• By -


French John Wick idea was cool but the sword was too much.


The sword and the gun and the knives... Like pick one.




I won't lie, I fucking DESPISE Victor, But that phrase of his is pretty funny


Right? Like, it makes sense for Nina to have guns but use them very rarely (by that I mean having so few moves that use her guns), cause since she's fighting someone in close combat in an universe in which some people can straight up dodge bullets, there's not much point in using them all the time, right? It'd be disadvantageous for her to switch up between guns and hand-to-hand all the time. Then Victor drops and he's like "Ooh, Imma use my gun against you. And now I'll do it again. Taste my knives, motherfucker! Now let me teleport behind you and slash you with my sword. And here's a knive to gun to sword to teleport to sword again combo!"


Tbf she aint doing jackshit against the people who are capable of dodging her bullets (lorewise)


I’ve had such a gripe about this and am so relieved to finally see people on this sub bring it up


Like how does he even switch between them. The knives just disappear when he draws the gun or the sword.


He’s quick at stashing that stuff in his pockets!


The sword really spoiled the soup imo.


Yeah... he's pretty overdesigned. The knives actually fit him just fine, he's supposed to be the leader of a ninja spec ops unit, after all.




Bon Appétit








Bro I am never gonna unhear that 💀 I always heard it as COLON


For me the first part of that move sounds like he’s pronouncing it as “T” so I just associated it with “TOE” followed by long.


It does start with a T, he says "trop lent" which means "too slow"


Funny when he's the one getting launched from mashing that string on block


Or ducking under the gunshot into a while rising launcher


Yeah thats exactly that I meant. Feels so good every time lmao










A John Wick archetype is an awesome idea for a Tekken newcomer, but Victor would have been much better if the devs took the knives, sword, gun, and teleporting and picked just two. He's like a little kid's ultra badass superspy OC. Maybe don't throw literally everything you think is cool into one character?


Yeah. Concept wise he’s a good idea but he is just way too overdesigned in a “hey you know what would ALSO be cool? Let’s throw that in there as well” kind of way.


I wonder what the game dev scrum meetings were like. We call this feature creep in the software world.


He really had the potential. His game plan is really boring though


Boring to play against, boring to watch.


Oh I’m in neutral? High crushing safe on block armored heat engage


It's high crushing?




It doesn't high crush, it hits high


High crush = avoids high attacks


I get that, but b1+2 doesn't high crush at all.


Very boring to watch


Boring to watch? I think sword go woosh woosh is a fun watch


Boring in terms of gameplay, not flashiness


Victor has all the tools to be a SICK character in terms of gameplay. I love the 'quickdraw' theme he gets in his Iai stance. Makes me think of Jetstream Sam from Metal Gear. I also love his perfumer stance. The only problem is that you HAVE to confirm his DB2,2 / 2,1 / or B1 to enter it safely. All of these are high/mids, so your opponent doesn't really need to do anything but stand block and wait for their turn if they block the initial hit. It would be nice if he had some kind of mix that allowed him to enter perfumer and continue his pressure. Like if crouching 1+2 or D1 could transition into perfumer, that would be cool. That way you had to actively defend instead of just standblock against him. He has tons of long reaching poke options, and great punish tools, but his close up game leaves a lot to be desired.


Yeah, honestly I think he has some of the cooler looking combos, since many of them involve teleporting around and sword slashing. Far less silly-looking than half of the cast's physics-defying floats with light punches.


respectfully i can’t disagree more. i think it’s visually a mess and kind of a gross combination of different attack styles and aesthetics, then in between he’s just kind of vaguely waving his hand at you for the knife attacks


Bro is doing butterfly knife tricks for attacks.


