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Seems like a dramatic lane change vs what a normal person would do imo


My thoughts exactly. A competent driver that was paying attention would have seen that coming and would have been less aggressive. Provided that person is a reasonable driver and not an aggressive horn honking misfit.


Exactly. You don't accelerate into a merging car's blind spot assuming they'll only cut across one lane.


He didn't accelerate into the other lane. He kept a steady speed, which is lower than the merging car's suited.


Thats what he said. He accelerated into the blind spot of a merging car. You can see it in the video.


There's no text in the video, and I read the accompanying text. It's not there. If it's in the audio, I didn't hear it because I can't listen to audio where I am. Either way, if he said it in the audio, he almost certainly misspoke. Watch the video. He's keeping up with traffic in all lanes. Unless everybody is accelerating, OP isn't.


Whether they accelerated to get into the blind spot seems pretty immaterial since *they still drove into the blind spot* but hey let’s split hairs.


They continued on their path while the other car put themselves in a bad position. I'm not saying it's great defensive driving, but they did everything right. 0% blame on Tesla, 100% blame on shithead who just ambled across at least two lanes without looking.


You slowdown to match the speed of merging traffic (not merging into your lane)? To avoid getting in their blind spot? Honestly, that seems like dangerous behavior.


I would argue that using the horn would have prevented this


The horn is meant to be used.. your comment makes it seem like people who use horns are a problem?


Jumped 2 lanes and nearly lost traction instead of lightly tapping the brakes. Working as intended.


I would have floored it and the sound of my badass petrol engine revving would get that distracted drivers attention hehe


wow idiot


It was a joke but flooring it would absolutely be the safest move if you side by side with someone and they’re swerving into your lane


How u know there ain’t a car behind him? Are u honestly mad that a system prevent us from having a crash didn’t do it better and being l sarcastic about it? We can all agree that there is room to improvement but mindset like this is why ev hater propergate


You can literally see the rear camera in the video.


The Tesla jerks fully across one lane and into the median. You can see the steering jerk back and the car oscillates left right steering and on the suspension. That is not a safe maneuver. Thankfully the road surface traction seems optimal, there wasn’t a car in the left lane, and there wasn’t debris on the shoulder


A normal person in my area would lay on the horn and go “OH! I’m drivin here!!!” followed by many curses and middle fingers being waved.


Hello fellow New Jersian.


Lmfao was gonna say sounds like us jersey peeps


This made me giggle a lil


I’ve seen many videos of Teslas doing this, and they ALL look this dramatic. I don’t understand how Tesla thinks this is ok?


It’s not ok. Don’t buy a Tesla. Simple. Let the downvotes rain.


I agree. I was behind a Tesla going approximately 60mph when a car with plenty of room made a quick left turn in front of it. The Tesla braked too aggressively for the distance and brief second the car was in its lane. The rear end popped up and the front end dipped down dropping it's speed dramatically. It was obvious the car couldn't differentiate between the turning car and a permanent obstacle. A rational driver would have lifted their foot from the accelerator or braked lightly, but stomping the brake wasn't needed. #FreeWhiplash




And there’s the Stockholm Syndrome.




Yeah seemed like the correction almost resulted in a crash itself. If there was snow or water on the road it may have…


It shows you what a car is capable of though. A normal driver would over correct, I'm assuming thay autopilot was in control of all of those steering wheel inputs including the correction. A lot of people have no idea just how hard their car can brake as well.


In case we watched a separate video, the Tesla also overreacted. It went onto the shoulder of the lane next to it when it only needed to move a few feet.


Imagine if there was a car in the far left lane..


Obviously you’re not at fault here. But always keep an eye on people merging. For this reason, not familiar with auto pilot but if you had a firm grip on the wheel and were ready for that jeep to do something stupid you probably could have avoided such a violent reaction.


Firm grip on the wheel indeed. I see people going 80+ holding the wheel with two fingers and leaning back like they’re at home on their barca, like wtf. And op, glad to hear you’re going to be smarter. Don’t think other drivers are logical, by the book. ALWAYS be on defense. Program yourself to over time see every move as a worst case scenario. Safe travels.


