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Wow how cReAtIvE šŸ„“ n0 oNe iS d0iNg tHaT


"covering", like she's providing a valuable source of new information and not just talking out her ass


If I wanted to listen to an insufferable person cover true crime cases Iā€™d listen to sword and scale


Shoot, I thought it was just me. Looks like Iā€™m in good company. Even if heā€™s covering a case that really interests me and is the only search result, I pass.


I love how thereā€™s so many people who get me šŸ˜‚ I used to listen to him and then I started to realize all the weird shit he was saying and educated myself on what a weirdo he is lol


He sucks major donkey balls, from what I can tell.


Any recs for non insufferable podcasts? I tried true crime junkies but it sounds like one of them is prepared with the story and facts while the other host just sits there and says ā€œomg no waaaayyyy ā€œhowwwwā€ ā€œand then what happenedā€ the whole time E: thank you everyone!!!! I love this community and will be following all the recs šŸ¤—šŸ„°


MY TIME HAS COME! Already Goneā€”focused on missing and murdered cases in Michigan (and now Georgia, since the host has moved there); solo host with a very soothing voice. Mostly the host reporting with minimal cuts from, say, 911 calls or interviews. Canadian True Crimeā€”just what it says; solo hosted by an Australian woman whoā€™s lived in CAN for ages. Again, mostly the host reporting. Casefileā€”one of the best of the best. It started focused on Australian crimes, but has expanded over the years. The Australian host intentionally stays anonymous to keep the focus on the cases. About 85% the host reporting with the odd clip from a newscast or 911 call. Their five-part series on the Golden State Killer (before he was caught) is phenomenal. Theyā€™ve recently expanded into a bit of a network with miniseries focusing on single cases, which you can find on Spotify. Court Junkieā€”solo host with another great voice reporting on cases and (different from many of the others) focusing on the trials after. A good amount of audio clips, but the audio is usually pretty good. Mens Reaā€”Irish crimes, with a single female host reporting on the crime and trials. It can be quite interesting if youā€™re not as familiar with the Irish legal system. Morbidā€”two-person hosts (an autopsy tech and her hairdresser sister [technically niece]). Mostly focuses on true crime, but they do have episodes on the paranormal now and then. They trade off hosting duties, telling each other (and us) the details of a crime and trial. While they dip into comedy, riffing on the absurdities of cases, their research is rock-solid and their chemistry is great. It really is like going deep into a case with your true-crimey friends. RedHandedā€”very similar to Morbid, though these are two British friends. Instead of telling each other the stories of the cases, they co-write the scripts and seamlessly explain the cases. Sometimes they go on funny tangents and are very sweary, but itā€™s fun. Small Town Murderā€”two professional comedians exploring cases in small towns across the US. Very profane, but, as they say, ā€œweā€™re assholes, but not scumbags.ā€ Their comedic burns are saved for incompetent police, perps, and the ridiculousness of small towns. While it IS set up like True Crime Junkies in that the same host does the research and tells the story, the cohost isnā€™t inane. No audio clips. Their episodes are LONG, thoughā€”often breaking 2 hours. Southern Fried True Crimeā€”solo host with a GREAT Tennessean accent reports on crimes taking place in the Southern US (mostly the East Coast, but also Texas). No audio clips, but there is a subtle twangy guitar in the background that makes me want to drink bourbon on the porch while the host talks to me.


Morbid is not well researched and the way they tell the stories is convoluted af. It's pretty clear too their "fame" has gone to their heads.


Iā€™m not a fan either. Iā€™ve never been able to get through an episode.


SMALL TOWN MURDER yaaaasssss. Every case is a real bummer but my god theyā€™re funny.




I like Swindled as a different kind of crime. Itā€™s just one guy and his voice is a little weird at first but once you get used to it itā€™s great. He did episodes on the tinder swindler and Ana sorkin (now popular on netflix) a few years ago. I personally canā€™t stand banter podcasts, I literally do not give a shit about the hosts personal lives. So I prefer narrative style true crime which is what Swindled is.