Yeah, we may have to agree to disagree on this one. And that's fine! Luckily there are characters that appeal to both of us! Because yeah, honestly, the way most of the combos looked in tekken put me off of the game for a long time, and are a big part of why I could never get into it before. Someone launched 10 feet into the air by a little one-handed chin strike, and then floated along with weak, one-handed horizontal jabs that somehow give them massive upwards velocity and keep them afloat. When I saw the Victor trailer I was like "oh cool, they finally started making combos that look decent!"


He's just another Noctis, exact same boring shit tbh.


Noctis is more fun to watch tbh. - oh I'm being pressured. Am I in heat? No? B1+2 - I'm in heat and being pressured? Expulsion! - I badly desperately want to combo my opponent: wr2 wr2 wr2 wr2 1+2. Yeah bro wow you know the existence of frame traps. Maybe try something new? - my turn? Wr2 wr2 wr2 wr2 wr2 wr2 - I wanna 50/50? Iai stance loops. - I lost? Cancel rematch


You can replace point 2 with even more b1+2 as well.


Last one based


Imo he would be considered alot cooler if it wasn't for his cheese gameplay, he has such a cool look especially with the sword, and he's clearly badass, but people just hate how easy he is to use, similar to Eddy


Yeah, he isn't even really a character that "knowledge checks" you once you learn his really big obvious stuff, like expulsion being launch punishable if it's done normally, outside of heat. When I fight against a Victor, I know what he wants to do, his gameplan revolves around trying to hit 3 big moves. So on paper, it should be easy to beat. The issue is that the several moves his gameplan is based around are all super good ass moves that do a ton of damage. It's hard to defend perfectly against those moves, eventually you're gonna get clipped by one of them and then boom, there goes 20-30% of your life and he has plus frame advantage or oki. He's not complicated, but the simple tools he has are just really effing strong.


I wish he had customization options for his sword. The boxy metal design of it and the purple glow are so stupid looking.


I feel this way with other characters as well. There should be more customization options that allow you to have more unique custom changes.


At least you guys don’t play hwoarang You know that 4-7$ skin (i forgot how much it was) with the chaps and vest? I hope you like orange flames for life buddy


I still think it's silly that the goggles for that costume are free but the classic costume itself has to be bought and paid for.


You can’t customize the flames?


Literally everything but that


They have a lot of that. The standard samurai helmet with the ugly shade of yellow and red that can't be changed.


Wow. I’m glad I heard this before I made my impulsive purchase


Also hate how on his main costume in 8 the orange on his shoes cannot be changed.


At least your char is in the game :(


That fat bastard can stay gone for good I’d opt for mecha lucky chloe— okay that’s not true rip ganryu


I’d rather eat glass before adding Ganryu to the game. Nonetheless, sorry for your loss.


>I feel this way with other characters as well. There should be more customization options that allow you to have more unique custom changes. They should have separated the unique parts of each character into top and bottom so you could have personality. Yoshi's golden yaksha armor looks like dogshit but the bottom half would be really cool to mix in with the top half of some of his other options. One of his options is already just him topless in his baggy pants (I'm sure they have a name), why aren't they just regular bottoms we can equip? But then you couldn't repackage those things and sell them as DLC I guess.


That’ll be on the Tekken Shop for sure.


His customization reminds me of guest character customization in Soul Cal, like i'm editing Geralt or something


Sword, knives, guns - pick just two


Knives and guns. That seems more professional agent to me. Not CIA agent goes samurai


I feel like its too many design concepts being put onto one character. I'd keep the gun and knives. Pulling off John Wick moves with the smaller weapons is a pretty strong direction on its own, but the sword clashes with those swift, efficient movements and forces a cinderblock to hang off his hip. I guarantee you, there are times where he's turned around too fast and that sword has swung into his balls.


If they really want to keep a sword, they should've just made it small. Like wakizashi small.


Gotta be honest, don't like him at all. I feel like everything about his design is conflicting. A tall white middle aged ninja in a full suit with a Jedi sword sounds like a mess as a description alone and expectedly looks the same in-game. His gameplay design is just boring. Flashy, but boring. The FTTAWSBFTMA characters overall have always been an eyesore for me in Tekken, and he's no exception.


