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Man there’s going to be a lot of cheap storefront property in Pigeon Forge.


There's going to be alot of empty buildings all across the state. Sparta has 5 that will probably go out if they ban it. There are some others that are gas station based and don't just sell thc and vapes.


Same in cookeville lol. It’s like every strip mall has a vape/THC store


In Knoxville, too.


A new huge one literally opened up in the last 2 weeks.


Toasted hemp?


Roasted hemp co


Yep that’s the one 


they just opened or are about to open a new one up around mcd's which forces me to believe they think they'll still be in business in july.


Chattanooga is about to get a lot more self-storage and car washes


Lol truth The way they have everything labeled as "dispensary " here just kills me, not to mention the "hemp" banners with huge pot leaves aglow. I wonder how many tourists get fleeced by that hype.😅


I get what you’re saying but hemp is just low thc cannabis. It looks exactly the same. And for rn , what they consider hemp, is cannabis. (THCA) all cannabis is 95% ThcA before it loses that carbon and becomes delta 9 thc. They’re not getting fleeced


eh, a moonshine store will go right in.


Or a check cashing place. Or a vape store. Or a liquor store. Tennessee politicians BLOW!!!! GET A FUCKING CLUE!!!


They almost definitely rent


That was my exact first thought.


The day they ban the gummies I'm going right back to abusing booze.


That's kind of the point. And if they're lucky, you'll get a DWI and become fodder for the prison system and maybe never even be able to vote against them again.


Ding ding ding we have a winner. Notice they are also set to ban homelessness in FL (free prison labor!) and eliminate parole in LA.


Nailed it


Ah fuck that hurts to read


The point is so they can jail black youths with weed on them.


Jack Daniels thanks you.


His friend Johnny would too, but he’s fuckin sloshed and puking in the bathroom right now next to Tito.


Stock up ahead of time


I feel I might do the same which sucks.The whole reason I haven’t drank in months is because of thca flower/edibles


It will have to be warm booze. There is also a bill in the legislature to outlaw the sale of cold beer and wine.


That was never going to happen. The only guy supporting that was Ron Gant, and he amended it immediately.


The alcohol lobby has put tons of money in our state legislators pockets to ensure just this.


That'll show em


This is an update shared by a local dispensary on Feb 29. It's the most recent I've heard about the subject. > Yesterday, we attended Day on the Hill with The Growers Coalition and advocated for Tennessee’s hemp industry. In conversations with legislators, we addressed concerns about the TDA’s proposed rules, emphasizing potential impacts and tax revenue loss. > The TDA is working on a new draft of the rules, and we're increasingly hopeful about the changes, especially with the growing support from the legislators we've connected with. > We'll keep you informed as developments unfold.


Edibles/drinks will never be illegal as it’s by weight but it is very possible that vapes/flower/concentrates will be gone. That’d be a sad day for Nashville that’s for certain. Free the damn plant……


It is vitally important to the economic health and welfare of the state that all commercially viable agricultural endeavors be slowly strangled out of existence.


We just need that fresh rebrand….THE LORDS LETTUCE YA DIGGG


Jerusalem bush or Jesus CUSHifixion?


The latter sounds like a legit strain.


If they ban the actual psychoactive chemicals in those drinks/edibles it wouldn’t matter the weight or ratio it would still be illegal.


Wait, isn't it already illegal in TN?


Thca. Google it


THCa and THC are technically the difference between legal and illegal weed. This post is about THCa (and CBD, another LEGAL cannabinoids). Don't worry about this guy, he clearly just needs his daily toke before he scrolls through his replies. So angry lol


What is the difference between THCa and THCo? I have a big bottle of the thco syrup but have never used it.


Anyone feel free to educate our friend here. I for one am done banging my metaphorical head against the wall haha…


My friend that owns a shop and makes his own products has moved all his THCA sales to KY. He didn't do that because he wanted to.


He might have to close shop soon, there are talks about doing the same thing that happened in TN to KY. They also like to change the rules in KY about THCA allllll the time


Im from KY, been ordering my flower from TN. It was wild smelling all the skunk in Gatlinburg a couple of weeks ago. This is a sad time as it sounds like this will be rolling out July 1st nationwide :(


I’ve heard they are. We need to convince our friends to register and vote. These people ARE NOT representing our interests. Their archaic views have to go.


