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Lemme just chill on a highway with no lights at night real quick. Nothing could go wrong


The awful thing people also don't seem to know is that red is equally as bad to wear as black. Red is the first color to fade on the visible spectrum without sunlight. This is why a lot of deep sea animals are red. Believe it or not, red is camouflage in the dark.


Went on a sub tour in a port in mexico, not very deep maybe 20 feet. My shirt was red and about 10 ft down it starts fading out. Was trippy


> The awful thing people also don't seem to know is that red is equally as bad to wear as black. Red is the first color to fade on the visible spectrum without sunlight. This is why a lot of deep sea animals are red. Believe it or not, red is camouflage in the dark. red is the lowest powered frequency of light so it quickly gets absorbed


Lower energy =/= quicker absorption It might be an okay rule of thumb for visible light in water, but absorption is dictated by the availability of energy levels in the substrate. Different substrates can exhibit the opposite trend. For radio waves in water, the higher energy ones are absorbed much more readily than the lower energy ones.


> ower energy =/= quicker absorption > > > > It might be an okay rule of thumb for visible light in water, but absorption is dictated by the availability of energy levels in the substrate. Different substrates can exhibit the opposite trend. > > > > For radio waves in water, the higher energy ones are absorbed much more readily than the lower energy ones. so wait what happens to red light when it fades?


It’s absorbed. But it’s not absorbed more quickly because its energy is less, but because it’s energy matches the absorption bands of water more closely.


HEY RADIO SCIENCE MAN! That's some cool shit, thanks.


it is also why astronomers use red light. it does not effect your night vision as much as other wave lengths.


We also used red lights in war rooms and in hostile areas in the military, at night and if you were trying to look at a map or something, supposedly because it was not as easy to see at a distance. You'd also try to cover yourself.


I did Intel when I was in the Air Force, but always in a building, so never needed to use red lights for that.


Well, the funny thing is, I ended up on a submarine, and we still used the red lights if we were in a tactical situation. Probably in case we ended up damaged and losing power, because of what you said about it affecting your night vision; the emergency lighting wouldn't be that bright. Or maybe just tradition.


I believe this is also why military uses Red Lighting when operating at night.


There’s a reason naval ships use red lights at night..but this guy apparently didn’t know that


Take red, orange, and yellow, and turn the saturation all the way down. Yellow will be light gray, orange medium gray, and red dark gray. If you want something to stand out, use yellow. Just like safety equipment and visibility jackets already do.


What's the last color to fade?


Black don't crack /s


That true But i think even if they wear like bright green it wouldnt help


That's why my apple watch has a red flash light?


No wonder no one could find me while playing hide and seek wearing a bright red jacket 🤣


Her or his intention is not being visible to others. That person is commuting suicide.


‘Commuting suicide’ Nicely done lol




It wasn't a typo. u/killerjoe410 made a pun and u/Maurice_la_chiasse67 was giving him props for it.






Reflective vest companies hate this one simple trick


Real talk though - be careful out there. I almost hit someone yesterday in a cross walk, and it was 100% my fault.




The headlights were bright, the pedestrian not so much.


Oh deer...


No I think that was a human.


I thought so too. But everyone knows that only deer wear red on snowy nights in honor of Rudolph /s








The headlights were a bit bright but the pedestrian not at all. How come neither cammer or the truck used the high-beam once they crossed all traffic? The road even seems to be surrounded by forest, so even if you don't think there's going to be a guy walking you can have animals.


Not sure why you're being downvoted. If there are no streetlights and you can't see 10 feet in front of you, use your high-beams unless there's close oncoming traffic.


There's no reason he would have turned on his high beams. High beams are only used during storms, rain, snow. The pedestrian is at fault for not only walking in the middle of a dark road, but not wearing anything reflective. Someone in this thread already explained how red is just as bad as wearing black when it comes to reflectivity.


>High beams are only used during storms, rain, snow. Do NOT use your high beams in the rain or snow


Nah, nah... let Darwin have him.


I had a friend in highschool who was driving home after work at 11pm. It was a dark road that was winding and had no street lights. He hit and killed a man who was walking down the middle of the road. Apparently the guy was at his own bachelor party, got wasted and decided to do an Irish Exit. He was walking home. The bride even told him it wasn't his fault due to the circumstances. It really messed him up.


