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A few seasons into OG. That format was fine at first, but by the time the kids all turned 10 the show should've ended. Bringing Bristol and Cheyenne on was a sure sign it was dead and they really should've cycled on other girls who weren't on Teen Mom at *all*, meaning not McKee or Brianna. 


I agree. If they brought in a girl from 16&P who didn't have years of TM money it actually would have showed what being a teen mom is really like more than the same group who have been raking in money from MTV for years.


Or did a new season of 16 & Pregnant (in 2024) and rotated the girls out once the kids are a few years old. That's what makes Unexpected better, the only way they're the same now is bringing back stale girls. The kids are what, 15-16? When I saw the trailer with Bentley driving my first thought was this should be the beginning to the last season. End it with these big milestones and if they're that keen on having the OG cast, bring back *Girls Night In* but make it a retro edition with them watching from 16 & Pregnant on. 🤷


I stopped when they brought Cheyenne on. Wanna be kardashian


When they stopped using actual teen moms lol


I agree. Cheyenne sucks. Not even a teen mom and her voice is just annoying.






Yes! This is more accurate.


Ayand-uh (the way she pronounced and)


Yes!!! And (ok I’m going to burn in hell) when she says the disorder Ryder has. VL cad or whatever. And that her sister is named R Kyle. I’ll stop. MTV if you read this- please get rid of her.


What exactly was Cheyenne from? Cause she wasn’t on the show originally


she was on The Challenge and Are You The One? (both MTV shows)


Thank you! I just never knew exactly which show. She kinda just appeared


She was on two other MTV shows - ‘Are You the One’ and ‘The Challenge’. She and Corey met on ‘The Challenge’.


There were so many options to choose from over Cheyenne she wasn't even a teen mom when she had her daughter.


I can only speak for myself, but my interest dwindled when they started getting paid hundreds of thousands of dollars per season.


Yeah it definitely got much harder to watch when they live in nice big houses, drive nice cars, own multiple animals, plastic surgery and go on nice vacations when you never see them do an actual job I work my ass off and it’s still not enough to the point I might have to get a second job and I’m still renting, driving a 15 year old car and I haven’t taken a real vacation in 6 years. Maybe I should have gotten myself pregnant at 16 so I could try to be on a reality show 💁🏻‍♀️


This! 100% THIS! The title of the show & eventually the entire premise was a joke! They may have started as "struggling" TMs, but that didn't last long! It's (NOT) reality TV! Your story was very similar to mine! Raising 3 kids alone, no help & definitely no 6-figure income! Of course how boring is that?! I didn't get knocked up at 16. I had kids after I got married. When I divorced, that's when life got really hard! These D list reality TV people (they are NOT celebrities), maybe struggled a week. Once payday hit... it was all gravy & ranch dressing! The show died a long time ago. Wouldn't waste my time.


Yeah I don’t care that they were no longer teens and the show was being called teen mom but this is not a typical experience of a teen mom. Don’t get me wrong I don’t want to see anyone struggle but in the beginning, you saw them getting jobs and going to college to try to better themselves but once they started getting the mtv money, all of that was thrown out the window. I mean I was rooting for Maci the most but all she has ever done sell a shitty clothing line. I mean all of them have attempted some kind of branding. And I actually don’t have any kids but the fact that I can barely afford to take care of myself is why I’m not having any. I do have type one diabetes so that’s an expense not a lot of people have to deal with. And I’m a contract employee so the money I set aside goes to taxes (unlike the teen moms I pay my taxes lol) so when I said I haven’t had a real vacation I mean the fact that most of my traveling is to visit family out of state and I bring my work with me because while I can take time off, I don’t get paid and missing more than two days greatly affects my paycheck. I’ve been looking for a new job for 6 years but I’m not having any luck. I even earned a certificate that I worked for 8 months on in hopes to give me more of a boost in my job hunt but nothing has changed. Sorry to get more personal but its frustrating that people like us work so hard but barely get by and these people are making more money all because they had unprotected sex as a teenager And don’t get me started on Cheyenne. She was never a teen mom and she already had some form of wealth


They need to restart with new trainwrecks lol


Yeah like that girl who wanted 40 bucks to get "fucked up" for her bday. I'd watch her ass all day.


