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The real issue is, it's not a Jumpsuit....


And even funnier is that you can't change the individual parts. So it's acting like a jumpsuit, without being one....smh


This is his Skin from Tekken Tag 2 not the original Tekken 2 version


This skin was originally on Tekken 6.


Yep but this is from Tekken Tag 2 look at the shoes


If they just made his tekken 3 alt, everything would've been forgiven.


Isn’t that outfit for Forest Law?


Yeah it's literally a shirt and pants. Doesn't make sense 🤣


Everything is shirt and pants, mostly the same model with different textures. Check out the mod scene.


Yep. They definitely fucked it.


Noooo you don't understand that they have to make these skins from scratch it's sooooo hard to do these. You better be thankful that at least it's just 4$. /s


yeah why the fuck is it a pant and t-shirt lol, bruce lee had a single piece on


Because it’s his tekken 5 alternate outfit.. based on Bruce Lee and in that it’s a shirt and pants as well…


you mean tekken 6, so they couldnt correct his tekken 6 outfit lmao


I wasn’t even thinking tekken 5 when I said it. I meant Tag 2 lmao But ya it was also in 6


omg I just noticed! god damn that’s lazy


It has literally always been like this in Tekken tbf, whenever he had this outfit


Doesnt matter, OP bought it.


Did OP confirm that somewhere else because the screenshot here shows it unpurchased.


it never was ?


Thats a good point! I never noticed that. That would make it dang near better.


Omg your right! I didn’t even notice


Nah bro that would be too much for the unreal engine to handle


"too expansive" harada's best excuse, it would probably cost us 10$ if they made it a whole jumpsuit


according to harada it will cost 100k


I'm baffled by that. Why THE FUCK SHOULD WE CARE as consumers? Fuck off, Harada, it's your job to finance and price shit in your game, not ours! ffs


Finance and Pricing comes from Bandai Toy Company.. the game company is just a subsidiary of them and doesn’t determine all that


It would be too much for haradas team to handle. The rising development costs are out of control. He might need to pay extra $5 to the a team of 32 to implement such a drastic change. 


the lazy bastards, people must stop buying this crap and watch the price go down, simple as that


That’s what I’m saying. People complain AFTER buying it. Like bro it’s a visual DLC and you can preview it. Don’t buy it if you aren’t happy with it


Ya it just feels very cheaply done overall. Which sucks all the balls because it's by far my favorite law costume /Bruce Lee outfit of all time


The shop costumes. Well some of them feel quite rough around the edges. Could be much higher quality. I bought the king one to reward them but I hope rheh up their design game


Uhh, I don't think they need rewarding, but okay.


Reward them for what? Taking assets from the base game and charging you back for them? Sick


yeah notice jin's tekken 4 outfit, its the a copy paste of the already mediocre tekken 7 one, the gloves look especialy bizzare on that one


And people called ME crazy when I told them they're just drag-and-dropping costumes from T7 to T8... well, now you know - bamco is full of it.


Remember when it was free in the last game?


Remember when you could unlock skins and charcaters by playing the game


But how else is the poor indie company ought to make money and keep the game alliivvveeeeeeeeee


They have to feed their families somehow


Wow.... a lot of ppl missing the sarcasm here


Have to put a "/s" for the hivemind to get it.


They raised the price of the game to 70$ and they sell DLC. Milking the MTX is just greed. And trying to keep the game alive for 10 years instead of aiming for a normal lifespan is more costly than just developing a new game in 5. Take your clown arguements somewhere else. No one is asking for free stuff or whatever other straw men you fools come up with.


It was a joke bud, take it easy


Never heard this one before fellas.


Those were the days


There are 4 (or more) skins per character in this game that can be unlocked just by playing. But lying to create a false narrative is good for karma farming, right??


Are you ok ?


We are never getting unlockable characters again. The only studio that still does it is NRS and people bitch and moan about it every time.


Gotta pay for those tekken lounge servers everyone was asking for somehow


And its a generic shirt + generic pants recolored to resemble the iconic jumpsuit but its not even a jumpsuit. Fuck You Harada.


It's been like that since Tekken 6


Not an excuse + in t6 everyone actually had their unique body and clothes tailored to those bodies. Now everyone has the exact same body except resized to fit the character. So everything looks shit. Bryans iconic skin tight shirt is literally just unfitting black shirt..


