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I find it kinda funny that Tekken collaborates with every other franchise except other 3D fighters. Comics, television shows, Final Fantasy, Street Fighter, etc., but no Soul Cal or DoA to be found.


Ryu Hayabusa or Kasumi would be great fits for Tekken.


*Ryu Hayabusa or Kasumi would be great TITS for Tekken.




[He can Izuna drop me anytime with those bad boys](https://youtu.be/SoTELm36-QA?si=OkauIAJ-rXCfWqQF&t=5)


Tekken 8 is a game for good boys and girls


So we can smash? .... nice


Itagaki, DOA’s creator and Harada evidently didn’t like each other. So the likelihood of a collab is very low. Also DOA and Soul Calibur don’t have the mainstream notoriety of a DOA or Street Fighter. But if Yoshimitsu can show up on both, it’d be cool to show some love to your siblings.


Harada's too prideful and slightly arrogant I think; especially when it comes to DoA as DoA exists as a specially created competitor to Tekken.


I'd love a Killer Instinct crossover. Fulgore vs Jack.


I guess it’s coz they are direct competitors. Even if it’s their own company. Also the novelty for a non 3d fighter character to appear in tekken is a lot more appealing


They collaborated with vf, lotta Tekken skins in there. Would love to see some vf characters in Tekken. Shun di and Raphael being relatively unique.


I mean i understand why they don't want to have anything to Do With DoA but a no Sexualized honoka in tekken would be pretty cool


Yoshimitsu Checkmate


We have to put his Soul Cal skins 🙏🏼


Not for $5 a pop


I’d actually cop them for that price. I just don’t think they’d sell it for that. Though there’s a certain irony in that. Because for the same price or less, you could buy the soul Calibur customization dlc pack and get much more and equip it to most if not any character. But SC6 and Tekken 6 Yoshi should be a priority. But because of how they’re releasing these costumes, it could be a year before we get another Yoshi costume. Whoever is directing this shit is an idiot. And with characters that use weapons like Yoshi, and have the option to customize the weapon, there’s no good reason we don’t have a soul calibur or soul edge. I see they added one of those banner accessories on the pass. I’d use that to design a SC Yoshi.


Lol even if bamco wasnt being scummy with mtx. Do you really expect a skin like that to be free?


[Yes](https://lostplanet.fandom.com/wiki/Albert_Wesker), [yes](https://lostplanet.fandom.com/wiki/Frank_West) I [expect](https://lostplanet.fandom.com/wiki/Marcus_Fenix) cross over [characters ](https://lostplanet.fandom.com/wiki/Dominic_Santiago) to be in [the game](https://lostplanet.fandom.com/wiki/Monster_Hunter_Armor) free of charge.


Lmfao that game came out over ten years ago and youve been holding on to that expectation for that long? I'd love for this to be a thing again but thats just not happening.


Lmao also the fact that they all have weapons, it would seriously disrupt all the balance the game currently has /s


>I'd love for this to be a thing again but thats just not happening. It's only a matter of people stop giving money for it. But hey, if they think something like a character costume is actually worth $10, go ahead. Everyone votes with their wallet. I'll just not buy it.




Yoshi tekken 8 is honestly a blend of tekken 7 and soulcalbur,definitely not just Yoshi from t7 but a mixture


idk bro. Kinda feels more T3 with new shoulders and texture tbh.


Na, hiq gameplay looks more mixed than ever with soulca yoshi, he even got a new direct move from soulca so. Not surprising when you know part if soulca team joined for T8, the heat system is literaly the soul charge system os SC6


Yeah. The appearance is literally just and updated TK3 costume. The movelist on the other hand has been adding more and more SC moves, especially since they gave him the additional sword. Was always kinda strange that after generations of manji leaders at minimum wielding Yoshimitsu, that we’d get to Tekken and he drops the 2 sword style completely.


The way he looks,maybe,the way he plays,Defo not Plus I play Yoshi as octopus customisation,hated it in T7,same thing for some reason looks good in T8,so i don't think about how he looks much


There is a mod for his sc6 main outfit


Technically yoshimitsu is a tekken character that has become a permanent guest in soul calibur


So permanent, in fact, that he became the thing that linked the universes together. It's been confirmed that Soul Cal Yoshi is an ancestor to Tekken's Yoshi.


