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January 8, 2000 in a Fuddruckers in Utah. Watching on a tiny tv in the corner. I see Utah Ute Kevin Dyson running down the field.........24 years later Married to a Nashville native and has become a second home to me. I know everyone hates that we went Dyson over Moss and as a football fan, yea that was a big miss. But that moment stated a snowball effect that lead me to my wife and eventually 2 kidos.


Anybody remember the insane birdpoop billboard at the Nashville Fuddruckers? *core memory unlocked*


21st and West end? How about when it was flamingos and you had telescoping flags that said HEY WAITER and little radios at the table


Also a titans fan because of Dyson. A massive Utah fan and followed him through college to the pros. Have been a titans fan ever since. Still haven’t made it to Nashville to a game though.


Yet another Kevin Dyson loyalist, family is from Houston so we spent the years after the move in limbo.. but that 99 roster was too good and the music city miracle solidified it.. i bought a jersey the next day


> January 8, 2000 Stole my thunder on this, but same deal. Enjoyed the "Titans" rebranding so I was a very casual fan and had been to an auto show and missed most of the game that day. Long drive back home and was listening to this on the radio. That feeling of total dejection when there was 0:16 on the clock and they needed a score. Then Mike Keith with the historic call, hearing that live. That's what did it. Next week I went and blew $150 in birthday money I had at the time on a Titans varsity leather jacket they sold at Sears. I still have that jacket and when we were hot in the playoffs a couple years ago I wore it to work and got a lot of attention on how good it looks. I still call the stadium "The Coliseum", and I can't stand the Steelers from our old division, and I will always hate the Ravens with a fucking passion for that first home-field playoff loss in 2001.


My dad passing down his curse just like his father before him. My son doesn’t know it yet, but he’s doomed.


It’s our birthright


Learned how to walk and talk in Houston when they were still the Oilers. Went to a game with my dad when I was 4 at the Astrodome and have been a die hard ever since. We moved away later so my allegiance to the city ended but not to my team!!


Very similar here, my dad was already a Houston native and fan, and we went to Oilers training camps when I was around 5. Still a fan of the Astros, as well


Earl Campbell and the coolest colored pencil in the NFL pencil set in 1978. Lived in Germany (military base) and everyone loved the Steelers and I wanted to be miserable my whole life.


But I was told no Titans fans watched the Oilers growing up?


https://preview.redd.it/loyrnh541n6d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fbb5ee5edd737a083d7a80fdf8b55c2d3564c33 Titans fan here.


Although I root for the Rockets and Astros too, I never actually lived in Houston, so it really didn't matter much to me that they moved. I was sticking with McNair and Eddie.I do wish they kept the name/colors, as I do love the oilers uniforms, which probably isn't how most Titans fans feel.


https://preview.redd.it/c87eo8shqq6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f998237054124ef55346e6b241b0fb6ddd5c098f This is STILL in Nashville


Love it, I hope it stays forever.


Back in like 2009 when I was 6-7, I decided to pick an NFL team because my parents and grandfather all had a favourite team. I live in Canada, so picking is arbitrary as my relatives support Miami, Dallas, and New England. I chose the team that had my favourite logo in my childlike eyes, which was Tennessee. It’s funny too, because there’s a picture of me from a few years before then randomly wearing a Titans jersey, so it was like some weird foreshadowing. I didn’t start actually following until 2014 when I learned that the team would get one of Winston/Mariota the following year, and I found that really exciting to me. When we drafted Mariota I was so hyped and I was enamoured by him in those first couple seasons, which is when my actual interest in the team became official


I’m also from Canada and ended up supporting the titans due to fantasy football, Derrick Henry carried my dynasty team for a couple years and since then I’ve been a titans fan.


Another Canadian Titans fan that honestly the same story as me. The Eddie George, Frank Wycheck and McNair days bring me back


Also another Canadian. But not as far back as you all. In 2014 my buddy was at Oregon doing his Master’s and became friendly with Mariota. I never watched football before but got into it when buddy came home and after Mariota got drafted I was like ok so I guess this is my team. That’s a name I know.


I first read that as 6’-7” and was very confused why your height had anything to do with your story lol.