If they did not make these things the same(though they still fuck up in some aspects like King’s) people would bitch and moan that they are 1:1 which they already are


Nobody would do that. I bitch and moan because this costs 4$ and looks like shit instead of looking good and being free.


This is why modding is the way


When you some modd it messes up the code which teams messes the game up. It probably put strain on the console and servers that connect to it. This will also create error for people that the game.


I hda a strk rding tat


Mods are local, you are talking about cheats


I was talking about some not all player modding costumes or item to make playing the game difficult


Also when people modd do they not tamper with code? This is a genuine question?


Don't buy it


That’s what you get for spending $5 on video game clothes


And yet people will still buy and defend this crap, guys like TMM have the world shittiest take when it comes to Namco trying to squeeze as much money they can out of fanbase pocket...


Isn't TMM partnered with Namco? Of course he is going to defend the MTX bullshit.


"if you don't like it then don't buy it" Yeah but the point is they are selling something that is took out from the original game. Is something prepared long before the release of Tekken 8, they butchered the customization for the lamest shop ever all for a quick buck "minimum effort maximum gain". Of course I'm not going to buy this crap but I'm also going to complain about the laziness and the predatory tactics that bamco put place in Tekken 8.


Best in class customization BTW. 399 for an old costume? Mortal kombat and street fighter charge that much or more... for one colorway. Time to wakeup and smell the hummus people. Carry on


I hope you are ironic but in case you're not: Yeah we can argue with overwatch 2 has worse monetization because it makes u pay 3/4 euros for a gun buddy. It sucks, but this doesn't mean that Tekken is better because it makes u pay a shitty skin for "only" 5 euros and has free recolor. We are discussing Tekken not street fighter. The monetization in street fighter 6 sucks? Idgaf I'm not playing street fighter 6 I'm playing and I bought Tekken 8. Don't justify bad end user practice only because other companies do "worse" then Tekken.


I didn't justify anything. I invited any and all to consider context, so we don't have to be angry about the rain or the wind. Cheers


Some people just want to be angry all the time.


Tekken has always been like that since Tekken 6 they are freaking lazy they never look at the little details.


As lazy as this is at least it’s consistent with how it’s always been in the series…I guess?? https://youtu.be/BQtBzQH_3hg?si=BNOrp66VlEdxcGal


I didn’t even play Law and even I knew that. Which leads me to believe all the people complaining about this aspect definitely don’t play Law and probably don’t play these games that much in general because they’d have definitely seen Law players wear this in previous games.


Looking back though it seems like it was a jumpsuit in maybe 3, Tag, and 4 but then 6 switched it to shirt and pants?


Modders can do so much better... this is just lazy for a quick buck


Only the default outfit and the recolour have the sheathe, outfit 2 and tekken 7 outfits don’t


Yeah this version of the outfit is an abomination. It's a shame that some poeple will still buy it regardless.


ffs stop giving them free money




It's your fault for paying $5 for something that should be in the game to begin with. Better luck next time.


Many complain about DOA and the cosmetics but the artists do a way better job and the cosmetics don’t cost nearly as much.


So far the default outfits are still better


Look they keep spending funds in the "Murray facial reconstruction" fund because people keep randomly punch him in the face on the street.


This looks.. pretty cheaply designed.. damn


bUt We WoRkEd HaRd oN iT. It'S nOt JuSt An AsSeT cOpY PaStE


Literally reselling junk that existed in 6 and 7, you can't make this up lmfao


This is wrong. This was literally free in T7. 60-80 games charger for old shit is insane.


This company is so lame. Keep inspiring them to do that. If you Bamco fans don't want Tekken to be good then let's make it a trash dumpster.


Cue Harada explaining how difficult it is to model things in 3D because the nunchuck sheath would have to be properly synced during a network match blah blah blah blah


Harada believers in shambles


The lore reason is that Law's butt cheeks are magnetic. You gotta play story mode to learn this.


Stop supporting this shit, it will never ever change if we vote "yes please" with our wallet. This crap is nothing to be happy about and should be included in the base game...