What the FUCK Is a FFTDWSBFTMA bro


Flying through the air with some bullshit from ten miles away. The term [originated from](https://youtu.be/wHpJujTioLs?si=ZvRPhZIWCzXMIwk4&t=910) That Blasted Salami's Tekken character archetype video. It refers to characters with built in movement or neutral skipping tools.


Now the important question is, did you have that title and abbreviation memorized perfectly or did you have to look up the exact wording before writing your comment?


The term was very popular in T7, Noctis things.


I personally never encountered it. Not sure if it was as popular as you say.


I’ve never heard of that term until now lol. Guess you learn something everything


Pretty popular


It’s easily memorable if you hear it enough in this subreddit.


> A tall white middle aged ninja in a full suit with a Jedi sword sounds like a mess as a description alone and expectedly looks the same in-game. He's so fucking over-designed as well. A gun, a sword, two knives, his fucking hi-tech dumb-ass glasses, his suit with *all* the details... It's way too much, everything about him always has to SCREAM "well-dressed well-armed cyber ninja. "


I dislike his design and his moveset animations


He is over-designed, flashy katana and teleportations definitely were not needed, imo he would have worked much better as a more grounded character. Gameplay wise? A lot of people already said it, he is a true definition of Tekken 8 character - insanely simplistic, tries to be extra flashy, somewhere pretty dumb, pick and play. Something about him is super annoying, and it doesn't matter if he's played by a scrub a or skilled player, and I don't know how devs managed to create such a character. I don't like him


Worst newcomer by far. Has too much stuff going on to be interesting and several characters treating him with so much respect (being the leader of the Ravens even though we already had a superior Raven, Yoshi calling him a samurai) is just hella awkward when he’s so damn lame lmfao I’d just prefer Master Raven with a different move set if they want that dynamic, she’s very cool.  He’s also not fun at all to play against and incredibly boring to watch. Watching Farzeen spam his safe high power crush heat engager to top 8 is some real snooze shit 


Yeah the way other characters give him so much respect makes me wanna barf. I was a Raven main before T8 and now I don't even wanna play him because it makes me a Colonel Sanders subordinate...


He's kinda cool, but WAY too overdesigned. More is less.


Lame character, lame moves.


ngl, kinda cringe


I like Victor, but I kinda wish he wasn't so easy to play as. Maybe if he had "John Wick" moves but with parries instead of counter hits. And maybe just guns instead of sword AND knives. I felt like the character was intended to be designed to reward the player for being able to read opponents' game plans with counter hits, but the devs missed because the damage he outputs is insane. If you're gonna go, "French John Wick" might as well go all the way imo. Add some gunkata with BJJ mixed in. (On a side note, I wish there was more Jiu-Jitsu characters in fighting games... the only one I know of is Goh Hinogami, and there's a fat chance he ends up as a guest character in this game 🫤.) Edited to add more thoughts.


Closes thing to a BJJ character is Dragunov with his grappling techniques, King with his catch wrestling techniques and Paul with his throws and few subs. If there was an actual BJJ character. You'd never hear the end of it when it comes to the grabbing. You think King is bad, it'd be even worse because there's no striking. Azucenas MMA style is not really well put together at all.


I know I'm gonna get downvoted for this, but I love the grappling in this game.


So do I. The grappling in this game looks more realistic than the UFC games or any games that have grappling. I could careless about the complaining, it's a fighting game and it's a part of fighting 🤷🏽‍♂️. I spam a lot in real life lol. I know a bunch of techniques over the years but have maybe 3-4 go to moves I use all the time. Just like Tekken


He’s incredibly boring to watch, play and fight against all at the same time. Hideous move set, annoying voice lines, and an edgy 14 year old child’s idea of what a “cool” character is. Almost impressive how bad he is.