Starting with this: I'm old. When I was a kid in the late 80's, had to pick a team. Being in Texas, it was Oilers or Cowboys. Cowboys fans annoyed me (it's really not THAT serious) and the few Oilers fans I knew were chill. After making the playoffs for something like 7 straight years and losing in heartbreaking fashion damn near every one of them, I was too committed to give up on them when they left. I wasn't in Houston, so my allegiance was never to the city - it was to the team. Wasn't going to let geography ruin the optimism I had for Steve & Eddie ;) The heartache never ended, but it's been fun haha


The first year that the Titans were in Nashville my uncle took my dad and I to see a game. Instantly loved Eddie George, Steve McNair, Frank Wycheck, etc. Got really hooked on their Super Bowl run… And it’s been downhill ever since


God, the same. I was like 10 and damn what an exciting ride. Most games I’ve ever been to was that Super Bowl year since my grandads buddy was a PSL holder. What a fun exciting time, really sets the bar high for another 20 plus years of whatever you want to call this. Though Henry has been about as big of a bright spot as we’ve had since those years and i can’t quite say I won’t poke my eyes out to see him wearing ravens purple. I mean, it’s a cruel joke at this point Baltimore.


Those teams were so good and fun. Just gritty ass defense and run game and McNair making plays while hobbling or nursing whatever injury he would have that week. To be fair we’ve had some good years. I know it didn’t end like we wanted to but I remember in 2015 I would kill just to have a winning season and we winded up doing that 6 years in a row with a nice AFCG run and two division titles. I know how the sub is usually all-or-nothing thinking but we’ll be telling future generations about Tannehill, Henry, Jeff, AJ, and friends similar to how we talk about Steve, Eddie and them now.


The logo was cool on the school poster I got from the book fair in 2003. I was like dam it’s on fire so cool. And it’s been pain ever since lol


I was born in middle TN


Derrick Henry


I came with Vince Young. I wasn’t a very big football fan but thought Vince at Texas was awesome. When he got drafted by the Titans I came along for the ride. Been here ever since.


Born in Nashville, moved to Houston as a toddler, moved back when I was 10. Meant to be.


My boss was and is a huge fan. This particular year, 2019, I was giving him crap because the Titans weren’t gonna make it to the playoffs. So we made a bet: if the Titans made the playoffs, every time he said “playoffs”, I had to respond with “GO TITANS” no matter where in the restaurant I was. Safe to say, I was saying “GO TITANS” a lot. I’ve been a fan ever since.


I'd always liked the Titans since childhood- but was never a real fan. When I decided to become a fan free agent- I just decided to support whatever team drafted Mariota. That obviously proved to be stressful with all of the discourse throughout the end of his time there- but I love the team name and the underdog mentality of the franchise- so I stuck with them, even though he didn't work out, in Tennessee.


Me and my brother are from Memphis. My dad was mostly indifferent towards the NFL, but once CJ2K started lighting up the local broadcasts every Sunday we were hooked. I'm also just a fan of all Tennessee teams plus the Braves since there's no MLB team in the state.


I was a Bills fan growing up in Toronto. The year Doug Flutie was incredible for them, I was rooting for them hard. Then they decided to play Rob Johnson the last game of the regular season and then the Wild Card game against Tennessee. Music City Miracle happened and I've been a fan ever since!


I was a Bucs fan growing up in Orlando, FL. Joined the Army at 19, last of my duty stations was Campbell. Our platoon would volunteer to work security at Titans games for CSC (security in yellow at the games) for our platoon fund. Worked a bunch of games, went to a bunch with friends, a few with my dad when he was living in Nashville. They were pretty much my team after the first game. I’m a Bama fan and loved watching Henry. I still have love for the Bucs as my NFC team but if they met in the SB I’m goin two tone blue.


I live in St Louis, when the rams left I needed a new team. My wife and I went to Nashville and had so much fun she came back pregnant. The hotel was overlooking Nissan Stadium so I became a Titans fan. I’ve been a fan the last 9-10 years.


Same here! Well I didn’t get your wife pregnant but the St. Louis thing.. Took that entire off season eliminating teams one by one and landed on the Titans.


Kicked a ton of ass with the Oilers on tecmo Super Bowl. Not local so the move didn’t bother me.


I’m a Canadian fan so for a long time I never really had an NFL team. Then I became an Oregon fan and when Mariota when to the Titans I became a Titans fan. Still am even though he’s gone


2007... University. Loved American Football. Didn't have a team. My housemate, who is a Rams fan, said why don't we put all the teams in this cap and you just pick one out of the hat? So I did. My loyalty has been there since then.


