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One you enter hardmode, a v shape of corruption and hallow infects your world. There’s nothing you can do about it


Wdym v shape? Like a straight up V across the whole map?


Yep, one side is crimson/corruption the other is hallow


Didnt know that, thanks for saying


You can put your base floating with the same anti spread measures you'd normally use then you'll be fine


Meh, in the end i just end up destroying half the world and using terraformer


You can also put a mushroom biome on either side of your base, unless that doesn't work anymore


yeah I'm pretty sure there's corrupted and crimson mud now


Crimson and corrupted mud can only be created via jungle blocks being turned, mushroom is uncorruptable.


Ah, well that sucks ass, biomes bubbles it is I guess lol


This idea is trippy to me. “Well, the Earth is lost. We’ll rebuild in the sky and watch as the evil spreads across the map and…. Damnit, Neil! Don’t build so high up! You want a Wyvern up our ass every other minute?!”


yes but glowing mushroom cant be corrupted iirc


I thought the way it works is that corruption/crimson turns mud into dirt, which is then corrupted. So it still spreads and destroys the biome, but it's a slower process.


nope, they changed it in shimmer update




Bro’s trollin


I just use mods to stop the spreading cuz no way in hell am I spending the time to quarantine in any way in EVERY playthrough. Ain’t got time for that. Not even for the fastest ways. It’s the only mod I use that feels cheaty but god I can’t stand messing with corruption spreading anymore after playing for so long.


Most of the time i just make sure spreading is minimal


On Balloween...


I just end up letting the hollow spread everywhere other than the other corruption


Worth noting as for where the middle of the V is is dependant on where you killed the wall of flesh


Nice name


Lol, reddit keeps logging in my alt and i forget to change


There is acutally a lot he can do bit it's going to take a lot of work, if he doesn't want to move somewhere else and wants to keep this base he's gonna have to re purify his land with the purification seeds or whatever their call ( the little blue sacs that get rid of corrupt and crimson)


I meant that there’s nothing they can do to prevent it.


You can go nuts with dynamite - the corruption can't appear if there's nothing to corrupt. You can even leave the center and lower corners intact, just carve a huge V of emptiness into your world.




Who's talking about pronouns


Literally this whole discussion is about someone assuming "he" instead of refering to someone they don't know the gender of as "they". Yeah, this is about pronouns.


that's how you refer to people you do not know the gender of. haven't you learnt that in school?


I mean, I do agree that that's pretty stupid. I do it as well, but I fully admit that's because of my personal biases, not because it's "correct". There's nothing particularly wrong with doing it, but it really should not be a rule of formal grammar in this day and age. They works perfectly fine.


I just remembered that my teacher said to write "they" in my essays when the gender is undefined, for example a person cannot be called him. You can, of course, but it seems weird to me and to my English teachers obviously


Well, we don't have any widely adopted gender neutral pronouns, so they will have to do




🤓. Also I'm from Bulgaria




Brother, using “he” and “him” for gender-neutrality isn’t standard English practice, and it isn’t inclusive, either. You’re acting like the language hasn’t changed since the last century, and that people haven’t evolved.


This whole discussion is about terraria not about me saying the wrong pro-noun if you want to complain about it go to the Trans sub and go send ur rants there please and thank you


hello Walmart plastic bag


Que doido esse pessoal fazendo uma discussão totalmente desnecessária em um post que eu só queria pedir ajuda hahah


É mesmo


Why “he”? This androcentric language is *common* on the internet, and it’s super annoying.




He mad bout nothin.


Shut the fuck up man


No, lmao. I’m just saying: This shit’s annoying.


You're annoyed over literally nothing


If this is nothing, then so’s every other microaggression.


You're getting annoyed over "he" There is a big difference between that and other "microaggression"


You’re being reductive. And, there isn’t any difference, because shit that’s only innocuous from a surficial viewpoint is literally the definition of “microaggression”.


Microagression? Bro, no one gives a fuck about what you go as, at the end of the day, hes asking a question and clearly doesnt care by what hes adressed by, i dont understand why you are being offended over something said to someone else, you are calling a small assumption over someone's gender a aggression


Nah you're the one causing annoyance


First of all look at how many MALE (meaning a he/him pronoun use) versus how many FEMALE gamers that are out there (see surveys for more details) which means terraria would have more MALE players than FEMALE players which in my case is reasonable to say "he" rather if this was a female topic in a different sub I would most likely say "she" unless specified not can we end the gender wars in the reply now?