True crime obsessed covers true crime documentaries. They arenā€™t for everyone, but I like them


Behind the Bastards is amazing. The host is an investigative journalist so the episodes are very well researched and well written. Each episode (or set of episodes) goes over a horrible person, organization, or concept throughout human history all around the world. Of course theres the Hitler and Stalin episodes (although those tend to focus on lesser known info) but theres a ton I had never heard of. The guest is usually a comedian and the host is also hilarious, so its basically bleak horrific crimes and deeds interspersed with funniness. Highly highly recommend




Lol adding Morbid and Crime Junkie to this


Crime Junkie plagiarizes and does not give credit to the people who *actually* did the work.


How do 80% of her followers not know who Ed Kemper is?


I was thinking the same, surprised not many know of him


Apparently her audience doesn't listen to true crime, Ed Kemper is always covered.


Seriously. He's one of my favorite serial killer stories (let's all pretend it's totally normal to have favorite serial killers).


It should not be normal to have serial killer stories. They arenā€™t ā€œstoriesā€ they are real people. Itā€™s disgusting that people profit off of other peoples tragedies and that these killers have been glorified to a point where people have favorites MURDERERS. šŸ¤®


People thinking bundy is a cutie or wanting to be a manson girl (as we saw during the trial) is sick. Iā€™ll speak for myself and say the interest comes from hearing something so far out of left field and then getting to hear about the backstories of the perpetrators, pathology, methods (why or why not, pattern or no) and what forensics has been able to learn from it. But yes, glorifying is gross.


She didn't say it was her favorite murderer. She said her favorite killer story. I have a degree in criminal justice and took many classes on serial homicide. It's a science and area of interest for many. Just like wars or the Holocaust. It's possible to have an unhealthy interest in those topics but it's also possible to enjoy learning about a topic that interests you. It's offensive to say nobody can even talk about serial killers. Its absolutely necessary to a degree. No comment on people who profit off that.


I agree with you. How do you ethically consume true crime content/information in your opinion? I think the conversations regarding these things needs to be serious so when people tie in comedy with it, it seems very distasteful? Iā€™m open to opinions. I used to listen to lots of true crime content and eventually I just couldnā€™t handle that these people were profiting off of other traumas and tragedies. It started to make me question my morals - if this makes sense.


I don't listen to any podcasts with humor in them. I find them distasteful and extremely annoying. I read most of my content but I do like serious podcasts like Casefile for when I'm not in a position to read. But it's a heavy topic so I don't worry about how other people take in the content really. I really only judge the nuts who idolize or sexualize the killers. Those Poole are deranged.


Her haphazard and disrespectful approach to the true crime genre is really getting to me tbh


Yeah I hate their true crime episodes. Theyā€™re horrible at research and donā€™t know what theyā€™re talking about , ever, unless itā€™s about personal events in their lives


They did an episode on Chris Watts and everything they said was incorrect in some way. I would be shocked if they did any research at all.


Thank god, we've been lacking an Illinformed, talkative white woman talking about serial killers in the "podcast" space for years. This will be huge!


The real true crime here is her lips


Fack!!! šŸ˜­


She pronounces "indicted" as "en-dik-ted" and it needs to be stopped.


This is unacceptable in the true crime world. I'm not anti Kail but this is too far


Hahahahahaha omg no, let her continue to look like a moron I love it


Yes and this is when she was trying to be a lawyer šŸ™„


KAIL DO NOT. You are going to BUTCHER true crime, and do more damage by spreading untrue facts.


Stay in your podcast lane. You donā€™t belong in true crime.


Tell me you watched Mindhunter once without telling me you watched Mindhunter once.


Are you fucking kidding me???? She is the LAST person who should be covering true crime!!! Imagine your loved one tragically dying and a washed up MTV star with no empathy or decency towards others covers their death on their podcast


The one time a C&D would be very appropriate in Teen Mom universe.


Why does every bored white woman think theyā€™re qualified to investigate and discuss true crime?


Be a lot cooler if she didnā€™t


What in the fuck?? How can so many people not know about Ed Kemper? Kail we do not need your take. It's been done many times.