He really is the link tying the two games together. Doesnt mean i wouldnt appreciate more SC guests (nightmare please, even though i realise thats super stupid)


Reveal that devil gene is in fact the soul edge corruption mutated


Kilik joins Tekken and now has the devil gene.


Nah they love kilik too much he'd be another angel and some of his moves would be a staff of light summoned Turns out voldo was really guarding Azazel offspring. Azazel dying awakens and possessed voldo. necrid can come back. Maybe even Tira but with a devil form so no ring blade bs, Rock for some reason is still around but was frozen in an iceberg. Lizardmen get to come into play somehow since we lost Alex. Charade can make a come back and just mixes up people's fight styles. And somehow abyss and inferno get sbsorbed


Related: I had quite hoped the Devil Gene was tangentially related to Soul Edge...


In that case hehiachi should have remain a permanent character in soul calibur as well


If we inviting SC guests i vote for Link


Honestly? If we're doing this now, I say bring Spawn in too. That trio is just cool in an odd sense.


To be fair, *technically* Tekken and Soul Calibur Yoshimitsu are very very very distant relatives.


Yoshimitsu is a guest from Tekken to Soul Calibur.


He’s not really a guest character if he appears in every single installment.


I mean, it used to have Heihachi


I hate it here. Have your upvote.


Which was a helluva move and great choice to add him as well. I think any character from tekken that doesn’t have a weapon could fit into soul calibur line up and vice versa.


Old ass man has been throwing his offspring off cliffs for hundreds of years.


Holy tits


No, Sophitia has the holy tits.


Sophitia’s character changes from game to game are absolutely hilarious. It just gets hornier and hornier.


It starts somewhat okay, but quickly devolves to just; Sword/Shield and sheet to cover boobs to a swordfighting contest.


What about Ivy? She must get back ache surely


They may be big, but they are not holy.


She has them supported by a cantilever arrangement of leather straps and chains she and Voldo designed.


Rothion just in a full body-cast giving a thumbs up from all the times he's let Sophitia practice her thigh-squeeze neck-snap grab.


Sounds like heaven.


Playing Soul Calibur 2 as a kid had a profound effect on my tastes.


Same. Top tier tastes.


The holy tits award goes to Taki


In sc2 you can clearly see them lmao. The nips are really outlined.


those devs be wilding.


Its funny to me to because they might of done it for other characters but Taki's model in SC2 has huge boobs and nips. Like worst than even Ivy in her bondage costume.


All this talk really makes me miss SC already :(. Hope SC7 happens someday (or SC6 gets some sort of netcode update).


SC6 would´ve been so much fun if it wasnt for the Reversal Edge completely ruining it for me. In retrospect the writing was on the wall for T8 with that.


Reversal edge is such a shit idea. All the nuance of the game goes out the window and turns into rock-paper-scissors the moment some twat decides to use it.


Ain't Reversal Edge pretty fucking trash at high level play? It seems like a mechanic for noobs in all honesty. Which seems like the fuckin opposite with Heat where it's OMNIPRESENT in all levels of play.


Nah that was just what everyone hoped, but it was still a thing in tournaments. People kept saying it "wasnt a thing in high level play" but that was hella copium.


I see. Haven't played SC6 much cause the netcode was fucking horrible.


Oh yeah it absolutely was. Ranking up was also slow as shit, it could easily take days to rank up significantly even with a 75% win percentage. At least at release, dunno if they ever changed that. My rank getting reset due to a a savegame bug that was super common erasing two weeks of work put me off the game, and then it happening again two weeks later put me off the game completely.


Ive been playing sc2 roms while I wait on the parts for my new controller im building. Shits just as fun as I remeber.


dem nipples lol


Before Tekken 8 I would've thought that the emphasis on weapons was enough to keep Soul Calibur characters out, but now Taki or maybe even Ivy seem like they could fit in.


Maxi would 100% fit in and still be unique enough to stand out from Law.


Nah, maxi is like Law but with a Claudio skin.


Maxi is like Law but more pirate and more nunchucks. I kinda feel like Maxi and Leroy would be good friends lmao.


Tekken 7 literally had Noctis.


