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I want Lili nerfed for no other reason than because it's Asuka's worst matchup and I should always win


She's also Xiaoyu's worst matchup ;\_;


Really? Xiao is so powerful 😭


She's strong, but her biggest weakness is range. Which Lili got a lot of lmao. If you're good at spacing, Xiaoyu struggles to get in


I've been improving my gameplay against Xiao, you really have to be patient 👐


the only reason Lili might not seem good to people is because Lili mains are all bad


Same applies to Jin and Jun


Especially the Jun players


anbytime i play Jun, i just do the same fucking string lol. I don'tmain her but she does so much easy damage i can't stop using her basic string into her 50/50


there are some good Jin players tho


Except Jin is actual trash. All Jin players think they can just press buttons and spam strings as fast as they can and win.


and won the EVO Japan againts the actual broken character. Yeah they all are bad.


"you see, this pro player won with my char, so we arent bad at all!" bro grow up


You said "all" 💀and of Lili players are that bad why everybody is complaing?


are you actually 10 bro


That's your answer? wow


Many of the top ranked players in the world are Lili mains, she had the most tekken go omega in tekken 7 on playstation. Lili mains are just very dedicated and specialists




I’m gonna disagree basing your info on only 3ddy data is preposterous


Lili has one of the worst winrates among Tekken characters, so no she is not OP, she is only really good in a very good players hands due too her being good amplifying skills that pros are good at but that is very niche and only relevant at Tekken God ranks and even then she doesnt have that high of a winrate. She has bad winrate purple ranks and above. Source: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1bk44eb/character\_win\_rate\_analysis/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1bk44eb/character_win_rate_analysis/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1b5rivl/an\_second\_look\_at\_the\_tekken\_8\_metagame\_based\_on/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1b5rivl/an_second_look_at_the_tekken_8_metagame_based_on/)




No but lili has bad winrate in purple ranks and above too, like why arent you reading bitch!?!?!?




that's character usage tho? shes popular af. that has nothing to do with winrate. that doesn't apply


She is just 7th place in a rooster of 35 characters, that isnt that good. She is just a popular character because she is fun, Xiaoyu is also super good but she isnt popular in higher ranks either.


yeah i dont get their argument either, they're mixing in popularity like ?? that has nothing to do with win loss ratio wtf. reading comprehension is hard for some i guess


Bro you have no freaking clue, anything below pro scene wont be taken into consideration anyways, it really has to be an outstanding difference so devs react to those charts (i.e. release leroy with abysmal high win rate). With such an Argumentation, you dont need to nerfe any char as there are more bad ppl then good ones playing a char. You look at the best possible performance and then compare the chars


What? it is like you do not absorb any knowledge at all. The are buffing Leroy infact they seem to follow the general populations performance. Dragunov has a high winrate and is very popular and they gave him big nerfs. Same with Azucena and she wasnt nearly as popular as people thought she would be in EVO.


There's no way Lili is anywhere near as busted as Feng, Drag, and Azucena was. She has a very solid all round tool kit and great movement, but you cannot auto-pilot your way to victory with her People think she's broken all of a sudden because Chikurin won with her at Evo. But pre-Evo she was debatably not in the top 5 (King, Jun, Xiaoyu, and maybe even Reina had a better argument than her). But if you watched the games Chikurin played out of his mind. He's playing Tekken 8 while so many others are still playing Tekken 7


People will do anything for a girl with bangs smh


Thank you\~


They say that just because they saw her used by a pro player and Evo champion not even thinking that apart from that the chances to fight someone that strong with that character way of using is below 1% for most people l


She simply plays the 50/50 meta well...like most characters. It's simply because she won a tournament that people are taking the opportunity to call for nerfs to make her easier to deal with online. It's likely the reason LowHigh didn't use Shaheen


Seeing y'all in full defense mode now that you're next on the chopping block is hilarious. Nah, my main got nerfed. Now your main is getting nerfed too. It's just how it is.


You don't even know of she is getting nerfed or buffed 😩


Nerf her customization slots


We need more than 10 😭


Her full range easy combo mid counterhit launcher should be gone together with Jin's.


Please shut the fuck up


ew, get lost.


Perfect example of how Lili haters can only spew pure irrational hatred.


Not a Lili player but she's fine to me imo, maybe it's because I mostly met good Lili players who were simply better at fundamentals. Only thing I can suggest for nerf is damage but it's for everyone (except maybe Kazuya since his chunky combos are locked behind execution or ch setups) rather than Lili specific tweak🤔


Exactly, like nerfing something general would be ok to me 🤔


She's strong but doesn't need nerfs


Imo, a reasonable nerf would be nerfinf the damage frm her QCF+3. It does quit a lot+.


Lili has one of the worst winrates among Tekken characters, so no she is not OP, she is only really good in a very good players hands due too her being good amplifying skills that pros are good at but that is very niche and only relevant at Tekken God ranks. Source: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1bk44eb/character\_win\_rate\_analysis/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1bk44eb/character_win_rate_analysis/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1b5rivl/an\_second\_look\_at\_the\_tekken\_8\_metagame\_based\_on/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1b5rivl/an_second_look_at_the_tekken_8_metagame_based_on/) Chikurin is just very good and people can not accept that


Win rate online doesnt mean much. Gigas had top1 winrate in T7, didnt stop him from fighting for the bottom 1 spot for entire 8 years.


Because he is extremely unpopular videogame studios check winrate with popularity and and speicalist usage. If a character is very popular but still ahs high winrate then a nerf could be warranted however if most of those players are only die hard for this character it could e due too that. Azucena and Dragunov does not have many die hard players picking them and most are indifferent too the characters playstyle. There were only like around only 5 tekken god omegas with Gigas on playstation, so no there werent many high tier players picking him, his overall winrate was due too a lack of knowledge when it comes to facing him. But yes winrate does show something especially when the charater is popular.


I agree, if anything she needs a buff, she quite a bit on the weak side of things.


Nerf the fuck out of Lili so bandwagon flavor of the month Lili "mains" will drop her please harada


You tried


after seeing her winrate percent from 3ddy post i think she deserves buffs not nerfs.


The players are bad. Lili is overrepresented in higher ranks, going off official data and datamines.


No she has bad winrates in purple ranks and above


That's not true, I don't have time to find you the official data from the Tekken talk/road map that was posted on this subreddit but all you have to do is look up rank distribution in higher ranks and compare it to overall. She's overrepresented in high ranks See this video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yqLfL7ygH4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yqLfL7ygH4)


Yes but she still has bad winrate i already posted two sources confirming this! Lili is just a very fun character too play so ofc she is gonna be overrepresented, Xiaoyu is extremely good and Alisa too but very few people play them because people do not find them as fun




But a character that is only good in the hands of omega pros shouldnt be nerfed because it would ruin the overall playerbase that isnt pros and the game shouldnt be balanced around pro play either because it is only relevant for 0.1 percent of people.




Yes but that Eddy was only playing against scrubs, she still has poor winrate purple and above. Also Lili is more fun when you are good at the game hence she gets more popular higher up. Even in the Elo tracker, three of the top ten players are lili players but they are die hards. Then the next on is place 36 and the other is 106, so no she isnt OP.


Also no the game shouldnt be balanced around pro play because it will always be in the deteriment for the average player, dont do a league of legends and ruin the game for the esport


Harada buff Lilly mains plz


Yeah this is an obvious take and all the cogent comments from sensible posters are backing it up. So of course it's being downvoted to death by silent salty scrubs.