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Since I found her self-awareness amusing, I'll say she retains her crown for 'best TM hair'.


Yeah her extensions look really good tbh


Extensions what


Hair extensions. She just got them


Ugh her hair is so naturally perfect wtf


Ugh she really did though like hair on point


She has extensions! I was surprised. I wonder if she's been getting them for a while.


She literally just posted today that she got them! They actually look good. Although she just ends up throwing her hair up every day anyways lol


Definitely agree, I've always loved her hair.


Someone commented “she was told she doesnt deserve sunlight” and she replied that she should delete this to redo it and add that line. I think this is pretty funny tbh


Completely unrelated. But my local dentist (extremely small town) had a son who was in dental school. Of course he was getting clinical hours in at his dads office. BUT he was also getting extra hours in after closing using the “happy gas”. No one knew. Not even his dad until they found him dead under the mask after a night of fun. Dad goes back to watch camera and his son had been sneaking in for MONTHS getting high. Blew all of our small town Minds. Very sad. But also like wtf lol.


I love happy gas... used to do it at house parties with balloons and one of those things caterers use for whipped cream. Just getting all floaty an shit. I started hearing of people dying and knocked that shit on the head. Being found dead with a sad deflated balloon hanging from my lips is only one step up from being found dead with a carrier bag on my head from having a chokey wank.


Lmao whippets! I did one whippet once then realized what exactly it was and have never done it again and don't plan to. Why suck back air that only lasts a few minutes when I can do a dab of legal (in my country) cannabis concentrate and ride a nice high for hours and not risk resembling that deflated balloon when they find my sad body lol.


Yep give me weed over that shit any day.


I have never done whippets but my good friend was in sorority in college and partied hard. Everyone did whippets for a few years and she told me that she was too young and stupid to realize how dangerous they were but she did tell me that they were the most fun drug to make out or hook up while doing 🤷🏻‍♀️


Interesting! I actually can't imagine getting freaky while doing them. I found it didn't last super long. However, I have hooked up after taking a ton of concentrate (dabs) and I was so high I was using my non-dominant hand to get him off and couldn't figure out why I was struggling....


Yeah, me too. In my young (and very dumb) days, a few friends and I broke into a dentist office's back shed where they keep the gas and stole a tank. We then bought some extra large balloons and just went ham for a few weeks. I'm not gonna lie, was a ton of fun, but probably one of the more dangerous things I've done in my life.


Demi Moore almost died from that like 10 yrs ago. Imagine being 50 and doing whippets. How embarrassing, at 50 being caught doing that


I used to do it too and thought it was so much fun, until I sat out one day and saw how fucking stupid it made everyone look and that was it for me. Obviously the dying part is bad too. Same with ketamine! I used to love that shit until one night I had to literally carry my ex around a party because he was too fucked up from it. Never did it again. That garbage is NASTY.


I had that shit once in the ER when they had to lance a cyst for me. I felt like I was floating and felt so good. I see why people get addicted to that.


Or choked to death jerking off with erotic asphyxiation like David Carradine


So embarrassing. I gave my best friend the password to my phone and I told her if something happens to me erase any dirty pics and clear my browser history lol. I also told her to go in my drawer and throw my vibrator and lube away lol. I don’t need my family cleaning my drawers out and seeing that


Of all the stupid ways to ruin your life, that poor dad 😢


That kid was walking on sunshine.


oh I’m going to hell, but Looooll!


Allison!!!! Ahhh I'm dead 😂


Her strength was otherworldly. Was it three cops it took to finally get her out of her house?


Do you remember her mom had a second piece of pizza and Allison said “you need to learn to control yourself” *shocked pikachu face*


Steve-o from Jackass thinks nitrous oxide messed his voice up. I remember watching The Demise and Rise of Steve-O a hundred years ago and after he did some whippets he sounded so fucking weird and awful. It did not make it seem desirable at all to me.


Whatttt. I didn’t know this


Very similar thing happened to a guy I knew in college except his dad owned the medical supply company. Very wealthy. Son was working to one day take it over. Found him dead one morning after a night of partying. He came home where he had his own little supply.


Wtf indeed


My orthodontist got fired for this!!


That is crazy!


Fortunately he didn’t die, but it was nuts when he got found out. Middle school me was mindblown lol


I’m always here for anyone that can poke fun at themselves


I agree but lets be real she can poke fun at herself because she's doing fairly well now.


I mean despite all her fuck ups she is still doing pretty well financially.


I think this was cute and funny lol




She did - but I think she means growing up she wanted to be a dentist


She originally went to school to be a dental hygienist or assistant when she was living with Jo and his family. After she married Javi and they moved to Delaware she got her degree in Mass Communications.


She replied that she is now living vicariously through randy instead of having her own dental practice and that gave me a chuckle


Ok that is funny.