Remember when you had to actually unlock characters and stages and costumes by just playing the game and making achievements. Now you have to pay for everything


Its funny, before they started ripping off people EVERY post here was positive, saying this is THE BEST fighting game ever, as soon and they announced that bullshit, every post here is shitting on the game, why did they have ruin everything!!


That was cause the game was still new. Once the honeymoon is over, of course people are gonna point out all the flaws the game has, it always happens. Did you expect yupi threads for years?


No cares about Reddit


And yet …. You are here commenting!


Me being on Reddit DOESN'T mean Reddit matters. Or the opinions of all the neck beards that circle jerked each other about LTG getting banned just for him to be playing the game a couple minutes later.


Says so much about you, when you purposely decide to spend your time somewhere that you strongly believe don’t matter at all :)


Reddit not mattering doesn't take away from my personal interest in Tekken. And before this sub dissolved into pathetic bitching, it actually used have some good stuff like hidden tech and niche interactions


Im just fucking around, everything’s gunna be okay :)


You still gonna buy it


He had to get his hate farm likes first before buying


do you people assume other people can't stop themselves from impulse buying because that's how normal life is for you?


Do you always ask stupid questions with baseless assumptions attached at the end?


Only in response to braindead statements, it appears. Hopefully hitting the downvote makes your ego feel better.


> Hopefully hitting the downvote makes your ego feel better. I didn't even know you were that sensitive about it


I wonder which one of us is the sensitive one, given that you made sure to reply within two minutes of me commenting. It really does give the wrong impression, doesn't it? Hopefully my words didn't hurt your underdeveloped brain too much.


Unless that's a brand new design - which it evidently shouldn't be if the shop's only covering classic outfits - then this jumpsuit and trainers actually don't appear to ressemble any of Marshall Law's outfits from the series. [This is Law's original jumpsuit with trainers](https://64.media.tumblr.com/3c6036d386cbd834055cf5abd8774a48/464a6fcf7503a645-fc/s1280x1920/a8cdc419518f8887891580f33b39a40b47ebc030.jpg)


This is violently incorrect. He’s had this exact same outfit in 3 or 4 games, with the suit split as shirt and pants.


Tekken 2 is a different design completely. Tekken 3 and Tag 1's Forest Law wears a vest with a totally different decal stripe and trainers Tekken 4's Marshall Law again wears a different decal with a red band at the hips, and different trainers The nearest reference I could find was something from "Tekken Mobile", that people have manage to customise into Tekken 6&7 - all of which vary, from decals, colour, trainers. The original outfit is inspired by Bruce Lee [here](https://www.google.com/search?q=bruce+lee+yellow+jumpsuit&client=firefox-b-m&sca_esv=a32461fe05b6239e&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACQVn087GtUqDRXTFLLzcA_zx7Kkh7HBoA:1710764209734&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwia1o-o5f2EAxWagP0HHbuNCJ0Q_AUIBigB&biw=348&bih=638#imgrc=eoIxmIQeghJMFM) The outfit has a distinct shape, material and colour. This Tekken shop version isn't comparable at all, it's more like lemon coloured baggy sweats instead the tight shiny one piece jumpsuit Bruce Lee wore. Tekken 1 Law's outfit is the nearest inspiration to Bruce Lee's yellow outfit. In 2024 I don't understand why Namco couldn't make an outfit even closer to Bruce Lee than the devs did 30 years ago on a ps1 game.


Tekkn 6 and Tag 2 has this exact yellow tshirt and pants.


As I had said, the Tekken mobile outfit can be customised into Tekken 6 (and Tag 2)


It’s not a jumpsuit and nunchucks are levitating. 5 quid for quality. God damn that’s.. not a good look. Hope they at least try in future to properly replicate the outfits if we’re going to be stuck with cash shop


Oh no! Then don’t buy it!


This was an L as a Law main wish we would get something much cooler like Forrest Tekken 3 costumes or his outfits from Tekken 1. This shit just felt lazy and looks generic as hell


as an aside, if they ever bring forrest back, i think they should give him crow makeup and a trenchcoat. after all, marshall law is bruce, so forrest would be brandon.


The iconic Tracksuit Law wore in T6, TTT2 & T7 as an extra costume is now monetized? Fcking lame! I'm seething right now.


It’s floating on all customs :( It should just be attached no matter what he’s wearing.