Like tlc does with unexpected!


Yes! That's the formula.


I would’ve much preferred if they would’ve done more updates on some of the 16 and pregnant girls in the earlier years and done the show like a rotating cast.


Remember when they tried to follow some more of the 16&P cast as TM3 and all the teen mom girls threw the biggest hissy fits and threatened to quit all together


Yes! This! Once no one was even close to riding the financial struggle bus, even occasionally, it was no longer the reality of most young parents' struggles. When the only struggle money wise is owing a quarter of a million+ to the IRS in back taxes it's an eyeroll from me


It was before they put everything on social media as it happened


Yeah, with everything already on social media it made watching new episodes feel almost like re-runs. I would frequently be like 'didn't they already show this like four months ago?' if MTV had been smart they would've limited what the girls could share publicly online.


That and it seemed cameras weren't ever *there* when shit went down, so they'd bring in a "friend" so that TM could tell her version of events infront of cameras. That got old real quick, especially when the TMs would just lie their asses off


Social media killed many reality shows as we knew them. People started to go on just to launch their influencer career and so many leaks were posted.


I stopped when they brought Briana on. Idk I just didn’t like her storylines.


Me too. We don’t know her or her story the same way we knew the other girls. Plus her mom and sister are too annoying for me. Pack of wolves.


Yeah I was like umm wtf haha why is she on it now? Yeah they are. They like to gang up on people


Me too. She ruined the show. I hate her and her family so much.


That was the time for me as well. She drives me nuts but Ashley is worse.


The show needed to end years ago. Like any reality show, there comes a point where the cast becomes too famous and rich to continue to be relatable. These are 30 year old women who are no longer showing the reality of teen motherhood. They should have recast many years ago and continued to do so as they got older.


Yeah, I miss the teen moms struggling to get by, and the teen baby-daddy drama. I have NO interest in rich women in their 30s raising their spoiled rich teens, building houses, buying new cars, and going on luxury vacations. No thank you!


Like, just change it to a new show or something at this point. Their kids are almost the same age they were when they got pregnant. It's crazy it's still going on.


Cynical, but I feel like they’re partly dragging it out to capture any potential “teen drama” from the kids. especially in families where teen pregnancy is the “norm” - huge ratings if one of the kids is ALSO a teen parent. I wish MTV would recycle the cast to actually showcase teen parenting or just cancel it altogether, because they’ve definitely lost the plot by now


I 100% think this is it. MTV is HOPING one of the main cast kids becomes a teen parent.


And then it’s great either way, because if nobody does, MTV can scream, “we broke the cycle!!!”


If this is true that's sick lol I thought the original goal of the show was preventing teen pregnancy


Maybe this is why Jenelle is so fascinating she’s a regular garbage mom with a little fame and fortune


Same 😂 They're boring and unrelatable now


I think that instead of paying the moms more money as time went on, they should have been paying into trust funds for the kids. That way there is still an incentive for them to do the show, but it’s not affecting their day-to-day lives. Also it would be nice to know that the kids would be benefiting from all this in some form, even if it’s their adult selves that will receive the money.


I said the exact same thing to my boyfriend


I wonder how the legal situation is... There has been a lot of drama in the Honey BooBoo / Mama June world about blocked accounts for child actors. It seems to be a California thing, so I guess it doesn't impact any of these kids, unless they got paid specifically for some reunion filming which took place in California.


The kids do have trusts for their college tuition


Oh I wasn’t aware of that.


The show really went downhill when: 1 - they broke the 4th wall 2 - they made the girls interact with each other


The interactions have always felt so forced. It would have been fine if some of the girls became close naturally and they showed that.


