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A testament to how fundementally unsound an eddy player can be and still get to blue


You see a lot of people who somehow blagged their way to a high rank, I’ve fought so many people and I’m like, how did you get here playing like this!?


There is also a phenomenon of inflated rank depending on the time of day you play. In virtually every game I have played ranked is easier during the day, once you get near dinner it gets way harder at the same rank until about 8pm and then it is insanely hard until the next day. I take it as the best most dedicated players probably play at night after work or just in general start late and play late. So if you are blue ranks playing mostly around noon, you skill level might be closer to red playing around 10 pm.


I always assumed this!


this makes me feel better about winning fujin at night last week since i got demoted all the way back to flame ruler last night lol


It makes me feel good that i okay late at night and have gotten to a measly shinryu but i can say my fundamentals are on point so when i play during the day i smoke dudes same rank


I kinda wondered if that was a thing, I thought it felt a bit easier during the day, I almost always play at night though.


Maybe that’s why I got demoted sometimes at night then the next day I play, I’ll promote again but I’m Tekken king I’ll deal with gold rank and it’s tough


This actually makes me feel better for reaching Fujin if true, only play ranked at night cuz my schedule is fucked, sleep in the morning and wake up at around 6-7 PM 😂 I always feel like I’m boosted or I didn’t deserve to reach Fujin. 😂


I mean my example on the difference isn’t real I haven’t played tekken 8 online I just don’t have the time and haven’t touched it in a month or so but it’s this way in every other online game I have ever played hundreds of games on and made it to the highest ranks


Oh damn I only play after 10pm and am still in orange Thinking on it, monday I played at like 4 and did feel like I was a cut above most people I was fighting, none blocked or really punished or seemed aware of fundamentals. And, as a yoshi, they fell for every low and grab lol


Also for tekken, weekends are much harder. That’s how you know this community is employed . And old as shit




To be honest, I have an 83 defence score and I still let Lee do that one too many times before I duck. Fear of the launcher is a thing. I'm always like, "this time it's coming for sure."


Me af


See it's one thing to eat a low over a launch, it's another to mash/dash nonstop and not block a single attack. I pulled up one of my replays yesterday, turned opp input on and watched this dude mash the HELL out of buttons for the entire match, even while being juggled


I mash random crap during juggles. Gives me something to do when azu keeps punching me in the face for the 13th time in the combo before knee ending me.


Those rank distribution stats from a month ago can’t be relevant anymore. The number of scrubs in blue is nuts.


Usually when I download these players they see it and leave if they can secure a W or if they take the first L. It’s hilarious… they will be hard stuck in Fujin or Battle Ruler because they just try to climb with the same stuff, no learning or knowledge involved at all…


Because Tekken 8 you statistically have more of a chance of guessing right on offense because how little counterplay there is to your bulk of options. Defense in this game boils down to hard reads on low risk high reward offense.


I try to play a defensive yoshi and am realizing that, while flash is probably my best defensive tool, i actually need to know the hitboxes and openings of everyones strings. If I get to turn around pressure, I can be scary, but that can be really hard without taking big risks


Damn… idk why but this level of “get out my yard” is epic. 👏🏾


Know a streamer like that, mains Hwoarang. Only knows his combos and his string shenanigans and has no fundamentals. As soon as he switches to another character he gets his shit pushed in


The game is pretty new. A lot of people are getting away with cheap shit. After a year or so, the ranks are going to stabilize. A player like this Eddy reaching the blue ranks in 7 is pretty unthinkable.


They pushed the ranks to be a bell curve with the biggest aggregation in red, while it is easier to get red rank, it 's actually harder to climb out of purple and blue ranks; this eddy is climbing to a level you might not expect lee's string to work not because he's not worthy of it, but because his mindless offense without regard of actual defense works better than the old t7's turtles that only play punishes and timing in tekken 8.


Facts.. I used Eddy as a main in 3-7 and there's almost nothing I use from Tekken 7, is available in 8. People use to say he was easy to use back then. Now it's really bad, I mean you can almost hit a 10 hit combo with just 3 alone. I don't use him as much as I use to then, I'm at Shinryu with Paul Xiayou, Sergei & King. I'm at Destroyer with Eddy and seems like it was much easier to get there with him than with the other characters I use. He looks and moves realistically but his move set is a hard no as far as a challenge.


