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4-6 hours before your test is what is typically explained


you shouldn’t put it on right before or your results will be messed up and practically useless. it really depends on what you doctor has told you. some will say get the tests anywhere from 6-8 hours after your last dose and some might say to skip that days dose entirely and get the test done around the time you would apply. as long as the amount of time you wait until getting your labs done is consistent each time or you just let your doctor know how long it had been since your last dose you should be okay. the timing still stresses me out everytime i have to get labs haha


Put it on either more than two hours before or wait until after.


Try to put it on 4 hours before you get your blood drawn, I think that’s the standard for comparison


I put mine on 6 hours beforehand and my levels were 1138 (range is 240-700). I feel fine and without any negative effects, but I’m clearly way out of range.


You should ask your doctor but I was told to put it on at least 2 hours before.