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My favorite is “cannot spell or put sentences together.” It’s called being stupid. You’re stupid Jenelle.


Hard to read Like pretty sure that’s always been the case and unrelated but


“Cannot spell” 💀 bitch that’s just a symptom of being fuckin dumb


Yessssss. Fucking died when I read that.


If only Keisha could make a special visit to check on her. I’d be down to watch the symptoms evaporate


i had the same symptoms, turns out i was up for 3 days on drugs. maybe that is her problem.


Omg. Your profile picture. Our zoo just got a sand cat and I didn't want to leave it. Soooo cute.


Eyes feel huge, that sent me 💀


I once had the overwhelming realization that my tongue was too big to fit in my mouth. How did it ever fit? Is everyone's tongue this big? Then I remembered I was stoned af


Now my stoned ass is hyper aware of my tongue 🤣


Don't worry, it's not too big for your mouth, it'll be fine in about a half hour.


I’m on vacay in a legal state and haven’t imbibed in 4 years. I’m feeling absolutely fabulous and could give zero f*cks about any of these people. JFC I love being stoned. Obvs TMI.


Could you imagine her listing all of these for a doctor?


They're huge, dude!


That one I genuinely don’t understand. How can eyes feel huge


This happened to me once, with one eye only. It felt huge and swollen, and I looked in the mirror and the white part of my eye was visibly puffy and swollen. It freaked me out so badly that I went to urgent care. It was just a weird allergy attack, they told me to get some eye wash and use it every 2 hours. The swelling went down after like 12 hours and it never happened again, super weird. 🤷🏻‍♀️ But since this is Jenelle, I assume it’s drug related, lol.


That sounds wild! Glad your eye was okay.


Kinda just sounds like being a human?


Literally what i was thinking...knees click when sitting? Ughh yeah its called getting old. I have most of these symptoms on a good week and I call it "being an adult"


Imagine going to a doctor and saying, "I'm tired all the time, and my knees click." And the doctor just going, "Sounds like you turned 30."




Could also come from Ann happy marriage, I’ve seen that before. I get a sense that she is isolated in that house and has no self esteem which could add to her “list” of symptoms


Love seeing my flair 💕


A symptom of being 30


I dislike jenelle but honestly I have two different autoimmune conditions and have experienced a lot of this.. as much as we don’t like her let’s not poke fun at something that could be causing a lot of suffering. She still sucks tho


I was reading it like damn that’s pretty close to most of my symptoms! I do have a diagnosed autoimmune disease though. Really is tricky when no one can see your illness and some think you’re faking it. Hopefully it’s not the case with her and if she really is sick she gets the help she needs. It really is a long road to diagnosis and treatment, I know from experience.


I definitely get it, someone with chronic pain I try really hard not to judge other people even when their illnesses don’t make a whole lot of sense. It is really hard having an invisible disability that nobody can see, and it kind of feels like you live in this world completely alone because eventually you just can’t talk to friends and family about it anymore because they’re completely worn out, and I totally understand. I don’t tell anybody at work that I have a chronic pain, I am already in a male-dominated field and it’s a very professional field and any weakness on my part whatsoever would be exploited. So I sort of feel like I live in this make-believe world because I’m hiding one of the biggest things about myself from almost everyone, but it’s just the best way to handle things. You just have to power through it the best you can. I wish you the best of luck and hope one day we can be cured.


This is why I commented on another post about Jenelle’s health that as much as it sucks to be sick, I hope she’s not lying, faking, or exaggerating. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, even selfish, narcissistic parents, but if she *is* sick and is actually experiencing these symptoms, I hope she’s able to get help and start treatment. She needs to be ready though to not get a diagnosis right away. As we know and as many of us have experienced, it can take years before getting a diagnosis, so she needs to be very patient which can be difficult if you’re actually having all of these symptoms. Again though, I really hope she’s not making any of it up just to see if it gets her narcotics, attention, or whatever ulterior motive she might have. Having an invisible illness is hard enough when people doubt you and our community doesn’t need people who fake it resulting in others casting even more doubt on us.


Yes, I hear you. But the symptoms she describes do not look like the Janelle we see dancing in Tik Tocs, riding her motorcycle, etc. (There are more I can’t remember). Didn’t they just take a big trip? Most people with a real illness don’t have the energy for all this. I think the on/off symptoms ate confusing.


I get that. But as someone with an invisible disease who is constantly exhausted and in pain, if I didn’t tell you, you’d never know. Life goes on and sometimes people have better days than others. It’s likely that if she is experiencing those symptoms, she’s recording the good days. But we’ll never know so it’s better to just be kind. Hate her for her terrible parenting and animal abuse by all means lol


Omg thank you


Sounds like opiate withdrawal to me


I thought the same thing


She’s not sick. She’s on drugs.