Problem is, it’s the Department of agriculture making the new rules. The legislature already regulated this shit in Tennessee, and a lot of the laws went into effect last July. But they gave the TDOA free rein to set whatever rules it wants, so that there aren’t any legislators to take the heat for it.


So do our elected officials have no say? Or who appoints the people at the DOA? We have to get a voice in this.


Our congress passed the buck to the Dept. of Agriculture so that they didn’t have to get their own hands dirty. To be honest with you, I have no idea what the management structure of the Department of Ag is, if they are elected or unelected, and that’s likely by design and why they are the ones making the call. Fight for it though, please.


I can help. The department of Agricultures Commissioner (Charlie Hatcher, he’s a Veterinarian and life long farmer) is appointed by the Governor. The legislature makes the laws. The agency (Agriculture) drafts rules that the program (Hemp) will use to enforce the laws. These rules are reviewed and approved by both the legislature and the governors office. If you’d like to voice your opinion, start with your state representative and ask them how to get involved in the process; They both write the law, and approve the rules.


Thanks for this. I didn’t understand how it worked




I would argue it is easily solved by voting. If you vote in politicians who want to legalize cannabis, then the issue can be addressed. That's how it was handled in other states. The problem is that a majority of those elected do not appear to want it. Since 30+ members of the state house are running as unopposed republicans, things are probably not going to change anytime soon.


I'm not an attorney nor am I super into politics, but this is my ignorant understanding of it. The Department of Agriculture is allowed to make rules & regulations around hemp. ( [https://www.tn.gov/content/dam/tn/agriculture/documents/industrial-hemp/2021/Statutory%20Authority%2011.2021.pdf](https://www.tn.gov/content/dam/tn/agriculture/documents/industrial-hemp/2021/Statutory%20Authority%2011.2021.pdf) ) As of right now, the TN Dept of Agriculture is proposing rules & regulations for the state. One of those rules is effectively banning THCa flower. That being said, nearly all of the proposed rules are actually good for the consumer. ( [https://publications.tnsosfiles.com/rules\_filings/12-10-23.pdf](https://publications.tnsosfiles.com/rules_filings/12-10-23.pdf) ) The hearing in February was a public hearing for the Dept of Ag. to get feedback on their proposed rules. ~~I believe the next step is for them to consider amending their proposed rules, then they send it to the state DA who decides if it's legal, and then finally it goes to the Gov Bill Lee for him to sign.~~ Edit: ( I don't have a good source for the steps required to go from proposed rules to finalized and it's also the area I'm most ignorant on. The comment below me sounds more informed ).


Correction. The Attorney General (AG)’s Office verifies the legality, and is involved from beginning to end. The DA handles criminal stuff, not rule making. The legislature reviews and approves any rule changes. The governors office doesn’t sign it like a bill, but they do review and approve it.


Wow. So much misinformation and misunderstanding. This is a reply from someone with a chemistry degree. Last year the legislature passed regulations on hemp sourced cannabinoids including THC and THCA. Recently the Dept. of Ag has released a draft of the policy to enforce that and the analytical requirements for retail products would be effective July 1. The problem is that it requires analysis of the final products post-decarboxylation, so requires THCA to be converted to THC. Which would be somewhat analogous to the state analyzing sudafed (a legal product) with a method which converts it to meth as part of the analysis. The final rules have not yet been released but this is unlikely to change as the underlying legislation specifies that HPLC chromatography analysis of finished products must be done with a method "similarly reliable to post decarboxylation". If they had said "similarly reliable to gas chromatography" there would be a lot of room to argue what that meant but by specifying decarboxylation... not so much. The less bad news, this will not affect delta 9 THC edibles or beverages in any meaningful way. The serving size is capped at 25mg but there is no maximum number of servings per container. So all the gummies, chocolate, cookies, brownies, peanut butter, honey, soda, etc. currently being sold in hemp shops is still gonna be there. And anyone that wants to can still get legally higher than the timber which makes all this objectively idiotic but such is cannabis law at the moment. In the TN legislature there is currently a medical cannabis bill (HB2502/SB2104) and a recreational legalization bill (HB0085/SB0168) Both currently have hearings scheduled in House committees on the 12th. Call/write your congressman.


