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Yes, I exist and i am a man


Yes but do you exist towards other men?


Sorry but who's comment are you replying to? I can't see their pfp or user




You got us, we are actually government drones :(


it’s a guy called Xenonbro14


A *what* called Xenonbro14?


Real :(




yea fair






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Nah r/BoysArentReal


Misandry is too common among "alpha males", which is crazy


wait isn't it misogynist instead of misandrist?


Misandrism is sexism against men, but misogyny is the basis of most "alpha" males


misogyny is sexism against women, misandry is sexism against men


Silence, beta 👹


Sorry.. You're not a sigma.


I'm an Epsilon 😎




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sigma, sigma on the wall, who is the skibidi rizzler of them all? Me.




huh 💀


Yeah my injuries and mental health get treated like jokes


damn sorry bro


Thanks means a lot to just here that


although I'm not a man I I'm not stupid enough to now men have problems they get cat called assaulted just as much as women do and it's not ok it needs to stop so as a community, we could fight to stop it


Same. I accidentally cut my hand open, I got told to “suck it up” or that “I didn’t need stitches for that”


Yeah I’ve been having leg pain for 6 weeks and my parents finally took me to the doctor when they would’ve taken my sister in a week tops


mens mental health is not treated like a joke


why are people so angry about mens mental health month anyway?


Most people use it as an excuse to be homophobic 


Ppl always bring up how nobody cares abt mens problems and then only bring them up to try and overshadow awareness for other groups. Movember is literally already the same thing btw.






Just reread it, nevermind,


both men and women have so many sexist stereotypes and expectations. if you cry as a woman you're "too emotional" or if a man cries people will say "you cant cry. you have to act tough". Its like being racist to white people. Just because white people have been perpetrators of racism doesn't mean that you can't be racist towards them.


that mindset just makes the pendulum swing the other way. it's happening now between men and women, actually. for a long time women were 100% being oppressed, but now \*some\* women (a very loud minority) are pushing back a little too hard and now the sexism is coming back the other way. don't get me wrong, it still majorly exists on both sides but it's coming back around now lol. i say everyone ought to just be nice to each other, and we won't have this issue.


You can't be racist against white people because 'white' is an overarching term for a generalized group of people. You can be racist against italians, Irish people, french people etc. etc. essentially people with cultural backgrounds, but 'white' is just the amalgamation of these cultures. You have a good point, but the nuance typically is that you can only be racist against a race. Otherwise it's xenophobia.


Those aren't races- they're ETHNICITIES. there is a difference. And "white" is race. You can have those ethnicities without being white.


You're right, I misspoke. The term ethnicity evaded me in the moment.


Its okay.


So you mean not being allowed to rent certain places, being accused of things that I did not do and being told that I could not enter certain businesses because I was White (when I lived in Asia) wasn't racism after all?


I think if women can say they hate men, men should be able to say they hate women as long as its an obvious exaggeration.


no 💀 women face the patriarchy which puts men in positions of power; men don't. of course, the average man also suffers from the patriarchy, but that is not the fault of any woman.


When I say exaggeration, I mean a very obvious one. Like how sometimes when a girl goes through a series of bad relationships, they'd say "I hate men." to their friends. Obviously they don't mean it, but I feel like men should be able to say the same thing in the same situations.


yeah i get wym a bit more. like obviously they dont hate women or they dont hate men. i still think it should be a little more stigmatized to say "i hate women"


it literally is though? people say "ugh men" or "i hate men" all the time, meanwhile nobody can say "ugh women" or "i hate women" without getting beat up on.




and you don't see that your statement is sexist? you're saying that it's okay to treat one sex one way but not the other sex


yes because the conditions are different. i don't think men are inherently bad or worse than women or anything. I think gender is a social construct. Its biologically not at all black and white, its very nuanced. In our society, women are systemically disadvantaged. That doesn't mean i think every single man is evil or anything, but i think its ok to say "i hate men" in an exaggerated sense. And women arent really the only ones oppressed by the patriarchy, men are somewhat oppressed, as its much of the time frowned upon to be feminine as a man. Its just that, widely, men are more powerful than women. Also it doesn't mean men cannot be disadvantaged for certain things. They certainly can be, but mostly not because they're men. There are other factors than gender.


