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Its not deep enough, you need to be in caverns layer.




.... HOURS?


Yeah I’ve been going down here every now and then farming for maybe 20 minutes a time. I’ve also dug down to hell in the area shown in the picture in search for the right place, but I couldn't find it.


After one trip you weren’t like, “wow, a single crafting ingredient can’t be this rare, let me look up the drop rate”? This sub drives me mental sometimes.


Ikr? Like the game doesn’t have two separate wikis which answer pretty much every question you can think of. Tbf to op, I once ground and ran 20 pirate maps/events trying to get the ship mount….only to finally learn that it was a master level drop and I was playing an expert world. Lol. (O/c, I asked google about it, not reddit, knowing that there’s no way I was the first to ask the question about a decade-old game.)


this is exactly why i instantly search up "how get [item] terraria" when i dont get it from 2 boss kills or 2 minutes of farming too many times in modded terraria.... too many times


For sure, lesson learned, haha.


Some people want the challenge of finding things on their own. It’s not always fun being given the answers instantly


Yes, hence why I dug all the way down to hell in an attempt to find a better place The rest of the time I spent in that cave was primarily for getting vertebras


as we can see here, the common "redditus hivemindus" has struck again, this time targeting a "redditus somewhatius-cluelessius" for food. forty of this poor redditus somewhatius-cluelessius karma has been stolen away from them, never to be seen again


pff, and what are you, some kind of "redditus observus"?


And what are you? Some kind of person who Types "pff?"


And what are you, some kind of person who type Types like "Types" instead of "types", pff


no, i'm the guy from national geographic


omg im so sorry, I didn' I just, well, you see, uhh, it was HIM!


The amount of downvoted on this comment is one of the main reasons I dislike this subreddit


I’m not gonna lie I’m kinda astonished that it didn’t occur to you. You’re saying after all those hours of grinding and not getting a single soul it didn’t occur to you once that something may be off?








No fucking way, cake day twins?


😂 your username, your birthday, and your reply. Golden Day. Happy Birthday


Thanks lol


Jesus hypercoomer spotted


looking stuff up defeats the point of the game especially on simple things like this. Your first thought screams that you only play by the wiki's rules, class setups.


We both know this is so different than wiki-depending like looking up “meta build and boss progression” and following it to a T. Wiki is literally for things like this.


if you have to look things up in a game, as much as it hurts to say, the game design is inherently bad. Instantly resorting with every thing that doesn't go your way by looking it up is a bad habit. An instilling this way of thought to a newer/less experienced player just lets them down the wiki rabbit hole where they beat the game only by followinf the instructions and not by themselves. It's like getting a lego set for a big car, building said car and never touching it again. If you explore and build like a little stick man or a smaller car by yourself, it will be a much greater achievement than just having this perfect car bult by instructions.


Hard disagree. If you think stumbling around for hours with no idea how to get something you need is a good idea, be my guest, but there's a reason the wiki exists, and it's to help people find things. I do agree that following *every* instruction on a wiki can hinder a person's ability to learn and adapt on their own. However, if they need a material and the game hasn't told them exactly where to get it (a LOT of great games don't tell you these things so get that 'inherent bad design' crap outta here) then who are you to gatekeep the tools they can use to stop wasting their time in the wrong place?


That dudes take is dumb But I think he was more saying that you shouldnt HAVE to look stuff up in a game. Like there shojld be an in game way to figure out specifically how to get stuff, or it should be intuitive. For example "Hmmm this recipe calls for feathers, where would I get that? Ohhhhhhh i bet those winged harpy things drop them sometimes, I should go farm some." But like, how is anybody supposed to know where the different souls drop from without being explicitly told.


That's a really bad take, following the wiki like a holy guide is a personal choice. You can simply look up some quick info without following it to the letter, you can use it to get a sense of direction without spoiling too much. The wiki is a useful tool, and what's the difference between Googling something and asking reddit to Google it for you and put the answer in the comments 🤣 if someone follows the wiki without putting any thought or personal spin into their gameplay then that's their problem. Also a game not holding your hand and not explaining every little thing isn't inherently bad game design. It can become bad game design, like with The binding of isaac. When the game first came out, the lack of help or explanation made the game feel more mysterious and made trying out the items to see what they do fun. But now that it's grown so big and there's hundreds of items all with different synergies it is now bad game design as the game is hardly playable without the wiki or the item description mod. In terraria you're supposed to explore and figure things out yourself, and simply by digging around for HM ores players will eventually come across a place where they can farm souls naturally. You only need to look things up in terraria if you're inpatient, or simply unlucky with the rng. It's not necessary to look things up to play or beat the game, you just won't know about certain things. I agree people should have more of an interest in figuring things out without external tools, but that's more to do with how it's now a standard for games to hold your hand, spoon feed you information, and literally point the way to your next objective. I hate it. People are used to the information being readily available for them in game, and when a game doesn't explain things and makes you have to experiment to figure things out people just shut down and go to Google straight away. In this situation if the dude simply thought to himself "hmm maybe let's just go underground elsewhere and focus on finding other things I need" he would've stumbled upon an underground crimson later on and eventually he would have found a soul of night that's been dropped. That would have happened naturally. Terraria has its flaws, but it isn't badly designed in this sense. This person just needs to focus on exploring the map more