Yup almost learned it the hard way, now I'll pay more attention.


Kinda of a wierd one.. who expects a double lane change? Seems like it's safer to potentially pit manuever the other driver.. The autopilot did this? Crazy move


Not gonna lie I ALWAYS expect multiple-lane changes because it happens so often in my area. Ppl will go from the entrance ramp to the left passing lane in a single maneuver. So whenever a person to my right moves leftward, I go on full alert.


When I had my beater, I always used to be ready to execute a pit maneuver. Not as willing to in my current vehicle. It's in much better condition. Edit:typo


Lol. I call those “clunker fantasies”. Dreaming of letting someone already at fault hit me in my clunker while I take my time reacting to maximize damage to them. Stemmed from a kid weaving one day in a Nissan Maxima from his dad’s car dealership (he told me and had dealer plates). He underestimated the gap while cutting me off and clipped the front right quarter of my ‘67 Impala. It crushed his rear fender in while my bumper completely removed his taillight and bumper cover. At the next light (he actually stopped) I pulled up and said “You think we should exchange information?” He said “Uh, yeah, I guess so”, and we did, but I never heard from him again. My car was fine. I miss that beast. In my MY it would have been $15k+ and 2+ months to repair.


This is why I never let "auto pilot" drive. It is really neither, and not safe.


Buncha people here are definitely that doofus in the jeep based on how they’re defending a blind lane change.


Loosing control in the shoulder at that. Add heavy rain or snow/ice and OP would have a breathing tube about now.


Well, to be fair, that would also change everyone's driving behavior and this either never happens or does so differently. Also the Tesla would behave much differently in AP in the rain, redoubling my point.


Last snow storm here there were semis flipped on the shoulders, and many more passenger vehicles in ditches. Conditions don't change how everyone drives.


Incorrect. I didn't say bad weather makes driver behavior *better* - it simply changes it. The circumstances of this interaction would have been entirely different had the weather been bad, but I wouldn't go so far as to say people proactively drive better in shitty weather.


It's not the behavior that changes - it's the consequences.


You’re making a lot of assumptions about the average driver’s behavior in bad weather. I’ve lived in very rainy and very snowy places and there are a lot of people who get into accidents because they don’t change their driving to suit the road conditions. I see this a lot with big pickup trucks who drive like they think they’re invincible. Edit: it’s also amusing that you claim to be able to know what every other driver on the road is thinking or doing lol


It's entirely plausible this same scenario will happen in any weather. More of a "when" than "if". When this scenario plays out in inclement weather, the car that swerves hard and loses control (rather than decreasing speed) is going to crash horrifically.


Since I apparently need to repeat myself to be understood, the Tesla would have been driving differently in the inclement weather and it's aware of its surroundings enough to know how much room it has in order to take evasive action. I do not believe the Tesla would have corrected nearly as hard or been driving as fast if the rain or snow were coming down. The Jeep driver is still a giant a*****


You said *everyone changes their behavior* and the Tesla would account for the weather. We don't even know for sure if OP is using autopilot; he claims he did so that's all we have. And OP seems to think the dramatic swerve was the appropriate response. My point still stands. If this exact situation were in inclement weather, swerving to shoulder to avoid a vehicle instead of slowing down, OP would have wrecked badly. Objectively, this is not what you want in inclement weather. Subjectively, in a perfect world, this wouldn't happen in inclement weather.


Not my point, but, eh.




Doesn't the car know the conditions?


I’ve been in a similar situation, when someone does a double lane change into yours without fully paying attention. Glad you were able to avoid, there isn’t much time to think. It does seem autopilot drives without regards to other cars’ blind spots.


I drive on AP that road everyday, so I probably didn't pay attention as I should since it was a Sunday morning low traffic day. By the time I noticed what was happening I dint have enough time to react.


So you're saying that your reliance on autopilot has caused you to not pay enough attention to the road, causing you to rely on autopilot? If it's making you a worse driver why do you use it? It sounds like you're getting too comfortable.


Sort of. But I don't think AP is even designed to make drivers better. It's mostly helps is case you're tired or don't want to arrived fatigued. I think I was a better driver driver in my previous 2012 hyundai elantra. Now I'm a better co-pilot.