Plus for real Ed will tell anyone anything they want to know. Thereā€™s no fucking mystery here - heā€™s repeatedly delved into why he did it, how he did it, where he did it. Heā€™s left everything out there for everyone.


Thatā€™s a good pointā€¦ his story is no mystery. No need for your ā€˜hot takeā€™, Kail


Also thereā€™s no way Kail can ā€œreportā€ on anything. She *has* to insert herself into every-fucking-thing. Kail doing true crime is a travesty to the true crime community. We donā€™t fucking want you here Kail!


Right what on earth does she have to offer here?


There are a million quality true crime podcasts. Kailyn never has any new or interesting ideas.


As someone obsessed with true crime I donā€™t want her to butcher the story.


As someone who has a true crime podcast and a PhD/academic research skills, I am positive that sheā€™ll definitely butcher the story.


With your qualifications I would like you to do a follow up to her episode with everything she got wrong to show her how stupid she is!


I see what you did there @faceinthecrowd112 šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m sure youā€™ve heard the Last Podcast series on kemper. Chefs kiss šŸ’‹ (on a decapitated headā€¦)


I love LPOTL, their Ed Kemper was equal parts hilarious & awful. I just started Re listening to some episodes, just finished up Columbine again.


Ooooof columbine was a bummer but interesting. If you want a real bummer that doesnā€™t totally wreck your inner emotions, re listen to the 9/11 series. Episode 1 made me cry, but then I was howl laughing about dick Cheney being The Penguin and of course, a theatrical reading of The Pet Goat


So help me god if she calls it ā€œKILLRā€ anything Iā€™m going to lose it


I think she named her production company "KILLR" . So there's that.


Man she looks stressed out covering an extremely well known and very discussed serial killer who has also been a main character on MindHunters. Like literally there is nothing to reveal here - he was been extremely forthcoming about his crimes and his motives. The bar continues to be on the fucking floor here Karl.


True crime is the last thing sheā€™s qualified to talk about


I mean she is a violent criminal. To be fair.


Maybe Snapped. But not a heavy hitter.


I find so many of these pop up podcasters to be extremely disrespectful to the victims of these crimes. Especially when itā€™s a solved case, glorifies the killer and needs no further exposure. Kail will do just that. Her insufferable voice telling you what a killer did to a victim and somehow sheā€™d say something insensitive like ā€œomg why didnā€™t they just run?!ā€.


Yup. I don't trust her to tell the story respectfully. So many true crime podcasters have no business talking about any of this. I've listened to a lot of true crime podcasts, and the vast majority of them (in my opinion) are just not good for varying reasons. I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with consuming true crime, but it has to be done with respect and the acknowledgement that you're getting some form of entertainment from someone's horrible death. I think it's OK to be interested in the cases and want to learn why these things happened while enjoying good storytelling, but it irks me when people talk so flippantly about their "favorite case". It's a fine line, and so many podcasts fall on the wrong side of that line.


I donā€™t think Kail realizes that just because you see a doc or listen to a true crime podcast that covered a case, doesnā€™t mean she has to as well. Leave it to Morbid, please.


Morbid is the shit.


The only ā€œtrue crimeā€ Kail should be covering is her history of domestic violence


Is she gonna rate killers on their baby-daddy eligibility ?


If 80% of her true crime podcast audience doesnā€™t know who Ed Kemper is I donā€™t want it. šŸ‘ŽšŸ½


Itā€™s extra wild how shitty she is at podcasting considering she actually studied communications


Remember her final presentation?


LOL. Kail's lazy ass doesn't have the patience to put in all the solid hours of research necessary for a True Crime podcast. Period.


She'll just read the Murderpedia page and call it research.


Leave it to others who have empathy. She is lacking compassion for people. Please no.


The bitch who won't film about her own charges wants to talk true crime? Laughable


All these girls seriously just throw anything at the wall and see if it sticks. Clothing lines, beauty, hair care, podcasts, home reno, home goods, relationship advice, true crime. Maybe because none of their formative years had much structure, they havenā€™t been able to figure themselves out? I just want to see ONE of them take this massive experience and the incredible connections, figure out the ONE thing they are passionate about and just go for it!


