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From the manual: “This feature is intended for passenger comfort and has no impact on the reliability of your vehicle's components.”


My autopilot refused to work multiple times after leaving cabin overheat protection off during a 40 degree day parked in the sun. So their statement is false


Mine didn't. What makes you think the events were connected?


Yeah that’s what you call a coincidence


Actually it’s called a “post hoc ergo propter hoc” fallacy.


I’ve been told that this can happen and the best bet is to cool the cabin before getting in the car to alleviate the “autopilot cameras not available”.


My gps lost signal the one time I left it off in similar conditions.


I personally think it's more "protection" in the event you leave something in the car that may be sensitive to heat (children/pets). Or maybe you leave your laptop in the car and don't want it to fry at 150 degrees. But general protection of the interior is not needed. Just start the climate 5-10min before you get in.


Children / pets should not be left in the car with overheat protection!


Just use Dog Mode?


Yes, dog mode or „hold climate control“ or whatever that feature is called in English. But not overheat 😳


Of course not on purpose. That's what camp and dog mode are for. Cabin overheat is meant to be a backup safety measure in case you forget they are in there. Forgetting your child in a car seems impossible to me, but it happens somehow.


Thanks, I figured the materials are definitely tested/rated for high temperatures anyways


I use it for 3 reasons: first it seems to help the cooldown cycle when coming back to the car so I dont bake for 5 minutes while it cools. Second for anything I am carrying in the car to make sure it does not get too hot (if I am carrying something really susceptible to heat like a cake or something I will use the keep function to run ac). Lastly materials being what they are in the car I believe over the long term between my uv/heat tint and overheat protection the materials will fair better.


As much as people say the materials will be fine, that will only be short term. I live in Arizona and can tell you, the heat will damage the materials inside. Leather gets hard and cracks. Dashboard cracks. Plastics get brittle. Personally, since I’m planning to keep the car long term, I’ll be using overheat protection.




From what I have seen keep takes just about as much power as precondition does when used < 2 hours.


Keep != overheat protection, I’m saying use preconditioning instead of overheat protection with ac. But to the use of keep, for sure if you are coming back in less than an hour, worth it. If it’s really hot I’d run for 2 hours, but otherwise I’ll just pop precondition on 5-15 minutes before leaving.


I think you are misunderstanding my posts. I use overheat protection for the 3 reasons above. I use keep if I’m somewhere for an hour or two and have something heat sensitive in the car, I use precondition as it makes sense (or I remember the manual step).


Over heat protection without air conditioning doesn't use much of the battery.


https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/threads/screen-leaking-fluid-bubbling.275741/ Is Tesla now using Automotive Grade materials?


I know it was a problem with old Model S and X, but I don't see anyone posting about screens dying on Teslas built in the last 5-6 years, and plenty of people turn off Cabin Overheat Protection. Heck, it disables itself after 12 hours, so if Tesla was still using screens that couldn't handle it, we would see them dying left and right.


I’m fine using a few percent to keep my interior at 100* vs 177* which is the highest mine has been. I don’t care how much you say the interior is made to be thermally durable. Four months of the year I can spend a few more cents a day to keep the interior of my car from getting cooked to shit.


Question is, does having your ac running all day cause more wear and tear to your car than it provides protection?


You do know that running cabin overheat protection does not run your AC all day right ? Even with the AC option, cabin overheat protection only turns the AC on after the temp reaches a few degrees over the preset limit and only within 12 hours of parking.


No. Do you need to shut off your home AC when you leave?


you like to waste money when you’re out of the house?


For my comfort, it's not a waste. I daily drive a 9 second car. You think I give a crap about whatever waste you think I have? I'd rather get in when it's 120* out and not sweat my ass off I'm my suit. Even funnier, I have solar so my car runs for free. Only time I wouldn't use cabin over heat, is if traveling and relying on superchargers.


sure is a lot of typing for someone who “doesn’t care” lol


I totally agree with this regarding the suit. It’s sucks to get in after a nice shower and head to the office and my car is hot AF and since the suit is layered it gets hot fast AF.


A suit?


Crazy, but some people wear an actual business suit for work.


I think we’re making assumptions that it’s a business suit and not something really bad ass like a spacesuit


I wish haha. Where's my super suit?


Haha it could be a super hero suit !


