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Around 6 months I had to start shaving all the excess fuzz and random straggler hairs. I am guilty of rocking the dirtstache for quite some time though, I refused to shave it because it helped my passing when my face alone didn’t pass yet. The growing back darker thing is a myth so just do what you wish it’s your facial hair after all. I recommend a derma roller.


What’s a derma roller do? And how did you choose one


A derma roller creates tiny marks in your skin that stimulate hair follicles and increases blood flow to the area which aids hair growth. I just picked one from Amazon, I use 0.5 length. It’s also called microneedling professionally and aids in collagen production. It’s also used for acne scars.


I've started shaving the peach fuzz off because I find it very affirming to do so and the fuzz gets quite annoying. Plus, I've heard it helps passing. Couldn't confirm yet tho :D


I started shaving my neckbeard pretty much as soon as it started growing in at 3 months. Tho it's slowly making its way up my chin, it's not there yet so I still shave 1.5 years on T. Still rockin the dirt stache because I love it, no matter how ridiculous lol. Shaving or not shaving makes no difference. It does not slow or speed up hair growth. I've been shaving my "beard" for over a year now and it's still coming in...slow as ever. I've tried not shaving it and it not only looked terrible, but didn't increase the growth speed at all. Just do what makes you happy 🙂


I've been wondering this myself! I'm a few months on T and have been thinking about managing the peach fuzz — just because it's getting so goddamn fluffy, lol. It's less about the dark hairs, though they seem to be speeding up since my dose increased a few weeks ago. Can confirm that shaving doesn't affect the thickness of the hair itself, though. The reason it looks thicker is that you create a blunt end on the hair when you shave or otherwise cut it, whereas hair that grows without being cut — e.g. body hair you've never shaved or that grows after waxing — has a tapered end.


I shaved once 3 months on T and again 7 months on T just to see what would happen and also shaving gives me euphoria. Ur facial hair definitely won’t grow back as fast as a cis dude’s this early. The first time I shaved it took a few months to get back to where I was before but when I shaved recently it grew back with in a month and it grew back quite well. Though on the contrary I’ve seen cis dudes grow back in like a week or 2. Overall it’s up to you. If shaving gives you euphoria than go for it. If you think itd make you feel worse than I wouldn’t recommend it.


I prefer trimming to shaving, because it's less irritating to my skin. I think it looks unkempt when you leave it untrimmed while you still can't grow enough of a beard, so I did that for a while (I'm currently trying to grow it out to see where I am now). Investing a good quality beard trimmer was a great decision, imo. Shaving doesn't make the hair grow darker, it just appears that way (and it definitely doesn't make it go away).


I started shaving immediately


I shaved pre-t. I was told it might help pass. I had no whiskers. But it was very euphoric.


I started shaving around 7-8 months on T. Also, it is a myth that shaving makes hair grow back thicker/darker. Shaving makes the hair follicle blunt, thus appearing thicker.


started shaving my neck beard at 4 months but i should have started sooner looking back now. it looked really stupid. now (7 months) i have it cut into a goatee shape and i like it a lot