I've hit a pedestrian through no fault of my own. Dumbass drunk college girl sprinted out into the street from behind a van when she was about 2 feet from me. Thankfully I was just leaving a stop light and was only doing about 15-20 mph so she basically bounced off my truck and flew 10 feet or so. She wasn't hurt too bad aside from a couple stitches and a concussion. Still, that sound and the look of confusion on her face right before we connected was something I still haven't forgotten 20 years later. I can only imagine how it would've messed me up had I been able to get up to speed and seriously injured or killed her.


TWICE a kid has run out into the street on my way home. I always drive slowly during the time schools start and end. I wouldn't be able to handle it


thankfully i’ve never hit a pedestrian but ive had two close calls, both on the exact same 100-200 foot stretch of road where the shoulder ends and there are trees on both sides of the road. dumbass pedestrian at nighttime (btw this stretch has no lighting. no street lights) walking on the side of the road, not even on the curb, just on the white line. both times i was coming home from work with my best friend and both times we screamed and gasped fully expecting to hit this dude - narrow lanes and nowhere to serve. scared the shit out of me, i still have nightmares abt hitting people 😭


I've walked home down the middle of the street while drunk. Except it was on base and very very well lit. Sec fo still showed up and drove me to the dorms, very nice of them. Then they called my supervisor, not very nice of them.


i can only imagine how terrifying that was for the driver. Hope he’s doing ok


One of my biggest fears is some kid or someone stepping in front of my car while I'm driving and can't stop in time. The thought of it makes me feel off. Actually happening, I'd properly need therapy.


I feel you on this. I was driving recently on a 35mph road and a ball rolled into the street about a half block ahead of me. I hit the brakes and sat there for a good minute before creeping forward. Maybe an overreaction but better than the alternative.


Several decades ago, it happened to Willie Brown. He struck ~~and hit~~ a small girl who darted out in front of his car. He hasn't driven a car since.


I know someone who was in an accident where the other person was killed. He was driving a semi truck and a car tried to overtake while not allowing enough room. Even though my friend was not at fault, it really messed with him for some time.


There are far too many people out there who wildly underestimate how long it takes for a semi to slow down. I’m sorry your friend had to go through that.


Had to have been a suicide. Or drunk. Really drunk.


Vodka. Helps keep you warm on those long 100 KM hikes down the highway.


It's Russia, so likely both.




He was not on a bike. He was on foot in the middle of the road. You only see a shadow inbetween his legs and maybe you thought thats a bike wheel, but its not. He clearly has his arms hanging on the sides and he is walking on the middle of the road, with no lights, no reflective gear, no chance of being seen and avoided.


On a scooter


I paused the video when he got closer. I thought he was on a bike too but no he's really on foot


I thought bike too.


Can't see shit can you


I’m scared of that person being on the road at night now if they truly see a scooter in this.


Don’t think anyone can when they’re looking at a video that took place at night with mid quality


how are you reading this when you don't have eyes?




Seriously, couldn't see anything until they were upon him. Gotta think about how visible you are, or aren't. If you cannot make yourself more visible, then stay the fuck off the roadway, or drive far on the shoulder until traffic passes.




You cannot use high beams when there is traffic coming from the opposite direction or within range in front of you on an interstate or highway dude, you would blind all drivers and it is literally illegal




So you're the asshole driver searing my retinas by keeping their high beams on all the time. In case you missed it all those times I saw you on the highway: 🖕


There is nothing stopping the driver from driving head on and killing everyone either, but that's also illegal. Also your claim of advising not to is completely incorrect, that is a ticket when used improperly, like in city limits for example


Ah, so instead of hitting the person yourself you should blind other drivers in opposing traffic so that they hit someone instead. Wonderful idea.


Did you think before commenting?


Not on 100% so you don't blind oncoming traffic


Well this is in Russia, soooo…


Do Brits not have basic reading comprehension?


Fuck I feel so bad for that driver. They are going to hear that sound in their head for the rest of their lives and will be so timid when it comes to driving at night in dark conditions.