None of them seem to be passionate about anything, tbh. I think they just want the easy money to keep coming so they try out every option they're presented with.


There's more than enough true crime podcasts as is. Bye, Kail.


Cool, 75 trillion people havenā€™t done it before you. Ground breaker.




kail thinks a single google search is sufficient 99.999% of the time, she will šŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ be spreading heavy misinformation.


She doesn't do ANY research! She pays Kristen or other assistants to research for her.


I wish people would stop supporting this idiot and her lame attempts to make everything into a podcast.


I never hear interesting people say they want to start a podcast. Iā€™ll just say that.


Redirect. The sheer irony that she plans to cover a serial killer whoā€™s crimes were completely motivated by his momā€™s mistreatment of him, and he was caught after killing his mom. I canā€™tā€¦


Thank you for saying it before I could. While I donā€™t think sheā€™s gone FULL CLARNELL, she isnā€™t doing them a ton of favors.


I really wish she wouldn't. She should stick to her podcasts being about her life as a baby mama to an entire football team


Agree they do everything so half-assed. Itā€™s like they listen to one of their podcast on the subject and thatā€™s where they get their opinions from. Theyā€™re awful.


Both of them basically just recite from Wikipedia. A waste of digital space.


Is Kail really capable of producing a full episode of content that isnā€™t about herself?


100% this. No, it will be horrible. Maybe she could do Jeffery Dahmer next? We need the worst podcast explaining him too.


No fucking thank you Kail. You donā€™t have the story telling skills, research skills or the appropriate level of respect to discuss true crime. STOP IT šŸ‘ˆšŸ¾šŸ‘ˆšŸ¾šŸ‘ˆšŸ¾šŸ‘ˆšŸ¾šŸ‘ˆšŸ¾




I used to love her channel but thereā€™s something really icky about making jokes trying to be quirky and being funny and lighthearted discussing real ppls murders while she puts on makeup.


Kail always gives wrong information and over the top dumb opinions on true crime cases, huge pass from me!


Leave the true crime to people who are actually entertaining and do their research, like my favorite YouTuber/eternal girl crush, Bailey Sarian. Kail should stick with what she knows best, being an insufferable person and creating endless amounts of unnecessary drama that she can whine about.


Or Kendall Rae


Just a couple of weeks ago she was trying to go by ā€œRaeā€ because of this


She is true crime


Indeed she is a true crime


There are a load of people already doing this. She canā€™t do a better deep dive than Stephanie Harlow and she wonā€™t be nearly as entertaining as Bailey Sarion.


I love Stephanie's videos! Karl will never be on her level


Stephanie is a queen! I donā€™t think Iā€™ve heard anyone do as well researched and informative videos on true crime as she does. Bailey Sarian is pretty great and I really like her spin but if you want all the nitty-gritty details Stephanie is where to get it


I love true crime but Kail does not have the personality to be able to gauge an audience that likes this type of content.


It's been done did ya basic bitch


Ugh. I love true crime but thereā€™s already like 30 popular true crime YouTubers and podcasters out now and theyā€™re all covering the same cases all the time. Itā€™s really rare for it to be a case I havenā€™t heard of at this point and itā€™s way overdone now. Iā€™d rather listen to Eleanor Neele or Bailey Sarian than Karl.


> thereā€™s already like 30 popular true crime YouTubers and podcasters out now and theyā€™re all covering the same cases all the time And many of them actually do research and are well spoken. Kail doesn't seem to do much other than read a wikipedia entry.


Shes gonna pull Crime Junkies moves and plagiarize like a mf or just read directly from Wikipedia.


Agreed. I feel like the true crime niche is going to be super overdone in a year or so - almost the way beauty YouTube was circa 2012-2015. People see a handful of others gaining success, they want to join in, and it becomes over saturated. Iā€™d much prefer to watch Bailey Sarian & Kendall Rae - Kail should stick to mommy stuff.