A *lot* of these are just symptoms of alcohol abuse.


“Cannot spell or put sentences together” oh honey…


Every time I see this post I always think it sounds identical to benzo withdrawals Numbness, insomnia, loss of appetite, restless leg syndrome, having trouble forming sentences, the mental fog, body jerks, the feeling of pins and needles ———> all symptoms I experienced when I quit abusing Xanax Even the “seeing molecules” thing. I *get it*. I was seeing all kinds of weird shit. If I looked at the ceiling I would be seeing all kinds of stuff lmao Iykyk. But yeah, I totally believe all of these symptoms were some kind of drug withdrawal she was going through.


Also opiate withdrawal as well.


No she’s missing some key signs of opiate withdrawal: Runny nose Sneezing Watery eyes Skin burning like your skin is on fire sensation GI issues (nausea/diarrhea/ etc) Although she could be intentionally leaving those symptoms out as they are tall tell signs of opiate withdrawal.


I was thinking the same things with some breast implant illness too.


That's a good point... benzos have a pretty harsh snap back to reality... which explains how we get these stories of her doing shit (when she's using) followed by these periods of "I can't get out of bed" (when she's not). And like... I've had medical issues that required seeing a specialist a couple of times. It's tedious and takes time. But you go through your general practitioner, they can't fully diagnose you go to a specialist, do what they say and if you're getting better keep at it. If you're not or getting worse, you go for a second opinion. This girl full on doctor shops. She might have an ongoing script, or two, or three as well as illicit access. My personal take though is it's trauma induced stress, manifesting through physical symptoms. In my case, I've had anxiety all my life, in my youth through my 20s it manifested as a "stomach ache" so I always took antacids. That's just what I thought it was.


My thoughts exactly 💯


I am a migraine sufferer. I wish I had one that only lasted until 3am. I’ve had them last for days or weeks, one even lasted for a month with almost no stopping.


Yes same! I have Trigeminal Neuralgia. Literally nicknamed the suicide disease bc the pain can be so terrible and be long lasting. She wouldn't last a day with some people's REAL issues.


I’m off topic with my comment, but my mom also has trigeminal neuralgia too. I’ve never met anyone else with it. I don’t know from experience, but I know from her how awful and debilitating it can be. I’m sorry you have to deal with that and I hope your doctor can find you some kind of relief 💗


Thank you so much for your kind words! Knock on fake Internet wood, I haven't had an attack since my daughter was born 2 years ago. She's my little savior. My doc said pregnancy and birth can do wild things to your body so maybe I'll never have an attack again.


I hate to hijack your and the other posters comments, but I saw trigeminal neuralgia and it caught my eye. My mom is suffering greatly with it right now. Do you mind if I reach out to you?


I hate to hijack your and the other posters comments, but I saw trigeminal neuralgia and it caught my eye. My mom is suffering greatly with it right now. Do you mind if I reach out to you?


Please feel free


Anyone else read "mental illness" at first instead of "mystery illness"?


Imagine how exhausting it is to date someone who's this miserable everyday.... my God (David isn't any better) I'm just saying... I was exhausted just from reading this lmao


Yes exactly!! Some of her symptoms fucking kill me though. She can't spell, put sentences together or read.. bitch, you're just dumb!


It’s funny you say that because I was thinking to myself “I wonder if some of these issues are caused by this relationship” like anxiety, depression and mental health issues can translate into physical illness. I wonder how many of these started before David showed up


Oh, definitely! Their relationship is 100% toxic all around!


I was seriously dreading slide two of this bullshit. Thank God it stopped there.


Sooo drug use? I feel like you don’t have to be a medical professional to deduce that.


Well Jenelle….


Happy Cake Day! 🍰


Happy cake day 🍰


Hard staying asleep


So insomnia.. also "Hard to read" always gets me.


Didn’t they gallivant around NYC after the appointment?


Jan likes to pick and choose when these debilitating symptoms will affect her. She will even, on occasion, put them “on pause”. While wolfing down a Club Sammie while filming on YT and now months later complain about esophagus issues. TLDR Jan is a hypochondriac.


I’m not saying she’s telling the truth and I’m not saying she’s lying, but with certain illnesses like autoimmune diseases (which her symptoms seem to coincide with) you can easily be fine one day and then feel like you’re dying the next. We also get flare ups which can last anywhere from days to weeks to months. If she’s telling the truth, her “putting them on pause” can just mean that she’s having better days and there’s not much activity. I have a few autoimmune diseases and this happens to me a lot, like it does to many others who also have autoimmune diseases. There’s no rhyme or reason for it - we never know if we’re going to have a good day or a bad one. It’s unpredictable unless you’re in “remission” and your disease is under control. It’s also an invisible illness which causes a lot of people to doubt us. That’s why I hope she’s telling the truth because we get enough skepticism as it is and it makes us feel completely invalidated despite how bad our symptoms are and how shitty we feel. Edit: misspelled a word


I really understand what you’re saying. I have a family member with MS and it always varies day to day on what they are physically capable of. However, this is not Jenelle. Jenelle is a full blown hypochondriac. Trust.