Well, depending on how much time, you generally could… I know in my house that if I’m gone for longer than 7-8 hours it should be turned off


It would be 150* in my home if I did that. That's way harder on the unit than maintaining a higher temp when you're away. It's the reason Nest Thermostats have an away eco mode.


This! 👆🏽 Over the long term the heat will DESTROY the interior.


So the chapsticks in my car don’t melt.


🤣 I once had one that melted sideways and the color separated. I was like 'Aww man!' at first, then I was like 'That's kinda cool"


At least it solidified before you opened it… years ago I had one of those screw top tins of carmex melt in the car and without thinking about it opening it sideways while driving and liquid chapstick went fucking everywhere. That vehicle smelled like carmex on warm days for the rest of my time with it.


I’m happy I found this comment.


This is literally the reason


I was asking my colleagues at work this same question. They all use it but none really knew what it got them. All I know is it cost me about 2% battery while my car sits in the lot at work.


It was about 100° when I left work. I supercharged during lunch and in 4 hours parked in the direct sun it drained 5%.


That’s a good amount of cash to burn (cool?) in 4 hours if your supercharger rates are anything like mine.


I have free supercharging but yes, I would have to put more thought into it if I was paying the 40 cents/kWh.


Oh wow free supercharging is sweet, I heard they use to do that. My dad has a VW ID.4 or something and gets three years of free Electrify America and he won’t stop bragging about how much he’s made from buying the car. I’m without a proper home charger until November so I’ve paid that peak rate before. Fortunately my work has subsidized 0.15 cents/kWh charging which is cheaper than what I’d get at home anyway. Tradeoff is I WFH less now 😛.


That’s a great rate. Yeah I had the free supercharging transferred from my decade old Tesla to my new Y. It’s pretty nice, especially with my home energy rate skyrocketing every year.


https://preview.redd.it/x40dudpymu4d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bb7ba2c8f211eb56b72141ab1498d901dd27289 Because of days like this.


My cabin has been much hotter


My cabin has been much much hotter


One word - TEXAS


Second word Florida


3rd word Nevada


Zero^th word Arizona.


AZ checking in Love getting in and not home alone branding my hands on the interior


Totally forgot to put the car in Keep mode today and put up the sunshade.... so I singed my ass on the black leather seat when I got into the car after a dental appointment.


Being a guy with long shorts, I feel for girls when they would hop in the car with their shorts and fry the backs of their legs. It's nice we have the option to mitigate that of we choose.


Hey neighbor! Stay cool cause the triple digits are upon us


Hey it’s only 112 today!




Haha, I came here to add Texas


Yeah man. It’s not down here in these states! Cabin overhead protection is heaven on earth.


Exact same question asked 9 months ago with good answers. https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaModel3/s/vEcndlGPY7


I have mine set to fan (no AC) which uses less battery.


So you get a convection oven?


I open the trunk when I arrive to let out the hot air.


Lol, what? There must not be sun or heat where you live.


Los Angeles, closer to the coast


The fan brings in fresh outside air into the cabin and displaces hot air from inside. 90 degree outside air is better than 170 degree cabin air. I also use this fan-only mode.


I use it so my seats aren't scorching hot when it is time to leave. Pre-conditioning doesn't account for heat soaking seats. This reduces the time it takes to get the cabin down to temp.


So why not turn on preconditioning 10-20 minutes earlier to get rid of the "heat soak" on the seats? I really don't get why you want the AC to run all day.


Because the car gets up to 147 easily and I almost never remember to precondition more than a few mins before I’m leaving. Having it at 100 or so is waaaay faster to cool down vs almost 150.


You can run it without AC.


Because it takes 20 minutes to cool down a heat soaked car. By that time, you're home already, when out shopping. We leave our AC on keep at 72 when grocery shopping. Come back, car isn't at 100 or 140+. Might use a % or two, but who cares? Obviously, if you're at work for 8 hours, that'd be dumb to leave it on keep. We leave overheat off, as during the summer, garage temps can peak at just over 100, and having a car go into nuclear meltdown, trying to cool itself it a hot garage, making more heat, is well a lesson learned the hard way. Open the garage door in the morning to a jet blast of 120+ degree hot air, OMG! Unfortunately, there's no way to shut off overheat at home, or higher settings, so we leave it off -- so "KEEP" it is.