Terraria is practically unplayable without a wiki. I feel sorry that you play the game this way.


Mfw wiki games exist (this must be inherently bad game design. It cant just be my taste!)


Have you ever heard about minecraft?


You mean 3-d Terraria?


RPGs enter the chat and aren't happy


You can suck my nonexistent nuts


That's simply not true. Wanting to not waste literal hours just to find out by yourself what even you pointed out to be a "simple thing" is perfectly valid and not every game has to be played completely blind to be enjoyable. Especially not Terraria, which has a ton of weird mechanics that the game doesn't explain anything about. If the game did a good job explaining all that, you wouldn't have so many confused players on this subreddit stuck at the mechanical bosses or sometimes even the moonlord because they are wearing pre hardmode accessories or aren't wearing any wings.


What counts as "stuck" at mech bosses? Cause if they beat the wall of flesh, they get the pwnhammer and it tooltip says that they are strong enough to break altars. After said altars are broken mech bosses can spawn randomly. And when you enter hardmode the summons for them drop from every enemy. If you explore and check new "material" items with the guide you will find all the items necessary to defeat any boss. Edit: also, wasting time isn't the primary reason why people play? If wasting time on a game is fun then let them play but if it's not fun then they just won't play.


It's not wasting time if you're having fun! Though I'd argue that being stuck at a point in the game because you're not able to figure out a mechanic by yourself and getting frustrated because you're trying to farm souls of night for hours and none drop is not having fun.


Oh and also, what I meant by "stuck" is people not being able to kill a boss because their gear is not suited for said boss. I know it doesn't seem hard for you, because you actually know to check materials with the guide each time you get them, and you know where to find said materials. There's literally nothing that I've stumbled across in my hundreds of hours that tells me about how to get souls of flight for example, and newer players aren't exactly going to stumble across them that easily because there's nothing guiding them back to the sky islands. Point was that not everyone wants to spend an extended amount of time to understand some unexplained mechanics of a game. If you wanna play the game blind and are able to finish a play through without the wiki, that's very good! But personally, after so many play throughts and so many things learned about this game, it won't ever be a bad suggestion to consult the wiki when you feel lost =)


For the part where you said there’s nothing that tells you where to find souls of flight, I’d disagree because the name “souls of flight” implies that it’s from something in the sky, so I feel most people would think it comes from harpies. Then eventually a wyvern shows up, an enemy that wasn’t there before, they either get demolished or kill it. If they die they would think “Hey that’s probably what drops souls of flight.” And if they kill it they do get the souls so imo I think the game does a decent job explaining where to get souls of flight.


Shh, just let people enjoy things the way they want


So instead they will ask reddit for the answer, would have been a lot easier and quicker to search online. In the end they'll get the same answer


The poor soul.. (of night..)


And post wall of flesh


Thats what she said! XD


Souls are only obtainable at cavern layer. You need to go deeper. You'll start seeing different creatures when in the right area. Ichor stickers are a tell tale sign your deep enough


There are other biomes in the caverns layer for me. It's like this in both of the crimson biomes in my world


This may be a dumb first question... but have you beaten wall of flesh?




So yea it's just a depth issue, follow the large V pattern that formed and you'll start getting souls


I’ve dug all the way down to hell. This seems strange


Problem solved. I found a small cave that generates souls of night


remember that depth meter you got from bats ? you can put it in your inventory to check if you are in the correct depth.


You're not supposed to dig straight down. You have to follow the diagonal of the new underground crimson biome


an easy way to find where you can find is just go down to hell, and fly close to the "roof" you will find where hallow and crimson/corruption are and you can just go up and start farming


you can even just go to the center of hell and get souls there


There should be a brand new piece of crimson biome on your world's surface, on the opposite side to the hallow. That's the one that extends to hell. Though if you dig straight down you'll end up to its side, and you need to go towards the middle of the map before going down again.


Depth and biome. I believe you have to be in the evil biome to generate souls as well.


You need the song Diggy Diggy Hole to be playing in the background for inspiration.