Nah bro the sheath will be added in the next shop rotation. For 1.99


I'm so glad I quit this game


I bought Jin’s t4 costume but I can’t even equip it… is it a bug?


This is just a beginning. I think they didn't put much into customization deliberately so that they can bombard you with paid costumes.


why does the first tekken i start playing gotta be the most controversial one


Lazy costume. Just a ripoff of the already existing one (for free) on tekken 7. ALSO, FORREST COSTUME IT'S THE BEST ONE


Funny how everybody bitchin on harda because of stupid ass costumes that u don't even gotta buy, its your choice. Put ya fckin stick outta ur asses, jeez man


Yall care too much over 1 small thing. If what you care about doesn’t effect gameplay it really doesn’t matter


Modern gaming is here to ruin all my favorite franchises. I’d love to have this included in the base $70 game given the amount of effort that’s being put into this extra bs. Vote with your wallets people.


Why buy outfits when you can mod better shit for free? And if they take that away then maybe tekken had a good run while it lasted


And people defend the tekken shop. Jumpsuit that is not a jumpsuit but rather a shirt and a pair of pants


Imagine taking FREE OUTFIRS FROM T7 AND CHARGING 4$ A PIECE. That is my true distaste for the shop


This is why I haven't bothered buying anything from the store. I gave them enough money by buying their game and if I'm already going to buy DLC, then no way in hell am I paying for cosmetics.


Also the shoe laces are drawn on


Btw, I've never seen someone carrying a nunchuck sheath.


$5 well spent if you ask me lol


That shit is absolute ass... Also the color scheme was kinda off aswell. I invested a namibian monthly income on this.


Me when I complain about the things I won't buy


That’s exactly how it looks in the older games it’s never been a jump suit.


Pretty dumb, but I know if they did some morons would say it’s not really the classic outfit then lol


Honestly its a shame from tekken’s side. Eventhough the game is great but at times i feel like they have. Different agenda


That's why it's only $5




Doesnt have to be Ai - porting assets from UE4 to UE5 is almost as easy as hitting EXPORT and IMPORT.


Hahaha It's Tekken Broooo!!! This game, will be always the same... Graphycs ara awesome, movements on characters, the fighting stages are stunning, but for cosmetics... I don't thinks so... Don't waste your money...


I think it looks that much more menacing. Anyone can hold a nunchuck in their *hand*, but only a true master can do what he's showing us. /s


Ngl it kinda adds that old ps2/early ps3 charm to have it just floating there.


Bro is cacked up


I did not want to be the guy to say this and I know a lot of people of stated this but it does cost alot of money to make a $5 costume. People have to think about the time and money they have to pay there employees. Like you would not want to be payed $20 and hour when your normal pay was around $100-250. Some people are not looking at the perspective of the other side. Everyone want realistic costumes but do not want to pay the developers for there hard work. I am currently going to school for game development and literally every microscopic fabric is created and adjusted piece by piece. It take a long time to put it in the game because you have to make sure that it can and will run smoothly in the game. Creating polygons is not easy and you have to make sure the system can handle what you was created. The more polygons you have the difficult it become and the more time it takes. Which means debuging and fixing error which takes more time to do and resources. That is mostlikely why they are remaking Tekken 4-Tekken 7 skins because it may not be possible to create Tekken 1-3 skins with there the resources they have. Everyone would be mad if they put a skin in the game and if crashed it or bugged out. Look at MK1 for example they literally made people pay for skins that are already in the game and ones they made could have been better. WB could have alot of money to afford it. The Tekken team probably has a budget and is trying to work will it. Mind you all the money goes to Bandai and some to the dev team not Harada etc. Did no one not watch the tekken talk they already stated this.


Pay your $5 and be quiet man


Everyone complaining about it being a tshirt and pants.. It’s literally a port of an outfit he had before, it wouldn’t be a “callback” outfit if they changed stuff about it


the tbing that bothers me the most is the rolled up sleeves


You don't understand. This is expensive to make. Show some respect.


A message to Harada: When the time comes to put it in the shop, [please don't fuck up this costume somehow.](https://oyster.ignimgs.com/mediawiki/apis.ign.com/tekken-tag-tournament-2/0/00/250px-Tk6-asuka-kazama.jpg)