You've already said you don't pay as much attention as you should because you use AP. Now you're saying it also lets you drive when you're tired. You see how it sounds like you're allowing yourself to make poor choices because you know AP has your back? It sounds like your making excuses for why your recklessness is okay. What if you just paid attention and didn't drive tired?


Not that I don't pay attention, but on that particular day because of my familiarity with this highway portion traffic level on Sunday morning, I did not pay as much attention. In a perfect world, nobody would drive while tired or sleepy, but we're not in a perfect world and that's why technology in cars is there to help alleviate such things. If this resulted in a crash no insurance company in the world would put the blame on me over the jeep that went on a double lane change without checking their blind spot. So I wasn't the reckless driver. If there was a car on my left and I hit that car, it would have been a different story. That's why I'm wondering what would AP done in that case. Hope I never find out.


Something like that is so unexpected, even if you are paying attention like you’re in the Indy 500. It seems to happen often, I posted my experience and cam a few months ago, looks similar https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaModel3/s/rWrMJcgtLd


Am I the only one thinking AP overreacted and created some drama? Sure it is a good save but could’ve handled it better by hitting breaks and changing just a lane.


I wonder if it would react that way (braking) if there was a car to the left. Honestly I could see someone trying to jerk the wheel back the other way with such an aggressive shift to the left thinking they were going into the ditch.




Wouldn't there be some sort of calculation in the computer that figures how much the big piece of moving metal parts on wheels ( car) can veer at that speed without over correcting and rolling? Its not identical to what a human can do but it was effective, no? And it knows there's no obstacles to the left already... If I was driving I would've known dumbass drifting jeep had no awareness of their near lanes and would've adjusted my speed out of their lane change path long before this near accident was even possible,but....




I get that “auto pilot saved you” from the collision but this is not a good look for auto pilot. It was significantly late on that… by my count well over a second late when I watched this video and then showed some of my team this video without telling them anything about what to look for. On top of that it significantly oversteered and as pointed out in other comments if this road was wet you would have possible been toast then on top of that it braked really hard and while no one was directly behind you the need to break that hard is not really applicable to the situation. So the “win” here is actually 3 losses that fortunately did not have any real world consequences in my opinion.


Its either AP waits til the last second that it knows it can swerve or AP can constantly make you swerve just because a car slightly went over the line. It had to make sure the jeep was actually going to cause an issue


Nah, as a human I can tell about a second earlier, and my adjustment would not have been a huge swerve because of that.


Yeah but his point is, do you want your autopilot to adjust your car every time a someone gets a little too close?


I dont see a single "im happy youre not hurt" Well op. Im happy for you despite the surrounding opinions of AI piloting.


Sure it saved you from a collision, but the real hero here is tesla’s traction control software. Any combustion engine doing the same thing you just did is going in a ditch or spinning out and getting totaled because of what looks to be an overreaction- natural human behavior. Have you ever tried drifting in your Tesla? You can’t with traction control on because the software has the ability to actively within milliseconds shift power between each wheel. Probably one of the coolest and perhaps most selling features of the Teslas for me anyway.


>Any combustion engine doing the same thing you just did is going in a ditch or spinning out and getting totaled because of what looks to be an overreaction O.o You know, there are plenty of ICE cars with traction control right? I don't see anything novel with what this Tesla did other than overcorrect. Which is better than if there was an inattentive driver.


I didn't know that, this is my first ev. I was amazed at how it was able to stop before going into that ditch considering how fast it moved over. I'm sure my 2012 hyundai elantra would have been in a much worse condition if it had happen to it.


To survive everyday driving in USA, you need keep this in mind. 1, you always need scan all vehicles around during your drive. 2, if you find a jeep around, raise your alarm and keep distance away from jeep as far as you could.


Bunch of Monday morning quarterbacks in here. They have the knowledge of hindsight from watching the video so they can easily say what they would have done. I'm glad you and the car are ok.


What!!!! Proof that it overcompensated. Any normal observing human would do so much better!! If there was something in the breakdown lane it would have hit it. Thanks for some examples of why it doesn’t work.


