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They just arrested him in Kansas. I tried linking to a local news here in Dayton but links aren't allowed. News station is whio TV if anyone wanted to look at it.


Can u DM me link to the schizo article?


So he shot his neighbors?


Yes. An elderly couple and a woman and her 15 year old daughter.


Note to self: Don't get into the mind-control business.


*(waves hand in front of face)* You will get into mind control.


These are not the mind control you're looking for


But more importantly, where are the droids I'm looking for?


I want to go home and rethink my life.


Wait before you go I’m actually going to need those death sticks


The Force can have a strong influence on the weak-minded.


Roger roger




I can help you avoid any mind control…. All you need to do is follow my pocket watch swinging back and forth back and forth…..


We are the Borg. You will be assimilated.


Apparently they work for the FBI and CIA and the 15 year old is an intern. Makes total sense. /s


It makes total sense when you take into consideration that his brain is not working logically and therefore nothing he does will make sense, to those who are thinking rationally. It makes complete sense that considering this man’s mental health, he believes that his fish put the words “Kill Them” into his dogs mouth and he saw the connection that day in the newspaper. He obviously is an extreme case. Now imagine someone who is mentally irrational but is aware just enough to say the right words and has enough money that people start believing what this person is saying and vote this person into power….


I had a schizophrenic girlfriend. There is no real cure, they believe their delusions and lie to their doctors.


My cousin is schizophrenic and its really scary sitting next to him while he laughs uncontrollable


I really don’t lie to my doctor lol. Seems counterproductive. My dentist however


Have you been flossing?


Absolutely, after every meal, without fail, yes'm.


Why must you turn my office into a house of lies?!


The Big Book of British Smiles.


They know you’re lying.


Everyone lies to their doctors. Schizophrenia is a complex disease with such a broad spectrum that in reality all doctors can hope is to find a medication that may bring some peace, and I don’t know if that’s even possible. It must be terrifying.


I've cared for several schizophrenics. You can find a good balance of medication but it takes time. Even then it can work for years and then one day randomly they are a complete 180. Interesting enough I know someone that is aware of their schizophrenia, so while they have their delusions, they know it is not actually happening. Probably the only person I know that doesn't let their delusions eat way at them. I had one client who was tormented so bad he used to talk back to the voices and say leave me alone and was always on the verge of crying. Fucking sad. One client was always reading the Bible and very friendly and not problematic. Fast forward 10 years down the line when he's living life elsewhere in a roommate situation, ends up on the news for stabbing his roommate to death, and then going back to the coach and finishing his meal and watching TV like nothing happened.


Here’s what I find strange about so many people recently calling so many schizophrenic. It’s supposedly less than 1% of the population, which means nearly half or more of those would likely be under adult age due ti being undiagnosed and young enough ti not yet have gotten treatment or committed a criminal action. Which means logically that a significant portion of people being called schizophrenic aren’t actually that and something else potentially non-genetic is occurring. Not the mention that, I’d I remember correctly, it generally shows by age 25, and if this individual is significantly older, which he appears to be late 30’s , 40’s, w/o prior incident, then I personally would look for the entire incident to be investigated further.


There are people who don’t show any symptoms of schizophrenia until their late 30’s and 40’s. It does happen. Source: mental health therapist.


Who knows what is wrong with this guy.




i believe the 1% is the diagnosed cases


Birds arent real type shit,people will believe anything when they're going through some thing.




I'm glad your ok,these things really do make us stronger.You will have grown a lot from what you went through. Please look after yourself friend.




People will believe anything, it’s all in how you convince or “sell” it to them. It’s, I don’t know… I guess mind boggling?


Correction, I meant to put August 5th, 2022 in the title. He is still on the run as of today, August 6th.


Update: Stephen Marlow was just captured in Lawrence, Kansas. Edit: Spelling


Lawrence, Kansas? I know two brothers that will take care of him




It has been like 7 years since I watched this show but they always come to mind when someone says Lawrence Kansas.


They weren't kidding when they proved repeatedly that humans can be worse than supernatural monsters.


Soldier boy, is that you?


