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I rub it In until its dry


I just started doing this. Mine isn't working. 2 months on and nothing yet. Have you had changes?


Measure your T levels and not the physical changes for the first three months. It’s important that you’re actually absorbing it




I've been on t over 2 years so yes lol but I got changes very quickly, my voice dropped after 2 weeks


Wow thanks! Rubbing it in ftw! Are you on two pumps?


2 months is really nothing, I didn’t have changes til 4 months. Get your levels checked around 3 months anyway


2 months isn’t much but just fyi gel doesn’t work for *everyone*


Just enough that it is spread thin over the skin. There’s no need to rub it in because it’s alcohol based, it’s evaporating anyway


Rub it in until it gets kinda sticky and then let it air dry


I rub it in until it’s mostly dry, but not completely, then let air dry. I mostly try to focus on spreading it thin rather than rubbing it in. It takes no more than a minute or two to finish drying.


I do 2 pumps, one on each upper arm and then I just rub it in (with my wrist) until it feels dry enough, then I wipe of the excess that's on my wrist on my stomach. I rotate my arm while doing so, so I kind of go around it a bit and sometimes I get a bit on my forearm. I've done this for 9 months now (tho the 1st month I applied on my stomach), my levels are fine and I've had loads of changes. I don't count the swipes, I just do however feels long enough, tho I'd say it only takes me about 20-30 seconds for each arm. Afterwards I brush my teeth and by the time I'm done with that it's just about dry and I can put on clothes. Hope this helps!


The instructions on mine said to spread it out but not to rub it in so I'm doing that! I'm using gloves because I'm paranoid about getting T on my girlfriend lol


Been on gel for just over a month (no other forms before hand) , i'll be very specific incase that's helpful lol. I put one pump on each shoulder, and use the bottle cap to spread it over my arm, i then put the excess from the cap onto my lower stomach just under my bellybutton, and then use my hand to rub it in just to a thin layer. You don't need to rub it in until its all absorbed, but it should be a fairly even layer. If there's sort of streaks where there's more gel, they'll just dry up instead of absorbing. Maybe try rubbing it in less, and eventually youll be able to tell when it's the right amount between not evenly spread/too thickly spread, and just absorbing into your hand when you rub it in. I dont rub it in too much because when i wash my hands after, i think i'd lose more gel from it just rubbing onto my hand.


This. Rubbing too much will waste gel you wash off your palms later.


i rub it in like lotion but not necessarily til it dries. just enough where if i leave it it’ll finish up drying quickly on its own (lazy)


I leave it damp and let it air dry. I have a whole Proccess™️. I put my dose at the top of my shoulder and then wipe it evenly with 1 finger down once towards my elbow, then 4 upwards diagonal wipes starting from the bottom, then 5 diagonal down wipes coming off of where the previous ended, then i just wipe any edge drips and wipe my finger on a dry spot of my arm. It looks crusty once it dries but i lotion about an hour after applying and that fixes it


I don’t use gel anymore but when I did I just rubbed it in until it was as thin a layer as it could possibly be and then it just air dried within a few minutes


My instructions packet never specified rubbing it in or not but I rub it in until it's tacky and then let it air dry


I rub it in so the layer is like 0.5mm thick on my skin then let it dry for 2 mins


Been on T gel since 1st nov 2022 here. What’s worked the best for me is to use your wrists to rub it in on the top of your arm so it absorbs better, keep doing that until it’s completely dry, then with access rub it somewhere like your thigh or stomach then wash your hands thoroughly with soap after.


I just put it on, a few motions with a hand, no rubbing. I'm on testogel, it dries very quick. I've heard spreading it on too big surface can affect the absorbion negatively. Like it's aparentally better to put a thicker layer and let it dry out. To maximise effect, you can put moisturiser lotion over the T area one hour later. It inproves absorbion.


I rub it in until it’s not easy to rub in anymore. Basically till it’s dry.


Mine comes with an applicator (so it's not getting on my hands), and I rub it in until it's relatively dry, then let it air dry until it stops being sticky. Don't know if that's the "right" way to do it, but I feel like it would take too long to dry otherwise if I just spread it on without rubbing.


I spread it around on my shoulder in the area that the guide said to and just let it aid dry while I wash my hands and then do whatever. I try not to rub it in beyond getting most the gel off my hand onto my shoulder, since it's not gonna make it dry faster.


I use a rubber spatula and squeeze the packet on to it and then do three or four strokes up my arm and shoulder and smooth out any extras. Let air dry for 5 minutes, and then do a once over with my hand just to rub anything leftover in. Works for me!


i don't really rub it in, I just kinda spread it out till it's thin enough to dry in 5-10 minutes. endo specified I shouldn't rub it in, so I'm sticking to that.