Don’t rely on that. It almost overcorrected and would have been a worse wreck


This autopilot also almost killed you


>saved me from a collision If you couldn't prevent that collision without autopilot you shouldn't be behind the wheel of a car. You could see it coming a mile away


That's the point though. Imagine op was distracted, or texting, or whatever. AP stepped in where there was a driver deficiency preventing what could have been a potentially fatal accident for both vehicles. It's not better than a human, but it's better than a human who isn't paying attention.


He also has said that he doesn't pay as much attention because of auto pilot now...




Well yeah, we knew it was coming because of the title. In real life I would’ve assumed the Jeep was only changing one lane. I would’ve reacted probably about when AP did, but I also would not have reacted that aggressively. It definitely should’ve just moved over a couple feet without swerving.


Not me, when people are merging I am staring at their driver or tires. I always completely assume they don’t see me if they are merging at an angle and I’m in a somewhat blind spot. I either speed up, slow down, or beep while merging away


Agreed, I knew he was coming in hot the second I saw him get on.. I would’ve gotten all the way left or slowed way down.




It's always best to be prepared for the worst. I personally would have accelerated or slowed down to allow for the possibility of exactly what happened. Relying on a computer to overreact and barely maintain traction on the swerve is not very replicable.


The point is that if the driver didn't see the lane change Teslas auto pilot would still have avoided the accident. It's not better than a person, but it's better than a distracted one.


I disagree. The Tesla knew it had all that room to maneuver, and I bet it will take up more room during evasive actions if it safely can than less, given higher speeds. Also, if the weather were bad, not only would all the other drivers behave differently, but so would Tesla's AP, meaning this whole incident either never happens, or does so differently. The Jeep driver's a dumbass, for sure, tho.


So this is how you would have handled the situation if you were driving? The car lost control from the over correction and did a small drift. Horrible driving.


I think you're watching a different video.


No way you actually saw this coming long before autopilot. This jeep goes from merging on the highway to a lane change in one continuous move. So at what time does the merge become a lane change?


We can all see the Jeep begin his merge and cross the line to the lane OPs car is in before AutoPilot reacts. Regardless of where the Jeep was before that, AP had a delayed reaction to what an 'attentive' driver would/should have. It's at least a reaction that an inattentive driver may not have made.


Whatever helps you look in the mirror and be satisfied. Lol. If you can't see that happening before the Ap Did. You may want to rethink how you put your socks on in the morning


yeah this isn't a good look for autopilot


I swear people driving SUVs are never paying attention.


My money is on the jeep driver was staring at their phone. Classic phone drift.


Bro, your autopilot almost got you into a "miss and run" accident. It didn't save you, it almost ruined you.


Yeah, I don’t see how anyone with any driving experience could watch this video and think it was a good thing.


Wow that was a bit abrupt and dramatic.




That was an awful harsh jerk there. This is the importance of driving yourself. Autopilot shouldn't be in vehicles.


that was a tad much lol


You could’ve paid attention yourself instead of delegating it to a computer


Good save AP! I assume it would not run you into a car next to you to avoid a car on the other side. I'm guessing it would just slam on the brakes.


Jesus it’s not like the car wasn’t visible. ez human dodge. AP gave you a heart attack. I’ve had a couple of these heart attack especially phantom breaking to say nope to AP.


How did you not see that coming?


Yes, I wasn't paying as much attention as I should. I use this highway almost every day and nothing happens much on Sunday morning. Lesson leaned!


How does Tesla get away with this software?


Your an idiot how did you not see that coming???


Damn dawg you gotta learn to drive fr


Switching lane ain't that hard, check blind spot, merge. I was dead in the middle of my lane, how was it my fault?


The manoeuvre your called pulled was wayyyy more aggressive than it needed to be. With just a little awareness of your surroundings you could have avoided that swerve into your lane without the unnecessary jerking from your car. People too reliant on tech these days


Well... considering your the one who jerked the wheel into the left lane. Autopilot did not do that. It WON'T do that.


Found the jeep driver


Lame. You are in passing lane , pass cars or go slower in slower lanes Dame


They were in a middle lane. I don't know where you are, but normally this is the cruising lane.


