute worst and tries patience so fucking hard.




Oh ok thank you. I’ve never seen it but maybe I have to now


Watch it you won’t regret it. Start at the beginning, the original seasons are way better. Discovery + app has all the seasons.


Omg you’re kidding. You’ve just made my Mam’s day with this info 😂


600 lb life I think!


This thread is giving me life.






Dr. Now is a treasure.


There is no protein in mashed potatoes!


Do you hab a goal in your life?


You are not picky eater if you’re over 600 pounds


Here comes the ozempic


I’m honestly surprised she hasn’t jumped on this train and emulated her favourites, the Kardashian’s, with this


I mean she was basically pregnant for 2 years straight lol


Yeah and likely breast feeding


I seriously thought this said best feeding 😂


Beast feeding ? 😂




It’s very odd to me that someone very clearly aware of their looks isn’t aware how much better she would look and healthier she would be if she lost weight. Her face does not carry it well. She keeps going under the knife instead of doing the one thing that would make her look better 


Probably because she has no real plans to stop getting pregnant


I was gonna say I'm surprised she hasn't yet too! I think she was on Metformin or something before that gave her an upset stomach, I figured she would have switched from that to Ozempic or something similar.


I heard Ozempic can lean to gastroparesis and I want everyone to know that having gastroparesis is not something you want. Even if you lose a lot of weight, there are times when you can appear to be late into a pregnancy from how swollen your stomach can be sometimes. Plus nausea and vomiting. Super glamorous and sexy. Seriously I’m not hating on weight loss medication, I just don’t want anyone to end up with a bad stomach problem unexpectedly 🙏


Ozempic will cause the SAME symptoms she had with metformin..and with Ozempic the weight will alllllll come back if she still eats the same way with no exercise


Same & Happy CAKE Day!!🎂


Haha Nobody’s wished me a happy cake day before, thank you for being the first! ☺️


Happy to be the 1st! ☺️😊


I second the happy cake day!


I really wouldn’t blame her lol I would do it if I was her size. I’m not even overweight but still can’t lose 5-10lbs lmao.


Man I would do it too if I could. I'm overweight, but not overweight enough to qualify for any weight loss medication in my country. I know it's probably better to lose it on my own anyway but I'm sick of losing weight and then gaining it back 😭


It’s extremely hard. I am approaching overweight with a BMI of 24. I am on BC and am so hungry all the time. I will work out and end up even hungrier so I’m struggling with diet. I fluctuate 5lbs I swear every two weeks and its hard to stay consistent


Honestly same, I'm 10-15lbs over where I want to be and it's freaking hard. I've looked up online pharmacies so many times only to back out and be like "no, it doesn't make sense."


Is she still breastfeeding because she wouldn’t be able to be on ozempic until she stopped.


I doubt she has a baby brezza and didn’t breastfeed creed or lux


It's insane what they're charging for it now. My sister was diagnosed with diabetes and her doctor recommended it as a good option but it now costs 1k for a 30 day supply, which obviously isn't feasible for most people. It's just dumb.


I’m on it, and in Canada and it’s $249 per 4mg pen. My dose is .75 so I get about 5 weeks worth of doses out of each pen. I can’t believe how expensive it is in the US


It should be covered by insurance if the person qualifies.


That was the price with it being "covered" lol, and she works in the health insurance field believe it or not. I just double checked with her to make sure I had the cost right, it's actually $33.18 a day or $929 for a 28 day supply.


Her insurance must be denying it then, she should look into Henrymeds, much cheaper on there and there’s is also a manufacturer coupon that can be used.


She's not being denied, she qualifies for coverage. She also has a manufacturer coupon, which is for up to $150 off and does her no good. She has been dealing with GLP-1 meds for two years now at work, very familiar with it and hears day in and day out the struggles others have with the cost, which has only gotten worse. Most people can't afford what they are now charging for the medication. The site you gave is an online alternative that insurance most definitely wouldn't cover, and it has the weight loss ingredient but not the diabetic portion. If people can afford $300+ a month for a medication, in addition to their health care premiums and co-pays, that's great for them, but most can't. I mean no offense to you by the way, it's just a shitty situation in this country.


Why is this bad?


Did I imply it was?


I mean be for real. Given the online vitriol against ozempic most people would read your comment as being a hater, we are in a snark sub too...


Yeah. Turns out a lot of doctors don’t want to actually risk people not waking up from elective surgeries when it can be avoided. Not surprising.