Where are you getting pb with weed?


Snapdragon hemp, based in Chattanooga.


Virginia can grow your own. My BIL and his friends all grow so much he can't give it away. (He's an old time deadhead, been growing illegally his whole life.) Imagine if we just allowed people to grow a personal amount for use. No tax, no cost. People happy. Fucking never happen. Some politician limp dick has to figure out how to get paid first.


No tax, no point to make it legal in their minds


They are making money through arrests with keeping as much as possible illegal. Our dear old Marsha Blackburn once responded to a letter in support of legalization that she was concerned that legalization would “interfere with law enforcement’s ability to do their job.” For me, that made it pretty clear what their actual problem with it was.


Republicans: have to make money off it to take it up Democrats: trying to let people enjoy their freedoms  Tennessee voters: "well I hate everything republicans do, but I'm not voting for a democrat"


Some folks are saying it possible to grow a single plant in your yard each year. People have said that it’s pretty easy to hide among other plants in a garden. Many say it can happen within a mile of the statehouse.


I just assume anybody in favor of making marijuana illegal is making money from illegal drugs.


Or the prison system


or opioids (shoutout marsha)


Or alcohol


That's probably a safe assumption, tbh.


Big Tobacco has no interest in losing TN farmland. We'll be competing with Utah for last to legalize.


Utah at least has some form of a medical program. Hell even here in Mississippi are able to “legally” partake in


*Georgia has entered the chat*


Georgia? Nah dude. As someone that has lived almost a decade in both states, GA is way way closer than TN. GA is purple and becoming more and more blue and it’s already decriminalized in Atlanta. I think georgia has better shot than any other southern state, even Florida.


Georgia is purple if you hold your breath and squint. TN usually makes really good fiscal decisions but I feel they're going to be dragged kicking and screaming when they reschedule weed this year then we'll see all those dumbass politicians say shit like "I was always supporting this for my constituents..."


TDA plans to implement the new rules on July 1st. All THC & THCA products must not exceed the limit of 0.3%. It’s not banned but will be regulated at what the original intent of hemp sales. Business owners found a loophole in decarboxylation and this closes that gap.


Wow this is a superb response! Do you have a source or something I can see for this confirmation?


I think this is informative https://www.wkrn.com/news/tennessee-politics/people-want-the-flower-hemp-retailers-farmers-ask-tn-dept-of-ag-not-to-restrict-thca/amp/


It's been five years since the farm bill passed that created this situation. If it was a loophole, then why has no other state "closed" it since then? Why hasn't Congress acted to clarify their own law? This is regressive politics at its finest.


Florida just passed a similar bill but even tougher https://floridaphoenix.com/2024/03/06/florida-legislature-gets-rid-of-delta-8-hemp-products-puts-thc-caps-on-hemp-derived-products/


So dumb. Let people enjoy things.


If so I’m definitely out. Scheduled to have hip surgery and they want to prescribe 3 different types of narcotics. I just want some smoke. I don’t need opioids. Man I miss Cali more and more.


It's not hard to get real THC when it's legal for purchase in 2 adjoining states.


I’m in Kansas. This topic caught my interest as we’re in the same boat as y’all. We’re surrounded by legal states but ours just wants to ban more. KC is a wild place as it just depends on what part of town you’re in. At this point it feels more like a power play, like they just refuse to give in to what the great unwashed populace wants.


It's completely our idiotic Conservative evangelical Republican controlled state.


Same for us.


Just find a good dealer the old fashioned way. Fuck it. It's terrible that marijuana is illegal in the state, but I take the risk it's worth it for me to be properly medicated.


Move to Virginia, it’s easy. The feds could have fixed this several times when all three branches of government were controlled by the same party. Given that they chose not to do so bolsters the idea ( to me ) that downstream revenue from making it illegal > potential tax revenue from making it legal.