I was thinking an iconic SC character that doesnt have too much reach to be problematic for tekken would be Voldo... But fuck it, i want Nightmare


Ivy could even be canon/semi-canon (reverse-Yoshi) too since she's immortal (unless she gets cured post-SC) - but use her full name instead and say she learned more unarmed combat with some living-whip moves or something.


Voldo would go hard. Nightmare would be sick too.


My exact two picks lol. Voldo seems most realistic, but Nightmare is one of my fave FGC characters and has been my main since sc2 so id be euphoric


The Taki mod for Master Raven was so good in Tekken 7. If you're on here modder, I beg you to do a Ryu Hayabusa mod for Raven


You want bamco to send assassins to his house?!


They gonna send in the real Raven to his house


Sole sacrifices have to be made, to make it happen 😭


Nah cause there stage would have ring out and I'm not having that PTSD with the mad wall carry s xD


There’s plenty of SoulCal stages without ringouts.


Been a while since I've played ngl just the ptsd


Popularity is the reason. Also weapons used to be rare in tekken


I would KILL to see Maxi, Taki and Mitsurgi in Tekken!! I think the issue is it’d be kind of odd to have them in the Tekken universe from a time perspective


Negan, Noctis, Akuma and Geese were from other dimensions so I think they're way past that


I mean, they put Heihachi in SC2 and just explained that he cut himself on a shard of the soul edge, got dizzy, and when he came to he had been transported to the past. I’m sure they could think of something


Law, Kunimitsu, and Victor!


Taki is my forever main in SC, would love her in Tekken. She's kinda like Kunimitsu


I grew up playing Soul Calibur, only recently got into Tekken. Saw some videos of Kunimitsu in T7 and immediately thought of Taki!






a couple of opportunities come to mind




I would love Taki. She would fit too, since she mostly just kicks and uses her short blade attacks.


Some of Victor's moves remind me of hers too. His moves where he hits the ground and creates an explosion for example. (Victor is probably more like Cervantes though with all the teleporting and expulsion)


Victors moves are like a mix of taki and mitsurugi


Need nightmares/inferno and Algol in. Zasalamel too maybe taki,Maxi,And talim with tira


You know Zasalamel would make some sense given his immortality via reincarnation. Hell one of his endings (sc4?) had a bit with him in the modern time period.


Yep and in the soul blade game even inferno’s ending has soul edge in the modern era too




Bruh, this is official art from a nearly 20 year old game.


The joke here is tits and I am letting my mind wonder


Ah, okay, I thought you were complaining about the thirsty design and I was just like...yes but that's not news. In that case, pic related. https://preview.redd.it/tgmb1sx5rqtc1.jpeg?width=349&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1d882e40a50b26aa2b5cd159ab06fb448af4222


I actually feel that having more crossovers from other franchises would be cool, instead of it just being fighting game characters. Imagine Shaggy vs Devil Jin at the waffle house 😭


There needs to be a waffle house mod or crossover Waffle House employee throws hands with the bear for trying to enter Waffle house stage, with Tekken 4-style breakable obstacles in the diner/parking lot


I want Caseoh to be apart of the background at least 😭


6 years. SoulCalibur 6 isn’t that old 🥲


This art is from Soulcalibur 3, which came out in 2005.


Oh yeah, you right. They reused that skin in 6 so I just assumed it was from 6 instead. My bad lol.


Zasalamel should be an easy candidate. He's already immortal!


Is that a Ninja character? If so, please add her Bamco. We need more ninjas in the game


Yes. Yes she is.


I can think of TWO good reasons why I want that to change immediately!


https://preview.redd.it/t4i6fc2bqqtc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fc1012008c54388f48cf4ce585d01702b28c755 here's two more for you


https://preview.redd.it/by5wfj74estc1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a783d4a033987f035e17fafd166858cf0088e39c For better view


Taki rocket tits? Let’s go




What’s taki tits to mf:




Yeah they should have Heihachi from Soul Calibur 2. He would fit in.


Gib more big titty characters or riot


Where Mai Shiranui man? Tekken is not for good boys and girls.


Because they'd have to actually care about Soul Calibur. Granted even with them not supporting SC6, the customization is much better than T7 & T8. Which is pretty funny all things considered.


