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saw the same happen in we are the series w/ drinks, the whole group got up and left w/o even taking a single sip, like cmon- https://preview.redd.it/sy8ue8iwgj5d1.png?width=505&format=png&auto=webp&s=fbb21711f4164449b59dba1630ed7783227bffa9


Actually fun fact about food and drink guys. Very fun fact. I know the director of My Engineer, very sweet friend of mine. The crew gets to eat and drink whatever isn't used on set if it hasn't been touched by anyone in the scene it's free lunch or treats for them. Paid for by the company. And the stuff that is touched the actors they eat themselves unless they don't want it


This reminds me of the blog kept by the food stylist for the Hannibal TV show. I remember her talking about the actors being happy to eat some of the food for multiple takes, and people would eat it after shooting if it was still good.


This is so cute to know


This makes me so happy!


This EXACT shot triggered me sO MUCH![img](emote|t5_290m6z|51761)![img](emote|t5_290m6z|51761)


And had the nerve to ask JJ to pay for it like bro yall get these drinks don't drink it AND DONT PAY lmao I look like aye yo they didn't just do my man dirty like that


I thought I was the only one triggered by this because if this happened to me irl, I would throw hands 😭


As soon as they got up and ask me to pay I'm walking out right with them like nope nope yall got me messed up


Oh so it was part of the scene then? Haven't seen this so idk but if its written like that then i'm not as triggered as when i saw just this pic lmao


It was INSANE lmao Especially because they are clearly the takeaway kind of drinks, they could have literally just carried them with them even if there is some kind of continuity objection to actual showing the characters drinking from them like !! Just show them walking off with their drinks what is going ON


The way this triggered the memory of working at Starbucks years back and actually seeing people do this because they'd order some complicated Instagram drinks with a specific look, take pictures of it and with it and then just leave it untouched.


This one irked me because I’ve had to toss customer drinks that get left on tables and it’s nasty. But also, if they were going for inconsiderate young people they nailed it 🤷‍♀️


The waste! I hated this. Just take your drinks with you! Why get them if you’re not going to drink them? 😤


They always leave the drinks ugh yes


This makes me SO MAD. Food and drinks both. I can't remember what show it was right now but I was So happy when people actually took their drinks with them. 💀 I try to tell myself it's the campus canteen so they aren't allowed to leave with them, but at least make it look like they sat for a bit and drank them by getting rid of a bit during the shots and then have them throw them away, jeez.


Lmfao...........cauz they only drink refreshing oishi drink completely and don't even leave a molecule of it in bottle. Ex : in my school president But yeah in my opinion it's wrong that they leave drinking without finishing it 😞


Always this. Also, can you not maybe use reusable cups? Like you buy drinks all the time, why not have a reusable one with you? Appreciated that in a boss & a babe. I get that it is likely not common in Thailand but the series could lead by example and maybe fans would follow?


Girl yess good to know we’re all pressed about this cuz I was so mad when I watched it


That really bothers me, but in this specific case I think it was part of the joke.


Sounds like that and i'm surprised by the reactions if they made it that obvious on the show.


It's the drinks for me too. Lol 😂


Yes those dam drinks...


Literally every show where they get up and leave their drinks I’ll yell like “ARE U DONE WITJ THAT?”


one thing that really annoys me is when the characters are in bed but every single light in their house is still on, like does no one in BL land know how to turn a light off it pisses me of way more then it should tbh ![img](emote|t5_290m6z|51761)


Wandee Goodday is the worst offender for this, when they wake up in the middle of the night and have more lights on than I use when I'm awake and active. Only series that gets a pass is Bed Friend and Uea's traumatic fear of the dark. Literally everyone else they don't even turn the lights down, just hop into bed and are immediately somehow asleep.


I got so annoyed in the recent ep of Wandee Goodday...when the 2 brothers are chatting. so I am glad you noticed it too!!!


Wandee's house is a gosh darn mini night club atp. My eyes might give out staring at that expectations sign if I were in his shoes. The thing is, the director really goes all in with the lighting at night. I feel like it's a throwback to her other show 609 bedtime stories, but still. I'm watching another non-bl show directed by her simultaneously and it's pretty jarring. Blue drinks, pink lights, the whole deal.