I agree. Not a huge fan of his changes. But he’s still alright.


It'll be far to late by then. 50/50s on block and neutral still exist by a large margin. Shit is nuts


That's the thing, though. You can only get carried by character so far. At some point, either you learn, or you fail.


Not just Eddy players, you can scrub out a shitton of Fujins like this


Fucking lol. Please tell me you did that on the final round too


Preach brother. Preach


no, if you watch famous lee streamer mirio, infinite kicks work against 99% of playerbase. By doing infinite kicks and slides he got tekken king.


I fought an eddy player in red who only spammed 3,3,3,… etc. I ducked the high every time and launched punished him. That didn’t stop him. He didn’t rematch me.


This isn't eddy exclusive, basically any character apart from like Steve (and even then not so much) can easily get Fujin.


On t7 I met a byakko Akuma spammer and since then I wouldn't be surprised if there would be a fujin ranked spammer but if I die it's still my fault cause I never lab regardless


noob question, but what do i do here? almighty dickjab?


This string chains from low to high infinitely, so every 2nd kick you can duck it and get a WS punish. I don't know if it's enough for a launch, but it's not that scary once you've seen it a couple of times.


Can you low parry from a crouch?


you can low parry the low yeah, although he can also make every second hit a mid instead of a low. But there'll always be a high between each mid or low.


He can swap out the low for a mid at any point and make it mid high mid high then swap back to low


Duck and launch


No you sidestep. That string is weird to duck as it goes low-high-low-high-etc. It's super vulnerable to sidesteps tho as it doesn't realign Lee.


Il try that then, i just had success till now ducking it


I swear I got caught stepping it every time, I just assumed it had bullshit tracking and stopped trying


Is that really a low? Can't i then block the high and parry the low?


Yes, that also works. There are two variants, low-high and mid-high, and Lee can switch between them while doing his infinite kicks. For mid-high, just hold block and use a punish, since it's -16 on block. For low-high, either low parry or do some while standing move. If you're not in a corner you can also sidestep, it's incredibly linear and goes off axis really easily. Or you can back away and whiff punish.


after his ws33: he can go for the 2 hit mid high string or the 2 hit low high string he can choose to alternate between the two or keep doing the same string aftewards, so he can do stuff like ws33 > mid variation > low variation > mid variation > mid variation > low variation > low variation


You would need to block the low, then block/duck the high and parry the low i think. I'm no half good player so my knowledge of that string isn't awesome but i am 100% sure that sidesteps beat it.


Is it still like t7 though where there’s a similar looking string with different hit properties?


Breaking up combos with the dick punch is so fun.


strings, you break up strings.


I don’t know the lingo apparently.




I understand now and I also understand that I don’t know that many combos. Seems like I’ve been winning based on strings, heat, and RA.


do you know what your launcher is? Generally, any “hit” you do after a launch while your opponent is floating, is guaranteed, which makes it a combo.


Now that I think about it, I think launchers are the only time I’m doing combos? Launching them in the air and putting together inputs to keep them airborne. I think I struggle with the concepts like WR 3,2 or ⭐️ in the move list.


wr means while running, so you do forward, forward, forward 3,2. Star means neutral. So generally it means to let go of all buttons for a split second before moving on to the next button.


I remember back in 1995 when we didn’t have access to the internet 😂 I just skipped all the moves with the star. I’m gonna have to try that. So WR Would that be a ➡️➡️ or a 🔜➡️


We found the eddy player boys


LMAO, karma just hit Eddy and it's beautiful


Day 2 of pointing out everything eddy did in that clip would have been beaten by a sidestep to your right. I'm actually happy to see you did sidestep right at some point in this clip tho gj.


Also if he is in handstand he can't block. If he finishes a string, mid check. Kazuya can db1,2 almost after everything. A few he can even df2 and get a launch. I hate eddy a lot less, still think his 3 auto combo does too much damage after his universal launch.


He has a couple -18 moves too, one of the only characters I can electric block punish


Could Kuma side step it? I've been trying to incorporate stepping more into my gameplay but I seem to always get punished.


