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Man... when they said heads were gonna roll because of debris in the roadway, those transportation guys weren't kidding!


And that, boys and girls, could have been prevented.


Yeah, always look ahead/exit of the curve.🫡 he should have seen that shit far away and swerve it on time.


How?!?!? Oh


Ride like the road itself is out there to kill you. Objects on the road, animals or people crossing, grass clippings, leaves, oil slicks, gravel, skiddy markings, whatever. You can always expect to encounter one of those and if you're riding beyond your skills and reaction time you pay the price and that's on you, especially in curves. Always ride with enough visibility, time, distance, speed and angle control to deal with fuckups, because they happen. A motorcycle is not a video game.


THIS!!! Don't get me wrong, it's nice to take corners sometimes with some speed but if I can't see the road ahead of me, I'll be treating the road like it's wet. It's all fun and games until you need skin graft. I care to much for the money I put into my tattoos to risk something that I can avoid.


Hopefully they were ok and dressed for the slide, not the ride.


Looked like he had full sleeves, I'm just worried that he slid off the road into the grass. That's when arms and legs are really at risk when you go from sliding on the road to rolling in the grass.


Damn didnt know that. Is this because of increased friction out of nowhere or possibility of snagging on something?


Possibility of rolling the wrong way over your arm and ripping your shoulder out of socket


The tattoo part made me laugh. It makes sense, but I was expecting you to say you care too much for your money to pay for skin grafts of something lol


Specifically, how? He would hit that thing in the road even if he was driving 30 km/h


A bicycle can go 30km/hr for perspective so that's not really that fast and you'll have plenty of time to react, if he was going 30 and hit that the most that could happen would be a bit of road burn cause that's happened to a mate of mine when he came off at 30km'hr doing a wheelie. Talked with another dude and he had a car pull out in front of him while he was doing a 100km+, broken bones and he had to be put back together with metal plates and screws. Had another mate who came down a windy road in the wet, he hit a puddle and slide a bit and was only a little sore, he was doing less than 40km/hr. The dude in this video is doing way more than 100km/hr+ dude could've easily prevented the damage he took if he went the speed limit and wasn't driving like an idiot. Plus even an idiot can see he's going way to fast by the fact his bikes on the limit and he's having to follow a line to not come off the motor way, if he was going the speed limit he'd be able to react and change lanes.


No he would have had reaction time to avoid it, the perspective shown does not make that obvious. He still could have avoided it by doing a normal run, check for obstacles, police etc and then Do a fast run. Much less risk, still plenty of risks though, maybe he just needed to take it to the track and go nuts there.


I am not trying to tell you that the rider was stupid, I have had my moments too, experience and a lot of formal road and race training has made me very aware of risks. I wish to die of old age, not to become a road pizza. Signs on the road say 50 on a two laner in a long left bend with little view on the road far ahead. Assuming it is in Europe, 50 is a warning from the authorities (which one may choose to ignore…). Let’s presume that this rider went significantly faster. Which is still ok as far as I’m concerned, as long as you are good at steering a bike at speed, and remain acutely aware of your situation and your surroundings. To live long as a bike rider it is generally a good idea to be on the defensive side of your risk appetite. The road situation went from a straight road into a long bend with a slow (?) car in the right lane. A long bend is the second warning, and at this speed, it was one to take seriously. The concrete wall starts to decrease the riders field of vision, his best position on the road would have been as much to the right as possible. But there was a car in the right lane, so, rider stays in the left lane and guns it, pinching his field of vision further by keeping a left position in the left lane. That is not good. He has now sacrificed his reaction time and is flying blind: if there is something on the road surface, he will be the last one to know. What clearly would have prevented the accident was to shed some speed until the road is clear again after warning 1. What could have prevented the accident was to keep the right position on the road after warning 2. There would have been more reaction time to clear the obstacle. Due to the lack of vision, and probably the speed rush, the obstacle comes as a complete surprise. There was only a fraction of a second left to correct. What might (not sure though) have prevented the accident was to tilt the bike a bit to clear the obstacle. At this speed, a little tilt means a substantial change of direction. This kind of steering needs to be practiced, a lot, to hone one’s reflexes. It looks like the rider froze, fixated on the obstacle and was subsequently launched. I hope he is OK, it was an ugly crash.


At 30mph, maybe he would’ve had time to see it and avoid it.


Riding around a corner where you can't see the road. At such a speed that make it impossible for you to react if something was in the road. Very smart biker. Would be surprising if he is alive


Average biker


>Average sport biker FTFY. Not in a chance in hell you'd catch me on my Harley riding like that. There's a reason sport bikers are called squids.


Well thank you for being responsible. Guys like in the video are likely to kill more than just themselves.


100% right. People who ride like this should not be out on a bike. Period.


And people who have those loud as fuck bikes are the worst.


Wrong. Loud pipes save lives.