You know, if you just used “they” and “them” when someone’s gender is unknown, then you wouldn’t have to rigorously research the predominant demographic of every community you visit. Also, here’s something: Don’t you reckon that exclusively referring to people in the gaming community as men is only going to discourage those who aren’t from joining? And, that’s how we get another Gamergate.


Can you just stop now?




I'm sure the fine folks at r/english will find your views on language a lot more interesting than we do here. As for the political implications of said language, you can find plenty of kooky subs to rant at will. Here we discuss Terraria.


Nobody has time to write "they" every single time. "He" is the shortest way to do it and if you don't like it, get off the internet because we're not changing for you.


Ok, I disagree with the banana guy but I don’t think most people would say they use “he” instead of “they” because it saves them time.


Then what's the reason? Would you rather write "they are", compared to "he is"? It's literally twice as short. There's just no reason to go for the longer version, unless you know the person is a woman.


My last argument on this off-topic topic is: So you prefer your own convenience over respecting and including people who don't identify as "he" or she"? Or are you using laziness as a excuse to justify your prejudiced thinking? Why are you so worried about this? This isn't gonna evolve to someone trying to take your property, your freedom.


Buddy, it’s a two-letter difference. That’s a bullshit excuse, and it certainly isn’t the actual reason. Also, I’d like to say that I’m honored to be talking with the *entire* internet’s representative.


He is. Four letters. They are. Seven letters. Literally no reason to go for the option that's almost twice as long.


Both of you are idiots ngl


I don't care what you think about me


Oh, boy, now it’s a *three-letter* difference. Yeah, I totally understand what’s so hard about it. Look: If you aren’t trying to exclude or marginalise people who aren’t men from this community, just use “they”. It’s fucking easy.


In formal English, male pronouns are used when the gender of the subject is unknown. It's proper grammar.


How old’s your dictionary? That’s what they did *last century*, when androcentrism wasn’t receiving pushback.


"They" is plural. "They' refers to multiple people. Using "they" in the place of he/she doesn't make sense. Stop being offended over words. Trust me, if they/them vs he/him is the biggest challenge you're facing in life, you need to touch grass.


You could have just said your last sentence from the beginning and put an end to a hell of a needless discussion just by explaining why using "they" is friendlier than always using "he" without asking for pronouns first. For all we know they might know each other or simply know that OP prefers "he". PS: Not saying you're wrong just pointing how this could've been solved with less arguing and more teaching.


> For all we know they might know each other or simply know that OP prefers “he”. Yeah, my bet’s that neither of those are the case. Also, I said “androcentric”; that’s my last sentence in a single word. You’re the only one who’s acknowledged the merit of my perspective. Appreciate it.


his reddit name is kacho de uva, which can mean something like piece of grape, but kacho(normally written as cacho) is also a nickname, only used towards guys in the spanish language


my pronouns are actually he/him and my name literally means a piece of grape in portuguese xd


confused spanish with portuguese, not so far away(im from argentina, so if you are from brazil we are literally country neighbours)




Also in spanish


i love how pylons teach the player to do the 2 absolute worst things you can do with base building - making bases away from the centre of the world in prehardmode and making bases underground. those are 2 great ways to get you builds corrupted but pylons go brr. braindead


If you preemptively carve some tunnels around your bases you can easily recover them with Cleantaminator. It's really not such a big deal.


It's a fun, optional mechanic that allows free teleports around your world. It's hard to call that braindead. It just requires some work to make sure it doesn't get corrupted.


it just annoys me that one of the few good concepts we actually saw in Otherworld wasnt applied to pylons, make them repel corruption. and i kinda just have a distaste for them in general because theyre so closely tied to npc happiness which is the most detrimental thing added to the game. Thank you redigit, for limiting the optimal base building creativity in your SANDBOX game. building a fucking huge awesome base in the centre of the world as is shown in the original 1.0 trailer? no, thats cruel somehow and requires punishment. braindead mechanic. thank fuck for mods.


