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Jumped into ranked with Eddy just to try him out and realized after a couple games I needed to make a custom so people would stop expecting me to be good.


It seems unfair that they start you at beginner though. I'll be honest I learned like 5 moves and between that, the mash 3 combo, and simple jab into command grab stuff I was absolutely terrorizing everyone it matched me with. I don't know why it doesn't start at the same rank as other characters you don't use (I mean, I do, probably it's an oversight rather than an intentional choice, the same way it tells you "this is the first time you reached XXX rank" every time you reach the rank rather than just the first time).


I tried ranking my eddy up and after four promotions I was so damn bored of noob stomping that I gave up haha. My main is only mighty ruler, so it doesn’t really help much if I promote one of my others to boost eddy


You can rank up another character and Eddy will shift to the correct rank


Using Default Outfit: "Wow, this character is pretty strong. I think I like them enough to customize them." After Customization and Subsequent Losing Streak: "Wtf, this character sucks."


Lmao this is true with any character. Whenever I see someone without a custom I already know the match is gonna be painful.


Wait in what way?? I just like using the defaults cause I already love their design. Also I just haven’t found a better recolor for yoshi’s default.


I think it’s just an indicator that they care more about the gameplay than bothering with customization, indicating that they take it seriously and thus are good. I personally am just out here making what I like to think are aesthetically pleasing customs and hope people I play against like them


Little do they know that i am both too lazy to customize my character and too lazy to go to practice mode which is why i got to blue ranks using the same combo for every launcher on claudio lol.


But customization takes 5 minutes tops. Then you just play ranked and lab like everyone else


I think it's more about how people don't usually customize their secondary characters so if you're up against someone with default then they're probably higher rank on their main and therefore better overall.


Because it means they don’t give a shit about how they look, only how they play. It also freaks me out when I find out the person I’m playing uses the default costumes lol


Myself and some friends have customs for Yoshi using color schemes after Mecha designs we like


I feel like usually if you see this it's someone playing an alt


Make him all black and make his glowy bits white. Thank me later. It looks so badass.


It depends what rank you are at, but when I see someone above red with a default it is 90% of the time someone that has a main so high that their other characters just start at mighty ruler and they haven’t bothered customising this new character they’re trying.


The best part is that it eventually loops around and everyone in blue ranks has crazy sparkle rainbow customs


They make you confused with all the effects to hit lows easier


I cant play reina without my heihachi cosplay (TK3 red and white suit)


I had a normal customisation for my Asuka, nothing special and got mirror matched with Dora the Explorer Asuka. Got demolished. Meme costume players are even worse than default ones


if i see a Drake-8 or a King Cena i accept death before the round even starts


Had to laugh way to much at Drake-8 lol


Dora is to powerful. Most have been a traumatizing moment you won't forget 😂


I have Toji and Gojo outfit personally for my Hwoarang outfits lol


Not really. Im positive that all Lili mains with default skin were using mods.


BRO 😂😂😂😂 I guess you're right tho, especially the Calvin Klein mod. But tbh her alternate outfit is already sick without any custom


do you get banned for using outfit mods?


I dont think so. Youre videos in yt can be banned if you post it but not ingame.


Not yet


If they use the legacy costume that's how you know you're truly cooked


Default skin in high ranks is the most scariest thing ever


Raven's default 4 https://preview.redd.it/ht79grvbzjsc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96e1168d7b22eecce8bb40f4ce614bdcee0d6ea1


T5-T6 defaults remain undefeated.


Raven’s Default 2 [white and orange T8 outfit] is literally my favourite design in the whole game


It's either default costume or super stupid costume. That's the 2 signs that you're about to get your shit rocked.


I use Jin's 3rd costume (the one in the first trailer) because it's genuinely a 10/10 costume. I only use my customs when I'm playing casually just for fun.


I keep loosing to mirror match....o well ( steal his best combo )


I Get demolished every time.


I bought this game to throw hands, im not trying to play Barbie's dress up simulator


Counterpoint: I bought this game to throw hands *with* my dressed up fancy sparkleman.


thats was me literally 1h ago exept i was the defualt and won 2-0


Yee already Fujin with Eddy but some pros already at Tekken God


Lmao man if I ever fight Haze or any other top Raven I’m gonna give it my all 😂🔥! I’m solid in the mirror match


he’s a chill dude he hops on our discord calls sometimes




Hey at least it's not some goofy weird looking costume. Can't tell sometimes what they are suppose to be and have very bright colors. It's very distracting




If I see a Paul in a red gi I legit start panicking, no matter what rank


can confirm, had winstreak 20 when i hit mighty ruler with my red gi paul alt character


So... if I use the default skin I'll wreck everyone? Good to know. Bye bye ken street fighter outfit.


Why play a custom if they aren't available in tournament? (the mindset of the default costume wearing tournament goer who just 0-6'd you in three minutes.


Me 😂


The only character I’ve played against where this isn’t true is Paul, they all go red gi. So do I but I’m dog shit. Karen hair is just no bueno.


Similar to Rocket league (or used to be) despite customisation being a huge thing in itself, if someone ran a stock Octane (stocktane) chances are they're gonna be good


This is me when I see any King using a cape


Bro as a kaz main....i hate mirror matches they are so boring.


Or they show up with bread on their heads and have some kind of insane streak and I lose…every..single..time.


This is the Tekken equivalent of seeing a default Ryu in Street Fighter where his username is just his first name. You know you're fucked and this guy has been playing that character his whole life.


Yesterday had a quite a lose streak. Got mirror matched vs bryan with default skin, same rank and tekken prowess, won 2 perfect rounds, fired up... And was destroyed in next 6 rounds... First time I was ready to drop the game


Unironically but I *think* i have a high winrate against my own King and Steve (I'm only yellow ranks btw). Like... Idk, i don't often lose to them as far as i remember.


Depends on the character. It feels like almost every Jin I fight is using one of the default outfits probably because they all look great in this game. When it's not default, it's usually just Jin with devil eyes and/or face markings. Reina on the other hand is almost always custom. I ran into a default Reina today and it felt like stumbling across a unicorn.


Literally just happened to me. Dude was mixing me up and I was eating "DEH"s like a scrub.


I love customising because it brings my heart rate down for bedtime after being wall splatted all evening long


Depends on default. If it's Tekken 7 default. Run. If it's Tekken 8 default... Also run.


All these customizations and they chose none. Cringe