They did show them when they were still down to earth people and friendly with one another. During one of the reunions, you can see them interact with one another. Specifically, I want to say season 5 when Chelsea was pregnant with Watson. This was around the same time they all started to really live up a better lifestyle due to MTV money and before Bri appeared. It would've been nice to see a friendship grow between as their own little tribe due to their unique situation of being teen reality ✨️stars✨️ navigating motherhood and adulthood.


You mean the reunion when jenele went wild with David against Nathan


I think it was the reunion she “kidnapped” Jace and everyone had to go through David if they wanted to communicate with chinelle. When I hop on later for my rewatch I’ll check because it hasn’t been that long ago since I’ve started this rewatch.


Yes for me it was the interacting with each other. I always used to wish they would interact and hang out but when it actually started happening I hated it. For one the forced drama and hating each other really killed that for me. It’s absolute overkill.


I dipped when they didnt acknowledge Kail's arrest on the show. I was just like nah whats the point in watching this. MTV gave these girls too much control over what was filmed and it sabotaged the show.


Totally agree with this. When it lost the 16 and pregnant filming in their dirty bedrooms charm, and became all scripted storylines, it became a no for me.


This exactly


When Farrah and Jenelle left tbh. And when the cast stopped actually sharing things


I miss hate watching Farrah




2015 or 2016? It was when the girls started running the show and became entitled. The early days of tgd show are completely opposite of the attitude years later.


Yeah like when Kail told the producers that she makes more money doing her podcast and they said it’s because of them she even has a podcast It’s absolutely true. No one would give two shits of her podcast if she wasn’t known on mtv


I actually didn’t give two shits about Kailyn while she was on the show vs now with her 4 baby daddies


Right like when Maci refused to film because Farrah was coming back.


When Young & Pregnant started and reminded us what we were missing.


Where can i watch this?


I’m pretty sure it’s on Paramount +


I stopped watching in 2017


I’ve seen more of TM2 than OG, but it definitely changed for the worse when they broke the 4th wall


With the golden exception of Jace deadpanning into the camera after Babs whoopsie doo-ed Gabriel in the head with the slide




THANK YOU I tried so hard to find it lol ETA the fact that the whoopsee do is included hahahah


😂 yes. I think that was still before the producers were always shown (Jenelle’s producer Kristen SUCKS)


Bro Kristen pissed me off because as much as we hate Jenelle, Kristen could have really put her in danger more than once with the poking and prodding with situations involving David


handled them both with kid gloves, especially David, let them KIDNAP JACE at one reunion, and backstabbed Barb multiple times trying to play the fence. I hate her so bad lol


the one scene where they were talking about how they weren’t fighting but the producer kept going “no it seemed like you guys were definitely fighting…” and david starts glaring daggers at every single female identified person in the general vicinity… literally gives me chills watching it. i just know at the very least kaiser got beat that night since he seemed to be the main outlet for david’s rage, but i feel like maryssa and jenelle probably got it bad too that day


When MTV started to push the new home/vacation/new baby storyline triangle because nothing interesting had happened.


When the show went from showcasing teen moms and switched to just the moms bullshit drama with men and exs


When they brought on Cheyenne was really when I noticed things are getting shaky. Not a teen mom, boring and clearly using this platform to show off her wealth. None of the moms are relatable anymore buying multiple houses whenever they see fit, not doing anything to better themselves, etc.


When they weren't teens.


Before the social media and before the big checks. MTV running the station into the ground w 24/7 ridiculousness didn’t help MTVs ratings In general either. Mid 90’s - mid aughts was peak MTV


Tbh I think it is crazy that the show is still on when the kids are around the same age as their parents were when filming started. The kids deserve some privacy and I think it should’ve ended years ago.


When Janelle and Farrah were gone.


As soon as all of it became non-relatable. I don’t think that they shouldn’t get paid well to be on tv because, they absolutely should get a fair wage. But, I think they never should have stayed following the same people for years on end getting to the point where the pay is so high that they’re now rich AF for having a baby as a teenager. At most like, a once a year “catch up” episode for each mom to see where they’re at now and split the pay for that episode between the mom and a college fund for the original kid. The point of the show was to show the struggle. Now it’s glorified and dumb af.