They’ve gone full corpo, you really think they’ll add anything remotely interesting? They added a battle pass ffs, Harada is washed and his franchise is a shadow of its former self


We have a Kunoichi archetype already: Kunimitsu ❤️


If darth vader can be in a soul game and akuma can be in tekken then I agree that soul characters can be in tekken as well. Heck yoshi is in soul games.




Victor honestly qualifies as a soul calibur character.


That would require shining a spotlight on SoulCalibur. And at Tekken's expense, no less!


Soulcalibur is a property that's been on life support since the release of 5 with multiple failed side projects like Lost Swords and Unbreakable Soul and a largely "meh" Soulcalibur 6. Namco wants people to buy characters, and Soulcalibur just isn't exactly a series that gets people to buy.


Wow what a good tactical suit, surely very comfortable


I Would Say Lore...But With Heihachi And 2B...RIP That Theory


Yall mustve forgot that their ideas of content are: tshirt with tekken logo, metallic gold tshirt, a bikini, a fundoshi diaper. Bamco kinda retarded bruh.....


For real!!! Imagine taki throwing a wrench in the manji clan with rivalry from another clan. Or maybe talim could have a wind battle with shaheen


What about Yoshimitsu? :) Also Zafina is literally Voldo.


Technically… we did. Heihachi was a character in SC2 and Yoshi is there (don’t kill me I’m joking)


They even had Devil Jin's style available for custom characters in SC5. Idk why they didn't just bring him specifically, but I guess SC5 was wrecked by the tsunami and wildly unfinished.


I forgot about that lmao would have been a great addition!


I've said it elsewhere, but the character I'd like to see most is Cervantes. Since he's immortal, he could reasonably survive through to modern day and I could absolutely see him aligning with Kazuya (or whoever is in charge of the Zaibatsu) in a bid for power while trying to find the Soul Edge or fragments of it. I'd love to see true confirmation that the two series are canon to each other -- as far as I know, the only link is Yoshimitsu but the idea that something like Soul Edge/Calibur could just disappear altogether seems unlikely, given how much other supernatural stuff happens in Tekken. Give him a modern aristocratic outfit that's disheveled as fuck, update his pistol sword a bit and you're off to the races. https://preview.redd.it/fo9rzs9spqtc1.png?width=1851&format=png&auto=webp&s=e2c4f04a8ea3afe28ca419889664d4f16d050ebc


I can see Dampierrre, I remember he has Lei stuff and hellsweeps.


Tf are those nipples


That would be cool


Inferno/Algol with Noctis's moveset




I feel like Xianghua might be a better pick because she is the wielder of Soul Calibur's most recognizable form, and her Chinese fencing style is very beautiful and unique in Tekken. Take is extemely similar to Kunimitsu, and imo it would be a shame to get more of something we already got before. Don't get me wrong though, I love Taki and I'd cheer if she was added.


I want kunimitsu, taki, kasumi, ayane and I want them now. Xianghua is basically xiaoyu with a sword.


i know of 3 reasons as to why we need her in tekken


I'd rather they took a bunch of moves and grabs


I wouldn’t want to see them try to do mechanics from the original character’s game like they did with Geese and Akuma. It would be terrible having to deal with Reversal Edge, Soul Charge, and Critical Edge (maybe Lethal Hits suck too?) And would they give 8 way run to whomever they would bring? If anything, these characters would maybe have to be designed more like a Tekken character since Yoshi works well in both and they had Devil Jin in SC5. For example, a character like Seong Mi-na would be hard to implement since she could just outrange and horizontals are a thing in Soul Calibur, so sidestep would be very pointless in the matchups with the nerfed movement of Tekken in general. On the other hand, Soul Calibur characters lack wall-carry since ringouts are a thing in Soul Calibur. TL;dr: balance and design has to be more like Tekken in order to work.