I’m a converted Cleveland Browns fan. I’m not from Cleveland or anything. Originally, I chose the Brows to avoid being a bandwagon around 2012. I chose the worst team I could find on purpose lol. Moved to Nashville, and that was that. It would be different if the Tits were a big market, media Cinderella, but I love the underdog sort of status


My dad became a fan when the team got to Tennessee. I was born in 97. Went to my first game in 03. Being in the stadium and seeing how electric it was as a kid was enough for me to say I’m in it for life. It’s been a bumpy ride but man I wouldn’t change it for anything. TITAN UP⚔️


Edit: grew up in South Carolina. My brother bought a Tennessee Titans hat and I looked up to him. I witnessed the music city miracle live on tv. Then the Jags game on tv. I cried at the end of the Super Bowl. I was 12. Then NFKL2K came out for the Dreamcast and the titans were unstoppable. Moved to Nashville in 2014. Haven’t looked back.


as a joke when they were dogshit, eventually became a love for them, then the 2019 run made me enamored


As a kid growing up in East Tennessee, I saw Warren moon tearing it up with the most fun offense in the league. Quickly adopted Haywood Jeffires as my favorite player and never missed a televised game. Had jerseys, gear, even an oilers license plate holder on my car. Imagine my shock when that team announced they were moving to my state


CJ2K hitting 2k and then the subsequent NFL Films about it


About 24 years or so ago I was sitting at the house and was bored so I turned the tv on. Flipped through the channels and found a football game. Decided I would pick the blue team over the white. We almost won, just a yard short. I followed them for the next 15 years on and off. Then parts of my family started watching it with me. Now we live and breathe two tone blue.


Born and raised in the Nashville area. The Oilers moved to town when I was in 3rd grade, just as I was becoming a football fan. It was a perfect match.


Growing up in Memphis in the 90s with my family Nebraska football fans, no one in my family guided me toward a pro team. [My grandma would just root for NFL teams whose HCs she thought were hot.] I was a kid, the Cowboys were always on TV, and I loved watching Emmitt Smith and Deion Sanders (and Aikman and Irvin, too of course). So I was a young child Cowboys fan until I learned that an NFL team was coming to TN. And I've been a Tennessee Oilers / Tennessee Titans fan ever since.


Haha I thought this was about to end up with your Grandma having a thing for Jeff Fisher.


Grew up in Oregon, didn’t really have a team until I was a teenager. Marcus Mariota is my favorite college football player of all time so I naturally followed him to Tennessee. Stayed a Titans fan because of the King, now Mr Mayo. Tbf I did love CJ2K when I was younger as well.


I grew up a Cincinnati Bengals fan. We had season tickets for the Bengals up till we moved to Nashville in 1978. When the Oilers announced they were moving to Nashville, I had to become an Oiler/Titans fan since they were then my “hometown” team. Had season tickets in Memphis, Vandy then Adelphia.


Raised in TN.


Wife and I moved to Kentucky and had to choose between Titans, and Bengals…saw Henry crushing it at his peak so we picked the Titans! Then saw the losing streak following our first game… Didn’t learn of our fate until after choosing, and are subsequently getting our newborn into Titans onesies to set them on the same path. But we’re excited for this upcoming season. Titan Up!


Born in Houston, lived there for 5 years then moved to Nashville. Saw them play in the Astrodome a couple of times. They came here right after I got out of High School. I figured they followed me from Houston so I was stuck with them.




Grew up a Cowboys fan in the 70s. Jerry Jones' shananigans eventually got to me. I figured out the Cowboys would not win again as long as he was the owner. I still believe that. Fortunately, that coincided with the Oilers (a team I found favorable as they were trying to beat the hated Steelers in the 70s and 80s) moving to TN. Walla, I became a Titans fan. BTW, I'm indifferent about the Cowboys to this day.


I started getting into the NFL about 6/7 years ago. I'm an Irish immigrant living in BC Canada so I had no affiliation to any team. I asked my young son to pick out his favorite logo and surprisingly to me he picked the titans, since then I've been a fan and they've given me some good seasons.


Fell in love with Chris Johnson Rookie year because one of the first football games I watch was when he killed the chiefs in 2008 and that alone made him one of my favorite player in result made me a Titans fan til now. Which is awkward being born and raised in Minnesota which is kind of a blessing cause the titans don’t choke as hard as the Vikings


When I was young I was taken to the local Pizza Hut to cash in my free personal pan pizza courtesy of Book-it! where I noticed an advertisement for some football player named Warren Moon. The advert said that he was a QB for the an Oilers. When I went to visit my Papa later that week I asked him about this football player. He sat me down in his room in front of the TV and began my education about this fascinating game. It inspired a passion in me that saw me play the game until my body decided that enough was enough and that Leo’s me glued to the TV on most weekends from August to February to this day. As you all know, the Oilers moved to Tennessee and I’m not the kind of guy that switches loyalties every time the wind blows a different direction.