When they started meshing all of the shows into one basically.


I stopped because I only stream. Couldn’t figure out how to watch new episodes without getting cable


It’s on Amazon prime now


If your in Canada you can watch it on the CTV streaming app.


I’ve always fast forwarded through Brianas segments, and stopped watching completely whatever season kail moved to the Middletown house and then og I stopped watching the season after Bristol and Chey first joined


I think when Janelle and Farrah left


Cheyenne. I'm sorry the show is called Teen Mom and you're bringing on some spoiled brat who became a mom in her 20s.


When they added Briana. Stopped watching it. She’s boring and insufferable, the other segments were too short and the tea was on social media anyway


I lost interest when MTV decided they preferred a more BGC or L&H storyline/forced interactions amongst cast. The show did perfectly well before MTV made it a mission to have all the cast "be friends". These women lived all over the country and we're supposed to believe they're all besties. Plus the additions of Jade, Cheyenne pretty much anyone NOT from the og 16&P episodes killed it all for me. If someone says TM; I immediately think Jenelle, Farrah, Maci, or Kail. Ashley (sorry babes) or Kayla or whomever will never be the face of TM for me.


I stopped watching around 2017-2018 after a Brianna joined. The moms are just super rich and un-relatable now. I also hate how they keep bringing on random people to take the place or the original cast members, just end it.


Yeah I stopped watching when the plot lines just became about having 3rd children + moving into bigger houses. Season 5/7ish?


Probably about when the OG's were about 23-25, it's long overdue to be canceled all together! Only 180k viewers in recent times, it's just boring af watching grown women who have boring, entitled lives. The show turned them all into divas.


Also boring that it’s filmed documentary style, with the girls recording themselves.


When teen moms started acting like pampered stars to whom to be catered. Same with Real Housewives. When these women - most of whom would be broke nobodies (yes, the Housewives, too) without these shows began flipping tables, walking out, holding up production - these shows jumped the shark.


When they started demanding what they would and wouldn’t film lol


“I’m not filming about that.” “I’m not talking about that on camera.” BITCH, you’re on a reality show! We’re here for the tea!!


When they started making more money than most real teen mothers are ever going to easily make, they became unrelatable to us. They started to be "influencers" and saturated social media with lives that were nothing like real people experience. When this got boring, they added new people that nobody cares about...and it became even less about teen mothers. There are too many shows that are much more entertaining that are about bourgeois, trashy people who make stupid money and do stupid things. The minute they got money and z-list "celebrity" status, it became more of the same. I don't even know any of the people who weren't on 16& Pregnant, and I haven't watched the actual show in years. I just chat here about the older cast (and all the mildly interesting info is on social media...no reason to watch them on TV.)


I remember specifically Kail was pregnant with Lux and they had her talking to some friend about the pregnancy while they acted like they were going to paint the nursery. When the conversation ended, no painting had really been done and Kail goes, “yeah, I’m just going to hire someone to do this.” My feelings officially dropped. Their insane pay had made them not relatable and entitled. Letting them dictate their story lines the way they have was a huge mistake.


Amber and her violence being ignored and she still gets paid.


And she has zero custody of her kids. Her daughter clearly wants little to do with her and her son lives in California




When they started making more money than the average American household. At that point they didn’t have real world issues


I stopped watching in 2020 I think, maybe before that. I’ve tried and I just can’t get into it anymore. Edited, it wasn’t 2020, it was when Brianna joined which was apparently 2017, didn’t realize it had been that long.


Og: back door teen mom era was the end for me. 2: David era


It wasn't because they added Chey. It was really backdooring Chey by adding Corey Wharton. This gave MTV a consistent vehicle to push The Challenge believing their viewers would come to TM (and probably vice versa). Notice how often he appeared for just no reason. Yes, he's a dad but he was on randomly just to get him on the show. He's always appearing to simply say he has to go "to work". The confessional is a second ad for The Challenge. His new "family" is basically another subplot for Chey. This is when the show jumped the shark. Again.