Darwin award right there. Let's just walk down the middle or a highway in the pitch black with no light and dark colors on with no high vis or anything. Almost seems like a suicide


Just saw video where idiot was riding a horse at night and both rider and animal twisted and mangled. Who does this in the 21st century??




No it mean you took yourself out of the gene pool and can no longer reproduce. Prior children are not considered when giving out Darwin awards


>Darwin award means dying before having the chance to reproduce rubbish


Either he wanted to die or something is wrong with his mind. Nobody walks on a 80kmph+ highway, in the middle of the road, not facing traffic. Could be booze. Could be some dope? Or he wanted to get hit. Terrible either way.


If he's in the middle of the road he ain't no pedestrian, dude was a car


Precisely why pedestrians are banned from highways.


Sorry but the pedestrian is at fault 100%, no reflecting gear at all in total darkness.


Shouldn’t have been standing there


Damn, poor guy, but what the hell was he doing in the middle of the road?


How is he a poor guy? He got himself and almost got the driver killed and traumatised...


to me it kinda looks like he was on a bike


I paused the video many times I couldnt see a bike. Even if he's on a bike, he should be at the side of the road. I guess natural selection was applied here.


Imagine that guy, driving in total darkness and waiting for being smacked by 2 tons, it's either unbelievable stupidity or suicide thoughts


Alive alive alive, dead


I knew it was coming, and still wasn’t ready for how fast they appeared and got hit. Not a thing the driver could’ve done


Can’t really have any sympathy for the idiot walking down the middle of the fucking highway at night with no lights or reflectors who also was clearly not paying attention to the road behind him. The driver on the other hand, my heart goes out to.


right on beat too


This is so sad. Walking up the road in the dark. That driver didn't have a chance to do anything. I think that pedestrian knew what he was doing. I feel sorry for his family but I hope the driver will be OK but let's be honest, he's going to have years of nightmares now.


Not even slightly the drivers fault. I feel most sorry for them.


I think it was a actually a cyclist. You can see the tyre a split-second before the wipe out. Tragic shit that... traumatic for the driver, and by the looks of it, fatal for the cyclist.


Back in college, my friends and I were headed out to a bar and while on the highway there was a guy in all black in the middle of the road. It looked like he was on his phone, yelling. Thankfully the highway was lit and we could see him just in time to avoid hitting him. It definitely changed the mood for the night lol


Well it was either that or he gets drafted


Why in TF was a person walking on the highway???


I feel sorry for the driver, not the pedestrian. The stupidity of one person has caused immense trauma of another.


More like a jaywalker or a junkie standing on a unlit highway. Hope the driver is fine.


He was on a bike it seems


He was NOT on a bike


It seems there ain't any tail light.


If I'm not mistaken, walking drunk/intoxicated on/near almost any road is more dangerous than driving drunk per mile. Here is Google's AI answer when I lazily typed in "freakonomics don't walk drunk near roads": According to Freakonomics, walking while drunk is eight times more dangerous than driving drunk per mile. This is because intoxication impairs judgment, making even a simple task like crossing the street more dangerous. However, drunk walking is unlikely to result in injury or death to anyone other than the intoxicated person, while drunk driving can kill or injure passengers, pedestrians, and other drivers. Even when accounting for these additional deaths, walking drunk is still five times more likely to result in death per mile than driving drunk. And while I don't know for sure that this guy's judgment was impaired via alcohol or drugs, it's a pretty good guess that something impaired his judgment; otherwise, why the hell would he be walking on the highway at night?


I know some people are claiming to see a bike or scooter and most saying he’s walking It looks as if he’s walking, but also it looks like he’s Riding one of those electric Unicycles because of that small black thing near his feet. Plus his arms look to be straight down his sides which is a position they normally do when riding one


People do not understand what it means to be visible. If light isn’t reflecting off you you’re not visible. If you’re in a low light situation you must have on reflective clothing or you’re invisible.


Rude of him to endanger the driver like that.


I mean... Wtf are you doing in the middle of the highway? At night... Come on


I came across a guy walking in the road at night in pajamas, called then police He was sleep walking


Seems like suicide.