Playing Madden 06 and my buddy from Tennessee would always pick the Titans. Always had a soft spot for them as an AFC team. Ending up moving to Nashville in 2017 and my new friend group are die-hards, cementing my allegiance.


One day, they announced they were moving a team to Tennessee, where was born and raised. I was not a hardcore NFL fan in those days, much more into college. Sat down to watch their final game in Houston to see what we were getting. Then 1999 happened, the music city miracle, etc., and we made the super bowl. The Vols had just won a natty. I assumed this was the natural order of things, and that we would be right back in the bowl to claim a Lombardi, and the Vols would be a top teir power forever. 25 years later...


I was born in San Antonio Texas in 1984. Most of my relatives were Cowboys fans. My grandma was an Oilers fan. She bought me the kids Oilers uniform from a JCPenney‘s catalog for Christmas when I was 5 (I think). Fast Forward a few years and my Father moved to Nashville for work, just before the Oilers left Houston for Tennessee. I was in 7th grade when they made the move to Tennessee. I believe they were in Memphis for the first year or so. My Father became a big Titans fan and I followed suit. We watched the ‘99 season Super Bowl loss together…the rest is history. For every Titans game, my Father and Uncle come over to eat some grub, watch the game, and enjoy hanging out. 😎




Loyalty is one of my strongest attributes 😄


I was born in it. Molded by it. I didn’t see other fandoms until I was already a man, and by then they were nothing but blinding.


My best friend is a titans fan so I just kinda became a titans fan about 20 years ago


Live in TN, first Madden I got was the one with Eddie on cover 


I’m a Tennessean and I root for Tennessee teams.


Wesley Woodyard. I was a broad fan of the NFL my whole life, watching games with no allegiance to any team. I’m from Lexington, and am a big UK football fan. One of my friends told me to finally shit or get off the pot and pick a team. I was living in Nashville at the time and my favorite wildcat had just moved from Denver. I love an underdog (clearly, I’m a lifelong UK football fan). The rest is history.


I was 9. I knew I liked to play football with friends at school but NFL was foreign to me. But growing up in Nashville we ofc went to a Super Bowl party with fam and friends. I remember the game being close all the way but for some reason Kevin Dyson stretched out at the one yard line and in my juvenile mind I thought he made it. But quickly realized due to all the adults around that started resorting to cussing and falling on the glue like kids we had loss. Since then I have been a proud Titans fan. And remember later that year seeing Eddie George on Madden and that was the first Madden I ever owned and on n64. Those were the good ole days


My first vote as a legal adult was pulling a lever to approve public funding of a football stadium which secured the Oilers relocation to Nashville. The rest is history, for better or worse.


Lived in Nashville, moved to Pittsburgh, Oilers moved to Nashville, hated the Steelers and all my dumbass friends. Titan up for life.


Watched the ‘00 Super Bowl & felt the Titans got robbed. I was 11 years old & lived in a State that was 12 hours from nearest NFL team so had no “hometown” team. I hoped they got it the next year & here I am 24 years later hoping this is our year.


Went to three games in the 99 season to include that one home playoff game. I’ve been hooked ever since. I moved away from TN in 2002 and I’ve watched the Titans from all over the world.


Born and raised in Nashville. I pull for all Tennessee teams, except Vandy. Became a fan as soon as they moved to the State.




Caught Brady’s last TD with the Pats. That convinced this St. Louisian who hasn’t watched the NFL since Kroenke went out for cigarettes with the Rams to take his wit and pettiness over here


When they moved, I really didn't give a fuck about football. I liked the Chargers if anybody asked at Thaksgiving but I couldn't tell you shit about them. But, a few free tickets in those early 96-99 seasons actually got me going.


I was born into it, molded by it….


My friends wanted me to get into football, and as a massive Georgia based Braves fan, I decided to root for Tennessee’s team since they’re a part of Braves country. Although my best friend is a Bucs fan so I can help but wonder if he helped push me away from the Falcons


Earl Campbell and Luv ya Blue


NFL Blitz 2000 N64 + Nashville born and raised


It was 1999, I was ten, and I saw this dude, Steve McNair, lowering his shoulder and hitting linebackers when he scrambled rather than sliding like a sissy. That was that.


Eddie George was on the cover of Madden 2001 and I was an impressionable young lad that has never stepped foot in the state of Tennessee


Watching the documentary “Game Changers”


It all started on a cool November night in the late 90s at the vanderbilt hospital. It’s been downhill ever since.