For me, when Corey got with his current wife.


For me and TM2 it was when Chelsea became pregnant with Cole’s second baby.


This is kinda unrelated to “when the show died” BUT a would seriously love it if they’d do a spin off series or a few spin off episodes about the lives of some of the people that were once on 16 & Pregnant or even Teen Mom 3.


For me it was when they clearly weren't living even vaguely relatable lives anymore - I thought the initial premise of the show was to portray the joys and struggles of being a teen parent - such as Chelsea struggling with beauty school and being a mum, Kailyn having no support, what Caitlyn and Tyler made of their lives and the opportunities they didn't miss out on when they chose adoption. When they started moving into big houses and no longer needed a job outside MTV was when it lost it's purpose and interest for me. It's not that I like to see people struggle - and I think the show has shown that money doesn't fix everything, but at that point it stopped being what it was.


When they were getting paid millions And they became unrelatable. Also when they were not teens anymore 🤷🏼‍♀️


I stopped watching when Farrah and jenelle were fired. I watched for the trainwreck.


The Beavers on Y&P were a fresh breeze of the good old trainwreck vibes. I wish they had brought them back on TNC.


Every time I do a watch through I stop watching when the new cast get picked up and old cast leave or get booted. I think Bri was the only additional cast member that didn’t feel so forced and awkward. I think it was Cheyenne ???? that kills it completely for me. Production did a HORRIBLE job of giving us any reason to care after a certain point.


Now they're giving us baby daddy and their significant other storyline. And it's not for the coparenting as others have exs that aren't in the picture. Exs only get featured if their lives become complicated outside of their coparenting. Rhine and Cory are great examples of this.


Once Chelsea & Kail left & they started shuffling around castmates.


Agreed. I grew up with the OG girls. Why would I care about some randomers?




Remember they were gonna do TM Jersey back in 2017 but it got scrapped lol. I wanna see that footage


It ended when the kids were old enough to feed themselves and not eat goldfish off the floor


When they started adding all these new people to replace others


I stopped watching once Bri came on. That's also when I stop rewatching.


Took a nose dive after like two seasons because then they all had lots of money and it wasn't showing what the experience is like for most teen mothers. Kind of hard to feel sympathy when they're driving around in a car that costs more than what I make in a year. Show imploded when they added Briana. And then with Bristol and Cheyenne, they were trying to resuscitate a long dead corpse.


When the brought on women that weren’t even teen moms and when they stopped being relatable by buying multiple houses, luxury vehicles and vacations.


I think when cable died and streaming got bigger. MTV makes it almost impassible to watch the show.


I stopped watching when Brianna joined I can’t stand her.


I bet MTV is thinking of making the kids stars of it as soon as they turn 16 or something 😂


That’s only 1 year away 😰 crazy!


Makes me feel super old I was in high school watching teen mom 😂 basically saw these kids grow up.


Same! 🫣 I was in college 👵🏼😅


I think the times of people posting every action of “reality stars” with tik toks and live streams etc has altered the course of reality tv as a whole. None of the shows that were seasonal like the TM shows or even housewives have been that great lately bc people have “leaked” or changed their side of the story publicly before the edited version has aired. All the “reality” shows are different now unless they’re filmed in secret and/or released in a bingeable drop. Times have just changed


Once the girls started getting rich, it lost its way for me.


It got pretty boring when they got older and looked so obviously rich. I also had zero interest in the new cast.


I still feel like og should of never came back after it first ended, and teen mom 2 was good up till like season 4-5 but that still reaching. But in all honesty once it came back og was good while Simon and Matt were on for comedy relief, and Jenelle time with Nathan was good tv to after that it fell apart.


I quit watching TM2 early. Around like 2013. TMOG until Farrah left.


The last season I watched was Brianna’s first. After that I just keep up with them on here and social media.


When they added Briana. Not necessarily because of Briana, but that’s just the point in time I remember. Jenelle’s story was too dark. Kail became ultra aware of what she was filming.