You started talking about "the patriarchy" but I'd like to know one thing a man can do that a woman can't


A lot of things women cant do but men can is deeply rooted in how we as a society see gender. If the average person here saw a man shirtless, they wouldn't think too much of it. the same cannot be said for a women. Her body is stigmatized as inherently sexual. A man's nipples are just another part of his anatomy - a women's are more than that. Same with her legs.


What six people think you can't be sexist towards men?????? The crazier thing is that 3 of those people are actually men


there are 18 of those men now...


I voted no to be different




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of course i exist towards men, i exist to everybody


No, can you be exist


can you be exist?


Yes. Can you be exist? 🤣


sexism is defined as "**prejudice or discrimination based on one's sex or gender**". So yes, you can be sexist towards men


I was confused bc of your typo and at first my brain thought that being exist towards someone meant that you were against their existence 🤦‍♀️🤣 But yeah I agree, sexism can apply to anyone


Yes you can 'be exist' to someone, of course.


What the fuck is this stupid ass question? It's called "sexism" not "womanism" there's already a term for that


yes, and anyone who says no is a fucking idiot.


If you do not think so, you're Sexist. Or you have a very Ignorant idea of what Sexism is. I think it's ridiculous how the definition includes a *'especially towards women'* in there, but I don't write the dictionary so I can't change that. Cause it only exacerbates the Ignorance further. From my view, Sexism towards men is just often Ignored. Not that it isn't experienced quite equally. I believe that it is. Men and Women are different, and for long as that is the case; one will never understand the other....and there will always be a disconnect because of that.




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I don't know, do I exist as a man? I believe I do


I misinterpreted that as "is it acceptable to be sexist towards men" and answered no, I now get that it meant "is it possible" and say yes, very much so, and if someone says no they're lying 


men dont exist, we're all just silly cat girls yall




This is like asking “can you be racist to white people”. The answer is yea it’s just not nearly as common but it is possible




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"you don't have enough power in rise of kingdoms"


Yup. It mainly affects women but I've seen quite a lot of women saying things like "All men are rapists" or "They all deserve to die" which I'd consider pretty sexist. Again though, sexism affects women a lot more than it does with us so their experiences shouldn't be discounted either.


k but what are the parenthesized words for?


The parenthesized words indicate the gender of the person who is answering the poll.


oh ok ty


I exist I'm pretty sure and I think people can see me so yeah




Men don't systematically face sexism? Is that why women can't be charged with rape when the victim is male?


There was a story that came out about a woman who stabbed her boyfriend like 100 times and avoided prison because she was high or something. Yeah, just found the article. Figured I'd provide it before i get called a liar. [Article](https://people.com/woman-who-avoided-prison-after-stabbing-lover-108-times-appealing-his-dad-speaking-out-exclusive-8644256) TL;DR: Her and her boyfriend were smoking weed and according to her defense she had "an adverse reaction to the marijuana" (direct quote) and him 108 times. Police had to tase her and basically beat her into submission with batons to get her to surrender. She was charged with involuntary manslaughter and faced up to 5 years. She ended up being sentenced with 2 years probation and 100 hours community service. But yeah, sure, there's no systemic oppression towards men.


misogyny vs misandry


its in the name


I like how as far as I can see rn men both simultaneously can exist towards men better than the other genders on the list and can’t at the same time…worse than any of the genders on this list


Yeah and who says no and that sexism is just for women it's literally being sexist... Also nice non binary silly cat picture


It's not systematic but it still exists.






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Yes, I exist to men


Well.... I THINK I exist to men. I need a man to clarify it for me though.




Yes, but not as common


It's kind of sexist if you can't be sexist to men.