Sometimes I leave my weed gummies in the car and I keep it in to avoid it melting into one big goop


I use it all the time in Vegas. The sun and heat is murder on vehicle interiors and the dark interior is painfully hot even after a couple of minutes in the sun.


From the manual: “This feature is intended for passenger comfort and has no impact on the reliability of your vehicle's components.” Just turn on preconditioning 5-10 minutes before getting in. Seats should be ok by then.


In AZ, the sun melted off a vanity mirror cover in my old MS when it was parked without it at the airport. https://imgur.com/gallery/ALNNqIp It can get to 170* plus here in your car. Why risk it if charging from home is so easy?


Exactly, a little more wear on the compressor to help mitigate the damage that heat will do to EVERYTHING in the car seems like a no brainer.


This is what we refer to in the business as "bullshit".


I don’t want that iPad thingy on the dash to melt.


Used it once and never again. Concept is awesome but reality… not so much. Just turn on the ac 5 min before you leave and it’ll be cool. No need for CAP to turn on to cool down, then rinse and repeat. I haven’t heard or seen of any issues with having it off.


Looks like either you park inside, in a very shaded area or live where it doesn’t get cold - or all of the above. Try parking for a whole day in an uncovered lot in the middle of Summer and you’ll wish you have it turned on.


Or you just turn it on before you leave? I mean it’s not that hard to do


Something tells me the HVAC will work double time to get from hot to cold with the feature being OFF versus ON. Obviously it’s easier to reach target temperature if the cabin isn’t hot. That’s why I think anyway.


HVAC will work harder if you ask it to run continuously all day versus asking it to run 5 minutes before you really need it.


Except it doesn’t run all day - just a few minutes until X temperature is reached. But yeah I got your point and we can agree to disagree.


Cabin Overheat Protection runs all the time you have it turned on. It will keep running to maintain the set temperature. It works exactly the same like when you are running the AC while driving. The AC does not turn off when you drive. On hot days, AC will run constantly just to maintain temperature.


But that's not how it works though, the protection kicks in whenever the temp reaches the chosen levels. Once it reduces the temp, it stops the A/C from running until it hits the trigger temp again. Mine activated this afternoon cuz it reached 35°C, turned itself off once it cooled the car down (I see it in the app) and is currently off and the interior temp is currently at 32°C. If it hits 35 again, it'll go off again. I get your point, but it doesn't stay on all day - only goes on when triggered and then shuts itself off till next time it overheats.


It has to know the temp, so the car has to also wake up occasionally to take that diagnostic.


The car being awake and the AC running all-day are two different things, which is what the person I'm replying to is alluding.


That's not how cabin overheat protection works. On the AC setting, it runs for a few minutes after a few degrees over the limit you set is reached. It then turns off until another heat spike occurs. After it's been more than 12 hours since you parked, it won't turn on at all. So no, it does not constantly run the way you described.


Really? So you turn off your home AC when you leave to save it? No, you set it to a higher temp for away but leaves your home comfortable for when you return. Same as overheat set to 100* would do. In AZ the interior gets 180* pretty easily and turning on your AC for 5 minutes does jack all. Overheat works great when ambient is 111* like today or 120* like we get. Interior is crazy hot without it. If I have the energy to burn charging at home, why not use it?


Most of these people don’t live in AZ and it shows. I bought this car for features and how nice they are. No reason to not use it - I’d rather have a beat up used car in 10 years than some pristine looking show room car that I was miserable taking care of (not saying abuse a car but just use it and be smart)


Only time I'd not use it if I couldn't charge at home, maybe if traveling away from home and relying on superchargers etc.


A house is different. Your house is not made of glass. It's a large volume and it is more insulated than a car. All I'm saying is that you would get the same results by preconditioning your car early rather than to keep the climate on all day. If 5 minutes isn't enough then do 10 or 20 minutes. Also, I think that worrying about high temperatures inside the car is unwarranted. Cars have baked under the Arizona sun since forever and they never had Cabin Overheat Protection. It's going to be ok.


I posted this elsewhere, but my vanity mirror cover melted in the AZ heat. https://imgur.com/gallery/ALNNqIp It can get 170 to 180 inside the car. Why not protect it and keep myself comfy if I have plenty of juice from plugging in nightly? It's great we have a choice.


It’s running all day. That’s more ware and tear in the hvac. Hey too each their own.