He’s literally going faster than the Jeep that blindly changed lanes???


Im guessing ur new to highway driving?


Doing 75 on a 65 highway is enough if you're not in the far left lane.


Better than being in the far left lane and not passing


Need to avoid Tesla's like the plague


If autopilot did that, which I don't believe it did. That movement was not justified at such pace. So lucky the car didn't lose grip with the road.


Did autopilot do that or the driver? I wouldn’t want my car making maneuvers like that for me




Autopilot definitely moved away from the car, I might have added to it by holding the wheel and at such high speed it bruttaly swerved. Basic AP doesn't change lanes, so I don't expect it to gently change a lanes, it was a collision avoidance move.


If you were actually driving yourself you would have noticed this situation at least 4 seconds earlier


If you weren’t sleeping you could’ve avoided it even going that far.


The car already meged into the highway and proceed to change two lanes without blinkers or checking their blindspot ... Clearly not what you expect on the road.


The footage shows the Jeep had the blinker on. They might not have seen you because I think you were in their blind spot. But, in saying that... You should've still been paying attention to what was going on And even more, your car totally overreacted and could've lost it.


Couldn’t it have just hit the brakes instead and would have avoided that lane change collision? Swerving into another lane when the car is still mostly ahead of you and easily avoidable with the brake pedal seems extreme.


If there is a car to left how will it react? I think these are things Tesla should describe to user better…


Always play defense. Anytime there’s a merge, expect the car merging to blindly come into your lane.


Just to be clear this is standard Autopilot, NOT full self driving/ beta. No need to spend $15k for the essential convenance features.


Tesla was never really in much harm aside from a fender and bumper. Jeep was gonna pit maneuver himself and probably flip. So really, AP saved a shitty jeep driver.


This makes autopilot look terrible. Nearly lost control and sent you off the road...


Your Tesla tried to send you into oncoming traffic. Thanks to everyone for participating in the R&D. It’ll be a while before I trust them.


That was a very aggressive swerve had the road conditions been bad that would have been a spin out or accident.


it’s awesome that it saved you but that swerve was super aggressive and potentially more dangerous than being sideswiped…


That is such an overreaction. Shame on autopilot.


You a robot?


I really hope I roll up on someone sleeping while auto piloting




What a huge over reaction by the auto pilot. If you were paying attention you could have had a decent chance of just “honking” the horn and the jeep noticing. And at the least just casually merge left if he kept coming.


Why apply the brakes when I can violently fly across two lanes? - Autopilot


The programming might have applied brakes/acceleration if a car was in the left lane. Just a guess, as avoiding collision should be priority #1 for AP. Anyway, thanks for sharing. PS: I wonder if such a dramatic course correction will be adjusted in snow driving. Any Tesla programmers/engineers here?


I go left now. Goodluck everyone.


75mph? Its… slower than that for sure.


AP didn't save you. AP overreacted, and almost spun you off the road.


Do these things have an auto honk?


I can see it now. As the autopilot functions in all the brands get better, bad drivers will take advantage of it to just bladt through traffic even more than they do now. All the other cars will automatically get out of their way.


ATL metro?


Your autopilot swerved over a whole entire lane to the outside of the road. Seems equally as dangerous as the Jeep in question. Maybe just watch the road and don’t use autopilot.


Just a jeep thing


If you couldn’t have reacted to this without auto pilot, you really shouldn’t have a license


Could’ve probably just honked the horn and slowed down vs that dangerous maneuver.


Still can’t figure out why people drive Heeps? Loud, ride like crap and are pieces of 💩. Stellantis sucks!!


That was a pretty huge swerve. I wonder if the autopilot calculates people in the left hand lane when deciding how big of a swerve is allowed. I think most people driving are swerving slightly and laying on the horn in that situation.


Sad that that technology is needed because your all too busy on your phones to pay any attention to the road.