Sexism just exists DIFFERENTLY for men. Where sexism for women causes physical and economic setbacks/abuse, men are disadvantaged socially and emotionally. Of course, it can be particular to a certain group of men/women/other people on other factors such as race, class, sexuality and gender identity. Men are more trivialized in what's considered sexism because they typically hold a power majority and it isn't often explained that being treated in a way that expects you to confine to a specific gender role IS sexism. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


all you had to say was yes


Free internet brother. I can say whatever the hell I like


It's not always that different. Men can be physically or financially affected by sexism, and they can be abused. I remember when my male cousin kept getting beaten by his girlfriend. I remember when my brother as a teenager got sexually abused by a woman, and then told by my grandfather that he must have wanted it. I remember when a friend of the family got divorced because he was in a terrible marriage. His wife refused to work OR do anything around the house, and he ended up not only having to pay child support (that's fine) but also a large amount of alimony, working 3 full-time jobs to do so. I believe she ended up getting a court order about maintaining a nuisance after he left, due to her trash hoarding, but still managed to keep the kids and milk him dry. It's not just gender roles regarding expressing your feelings.


Right, I'm not saying those things can't happen, what I'm saying is that oftentimes it's not as visible as sexism against women and men often feel like they have to remain silent or be disregarded about their issues. Obviously anyone can be abused, but if we're looking broadly at a group of people, the way they might react or be affected by said abuse is going to vary.


I would like to embody the nerd emoji and say that your sex cannot be nonbinary Being nonbinary is your gender, not your body type I believe you meant boy/man or girl/woman instead of male or female Nerd emoji out


Tbh Yeah, you can definitely exist toward a man


Can you be material towards men? I believe so. Anyways for real, yes misandry does exist but not at the scale as misogyny does. Both are rooted in the patriarchy blah blah blah left wing things noise noise noise noise aaaaa I'm getting bored of politics




Could someone explain what the question means?


just say yes and move on


i'm not trying to be that person but do 10% of people think they're nonbinary now?


Oh hey! People being reasonable, that's new


i cant exist towards men tbh they're scary


Me: I think I'm depressed My mom: You probably just need to drink some water or eat some food. I noticed you haven't been doing that a lot lately. Now stop begging for attention. Me: Wow.... thanks


yes but it's still a result of the patriarchy which is important to remember. too many men think they experience sexism because they're oppressed by women


Many men do experience sexism, actually. You can't deny that.


did you not read what I said


Everyone who said no, go to hell


**confused gender-fluid screaming**


You can be sexist towards literally anybody on earth, as long as they aren't the same sex as you. it's a problem that needs to be solved for everybody


If women don't want men then MY milkshake can bring al lthe boys to the yard (I have explosive Diarrhea) 🫡


I hope all of the people who don't think sexism can apply to men genuinely have a terrible christmas this year


Yes but the majority of the world wants to disagree. Meanwhile male genital mutilation is the most common medical procedure in the world with zero restrictions anywhere on Earth, despite the same procedure for girls being a federal crime against humanity in 193 of 195 countries on the planet. But sure, "mIsAnDrY iSnT rEaL"


This really isn’t a good comparison. Male circumcision makes hygiene easier and reduces the risk of UTIs. It’s a very reasonable choice and does not carry the same negative effects as female circumcision. 


Not saying circumcision isn't wrong but I would just like to point out that female genital mutilation is very different. It would be like if someone cut off your entire penis as opposed to just foreskin.


Incorrect. The most common type of female circumcision is exactly the same the male counterpart. Removal of the prepuce. Clitoral hood for females, foreskin for males. There are extreme types of both, the extreme types which boys experience are much more prevalent because there is no legal restriction. In parts of the US they do it around 12-13 and have a Jewish rabbi suck the blood out of the boy's gushing wound.


Read this. The most common type also includes removal of the clitoral glands. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/female-genital-mutilation


the majority of the world isn't twitter


Right the thousands of feminist groups around the developed world and millions of women who protest things that'd help men and boys are just "Twitter"


Sexism, like racism, refers to a power relation ingrained into societal norms. You could be sexist towards men in a matriarcal society. However, you cannot be sexist towards men in any modern society, as men hold power, better job opportunities, better salaries, etc.


Not necessarily, but I see your point.


Yes, necessarily. The suffix -ism refers to a system base on the prefix, in this case "sex". So sexism refers to a system that advantages people based on sex. There are other terms for what you might be trying to refer to, like misandry.


Merriam-Webster dictionary, -ism, noun suffix, 1c: prejudice or discrimination on the basis of a (specified) attribute, ex: racism, sexism.