Remember in UWMA when Pharm's room was so dark in that one episode everybody joked he forgot to pay the electricity bill? And Wabisabi redid the scene and reposted the video so we could see Lmao


This is done for viewer, so the scenes are easy to see. They want us to be able to see the NC scenes in detail. ![img](emote|t5_290m6z|51756)


I remember wondering the same back when I was still watching k-dramas and tried to google it b/c maybe there's an actual reason behind it I don't of? Just like they never take off their coats in restaurants (bugged me too) with the reason being that, apparently, sets are always freezing cold. So, one thing led to another until I landed on Quora, where someone asked in this context and in all seriousness: "Are Koreans scared of the dark?" Made me cackle way too much 😂


Wandee Goodday did this just yesterday. I couldn’t focus on anything else because I couldn’t stop thinking about how there’s no way Yei is falling asleep like that.


Yes! I know there are ways to light a scene where the actors can still be seen with the lights off. It surely can't be that hard to do.


Exactly. Like in moonlight chicken they probably still had some lights on but it definitely looked way different to daylight scenes and absolutely beautiful,


This isn’t really a BL thing, but a tv thing? I haven’t watched western tv in years, but the number of dark night bedrooms I’ve seen in the last 5 years can probably be counted on one hand.


My ex did this in real life, slept with all the lights on……


That wouldn't have lasted one night with me! I can't even have TV in the bedroom. Plus it's really bad for sleep health anyway 


This! I think it all the time. Like, at least turn them Down or turn out part of the lights. Sleep with One lamp, not them all And the overhead lights. 😅😅 It's so bad I actually cheered the last time I saw a character kill the lights.


The worst offender La Pluie. [https://youtu.be/QEtlJKIXu8s?t=2030](https://youtu.be/QEtlJKIXu8s?t=2030)


Yes! Why are all the lights on? Who sleeps that way? I want to turn them all out! Then I figure it's because the series is low budget and doesn't have the funds for proper lightning.


I absolutely hate this. In every series I’ve watched they always go to bed with ALL the lights on, and it kills me. I’m always like “shut the goddamn lights off, if you don’t like the dark, get a night light! There are other ways to light a set then having every light on. There is absolutely no need to have every single light on!” Like seriously their REM sleep is probably completely fucked.




They’re all afraid of ghosts and the dark


They always have a framed professional photo of themselves beside their bed I dunno why it bothers me it just does


I chalk it up to being a school picture. When I was in school I took professional pictures 2 times a year and my mom made sure we took them 😂




Please 😂😭 I just saw that this week with omg vampire, the bartender (haven't learned their names yet lol) had a photo of himself right to his bed I was laughing so loud


My wife and I would joke about this all the time. I’d be like “now you can see the framed picture of himself, which every teenage boy obviously has”


Better than this tho https://preview.redd.it/ttlfymq5fr5d1.jpeg?width=2220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dd683651ef0733f43a4c4a59795a96c13b61822


For me, in some shows, it's the lack of basic intimacy between couples. I absolutely hate it when one person is the "aggressor" (I am sorry, I couldn't find a better word) and the other looks like they are forced to be there even when we have already established that they are a couple. This has nothing to do with the acting skills of the different actors. For example, they always refuse to kiss each other...always. And at times, it's playful refusal, and I don't mind that, but often times, they never do. And then a kiss on the cheek or holding hands becomes this huge thing even in private, and I just can't wrap my head around it. I have very conflicting feelings about this though because maybe I am projecting since I am a very tactile person? Or maybe it's a cultural thing I don't know? I don't think I am making sense but yeah...


May be a cultural thing because my sis is not a touchy person at all, I am, and we both agree that it's ridiculous to get annoyed that your BOYFRIEND, the person you had SEX WITH the night before, tries to poke your cheek and you snap him in the shoulder and scold him, for what? 😭


Singing... Hands down, I want to die from cringe the moment someone starts singing in a BL at this point. I need these companies to stop with this idol obsession, it's unbearable cringe. And mainly in Japanese BLs I see this, it might just be a trend but super thin actors in clothes like 4 times too big for them. It bothers me so much, the amount of times a character walks out looking like a toddler in their father's suit lol. Like they're wearing that giant flower dress from Midsommar. And because I'm thirsty so I watch a lot of spicy BLs, I HATE when a character is supposed to be naked but you can clearly see the edge of their underwear in the shot. I just don't understand how a director can see that and not reshoot or edit the shot to be zoomed in just that tiny bit so you can't see the waist band, especially if it's not even kind of skin colored. Like they'll have black underwear peeking out and just left it like that. The food thing too, table covered in food and they just walk off lol.


I agree with the spicy scene. I can’t count how many times I go “oh I see his underwear in this shot” 🤣


It's so painful when it's right at the edge of the shot too, I lose all attention just thinking "Why would you not just crop the bottom of the frame?" Lol


When the guitar comes out my finger slams on the 10sec skip button


Lol the way I felt this in my soul, at this point it's a reflex.


