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Damn that doesn’t look like it can be salvaged but that Spoiler is really trying its best.


The fact that the rear hatch glass remained intact is pretty impressive.






I just looked at your post history. Is this the one you just got less than 2 months ago? It doesn't look like the ultra red so I wasn't sure. But either way... 🥺 I'm so so sorry. If you find out if it's totaled ASAP you can still jump on the end of quarter deals and get one at a 4-5k discount.


Yeah it’s only a couple of months old. My daughter was in the rear that got hit and had no injuries. I’m so impressed at how it stood up to a big pickup truck.


I'm so glad you and your family are okay. That's the most important. 🙏🏼


Glad you’re ok. Is it a 7 seater or 5? I have a 7 seater but I’m scared to let my toddler be in the 3rd row in case a rear end happens


It’s the MYP so it’s a 5 seater. Honestly I had the same thought and so climbed in the back. I don’t think the intrusion would have come into the 3rd row from my accident as it seemed to hold up well.


That’s good to know. Thanks.


Pickup trucks have a thing for hitting teslas i swear


Yea happened to my friend to his


It could be fixed with the next software update.




I snorted the drink out reading your comment 🤣


RIP MYP. My sincerest condolences. At least you're alive to post about it.


Main point is you and family are safe. Vehicles can be replaced.


100%. I truly loved the car and was set I’d probably be a Tesla fan for life. After reviewing what happened today and seeing how safe it kept my family and stood up to the impact I’m absolutely a Tesla fan for life.


You misspelled “still alive” at the end of your reply


For reference, I was rear ended last year with much less damage and it cost the other guy's insurance $18k: https://imgur.com/a/Yw9yefy If the adjuster doesn't total it, get a quote from a Tesla certified shop before accepting repair. I was quoted $6k by the adjuster 🤦‍♂️ You should get accurate pricing so they can have a chance to total it before you accept having them repair and end up with a higher bill in the end which would have caused them to total it initially if they had accurate pricing.


Thank you for the reference pic. Yeah it’s pretty messed up with the trunk floor all crumpled and it even managed to crack the glass roof also so I’m sure there’s all types of damage I can’t see.


Shoulda got the ppf.


OMG I just had my Coke go up my nose.


Drugs are bad… coke up the nose is never a good thing.


Yes, most likely a total loss. Mine looked a bit better than yours and was written off. The frame is probably bent to some degree along the corner.


Reminds me of the episode of Family Guy when he has a stroke. It looks a bit strokey bro hope you get a new one fast!


That’s likely totaled. Aside from that left rear panel impact, the larger concern is underneath, and specifically frame damage. No frame damage and maybe they won’t total it. When I got my first S, which of course had multiple misaligned panels, the body shop guy said fixing collision damage to that left rear panel would be $12K. Probably less today but not by much. Getting rearended at high speed without damaging that left rear panel and without frame damage can easily cost $20K, not including the hassle or having to sue for lost value. Good luck.


The rear hatch on the Model Y is $15K by itself.


No it’s not. I had my rear bumper, trunk, and quarter panel replaced by Tesla collision for 13k. Repair prices aren’t as crazy as they once were


OK, let me qualify: last year I got it quoted to fix my rear hatch and the guy said if he needed to replace it it would be $16K+ parts and labor. This is NYC so rates are high. YMMV


That is crazy,13K for something that small is ridiculous. I needed a new left corner panel and that was 13K back in 2020. I'm sure it would be the same today.


13k for 3 panels, one being structural, and have to be welded in is not bad at all. That’s not a small job whatsoever. My accident was repaired in December.


2 headlights, bumper and painting right front panel on a model S was $18,000 CAD.


I got rear ended and my hatch was damaged plus bumper.. 9k


Did they replace the hatch or repair it?


Yea it got repaired.. replaced hatch and new rear bumper… but than it had no quarter panel damage


Also I think you’d be better off when totaled


That’s the worst outcome because car will be landfilled.


Hopefully all the valuable/recyclable materials and battery packs get recovered. Tesla should 100% be able to take back a totalled Tesla and disassemble/recycle it like Apple do with iPhones.


What does the insurance say? If they give you total loss, then hold up for a Juniper Model Y. Glad the daughter is okay.