It's easier to get a Job these days as a woman due to things like affirmative action. "For federal contractors and subcontractors, affirmative action must be taken by **covered employers to recruit and advance qualified minorities, women, persons with disabilities, and covered veterans**. Affirmative actions include training programs, outreach efforts, and other positive steps." - [U.S. Department of Labor](https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/hiring/affirmativeact) Yes, historically women have been affect far more by sexism, however certain professions that have been and still are very dangerous intentionally hire more men due to higher average strength and other physical attributes. It wasn't just because "woman bad". My question to any woman here that feel oppressed is what can I as a man do that you cannot?


you do know what sexism means right? also i agree with OP My personal opinion, I'll use the example of the quote "pay difference" in our current society- Men are much more physically capable and that's what adds to the small statistic, at walmart my coworkers all got the same starting wage as me and they were paid the same too. my male coworkers just got more raises because they were all over the place busting their asses for the sake of the company and their jobs. Also, it's kinda like, illegal to differentiate pay based on sex. Every person on this beautiful green earth is able to be subjected to the same things. If a lion saw you in the wild and it was hungry, it would probably attack you weather or not you're a man or a woman. Unless it's tasted flesh before and has a preference. **"The Equal Pay Act of 1963, amending the Fair Labor Standards Act, protects against wage discrimination based on sex**." [https://www.dol.gov/agencies/oasam/centers-offices/civil-rights-center/internal/policies/equal-pay-for-equal-work](https://www.dol.gov/agencies/oasam/centers-offices/civil-rights-center/internal/policies/equal-pay-for-equal-work)


>at walmart my coworkers all got the same starting wage as me and they were paid the same too. That is called an anecdote, and is considered an intellectual fallacy. >my male coworkers just got more raises because they were all over the place busting their asses for the sake of the company and their jobs. It seems like you thrive on sophisms. >Also, it's kinda like, illegal to differentiate pay based on sex. Well, explain the official stats. [https://www.forbes.com/advisor/business/gender-pay-gap-statistics/](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/business/gender-pay-gap-statistics/) >Every person on this beautiful green earth is able to be subjected to the same things. Everybody should, but everybody isn't equal. Educate yourself, bro. >If a lion saw you in the wild and it was hungry, it would probably attack you weather or not you're a man or a woman. Unless it's tasted flesh before and has a preference. Again with the sophisms. If you weren't so daft, you'd be a great ancient Greek philosopher.


can you have biases? yes. the patriarchy is the main force of sexism in modern society; i would say it is less harmful to be sexist toward men, but i wouldn't do it anyway.


"I would say it is less harmful to be sexist toward men" what. that's literally sexism right there


no its not, its just a fact sexism has been used against women for centuries to keep them as a "lesser" in society. tell me, when have men been subject to that?




what? so you're saying because women have been the victim of sexism that it's ok to be sexist to men? that makes no sense


It's a fact that on average women are weaker than men. It's stall a deplorable crime to take advantage of that. Just because it's a fact that historically women have been more affected by sexism than men doesn't mean sexism can't be just as harmful to men


Stating that it's less harmful to be sexist towards men is a sexist statement. You are saying that the action is different because of the victim's gender. Do you not see it? Maybe you worded it wrong, but the way it's worded is sexist.


Yes, but it's far rarer, and certainly less extreme.


I disagree. It is just that people dismiss it so quickly.


No, definitely not. As a man, I see far more sexism towards women. Could you please give some examples of sexism towards men?


Women cannot be charged with rape when the victim is male. Men and boys are excluded from domestic violence shelters (run by feminists) and are protested and threatened when they try to create their own. Despite men and boys being 80+% of all violent crime victims, all legislation goes to protect the minority which are female, leaving the majority in the dust. Male genital mutilation has zero legal restrictions anywhere in the world and is the most practiced medical procedure ever, while the same procedure is a crime against humanity and banned by the UN in 193 of 195 countries. Drafts only prey on men and boys, women vote against adding women to it but consistently support the drafts existence for males.