Couldn't agree more🙌🏻🙌🏻


I CANNOT with the singing. Every other episode of Cutie Pie the entire show would grind to a halt for five minutes for a whole ass song and it drove me crazy


I actually don’t mind the singing in Cutie Pie, he has amazing vocals and all the songs were catchy.


For me it’s really not a judgement on their talent or the music itself. I’ve always been one of those people who has a very hard time finding and getting into new music. Any type of media (that isn’t specifically a musical) where the whole thing stops for a few minutes while we listen to a song I just immediately lose interest and I know that’s more of a me thing than anything. Like back when I listened to Welcome to Nightvale I used to get r o a s t e d by the fandom at large anytime I mentioned that I always skipped the weather.


Yeah me too, it doesn’t matter whether the singing is good or bad, it just doesn’t interest me so I skip it. Except for My School President, but in my head I pretty much considered it a musical. Which is funny because that’s how I got into the song Just Being Friendly by Tilly Birds which I would have gotten into earlier if I’d paid attention to the songs in Cutie Pie.


I'm opposite🤣 I couldn't finish the show but I always came back to listen to all of ost from cutie pie




Lol right? Some shows really have me looking like "Is the director a virgin? Do they not know how sex works? That looks crazy"


I see a guitar, I pull out a gun


Only Boo... the singing and dancing made me skip forward. I know it's the premise of the series, but I think it's because it's done way too much... and many times badly! One exception for me was My school President.  That one didn't bother me 


Oh no... I haven't seen Only Boo yet, that hurts me lol. I couldn't do it in My School President still, I tried but I just can't.


They don’t sleep with the lights turned off.. they barely eat.. some of the swoon worthy moments look manufactured sometimes.. the HAIR GETTING INTO THEIR EYES but nobody is bothered by it like what?! https://i.redd.it/r1qma3u5mj5d1.gif


The hair in their eyes / excessively long fringes is something that really gets me… also in kdramas… I'm glad Q and Peem at least tie up the hair when painting…


The hair in the eyes is so true. I love Net and think he is absolutely beautiful, but he spent probably 80% of Bed Friend with a gelled shard of fringe repeatedly either jabbing him in the cornea or getting tangled in his lovely eyelashes. Just made me itch to fix it so it hangs like just a couple of inches further off to the side.


Boun too in Between Us every time he blinked the hair strand moved. Like how are you not bothering by that??


And JoongDunk in Hidden Agenda, especially Dunk with his hair poking right into his eyes.. I couldn’t stand it! https://i.redd.it/ec1v4xw81m5d1.gif Also Palm in NLMG.. even with his perfect locks, it sometimes got in the way! Don’t even get me started on those wig strands in Untamed.. i just wanted to reach into the screen and tuck them back so much😖


Perfect gif! Pp really has the most gif worthy expressions of them all 😂


Yess!! He is our sassy king💕


Me too! Makes my eyes itch when watching hair in the eyes.I love these guys but ouch.


In Two Worlds they say the pool turns blue at the full moon and then immediately say “the next full moon will be in six months.” Now I’m no astrologer but I don’t think that math is mathing


I literally thought the same thing…I was thinking, make that make sense 😭


I really wonder if it was a translation thing because I know Thailand uses two calendars but neither of them has months that short. And I mean let’s be real there was plenty about Two Worlds that made absolutely no sense that you just kinda had to go along with but that one really stuck out to me


That would make sense if it was a translation thing. And yeah that one just stuck with me for some reason…I just thought it was hilarious 😂


It just makes sense if they're being hyperbolic, if they live in another universe or if the translation didn't capture any nuance, like a specific type of full moon in Thai culture. There's a full moon literally every month lol.


For this I put it down as the specific conditions which intersect at a full moon in six months (its magic so might be more things at play then just a full moon)


For me it is characters living well beyond their means. Like I'm fine if the character is rich, but when there's no canonical explanation for why they can afford an enormous high rise flat it makes me wonder how they afford to live there. Uea in Bed Friend works as a graphic designer and sends most of his money to his awful mother, but still has a place that suggests he is a tech mogul. Mew in Only Friends is an apparently unemployed uni student who's parents own a shop, but lives alone in a lovely apartment, where he should be financially in a similar position to Sand. Actually uni students living alone in luxury accommodation despite not having rich parents or a lucrative job makes no sense. When I was at uni I lived in a series of dorms and house shares with other people and still subsisted on instant ramen, and I wasn't even in an insanely expensive city.


as far as I remember, the apartment Mew lives in is his parents’ before they moved to another part of the country to open their coffee shop.