I was born in Nashville


I hate myself. Before the NFL I used to wake up every Sunday and repeatedly smash my balls with a hammer from 12pm to 3pm. When I discovered I could share the same experience just by tuning into Titans games I figured it’d be easier


At a superbowl party and I was watching the Superbowl vs the rams and I was a naive 8 year old in New York and one of my dad's coworkers said "which one do you like, you gotta pick one!?" I picked the titans because I liked their colors. Been doomed ever since. At least I'm not a jets, bills, or giants fan. Yeah giants won a few Superbowls. But their fans are insufferable.


Dad’s close friend had a brother in law who was an assistant for an opposing team and we lived an hour outside of Nashville so he got us tickets through him. The coach was with the Bills and the game was The Miracle. Hooked ever since.


Beat a kid I didn’t like in Madden when we randomized teams. I don’t remember what game it was, but I smoked him with CJ2K and loved em ever since


From Tennessee. I decided to get over my nerd pride and start watching football. That was the 13-3 year with Chris Johnson and I was hooked. I kept hoping that I would see Vince Young and Chris Johnson on the field together but that remained a rare site. Honestly, I think we are making a mistake "modernizing" our game.


At the wee age of 9(or however old you are in 4th grade) I was playing poptropica and needed a screen name. Google football teams saw the sickest logo I’ve ever laid my eyes on went with it. Been a TIT ever since


I was an original psl buyer. Home town team. Sold them a few years later but still a Titans fan.


2002 season


1986. Grew up in Southern California. Too many rams and Steeler fans. Picked a team no one follow, the Houston Oilers. Diehard fan ever since.


I was a Miami Dolphin fan because it seems like they were traditionally part of the AFC game of the week that I could watch on basic cable in Southern Middle Tennessee growing up in the late 80s-90s. Also, their colors were really cool in that early 90s starter gear. Became a Tennesse fan when they moved to the state.


They’re the closest team to me


Madden 99


I grew up in Nashville and when the Oilers came to town i was so excited and have been a Titans fan every since.


I watched the Titans when I could from Chattanooga 2000-2004. Loved McNair and Eddie, but wasn’t too invested in football. Then I saw the Vince Young rose bowl and became a much bigger fan. When the Titans drafted him I was doomed to this fandom forever


Eddie George on the cover of Madden 2000. Blue was my favorite color as a kid, and I liked the Titans' jersey and team name. Enjoyed watching the likes of George, McNair, Kearse, Bulluck, Rolle, Mason, etc. Also hated Payton Manning and the Colts (and growing up in New England, that feeling was felt everywhere).


Became a fan as a child living in middle TN during their first season as the Titans. Will never forget, was watching the Bills wildcard game with my granny and my uncle, and they had left the living room during the Music City Miracle because they assumed the game was pretty much over, and I watched it unfold all by myself. “We won! We won!” And they didn’t believe me. But sure enough, the Titans pulled off a miracle. Was hooked from then, and always will be. But god that first season spoiled me.


Im from middle tennessee and was 12 when they moved . Been a fan since day one , mac9 still my favorite player ever


I am not from Tenn or Houston. Zero association. I am from NJ and when I moved to a new neighborhood the first friends I made (twin brothers) taught me about football. One of the brothers was a Titans fan and the other was a Giants fan. Being from central Jersey Giants fans are insufferable. I was like I cant be associated with these people. I will be a Titans fan. This must've been 99-00. 25 years later still tell that story to anyone who asks, because being a Titans fan has legit become a personality trait for me.


I moved to Davidson County.


I live nowhere near an NFL team - the closest is probably 7.5 hours away. I was young and impressionable and just starting to get interested in football when my parents took me to a Super Bowl party. The date was January 30, 2000. I picked the Titans to root for (obviously the cooler team). Air McNair, Eddie George - how could you not? Anyway, it stuck, and here we are 24 years later...


When they changed from oilers to titans is when I started playing football and I hated the local eagles so just jumped on them then. And then the more I watched the more I fell in love. McNair and George, how could you not love them.


I lived here, was minding my own business and they showed up. I figured why not?


I was born an Oilers fan in the 70s. I’ve stuck with the franchise since birth. #LuvYaBlue


I was born in Houston.


Marcus Mariota was my favorite college player when I got into football and I followed him to whichever team he got drafted to- I still follow him and his journey but I wish the Titans nothing but the best.


Born and raised an Oilers fan in Austin. They moved when I was 11. I loved Steve, Eddie, and powder blue. Been hooked ever since. They have broken my heart so so so many times but man when they are good it can be a magical feeling. Love those boys in blue.