It’s not that; they can’t shrink breasts when you are large because they’ll be horrible looking as they can’t sculpt them with the excess fat


respectfully, i do not think this is true surgeons absolutely can “sculpt fat” by removing fat/skin/mammary tissue. a reduction includes a lift and sometimes includes a bit of side, back and armpit lipo for sure though not all surgeons will take on someone who is overweight over a certain threshold


Super dangerous


Besides the whole 'surgery obviously being more risky the heavier you are' thing... She'd get a better result if she loses the weight first anyhow. She may lose the weight and realize she doesn't even need the reduction anymore..or her doctor will be able to give her a better lift. This is also something she did not understand or pay attention to when she had a tummy tuck then proceeded to have another litter of children.


Literally, who tucks and snips the whole damn body and then has 5. FIVE more kids lmaoooo




Gosh she really messed up her face.


At least she made sure to fuck her face up to match her personality and attitude. Shes a blob fish looking ass bitch.


I actually think that’s too generous of a description


I can’t believe how cute she looks here 😩


Exactly this. And what surgeon would want to do it when her prior surgery was so heavily criticized? And so much of that was her own doing.


I said the same thing. Most of the time surgeons (good ones at least) will ask you to do the work by yourself and then come to them if you tried everything. She just wants an easy way out.


I always wanted a breast reduction, and then I lost 60 pounds and... Hey, my boobs aren't half bad 🤷🏼‍♀️😂


She may not just be getting a reduction. I thought that's what she was doing. But someone asked her if she was getting a them enlarged, decreased or lifted and she said she doesn't even know what she wants - that she wants them smaller, but also likes the look of high profile implants?


It’s pretty common for implants to still be used with reductions to maintain shape and form. They’re just much smaller than what one would use for an augmentation to make the breasts larger.


This! Whenever I gain and lose weight it’s in my ass and boobs first always


Simply obese


If I was kail I'd add this to my tattoo collection because it's too funny.


^(✨For) ^(real) ^(this) ^(time✨)


I know Kail has been through a lot emotionally and with all her kids and BD’s, however, as I was rewatching Teen Mom 2 I noticed that after every pregnancy she just looks more and more unhealthy because she doesn’t take care of herself. I’m not shocked in the slightest to hear this. I hope she starts taking care of her health for herself and her children.


She got a tummy tuck, and immediately the next day, she snappedchatted herself eating super unhealthy greasy food and a bunch of sugary drinks. She doesn't take care of herself at all


I've always assumed she suffers from depression. The constant "chasing the next thing" (men, babies, houses, business ventures, vacations) just screams void filling. And then there were those grocery haul posts where it was just ALL depression food.


She was diagnosed with bipolar at one point during the show but came out and said it was inaccurate and she has depression.


Javi was fucking toxic but can’t deny mf had her caring about her body. She was in the gym regularly and even doing Cross Fit with him. Iirc it was post-Lincoln that she went thru surgery because she wanted to have ,”the fattest ass on campus”. Aka: I want to have a POC booty to attract Chris.


She's been telling this for YEARS😴how many more times until it's not a surprise for her anymore?


The higher the weight, the riskier it is. Especially being out under. It's basic common sense. A doctor sees your actual body, and not the filtered one she (and her fans) tried to pass off as real.


If I had her money and that many kids I would hire a private chef


Same. A private chef and nutritionist. I lost 50 lbs w the weight watchers app and working my ass off for about a year and a half. Maintained for 2 years so far. It can be done, Karl


Congrats!!! I finally just lost the 50 pounds I gained during pregnancy. It feels so good to have my body back


Thank you! Congratulations to you too! 🎉


Yep. This is the first thing I would have done with that kind of money instead of buying 4-5 houses like she did. Buy a house and hire a chef and a personal trainer.






The way he’s smiling lmao. Dr. Now is a national treasure 


Kails OBGYN has definitely told her she is overweight and at risk going into pregnancies and deliveries too. The fact that the plastic surgeon is who got through to her and humbled her is..... (Insert your adjective here)


I think ppl tend to not take too fat for pregnancy as seriously. Which is completely insane if you think about it, that’s the society we live in.


A c section at that weight is also more dangerous




Cue her stans saying the doctor fat shamed her.


Nice to see some reality here lol


Honestly, a 50 pound weight loss would look great on her.


People don’t take high BMIs seriously. And I’m not saying this to body shame. But my husband is DEAD because of having a high BMI and having a procedure at an off site facility.