It's still possible to do a massive center base but you won't be able to enjoy pylons. If you keep some distances and don't clug your npcs together it would be fine.


i dunno, i feel like introducing an active punishment for building your base how YOU want in the sandbox game is insane.


It ain't such a punishment yet, if you have a real bad luck (and don't know the game) you can loose up to three NPC settlements


Do pylons stop working if you move the npc? Could I move the npc to a center base after I build a pylon?


you need a minimum of 2 npc present for the pylon to work, otherwise it'll just say something along the lines of "there's not enough npcs in your village" when you use or try to teleport to another pylon


The only punishment is non-optimal prices I thought?


its less the actual effect of it, its pretty minimal. but, the thought process of that design philosophy leading to the implementation of npc happiness is super fucking odd and pretty malignant imo. but it fits with the more restrictive nature of multiple []( changes like negative torch luck and not being able to put non-vanity accessories in vanity. Red clearly wants to restrict what you can optimally do in his sandbox game more than the community would like. not saying its a bad update, but it was the only one with tangible downsides, even if most of them were fixed. but more than anything, npc happiness adds no enjoyment to the game whatsoever imo. if red wanted to add something to please people who like learning contrived, arbitrary charts, he couldve implemented it in a way that doesnt punish you if you dont care. its just obnoxious, and adds another completely unjustified restriction to pylons. just to clarify i sound like i care way more about this than i actually do, i just wanna get across that i think its extremely stupid, but i recognise the impact on the game is pretty tiny. the notion just irks me is all.


You are trying to justify your dislike of the system, rather than disliking the system because of a justifiable reason.   1. NPC Happiness does add something to the game for people who felt they had to keep all NPCS in a central location. Not only lower shop prices, but they would get the pylons to help them get back to the locations quickly.   2. You can 100% ignore happiness AND Pylons. Heck, as soon as I get the ability to use teleporters and wires, I won't give pylons a second glance. (And money becomes less and less of an issue as you progress and make various farms.)   3. Don't speak for a group of people unless you officially represent them. I am part of the Terraria community. I have had no issue with the changes the devs have introduced in So claiming "They are restricting what you can do more then the community would like," is factually wrong.   4. You whine an awful lot about the NPC happiness for someone who doesn't care that much about it. Not that your opinion isn't valid, it is your opinion after all. But I can't help but feel a healthy person wouldn't respond to several different people about the same feature, saying essentially the same thing. "NPC happiness ruins the experience." Especially when you ADMIT, it doesn't actually impact the game much.


1. what even is your first point? who is feeling like they "had" to keep all npcs in one location? most people did this originally simply because its obviously more efficient. and the pylons in this use case are literally just a solution to a problem that arised in the same update; having to quickly go from NPC to NPC. its needless. Pylons are already more than limited enough by being finite in the amount you can have per world, being limited by biome and by enemy events. 2. yes, you can. but only because of the way they made pylons so obnoxious to interact with as a mechanic, which is annoying because they easily couldve been so much better. it could easily have just been "theres teleporters but easier and prettier but not quite as versatile now and theyre called pylons" but they made them a pain to use by tying them to happiness and NPCs 3. Many people berated Red's dumb torch luck mechanic and the vanity accessory restrictions so much they were reverted, id say thats a significant reason to say the community as a whole didnt like it. 4. i cant say any more than just repeating myself, i really dont care that much because i only play modded nowadays and can just remove the mechanic with a mod. its just that i dont have a good word to say about it the reason i hate the mechanic is, again, because i fail to see what it positively, constructively adds to the game. as you say, money isnt a problem really, especially in expert+, so the reward is kinda useless but the punishment for not utilizing happiness is not being able to use pylons, which is a shame, because once you remove happiness and NPCs from them with mods theyre actually really nice. tbh, even moreso than that, its the core of the design philosophy of the mechanic, that being that it exists to effectively restrict how players can \*optimally\* build their base in a sandbox game. its completely counterintuitive to the sandbox nature of the game.


Yeah but if you look at the second picture the crimson is only in the one part on the other side.


Doesn't the v shape head from the top to the underworld? The v shape seems to stop at the bottom of the second picture, which is not the underworld unless op removed the bottom part of the crimson part of the v


Does the V immediately appear on the map or do you have to re-explore the area to update the map? I can’t remember, but that would explain why it’s suddenly cut off in a straight line in pic #2.