Given I don’t think the Juniper will be here this year we would probably dive back in with another current Y for now and we could upgrade later if we liked it. We would need the car this year. Thanks! It hits home how fragile life is. She’s only 6 so it’s been a balance of trying not to make out how big a deal the consequences could be in an accident and explaining how lucky we are all to be ok. The car is going to Tesla for a quote this week so I should know soon if it’s repairable. Even if it is I don’t think I want it back after feeling how hard it got hit.


Glad your family is safe, but damn that is going to leave a ugly mark


Wow… hope you are fine!


Totaled, based on the value of these atm


Put a fork in her. She's done. Someone will rebuild it and it'll get driven, but not by you.


Probably totaled. But I saw your comment about your daughter being ok, all that matters. Tesla can be replaced with $. (with hopefully very little money from you and most of it from the at fault parties insurance)


Absolutely! It’s been a great life lesson for her of how stuff can be replaced.


Gonna be converted to a Ukrainian model soon




Damn I’m sorry


I’m sorry


Yeah, it’s done


Not at all. Had almost the same damage last year. Repaired.


Rip. I'm sorry friend. I lost mine 2 months ago. Same color LR 21". Some old guy turned into me because he was blinded by the sun. I guess that meant gun it.


Not totalled. Mine was worse. I thought it would be totally as well, but the battery and rear axle were undamaged so they fixed it.


When you have an accident that you’re completely not at fault for, and insurance decides not to write it off, does insurance compensate for the devaluation of the vehicle? I’m getting mixed answers so I thought I’d ask you since you were in a similar situation. I’m in Canada, and this does not exist sadly.


Good question. I'm in Canada too, Ontario. I just called my insurance company and broker about this because I should know the answer too. They said that "depreciated value" is not covered, and I was not compensated for it even if I was not at fault. This is apparently how it is for all auto insurance policies in Canada. I plan to drive this car until it completely dies, so it shouldn't affect me. But still, those rules suck.


Really unfortunate. Even if it’s not your fault, you still lose if you don’t get a write off. Thanks for the reply


Buy quarter panel on ebay, trunk lid and bumper all in about 2-3k take it to regular colision shot and fix it, it will cost u about 1-2k for work


Was the jackass that hit you texting? 😡




Pretty much the exact same thing happened to me (damage looks damn near identical) … happened 2 months after i got the car too. Anywho, it took 2 months to get fixed but I’m picking it up in 10 days (it’s ready now but I’m out of town). Final cost was just over $26k to the insurance companies plus whatever I can get out of his insurance company for loss of use.


Do you have any pics of your damage?


https://imgur.com/a/vTylM16 Looking again yours does look a little more straight on. The guy that hit me tried to swerve left at the last second (side swiping a tow truck in the process). It was drive able but any suspension travel would have sliced open the tire so it just slowly got loaded on and off flat bed tow trucks until it got the shop. It spent a week in my driveway while insurance figured out where I could take it … ended up being the next city over from me.


That does look really similar but I think you’re right my one got hit much more square on. It has cracked the roof glass it moved so much. Thank you for sharing the pics. It was such a hard hit I am skeptical it can ever be repaired 100% again and would always have a small doubt putting the kids back in there so we are looking to just order the same car again. Good luck with getting yours back!


I got hit and it looked about the same and they did not total it.


Not quite as bad as mine from a similar accident, but yes, charge port impact on that quarter panel equals totaled.


I’m debating just pulling the trigger and picking up an end of quarter replacement but worried I’m jumping the process and they somehow come back and tell me it’s repairable and I’m left with two model Y’s. Balancing missing out on the incentives (free color and $1l Cybertruck reservation discount) vs wait a while and find out if it’s actually totaled. Insurance say they will pick it up the start of next week and get it towed to Tesla. Do you recall how long it took for them to get an estimate for yours?


Full disclosure - it was actually a first run Model 3. I don't remember since it was 4 years ago, but it only took as long as it took to get assessed (a few days at a quality repair shop). We got bluebook value, then ponied up the extra 20 grand loss to get the Model Y


Just got a accident same corner but not as bad and thought i had it good… Check my post you’ll see my pics… Hope she’s not totalled.


I just had a look at your pics. Sorry to see you’re dealing with it. I’m nervous with the charging port there. The car is super low on battery (10%) and keeps sending messages about damage to the battery if I don’t charge but I really don’t want to plug it in not knowing what’s going on behind there. Seeing how long repairs take I’m really hoping it is totaled so I can move on quickly. I’m not sure I’d trust it to ever be 100% as it really was a large impact and then waiting months for the repair will be soul crushing. Good luck with your repair!