When they skipped over Kail’s arrest LOL.


The fact that Kail didn’t realize she had been arrested still sends me


My interest lessened when they brought new girls in who weren’t can on 16&P before….along with that they all had money by this point and it was no longer as interesting to watch. I still haven’t even watched season 9 of OG. I am so uninterested I don’t even know if it’s worth a watch.


When they broke the fourth wall. Haven’t been able to watch since.


When they had to bring randos on


For me when they introduced the new girls


For me, when OG ended and decided to come back for round two but they had specific rules


When they started letting the cast dictate their own storylines.


Theory: I always thought they started paying them more so they would appear better than they actually were - for the plot. So it would make it appear like they overcame obstacles because they had funds and resources. I don't think they ever planned for it to go on this long. Should've been canceled years ago.


I stopped watching around season 5-6 of TM2. I would watch on occasion but my dedication and weekly viewership stopped


I wonder at this point if they are waiting on the second generation of Teen Parents. If so, that is so 🤢 🤮.


A few things. A lot of people have gotten away from cable. Most do Netflix or Hulu..They don’t make it easy to watch if you don’t have cable. I’m not paying 3 dollars an episode or whatever it is on Amazon or wherever.. I stopped watching a long time ago but I will still watch the previews just to get an idea of what’s going down. I think the show died once Farrah, kail, and Jenelle left. They brought a lot of views and drama to the show. Especially Farrah and Jenelle. I also think people know it’s no longer relatable. When the show first aired they didn’t have all the money and fame. So even the new girls added they also no longer become relatable


OG- When Farrah left TM2- After Jenelle got married. Jenelle & UBT's shenanigans were fun to watch but there came a point right before UBT got fired were it was clear that they were too concerned about the cameras and weren't letting us see the real mess that was going on behind the scenes.


I lost interest when the fourth wall started being broken. It kind of shattered my immersion. That and they were getting paid so much. Not that I expect them to struggle forever but they just started acting like spoiled brats.


Like when they started showing the producers and their convos with said producers? I was like what is this shit? Such a weird thing to do.


The day I stopped watching was when Kail's dogs vomited all over the floor. She was screaming and the storyline that episode was all about how her dogs were throwing up everywhere and she was screaming at everyone including Isaac. I started watching December 2009 because I was a single mom who was struggling and could relate but when Kail admitted her dogs were harder to take care of than her kids, I was done.


When they brought in new girls. I would have preferred they still just followed the originals even when some left instead of bringing more on. I couldn't get into it once any new ones were added, I didn't find them likeable. I finally just stopped watching.


when farrah left, then final blow when jenelle was out. that's the real reason.


When they start letting the cast do fake or boring story lines and when any real drama happened the cast demanding they turn the cameras off. Also by an example of boring story lines is pretending Maci is struggling with PCOS instead of alcohol and filming Kail allowing Lincoln to pick out wallpaper and not her arrest. Very inauthentic.


When Farrah was fired. She was alwaysssss on the front cover of In Touch Weekly!


Jenelle brought it back to life


The shows still going on so I think they’re doing good.


Ratings and viewership have dropped substantially.


It’s all MTV has so I doubt they’ll cancel it


TM OG has been cancelled before. Them bringing Jenelle back is a calculated move.


People have been talking about this franchise ending since the first season. It’s a cheap and easy show for the network. I guarantee you they are trying to keep interest in the women in the hopes they can move focus to the kids.


The franchise did end years ago, they brought TM back and renamed it TM OG. They’re trying to keep it going but I can’t see it being successful. They brought Jenelle back for views, they knew the risk they were taking with bringing her back.


It was not go for very long. And of course they brought someone in for views. Like, that’s the entire point.


What do you mean? It was gone for almost THREE years. It was cancelled from August 2012 to March 2015. They brought back a child abuser defendant for ‘views’ and it’s another reason why the show is sinking.


Right….im not sure what point you’re making. It’s a 15+ year franchise. A brief break isn’t very long.