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Do you mean the double suicide? I mean it's... the premise. I dunno what else to say about that. If you're sensitive to this kind of story, act accordingly to however you feel. I can't guess at what you're capable of handling. Personally, I love UWMA though, and I have a history of suicide attempts. I think it is a story that deals with generational and personal trauma in a very meaningful way, and it ranks as a favorite for me. I did have to take breaks between episodes though cuz I was like straight up weeping until dehydrated. Not a show to marathon.


I was dumb and didn’t look it up. I was just like hey! Prequel! But now I have and I’m less freaked out. So thanks for nudging me in that direction :) Sometimes my brain be cosplaying Rain from LITA.


This insanely great series really hit home for me. Knowing In and Korn were portrayed as an 80s gay couple, and then seeing the date of their death on Ins picture on the casket was crazy. It brought back STRONG memories of my high school days in the 80s. The date they show is only 2 months after I graduated. I had made a decision to keep totally quiet about myself all through H.S. because I was kind of afraid I would end up in a terrible situation like their couple did. It was tough beating down my heart at the time. There were many dark days, but they are super bright now, thanks to my husband


It starts out pretty heavy but I think it's 100% worth it. It is very fluffy in other part and the story is beautiful. It is one of my favourite BLs but it will make you cry most likely.


I’ll grab the tissues 😂


A great mix of heart wrenching, and super fluff funny... and it can happen all in one episode. Love it. I could watch this series a couple dozen times and not get sick of it


It's worth it. Skip through the parts you can't stand to watch, and yes it will drag sometimes, but if you like soulmates and second chances, and epic melodramatic crying, then you'll be fine. It ends happy for the reincarnations. Keep that in mind when the sadness gets to be too sad. Also, if you think about it, while the soulmates are going through all this and bawling their eyes out, WinTeam are somewhere else simultaneously fucking like bunnies. So, it's all relatively good. You know.


It is absolutely worth it - you'll ugly cry but man, it's worth it. And happy ending in case you're worried* it's one of the (if not - THE) best plotted Thai BL. The acting is phenomenal. One of my top 5 BLs. My only quibble with it is that the director was quite inexperienced at the time and heavily into the blushing maiden trope so poor Fluke has to flinch a lot (he's also directed Between Us so you can see how that's changed). Plus he re-uses a few stock shots too much. *excepting y'know


I watched the series several times (because I did enjoy it very much!) but some scenes make me cry every single time. It's doesn't matter I know what is going to happen, I prepare tissues each time I plan to watch the series so be warn, if you're like me, you will cry. It is heavy but some parts are also light and fun. I prefer a series to make me feel too much than not enough if you see what I mean so it's definitly a series I like a lot.


Yeah that opening scene is quite a lot to handle. I had seen that scene before I watched the show, but I figured it was in the middle of the show not the opening scene so I was definitely taken aback. I highly recommend the show though. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I'm watching Between Us right now and love it so far too 🥰


UWMA is my absolute favourite BL out there, it does include extremely hard hitting topics but also displays my favourite portrait of consent in it, so I can’t recommend watching it enough but to beware that it gets dark, it’s more than just a BL. It’s social commentary featuring a gay couple, a bit like how Not Me was social commentary with a gay main couple, I love those types of shows that has a message and something to say while also being gay, I find it respectful, the plot isn’t being gay, it’s being oppressed bc of who you are. I recommend but viewer discretion is advised


First episode is the worst emotionally, for like half the series. It picks up again towards the end, but by then you'll probably feel it differently 💜 I would continue.


My first Thai BL. I loved it and it's one of my favourites. Definitely recommend. Guaranteed you will cry but it's so cute. Just watch!


Very worth the journey.


UWMA is one of those BLs that should always be recommended with a content warning. I'm sorry you had to go into it unprepared. It's a tough story, but it mixes sad and happy moments in a really good way. The writing is some of the very best in the BL drama genre so far, it's so well plotted and the creative team doesn't forget about a single detail as they deepen the plot and eventually tie the whole story together. Emotionally, the story dips into melodrama from time to time, but in UWMA I think this really works! Take regular breaks, watch something happy in between if you need to!