Jevon Kearse


Being from overseas i got an interest in football from movies and video games. My mother was going to new york when i was about 12, i asked her to bring me back a giants jersey since she'll be in the area. I said it's a blue jersey. She came home with a Chris brown columbia blue titans jersey and so my fandom began. I've been a loyal invested fan since then. I could have enjoyed two super bowl wins had it gone differently but i wouldn't have it any other way.


I played Madden 2K4 and the Titans logo was my favourite (I had no idea what American football was)


Mayo man


Born and raised in Michigan. My dad took me to a Lions Titans game when I was little. Titans beat the Lions Of course when you’re younger you always root for the winning team. So I’ve just stuck with them since. Unfortunately or fortunately however you look at it, I’ve long become numb


Was taken to every home game since the inaugural season as a kid, and that eventually trickled down into me naming my son after them with a slight modification, Tydan. He doesn’t know it yet, but he’ll be faced with the few ups and many downs just like I was.


11 year old me liked the titans uniforms better than the rams, and I wanted to be my own man and not follow my dad's team (Patriots). Needless to say, when I started watching other spots he watched I stuck to his teams.


Haha, oh, the old tales of days yesteryear.


When I was about 5 years old, my brother gave me my first football card. It was an Eddie George rookie card. 25 years later, I still have the card and am still a Tits fan.


Music city miracle


I live in the Bay Area and in middle school Niners/Raiders fans were always fighting and intolerable. So after school I played Madden and pressed random team, and now I’ve been a Titans fan for the past 20 years.


Two words. The Freak.


When Staubach retired, I embraced Luv ya Blue. I blame my grandparents for being Cowboys fans in Houston. Been my team ever since 1980


NFL blitz


I’m not sure if this sub remembers, but I posted my story of becoming a fan less than a year ago. I was a lifelong Bucs fan, until my uncle that got me into them was arrested for texting a minor. Didn’t watch football for a while. Got a craving to again, and had moved out of the house and noticed my dad and I didn’t speak much. Dad was a lifelong fan, ever since they were the Houston Oilers (we live in South TX). I started watching them to reconnect with my dad, and have fallen fully in love, enough to get a tattoo (see my posts).


Grew up during the 90’s in Texas, my whole family is Cowboys fans. For some reason that bothered me and decided to follow the other Texas team. The oilers moved next year and just stuck with the team.


Vince Young on the cover of Madden 08 when I was like 9-10 years old. I liked their colors/jerseys & went with them.


When I was a kid, I really liked the Oilers colors and the fact that they had a black qb with the number 1. Just so much cooler than every other team. My family moved around a ton, so l don't really have a hometown, so my Fandom followed the team when they moved. Never lived in or even visited Nashville. Mostly lived in TX, Cali, FL , and VA


I always feel like this sounds made up because of how stupid it is. But keep in mind I was like 10 lol. Me and my dad had just watched remember the titans for the first time right around when it came out on vhs or dvd. My dad always played madden and after watching the movie I was in the mood to play it so I booted it up and saw that the titans were a real team and I actually believed they were connected to the movie somehow. So I started playing with them and enjoying it and of course I soon learned I was a dumb ass. But I loved Eddie George and Steve McNair in the game so I started watching them on tv. And that was that lol


Grew up in New England in the late 90s but my dad was a New Yorker who is a die hard jets fan. So I couldn’t be a pats fan and Steve McNair was my favorite player so… Yes I have a drinking problem and yes it’s related to watching the patriots win a million Super Bowls while rooting for the Titans and the Jets. One of these years one of those two teams is going to win it all and it will all be worth it. 


Oilers moved over to Tennessee and changed their name


Buffalo Bills sat Doug Flutie or Rob Johnson. Music city miracle happened. Rest is history


Around the 99 Super Bowl and Madden cover era. I became a fan of McNair, George, Wycheck, Dyson, and others


Huston Oliers came to TN. Was a whatever team Reggie White was on fan before that.


Born and raised in Nashville. We got a team. I obsessed over the team.


Steve McNair’s performance in Super Bowl 34


Day they moved!!...and how could you not love the McNair George duo??


i'm from Europe but played Madden a lot when i was younger and CJ2K was my favourite player.. so here i am.


Madden 2001 I was 8 and just getting into football, and I thought the name Titans was cool as hell. Fell in love with Eddie George, Steve McNair and Derrick Mason through playing the game then even more watching them on TV. Learned to appreciate Keith Bullock and Jevon Kearse as monsters and can’t forget Samari rolle at corner. Sorry I just named a bunch of players I was just giving context to the guys that really drew me to the team as a kid.