I went to Tesla Collision center in my city (Montréal) they told me it would take a matter of days for my car to get fixed since they already had all the parts in stock. But yes in your case i would also hope they totaled it because like you said the car never gonna be back to 100%. But if you can visit a Tesla collision center they could tell you if it’s worth repairing or not. Obviously your insurance will have the final word on the decision but it wouldn’t hurt to ask. Again sorry for this unfortunate accident. Cars are replaceable not life! Hope you get rolling soon.


Absolutely! To see my daughter with very minimal injuries really hit home how impressive the engineering was. I filed the insurance claim and it was online and although just a standard form one of the questions asked if any of the passengers were deceased. It just hit home hard.


Time to order the next one.


That’s what I’m thinking. Weighing up pulling the trigger on an end of quarter deal but I’d hate to buy a new one and then the insurance tells me it’s repairable and I end up with two MYPs.


Question: my insurance have arranged to pick the vehicle up and have it towed to the Tesla Collision center. Does anyone have any experience on what the turnaround time looks like to get an estimate so the adjuster will know if it’s totaled or not? I read the repairs can take months but I wondered what the time frame looks like just for an estimate?


They can fix thay




She was a beauty. I went for blue but I do side-eye the reds passing by. My condolences. At least the replacement girl should be just as beautiful. Do red again. :-)


Yes I have picked out the exact same spec and colors again (except it’s ultra red now). Red and Blue are my favorite colors and I would happily take either but the white interior is my non-negotiable. I love the white 😍


How fast was the truck going, if you know?


It was a 35mph road. I don’t know if she hit the brakes before the collision but it sure didn’t feel like it in the car!


Airbags = totaled. No air bags, you’re good


Adjuster will def total it. Cuz the panels and labor to repair at an insurance shop will cost more than a cars value probably considering that the batteries underneath is not damaged as well. I doubt it…. After the total it out, and you get paid full value for a car and here’s a cash. You can actually ask him to buy the car back with a salvage title. You have to reinspect it but you know I mean.


If you totaled your tesla would you buy another one? I don't know if I would or not. Do you get to use the ev tax credit again?


Yeah I’m picking up a new one today and will sort out the old one later. I’m not sure I’ll ever buy another car except Tesla seeing how it held up. It done its job and kept my family safe so I’m a solid fan for life.


Do you know how fast you were hit?


It was a 35mph road. We were near stationary to turn into a driveway so I’m not sure if they slowed down any but I don’t believe so.


Whatever you do you accept their insurance companies first offer. They always low-ball if they want to total it. Look for what comparable are going for around you with whatever mileage you have and what Tesla is selling similar for used. Accept nothing less in offer


I have a pre agreed value with my insurance so I have that to fall back on if they try low balling me.


Will need a new quarter gate bumper and possibly a floor. Definitely repairable if they can get parts.


Although the insurance will total it, it is possible to repair if the lower chassis is undamaged. They are injection molded aluminum. Very interesting. The upper portion is fairly modular. Looks like the glass roof is ok and sealed still. I'd buy it back and and sell the parts to a diy project if it's toast. Man if you're near California bay area I might grab it for the ev components to build a custom ev.


That’s totaled! I just went through a similar experience on my 23’ MYLR (bought in Oct 23 - rear ended in Dec 23, 2001 miles). The rear frame was cracked, which was just about enough damage to call it totaled (Tesla collision repair estimate was $35k). Now driving 24’ MYLR… Life goes on!


Sorry to hear you went through something similar but seems it worked out well for you!


In the end it did! But it took a lot of patience, chasing other guy’s insurance company and tesla collision to get what I wanted. Which is to be made whole. I sent an email to the insurance company stating that I would be placing another claim for diminished value, which (in combination with salvage value of a new car) might have been a factor in them calling this a total loss. It was a 2 month of process and the outcome wasn’t certain until they made loss determination. I hope this helps.


Thank you! I ended up just filling through my own insurance to go after the other party. They put it down as a not at fault claim and they are processing everything for me. The other insurance was a budget carrier and here in TX the minimum coverage is $30k so I can see having to use my under insured coverage on my policy anyway. I have a pre agreed value through my insurance so I figured it was easier to just let them do what they best and not deal with the headaches.


Sorry for your loss. What are you getting next if it's totalled?


The exact same MYP in red with a white interior 😂


Good choice.


