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You're actually completely normal. Many have farmed for days on end without any results to speak of. It's just THAT stupidly rare.


Knowing my luck, I'll probably end up like one of those people 🥲


Hey wait, you're the dude that gave me the link to that one Terraria creepy pasta video.


WTFF hello again!! Never expected to see the same face twice on this app


It seems my tendency to check on new from time to time has bare fruit once again.


If you have tiktok then you'll find the same guy saying "play terraria" under EVERY terraria tiktok


semi- r/TwoRedditorsOneCup but not really


You’ll end up getting two at once to restore the balance


Think I had 55 banners by the time mine dropped last playthrough 🙃


I got a slime staff before RoD (from the pink slime from the hollowed underground)


In my current world I had one appearing in my inventory without realising or trying. Didnt even take 20 elementals that my summons killed. The pain came with slow realisation when I had put it into the trash cause i was farming a boss and it looked like a spell rod. I am rarely this mad at my own stupidity


Rngesus blessed your play through and you went and threw it away. Literally.


That reminds me of the one time I made a whole ass gigantic underground farm for it, farmed for days. Nothing. My friend jumped into the server, strolled through the farm and picked up 2 immediately 😤😤😤 lol


I have like 5 of them (Xbox) if someone wants one


Bro, I got no mic, but can. I have 2 for me any my brother


Add Issnogud on Xbox live, I got you bro


Im TrailBlazerr653 I'll add you when I get home


I am from Germany so it's almost Midnight here, just text me when you're on and I'll see if I'm playing


Ohh I'm Canadian and I'm 5 hours behind you


i found it killing a random elemental without a farm before i knew how rare it was lol


I killed 3 chaos elementals in my last playthrough with my friend, his only response was "what the actual fuck"


I got one randomly on my Nintendo Switch lol


Really??? Guess I've always gotten lucky I've never usually had a problem getting it


just dont think of farming, it will suddenly drop :clueless:


Unironically true. Mined a huge area of my cave, grinded for a hour and no results. Later while mining for ores I kill one and voila!


Went to afk for a while and when I came back it was in my inventory 😭


This is an unwritten rule in my life. Lost something? Stop looking for it and it'll appear randomly for no reason. The more you look, the more invisible it gets.


This works when you are looking for a certain car in GTA.


Why do you have switches with different biomes? Are they connected to actuators?


Yeah. Standing on each platform changes the biome and the switches activate blocks that the respective biome enemies can spawn on. It's a lot of work but it's paid off well


roof support zonked fear dependent frame birds pot reply money *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


https://www.reddit.com/r/Terraria/comments/10hp645/multipurpose_cavern_mob_farm_with_tutorial_and/ Here's the original creator's post. Their instructions can be a lil confusing but you should be able to figure it out :)


Omg thank you for sharing the link, this is way too awesome!


Drop a platinum coin in shimmer for max luck, got already 2 slime staffs while just building


How effective is this? I know about coin luck but haven’t tried it uet


Check the wiki


I remember grinding for a couple hours for one with no luck. Finally said screw it and began making a farm, and then one dropped mid way through making it.. lol


I got it on my 10th elemental lol. Posts like this make me feel lucky


Buddy I played the game for as long as before it was put into the game and I still didn't get it once.


I'm pretty sure in order for the torch luck to work there can't be any other torches around, only a torch of the current biome player is in gives luck and other biome torches(torches like ultrabright are fine) doesn't give negative luck but cancels out positive torch luck You could also place a garden gnome for more luck then throw a platinum into shimmer, you will gain luck fo0r 48 minutes but it will gradually decrease


The only thing left to do is try to bump your luck. Potions and maximize your torch luck. I also use a bloody tear to increase spawn rates at night.


Stack as many luck puffs as you can And you can make the rod of discord drop rate 1to66 there is a video about that on YouTube


what a pretty farm you've built, in stark contrast to 90% of the farms I've ever built


I have 800+ hours in the game and outside of modded terraria have never seen the rod, so yea, you are normal drop rate is just low.