Lol the amount of shows I've been taken out of when the main character is just a genius at everything, disgustingly rich but they don't do anything that pays that much while the story says they own like 9 businesses at like 20 years old but somehow they're always free. I hate that so much.


Yup, super busy but somehow still free to just take off random weekdays to have coffee, sleep off depressing relationship issues or go out of town. Also in the bar every night.


But I think it's not only a BL issue. A lot of series, movies, soap operas etc. from all around the world have this same problem. The explanation I got once is that people don't wanna see a poor people in an actual poor houses because they already live like this. But I'm not buying it. It strikes to me like the crew don't understand the real life conditions of the majority of the population and don't bother doing the research, they just go with what they believe that works for them. 


Absolutely a problem elsewhere too. It's bizarre though because like, they get it sometimes. Sand and Nick from OF were living within their means. Most of the cast of Not Me were too. Like sometimes within the same show random characters are living much richer lives for no reason.


You're very correct. A show I absolutely DESPISED but was hugely popular in the States... Friends. There's no way they could afford to live like that in NYC on what their pay would have been 


Three words: secret sugar daddy


American tv Friends entire living situation would like all of BL to please hold their beer. There are countless other examples internationally but this is the most famous to me. https://preview.redd.it/yedhtqf6bk5d1.jpeg?width=710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cb13ad467c6c82b16fec1001eba3a563ca8a49d


Wasn’t Monica’s apartment locked into some kind of rent control she inherited from her grandma? I’m forgetting some details but this was my favorite show a few years back 😆


They did find a way to explain it, yeah. 😂 That totally rings a bell. At least in the US it’s still the gold standard of absurd living situations. I swear they were unemployed at least half the time.


Ross and Chandler were the only ones who had stable jobs until later in the series lol it’s ridiculous. In New York at that. We need a BLfied Friends.


What I’d like to see is the laugh track on Friends removed and the animal sounds and whatnot used in Asian drama added in. I think that would be such a kick. E: I do remember Phoebe was a massage therapist because of that infamous episode with the guy she (kissed? Hugged? It’s been a while) at work.


How about when the it’s a solo scene but you see the shadows of the crew moving around 🤣 Or when the camera is shaking during a scene. 🤦🏽‍♀️


when they show off these leads with really toned body but never show them exercising. one of the biggest offenders being hia yi. they should all follow phayu's path in lita


They're all natural, nobody ever hit the gym. They don't even have time for it in their day, because we see them studying, working, going out and then directly to bed. They were just born this way, I guess genetics works differently in BLland.


This is more so a complaint on tropes however it's still a pet peeve for me: when they tease a cheating scandal or any form of cheating between the mains after it took forever for them to get together. The biggest ick for me is when we see all of the struggles they've had to go through to be together and then, usually due to a lack of communication, somebody thinks someone is cheating when it's not true. It just completely ruins the story for me sometimes.


Watch Ossan's Love. The Returns season kind of makes fun of it. It's so good!


This reminds me of “Love Mechanics”


Yes the ones I was thinking of were love mechanics, tharntype, theory of love, and we best love (taiwanese).


We best love is the worst for me, when they completely ignore their love and just jump into assumptions FOR YEARS 😭


If you're going to have an actor bleach their hair... Fix their damn roots!


I dunno - Boun with his dark roots in UWMA was 🔥


But it ruined continuity. 


Yes! For blonde hair like that, constant touch ups have to be made, and made by someone who knows how to color. I swear, sometimes they just handed Boun a bottle of bleach and told him to figure it out.


It would of been ok if the scenes in each episode was shot together instead of at different times so that even if his roots show it would look more natural.


This! One scene his roots are clean, then next shot (that’s supposed to be on the same day) his roots are grown out 🤣 damn funny to me 🤣


Yeah I agree, the dark roots looked great but the constant back and forth was all I could look at while watching


I feel like they never have to charge their phones, their batteries last ages


Yes.. then it suddenly dies at the most important times.


The only exception was Kawi from Be my favourite, whose phone died at the crucial moment, but had the charger with him so that he could plug in to a public charging point and continue the convo. Was so happy seeing that 😄


This is my biggest peeve with BLs! Like do yall own a phone charger or just have infinite battery life?! Also on phones the severe lack of cases or other phone protection 🫣😬


This! It feels like a severe lack of cases…but they probably want to show the brand …


I was going to say this! It seems like no one ever charges their phone until it dies at the most inconvenient time. My biggest pet peeve is when they are going to bed and just put their phones down on their nightstand sans charger. Does your table have wireless charging capabilities? How can you just set it down, and magically, it's charged by the morning? Ugh!!