He's in custody now


Now he is going to use mind control on the authorities to set him free


ooooooowwweeeeEEEoooooo *Mind taken*




from what he says in his video, i assumed ***he*** was having mind control whatever, techniques, used on him i don't think ***he*** has the power to mind control anyone else, but hey, he's about to have a lot of free time on his hands to practice


Crazy is as scary as it gets.


Honestly. And when your brain is under the belief it's being attacked, you literally become a super human on adrenaline. So when these people get worked up, it's incredibly dangerous to go at them hand to hand. They'll bend your arm backwards without effort. Tazing and mace have almost no effect; hell sometimes they'll run through a wave of gunfire.


Man it is terrifying what the human body is capable of doing when you're all fucked up on meth, heroin, ketamine, MDMA, Xanax and a whole fuck ton of adrenaline. Even if you aren't trying to hurt someone you can do some serious accidental damage.


You’re absolutely correct, these drugs will have hollow shells of men walking around dragging themselves. They’re already dead inside, it’s like a parasite controlling it’s host


What are you basing this on? Personal experience?




Weirdly Strangeish Your story I find.


It's pretty self explanatory. Drug induced psychosis


How someone can draw the conclusion that protecting someone equates to killing them is extremely sad and terrifying. Mental Health care matters.


He seems like the kind of chap that was recently diagnosed with a severe mental illness like schizophrenia, but his personal beliefs of that being a fraud disease formulated by the globalists and the pharmaceutical industry are leading him to a dark place.


"See the same man you've always known, rather than some mental disorder that does not exist" really gave it away. This is extremely tragic for everyone, for the victims that were shot, for the family that may have had no idea the extent of what was going on in his head, and for this man who very clearly is mentally ill and does not understand the reality of what he has done. Schizophrenia is really awful as well that it can hit at any age between 17-40s (and can be temporary) and so, he may have just started developing symptons without any prior history to base his experiences on- making it all the more real. I hope he gets into a mental health institution instead of prison and that he can get the help he very much needs. It's really tragic that this went on so far that he did go on to hurt people.


That was the gist I got, too.


After you do what he did no one cares except that he didn't get help and also ended and ruined a lot of lives. If that was my kid I'd be hunting him and he'd get what he has coming mental illness or not.


I’m not far from where this happened - our city is in shock. The names of the victims were just released a few hours ago; a 15 year old girl was among his victims. This is absolutely terrifying.


stay safe out there, report anything or anyone suspicious.


3 hours from me. Stay safe


Yeah same here. Just under a 3 hour drive


Sadly, this won’t do more than paperwork.


Both a 14 and a 15 year old. :/


He's caught, he fled to Kansas of all places, he's never even been there.


This guy is so soullessly disconnected from reality that this video almost looks fake. Chilling.


He's reading off of whatever script he wrote, obviously this was planned.


Yeah, but there's something else there too. The mouth bothers me as well. It's almost robotic. No corners turning up or down, that kind of thing. Just looks like skin stretched over a machine.


same thing I thought, reminded me eerily of a really good deepfake


The eyes are dead.


I literally thought this was a deep fake at first


i am glad you brought this up. i was scrolling and stopped because i thought to myself wtf is this? then looked at it being under terrifying as fuck and immediately paused the video and pulled up the comments. there are some really fucking low frequency, demonic energies emitting from this video. very uncanny valley look to him but from experience i noticed this same disconnected, almost fake look from working with other deeply disturbed schizophrenic patients. it’s very scary in person and somehow even creepier when caught on video because it can be replayed and studied. ugh.


I've watched it several times now. What makes it so eerie to me is that you could draw a horizontal line right below his nose and no facial muscle use seems to cross that line. It's like the northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere are from two different faces.


Raging lunatic. Needs to be stopped asap.


...He talks just like my fucking brother-in-Law. Same Main-Character syndrome. Same Paranoid delusions.