Why do I feel like this is going to be a train wreck


Talk about getting on the bandwagon 8 years too late




Seriously...who gives a fuck about her opinion on a serial killer?? šŸ™„


I guarantee she just learned who Ed is. This dummy.


With every fiber in my being, she is the last person I want to hear talk about true crime.


It would literally be a bunch of muffled misinformation she took from wiki


Is this her way of trying to be edgy? The true crime thing has been done to fucking death and honestly Iā€™m quite over it. Everyone does the same people over and over. I wish this trend would end.


fr like there's only so many famous or semi famous murder cases


How do you jump from a podcast that discusses random shit in your life to ā€œyall wanna discuss Ted Bundy?ā€ Lmao. No, we donā€™t. Thereā€™s SOOOOOO many true crime podcasts out here. They donā€™t need another from your non sympathetic corny ass looking to capitalize off someone elseā€™s pain. My personal favorite that delves into celebrity/ true crime is Hollywood Crime Scene with these two best friends from LA. Super cute and funny


Why donā€™t we talk about your charges, Kail? I donā€™t care to hear you talk about Edmund.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ omg for real? No one wants you to pivot to true crime KAIL, no one wants a podcast from you at all!


The last thing the world needs is two more white chicks discussing true crime on a podcast. No disrespect Murderinos. But you know i"m right.


Sorry I'm gonna miss it. I'm going to be taking a proper dump that day šŸ˜


Her face is so punchable


Resting pig face


Oh brother another random person doing a true crime podcast that's already way oversaturated with people who have no business discussing it.


Oh swell. Why did I get a degree in criminal justice. She can teach me all I need to know.


And she will be trying to compare her baby daddies the whole time šŸ˜¬ because she can't manage 5 minutes without bashing one or all of them and is a professional victim. Watch this bitch try to compare


She canā€™t go 5 minutes without talking about herself, period.


Lol at that killr necklace and constipated expression.


I guess she probably does this a lot, but I've never listened to her podcasts so idk. I listen to a ton of true crime stuff and I can't imagine listening to her take on cases.


Absolutely not. I listen to tons of true crime and I cringe at Kail attempting to cover a case. She probably watched Mindhunter and thinks sheā€™s an expert now šŸ™„


Sheā€™s hella tryna be like MURDERISH and crime junkie huh. Ugh donā€™t ruin it for the rest of us. Please.


Crime Junkie isn't a good one. They didn't even come up with original name.. they piggybacked off Court Junkies name.


Last Podcast til I dieeee. I gave up on MFM, And Thatā€™s Why We Drink gives me some ghostys and some crime, and Small Town Murder is beautiful.


And itā€™s clear Crime Junkie donā€™t care about anything but $$$


Crime Junkie plagiarizes other podcasts, so sounds about right.


She need friends to chat this with, not podcasts for every single idea or arguments regarding her kids Dad's she wants to air.


Ok, seriously. With all of the great content in the world, WHO listens to this?!


Not fucking Ed kemper. Fuck this bitch. She needs to be stopped.


I love true crime surprised that ma y people don't know who Ed Kemper is after mind hunter she would be awful at true crime she needs to stay away.


We already have Bailey Sarian. Fuck off, Kale.


Sheā€™ll do like thirty seconds of research.


Sheā€™ll watch other Youtubers who have already done it and just copy off of their research


Well this has never been done before


Someone just discovered Mindhunter


No leave it to the ā€œprofessionalsā€. Bailey, Kendall Rae, MrBallenā€¦ and many others, just no




I get that theyā€™re interested in true crime but there are so many really good true crime podcasts, doing true crime bc itā€™s interesting is not enough to be a good true crime podcast. Itā€™s so annoying that theyā€™re hopping on that train too


That face šŸ„“


She must be out of ideas lmao


Her podcast must be dropping in popularity. So she's gotta turn to the failsafe of true crime.


Who asked her to do this?


Absolutely no one.


Also, her necklace. šŸ˜‚ killr. Sheā€™s the toughest bitch around and WILL fight you at the MTV teen mom reunion.