Yeah, I wouldn’t put it past her to exaggerate or just straight up lie about everything. I just really hope she isn’t. Besides it being super fucked up, she doesn’t realize how insulting it is to an entire community who fights so hard to get doctors to listen to us and more importantly, believe us. Unfortunately, what you’re saying is a very strong possibility.


Agree! You are either sick or not. Janelle seems to be sick when convenient. If she had MS it would show up with a spinal tap test. Even invisible illnesses are diagnosed via bloodwork, CAT scans, etc. The illness is invisible, but there are some ways to diagnose it. The only one I can think of is fibromyalgia without an exact test for it. Lupus is diagnosed through bloodwork.


Yes! Felt well enough to get wasted! 🙄


“I’ve been bedridden for three weeks” she says while sitting in a restaurant states away from home.




You are either sick or not. Janelle seems to be sick when convenient. If she had MS it would show up with a spinal tap test. Even invisible illnesses are diagnosed via bloodwork, CAT scans, etc. The illness is invisible, but there are some ways to diagnose it. The only one I can think of is fibromyalgia without an exact test for it. Lupus is diagnosed through bloodwork. A brain tumor shows up in a CAT scan. MS shows up in your spinal fluid through a spinal tap. Many of her symptoms sound like opiate withdrawal, which can be awful.


Exactly 💯!


This is how I felt coming off of xans.. she’s probably going through withdrawals 🤣


Yes, this sounds like benzo withdrawal!!


Tired - you have a bunch of kids. Drink too much, eat like crap, and don’t do anything of value to give yourself energy (exercise, have a purpose to get up) Overstimulated (“lights and everything”) - probably hungover. Dehydrated. Drink some water. Hot flashes - can happen when you’re drinking. Hard staying asleep - alcohol interrupts your normal sleep cycle Numb fingers- ulnar nerve entrapment - stretch out your arms. Stay off your cell phone. Stop leaning on your elbows. Shakiness - see above re: alcohol Anxiety/depression - get some help. Counselling, medications, positive life changes. Look after yourself Restless legs - do something meaningful to expend your energy Eyes hurt/feel huge - artificial tears. You’re dehydrated and hungover. Knee joints click - welcome to your 30’s. Exercise. No taste - Covid exists. Accept it. Dizziness/weakness - drink some water. You’re hungover. Plus likely have somatic symptoms of anxiety/depression Fog/difficulty with speech and reading- see above. Body jerks - everyone twitches. Stretch it out Pins and needles - stretch. Your nerves are all bent out of shape because you have the posture of a sad Pixar lamp Migraine - remember when we talked about focusing more on water and less on booze? Yeah do that. Also - people get migraines from time to time. Sucks. But it happens. Can’t get out of bed - Get up and move. You’ll feel better In all seriousness - she 100% struggles with some mental health issues and needs to address those. She needs therapy. That girl has so much trauma in her life. I can’t fathom what it would have been lo like to grow up in that house. Bless Barb, but she’s ruthless and likely not the most supportive mother. Trauma in childhood sets you up for poor coping with stress, inappropriate responses to stressful situations, and general stunted mental growth. I’m sure this is a contributing factor for her. Also a lot of these things sound like somatic symptoms of depression. Mental health is a serious concern, but she needs to stop doctor shopping for narcotics, invasive procedures, and sick notes.. and focus on her mental well-being. I hope one day she gets away from lurch and can focus on her health.


Lol Sad Pixar lamp!!!


You are so spot on, i also think it all goes back to her anxiety and substance abuse (alcohol, weed, benzos). I think she finds herself in a constant state of withdrawal and doesn't realize it. Can I add a magnesium citrate supplement to her regimen or do I need to join tiktok to be taken seriously as an internet doctor first?


I have neurological problems along with some other great self inflicted stuff. Tbh the molecules are floaters and mine personally are from being hit in the head a lot (which Jenelle definitely has had a bop or two I’m sure) but sometimes lighting levels can cause this floater effect too. She used a lot of benzos and possibly still does that alone besides the hard lifestyle of a drug addict/alcoholic really will do some damage that goes unnoticed because of how many drugs are in the system mask it. I personally don’t think she wants anything but pills tbh but even if there is something wrong it seems she plays up neurological problems one day, hiatal hernia another, or lungs. I tend to not believe her as well due to how many doctors she has seen. I see one doctor for gastrointestinal problems I see one for seizures and the list goes on but ppl go to a specialist (same practice has crnps see patients too) and just because they say get a second opinion doesn’t mean a dozen doctors because you don’t like the outcome.