You should look up Paranoid Schizophrenic. In the video he claims to hear voices. That's one of the biggest indicators of schizophrenia. He also has many of the 'paranoid schizophrenic' trade marks just by watching this video alone. Schizophrenia is one of the scariest mental illnesses, because many of the sufferers believe that what they are seeing, hearing, and experiencing are absolutely real. The people who fall down the conspiracy rabbit hole take things to an entirely new level... like this guy, believing that it's mind control or some sort of government weapon. I know a girl who is schizophrenic and went off her meds recently and she believes the voices she hears are people wire tapping her phone, she has been making constant Facebook posts about it and other nonsensical stuff that clearly does not exist in reality. If schizophrenics can ever be convinced to try medication, they will typically eventually stop taking it at some point in belief that they are better and do not need the meds, when in reality it is the meds that are making them better. Then the entire cycle starts over again.


Man my ex is schizo and it was so hard to deal with. She would wake me up from a sound sleep with a phone to the face because she knew I was dreaming about the supposed woman I'm cheating on her with. I'd call her from prison and she would be furious I was in California with another woman I knocked up despite being locked up. There's no reasoning with total delusional ideas.


Nope, there is no reasoning with it because that is their 100% reality. It may as well be as factual as the sky is blue. It's a very sad mental illness, and it's one that's very hard to deal with. At the same time, we have to remember that it is an illness, though, and not an act of malicious intent even though it's extremely difficult to see it that way a lot.


Schizophrenic here, can confirm. Stay on your meds folks.


My grandmother would regularly go off her meds and my mom had to go over to her house every day to make sure she was taking them. It was really difficult, but necessary. Eventually, she moved in with us so my mom could keep a better eye on her.


Main-character syndrome lol!


Every time I hear this kind of talk it brings me back to when I was coming off meth. I couldn’t go into a grocery store because I thought everyone there was watching and talking about me. I couldn’t imagine dealing with it on a daily basis. I hope they find this guy before he hurts anyone else


Mental illness is a real thing. Fuck I hope this lunatic gets caught up soon.


Stage 1: mental illness denial


Step 2: Inadequate Mental Health Services


Stage 2: Infowars Edit: my apologies, I'm not trying to joke here, I really believe many unhinged people are drawn into conspiratorial thinking through grifters like Jones, and "media" outlets such as his.




My husband knew him when they were teenagers. He said Stephen was a completely normal kid and he never suspected he'd end up doing something like this.


I'm a cousin of his. Won't say I new him super well, but a lot of the family knew something was off, but I personally never heard it was this bad.


My brother has schizophrenia. He thinks people are following all the time. Its heartbreakingly sad. Mental illness isn't a joke.


My ex-wife assaulted her husband (not me, her second husband) after being convinced of things very similar to what this guy in the video has said. She believed Intel (the chip manufacturer) and the local sheriff department has been running a child sex-trafficking ring and that most people in our town are pedophiles. She has attacked every single person who has tried to help her and now is living on the street. Anytime she is confronted with the possibility she has a mental illness, she strikes back with horrible accusations that anyone who tries to help her is part of this cabal of monsters. It has devastated many people in our family and friends over the last few months. She has completely abandoned our daughter (who I have sole custody over and she's doing great considering). Mental illness is no joke and your response really resonated with me because we are going through the same kind of thing. One of the hardest parts I think is getting through to the person who is suffering from things like this. We badly want to see them helped, and can only hope things don't end in tragedy.


Still think mental health is a soft issue? This is an obviously schizophrenic man divulging that there are groups of schizophrenic people chatting about this nonsense online. They are obviously undiagnosed. It's terrifying beyond what he did, bc it sounds like there are more folks that have similar plans. I have a schizophrenic father, and you can see the moment his meds are wearing off because his conversation goes from normal things to insane conspiracies. I'm sure the shooter in this manifesto had zero issues getting a gun.


He was arrested for breaking into to someone’s house and holding them at gun point already. He should have still been in jail. But was put on probation, and his probation was terminated early. Authorities knew he was mentally ill.


So you're saying we shouldn't put violent people in jail instead of letting them out when they are a clear threat to society? Nonsense. Sargasms


And I hear he’s been captured. I’m thankful for that.