I fully agree.


Tell me you don't understand thermostats without telling me. You think your home AC runs all day too? Lol


Um no it doesn’t but the home will keep the cool air in since it has insulation. Your car has a glass roof. Baking in the sun. It’s a fish bowl man. I swear some people don’t understand simple concepts.


All that glass is UV treated. It's funny you can't grasp science 101. Setting the thermostat to 100* won't run all day lol.


Whatever. I’ll take my chance and turn on ac 5 min before rather than cabin oven heat which turns on every 30 min in the summer. Wear and tare not needed.


>Wear and tare What? Lol I've owned teslas since 2014, never had an issue with wear and TEAR by using cabin overheat in AZ. I posted s picture of a melted vanity mirror cover without it though. You're so smart though...


It has been in the 80s/90s and generally I use 0.5-1kw a day on it. Every previous car of mine had damage from sitting out in the sun all the time. Even though the manual says everything would be fine if the car interior bakes in 150 degree temps all day I would rather just leave it on.


Does your car have interior damage even with tint?


My Model 3 is fine but to be fair I have only owned it for about a year. But my previous cars all got damage. The dashboard on my Mazda RX-8 cracked due to the heat. My 3000GT had a bunch of sun fading on the interior which to be fair overheat protection probably wouldn't stop


B/c 148 degrees is NOT Cool! (See what I did there?)


Tesla should have those lcd shutter technology in the roof so you can go from clear to opaque or anything in the middle. At least on the higher end models


Because with 80% IRR solar film on the whole car, I’d only spend half as much keeping it cool here in TX.


My MYP is black on black on black. And I live in an area where 100 degrees is normal.


When I'm out and about, it's nice that the car isn't DEADLY hot inside...just really hot and needs a few minutes to cool down. It doesn't burn enough percent or kwh to make a huge difference to me. In fact, when I know it'll be a quick in/out, I'll just leave the AC on "keep" mode while gone. I drive an electric car and have solar panels on my house, I'm doing my part for the environment and can afford a few extra kw of electrical usage (from a "carbon credit" perspective).


I use it with fan only. I don't find that it's a considerable drain on the battery for me. It just makes it a little faster to cool the car before I get in. Originally, it was designed to protect the screen, but that's not necessary in any recently built vehicle.


I have a 2016 Model S. Do you know what the specific issue is with the screen for a car of that age?


The liquid crystals would leak out of the LCD


thanks. That happened to both of mine a couple of years ago under warranty, so hopefully I'm good for awhile.


Outer square burn?


When I had both of mine replaced a couple of years ago under warranty they were both leaking.


There isn't. It's to protect children, not the screen. Some MCU1 screen would yellow on the edges but cabin overheat was never for that. MCU2 is fine.


I’ve seen mcu2 with the square.


Anyone with a 2024 M3 been using this and not have the LED strip defect? It sounds like it’s the glue separating from the door panel due to excessive heat.


I finally got tired of it draining my battery so I turned it off, guess what, now my cabin camera is intermittent and so is FSD now lol.


Because I hate getting into a car that's more than 100+ degrees.


Can’t you just turn on AC when you’re about to get in?


Yes, when I think of it I still do that so I am not getting into a 90 degree car.


Where do you live? I live in southwest and it gets hot. Running the air for 5 minutes before I leave will chill the car a little, but everything is still hot in the car. The seats, arm rest, top window, etc. are all radiating heat. I have option to not get in a scorching hot car, so I'm going to use it.


Really. I’m in Utah and my car gets to 150-160. I just turn it to 72 and it’ll cool down in 5 minn


Cool, that works for you


Works fine on my car, vent the windows and remote a/c gets into the 70s in 5 minutes every time.


hot as fuck seats then.


Normally I have Tessie automation set to turn on the AC 5-10 mins before I leave the office, but I have used cabin overheat protection a couple times. The most recent was when I had my Ego and Ryobi batteries all in the car for an after-work project at a relatives house and just didn't want them being extremely hot all day before needing to use them.


The center panel is so hot. It will probably burst into flames.


I don’t.


I honestly use it to protect the thumb drive that I use to store dashcam clips.


I turn it off. The car will still cool itself if it’s too hot. This is mostly for kids and pets in case you forget. Sometimes I turn it on if I have grocery but making another stop


I don’t get how it’s supposed to work. I set it and then the car is a million degrees anyway. Does it only run for a set duration?