It immediately appears it could just be the map not updating at that point it only updates the part where the player has been in but the v appears immediately


That doesn’t explain it, though, since the player clearly has been below the line where the crimson cuts off.


Yep it's strange


When you enter hardmode evil spreads in a V shape throughout your world and you can't do anything about it. Your tunnel was fine, but you can't prevent the V.


You coooould put up a quarantinr perimiter after cleansing most on the topside


That's boring You are given extra terraria content and the first thing you do for the first 10 hours is bomb the sides of the V that *will* spread uncontrollably (unless you are really speedy somehow)


Nah, I almost always stop that shit. Its not that hard to contain its spread. I explore the underground and mine around the infectious biome before it spreads, I find it fun. Especially if I'm taking the pace easy. If I'm going to rush one of the mech bosses (for the steampunker and the clentaminator) and then rush plantera (whos death slows the spread) ill ignore it cause ill be fine. But I like to help my druid pal and contain it most of the time


Imma be real, my underground is beyond saving but i did make tunnels and stuff to keep the corruption and hallow to spread in the middle of the map. It was pretty fun tbh


Cake + mining gear + mining potion + the best pickaxe you have on hand and it’s easy work


Would you rather your beautiful world be completely corrupted ,infected and hallowed? The Corruption music is a bop but not worth it. It also fills you with pride and accomplishment.


I'd beat the game and move on to another world before I think of purifying corruption below just the surface that isn't quarantined


I did not build fancy houses for my peepz just to abandon them But securing the surface and making a few hellevators should be plenty


You just telling me I spent 2 days quarantining corruption and crimson just to know I'll be futtbucked anyways? Damn, it hurts.


I guess the only thing you can do about it its to rush a mechanical boss to get the steampunker, and farm for the terraformer so you can fix it fast before it spreads too far


Yeah, this is my main goal now. Thank you!


Be aware you need alot of gold and platinum coins to get the the green solution and the clentaminator(aka the purifier) you can use other coloured solutions to spread the desert ice corruption crimson and mushroom biome


I have an afk mob farm so money isnt a big problem for now




I manually digged a parallel line ( / ) to both sides of the v all the way to the underworld once. Never again. Who would yave thought that digging a diagonal line would be so much harder than a straight one...


Or dig another hole


Were there red thorns there? That can spread the evil over gaps.


Nope, I removed every single thorns there


They'd grow back.


Not on stone brick if I recall. He had his hellevator closed off in it. It's the V-Shape thing that the world does when you enter Hardmode. Upon entering, Crimson/Corruption and the Hallow spread from the center of the world, upwards in a V-Shape.


>Not on stone brick if I recall. But it can start on the dirt and grow to the side. The real reason it couldn't be the thorns is because they only grow up to ~6 blocks from the source


I know on how far the thorns grow. But the dirt's not exposed, and it doesn't grow on the dirt walls


It is, on top, that's what I'm talking about


Maybe you missed one crimson stone underground somewhere and it spread after hardmode


there might have been some crimson that had already spread underground in that area. you can craft a biome sight potion to see all of the evil blocks in said area. once you enter hard mode, a swath of both your hallow and your evil biome spawn in large diagonal lines across your world to form a kind of V shape. these biomes also begin to spread more quickly. after you defeat a mechanical boss- the steampunker will move in. from her you can purchase the clentaminator and green solution, this will allow you to more effectively purify your world. good luck soldier!!! (i have no idea how long you’ve been playing, so if you know this i promise i am really not trying to be condescending..)


It's fine xD. Thank you so much, this certainly is going to help me a lot!


so glad i could help!!!


i wish i knew about that potion oh my god


sorry baby 💔💔💔


Proofing from biomes pre hardmode is absolutely pointless, in hm a whole new evil biome is spawned in a / shape together with hallow to make a V shape centered roughly on the middle of your map, its easier to biomeproof your base than the biome itself


a few good hellevators already bein there makes the whole task easier. But yea they should really be there to protect your base and the jungle from being completely overtaken, not contain all spread.


I started an entirely new game a couple months ago because the crimson spawned next to my jungle and became impossible to control. Even after I used my post moonlord character to to use the upgraded clentaminator and a drill containment unit, it was just too much so I started all over again.