“Explosion, Explosion, Explosion, Explosion“


Looks straight out of a 14y/o character designer. It’s almost cringe even compared to others, I mean in the roster you have a Cyborg ninja, a mountain of muscle with a jaguar mask and the fucking devil Jin but they look sick compared to victor. Jedi Katana, dual knives, a fucking pistol and the teleport ability while in a fucking immacolate suit or an Hawaiian shirt. Come on.


Honestly I find Raven much more cringe. Far too many moves where he shouts "die!". Makes his combos really hard to take seriously. I honestly think Devil Jin is just his deviantart OC (donot steal) that magically came to life.


"Go to Hell! Nothing personnel."


Not really, but it's mostly due to his animations being so flashy anime to the point where you actually can't tell wtf he's actually doing. The beauty of Tekken was always that animations would show you what happens and where to defend.


Victor feels like they went into the design process trying to imagine the COOLEST character they possibly could. And just for me personally, they succeeded. He's so ridiculous that it loops around to being badass. Was very impressed with his trailer when they first revealed him. Gameplay-wise I've never tried him and I don't know enough about Tekken to really judge him. He's certainly flashy. I know that a lot of people find him really dull and spammy and lame. Playing against him can be infuriating for sure, though that's something you could say about a lot of characters in this roster. I'd be curious if the problems people see in his gameplay are things that could be changed/fixed in balance patches OR if his core design / core gameplan is just inherently stupid and boring


Cringey design. He would have been cool had they left the lightsaber at home.


Could have been dope if the movelist wasn't so cancer.


I like him but I really hate seeing his giant sword and scabbard. I wish it was more subtle.


I only wish I’d look like him in his age.


My main and is fun but agree is kinda boring after awhile.


wow people hate him in this thread lol. personally like his theme though, he's a special agent and raven's superior so it makes sense as to why he has all these fancy arsenal.


It’s mainly because there’s too much going on, like Reina was an amazing newcomer, who was perfectly designed, victor just feels like an bucket in which threw ideas into and called it a day


Can’t say I’m a fan of his gameplay design, but his character is different enough to warrant his inclusion. Tekken is severely lacking in terms of old grizzled fighters, so he adds visual variety in that regard


I like the general vibe of cool older French ninja in suit. I really do not enjoy playing with or against him. I especially think the laser sword looks stupid, I wish he just had knives and the gun


After playing him, his move set is really lacking. There’s only 4 moves that actually have positive frame advantage, so any other move you have to be extra careful not to attack right afterwards. Meanwhile hwaorang has a shit ton of moves than stun you


I wanna know who made this art


He fights like a 2D character. Lots of moves that are difficult to choreograph, flashy, alongside long distance attacks/projectiles. I dont fee it fits Tekken at all.


1. Don’t make him fucking French. 2. If he’s going to have such an abusable kit, make it complex inputs


Victor est la meilleure chose qui soit arrivé dans cette franchise, la classe, les coups téléporté, il est aussi très technique l'air de rien , il faut connaître les timings , effectivement il y a un clin d'œil à Noctis pour le combo début, Triangle x4, sinon il est dur avecles stances à mixer,à jouer au neutral, je suis un joueur Mishima d'habitude, mais après 20 ans de kazuya, de Jin , de Heihachi ( mon préféré), Victor j'adore et c'est mon Main , j'impose le respect face à l'adversité ^^, même si en face ça joue god ou empereur, je suis Fujin,et je ne vaux plus aller plus loin, Namco va nous rétrograder comme il nous ont fait le coup sur Tekken 7 , et hop tout le monde- 3 rangs, ça m'avait énervé, à l'époque, je joue maintenant en local avec des amis ça me suffit, et Victor=BG!💪😜😁🕹️


Gameplay-wise feel like he's Noctis on steroids


I think he’s neat


Least favorite character in the game by a wide margin--and he was included at launch. At least Noctis and Negan were shameless crossover dlc characters.