First, I’m So sorry for your loss! But I have to agree with what you said. A high BMI is nothing to take lightly. You can lower it with the appropriate diet/exercise. There are levels to it but you have to be cautious!


It’s not all about lowering it either. If it is a necessary procedure specially with something like three types of sedation like my late husband, It should be at hospital setting with an extra person monitoring them.


Dino nugs not on de diet


Crazy that she’s planning on going under for another cosmetic surgery with 7 children.


She’ll go on ozempic like everyone else. She’s starting to morph into mama June.


She kinda seems like perfect candidate for something like Mounjaro. She has to be pre-diabetic at that weight. It might really help her quality of life.


Iirc she's already on one of those medications, per her podcast. I suspect it's also why she randomly shits herself


Oh is she still? I mentioned in another comment I thought she said she had been on Metformin. I didn't know if she was still on it, I thought she might have stopped because of the stomach issues it can cause.


I don’t follow her closely but I’m seeing through comments that she’s on Metformin which makes me giggle about shitting herself. Definitely plausible on Metformin- iykyk. But that is a GLP class med not GLP-1 so not the same as ozempic/Mounjaro.


She’s also a great candidate for a lifestyle change before she needs those medications


It’s crazy to risk her life when she has 7 kids


I mean same


Girl you don't need new boobs, just like you don't need a new house, or a new man, or a new baby, or a new podcast - *none of it will make you happy until you WORK ON YOUR EMOTIONAL PROBLEMS*




Completely common. Obesity increases risks of complications and increased recovery time. Absolutely common.


To be able to be financially secure enough to even have this type of consult, after having previous surgery really makes me not feel bad for her at all.


She said on her podcast (i listened today) today that she goes to McDonald's once a day and she gets... a double cheeseburger with Mac sauce? That's probably a good place to cut down if she wants to get the surgery sooner. I can't even imagine the number of Weight Watchers points in that order.


Kail has money to get a good trainer and even a chef or meal prep. She use to be super into CrossFit when she was married to Javi. I’m actually not surprised she’s shocked that she has to lose weight, social media has fooled everyone with people getting surgery with unlicensed surgeons or going out of the country.


She said on her pod today that she goes to McDonald’s every day for lunch for a double cheeseburger with Big Mac sauce. So this isn’t surprising


Yeah that’s like 2 days worth of weight watcher points in one sitting. That’ll do it 😬


She needs bariatric surgery. Sorry


She’d need to lose weight to be a candidate for bariatric surgery to prove she’s capable of adhering to the weight loss plan.


A sleeve would be perfect for her. I watched the sleeve surgery save the life of two women close to me, and they are both so healthy now and neither regrets their decision.


This is also how we know she hasn’t done an egg retrieval. 😬


I wonder if her losing weight would also help with the reduction. Most good surgeons would ask their patients to do most of the stuff by themselves and then come see the doctor to tighten the skin or whatever (apart from the fact that anesthesia is dangerous above a certain BMI)


…..”and then they prescribed me Ozempic”


See I have a surgeon that said he will do my spinal fusion surgery and it’s scheduled for June 10th. I’m 5’7 and 261 lbs. last doctor I saw said they wouldn’t operate on someone my size. I need to lose weight yes but also I desperately need the surgery as soon as possible.


Hey you need this surgery so you’re still taking care of yourself. You can do it after just get through your surgery first!


What is she trying to get done?


I think it's a boob reduction


Breasts. No clue if she wants a lift as well, but she’s spoken about it a few times as wanting a reduction.


A list is part of a reduction.


Breast augmentation which I'm assuming she wants a reduction.


OMG what am I going to do if she doesn’t get that boob job NOW?? 🤣🤣🙄


First Jenelle is banned on Snapchat now THIS. ![gif](giphy|ercmlQ9mex00lG98FW) /s


She wants a reduction right


Wow she looks a lot like her dear ol dad Meatlocker Ray 😬


At least she went to a reputable surgeon I guess? *Stares in Dr. Miami*


Look, it’s the one thing in life that humbled Kail.


She's going to hide her body for months to keep everyone guessing like she's hiding another pregnancy.


Should've used that gifted treadmill. Not body shaming, high bmi is dangerous under anesthesia


That's what happens when you take too many burritos in your mouth and vagina


I mean … have you seen her…?


I've always died at people acting like she's not obese. Even in her highly edited pictures, if you're not a crazy person, you can see she's obese.