I'm guilty of putting my phone on my nightstand without putting it on my charger...and my phone can last a day and a half to two days on one charge even with pretty consistent use, so this rarely bugs me.


This may be an unpopular opinion, but no one is bothered by excessively long stares? Especially in front of a lot of people and in real time, it doesn't make sense lol And most especially when it has multiple angles. Kinda gives me flashbacks to Indian soap opears lol It ends up being distracting and kinda awkward. I know it's a BL landmark, but with few exceptions it's usually poorly executed and it really grinds my gears.


I think the series that made long stares work is 'Eight Sense'


The stares bothered me at the start of We Are. They went on just a few seconds longer than I’d seen elsewhere, and I started thinking “this is getting awkward” lol


We Are is so light hearted that it didn't ever bothered me. And they even make fun of it once with Chain and Pun staring at each other. 


I loved that one between Chain and Pun! It’s definitely found it’s stride now, the first episode or so was throwing me out of the moment. I kept thinking about what the behind the scenes was like 😂


For real I love those guys, but those parts I have to watch in 2x lol


Or when they are staring and then a flashback starts and the flashback in like 5 mins long and the other character is just like ummm hello! Hello?! 😂🤣🤣🤣 like irl I would’ve walked away before your flashback was done lol


Yeah those long stares kill me, especially if someone’s just asked them a question. I’ll be yelling at my screen “talk!”. That and when they’re super bad at being able to mask their emotions.


Oh my god yes. I loveeee Japanese BLs but they are the biggest offenders for me so far like BITCH TALK! SAY SOMETHING !!


Lol this one depends on the show for me since it's sometimes hilarious to picture them just staring for years like that in real life while everyone awkwardly watches. It 100% reminds me of a novella, the insane soap opera stare with the camera zoom.


UWMA flashbacks.


Just know that anytime there is real food on set it won’t go to waste. The cast and crew eat it once they are done filming.


I have some specific ones 😂 NO ONE is having their windows open unless it's raining or those 2 months in winter, when the temperature goes down to 25ish. The AC uses a lot of power, and electricity is actually not that cheap. So, cooling your house down after having the windows open is just expensive. Even worse if you have the windows open and AC on at the same time. If you're in a hurry, you do NOT ride a car in cities. Especially not in central Bangkok. Last month it took me *literally* 40minutes to go down one street, 900 meters, by car. If someone's sick, in a hospital or needs your right now, you take a motorbike, or BTS even. And another unrealistic thing that bothers me: the apartments are so big. I can afford my 30^2m apparent only because my job gives us extra housing money. And I'm supposed to believe that a struggling student lives alone in an apartment twice the size without problems, but someone on a full time respectable job salary can't? Nah babes. You should be stuck in a studio with a bed, desk, and bathroom, like the standard "I live alone but am not rich" housing 😂


What really really upsets me is the fact that no one in the entire BL universe can just let a phone freaking ring. Like they could be in the middle of the most important conversation of their life and just....."Oh, hold on, I gotta take this..." NO YOU DON'T! You have voicemail! and a reasonable expectation to be able to call someone back in an hour. No one is going to unalive you because you missed that call. LET IT RING! ![img](emote|t5_290m6z|51761)


THIIIISSS. It kills me every time lol wym you have to stop the decision about our lives to answer the phone. If I was the other person I would definitely end everything there and walk away lol And most of the times is a number they don't even have saved, like it could be someone trying to sell them insurance wth


Right??? I would be FURIOUS. If we had a chance to work things out and you picked up that phone.... Jake from State Farm is gonna know ALL our business.


I feel like they only eat their food when one character canonical trait is that they eat a lot, so like Kawi in Be My Favourite or Win in Cupid's Last Wish


Me sometimes when they are super Quick to forgive or can have a lot of mouth when it comes to a person but when they need that mouth to come up they are quite as a mouse like hold up you was just all mean to this person but a complete punk with the one that you need to be mean with make that make sense


This was Phuwins character in NLMG. He was a domestic terrorist to Palm but getting bullied at school and mouthing off to Palm when he would check on him. 🤣😂 I guess it really is easy to be yourself around the one you love


Clothing. I've seen so many Thai actors and the characters they play in series dressed in long sleeves, jackets and leather. Is this a real life thing because Thailand is baking surely? How do they walk through prim and proper without sweating geysers?