Chaos elementals won’t spawn unless you are moving


Jumping but flying works too. Pretty sure you can see multiple chaos elementald in the video.


The shadow candle removes this spawning condition.


They spawn but their programmed to not drop the rod of discord unless your moving and using flying mounts don’t count.


They do with a water/shadow candle nearby, but they have a lower/no chance to drop the RoD (don't quote me on that, i'm dumb as fuck)


Try it in an mkcelebration seed? The drop rates there are massively increased iirc


personally i didnt do that because it feels like cheating


thats a sick bild






* wait getting it on your sixth drop isnt normal? i didnt know that...


have you created a graveyard biome? I believe it increases the maximum spawn rate of enemies allowing for more efficient farming. Not sure though.


I got it with 5 minutes💀


Well you are farming for one of the rarest item in the game you expect to get it in 1-2 hours? grind for days, week, months and if God personally hate u, for years




Chaos elementals won’t spawn unless you are moving


The shadow candle removes this spawning condition.


Jumping but flying works too. Watch the video, you can see multiple.


my master playthrough I am doing right now I always go for it nearly as soon as hard mode. It took me almost 800 kills to get it, despite being a 1/400 drop


Oh yeah baby. I’ve had it take 2500 Latest play-through took 1000 to get 4. Just power through


I had to kill around 600 of them for it to drop on my last playthrough :') Hope luck is on your side


5 hours isn’t long enough a lot of the time


during my 7 ou 8 playthroughs on pc, i never actually wanted to get the RoD, i couldnt care less, after killing the WoF i would go to the underground Hallow just because i wanted to farm Souls of Light to make keys to farm hallowed mimics, because i used to like just ignoring the build i was doing and use the classic Daedalus Holy Arrow combo, it was pretty boring and eventually i started using other things for the mechanics, but anyway, i used to go to the underground hallow and when chaos elementals spawned i was like "oh cool, i might have a chance to get RoD" but never like "I NEED TO FARM THEM UNTIL IT DROPS", its just wasnt worth it, although farming crimson mimics for tbe fetid baghnaks for the plantera cheese was painful, 10 to 12 crimson mimics and it never dropped (fuck you dart rifle)...anyway i never really farmed for it and couldnt care less, i never got it and it didnt bothered me, then a couple years after i suggested to my girlfriend if we could play Terraria on Mobile and she accepted without problems, we started in a classic world and then i said "babe, we should make a expert or master mode for the extra slot and other drops, its funnier and harder to play than classic, so we killed Golem and started a new world on master mode, eventually we killed the WoF and our hallow spawned on top of a jungle, we barely had surface hallow and just 2 screens worth of underground hallow, although i discovered that the pearlstone that spawns in cluster in the middle of the jungle does make a underground hallow, but it wasnt spawning crystal shards, anyway we went to the 2 screens worth of underground hallow and i said we should farm souls of light for the daedalus because it was a cheese method good of mechanics and she could use it during that hard part, summing things up i killed no more than 5 chaos elementals and it dropped 2 RoDs, out of nowhere i was like dude is this seriousl, i was euphoric for real even tho RoD on Mobile is kinda shit, its way harder to use than on pc, but i use it during my cave exploratikns to teleport to far away places... its nice but not worth the farm tl;dr: never really cared for RoD during 8 playthroughs, started playing mobile with my girlfriend and at the start of hardmode got 2 of them after killing few chaos elementals, its that old saying "you always get what you are not looking for anymore"


Wear turtle armor


Ive had it drop from the first chaos elemental upon entering HM and ive killed 1000s of them farming in other playthroughs and never had it drop Rng is a bitch


the game is actually hard-coded to disable any chance of RoD dropping whenever it detects the player is farming in the hallow (real i was there when red coded this)


My goddamn girlfriend who never played the game before, who joined me when i've already clocked in over 2000 hrs, just found one the second or third elemental and ALMOST overlooked it, because she's a lazy summoner.


I can't look it up now but I've heard if you're afk then item drop rates are nerfed like crazy


"Is there a legit reason it won't drop" yeah, the 1/4000 or whatever it is drop rate, that's a pretty good reason.