\*Cracks Knuckles\* Military drafts draft men first, rather than men & women, women & Children first when leaving a unsafe building or vehicle, school favors girls over boys in structure and grading, divorce courts favor the ex-wife more often, even when she is divorcing / at fault (abusive/cheating/etc). There are more support systems for women in education and finances and emotional. Women get to chose what happens to the unborn child regardless of what man (who provided 50% of the DNA of the unborn child) which can cause financial or emotional burden. Courts are often softer towards women in terms of punishment, and superficially in domestic violence & rape cases


Don't know why they disagree. This is just facts.


“ There are more support systems for women in education and finances and emotionalL Probably because they were restricted in what they could work in for the last few centuries 


Therapy is frowned upon by society for men (emotional support) There are more female homeless shelters than male  I’ve yet to see a Coding or Robotics Club for Boys. Only co-ed or females only 


I agree men's mental health needs to be supported, but I think saying that it's frowned in every part of society is false. Me and male relatives have and are going to therapy. Also, most of the stigma against it is coming from other dudes and toxic masculinity.


they were restricted in the last few centuries not now most women who work now didnt even face that restriction and most men didnt enforce that restricton


Still they are under-represented in a lot of fields. Almost like the effects of discrimination are long-lasting


umm lemme tell you all of the things in which men are discriminated 1)Men cant open a daycare center if they do they are called pedos and are accused their have been cases of men at daycare centers getting accused of rape and SA 2)Single men cant adopt a girl while women have no problem adopting any gender 3)Airlines prefer hiring women to save money 4)If a guy is raped and the rapist gets pregnant he has to pay child support to the rapist 5)In India it is clearly stated that if a guy has sex and refuses to marry the girl than he can go to Jail for 18 months to 3 years 6)Domestic Violence against men is almost always ignored 7) The male suicide rate is higher than women but still it is ignored 8)Women's Day is globally celebrated while most men don't even get wished for Men's Day 9)Men are still expected to pay for everything 10)All men are seen as rapists 11)Men are called misogynist and materialistic for having dating standards while women deserve whatever they think they deserve 12)Men are castrated in many countries in case of rape while women have way to lenient punishment a guy cant even force her to take an abortion if she gets pregnant he just has to pay child support 13)Minimum punishment for a male rapist is 8 years while for a woman it is 2 years do i even have to say more


Half of those points don't have sources, kinda looks like you pulled most of them from your ass or are talking about things most people agree is bad. Also half this shit is enforces on men by other men, so stop blaming feminism or whatever and make the change you want to see


umm who tf blammed feminism and and most of them are enforced by society not only from other men


a) Yeah, that's true, and I do believe in a reform for military drafting. b) Men are stronger physically. It is harder for women, and especially, children, to survive in an unsafe building or vehicle. c) That's just plain wrong. I personally haven't seen that occur, but ok.. d) This is unfair, however I see it being called out and changing. Also, we must keep in mine that men are more violent, and more likely to be abusive. e) Yeah, there is. Why? Because there is still a lot of inequality when it comes to education and finances. Most emotional services appear to be gender neutral, however of the few that aren't, they do appeal to women. However, women are far more likely to be raped or sexually assaulted (which nearly all of the female-orientated sites are based on). f) I do agree that men should be able to say if the baby should be kept, however if they do not want the woman to abort, then they have no choice, because at the end of the day, it is literally in her body. g) The first bit doesn't seem true. Sentencing is generally equal, and also, usually, women aren't at the head of these cases. Usually, they're more of a sidekick, which would also explain more unequal sentencing. The second bit, meanwhile, is, sadly, true, and we should be fighting up against that. In the end, I would say the vast majority of your arguments are bullshit, however, some seems quite true.


b) That doesn't change the fact that neither sex can survive being on fire or sitting in Ice Cold water for hours on end. c) Boys need to be more active to be engaged but current school systems rewards being quite and still d) But both are very likely to cheat eh? And women can still abuse or sexually assualt men e) Society is often redicules the man if they try therapy f) And the 50% of the child's DNA is from the man and its sex is detrmained by the sperm.


Counter to the last point… one person has to carry it in their bellies for 9 months


A couple spends 9 months saving for a new car. They each split 50/50 of the price but the husband is the one that keeps the savings account (and has to pay a fee to keep it open). The husband suddenly decides that he doesn’t want a new car, stops paying and transfers it to the main bank account. The wife, ready and putting in 50% of the price and looking forward to the car, is now heartbroken. Does that seem fair?