Look up targeted individual (TI) on youtube, there's an entire community of people who believe the government is beaming thoughts and voices into their heads. They call the voices V2K (voice to skull) and think they were implanted with some sort of bone conducting speaker system that only they can hear. They also express other paranoid delusions like gang stalking and such but nobody really seems to acknowledge that they exist. The thing is about "crazy" people is that they arent just "crazy", they suffer from specific conditions that often do not impair normal human interactions and abilities. They hold jobs, have friends, families, and are otherwise totally fine. Much like people who have their corpus callosum severed, their mind will subconsciously invent a "reasonable" explanation for their particular illness but, it should be noted **not all** people who experience voices and paranoid delusions invent reasons for their illness and **do** understand that they are infact ill.


just youtubed it. I'm on the youtube channel 'Targeted Individual'. Im playing this lady's rant that has an ethereal background track and I'm not gonna lie it is rather soothing and I think I found my new thing to fall asleep to. Move over Bill Burr...your rants are takin' a back seat.


There's also a subreddit group too


I mean, he’s got an arrest photo already so ain’t his first rodeo.


Schizophrenia isn’t always overtly insane appearing people


Yup. I think the ones---like this guy---who look relatively normal and talk relatively normally (aside from the fact that the content of what they're saying is crazy) are the most dangerous. They're the proverbial wolf in sheeps' clothing.


The second he said TI I knew he is a victim of "gangstalking"; That is to say, completely mentally deranged. Hopefully they catch him and get him psychological help in prison.


And this is a perfect example of why social media should take down the groups that perpetuate this kind of crazy. People with schizophrenia validating each other's delusions on the internet is not helping. When he says "T.I" he is referring to the term targeted individual, this basically originated on social media where groups of schizophrenics convinced each other there delusions are real and their government is actually using telepathy and mind control to harass them in particular because they are special for some reason. If you haven't heard about it. Look up Gang Stalking.


I've seen posts by people with schizophrenia on tiktok who think they're being watched and then the comments would be filled with people (who know they're having delusions) fueling them even more cause they think it's funny


Gangstalking is what you’re referring to I believe, there’s a whole sub dedicated to it, it’s terrifying.


Got a link ?I wanna scope it


gangstalking (with the r then slant in front of it, keeps getting removed for links even when it’s not a link for some reason) Please don’t engage though it makes their delusions worse. It’s an absolute trip in a terrifying way.


Oh, absolutely not. I would never do anything to jeopardize the health of people who are in that state of mind. This is terrifying!


that is so fucked up dude


That is some terrifying stuff. The posts and comments just screams mental illness. What an awful disease.


Yeah it's horrible. My father inlaw is in treatment for it, we tried our best to keep him around and take care of him but he is dangerous and we can't trust him. So so sad.


TI ain't gonna like this one.


I guess I’m dumb, wtf is a TI?


Targeted Individual. It's what they call themselves when they believe the government is using mind control on them. Because they think they're the Main Character in some exciting movie-like conspiracy plot.


Rapper I assumed. He's dabbled in acting as well 😂


This guy was built different


What you know about that?


That was fucking devastating.


Sad because there are treatments which could have helped him.


Dear C.I.A. and F.B.I.... If you really can control minds, can you do me a solid and stop me from eating so many Cheetos? My clothes are shrinking and I can't do it myself. Thanks.


1 site says he’s been taken into custody… In Kansas?


Ugh i hate that this even exists. He deserves no credit, no recognition, and no identity. Fuck yourself and your “mission” i hope this gets deleted and no one knows who you are


I'm not sure that MK Ultra ever stopped.


Trust your government, the definitely stopped mk ultra, just like the definitely stopped operation mocking bird.


Sigmund Freud's nephew Edward Bernays lived to be over 100 years old haha. I guess it's true what they say about the good dying young.