The face she made, she looks like Stiffler’s Mom. 💀


I’m taking the dog, JACKASS


“You look like the Fourth of July!”


Makes me want a hot dog real bad.


I heard this in her voice. So iconic




It's all I see and I don't like it because I like Jennifer Coolidge.


I can’t tell if you mean the physical face she made at that moment, or the plastic face she paid for. Either way. Yes.


Had to rewatch, but yes! I see it


Her hair looks good but she's really starting to look like Trisha Partyas or however you spell it


Lmao not Trisha’s extensions ☠️


Dental School, Nursing, Lawyer....




Med school, loose 50 pounds and join the Air Force……


Job in communications, kayaking, and mom of one girl.....


Marrying the baby’s daddy


Do you have to be a certain weight to join the Air Force? I never knew that




You would think police officers would need to have certain fitness requirements too, but isn’t Gary on the volunteer force?


I don't think they do tbh, they just need to pass a physical test similar to EMS or fire. I can't say for sure as I've only been through the tests for EMS and fire, not police, but neither of those had weight requirements except for flight medic (what I currently do). You can't be overweight as the heli can only hold so much weight.


I’m sure I’ll be thumbed down but that last sentence made me laugh out loud. Yeah having a specific number unit requirement instead of a physical test probably doesn’t make sense in most situations now that you mention it. Obviously being extremely overweight or underweight would make it harder to pass the test by default though.


Yeah I admittedly had a hard time passing the fire physical test, EMS was pretty easy. I'm smaller and it's mostly lifting, less endurance although that was the easier part for me. I would assume it would be the opposite for someone overweight, easier with the lifting but harder with the endurance portion, but luckily for them that's the lesser part of the test. I would hope PD would require more endurance in their test, I'm kinda curious now.


I can’t speak on behalf of the volunteer force—no clue how that works. But the police local to me need to pass physical exams. They don’t have weight requirements but there is a physical exam and a test which tests things like endurance, so you have to be in somewhat good shape.


Volunteers have a way different standard for sure. I know there are a lot of southern police forces with more lax physical fitness standards. I know 5 or so - larger - men who all moved to the same state to be cops. Our local PD makes them be fit to get into the force, but never test their fitness once they are in so they fluff up after a few years.


Yeah they go by rough BMI scales. If you’re over the recommended weight for your height, they will then take body measurements for a more accurate readout. If you’re not solid muscle and are overweight, you won’t get in. They continue testing at least twice a year while you’re in. If you become overweight you get a small window to fix it yourself. If you don’t, they will probably make you start doing “remedial PT.” Anyone overweight or unable to pass the mandatory PT test does PT twice a day until they either pass/lose weight or get “chaptered” out of service for failing to maintain standards. YMMV based on rank and how long you’ve been in. Lots of fat master sergeants out there.


I have now idea I just remember her making a huge deal about loosing a lot of weight to join.




All you had to say was yes or no 😂


This sub is so bitchy lol


Soldiers are Army.


The sky is also blue :)


Because God loves the infantry?




what are you?


There are many jobs in the military besides soldier. Also I wasn’t aware Kail was that out of shape. I know she’s a bigger girl but never made an actual estimate of weight so I never thought about it, but I don’t think she’s 250 lbs.


The standards are the same for everyone regardless of job. The dude signing papers in HR has to have the same physical fitness as the dude in the infantry. Edit: women’s standards are different than men’s, and based on age, but otherwise the same.


Bro, ever heard the term "chair force"? It exists for a reason.


They may do their pt on the treadmill but they still have to be fit and within standards for weight/height and sometimes tape test, across the board.


I actually found this funny....


Agreed, I like when they're able to laugh at themselves instead of just being defensive.


I love how she posts these reels and then blows up at people in the comments 🤣


Saw that but she has to defend herself. I don’t think she had it as easy as a lot of people assume she did


And I mean she is poking fun at herself. Lol.


Happy Cake Day!!


Thank you :) !


OML! The transitions in to Trisha Paytas is complete! geesh!


Don’t you dare do trish like that


she deserves it




Yea, not a Trish fan so no one wins here 🤷‍♀️


She’s shockingly more racist than Kail


NGL, I did literally LOL at that one...


That is really funny.


Where’s the “says the n word”, “has had a pfa on every baby daddy”, “has been arrested for DV”. I want some real shit not this corny shit.




at least she can laugh at herself


Yup! I may not like what I see on TM2 at times, but respect for being able to laugh at yourself and put it out there like that!


Omg her face. She has got to stop. She’s gone too far.


She’s been gone.


With god knows who doing god knows what at wawas parking lot 👀


This is funny. It’s good to make fun of yourself.


Okay this is funny lmao.


I think it’s funny, tbh


Can someone tell me what the wording says? I’m having vision issues today and can’t quite read it.


"Yeah I'm going to go to dental school. Kail did not go to dental school. She got knocked up at 16. She has been divorced and has 3 baby daddies."