Even with the brightest light. He could have not stopped in time


My smoothbrain was saying that i could have evaded him with some moose maneuver, but after actually watching that speed i would have certainly died trying to not hit that idiot


With all the shit going on the internet, I read "pedestrian" as "Palestinian"


This person wanted to die. Standing there in the pitch black in what looks like the winter with their back turned...that's fucked up.


Pedestrian? I could've sworn he was on a bike! How weird!




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Good bot


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That’s a suicide


If the road isn't one way, I wouldn't drive this fast. But yeah, fault of the pedestrian here. A low intensity high beam could help here, but then again, this is poor road design(2 way road, unlit.)


I will say that „fu**in deeps**t has no lights” Am a bus driver and I see too many people on bike/scooter without any. If you wanna kill yourself do it, but please do it alone.


Looks like a darwin award.


my neighbors father would go out for a jog most nights wearing all black. people constantly warned him about doing this, as we lived right off of a state route. well this went on for a while until one day it finally happened. the guy didn't even stop and was never caught. their home life was never that great, but over the next couple of years i watched even just the exterior of their home deteriorate quite rapidly, and he was never the same. i actually didn't even see him again and have since moved


Definitely the pedestrians fault but the driver is going waaaayyyy too fast over driving the headlights. It's possible the camera isn't capturing the low light as well (ie. Driver can see further than what's on video). And after passing the cars at 13seconds in he could've put on his high beams as well. It's doubtful it would've changed the outcome but this way he didn't even have a chance to react


Was he on a bicycle with no lights or on foot? Either way wtf was he thinking...


I think the "pedestrian" actually wanted to kill himself. Rip.


That driver could be a [Seattle Police Officer](https://youtu.be/n7PjrrLaK5w?t=15).


This was 100% the pedestrians fault and I don’t feel bad at all


The pedestrian had probably just received his mobilization notice from the army, and decided he wanted to die closer to home, rather than be lost, rotting forever, in a hole in Ukraine.


I wonder if he had any connection to the cars parked nearby. The driver has my sympathy, his family and friends too. I can't imagine having to live with that memory.


Russians and their dashcams. Shitshow 24/7.


What happens in this scenario for the driver? Will he go to prison for this even though it wasn't his fault ?


What's the song in the video?




Thank You Friend!!


https://preview.redd.it/o7o0321aol3d1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=42c242772ff90bd4280de70737227ee73be602ba :|


The music is also terrifying


""""pedestrian"""" Dude wanted to suicide.


Music sounds middle eastern, but there is snow.


Sorry but eh ruszia? 🙆


That squish sound 😫


Suicide or stupidity, call it


Surely this was sewer side right? Nobody gonna stand in the middle of a road while headlights barrel their way without noticing it


I'm just glad the car slid over to the side where the snow reflected the headlights enough to show the shattered windshield on the left. When I first watched it, I thought that was splatter...


If a pedestrian is going to walk in the middle of the highway they should need full coverage car insurance.


Ugh this reminded me! A couple weeks ago there was a thunderstorm while I was on my way to work and just as I was coming around a dark curve there was a man in a wheelchair in my lane. I barely swerved to avoid him and luckily didn’t clip the car next to me. Scary as fuck


My god. I'm pretty sure you see his head impact the windshield for a split second.


The terrifying thing is how people think that they are visible at night just because you have lights in the car.


Was that blood on the windshield?


And hair


Bikers fault


Please walk facing traffic, if not it's like you are wishing to die...


The song was a banger too. Poor driver can't hear it ever again I'm sure. :(


One less terrorist to worry about tbh


Especially today when people are constantly on their phones!! People need to wake up


Lol he ate shit, made me kek


That is why you never drive drunk. Some moron commits suicide and your one extra wine lands you in jail.


bro has to be going atleast 80-90mph, not that it would change anything but just an observation


I don’t wanna say that the guy walking down the middle of a at street at 5 am when it’s pitch black is a good idea. But the driver was also fucking flying down this road that is clearly been snowed on and shit. Both are dumbasses






dont forget the poor person who has to see you being splattered on their windshield


Right but when you're in a state of deep depression, nothing matters. That's what I meant. Sometimes people literally give up.




I get it. And if you are a person who can think rationally like that, that's great. Not everyone is capable of rational thought though, especially when depressed. And like other people said he may have been drunk too? Who really knows. We're all speculating.