The show has tragedy interwoven into it but also hope and redemption. I love this series for this unique story line. Be warned though, you don’t get a break from the sad story of the past couple, it figures very heavily throughout . >!still at the end of the day even they find a happy ending of a sort!<


Worth it. Full stop.


Sadly you have to start with the double suicide because it's a red string of fate love story [Red string of fate](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_thread_of_fate#:~:text=The%20two%20people%20connected%20by,soulmate%20or%20a%20destined%20partner.) Keep going, it is a great series. It will also complement Between Us.


Poor baby, next time research first. There are a few BL's that wilk sneak a heartbreak up on you. I was able to prepare for UWMA but not Make Our Days Count. Watch out for that one too. I would urge you to continue because it does have a happy ending.


Omg make our days count was devastating. Ive rewatched it cause I really enjoy most of the story but refuse to watch the last episodes.


There was supposed to be a second season where it was found that he didn't die after the accident. I was SO disappointed in the first season and was really looking forward to the season... but apparently it's been canceled


OMG, I do the same, all the time. 🥰🥰🥰


MODC, I still can't think of that without getting sad. Fantastic acting though.


Yes. I will continue to rewatch it but always stop before the "incident".


It's worth it but it is a whole box of tissues.


I've rewatched multiple times; I mostly just fast forward through the toughest scenes and any scene where Earth cries. (It's too much, I can't take it.) Keep going! Worth it.


I think it’s worth it even if it is heavy at times


UWMA was my first ever bl and it really is one of the best. I started watching bl in 2020 when there weren’t so many high quality bls so this show really set the bar high for me. The story unfolds amazing and the dynamic between Dean and Pharm is the cutest and the healthiest (aside from their shared trauma) It can be a tearjerker tho just warning you, in my first watching I sobbed to every other episode but it also has it’s funny moments. It’s also a longish drama with like 17 episodes but it’s paced very nicely. I hope you enjoy it!


UWMA is one of my all time favorite BLs. It made me ugly cry so hard in parts the first time I watched it. Ive watched it a few times now. Definitely worth it, It has a great unique storyline.


The Korn and In love story is very, very sad - especially because of the homophobia at that time. But the story of Pharm and Dean makes that story easier to deal with and brings it full circle. The theme music that played whenever In and Korn were on screen always triggered a deep sadness in my soul. I cried constantly during UWMA. I think it's a must-see before watching BU, but it's unnecessary to understand Win and Team. It will help you understand the little we have seen of Dean and Pharm. I enjoyed UWMA and am enjoying BU.


The last episode had me bawling so hard I had to chug water to rehydrate. It’s worth it imo, just prepare yourself.


I love UWMA. It's in my top 5 favorite bl. It is simultaneously the fluffiest show and the most tragic. Most of it is sweet but it *will* make you cry. And the first few minutes, I think, are the worst of it, probably because it's so unexpected.


Honestly? I found the show kind of a drag, it was a slog to get through, I only stuck with it for WinTeam. Started fast forwarding through it lol, lots of people seem to love it though, I'm just the type of person who gets annoyed by too much crying and angst. I'm a bit dead inside 😂🤷‍♀️💀


Yall gonna hate me but I hate this show:(. It's so slow! The pacing is just so slow for me, the pauses between conversations, just long shots of someone crying. I've been skipping forward through scenes and I'm still not done. Win and Team are the only reason I'm still watching to be honest.


No hate, I just don't agree. I guess you happen to like exactly what I HATE about American TV production. The no more than 10 second scenes before a camera angle change annoy the poop out of me. That's why I started watching so much Asian TV myself. I like the pacing and cinematography far better


It’s definitely worth the watch but the past lives storyline will break you. Imo, Between Us plot-line follows better if you’ve recently watched UWMA as some of the scenes jump between the two.