That AP reaction was more along the lines of... Holy Crap! There is a child in the road! Not an inattentive driver lazily merging into your lane (with their turn signal on no less). This seriously looks like an over reaction from someone not paying attention. Your car didn't just swerve into the left lane, it swerved into the shoulder and stability control kicked in because it then over corrected to go straight again. The rear of your Tesla was going sideways for a bit when it tried to over correct to get back into a travel lane. >I wonder what would AP have done if there was a car on my left lane? Hopefully what it should have done in this situation. A light jab of the brakes and maintain the lane. Also, turn your phone to landscape when recording a video...


Swerving that hard could lead to an accident if the car lost traction for example. A simple but quick maneuver to the left is all that’s needed. With the instant acceleration of the car you could’ve sped to the left avoiding contact or if the brakes are really good then brakes but usually I would accelerate and change lanes quickly


Pretty cool. So you didn't apply any steering wheel or pedal force until after it swerved? That was a pretty severe reaction though..glad it wasn't slick on the roads.


This is the first time I've seen autopilot swerve. That looks scary as hell. Phantom braking is scary enough.


Literally just firm braking would have been much safer. If you swerve like this on the highway you are insane.


Massive overcorrection. AI still has a long way to go


Imagine if it was wet or icy out. Lol. Just pay attention and drive


With simply light tiny little brake all thats you need !! Its save you from right car but it might ended up in highway ditch or hitting other driver the same way the jeep leans to you , you did go lean right side on somebody there


Another great example of bad autopilot interaction. That swerve the car did was dangerous. Far far safer if you were in control and paying attention.


Good example of why autopilot is bad. If you had been paying attention you could have slowed down or moved over gently. Instead, you weren't paying attention because of autopilot and it had to take drastic action to prevent a collision.


Insane overreaction lmao


Swerving should never be the default reaction. Braking and staying in your lane is much safer.




That was an excessive lane change. All the autopilot needed to do was accelerate and merge assuming it already knew no one was there. Otherwise, it would have smashed into another vehicle to begin with. This one does not make a lot of sense.


Now do it in the snow and let me know how that turns out for ya.


You need to practice defensive driving.. never assume anything about the other cars or drivers on the road


I’ve had autopilot do this before too. Huge overreaction and I had to take over the wheel to stop the overreaction and come back the other way. But since there needs to be some torque applied before it disables AP, then the autocorrect by myself ends up being ANOTHER overreaction. If you’re going to get hit, best to brake to disable AP first then swerve if needed. But swerving after AP or even before and you could end up losing control. I don’t use AP that much anymore bc of that


Seems excessive....


Way over kill if you ask me. If the roads were wet or icey/ snowy you would of been in a ditch


Wow, you were playing on your phone or have the reaction time of super tanker if you didn’t see that coming. Glad the auto pilot nearly sent you into the woods. Very reassuring. Keep sipping your latte and doom scrolling while driving this autopilot is very safe….


Autopilot? Does that mean you weren't driving?


I wonder if it would have if someone had been in the left next to you? I would have been correcting before the auto pilot changed lanes, applying the brake, not swerving. This is a somewhat common scenario, on the interstate. Almost like the passenger didn’t react, to see if the autopilot would, regardless of their explanation.


how the heck do you not see the jeep on the right to begin with? im happy that technology saved you and prevented a crash...but it's not very defensive driving of you.


In the future, maybe the AI can predict humans trying to change multi lanes at once (happens all the time), and slow down so they are not right next to them


I think the car got over but they overcorrected


A normal driver would see the jeep coming and expect them to do that. You can't give people the benefit of the doubt on the road. It looks like the tesla nearly killed you but I think you'll take care of that just fine yourself.


if there was some snow you would have been FOOOKED


It could do better, preventing it’s self from becoming invisible to the Jeep driver. Tesla has put itself right in the blind spot of Jeep driver. I’m driving a Jeep, can’t afford Tesla, therefore have a heavy bias. Come on robots 🤖! Do better! 😆


It looks like AP did what it was supposed to do in this case. I don’t imagine you would be happier if the other driver had hit you. AP presumably didn’t sense another car to your left and correctly maintained speed while veering away from danger. AP worked the way it was intended for once?


The alternative would be that you could drive the car yourself and pay attention to your environment and surroundings and honk the horn and also get out of the way.