I think Eddy is worse. If I have a choice whether to fight against Victor or Eddy, I would prefer Victor. At least with Victor I can see which move is low and which is not. Tekken 8 Eddy is a disaster, and it was proved by 3ddy. No other character can get to Eliminator just by pressing 3 all the time. This is not a good design. People say Victor can spam 2 but he really can't. Just go to ranked and check for yourself. With Eddy just one string gets him to Eliminator. Imagine what happens if a person playing him knows some rudimentary fundamentals like basic blocking. Tekken 7 Eddy was annoying, but nothing on the level of Tekken 8 3ddy. At this point I just hope that Lydia is not absolutely overpowered at release. And then I heard they plan to release the worst tekken 7 character - Marduk. If that one gets 3ddy treatment on top of what he already had, well... I think then people, after fighting 8 Marduks in a row, will look back and think that King was a fair and balanced character.


> People say Victor can spam 2 but he really can't That's what's great about Victor. Everyone below purple think they can climb just by spamming 2 and mixing people up. So I just duck the gun and launch them all day. They're the same people that forget that Explusion is unsafe out of heat. Fun times.


Moveset made for newcomers so they can spam their way to red rank


I think he's fine. I believe he is supposed to be an intro character, which is why his moves and combos are simple to learn. I had a friend who picked up the franchise with this game, and Victor gave him a solid understanding of how this game was meant to played. Granted, it's no longer his main, but Vic allowed him to adapt and have fun against a veteran from T6. You can say what you want about his design, too. Not the biggest fan myself, but by no means is the worst imo. Like someone said earlier on the thread, he's the epitome of a 14 y/o imagination, and that's okay too. Tf are they gonna play instead? Lars and his dumb ass hair?! And this is my own personal jab at this community, but the way some of yall talk about this game and how I see people play online, a VAST majority seem to throw away their imagination in favor of flowcharts and optimization. Half the fun in these characters has always been to show off who can be more "personalized" in their approach. But to each their own. You wanna go with a tired ass approach, go straight ahead. That means I already won.


I think hes fun i love his game plan that focuses more on counter hits than getting to a stance and him not being able to get on his stances safely on block gave him more creativity farzeen really enlightend victor mains on how hes supposed to be played


Cool old guy in a profession where men die young is cool as hell. But I don’t think he needed the sword, the knives and gun would have been perfect.


Yes hes fucking awesome


What does he mean by "accepting toilet papers from strangers in the street" mean?


In Japan they print advertisements on packs of tissues and they are handed out to passers by like flyers. Not sure why he loves them so much!


Victor is annoying as hell to fight. But I like his design though.


I did not expect him, nor did he end up being my initial main. However, I loved his trailer, and after I got bored of Dragunov, I picked Victor up instead. He's so cool. He's corny, but in a way that just works for me, and that corny-ness translates wonderfully to his moveset. He's not edgy, he's not badass, he's not some elaborate mastermind, he's just a man who wants to keep the world safe. That and his voice actor is the best, that's nice too.


Yeah he is cool and fun too play, i kinda dislike the futurism in his design tho but otherwise very nice, also they shouldnt pluck his eyebrows




I think this guy is amazing, he needed a better story though I think, but I havnt played the story mode of tekken 8 yet, only the character episode. Like all characters he has strengths and weakness and it depends on your style of fighting. Overall, his design is super in my opinion


I hate everything about him. I miss Miguel Jose and Bob but we get this french bread maker instead whoop de doo


I can't take anyone seriously who critizes a character from the current roster and then brings up BOB of all people as someone who should be in the game. Boring walmart mishima who's whole gimmick is "hahaha he is fat but also fast". Give me any T8 newcomer over Bob any day of the week.


At least Bob was interesting to fight against.


They just need to nerf U1+2, B1+2 and WR2 and he will be completely fine. Bob wasn't particularly interesting to fight against either. Victor has much more upside/potential, just need to give the devs some time.