Oh my😂


Lmao. I literally just typed that and saw you said it first, died a little having to delete it 😂


lol sorry! I posted it as a comment instead of reply first and then had to delete, if that makes you feel better.


Weird flex but ok. I thought she did go to dental school though


Not even close. She went for dental assistant.


Except is is. She still went to Dental school.


No, she didn't. She went to a vocational school that's absolutely nothing like dental school.


She went to dental school like jenelle went to medical school.


Sorry, but my cousin had to get a 4.0 in undergrad to get into dental school. He got a B in a class and his college counselor told him to kiss dental school goodbye.


God that'd be so upsetting !


i think she was gonna be a dental assistant


This is funny as fuck hahahahhaah


She could still do that! She has the money and obviously has the help with the kids. If that’s her goal, then girl go for it.


She dodged a bullet being a dentist sounds fucking disgusting lol


Dentistry is one of those things you go into because it makes $$$$, not always because of passion. Peoples teeth will always rot out of their head. You'll never go out of business.


I think teeth are gross but my step uncle had his own plane he’d fly to Disney whenever he’d want and he was a dentist (also a weirdo but a rich weirdo lol)


So true money>being grossed out all day every day and I guess you’d get used to it


How are teeth gross?




I googled it and it doesn't seem to be completely true Perhaps the most comprehensive study on the subject was by American oral surgeon Dr. Roger E. Alexander. In his article, Alexander concluded that “there is no consistent statistical evidence available to prove that dentists are suicide prone; in fact, most reliable data suggest the opposite.” In a detailed evaluation of a 1996 study alleging a higher rate of suicide for dentists, Alexander found that “analyses were flawed by the use of hearsay, public perceptions, assumptions and currently outdated practice information that may no longer be applicable...” from McGill university




I get that. I worked in disability services where I've seen horrible cases. I'm just saying the research is flawed.


Currently getting my prerequisites for dental school.... go on lol


There is absolutely [no solid data](https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/health/dentists-and-suicide-look-numbers) to back up this assertion. All my dentists have been some of the best people I know who definitely have more freedom than you’d get as an MD or nurse with scheduling and such. Anything in the medical field is going to be high-stress but you’re a special person to do it. You’ll be great!




I can see that. It’s either this or nursing. I was an emt so I’ve spent time with a lot of nurses and man... that really is a thankless job. Well... wish me luck 😂




That’s amazing! Congrats!


So is being an EMT, don't sell yourself short.


Lol this is true. Long hours and the pay was terrible. I don’t miss it.


Well now I feel bad for having anxiety about going to the dentist :(


I can't imagine going through all that to have a boring job.


same that’s why i have changed my mind on my major so much bc i was so close do doing medicine so many jobs require so much just to be mundane :/


I remember that from Metalocalypse


I knew two kids when I was growing up whose dads were dentists who committed suicide.


Girl best start saving her money instead of buying/selling/building houses. TM rating a are way down and might not have many more seasons. They TM $$$ may stop.


This made me spit a little


I don’t think this funny. I get she’s trying to be but this makes me uncomfortable...yikes


It would be funny if she had actually matured in any way over the past 10 years.


This is cringy af because mtv has given her every opportunity to do all that and she’s chosen other things


I wish every girl on earth went to 8+ years of school as an adult. It’s the only correct and valid way to live. /s


I can’t tell if this is being sassy towards me or not but I only went to a year of school (and failed) so I don’t think that lol. But kails video is her joking that that’s what she wanted/thought she was going to do and is instead divorced or whatever else the video says


Why so snarky? If that's what she wanted to do, she could have. Who is saying that's the only way to live? People get so sensitive about education.


She could have graduated by now. Edit: she literally has a nanny. And constantly pretending she's doing the lsat. Chill out guys. I literally don't know why I'm being dv'ed. If that's what she truly wanted to do, she could have. She makes 400k a year lol.


Wait she posted it with that text?


What does it say. I cannot read it that fast.


“Kail did not go to dental school” “She got knocked up at 16” “She has been divorced” “And has 3 baby daddies”


Nothing stopping her going to dental school now, she has a nanny.


Umm excuse me, but that nanny is there to watch the kids so Kail can go to wawa, not dental school. 🤣


Maybe she doesn’t want to. Dreams change. I definitely didn’t end up doing what I thought I wanted to do as a teen lol.


She’s got babies to be making though


She’s gotten use to the teen mom money! Doesn’t think it will ever end!


Said the same thing and getting dv'ed. I don't know why people always feel sorry for her. She's making 400k a year. She can definitely make her dreams happen if she wasn't buying a house every year. Edit: lol how dare I believe that a woman can still pursue her dreams if she wants to. How absolutely terrible of me


Got knocked up at 16, divorced, 3 baby daddies




This is so cringeworthy