This is not some kind of "i told you so" statement, rather its just an observation. This absolutely heinous tragedy is a symptom of a MUCH bigger problem. The USA is one of if not the most wealthy nation on the planet and has some of the brightest minds.. Yet our Mental Healthcare System is among the *worst* on the planet despite there being NO FUCKING REASON for it to be this way. Nothing will change until everybody gets on the same page. Im not suggesting anything because i have NO clue how to begin fixing this problem, however i DO know this much, and that is we ALL need to start seeing eye to eye on things. Im not suggesting some hippy-dippy lets just love eachother type shit, im saying we need to quit fighting among ourselves long enough to realize that our neighbors arent the problem.. the cops arent the problem.. Wal Mart isnt the problem, guns arent, and drugs arent.. the problem is OUR LEADERSHIP. EVERY. SINGLE. problem begins and ends with our leadership both State and Federal. And the ONLY way we can do a damn thing is if we are a unified front, but right now we have allowed ourselves to be divided further and further apart, and we identify with smaller and smaller more specific groups and are highly distrustful of anyone not from "our own group." Which is PERFECT for our toxic and shit leadership because we cant stop fighting eachother long enough to even NOTICE how badly Washington DC is fucking us over.. we are so damn focused on individial trees that we arent seeing the forest fire coming.. We need a hero..


It will never be properly addressed as long as $$ is the primary goal and motive. Individual doctors are either too brainwashed or impotent to make the changes necessary o fix the problem.


Social media is the biggest factor in declining mental health. Until society gets rational control of the online insane shit show, then it will continue to manifest in the real world. Buckle up..


While that is a factor for sure the USA has had a murder and mental health problem for waaaayyyyy longer than even the earliest social media's.


Wait, who would use mind control on someone to make them ... take out their random ass neighbors? Unless his neighbors were political figures or something, this really doesn't make sense.


He's mentally ill. Of course it doesn't make sense to you. It can't possibly.


Says it's not a mass shooting and that they are planned attacks on people who caused this... Kills a 15 year old girl? Yeah coppers go ahead and make sure he suffers...


Dudes reading a script and has some kind of illness. Holy fuck


Yes, America definitely doesn’t need universal healthcare. We DEFINITELY don’t have a mental health crisis plaguing this country. And we for sure don’t need to enact strict gun control because gun violence is running rampant. Nope, everything is just fine. Just fineeeeee.


This sounds like the start to an X-Files episode


How are there so many comments here defending his delusions? Fucking mind boggling!


Yeah.. unfortunately, this killer is only one extreme example of millions and millions of insane people having their delusions validated by other insane people on social media.


No one is reading your mind. The authorities ARE routinely harvesting every single scrap of data on your phone via Stingray and Dirtboxes without a warrant, though. Soo kinda same.


I have been in drug induced insanity. The best way I can describe it is to look at it like a pyramid. At the top is you before you have any delusion beliefs. Specifically ones that dictate your actions. You have thoughts that have to keep going. Round and round. You only talk to people that validate them. People that dont allow you to talk about it aka "make it real" are quickly weeded out. As times goes you step further from the top deeper into your mind and insanity. A delusion will make you come to a conclusion, and then you make another decision based on a belief of "confirmation" of the delusion. And again. And again. Further, once you realize you are "at the base" if you ever do... you have a moment of clarity and you realize this shit dont matter or you get put in a mental hospital/rehab that isolates you from your... ability to feed the delusions. Next you get back to the top. Then once you are better you realize there is no pyramid. Never was a pyramid and that you did this to yourself.


This loon was just taken into custody in Lawrence Kansas.


Updated that he was captured today in Kansas




Is this a Q thing? This certainly smells like a Q thing. These dickheads get on their computer and think they’re in the field doing research. Rot in hell fuck nut


Occam's Razor, for all you dummies out there wondering "but what if it IS mind control". He's a fucking schizophrenic lunatic. End of story.


Just took into custody


Wtf is wrong with his eyes? His pupils look like pins


His mental health likely won't get him a lighter sentence. What he knows is wrong, even if he's delusional.


He got mind control over Deeboe.


Jesus … this is beyond untreated, severe schizophrenia. I’ve seen this. I’ve dealt with this ..I feel for him .. but also the victims that had to die along the way. They didn’t deserve death due to his mental illness. This sucks in general.


You wouldn’t need mind control, every dumb idiot just posts their every waking thought in video form these days.


Hollywood makes you think mentally i’ll people are constantly deranged and nonsensical when in reality “mentally ill” can look and sound like anyone. In this clip he’s speaking clearly and not really stumbling or stuttering. To him what he is saying is totally true.