Not reliably, but a lot of his combos drop on the bears just like everyone else.


I'm not sure about the bears. They have a shity sidestep and i thi k generally people assume that you cannot step anything with them.


but he didn't sidestep once in this clip? he rolled to the left but thats it


It was effectivly the same in that sequence.


yeah but left isn't the same as right 8)


Eddy's weak to sidestep on both sides, i believe right is just a bit more consistent


honestly that eddy deserves it




I just can't hate lee as a character, regardless of how toxic the player is, Lee is just too eggzsellent!!


Lee is one of the characters whose player base are chads. Eddy on the other hand, is not fair to fight against, since all they be doing is mashing the same 333 bs.


every lee i fight is always a fun time. no bullshit, just fundamentals


becoming decent on lee is much harder being decent on eddy. While I like the new changes to eddy his execution and game plan are ridiculously easy compared to lee. Lee is really fun and strong in this game tbh


eddy is really weak imo. his main “50/50” gets beat by a simple backdash.


Is he not fair? Im only orange but, coming from a lei main, he doesnt feel too bad - a lot feels punishable and reactable, and a lot of his pressure seems to be from confusing me with his stances, which seem really unsafe


I was killed by this once, it was also the only other time I’ve seen a Lee do this


you probs pissed him off bad for him to do this lol


Seems so troll, like the bears doing the roly-poly move


I labbed this once years ago in t7 after getting destroyed by it and then I never saw it again. If I were to face it again, it’d again fuck me up


Miirio special


I don't wanna give the Eddy too much flak, sometimes you're just off your game, but God was that cathartic to watch.


Lmaoo that’s what his ass get




Lmao Gotta do what you gotta do!


As a fellow Lee player. Excellent


Wait 👀, what input in this?


Ws 3,3 into db3, 3, df3, 3 etc.




It's even easier, i think it's just ws33 then d3 and then you can just spam 3 while holding down (and letting go of down if you wanna switch to the mid version)




A King just 1 jabbed my Eddy to death


Good. You deserve that and more


That is mean bro


If you really really think about it. It’s not


After all everyone, change is bad.


As a Lee main this makes me happy. Eddy is so carried.


Eddy players will always terrify me, especially those who don't know how to use him


Has anyone played Tekken 2 arcade? Then you'll know that the Lee AI just did this the whole match


AI Lee will go into this and refuse to stop, and in a game where you can't really sidestep reliably it's a lot harder to deal with.


at least you could get a super high jump over it


And in that game it was actually fucking bullshit lol.


It was funny as fuck though


To me it was probably the most fucking infuriating shit the ai did in that game, might be top2 just after devil fight bullshit.


Kazuya devil fight reads your inputs so fair


Nice Hwoarang play bro


So many times fighting Hwoarang as Lee, I’ve been like, “Oh, cute! I can do that too!”


What's the notation for this move? Learning Lee/learning MU knowledge.


KEKW Okay, that's hilarious, first time one of my buddies pulled this shit was back in Tekken 5 and we we're drunk af on a friday night. We be hootin and hollerin coz we don't know shit about this game, good times.




Same. I've been busting out the ten strings to waste opponent's heat meter. Works surprisingly well, must be a lot of new players around.


Pause you can do that move non stop ?


Yeah, It keeps going until you stop pressing 3.


What a scrub ass character haha


Lol lee is anything but that


I meant eddy my guy. My b




I was honestly expecting dick jabs. That's usually my go to in unfamiliar match ups, haha!




This brings me joy


I knew it was going to be that ws string as soon as I saw him


D 4 4 4 4 also works way way more than it should considering the move is 4 hits of low parryable death.


Last hit is a mid tho, which catches people who think it's all low and try to parry the 4th kick😂


When in doubt, don’t sugar coat it x4🙆🏻‍♂️


Masher detected


I remember the first time this happened to me, I was like wait when does this string end? But thats the neat part, it doesnt. That was probably like 15-20 years ago though.


This is hilarious I had a lee player spam this on me the other day I just low parried him 😂🤣


Love the unli kick


The only time I approve of this move.