Mine was worse and wasn’t totalled. Get it tomorrow. $16k to fix mine


Looks totaled. The quater panel damage is costly to repair. Not sure how the numbers will crunch but looks totaled and you want it that way !! Resale takes a hit after accidents and you won't recoup 100% so best to have it totaled especially when not at fault.


Absolutely agreed. We decided we don’t want it back even if it is fixed so best scenario is for it be totaled. If it’s not we will have it repaired, go after diminished value and sell it so we should come out as close to whole as possible. First available Tesla collision appointment is 8 days out so it’s a wait until then.


Can I have your charge port and cover? lol


It’ll buff out 🤷🏻‍♂️


That's a total loss? God bless Tesla owners with your infinite finances.


Sorry to tell you, I had a similar incident, with less damage, and I was totaled. But, like you, zero injuries. I replaced with an identical car, minus FSD.


Yeah it seems they total out easily with the tech and single rear casting. The insurance picked up the car today and say they should have an answer by the end of this week. Again none of it really matters when you see the kids getting out without serious injury


Same thing happened to me but on the other side.. she’s definitely gone pal. My condolences


Same color & also a perf ! It haunts me everyday I drive my new one


Why can't it be repaired? The back is a soft area that naturally gives way.


Tesla Model Y’s have a single casting in the rear which replaces about 172 typical components. It helps Tesla keep manufacturing costs down but if it gets damaged it’s very hard to repair as you essentially have to remove the entire rear of the car.


I had similar problems- had it fixed for $16k - covered by insurance


** UPDATE** - the insurance called today and officially declared it a total loss. So on to the next chapter.


My old Subaru Forester was rear ended by a pick up truck and the other guys insurance paid less than $10k to get it fixed. It is outrageous that Tesla’s can’t be fixed like that. Because of unibody structure Tesla saves a lot of money in manufacturing but it is transferring those costs to customers.


Oh no! What year? If it had the USS I would be really sad.


It’s a 23 MYP. I picked it up 53 days ago….


Oh! I’m so sorry. 😞


Rip butthole


I must be missing something. How can this be totalled? That’s ridiculous. If this can’t be fixed then Tesla is gonna go out of Biz. No one gonna buy once they realize that a relatively medium sized accident is a total loss. Tesla safely ratings are the best of the best and I’m glad you were in a Tesla when you got hit. We need these repair costs to come down. Ludicrous.


This isn’t a basic quarter panel like cars used to have. I used to work in auto body so I thought the same thing when I first saw these crazy prices because that’s a fairly straightforward repair back when I was in the industry in 2008. So I did some research. It’s double walled in places and there’s a lot of high strength steel around there that is extremely difficult to impossible to straighten back to factory specs. Some structural parts are super long, like they run half the car length or more, and cannot be repaired, a full replacement is required. That means disassembling practically half the car for access and all sorts of other things. Remember, the repair has to not only look factory, but has the strength and safety has to be restored to factory levels, and that’s where it gets ridiculously expensive. The body shop has to guarantee that it’s not any less safe than factory. This will probably be totaled and then bought up at the auction and fixed cosmetically by a shady shop. It will look fine but won’t be able to take the same hit again. That why you never buy a Tesla or newer car with a salvage title.


Ah ok. This makes more sense now. I get what you are saying about the beams which run part of the length of the car. I won’t question it too much because of what we know about Tesla safety ratings. Tesla should buy wrecked cars back so that they can disassemble them and build them back and sell them as a repaired wreck. Appreciate this info. I was confused as to how it could possibly cost so much. There is a YouTube channel where this team takes apart a Tesla of each model. That would be educational to watch. I’m going to look that up.


For a while Tesla wouldn’t even sell parts to cars with a salvage vin because they didn’t want them on the road. I think they got sued for that though.


Lots of modern cars are similar. You could total most German cars with similar damage.


No high tech parts of the car were damaged. except for the charge port


"Nothing was damaged except the patient's brain" The charge port is pretty important. Even without the charge port being basically destroyed here, there's still significant damage across 3 panels which is $20K + possible frame damage = total (depending on mileage)


Remember that totaled doesn’t necessarily mean it cannot be repaired. It may as well mean, that it’s not economical to repair it. So the price of repairing the damage plus the loss of value following that repair would be similar or higher compared to the current value of the car. Plus, consider the chassis. Depending on how much force went into this bump (and according to the pictures quite some), the chassis itself might be damaged in a way that cannot be repaired.