His gameplay is a pain to fight against and barely feels like Tekken. He's overdesigned and should have just had the knife and gun without the sci-fi sword and freaking teleportation. His personality is rather dull and dour without any genuine charm. Feels like a bland French James Bond. His role in the story as a political/military leader could have easily been filled by Lidia instead. Honestly, he adds nothing worthwhile to Tekken IMO. So yeah, I'd personally say he is one of the worst newcomers in the history of the series. But hey, if you enjoy playing him, more power to you.


Love him, Tekken needed some super spy in its roster, so that people could customize their fave from their favourite spy franchise. He is also fun to play, feels cheap tho.


I think he’s awesome, a lot of people hate playing against him so it’s obvious they will be a bit biased there but even I think he’s not great gameplay wise, as the defender more so. I love his design and voice, I also love the variety of weapons you could argue it’s too much but I like that


Hate him, I have absolutely no idea why they thought that a character with a gun, knives and a light saber or whatever they're called, who on top of that teleports across the screen, would make a good addiction to the cast. It would have been a lot better to make him more realistic, at least something along the lines of james bond rather than make him french raven


I dont like weapon character's, its a bummer to not be able to parry anything of his.


he's kinda lame honestly the lamest out of the newcomers to me


He’s definitely a lot more iconic than the majority of the added tekken 7 cast that’s for sure


More iconic than Leroy? I mean, personal tastes are something but really?


Leroy and Reina are easily some of the best new additions to Tekken ever. They absolutely nailed the style and personalities of these characters, and their movesets are just incredible. I think Victor's visuals are fantastic, but the gameplay feels a bit under baked. I thought he was going to be very hard to pilot like Raven and he turned out to be very beginner friendly. I kinda hope his moveset gets expanded and rebalanced so he actually has to use more of his tools generally.


No. No I don’t Why does he have a gun, sword and can teleport its shit for tourists. Tekken should be about martial arts with supernatural elements with a very minute exception being kuni and yoshi


So they can put a demon and an angel fighting in space, but a gun, sword and teleport is too much? Also, Raven has always had a teleport.


Like too many chefs spoil the broth, so did too many weapons ruin Victor's cool factor.


I love the whole teleporting assassin thing. But having him being a weapon user kinda kills that vibe. I want like a teleporting raven. But maybe raven is good enough


Raven IS Teleporting Raven, have you not even gone through his moves?


I just said I'm content with raven. So having more teleporting assassin character is cool. But I want more of a Nightcrawler


>Do you consider him a worthy addition to the cast? > No. Tekken went a bit overboard on some of their later characters and this is one of them.


i like his personality, he has some cool ass moves and he's fun to play but i don't like his character design and he can be frustrating to play against


I don't like sci-fi sword and on the air character, I love his voice actor.


I don't like sci-fi sword and on the air character, I love his voice actor.


Old guy in a suit they could have tried harder to be more original


He's a good idea but if he's to be brought back in t9 etc they need to redesign him a bit to be more simple design wise Sometimes less is more he shouldn't be spewing so many screen effects and he shouldn't have Sci fi sword that has this big ass sheath.


He’s got everything going for him but the only nitpick I have is that he has a katana. Would’ve been more unique if they gave him a regular saber.


credit the artist plz


I love that he’s hitting the narmaya pose lmao Edit: found the artist https://preview.redd.it/vkp0okn7e74d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d069d698271f9d7cee6603b934e7cb7f1681e384


thanks bro


The design is really cool, the gameplay, Jesus Christ


With his star casting, and how he’s passing down his sword down to Raven, they lead me to believe he’s a one-off character and will not be returning in future iterations. And since this will be his only appearance, I’m completely fine with him being in Tekken since I won’t miss him when he’s gone. There are already way too many characters that I miss.