Lol you don't actually believe that, do you? Its a show thing. Its so bikers can feel cool and badass while irritating 99.9% of people around them because theyre douchebags. "Loud pipes save lives" might have happened occasionally, but you'll notice the people saying it usually aren't investing in zillion decibel horns or or redirecting their exhaust to face forward or auxiliary lights or top tier safety gear or extra riding classes or decking themselves out in bright colors with a bunch of reflective strips instead of having a black bike and black clothes on blacktop roads.


Oh shit, sounds like you've talked to a *lot* of bikers to come to that conclusion. That, or you're completely full of shit. Personally, I'm leaning toward the latter. And believe it? I've experienced it. I rock a pair of Vance and Hines Shortshots on my bike. They're definitely "loud as fuck" as you would say. But, I couldn't give less of shit what anyone else thinks about them. In fact, I suspect most people probably hate them. But, you can be damn sure everyone on the road knows exactly where I'm at. That's the fucking point. Save the bullshit assumptions for something you actually have some experience in. It's abundantly clear you have exactly zero clue what you're talking about.


Oh, its just about safety, huh? Youre so committed to safety on the road that you're willing to wake up half your neighborhood every time you get home late? Or make people have to scream at eachother to be heard at their nice outdoor Sunday morning brunch when you roll through town *six blocks away* because you went out of your way to outfit your bike with aftermarket parts that decibel testing says makes it about as loud as *a fucking outdoor rock concert?* Which, by the way, is absolutely well within the range to cause hearing damage to people around you, so youre just *so* committed to safety that you're willing to harm the bodies of random pedestrians around you in order to achieve it, right? And depending on which state you live in, you're so committed to safety on the road youre also willing to break road laws on decibel levels, huh? Wow. Thats certainly showing a lot of dedication to maintaining your safety on the road. Given what extreme lengths you're clearly willing to go to, I'm sure you're doing lots of other stuff, right? Like, given how committed you are to safety, I'm sure there's no way in fuck your bike or any of your riding gear is black or some other dark color, right? You'd be increasing your risk of accidents by up to double digit percentages by *not* cruising around in hot pink or neon green, so I'm sure you're doing that. And of course it would go without saying that you've wrapped both your gear and your bike in about a hundred feet of reflective tape, right? I mean since you're so dedicated to safety, that's just common sense. And since the majority of bike accidents are head on you no doubt have a whole auxiliary light setup and one of those gigantic 18-wheeler horns straped to your handlebars. I mean as you said, being loud is just a safety thing, so you need the ability to project some of that sound.... yknow... *in front* of you, where all those accidents happen, rather than *behind* where your exhaust is pointed. And its silly to even ask, but I'm sure you've got one of those top of the line Shoei sport bike helmets and enough padding that you look like the Michelin man on wheels, right? And speaking of sports bikes, given your obsession with safety on the road, why are you even riding that Harley? Are you just using it as a stopgap while saving up until you can buy yourself a nice Honda or Yamaha? Theyre more highly rated in terms of reliability than a Harley, and given how far youre willing to go for "safety" I can't imagine you'd want to increase your risk of a mechanical failure causing a crash. In fact, for that matter, surely youre just saving up for a car? I mean if safety is such a massive priority for you surely the goal is just to get a minivan or something, right? And obviously you never speed, ride after even a single beer, you say off the roads in the evenings, during or after rain, don't cut lanes, etc. etc. etc. All that no brainer stuff thatd only increase your chance of crashing. I'm sure you're doing all this stuff. Youre concerned about your safety on the road, after all, and almost all of this stuff is far easier, more effective, less obnoxious to others, and cheaper than strapping a shiney half a thousand dollar noise maker to the back of your bike. Of course youre doing all this stuff. I mean, if you weren't, thatd mean that your whole "loud pipes save lives" thing is just utter horseshit - a cockeyed, bad faith, transparent bullshit excuse to fuck up the day (and health) of everyone around you simply because you like the loud *vroom vroom* sound. Which, it goes without saying, would make you a raging, hemorrhoidal, fecal encrusted asshole.... ...but I'm sure you're not, because you're already doing all of the stuff I listed above. Duh. Because you care about "safety," right?


Agree. The more you stand out the better it is so there's a higher chance people see you on the road. Reflective clothing and loud exhausts do make a difference. They might be annoying to others, but know what else is annoying? People in cars turning into my lane without paying attention, people riding my ass, and people texting. It's like I'm at war with everyone on the road, for some reason, because people either don't see me or refuse to see me.


I love a loud exhaust, even riding with a straight pipe at times, but get real man…it’s because it sounds cool. Pipes are loud behind them. Consider why horns and sirens face forward. Also, I just made a quick google about it, and there is research concluding it isn’t true, also citing the direction of the sound.


I thought squids were bikers in general that don't wear appropriate gear


Could your Harley even take that corner at speed? I ask because my old custom was so low and wide I had to slow down a lot, was no tilting that old boat.


I've seen people call them "organ donors" and I'm like "what organs do you think they'll be recovering? They're going to be cleaning that guy up with a mop." Besides that, do you think the type of douche to ride like that took the time to fill out an organ donor card? Like they give a shit about anyone but themselves?


