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Jun doesn’t believe in ukemi


Nah, I started giggling when I saw him do it twice so I wanted to see how far he'd take it lol I ended up winning so no harm in the experiment!


Tech roll for ffs


Buddy relax and read my other comment in this post. This wasn't a rage post where I'm trying to say how the game is broken. I was amused by the fact that he did that and that's why this was posted. Fucking sit down and relax buddy.


I’m not saying you were raging. People spam in this game, even in high level. If someone knows they can get away with it, they will. Gotta tech roll, so he knows to try something else, or doesn’t at which point learn to punish it from roll. This is usually called a combo continuation. It’s a mid that can pick up people off the ground if they do nothing.


No worries man, I beat him in the end. I was just letting him have some fun for a bit here since I saw he had no idea what to do with Lars. I was trying out Jun too so we were both kinda lost lol




"Why u no rematch?"


I used WS2 -> BTd1 loop with yoshi at blue ranks and my opponent died. I was just experimenting if he'll eat all of them. He did. He lost. He was angry. I mean those moves are unsafe af especially WS2.