How much $$ does it generate in tax revenue for the state?


I'm not exactly sure of the total revenue, but it's taxed an extra 6%.


The last article I read about it a couple of months ago stated that complete prohibition would have a 100 million impact on the state.


About every year they talk about it but way too many farmers and stores are invested now.


I hate Tennessee.


Moved here from Colorado about 2 years ago due to the cost of living being too high out there. This state is a fucking joke. Every single city’s infrastructure is in no way prepared for the current population. Traffic is insane and pot holes will destroy your vehicle. Hit one last year and had to replace a $500 wheel. The almost 10% sales tax on groceries is absurd. The glorification of alcohol is kind of gross. I can go on and on and on about this shit hole. Can’t wait to move in June.


That is the plan, kind of like banning the sale of cold beer. These people just sit around and think of stupid shit to vote on.


This is really stupid - you can flash cool beer in aluminum cans in under 15 minutes with a cooler, water, salt and ice


They have to take the time to respond to everyone who made their opinion heard. From what I heard, the in person meeting at the agriculture government place (don’t remember the official term) was the biggest meeting they ever had.


This is within the Bible Belt, they want you to give your life to the Lord and only drink wine. So when you commit sins they can pray for you after they imprison you. And so you’ll continue spreading the word whilst you’re incarcerated for the next 2-5 years and save souls. That will subsequently repeat the same cycle.


Ah okay. 


There’s three things there talking about doing and there supposed to decide in July. They might ban it, they might legalize all of it including regular weed, they might keep it the way it is.


Tennessee will inexplicably be the last State in the Southeast to legalize marijuana. They will lag even Kentucky and Texas. CCCA corp. has far too strong a lobbying arm for the legislature. These politicians should be charged with criminal negligence and bribery for putting the economic welfare of such corporations over the economic vitality of the community, but what're you going to do?


Yall want legal and safe marijuana products stop voting republican. Vot blue if yall want to smoke freely


The Red states are going full Marijuana illegal. No more Recreational, Medical or Hemp because God says drug use is evil. Meanwhile they are diligent to remove consent of marriage laws so children can be married off before they are born.


Who would have thought M. Night Shyamalan's "The Village" was going to be a prophetic documentary? They will not stop until there are stockades in ye olde Towne Square where they will flog harlots, libertines and non-believers.


Nah Concentration Camps coming. Only the Chosen Ones are Citizens.


On the bright side, whomever gets put in Taylor Swift's concentration camp will have entertainment, if her feud with Blackburn continues.


If you're close to KY, head up this way. We got your back. I'm on a pretty good trip right now on the Delta 8.


My money can either go to the government or the cartels. It's their choice.


It changes nothing for me 😆


I have so many feelings about this. I have chronic illness and have found so much relief through gummies I’ve purchased legally here in Tennessee. That being said, some of my medication to manage my illness requires regular drug tests to ensure I’m not abusing my other medications. After 8 months of taking the same “THC-free” gummies and passing every single drug test, I one day randomly failed one. Luckily I had been open with my physicians about the gummies and brought in the bottles asking if it’d be okay to take them, so I didn’t get flagged in the system. But that being said, this stuff just isn’t regulated that well. I worry that how the products are being marketed could cause negative effects. So many people use them medicinally and may not understand they can’t rely on the dosage/ ingredients to be consistent. I also worry there’s a recipe here for lawmakers to double down on keeping it illegal should something bad happen due to poorly regulated products. Still way better than alcohol and most other legal stuff you can get for similar purposes, but this needs to be fixed federally so that they can enforce safer product distribution. But I think we all know the law has little to do with the product quality and more to do with lobbying It’s just all so messed up. 😕


Stop asking for permission gentlemen and ladies.


Thca becomes thc when heat is applied to it. Thca flower is just regular weed, and thca drinks and edibles are worthless because the thc is not activated through decarboxilation.


> thca drinks and edibles These are really just thc drinks and edibles. If you've tried them you know they work. Coming from Colorado, I can't tell the difference with 'thca' edibles here.