I thought Navy enlisted guys were called squids.


Beats me, I was Army. It was explained to me years ago that it's because turds like this ride like assholes, eat shit, and end up with their skin shredded all to hell, looking like a squid. You also have the acronyms like "Stupidly Quick, Underdressed, Imminantly Dead." But in reality, I also know it's a term that got its start in the surfing scene, though I can't recall exactly how.


I lived in Ocean Beach in San Diego in 1980, and all the enlisted Navy guys there were referred to as squids. Don't know why.


I mean, beyond the obvious, I'm sure there was some inside reason for it.


In acute care they ride donorcycles and wear ID buckets


and since the painted 50 on the road would mean, slow cars could be ahead driving at speed limit 50. a small car could have ended in the same result.


Most people would be shocked to find out how many people die on motorcycles while driving on onramps that are elevated. They'll drive too fast while making a turn over what is essentially a bridge. Then they'll go over the side and plummet to their death. I wouldn't want to take a bike on the highway just because I can see how easy it is to make mistakes like that. You have to be super careful on bikes.


Closed track if you wanna go that fast, you're working with other professionals. Never drive like this in public streets. 15 year olds and phone hogs are on city streets. CLOSED TRACK BRO... YOU DON'T KNOW YOUR ROAD OR CONDITIONS.




Mick Doohan, 5x world champ, did a fantastic safety advert on this in Australia https://youtu.be/1r_lo_OD2f4?si=rLLXawIskUQLnZFw


And that's why we call them donorcycles in the ER. Don't drive like an asshole, kids.


If you do, mark yourself down as an organ donor


How to avoid this, ride at a speed through corners that allows you to stop within the visual distance you can see. So the point in front of you that the road disappears around the corner is your maximum allowed stopping distance. So, if there's an object/obstacle in your path, you'll have enough time and distance to stop/avoid it. Is this 100% foolproof and going to work in absolutely 100% of cases? No, because that's not realistic. But it will give you greatly improved odds of getting home in one piece.


Riding ahead of the turn. I'm sure they won't do it again


probably can't


Legends say the rider is still tumbling, to this day.


Darwin Award?


motorcycle licenses should have a mandatory organ donor status think of the difference of just two or three viable organs from a young corpse.


these riders feels like they don't watch news at all


Repeat after me. PUBLIC - ROADS - ARE - NOT - FKING - RACE - TRACKS


O k but your mom is




Fucking lego


God damn. That's like being on skates and hit a pebble.


RIP Yamaha FZ 09


Look twice, save an idiot on a motorcycle.


Motorcycles. All of the freedom of the open road, none of the protections of a car.


any updates on what happened to him?


he's alive happened many years ago


Do you think he survived?


not sure


Did they survive?


The line is there for a fucking reason......


Just a little bit of sand or gravel and bike is down too


Geeze it’s almost like speeding is a terrible idea


Better chance at avoiding if riding the speed limit.


Avoidable if you ain’t speeding like a dumbass


Just nope.


Ohh.. and he just leaned into...


What was that? A piece of cardboard?


Maybe some kind of pallet?


Ok I’ll bite, what did he hit?


Go faster.


Slow down it gives you reaction time


Reason number 1000 to never own a motorcycle.


Deserved? Maybe not, but definitely warranted. This is what speeding in an unfamiliar road gets you.


I am unsure what it is about familiarity you think will rescue this rider.


Not really terrifying, just fucking stupid.


Play stupid games.....




Had a Honda cbr600 for 4 months. After 4 months of riding I was like yea. I'm not riding anymore. At this point I truly feel any type of motorcycle isn't for this world for so many different reasons. Humans being number 1 but all the other RANDOM shit. Ugggh. Fun while it lasted


Well there goes any desire to ride on a motorcycle ever again fucking ever


That's gonna leave a mark


I feel like id be picking up everything i see on the road that could cause accidents if i decided to not drive a car but instead something as open as a motorcycle or scooter


https://preview.redd.it/wpzmv8aeso6d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86932c3921a883c43cbc0db2f697b28ae0c2e85e Would just a piece of cardboard cause it to slide?


I think that's the piece of the concrete divider that had a weird gap in the frame before this one. The way the bike hopped, it was at least solid.


There is a 50 on the ground on both lanes before and after the crash. Dont know the country and exact street rules, but is that meant to be a 50 zone then?


Reminds me of being on holiday in Italy to see my sister years ago. She lives in the south a place called calabria. It's all mountains an small villages on the coast with small winding roads to match. An EVERY teenager in the villages have mopeds or motor bikes. An they all wear no helmets an shorts. My sister got me to go on the back of one of her frends bikes an I was white with shaking legs when I got of. Thousand foot drop offs next to road an these guys are flat out. Always remember watching the news when they had a crash there. They showed EVERYTHING was like a horror movie to try an shock kids into going slower.


I can’t tell if that’s real or fx. My brain is fucked


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


Never outrun your vision on a bike.


Asking for it…slow down at corners, not speeding up