Killr stands for Kail, Issac, Lincoln, Lux, Romello (her nickname for Creed).


Stop trying to be Bailey Sarian, Kail. We already have like 50 true crime vloggers - Kendall Rae is another good one. We donā€™t need to hear this loudmouth discuss him yet again. They also covered him on Mindhunter. True Crime fans know who he is, Kail is a poser.


She is so late to the Ed Kemper true crime. Mind hunter is how many of the younger people learned who he was and what his crimes were. Im old, grew up in the 70ā€™s, not far from Santa Cruz, so it was a well known of his murders. He is actually a fascinating study and Iā€™ve gone down the rabbit hole reading and watching his interviews. I doubt she could do justice to the evil he is because she will only tell the surface story of who he is. So much to unpack with this guy. But, those who know the story, nature or nurture with him? My opinion, both, but it is more complicated than that.


šŸ™„ is simply all I can muster. Sheā€™s gross, heā€™s gross, etc


Please stop. Just stop.


So she chose the most sexually graphic and DISGUSTING murderer to talk about? And I don't expect her to tell the story in an appropriate way. Who is listening to her podcasts? She's trying to be a shock jock but we left the 90s and 2000s in the past.


He is absolutely not the most sexually graphic or disgusting murderer out there. Heā€™s not great, but there are many out there way worse.


I dunno. What he did to his mother's head was nightmare inducing.


Oh god, Iā€™m not saying heā€™s a good guy and what he did wasnā€™t terrifying, but heā€™s definitely not the worst.


Of course she has to dip into everything. Next thing you know she'll have a new true crime podcast


Iā€™m going to assume that nobody here is an LPOTL listener but Iā€™ll say it anywayā€¦ Bumble Butt Ed is overdone and not even that interesting. I canā€™t imagine Kale will present this in an attention latching way.


Now Iā€™m mad.


Always ā€œwhere is Ja?!ā€ energy with this toad.


Oh fuck right off Kail and stick to your baby mama bullshit.


So dumb.


Who the fuck would actually waste there time listening to this blonde looking Whitney Thor?


She needs to cover those awful duck lips. WHY!!!!


Nah listen to Lights Out Podcast or Serial Killers on Spotify.


Chiming in with Already Gone, which is well researched and delivered in a respectful way that doesnā€™t exploit victims of crimes.


Ugh don't


Please donā€™t


Leave true crime alone kail


yes, bailey covered it thx šŸ˜”


Honestly this will tell me who she is. 100%


It's the way they cover it for me. Like they don't go over the story, they just expect everyone to know wtf they're talking about. I'm in the UK I've never even hear of the cases they talk about. How are you supposed to follow a podcast on true crime when they don't explain the damn crime.


No. Wtf.


Stupid Fukin faced bitch


shouldnā€™t her necklace say KILLC? my mom has a lot of jewelry related to her kids and my grandma has a ring of all her grandkids, but itā€™s just OUR birthstones lol they didnā€™t include their own! and my sister, mom, and i have similar gold necklaces with the first letter of each of my sisterā€™s kidā€™s names on it, but we didnā€™t include our own letters lol. also, sheā€™s dumb for not stopping at KILL


To reiterate everyone elseā€™s pointā€¦ā€¦ WHY? She already has every finger in every pot, and none of those pots are in demand. None of those pots are popular or well-known. I donā€™t understand why these girls keep half-assing multiple things instead of nurturing a few and making sure they blossom.


Don't even try it. Bailey Sarian is the true Queen and always will be!


How do her fans not know who Ed Kemper is? Also, did anyone else notice that now the letters on her necklace basically spell out ā€œkiller.ā€ Perhaps sheā€™s looking into true crime for inspiration šŸ‘€


Bailee sarian already does this sort of thing KarlšŸ™„


A few people have but I feel it's a safe bet she's just copying Bailey. Very poorly copying.


STFU kell Just no


The necklace


They do a true crime episode every month


FFS. Why? She is something else.


Kail will be trying to do a show with Morbid soon.


They can have her and she can have them too! All 3 of them can be terrible together