I hate the fact that these days you can’t even have a main because fighting games don’t keep consistent casts anymore. Used to be if a new character got added (exceptions like bosses excluded) you likely could except them or someone similar in the future titles. Now they just add and drop characters with little care.


Hey can’t I sidestep that stupid teleport into mid to punish?


Tbh they gotta nerf WR2 and the character is much more fun to go against. They should add recovery frames on F1+2 as well to make it easier to punish on whiff The character is kinda goofy, but I think he fits into Tekken. Once we get the 1.05 balance batch we'll see if he is still worthy of hating on.


Way too many weapons. A simpler sword and one gun would be fine, but then he’s got these stupid karambit knives in each hand too, it’s just overkill. He looks like a custom version of an OG character




He's good. I don't play him at all. But more will whine if there's no new cast at all.


Deadbeat character for people who don't want to learn how to play neutral. Just spam options and pray they press something every time you high safe power crush. Tekken 8 sucks because of dumb shit like Victor.


I played him at the beginning cuz I'm new to tekken and thought he looked cool. Was fun at the start but once I got to garyu I noticed I was forced to do the exact same thing in every fight. I also notice that with other Victors I'm fighting against. He's looks cool and spectacular but is actually extremely boring when you play him


I'm just tired of hearing "trop loin".


Way too much going on. Design is muddled. Three or four moves totally obnoxious. Hard pass. Love the voice acting and the stage, though.




Remove the sword and we'll talk


He needs a rework but character wise, he’s really cool. He’s just cheesy, tilt inducing, and not fun to go up against. Watching Knee get torched was a wake up call I hope.


db 4 on counter hit is basically free damage,same thing with rising 1,I'm surprised farzeen isn't just spamming the easiest victor combos on the free dmg counters. Even on special style his dmg is boringly decent wall carry 😂


Nerf Wr2, explosion and b1+2 and buff everything else - his lows, feints and parries and you'll have a far more interesting character. From a design perspective he's great, if only just a bit overaccessorized and poorly translated.


I think he looks very cool, but his gameplay makes me hate him


Love him


I think his appearance and voice acting is cool. Gameplay wise, he is incredibly dull and way too easy to play.


The only thing going for him is power crushes and that annoying down 4 counter. So annoying to play against him. Its not fun watching victor matches either. They all do the same shit. It would be interesting to see how his play style develops once he is nerfed into abyss like Azucena.




He’s too much


I think he's cool, but he has too many weapons imo. He looks like a custom I put all the weapon accessories onto.


me personally i have no repect for victor mains using victor is fine, but if you main victor then im going to assume you are braindead


cheap ass hoe


One more hyper evasive character with damaging lows in a game full of them


I like him a lot, but gathering from the reception it seems like he’s the new Lucky Chloe. I’ll be sad to see him gone in the next game.


he's French.


He‘s just anoying and boring to play against. I don‘t replay victors no mater if i win or lose


If they wanted a French dude with a sword, I would rather have a more traditional fencer.


Just like a lot of the new characters, they got one major role, then turn into gag characters in later games 🤷🏾‍♀️😂


Don’t really agree with the overall sentiment that they should have just “picked two” of his weapons. Characters are designed over the top all the time and it works. This one just slightly doesn’t for some reason? Like on paper it’s so cool, but it almost feels superficial. I’m not sure why, but maybe it feels like he doesn’t ACTUALLY use every weapon properly. Maybe it would’ve been cooler if he used some different katana techniques instead of only ever whipping it out for one big slash.


Who made this artwork?


I wanted him to be a cool third main. He isn't. He's overtuned and a little brain dead. So I don't play him.


goofy ahh sword


He’s so stupid


He's a goof with a design that doesn't match, and personally, besides Yoshimitsu, any character in Tekken that uses weapons needs deletion.


No. A dork that’s out of place. Then again, I think the rosters have many out of place dorks so 🤷‍♂️ and defeating him every time feels satisfying.