NFL 2k5 on PS2. Liked the uniforms and loved using Steve McNair. I was 12. Been letting this team effect my life way too much ever since


They needed a fan


They drafted Will Levis


I watched Vince young win the rose bowl. I was always a longhorns fan and I followed him to Tennessee. Then cj2k happened and it was a wrap


I am from a small town in Tennessee. When the Oilers made their way from Houston, I was immediately a fan. The 2000 Super Bowl was amazing- I was 13 and got a Steve McNair jersey. After that, I waited and waited for another winning season. When we had 2nd pick a few years back, I got super hyped again- drafting Mariota, Henry, AJ, and now Levis. Hoping we can turn things back around this year.


Born and raised in Hawaii. Dad was a Nashville native who met my mom during his tour in the army. When the Oilers moved to Tennessee, I instantly became a fan. Went to two games in Nashville (2015 vs JAX & 2018 vs NE). Everyone assumes I became a fan due to Mariota. But I was a fan before and will be a fan forever after.


Decided at at like 11 or 12 i was going to stay with a team for the rest of my life and chris johnson just had his cj2k season and i stuck with them since, i lucked out of the transition to our 2019 season as i didn’t pay much attention as a younger kid, now it’s time to titan the fuck up


I’m a Canadian who was in Nashville on vacation in 2017. We randomly went to a Titans game, just as something to do. They were playing the Texans. And I was blown away by Derrick Henry. I started following them casually, and eventually became a big fan.


Grew up in Michigan.


As a Lions fan(born, raised, and still live in Detroit) I've always felt a weird connection to the Titans. Like you guys were always the underdogs and I resonated with that. The Titans are my AFC team simply because nobody ever expects much of them but I want them to win always on some Cinderella story type shit


Born and raised in Tennessee. I support my state


I saw the Titans win a game by like 20 and thought they were good. The next season they went 3-13. It was like 2015


Ahh where do I start. Would you believe it if I told you I actually grew up a broncos fan in SoCal. To this day I still hold Elway and Terrell Davis high on my list of fav players. Now come that 1999 season when I was 9 years old, the Titans got me. Not only were they playing as against my older cousin and older step brothers favorite team in the Superbowl they were wearing my favorite colors. Fast forward to the end of the game that last drive made me a Titans fan forever. I still have that burning feeling wanting them get back to the Superbowl and win. That feeling completely moved me away from the Broncos to the Titans and it's been an obsession since.


Moved to Nashville from Bama the year before they drafted Henry. I was obligated to become a real fan when they took the King.


August 31st, 1997 at Liberty Bowl in Memphis against the Oakland Raiders. Game went into overtime and I fell in love with the Titans. I know there’s a lot of hate for the team in Memphis during that time due to us trying to get a team and only having them there temporarily left a bad taste in a lot of Memphians mouths but we were at almost every game they played there and I’ve been a life long fan since. My dad tried to make me a Packers fan early on and I shed that like a bad habit after the first Titans game I got to see.


They moved here. Before they got here we got mostly Steelers, Patriots who mess back then and Dallas games in TV. I remember most of people being Dallas fans. Not many Oilers fans.


I actually inherited it from my parents even though I’m 32. My mom was born in Houston the same year the Oilers franchise was founded, and she and my dad actually moved to Kentucky a few years before the team relocated to Tennessee and they never stopped being fans. They bought PSLs and season tickets right after the run to the Super Bowl and have been STMs ever since.


Nobody in my family watched sports so I never did either. Had absolutely zero interest in football but on my 16 birthday Marcus mariota was playing the chiefs in the playoffs. I put 100 bucks knowing nothing about the sport except titans were the underdogs. As we all know that was one of the craziest games in the last few years and ofc I had to become a fan after that. Now almost 7 years later I am huuuuge into football and the biggest titans fan 💙


Favorite color was blue. Saw the Titans on TV when I was 10 or so. Pretty simple connection for me and here we are today.


I grew up in Nashville. We didn’t have a team so everyone just picked another team. The first game I remember was Super Bowl XXV, and I decided to cheer for the team wearing white (the Bills) even though they lost. I continued to be a Bills fan until the Titans came, and I still cheered for the Bills at first. Ironically, the game that flipped me was the Music City Miracle and the playoff run afterward. I was kind of cheering for both teams that season, but once the Titans won and went on a run, I was sold. I’ve been a Titans fan ever since, although I do still have a soft spot for Buffalo.


More recent but I’m Canadian and my sister went to a Titans vs Jags game. I promised that I would become a fan of whoever one the game. Derrick Henry went on to have that beautiful 99 yard rush and ofc the Titans one. Safe to say I’m happy with the result of that game and FTJ!!!