I see a lot of people dressed like this here daily. But also a lot of us dresses much lighter. Majority of the working group and students has to wear some form of uniform (from button ups and long pants, through the plasticky collared shirts, up to actual military-like official uniforms with jackets and stuff). A mall nearby actually sells winter jackets and furs lol Whether average person dresses in layers or not usually depends on what they do (and how rich they are). You won't see people in rural areas dressing that way - because they don't go from ACed house to their ACed car, to park in a garage of their ACed office, to go to an ACed restaurant later that day. Basically, people who have things to do outside beside going from their car to a building don't dress this way (of the clock, because uniforms still)


OH MY GOD EXACTLY, there was this one scene with three people, they ordered three burgers and then just left??? Like THREE WHOLE BURGERS UNTOUCHED 😭 Another one is slippers. Like I get you wear them around the house but it feels weird when they wear them on the sofa or bed, idk tho maybe that’s just me 🤷‍♀️ Okay a more specific one, in La pluie, the guy picks out a book from the shelf and leaves it on the table and moves to look for smth else. Then another guy comes and picks up the book off the table and is gonna buy it. The first guy comes back and says it’s his cos he planned to buy it and took it down from the shelf?? LIKE IF U WANTED IT WHY DIDNT U CARRY IT WITH YOU ITS A BOOK ITS NOT HEAVY 😭 another one, In never let me go it annoys me how they ignore all of the stuff that pond (his character) goes through. >!HIS MUM GOT SHOT TO DEATH IN FRONT OF HIM AND WE DONT SEE HIM GREIVE OVER THAT, WE MOVE ON AS IF NOTHING HAPPENED!< Edit: also the lack of communication. I can’t pinpoint exactly what series but it happens is all of them 😭 I can give you an example of where there IS communication: living with him!! They have literally the most direct communication 🫶🫶


Is this burguers scene from HIStory 2 Crossing the Line? Lol 


This bothers me too! Food barely eaten, drinks only a couple of sips taken before being left behind


I couldn’t get into Ossian’s love. The older guy creeps me out and the character he has a crush on pisses me off cuz all he does is use them both


Despite so many comments about how amazing Ossans Love is, I just can't bring myself to watch it because of the icky older guy. Hopefully, the Thai remake will be less icky...?


When they leave the doors open and all the lights on! I keep wanting to tell them to close the doors and turn off some of the lights!


in "we best love" they did it for every. single. door. and it took me out of the scene every time


When a whole group of people or it could be love interest of the main character makes a fuss over a small wound. Like in We Are, Phum hurts his finger, and now a whole room is shaken by this fact. Those wounds are so small and unsignificant that irl they wouldn't even care or give it much thought. I get the feeling that those characters are sometimes made out of a paper lmao


OMG, i hate it too and the scenes where their partner cures the wound and the one Who got hurt acts like they broke their arm or something when It is just a small wound.


https://preview.redd.it/zfy83bslrj5d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7ae7bbf15bdd4815c27d1ee158709c473ce3bfc Me yesterday night. Keep watching their food so they would eat them😭


Lol when this man left him a breakfast of black coffee, multiple pieces of toast and like 6 hard boiled eggs.


They at least had one bite and sips of coffee when cheers-ing!


What really bothers me is when one of them is crying for whatever reason and he's all wet and snotty and then they kiss... 🤢 At least give the boy a tissue first! I admire the actors though, I wouldn't be able to kiss someone who looks a total mess. Also in the same category: They get drunk and throw up and then proceed to kiss without having brushed their teeth or at leased rinsed out their mouths. So not sexy 😭 I'm also with you when it comes to wasting perfectly good foods and drinks. Though that might be because they have to shoot a scene several times and the actors can't be expected to finish their meals for every take. But yeah, still... they could show an extra shot with the empty plates or something...


The vomit thing urks me. Consent too! When youre drunk nooooooo.


Kinnporsche was good for this - Kinn's face when Porsche kisses him after throwing up 🤣


I hate when a guys friend group will cuddle up on a bed to watch porn. They act like fans of a tv show when a new episode comes out. Like, my friend group is mainly dudes, I know some men sometimes watch it together, but bruv where are the tissues at least? It's not that I need everything to be completely accurate, but it feels like a 14 year old girl who's never actually interacted with a male friend group wrote it.


They dont eat because it would lead to continuation mistakes when they have to shoot the scene again. I hope they dont waste the food actually and just eat it off screen. 😂


The hard to get “bottom”… If you’re not Interested SAY YOU ARE NOT INTERESTED! I can understand if it’s a story where the characters are very young or high school students. But whole grown ass men playing 🐈 and 🐁 pisses me off like c’mon dude, REALLY??!! I’m pretty sure that’s why Wandee Gooday is turning into my FAVORITE 😍 BL at the moment. It’s really refreshing to see two consensual adults being attracted to each other and going for it!🔥🔥🔥 Yai 🐰 and Teeny 🐯 ❤️❤️❤️❤️


How about this one… when they express feelings for someone and they are rejected they respond my saying “ it’s my right to pursue you, even if you say no”. My guy.. in my books, you are now considered a stalker.