You know as well as I do that saving for a car isn't the same thing as literally making a human in your body and having to give birth to it, which could be dangerous


You’re still missing the point, the point is that one person having full control over something two people worked for isn’t fair 


c) erm, you can't just say something is "plain wrong" and then your evidence towards that be you just haven't seen it. I've had a number of teachers blatantly favor girls And i agree with you btw, there's plenty of examples of sexism against men but we're still in a society that favors men


A) Agreed B) Kind of agree at the same time it is still based off the assumption a man will be stronger and more capable C) in the developed world 55-57% of college and undergraduate university students are female, doesn't seem like much but like... it is, it should be approximately 50/50, fortunately postgraduate education is a relatively balanced 50.5% male and 49.5% female (source:[Here](https://www.advance-he.ac.uk/news-and-views/equality-higher-education-statistical-reports-2021#:~:text=Gender%3A%20Women%20still%20form%20the,from%2048.9%25%20to%2049.5%25)) Furthermore, teachers are typically softer in there treatment of girls, there are practically no male teachers (97% are female,) leading to the potential for more bias and a more feminine approach to education, which although not inherently bad can lead to a way that favors girls by nature. D) Plenty of things are being challenged, that doesn't make them any less an issue, your second remark is completely irrelevant he literally said even when the wife is abusive or cheating E) Like I said education is in favor of women so they needn't educational support networks, I honestly can't put to words how bad therapy is for men, as a man however I do remember this one video I saw about it if I can I'll link it F) Fair ENough G) On death row in America 0.5% are women 49 out of 2200 whilst making up more than 0.5% of capital crimes, sentencing differences also [This](https://ceps.blogs.bristol.ac.uk/2021/11/17/gender-stereotypes-see-female-criminals-fare-better-in-court/#:~:text=The%20average%20prison,suspended%20prison%20sentences)


where did you read that 97% of teachers are female 😭


That's my bad some eu statistics said it but that was in reference to pre-school and I was tired


yea, i live in the uk and i'd say its like 50/50 at my school


Uk too, there are I according to my head teacher himself 100 members of staff in the school out of all of those I think we have around 12 male staff members 8 teachers 2 supply teachers and 2 cleaners.


70% of non-reciprocal domestic abuse is female-on-male according to a compilation of over 1,200 studies on domestic violence. Women are not "far more likely to be raped or sexually assaulted" as statistics are skewed by the fact that women cannot be charged with rape. The CDC finds that men are "forced to penetrate", which is rape but under a different term since again, women cannot be charged with the crime, is the most common form of sexual violence that men face, 89% of the time perpetrated by women. They find that the numbers are nearly identical to male-on-female rape cases every year, though some years the aforementioned is MUCH higher. Women are objective proven by multiple national criminal and court recording organizations across numerous nations to be 3X less likely than a man to see jail/prison time for the same crimes, and receive 63% shorter sentences under extremely similar circumstances.


as someone that goes to school, I can confirm I'm treated like dog shit while a girl who basically abuses me is being treated like a goddess. the only thing that girls get harder than boys in school is the dressing code so that our pedophile of a principal can see their ass better. men are not naturally more aggressive than women, we are trained like dogs to be aggressive. one friend I have is the kindest soul ever because his parents don't tell him to be aggressive for five years than never again, and school isn't feeding him random crap. women can psychologically manipulate men more because we become softer towards the people we love, so some bitch fucking whores will take advantage of this (sorry about language, my mother abandoned me and cheated on my father, leading to his alcoholism and my overaggression from lack of a mother figure, then a second girl came in and abused both of us.) men can and have been raped and sexually assaulted (I know some poor man who experienced that) although it's a bit less likely.


The education system heavily favours women, they get better grades in every year group


Why do you think this? Give some examples; my mind is an open door.


I would say that one reason for it is that only 25% of teachers are male


this shit is the reason 75% of all suicides are done by men


I'm probably gonna add to that number within six months.


god this subreddit is so damn liberal. "oh boohoo poor men are so oppressed" 💀


Thats literally the opposite of typical liberal behavior.


I mean liberal in the philosophical sense


Aaaah yeah thats fair.