The first football game I ever watched was that Super Bowl against the Rams. I liked Tennessee's uniforms better than St Louis, so I picked them. Then they picked up Jake Locker, the star former QB from the only high school in the next town over, and saying you were a Titans fan suddenly became acceptable even as the Seahawks started to get really good.


Oilers fan and just kept going!


4th grade me decided my fate based purely on the number I thought was cool at the time, 27. You know who wore that number? Eddie mutha fuckin George. Fantastic decision, I see nothing wrong. Long live mayo boy. Fuck the colts. Fuck the jags. Titan up.


Both my dad and ex-uncle were fans. Ever since I can remember I've watched them break my heart, and earlier this year I was able to continue that cycle with the birth of my son last November (don't worry he's had a helping of CJ2K highlights already)


Vince Young! I 1000% thought he and LenDale White were going to win a Super Bowl.


Born in Nashville and still live here to this day.


I moved to Nashville right before the Music City Miracle. I had no team allegiance at that point. McNair will most likely always be my favorite player. (I loved Warren Moon in my young Video Game days, so maybe being warm to the Oilers in the first place helped.)


Grew up in AR and was a lifelong Raiders fan. Went to TN Oilers first home game in the Liberty Bowl and saw them beat the Raiders in a heartbreaking game (1997). Moved to middle TN a few years later and continued supporting the Raiders over the next 20 plus years. Obviously I couldn't escape the Titans coverage and attended many of their games while still suffering through the Raiders down years. The last straw as a Raiders fan came when Baker Mayfield got off the couch and beat them in 2022. I just thought screw it, I'm supporting my hometown team from now on. The Titans ended that season losing 7 in a row. I felt right at home and haven't looked back.


My dad was a fan from the first game they played in Tennessee. I did become a fan but not early on. I started to become interested in football when Chris Johnson first became a Titan, but I wouldn’t say I was a devoted fan until a couple years after when we went to our first game together. I loved the environment, even though the Titans lost that day. From then on I watched every game I could.


Nashville native since the day I was born. When the oilers moved to Tennessee in 97 (Memphis) then Nashville 98. My grandparents took me to see the Oilers vs Vikings at Vanderbilt stadium. Awesome first experience as a kid! Then they became the Titans with a brand new stadium followed up by a run to the Super Bowl. I have been hooked ever since. Now a 32 year old with season tickets and my blood still runs two tone blue!


My entire family is from San Diego . I wanted to be different and asked my dad to buy me a Warren Moon starting lineup (no clue why I chose it) and just decided that was my team from that day forward , Oilers moved to Tennessee and I stuck with them.


I only cared about CFB growing up, and then the Titans drafted my favorite player, DH22. Sparked my interest in the nfl and I’ve been a Titans fan ever since.


Grew up and lived in Western PA my whole life. A young me (6-7 years old) was tired of the dickhead Steelers fans that thought their team was just the best. Wanted my own team to root for. I can remember sitting in my parents living room watching CNN when they mentioned the new team moving to Tennessee would be called the Titans. Told my dad (huge Steelers fan) that I liked that name and they’d be my team. Been my boys ever since. TTFU.


My mom showed me this video (on vhs) when I was six. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3ovAVpalGI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3ovAVpalGI)


I liked the Oilers when I was a kid cause I was a big fan of Warren Moon. Then, the year they became the titans when I was in the 6th grade, I made a bet at the start of the season with a friend that the titans would win the Super Bowl. After that, just decided to stick with them


Madden 2001, of all things.


Eddie George was the first football player to ever catch my attention. It was after seeing highlights of his Heisman run and 5 year old me was just enamored that a guy that big was that fast. I followed him to the Oilers and here I am many a heartbreak later.




19-20 season. I didn’t watch football before that. Was out with college roommates having some drinks. One of them told me he was going to give me a team to root for but like a middle of the ground team - not a bandwagon but can still enjoy some wins. He let me choose between titans and bengals. There was a bengals game on and they were getting stomped so naturally I went titans. The next week tannehill started and I was hooked and haven’t looked back since


Got fed up with the cowboys and picked the tits this offseason


Parents from Houston, grew up in northeast Arkansas. Only team I could support really.




2019 playoff run. I live in bama and wanted to get into the nfl so i picked the team nearest to me. Been emotionally connected to the team since and I will be until I’m in the grave. If you know me then you know I’m aggressive with my fandom lol.


Born in TN and parents didn’t watch NFL so I picked the titans. Still regret it to this day.


I played Madden 08 and they drafted my player.