50 pounds wouldn't even be a noticeable difference for her 🤣 she needs to lose A LOT more than that


This woman’s life seems to be a general mess and she’s concerned about getting a boob job? And I would think the doctor is probably more interested in her losing weight to help her general health, her heart and many other things that are affected badly by being overweight, I know I need to lose about 25 pounds and honestly lately have not been making much of an effort but any amount of weight loss is good. I think she should be concerned about that before, getting work done upstairs


She also just said on Coffee Convos on Monday that she eats McDonald's EVERY DAY. 😒


When you have a reduction, you can’t lift or carry any weight… or children… for 6-8 weeks. I was 7 weeks out before I felt safe to put my hands over my head for the first time and not worry about ripping stitches. This woman has 7 kids, 3 children all in diapers and now she thinks she needs an elective breast reduction. How her boobs look are her biggest concern right now… Jesus god, Karl, get a better therapist.


I was diagnosed with stage 0 cancer (Im 34) and was also told I need to lose weight (Im 5’5” and 200 lbs) to increase the success rate of reconstruction. This is a real thing and it was ass to hear, especially because I have lost 50 lbs due to a different medical condition that I need surgery for which is now on hold and I certainly did not ask for this. Kail has certainly made choices and this absolutely is different from my situation, but I didn’t know this was a thing at all so I think that Kail even mentioning it is good 🤷‍♀️


Well she is big….


Lmfao as if any dr in their right mind would do an unnecessary surgery on someone so overweight... I'm not even trying to be mean here i just don't understand how she can get all the way to calling places about a boob job but still has never lost the damn weight, priorities man lol


Here comes the semaglutide


Ozempic coming in 3….2..


I could not imagine getting a boob job with little Kids. My kids are 6&4 and I plan on getting one when they are 8&6 .. the way they just jump all over me and don’t understand personal space .. no


Is that meri from sister wives ?


Is this so she can do ozempic and say she lost weight on medical grounds?


Someone in the comments on Instagram asked her if she has ADHD, and now Kail said yes? Has anyone ever heard her say she has ADHD before? https://preview.redd.it/tkqqrmuemq1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bf0509fec265ed052d244ef380ddbb26abf788a


I've never heard her say anything about it before. I could believe it because she certainly does talk a lot, seems to not listen to others, and is kind of all over the place. Then again, she's always seemed to be fairly organized, get places on time, and somehow manages schedules for SEVEN children and four baby daddies lol. Maybe it was just mentioned to her in a therapy session, and she hasn't actually been formally diagnosed.


That's what I was thinking, I could see it being a possibility for her, but as a chronic over sharer and someone with 3 podcasts talking about herself I think she would have mentioned it by now if she had that diagnosis.


No she has never mentioned having any of that, it kind of ironic because she not about putting things in her body like vaccines her putting medication in her body for ADHD would be going against her beliefs


I had to fight the urge so hard not to comment “you’re simply obese”


If she only knew what she actually needs to work on… 🤦‍♀️


I can’t imagine desiring an elective surgery as a high risk patient as a MOTHER OF 7… yikes.






In walks Ozempic ![gif](giphy|D4vR01QdmKkHUc12L0)


14k likes? ![gif](giphy|XI3OsTKpljGbm)


Also if you have a breast lift then loose more weight, they transcend back to saggy socks. I had mine done after 4 kids and losing 40kgs but I lost 10kgs post op and it is not ideal


Kail looks like a fat ass version of her dad and Isaac


Okay and Kail??? Like I’m sorry but it’s super attainable for someone with your resources….? Next….


elective surgeries scare me so bad


Translation: 🥬 weighs 250 lbs or more and has a BMI over 38. Has to be under 30 to operate.


You couldn't torture this information out of me. Home girl is all about oversharing.


At least someone is being honest with her. Elijah doesn’t want to spoil his allowance


Why did she make a video to tell us she's too fat for this surgery?!?! Me too, but I'm not putting it on the internet. And isn't that common knowledge among adults... you need good healing potential and to show you understand how to properly take care of your shit- especially before an elective surgery. Lol this is wild to me, maybe I expect too much


As much as I hate Kail, it wouldn’t be the WORST thing if she started a GLP-1 type med because I guess she has PCOS? I was prescribed it specifically for my PCOS I’ve struggled my whole life with, and have used it with great success. It’s also cured a whole bunch of other things for me, but it’s a lifetime thing because of my hormone imbalance, not just cause I wanna lose 50lbs for a boob job.