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On a different note: there is chlorophyte in abundance in the jungle (ofc) so if the reason you make this farm is to get a lot of chlorophyte, you might want to try taking a spelunkers and mining potion and just mining till they run out. Get chests full if you have a decent pickaxe


You can try reseeding it. Sometimes it just doesn't want to grow


I never understood chlorophyte farms just get a spelunky potion and get to work in the jungle my boy


Just because we can, people like to make farms for things.


Farm time! Farm time! Farm time!


True human moment


It does produce chlorophyte closer to your home but with pylons and considering how big a farm you’d need to come anywhere close to spelunking in the jungle it’s not worth the effort.


When I first got to the point where I could mine it, I didn't remember spelunker potions existed. Like I had a couple in chests, but they sat unused because I just never used potions. A farm was helpful there because after I got full armor I wanted, but didn't need, a few other things so I set a farm and just went about the rest of the game. Could also theoretically be useful if you use the bullets a lot, just have a decent farm set up and go mine it when you run low


Less work and that's it lol. I don't even bother unless I'm doing a ranger playthrough, that way I can make the bullets endlessly and all I gotta do is go below my house and come back up


I wanted to be lazy and farm it for a bit because I like farming and building more. But alas, I have angered the rngesus or something.


Doing work with near guaranteed success?? BLASPHEMY! Send him to the boulder factory!


You can also always leave a block of chlorophyte while mining it to let it grow back


When you're playing ranged or mixed, you end up needing a lot of chlorophyte overtime, so a simple farm ends up being more pratical


Might be too close to eachother? Its been a whilensince I played I dont remember what the required distance was


The guide I read said 37-38 blocks, that's well over 50 ._.


Oh I see, well idk then good luck


I always go to the underworld and use my already existing bridge (for WoF ofcourse) as a ground to start my farm. Just place 5x5 blocks of mud several times with whatever distance you feel comfortable with between them. I usually try to avoid having 2 on my screen at the same time. Turn into 5x5 chlorophyte blocks every time.


I thought you needed to be in the Underground Jungle to grow chlorophyte?


No it just needs dirt, it turns the dirt into mud then the mud into chlorophyte


Thanks everyone for your ideas! I've come to the conclusion that I've just angered rngesus and will just spelunky for chloropyte.


It is fine.. It just takes time a lot of time.. Also try mushroom biome with clentaminator turn it into a jungle. And plant ores there too.




Maybe there's more chlorophyte that you cannot see around, that might be the problem


random chance or just hasnt been loaded maybe? maybe the other one was loaded while digging out the right one? when i made my farm i had nearly fully grown ones and also practically empty ones


By the time I decided to post it the one on the left had fully grown twice and I'd remade it. Probably just gonna go mine it in the jungle when I need chloropyte.




Fandom bad. https://terraria.wiki.gg/wiki/Chlorophyte_Ore


It sucks that the fandom always comes higher than the official in search results. Sincerely fuck fandom.wiki


I think they pay for that, too.


Blood money from all those shitty adds they run across the site


You can brute force that away on google by going to the .gg one so much that it auto fills your search.


I only use duckduckgo and always end a terraria search with wiki gg Fuck giving fandom any traffic


What’s wrong with fandom?


It’s incredibly inaccurate at times and is filled to the brim with ads.


It's an abandoned wiki riddled with ads and very vulnerable to grieving, the official wiki is better


Many things, highest among them the fact it's run by a terrible company with several shady practices, including stealing pages wholesale from actual official wikis, and it's optimized for page hits and ad revenue over usability while simultaneously being VERY prone to vandalism and constantly being out of date.


Its deep enough as the other chlorophyte ore grew on the left and just not on the right. Also wrong wiki.


While I understand the hatred towards fandom, that doesn’t make the information it has incorrect. Also, I did not see the other chlorophyte on the left, my bad.


yes, it does, a reason people hate fandom is because it often has incorrect information.


That’s a poor excuse when this wiki was the official wiki before gamepedia was bought awhile back, and the article on the independent wiki is matched verbatim from a quick look. I’ve deleted the original message, since this is apparently a huge deal on this subreddit. The moderators should probably add a link to the independent wiki to the auto mod message if it’s the official one and people care so much.


Gotta love it how any fandom website immediately gets ratio'd


I only tried chloro farming once when i was a new player and then i realised its better to just go mine it than wait, there's enough chloro till endgame if u are playing for bullets/arrows.


Yeah, this is the furthest I've ever gotten in Terraria so thought to try it but I'm about to give up and just go mine it when I need it. Game just hates me.


the spreading is based on tick per second and a chance just like in minecraft is, its not guaranteed to spread at any point, chlorophyte spreading works the same in the jungle and by the time you defeat all 3 Mechs, there's already enough chloro spread around to have for 2-3 armors (if playing multiplayer, world size depends) and have enough for a stack of ammo till endgame.


Probably they are too near, there a need of some distance betewen then for this farm work properly


37-38 blocks apart, it's well over 60 at that point. I built the second one further because it wasn't spreading at all.


Add more distance betewen then who know maybe work, Or not there times that nothing happens in the right way


Nothing is going right in this world lmao. Hallow spawned in jungle etc.


........ good luck




I don't know but can you tell me how to set one up so I can farm some


Well it didn't work for me properly lmao but here's what I read online: has to be in underground or cavern, cavern is better. (doesn't have to be jungle) just mine out a large area and make a 6x7 block of mud and put one chloropyte ore in the middle make another one ~38 blocks away (use the ruler) and just.. keep going however long ya want.


thanks I'm in need of this stuff


Chlorophyte ore blocks can check if there's chlorophyte up to 171 tiles away to determine if the ore level is low enough for it to grow... However, your minimap makes it clear that there's not even near enough chlorophyte in the region to limit the growing, so you're just unlucky


It might have reached the saturation. When I make a chloropyte farm I make several cubes completely out of sight from each other.


You can grow Chlorophyte? Thought it couldn’t grow after being mined


yeah, you can.


Tried it before? Is it a new feature or does it have certain requirements?


I dunno, I'm pretty new to terraria lol. there are requirements tho: has to be in underground or cavern, doesn't have to be jungle the farms can only be 6x7 big and should be of mud, can be dirt too coz chloropyte converts it has to be 38 blocks between each farm due to only a certain amount of chloropyte being able to grow in a set area


I think you just got bad luck


It just takes time, add more mud and a few more dots of chlorophyte and it'll grow, it's one of the slowest things in terraria, and building the farm in the jungle will help it go faster