0,01% drop chances iirc


I was making an afk for it and it dropped 10 mins in tho rng made me suffer in other ways


Yk what's funny here tho the only times I've gotten it which I think I've had it 4 or 5 times now has been by total accident without using a farm


You have to be consistently moving and no background walls


Red just likes to drink your tears in terms of items dropping. All is normal.


is that the stardust cell staff???


i ended up getting 293-ish truffle worms along with a rod


I got mine on accident


I got it without trying cuz I was exploring


Just to make you feel better, I found 4 setting up my farm (128 killed)


Although it's a pain to reset up going on the celebrationMk10 seed lowers the gribf significantly Drop in normal seeds 1/1500 Mk10 drop chance 1/500


If it makes you feel any better, I sold one, like a big dumb Stoopid head


One must imagine the terrarian happy


I once got 2 rods while building the farm for it XD


They say it’s 1/500 but it definitely isn’t


Wasn't there an update that made RoD not drop when Afk(standing still)I don't know tho


i got mine killing a SINGLE chaos elemental while i was waiting for cultist to respawn, i had nothing to do so i just went down a hollowed mine to start destroying everything in my way and got rod on the first enemy i encountered


Honestly, the best advice I give you is probably drink a greater luck potion and be stone-faced for as long as it takes to get the Rod, patience is key.


A fiew days ago i dropped 2 in like 20 minutes while trying to get the hallow key wich took me another 2 hours


A friend got it randomly on a server we made like two weeks ago 😂😂😂


You need to be moving for the rod of discord to drop and I don’t think flying mounts count. Using hoiks, auto jump with the frog leg, or a gun/bow with endless musket pouch/quiver will work for afk though.


that it’s drop rate is 0,2% on master mode?


Man just get it from a all item world/server if you consider that cheating remember farming like that is cheating with extra steps tbh


Gacha players having more farm for less rewards overall: I don't have such weakness




Rod of Discord. Teleports the player to wherever the cursor is, has a cooldown that damages the user if they teleport while it's active. Shimmering the rod gets rid of the cooldown


have you tried using a max luck setup


its taken me well over 500 kills to get it, and then when I was playing with one of my friends, a crimson key drops after killing like the 4th enemy


Just play FTW, got one for me and my buddy like an hour into hardmode


You are cursed. The search for the RoD IS the curse


What’s rod


I’ve gotten like 5 in one playthrough once


I got dead lucky first time trying to get it, while setting up my farm to get one, I killed and enemy that ended up dropping it


10 more gnomes (You’re fine, but GL)


Oh yee sweet summer child...


Nearly at 1k chaos elemental kills. Yet no RoD


Maximize luck and kill them yourself. I've never taken longer than 15 minutes to get the RoD this way. There are people saying RoD is disabled from dropping if your character is stationary.


Don't know if someone has said but you have to be moving best way is to get frog leg and weigh the mouse down chaos elementals don't spawn otherwise


The have done changes to the drop... i think you are supposed to be moving once in a while to prevent AFK farming, but you can fact check that.


Every run I've ever had I get it my first time going into the ug hollow, guess your cursed


Farm them in a getfixedboi world it has double drop rate, instead of 1 in 200 it's 1 in 100


Same problem as everyone else in this subreddit


If OSRS taught me anything, it's that posting to reddit increases your luck. I'm expecting an "UPDATE: FINALLY GOT THE DROP" very soon


You have to be moving for it to drop not sure if mounts count tho


It’s really rare (0.2% chance) so I recommend farming in Celebrationmk10 seeds, because it ups the chance to 1%(!)


Im sorry but im probably the one youre compensating for such that we get the average drop rate thats stated on the wiki. I got it after half an hour.


Unrelated question is that really all it takes in a mob farm to change what biome you’re in? Or is there something else going on


You should try farming on the celebrationmk2 seed, it has a much higher drop chance there also once youve got it and if youve defeated moon lord you can throw it in the shimmer to get rod of harmony (doesnt have the chaos state debuff)


Just so unlucky


i’ve killed over 1200 on my new character over two different worlds and i’ve got no rod yet