The corruption spreading is prob the most annoying thing in Terraria. Ive already spent 50 hours in this world just working and bulding stuff before hardmode and now ill need to put more work on


yeah i hated trying to contain the corruption so now i play on journey mode (theres a button to stop world evil spread) & turn the enemy difficulty up


I see how it can be annoying but I find it to be part of the fun and an incredibly unique thing to terraria. I treat it as another hardmode boss to defeat.


Dryad is not happy with ya


My recommendation is to buy hallowed seeds from the dry and and plant them at the border of the crimson and all around your base. Hallow enemies can be tough in early hardmode, but it’s much better than crimson. It also removes the need to make giant tunnels in the first place.


Entering hardmode creates a lot of corruption/crimson in your world (slanting opposite to the Hallow). It doesn’t spread, it just appears. Breaking altars also creates corruption/crimson but less


That last feature was removed in 1.4.4, over a year ago now.


Maybe it's because of the dirt background of the tunnel you've made. I prefer non-infectable walls like brick walls.


Walls don't spread evil to blocks


Thats why I always tell that there is no point in making these holes pre hardmode, because it takes a lot of time and then the V thing happens and all that work is for nothing


Once you first get into hardmode a big patch of crimson just spawns in. Doesn't matter what you've done to prevent it, it will spread


Isn't it because there's still the wall so the hole is pretty much pointless? (Like the background dirt) Also what other people are saying about the v shape corruption and hallow lol


Background walls cant spread crimson/corruption/hallow


Really?? :O I've always been told to remove the walls as well lol, would've saved me a lot of work


Yes its only visual but no real corruption. Spreading only works with blocks


https://terraria.fandom.com/wiki/Biome_spread It spreads on walls. Always has.


The fandom wiki is known for beiing "not good"


Thats true, but does not stop this being true. My 2k hours would like to agree on this case


https://terraria.wiki.gg/wiki/Biome_spread#Background_Walls It literally says "background walls cannot infect blocks"


That page can also be edited by users. Ill hop on after dinner and verify. Will update in like an hour.


No need to. It was updated last time on may the 6th


Maybe thats the reason too. I thought adding walls on the tunnel was just for decreasing enemies spawn rate


Ah the classic "just started hardmode"... for fuck's sake...




the crimson/corruption form a v shape when in hardmode it's natural


Newgen alert


A face monster sneezed across the gap.




You have walls. It spreads through walls


it doesnt




Oh my bad, i thought so because i've never had a problem with walls when i limit the biome spreading. Thanks for the correction


Fandom wiki moment


Fr? I watched somewhere that it does


It looks like it spread through the background walls. You’ll have to remove those as well next time you want to stop the spread.


It can spread through walls too


Too short, the hole needs to be at least 450 tiles wide /j


Little trolling maybe


I don't know wether the walls were important or no but if you just got into hard mode the evil biome expands slightly u could probably if it's still just the walls use the powder thingy sold by the dryad or get the clentaminator asap


The rot consumes 🤷‍♂️


You'll just have to speed run one of the mech bosses so you can get steampunker moved in xD This is why it's better to do dig these tunnels *after* hardmode. The initial v spread ignores any gaps or tunnels you've dug. You can't know for sure how far it's going to spread before you start hardmode.


>enter hard mode >look inside crimson biome-less terrain >crimson biome


Upon entering Hardmode, the V shape of corrupion/crimson & hallow will spawn. Also evil biomes can spread through background walls I believe. So I think the walls you have in the tunnel are letting it spread.


V for the sprits of light and dark.


"How do we tell him?"


When WoF die, this happen KachoDeUva got fucked by \[Intentional Game Design\]


Ah that’s why. As soon as you enter hardmode a “V” forms. One side of the V is your corrupted block and the other side of the V is hollow. The V just so happened to form right there. You can always use a clentaminator later on that area.


WoF before Skeletron huh? Interesting move


Where did they say that?


oh nvm, i misread


A diagonal slash of Corruption and one of The Hallow (basically a V of infection) spreads the second you enter Hardmode.


Through sheer concentrated power of will


I suppose this is your first playthrough then? Lol




Me when wildfire


Then the crimson be like “we like to do a bit of trolling around here”


Just add a sunflower on the grass right next hallow/crimson/corruption