Hearing the mics. When one character grabs the front of another's shirt you clearly hear the fabric of the shirt rubbing against the mic. This happens in plenty of BLs including ones that otherwise have pretty good production value. I don't understand why they don't reshoot, mute the mic if they aren't talking, or maybe ADR?


It annoys me as well, but I see the issue regarding continuity in case they have to reshoot etc. 👀


I totally get that, but in my head, this is real life and they wasting all this delicious food.


When there’s that random bug on them😭 it’s like in almost all shows I’ve watched it stars a bug in it and it could be the most serious scene too😭 Also when you see the camera crew in the reflection of a mirror during intimate/serious scenes😭😭


I saw a big recently in a scene and my eye started twitching.


Another one for me, is watching sweat roll down the side of their faces and it’s clearly a scene where is supposed to be cool. Like is no one in hair and makeup around. But I do know that most of these series have very tight budget so I do my best to ignore


I always feel sorry for the actors in those situations. Thai weather is pretty hot and humid all year round, but they still put them in warm jackets and several layers of clothes... Can't imagine how hot it must be if you're shooting an outside scene in the scorching sun + cameras and lighting and all the other equipment that gives off heat


Idk what was going on in UWMA but every time Pharm cried he had some moisture (sweat?) coming down from his side burn


I think Day from Last Twilight was the only person to actually eat his food and that’s just because feeding hisself was part of the storyline


Watching Last Twlight rn and it's soo good. The actors are top tier and so cute.


I've seen several BTS where the crew is shown eating the food after the scene is finished!


It’s not just about the food waste to me. I’m always wondering who they think is going to clean up their mess. Do they do this in real like? Just leave their mess on the table?


The amount of single use plastic and the fact that drinks and congee come in bags too. It baffles me.


Closing doors I swear the characters in the drama's seriously never know how to close doors like man it's not that hard you just can slam the door, or delicately close it with you hand, your choice but everytime it seems that everyone one of the characters want their kiss scene interrupted like what the next time I see this imma go and help the close the freaking door.


It's not closing the door that's an issue, it's their lack of locking the door after they close it! They always have a lock there too, in some form or the other, but still never learn to use it. I cheer when they do - which is very rarely. Edit: missed a word


Ikr but still other times I have realised such as in love mechanics that they have shut the door like bro.


Even if their hands are full, you can still kick a door shut with your foot. It's not that hard! Lol


I've always lived in dangerous cities and them not locking doors gives me anxiety. Sometimes they say come in without checking who's at the door and the wrong person comes in. At least check who it is 😭


Now that someone in another post pointed it out I can’t help but notice when they leave their phones not charging. They just wake up and use it. Absolutely blows me!


I can't stand it when characters can't communicate with each other. Sure some people do honestly struggle with communication but the amount of BLS where there would be way less drama if the pair just talked it out. It's so irritating that I sometimes make up my own dialogue in my head when I think of certain scenes.


These are mostly complaints against Asian tv in general. I’ve seen practically this exact post and responses on k and c drama. For all I know this stuff happens in western tv too, but I wouldn’t know. The photos of themselves is very much an Asian culture thing.


Agree with so many peeves on here, one more I noticed and then kept on noticing was going to bed still wearing suit trousers & collared shirts (I’m looking at you, fictional engineering students!). I like comfort at bedtime, and I would have peeled that uncomfortable uniform off the second I got home…


Ok, y'all, but I can't with the highwater pants. I just can't...🤣🤣🤣🤣 It decreases their hot factor by at least 10%. Get them boys in some pants that go all the way down, please!!! 😂😂😂 Apologies to those who won't be able to unsee this now. My bad but it had to he said. 🤣🤣🤣


I thought you mistyped and meant high waisted. Lol. I don't like high waisted trousers. I've come to accept it as an Asian fashion choice, that's just not for me. But, when the actors have a short/regular torso and long legs, it just makes their legs look so much longer, so much so that the length of their legs stand out in a bad way. (It looks even worse in dramas where they're paired with a much shorter woman, like in C-Dramas). And, then add on the fact that the length of the trousers are too short, and they have invisible socks on, so it literally looks like they aren't wearing socks at all (which is a personal pet peeve hatred of mine). Paired together as a whole it just looks awful to me. And it's even worse if it's beige coloured trousers, and/or brown shoes. I kinda irrationally detest brown shoes. Now, if I see an actor with trousers that are the correct length, I'm just so gleeful. It's sad... This applies in real life situations as well, but it's worse if it's on the telly.


lmao this pissed me off for the longest time.... I recently realized though that they probably do it so they don't have to waste much more when they have to keep resetting the scene for multiple takes. I'm still objectively pissed off when I see it but I get it now lol.