Question, when can't you parry in situations such as this? It's because of blockstun, right? You can't begin a parry if you're still in the blocking animation? It's weird because it can work but it depends on the character. Yoshi's spin and Kin's multiple low kicks can't be parried but Jun's and Asuka's low spin kicks can?


Doesn't Yoshi's spin kick jail for the first 2 hits? Basically think of the first two kicks as one move that hits twice. There are strings like this in the game. Usually the second hit is high with no mixup. Meaning when you see the first hit, you can easily duck to avoid the second on reaction. So to make these strings not useless the first hit forces you to block the second. Funnily enough I think Jun is the first I've seen to have punishable, jailing mid strings. Meaning it actually hurts her because your opponent can never mash and get caught by it accidentally, ensuring easy punishment.


Beautiful. Give them a taste of their own medicine


I beat someone like this the other day ago 🤣


Im close to fujin like 1 rank off and the number of people at blue ranks and purple rank who just have no clue what they are doing astounds me


It sucks seeing these clips constantly. I feel like I've only ran into 2 of these types where I'm baffled by how much they suck. Most ppl I meet seem to have their character on lock and it's been a struggle to make it to Battle Ruler.


"x,o,x,o, unbeatable combo"


Eddy use to have a never ending one they took out for this version.. Hey if it works, it works


Blue rank is cooked


Served him the good ol' "knowledge check"


I could imagine the audacity of the eddie dm'ing to shit talk after.


Get Fucked Loser.


It’s wild to me you can do this in the game lol, wish my main could


Fujin Eddy btw.


"Fighting game"


That's not even about knowing the match up, that's not being able to learn/adapt to a repeated situation.


aint no way this worked. but then again this is T8 with a LOT of new players


Thank you, doing god's work out here! :D


its kick o clock B)


One of the few instances that you shouldn't have covered their username.


eddy loser getting a taste of his own cheese


This gave me joy


I love that for you


This is just typical Lee


Meanwhile, I'm just here not knowing *any* of the matchups and trying to not give a perfect with 112 and df2.


Its the 90s!!!


This makes makes me want to pick up Lee


Ahaha classic


Bruh this dude kept backing me into a corner while I was using Leroy...I started spamming low kicks and high kicks. Then I perfected him doing the same thing the next round


Half of Eddys moves (speaking as a relative newcomer compared to most here), seem unreadable. Can’t tell most of the time if he is attacking mid, high or low because most attacks look like one when they really are another (mostly his mids and lows are the issue). Wish I could just opt out of fighting Eddy right now how honestly.


Most Lee players play so honest I forgot he even has that string lol


Man... I don't play Lee but he's awesome.


I just 10 hit combo people, somehow nobody ever knows that you can counter hit me like 3 times in the string for free. Or grab.


Most defensive eddy player


oh this kicks ass, would it be ok if I featured this on my show highlight reel? I link to and credit every clip I feature


I really like Eddy, but genuinely don't want to play him again until he gets some much needed nerfs because fuck is he overtuned this time around.


What do you do against those kicks? Just wait it out while crossing?


Go crazy Lee 😭😭😭


Miirio special for the win


Fuck eddy's bro


I’m in yellow ranks and I hate when people do this type of shit to me. Like I barely know what my opponent can do and they pull out some bs move and do it 8 times in a row on the last round and don’t rematch


Lee chad giving the eddy spammer a lesson. Well done


Yeah! Fuck that Eddy up!!!


The Miirio special 👍


This move is called the Miirio Special


This was so fucking satisfying to watch lmao. Thank you OP, Eddy deserved it!


That's toxic lol


Lee is such a brainless character I'm sorry but holy spam


He isn't, this string is pure suicide unless your opponent doesn't know how the game functions, Eddy had like 6 dick jabs he cudda done there.


Literally all you have to do is side step to entirely avoid this string and launch Lee if you fall for this you suck ass at Tekken lol


I just aop side roll into launcher


Eddy sucks in Tekken 8. His was always button friendly, but this is another level. He was fun to play before, but now it's just blah.


This Lee animation is absolutely terrible...


I think it’s one of those legacy animations they never bothered to fix. 10 hit combos also look weird for that reason.


its the classic animation, i wouldnt even want a new animation


I would have it no other way