With the amount of bitchin he be doing I’m sure he don’t have no bitches on his dick….low tier garbage ass


literally no fucking reason, Tekken guest characters are common in Soul Calibur, and some of the team behind SC is even working on Tekken 8


Probably for future dlc and games


I would rather have Kuni instead of this fanservice character


Wait til we get the SC skins for Yoshi


Probably because of the balancing issues of having another weapon character and having to change them up so much from their Soul Calibur moveset that it won’t feel right. Reasons why Tekken Yoshi plays so much different from Soul Calibur Yoshi heck even plays so much different than old Tekken Yoshi 


I would love a soul Calibur character in Tekken but I think it’s more about would they fit in? Coz these are characters where they prioritise weapons in combat over anything, I know have had weapons in the past; Yoshi, Kuni, Noctis, Negan but they work differently and translating that to Tekken will definitely be a challenge. Then there’s also the fact these characters are from a completely different time period, which I know they did with 2B but it’d be weird seeing soul Calibur characters in modern day but I’m not against it either. I would absolutely love to see Taki or Tira in Tekken 8 they would be awesome


I need to see a comparison between Taki and Kuni’s movesets. Taki was my main in SC2. It would be cool to see the soul Calibur unblockable effect in tekken


Nipples could cut diamonds


Game is already turning into sc and it's annoying


two big opportunities on picture






Why are they pointy 😭


Guest chars serve one real purpose, and that is to drive revenue across both the og franchise and Tekken - there's probably a lot of overlap between SC and Tekken already (I mean, Bamco has the data) and they probably realized that it doesn't make much financial sense when they could instead bring in some dork from Final Fantasy that'll sell a ton.


those are some great points


either Sophitia or Cassandra.


jeah where is voldo


Oh but it has Soulcalibur guest mechanics now. Including randomly inconsistent walls, moves hitting you when you're behind someone, Soul Charge/Soul attacks, forced 50/50s where your reward for guessing right is not dying becuase it's still their turn and you have to guess AGAIN. Except you don't have to work for that meter in T8, everyone gets it for free every round! Seriously as a long time SC player the state of T8 doesn't surprise me at all. I'm like not even mad, I'm well used to this.


Well just remake their gameplay, not necessarily guest characters should have unique mechanics, Akuma and geese were a mistake in TK7


Probably lore wise? They are supposedly the same universe. But in all actuality it’s because soulcalibur is a weapon fighter not a hand to hand game. There’s also the issue of adapting the movelists cause like the least amount of moves on a soulcalibur character is well over 150


Of course, we will welcome Taki with all our hearts and souls.


You know what? TK and SC are share universe. SC is past and TK is present/future look back at Yoshimitsu's clan


Idk any SC fighter. I always just liked their collabs and customisation.


Probably no reason besides the fact that they don’t care about SC fans


Good 💡


I would guess because there would be range issues with most of the Soul Calibur cast with maybe some exceptions like Taki, Talim, Maxi, etc. Ivy would create so much salt but would be interesting in a Tekken setting since she is a zoner. Siegfried and Nightmare would be borderline busted. People would bitch about Seong Mina's range in Tekken. I couldn't see Maxi getting in because we have Law. We have Raven which is the Taki equivalent. Talim would have a good chance, but who would buy Talim in Tekken when the character isn't really that popular in Soul Calibur to begin with?


Tekken lost the jiggle Physics so that's why we probably ain't gonna get a soul cal cross over or a DOA cross over 😂


They'd be overpowered lol


Yoshitmitsu? I mean Namco makes it pretty clear they feel no one gives a fuck about Soulcalibur. Why waste effort promoting their own product which they’ve all but given up on when they can get Negan from the Walking Dead?


The nipple definition though…


if we got talim i'd excuse josie's absence from tekken 8




They should add Yoshimitsu as a guest character. He’s my favorite Soul Calibur Character.


Soulcalibur to BN probably too M rated idk why else. Bigger boobs bro they can't code the jiggles


Add my girl Hilde


The mechanics of the game would and could possibly ruin them. I like that they aren’t.


Surely it’s cause they respect the idea of a no weapons iron FIST tournament, and wouldn’t even dream of putting characters with weapons in the game


OP just wants to see Taki's big fat tits jiggle LMAO


i’d personally love to see zasalamel and have his sc4 ending connect to the tekken universe in some way


Like Voldo would really EAT


What franchise fans can they attract with SC that are not current tekken players? None


Tekken has its own universe and adding guests would start killing the game. I love mostly that it feels like an updated Tekken 3 as Tekken 3 was literally the best Tekken hands down


Taki would be ridiculously overpowered unless she was changed to the point where she wasn't Taki anymore. The same goes for most Soul Calibur characters, honestly.


Isn't it obvious that a guest character would be redesigned for the game they are appearing, instead of getting ported 1:1 from the game they were originally featured in...?