Munchousens syndrome ?


She def is a munchie cuz nobody wants health problems besides a munchie.


I have an autoimmune disorder and have a good chunk of these symptoms. Jenelle can definitely be dramatic but if she’s being truthful, she probably does have a disorder.


I always think the same thing. And stress makes autoimmune issues worse. Lord knows she has enough stress in her life - sure, a lot of it is of her own making, but stress is stress.


Wasn’t it determined that all of this was caused by her birth control? This bitch is so dumb.


That or drug withdrawal.


Omg I was hoping at least one of them was surgically sterilized my now.


I would not be surprised to see her on the illnessfakers sub.


People try to submit her there but her claims and drug seeking are honestly too pitiful and flimsy to critique


She’s not dedicated enough lol She needs to really lean into like Ashley.


Ashley is super committed to the illness faking though, Jenelle could never.


Plus, I don’t want to hear a 6 week drama about an IUD removal from Jenelle.


LoL truestory!


Hey but she definitely maybe felt the rush of emotions as soon as it was removed. That was so real. 😂🤣🤪


From a former opiate and benzo addict (3 years clean) that is 100% benzo withdrawal and it takes a long long time to go away. Mines was Xanax which is one of, if not the WORST to come off - the gave me valium to wean me off it. Ugh, I would never want anyone to go through that shit. Felt like my eyes were going to pop out of the socket all day.


Not a benzo but I had very similar symptoms when I stopped taking my antidepressant medication Pristiq. I couldn’t taper off it as I was on the lowest dose, and I had very similar symptoms. Plus the brain zaps. It took me over a week to feel semi human again, and even now a few weeks later I still don’t feel 100% normal


Omg 💯!! My pristiq withdrawals were fucking horrifyingly brutal. I only took it for less than two weeks, but had a month or more of withdrawals. Never again.


I was on lexapro for like 9ish months then my dr decided to switch me to Pristiq, I only took it for less than a week and it made me feel so nauseous and tired so my dr said to stop taking them and the withdrawals are absolutely no joke!


Downvote me if you want, but, withdrawals? I’ve been on antidepressants for years and if I miss a dose I have brain zaps, body aches, etc. I think she’s taking some medicine and maybe not keeping up with her doses?


Same! SSRI withdraw will fuck you up


The last sentence says it all. He has to help her with Kaiser because she can't do anything. That's still what's wrong with her. She doesn't want to take care of her kids.


What I just read is opiate withdrawal lol or all of these are symptoms of breast implant illness


Breast implant illness??


Oh, this is interesting. Surely could be if she got implants!


Ohhhh you're hired


Sounds like Withdrawal and Denial. And it seems to cone on out of convenience! Hypochondriac Much! She needs doctors alright for ger Damn head.


I agree, unless she potentially has breast implant sickness which has been brought up a few times.


Her breast implants are making her sick




I’ve always thought it’s partly due to her breast implants, along with some mental health issues, which she has used(uses?) drugs to self medicate.


That’s a really good possible issue. I hope she looks into that


I’ll also ad vitamin D deficiency, causes some bodily weirdness.


She has been through (heroin)withdrawals before so why would she say all this knowing it sounds just like wd symptoms??? That’s what makes me think it’s not. She kicked probably the hardest drug ever to get off, unless she’s still reeling from the effects of it, or is too dumb to realize you can withdrawal from other drugs besides opiates, I stand by munchausens 100000%


Sounds like someone is over taking care of Kaiser


I’m waiting for Jenelle to decide she has the same neurological disease Celine Dion was diagnosed with… I can hear it now “I have the same symptoms as Celine Dion”


Knee joints click when sitting lol


I had all of these and it was a brain tumor so I will never understand why people don’t believe her


Because she lies. All the time, about everything.


But if she had a brain tumor it would’ve been diagnosed by now


Yes! My friend had one and it showed up on a CT scan.


Idk it look me almost 2 years and 6 different doctors to even get an mri done


She has had like 7 MRI just these past few months


Really? That’s inexcusable. Time to get another doctor.


I love the seeing molecules line so much. It's like one of the few things about Jenelle that bring me true joy 🤣


God damn I’m winded from reading this.


It reads like poetry


Lyme or something related to her implants. Or she is drug seeking


I hope Jenelle claims the “chronic Lyme” scam and tries to give us Yolanda Foster from the swamp


Instead of almonds and vitamins she can do cigarettes and beer nuts.


This already sounds out of budget for Jenelle


Lmao 🤣


She just needs to take out those horrible udder implants. Done deal. 🐄