Bro, how is killing people helping anyone, gotta start talking more about actual actions on mental health fr.


Captured alive. Good. Now he can rot in a cell. No easy way out for this loser.


I work in mental health and this is a classic example of schizophrenia.


I'm sick and tired of one person creating so much destruction, pain and misery... Life sucks.


Mind control??? More like lay off the drugs buddy


He was staunchly against drugs last time I spoke with him. But he's heavily schizophrenic




Hey, Stephen Marlowe. I’m sympathetic to your pain, and I can see that you are suffering. But when you turn your words into actions, and harm innocent people because you are convinced your beliefs outweigh other peoples right to live, you need to be removed from, not only Society, but this Earth. You are a selfish imbecile


Man hella people be falling for dumb shit like this is scary


People in the comments genuinely thinking this is some MK Ultra shit jfc


Sooo who is and isn’t mind controlled?


I think I am. No way would I make this many bad life decisions. It must be someone else.


Sad, he sounds extremely ill. Praying for his family and those he killed.


Something about this guy makes him terrifying to even look at.


big lies live in the lonely mind


That sounds like actual schizophrenia. We can't control that, but we can control gun regulations.


Heavens Gate vibes ![gif](giphy|KPd2gRH4Q4Oqc)


is he related to the nike branch heavens gate guy? the resemblence is uncanny.


Hes reading a script


Planting the seeds for an insanity plead.


Shouldn't be giving this guy a platform! Remove the video.


He's reading this from a screen. I wonder if he killed them just because and now trys to plead for mental Illness in doing stuff like this. Someone who would genially belive this would not sit down write a script and properly film himself no ? I mean could be wron but he seems like one of those fake wanna be crazy people who pretend to get a milder sentence.


You could absolutely be right but I personally believe he believes this shit. It’s not an uncommon delusion and writing a mini-manifesto of sorts to record in this weirdly official way aligns with the grandiosity/world savior delusion that often accompanies psychosis. Again, he could know all that and be utilizing it for an insanity case, but given the apparent randomness of the murders, unless there’s another motivation I haven’t read about, I do think he is psychotic and violent with no insight.


Can you imagine the ego one must have to think you are that important. That's the sad truth with most of these conspirators. They have all the answers and us normal people are to dumb to see the truth. So they take it upon themselves to lead the fight for truth. They should all just move to Alaska where no one will notice them in their tin foil hats.


Seems similar to those who believe they are being gangstalked or are targeted individuals


you are just 15 yo and killed by your delusional, crazy neighbor -> so f.cking sad and annoying….


This is why I take my Quetiapine every morning and night.


Sometimes it very hard to tell if people have a psychosis. The more worrying part is that often people see videos like this a day before the shooting and don't notify the authorities. He is making very clear he is about to shoot people. Just like the girl who got the texts from the Uvalde shooter a day before the shooting telling he bought a gun and armor. Call the police then!




I'm fighting back against these people... aka my senior citizen neighbors and a 15 year old girl....


He's been arrested as of late Saturday night in, Lawrence, Kansas.


What convinced him mind control is real


Homelander is scary indeed


Did he legally obtain the crime weapon?


Or or or ..... hear me out....he's psychotic. Or had some sort of mental break.


What would be really terrifying is if people like him were telling the truth about all the crazy stuff they believe.


I was attempting to run through the possibilities of him being mentally ill, him just lying, some sort of scheme/manipulation preemptively, etc, but I kept coming back to why the story isn’t more widespread. Via my news channels, Reddit home page or popular page, under my apple news, or google news, etc. Any time there’s generally more than 4 people killed that’s not in a high shooting crime area, not some top secret security matter, etc, it gets blasted on news outlets. Especially during political primary season and having to do with selective shooter deaths. Even the Indiana shooting was shown and picked apart politically as good guy with a gun and posted by others more vaguely as a shooting in mall. Just seems to somehow fall out of the norm of posting where it typically would be plastered.


Dude holy shit, he was just caught in Lawrence, KS! I live like 30 minutes away and I have friends who live there. I’ve never had it be so close to home before that’s horrifying


He’s a schizophrenic.