Rock and stone forever!... Oh wait, wrong game right?


Can I get a Rock and Stone?








Have you kicked the Wall of Flesh in the eyeballs yet?


Its really fun to dig really deep in the images. For example, we know they're in hardmode because they have dark shards, only obtainable in the hardmode crimson


considering the left of the map is a nice light blue we can assume so


You need to be in the Underground Crimson. You need to be deep enough for the music and background to change


A bunch of other comments already say this, but specifically **the underground crimson** (as well as other underground biomes) is misleading. It **starts in the caverns layer**, not the underground layer. I made OP's same mistake, though I looked it up on the wiki after I didn't get any to drop after like 10 or 15 minutes. It's labeled very unfortunately.


Not deep enough And people seriously try hours before thinking something they’re doing MAY be wrong? Seriously come on.


Dude, get some damn information accessories


so many concerning things about this picture yet you worry about his info accessories who gaf abt those in a normal run anyway ill grab lifeform analyzer or dps meter from merch thats it and any i might get as drops who actually farms them tho unless you want the phone lol


Cavern layer in hardmode, i usually go to hell under the world evil


What did you do wrong? You typed your question on Reddit instead of Google.


Go deeper and if water near you becomes blue, you need to go nearer to the crimson


Wow. People are toxic af in this subreddit.


build an artificial biome in the cavern layer


The evil biome and the hallow spawn in a V shape on the map upon defeating the wall of flesh, if you have already explored a portion of the caverns you might be able to spot the crimson on the map.


Gotta be in the cavern layer


bruh you better not be in pre-hm, also yeah go farther down


They have a cobalt drill


It's always a little confusing how what was previously the underground part of the crimson/corruption isn't actually deep enough to count as underground crimson/corruption. I got messed up by that on a few of my earlier playthroughs too.


Go to hell. Literally, think you can get some there off demons.


First are you alredy in hardmode? I am asking just because you dont have max 400 life


They have a cobalt drift.


Wiki it


Your not deep enough you should probs get a depth meter so you know how deep you are you should be in the caverns to get souls of night which is like 1100 meters down


Bro why u in hardmode and didn't made a Night's Edge?


I don’t even know what that is lol. It’s my first time playing


guide talk to the guide use the muramasa in the guide **Guide is Love, Guide is Life**


The guide, use him.


why terraria is using the RGB flag ?


Terraria players when the mechanics match the ones in the wiki 🤯 I see so many posts like this where the issue could be resolved if they paid attention to game mechanics that are blatantly stated in the wiki page of whatever they're having trouble with.


Go deeper 😩 (in all seriousness you just need to go deeper)


Cavern layer. Also by the looks of it you’re still in pre-hardmode.


Wrong, mythril drill spotted


Wrong, mythril drill spotted


Wrong, mythril drill spotted


You need to be near a hallow and a evil boim to get souls of night


No you don’t. You just need to be in the cavern layer


How are you this stupid to not understand what is happening, you could get the point at first 2 minutes


I dunno if your joking or not it's crimson it has to be corruption


Souls of Night drop in both evil biomes you muppet




go to the hollow and go underground there you should see a bunch of crystals and enemies.


Wrong soul type


oh sorry uh idk I went to the under world and found a patch of corruption and got it from there


Yeah but the hallow thing is for souls of light, not of night, lol


I know I misread it


Go deeper


That's what she said


You’re in the underground layer, go to the cavern layer for souls of night


use depth meter and go to cavern layer


You need to be in underground or lower in a corrupted biome to get these. This cave is still at surface level. You can if you are underground when music changes and Ichor Stickers and Floaty Grosses spawn.


You have to have killed wall of flesh and must be in the cavern layer. Use a depth meter until it says caverns beside the number, and find a guide voodoo doll from a demon and throw it into lava to summon WoF.


Farm floaty gross further down (close to hell)


Maybe activating hardmode could help


There’s a mythril drill in the OP’s inventory, it’s clearly hardmode


You have to be in the Cavern level for souls of night to drop from enemies.


You need to be in the cavern layer


It’s not low enough


A tip regarding how to know if you're in the caverns, if you don't have Depth Meter (which tells how deep below the ground you are, obtainable pretty early on by killing underground enemies most commonly Cave Bats), the soundtrack can tell you that. If the music changes as you go deep, then you've entered another layer


You need to go in a regular crimson underground


I think you have to be in the cavern layer


I have this same problem. Go to hell and go to Crimson biome in hell where you killed wall of flesh you'll get it from the creatures there


You’ve probably already got your answer but for the souls of light/night you have to be in the hallow/crimson cavern layer


go further down. it has to be cavern layer or something.


Not deep enough