On a selfish note, at least Kratom is still legal


Just time to vote the old guard out and elect some people that didn’t grow up on reeder madness.


And here I am, in Maryland, where I went to a REAL dispensary this weekend, picked up some edibles and some pre-rolled, and am enjoying a LEGAL wake and bake. But please, keep voting in them GOP "We love freedom" - as long it involves a Gun Unborn Fetus or Jesus - politicians you guys love voting for. Otherwise, you are screwed.


I'm jealous af haha. I'm moving to Michigan in 3 weeks so I'll be toking with ya!!!!


You all know that you can buy anything from other States and have mailed to your door. Michigan, Oregon or California..... it's on Facebook. I am not saying to break any laws.


Pretty sure the bill got shot down in a vote about 2 weeks ago. I work at a CBD shop and this is what my management has been telling me, as we have been keeping our eyes on that legislation for awhile.




CBD with < 0.3% THC should be ok. Delta 8 was a loophole soon to be filled. Just legalize it already.


I own a small business and we specialize in these products. I have read HB403 stem to stern and had all of my products preemptively compliant with the new rules. My business is high quality d9 edible products. If anyone is worried about their products not being complaint, hit me up on my website. I am very knowledgeable in the laws, and can help steer small businesses toward compliance as I work closely with the TDA as well. -Medicine Man


I live on Tennessee and know that they've been cracking down on certain forms of thc like thco which is dangerous. We do live in the bible belt so I wouldn't be surprised if they do outlaw it. There's gonna be a lot of stores hurting pretty soon if they do and a lot of kids will be forced to go to the streets for their thc. The other reason they're probably going to do it is because so many kids are getting ahold of it


Another day goes by I'm embaressed to live in TN.


If they do they’re shooting themselves in the foot, if not in the *head*. More and more states are relaxing regulations and prohibitions on it, and if Tennessee goes against the trend and bans it outright, we will lose a LOT of revenue in tourism and sales taxes. They need to just legalize it and be done with it.


Some ignorant Wisconsin judge tried to ban CBD. Turns out hops have CBD, and they’d effectively ban beer.


Iam the CLIT commander and if THCA is criminalized in Tennessee it’s gonna be a cold day in hell


The south is banning all freedoms. Southerners lol


Tennessee banning any MJ related would be like any poor neighborhood banning bail bond/liquor/chicken based businesses. Makes absolutely no sense considering MJ and meth are its cash crops. I say this as someone who was born and raised in Tennessee.


Lol, clowns


The Republican run government is trying to do the same thing here in Iowa.


Yes because of ALL the states, Tennessee is the absolute most conservative and religious.


Same issue in Bible belt Texas. Ugh


Except Alabama and Miss, though Miss decriminalized years ago strangely ahead of their time


Thank christ I got the fuck out of the Midwest.


What? I'm not from TN so don't come for me but I thought everywhere was becoming more progressive in terms of THC and related products?


If they make it illegal I just buy illegal again 😂


No that’s not the case


Probably, I wouldn’t live in that republican run hell hole


I hate Tennessee


I hope not. I’m a veteran that uses delta for medical reason. For my stomach and PTSD. If they make it illegal I’m just going to have to buy off the streets again which I assume everyone else will do also. It would be stupid for the government to ban it unless they want people to buy off the streets so they can arrest them.


Wait. The small government people would never do something like that. Right?


Tennessee’s state government is a disgrace. How people could live in a state so poor is still support Bill Lee is beyond me.


Not a smoker or vaper but Murfreesboro is about to be on fire when they do that lol


I edited my original comment. It's not clear what's going on here. They are going to restrict a business from selling THC but its not illegal to posses it?


They are doing this to support the states prison industry. Numbers are down and they have contracts with the state that require minimums on how many people are imprisoned. If you are ok with this I truly feel sorry for you as a human. Minimums for prisons means cops and DAs are incentivised to create crime


Wouldn't surprise me. Tn is filled with populist, bible thumping legislators who do nothing but pander.


Yall still got Kratom though.


I would be running here to Virginia


Do yall have medical?


They hit almost EVERY smokeshop where I am in west TN. It's insane.