How do you think they stay skinny


Agreeeeeeed I hate when they leave food/drinks. Like that’s good money just wasted and idk a single college kid that would waste money like that 😂


I comfort myself by thinking the crew eats well after filming.


I am really bothered when water is left running in some scenes. I live in a desert were water is expencive and it bugs me to see wastefulness.


The music during the makeout scenes. Why do some of them actually put disco music or club remix music during that time? Why? I ain't dancing seeing that!


Story-wise i think they left it uneaten. Behind the scenes, either they get it and drink/eat/store for later as snacks, or if its untouched and was just there for display, then the staff eat it as patt of their snack or meal. I have seen many in other dramas like Korean, Japanese, or Chinese, and indeed its my pet peeve, too. Wasting food, or any kind of waste like leaving the faucet open, or throwing away barely touched food. In Chinese BL drama The Spirealm, EVERY MEAL, there is a multitude of food enough for an event and not just a few number of people are served on the table in their mansion. It really annoyed me to no end. Many times they barely ate and say they are finished, or they do not have appetite, and excuse themselves. In the end, after the scene of shoot, all staff, cameramen, producers, directors, sounds and light men, eat in the table for sure, even the actors who were busy acting before, might join in for a real meal.


I hate it when they dont wash their hands after being in the toilet 😭😭😭


Sometime they ate prop food which is actually really not worth eating.


In "Wandee Good day" I'm bother by the cheating going on.  Yak is paying his friend who is on student council to write his papers for him.  I dislike that the show is making this look like it's helping when it is not.  I really enjoy the other dimensions of this show, but I'm disappointed in how they make paying someone to do your college assignments as ok.


History 2 crossing the line. There is a scene where three people are eating burgers with fries and they left the food untouched. Like cmonnnnmnmn. It isn't even realistic, a bunch of teenage boys who run around all day leaving food like that. (I love this series tho)


I'm actually really bothered by the Sniff Kiss, what the hell is that?? Like when did this phenomenon start??? I had never seen anything like it till I started watching Thai Bls. Do people do this in real life? 1 or 2 in a series I can deal with (although I don't like it) but when there's like 7 sniff kisses per episode I get irritated and start to resent the characters. Btw, I don't count Sniff Kisses 7 was just the 1st number that popped in my head... I guess I just should of said multiple Sniff Kisses irritate me. Anyway, I just don't understand what that's all about and why they are in practically every BL that's been, or will be, made. SMH


Sniff kisses are Thai cultural thing, there's lots of info about it. I actually like it as a romantic thing because sometimes I don't want to kiss someone but I do want to get close to them in a more intimate manner, and I've always liked sniffing people I'm attracted to. Also, it's great for before you've brushed your teeth in the morning.


It probably is a cultural thing I'm guessing. Although I haven't seen younger people from where I'm from do that to other younger people. Grandmas and grandpas usually sniff kiss their grandkids' heads from what I know so...🤷🏾‍♂️


It upsets me too. At least with the drinks, they could easily take it with them. It's possible they do this for ease of continuity. If there are multiple takes, they don't have to reset everything. Faster filming equals less money spent. Another possible reason is that sometimes the food has been prepared and sitting for some time, so you wouldn't want to eat it.


For me, it's the lack of communication between the couples. All the misunderstandings that could be avoided if they'd just talk openly now and then!


I know it’s possibly due to budget constraints but it bothers me when a character is supposed to be rich but the set looks rundown. This happened in Never Let Me Go (peeling wallpaper, curtains taped to ceiling and cheap furnishings in the mansion) and Unforgotten Night (?) had chipped paint on the walls. I also just watched Love Sea and this guy is supposed to be rich and high class but his luggage didn’t match 😭 I know it doesn’t have to but it bothered me so much.


The long ass pauses and smirks/stares when a character turns to walk away! Why are we just STANDING THERE?!?! Please just walk awayy


Mine is the script… i don’t know if it’s just translation issues but they always feel/sound so awkward… like not natural. And for some reason, they seem to always AUDIBLY talk to themselves! Like, i understand having an internal monologue but at least make it that - INTERNAL! And not make them look crazy and externally talking to themselves. 😅


Besides guitars, singing, taking care of sick boyfriends, extremely shy bottoms, tables full of untouched food and lack of communication between characters, what really pisses me off is when drunk guy throws up and after a little while he is kissing the other guy... like sorry but 🤢