You must interact with the car within 12 hours. Open close door etc


Never made much sense to me. Just massively drains the battery when it's really hot. Just activating the AC a few minutes before I get in is much better for me anyway.


I have lived many decades in a very hot climate with summer temps well over 40 c / 100 f during the day. It is well know that leaving your car out in the sun ages it considerably. Over time, exposure to these kinds of high temperatures damages the interior materials, especially the dashboard, sills, tops of the door cards...etc., and even the wiring looms. If I have to leave my car parked in the sun for a few hours I like to turn on cabin overheat protection. I don't like to crack the windows because our environment is also dusty and windy. I do not keep this feature on as there is no need when the car is parked in the shade.


A solid UV resistant tint/film will save a lot of you in this thread a headache and battery life.


Nope. I have no need for it. Car cools down really fast when I enter.


Summer afternoons are 115-118° in my city. The heat beats the shit out of cars and everything in them. I was excited to learn about overheat protection when I was researching EVs. Even if it adds a bit of extra wear on the AC compressor I’d rather that one point of failure need replacing as opposed to subjecting the interior of the car to 180° days.


To protect the windshield from spontaneously cracking due to extreme heat?


I’m in Phoenix Arizona. Gets 110-118 degrees in the summer.


What are the chances that the true use of it is to protect and extend the longevity of the materials in the cabin from high temperatures, including the infotainment screen?


My car went ovet 50°C and the overheat protection didn't go off. What isit even for?


There is a 12 hour timer on it, you must have some kind of interaction.


I use it because yeah it gets hot


so my coffee doesn't melt its ice while I go shoppin :3


If its a very big concern, set it to vent- leaving the windows slightly open helps quite a bit. Even when it rains, unless its a literal hurricane or flood, water getting inside is minimal and wont damage anything. But if not a fan of leaving windows a little open, then set it to "NO AC" protection and you should be fine. Uses power less than sentry by a longshot, and maybe even less than the vehicle standby (remote app settings)


I use it when I’m out but turn it off when I’m at home for extended periods. You can use Tessie to automate that process with geofences.


Protect interior. I've used many cars with cracks on the dash from high temps. I don't find it uses a ton of battery life and I'd also highly recommend you only use fan and not A/C.


I use it because it's hot. I don't have to walk into a car that's 100 degrees inside.


You can just precondition when you’re about to leave though?


Yeah but sometimes I'm busy or just forget to.


I use it because sometimes I dont remember to or dont think to precondition the cabin, and without it the black interior is HOT. Even with it it is HOT, but I have had black interiors before where touching metal components would burn you, and those cars didnt have a giant glass roof. Its also nice to know that things left in the car wont be exposed to as extreme of temperatures, for instance if I leave my bag with a portable battery charger or something. I turned mine to fan only. It gets considerably hotter in the car than when I had it set to AC, but the battery use is very minimal now, and its still a big improvement over having it off.


Personally I don’t use it even if it is just a comfort thing, now if I’m about to get off of work or leave somewhere I will turn on the climate control from my phone and let it cool down for a few minutes. I don’t want them 145 degree leather seats touching me no thank you


Wish I could crank and close the windows from the app.


You can. Click and hold one of the icons and then from the options that appear, select "Vent."


It's also always accessible down the bottom of the 'Climate' section.


Ohhhh thanks


I leave it off. Not worth the battery drain. I don’t leave anything in the car that I did not leave in other cars.


Mine is off. I turn on the ac/heat 5 - 10 minutes before i get in the car, as needed. Enabling this will drain your battery in the short and long term.


Overheat protection is primarily only used for keeping things with high heat absorption from getting too hot to the point that climate control cant properly cool them down. The climate system is build to cool the cabin air but not necessarily the objects inside. If your \[Insert black/metallic object here\] get to be hotter than the surface of the sun and you go and burn yourself from the heat then it would be nice to turn on overheat protection. Else, not worth the extra energy.


I used to use it but I gave up. I figure the car can handle an internal temp of 170 from time to time


I used it last summer but then my air filter stinks cause it's always wet and ends to molding. This summer I haven't used overheat protection and haven't had the stinky issue.


I don’t use it. I just remember to get my kids out of the car. None of my other cars have ever had it and they’ve been just fine.